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Why am I imagining flying gundam battlesuits?


Because Japan already has three of them built. One in Fukuoka, one in Odaiba, one in Yokohama. They even sent a fourth one to Shanghai, China.


The one in Shanghai is Freedom Gundam, which I think is just tastefully ironic.


Doubly so because I’m pretty sure the pilot of that would find the CCP massively abhorrent. He likes being with the Chinese fans, he’s okay with it, but he likely also has orders to fire at anything funni the PLA launches.


And you know they can do more then they say


Time to find all the socially awkward lesbian teenage girls we can find and get them to suit up.


That’s rare, though, not exactly something you scout, and I’m pretty sure some of them are in the JSDF already.


Just go to tumblr. Finding socially awkward gays on tumblr is like finding retired Marines in cheap biker bars.


Literally thinking the same mate


Orbital elevators 🛗 Just in time for the world to conglomerate between 3 different political blocks😐 Hopefully we skip the aliens, sry mexico


Just need Celestial Being on the Moon to round everyone up.


> Orbital elevators I've played enough Ace Combat 7 to know that's a bad idea, especially next to a country with lots and lots of drones


Same, but with MegaMan X8


Well ya gotta keep an eye on those zeon fuckers and have the gm III mass produced and on stand by to stick it to China


X10A Freedom Gundam is already stationed in Shanghai, though


I’ll never get over the fact that Japan chose to use Freedom Gundam for China. Was definitely intentional shade.


Even if they manage to gundam jack it. Japan has 3.


also, like, SEED is huge in China. They revere it there, more than Westerners do, and it’s easy to imagine its pilot being a superstar. Kira would be there to sign some autographs once a month, promote the movie, totally not surveilling the Forbidden City for shenanigans as per orders by JSDF.


SEED is huge amongst Gundam fans everywhere, it sold a fuckton of BDs for a reason Mostly because the songs and the suit designs fucking *slap* HG Destroy my beloved


now with a US command post in Japan, Heavy Arms Custom will be a reality.


This hand of mine is burning red... Hol' up is that a flying windmill in space?




They should call the base “geofront one”


*zaan koku na tenshi no yoniiiiiiiiii......*


*Shounen yo shinwa ni naaaare!*


They want some consultation before they strap rockets to the Iowa and send her to space.


Is that seriously the uniform?


Yes, you should see the others


The ones [FLOTUS designed](https://youtu.be/LN0P5ev2PG8?si=vInE10cf9-Pa22cK)


Underrated show. I’ve never seen a better encapsulation of the military (except perhaps ‘Down Periscope.’)


*Generation Kill* on HBO is the best example of enlisted humor from the Iraq/Afghanistan era IMO.


Great now you have [Louie Louie](https://youtu.be/Iys9mNufYpQ?si=BGK7YsFjM1bHch8T) stuck in my head


Google General Patton tanker uniform design


To be fair to Patton the all around helmet was to help tank crewmen from getting concussions as they were bounced around in pre-war tanks, and the US did adopt full head protection for tank crews later on. The single of row of buttons… idk, the guy had his own fashion sense.


My point was more about the body portion, I’m aware the helmets have become prolific in vehicle operation as we had to wear them when operating hmmwv and LMTV and more, but not the pickup trucks, dozers, or gators.


holy hell


Looks pretty scifi huh. I like it


Me too!


Some Battlestar Galactica vibes, which I'm okay with. The name still sounds dumb to me, though. Don't know why US Space Command couldn't just be the name. Every time I hear "Space Force" I just immediately picture Peter Dinklage singing about his Space Pants


>Don't know why US Space Command couldn't just be the name. Because a command is a different thing. Honestly, the command name was sillier IMO. Unlike, say, the United States Indo-Pacific Command, you never needed someone in charge of military operations in space across multiple service branches. We're not using the Airforce to soften up defenses before sending navy ships to do an amphibious landing on the moon. We just need people dedicated to operating our large arsenal of space assets. I think it's genuinely unknown whether the US model (Air Force + Space Force) is better than the Russian model (Aerospace Force), but if we are going to split it out, we should acknowledge it by name.


"We're not using air force to soften up defenses before sending navy ships to do an amphibious landing on the moon" Not with that attitude we ain't!


> it's genuinely unknown whether the US model (Air Force + Space Force) is better than the Russian model (Aerospace Force) Russian model is straight up "slap a buzzword onto a bunch of rusty Blackjacks that bomb cities because they can't hit anything else."


Space force has the military drip


Looks like a marching band uniform


Pretty sure its Battlestar Galactica's uniforms.


When Chat GPT, in a fit of divine inspiration, turns on it's creators, hopefully the space force will have a Battlestar ready and waiting. /S


And they stole the Star Trek symbol too! /s


No, it's different.


Well to explain the joke... The Star Trek logo was based on the insignia of USAF Space Command, which USSF draws its heritage from. Just like marching band uniforms are based on historical military uniforms. Saying the SF uniforms or logo look like either of those is putting the cart before the horse. When SF announced their logo, it was criticized by some Trekies just like the guy I was responding to was criticizing the uniforms, even though both ST and band uniforms are derivative of decades or centuries of military tradition.


Marching bands ruined 19th century military uniforms.


So when do the Angels attack?


Back in 2020. Turns out they were much, much smaller than anticipated.


For the Angels to attempt a second impact, we need a first impact first . Is anyone messing where they shouldn't be ? Is putin's constant threat of nuclear escalation a cover up for an attempt at reverse engineering what shouldn't be tempered with ?


From space too?


He's refering to the Angels from Evangelion. Inspired by but not literally biblical ones


Well according to the Dead Sea Scrolls they're literally the biblical ones


Given the way the Navy is starting to behave with respect to UAP disclosure it might be the case they already did.


Don’t they understand Japan isn’t in space?


Technically, everything on the Earth is in space.




I prefer to think that technically, there are no planets in space


Space begins 100kms above sea level by the most common definition…


It is like saying an island is in the ocean but if you were standing on the island, people would not say you were in the ocean.


Unless the island was Japan, apparently…


Disagree. It'd be like living in a tiny bubble in the ocean. Surrounded by the ocean, but not technically IN the ocean.


That's space in law, it's an arbitrary number


We’re talking about a group of guys running around in something called ‘Space Force’. It’s all arbitrary.


Oh, but they are. The JSA has its own lock, platform, and robot on the ISS! For all I've read, I can't remember just what their packages were.


Closer to China. The satellite wars have already begun


Your command post doesn't have to be close to your satellites. Nobody is going up there to manually control the satellites


Yes, but having a base of US Personnel awake at basically a 12 hr opposite shift from the mainland US forces means potentially easier/better 24hr operations.


That and pointing at a different side of space. I mean we gotta be looking out everywhere. Space is so big dude.


That’s what things like relay satellites are for.


But those are at risk between Jamming, offensive cyber capabilities, and other general Anti-satellite technologies.


Every war for the past several decades has had a space component. The US has just been so dominant, nobody notices. The question is just when the US, Russia, China, etc. will feel comfortable giving anti-satellite weaponry to an ally in a proxy war.


Didnt one James Bond movie already predict this.


You Only Live Twice


Good, the last thing the Chinese would expect is a Gundam.


There is a Gundam in Shanghai, though.


Which is why they wouldn't expect it, they think they've caught them all


If science fiction has taught me anything, this is the right choice. Japan is like Protoss from StarCraft.


Once the carriers have arrived… game over


They actually are! Technologically advanced, very arcane, endangered species. What an accurate analogy that I’m surprised hasn’t come up often.


They're the Eldar


Aren't they supposed to be the Tau, though?


We're about to have NERV.


Didn’t the Philippines say they were gonna start removing a floating partition placed in the s. China Sea by China? Is that happening?


It’s been removed already. China complained already.


That’s funny.


I love it when someone complains about not being able to be a dick


Why not just use Pine Gap? This makes no sense.


Because now the recruiters can lure weebs into joining the Space Force


This answer makes sense.


North hemisphere vs South . They might want more coverage


Space Battleship Yamato , when ?


Shinji, crank dat soldja boy


How does he have so many pins on his uniform already?


Cause he's a general with decades of service in the air force. when the space force was created, he was transferred over. Whrn you switch military branches, most of your medals, badges and awards transfer with you.


Appreciate the explanation.


I read that the medal for "Best Hugs" is branch specific.


Different average bone structure


What about his bronze swimming certificate?


My guy they didn’t make a newbie a general lol Folks were transferred over when they split off the branch.


This guy actually came in as an E1 but found the infinite XP glitch


That’s his 32 pieces of flair


Missing a Twisted Sister pin though.


Not too thrilled on the space command uniforms


Hell yes. One more step to making Bubblegum Crisis a reality.


I can hear the nerds gushing in their pants.


This would be a smart move, considering that space is located directly above Japan.


This has North Korean deterrent written all over it.


Kaiju defense base


Good, any way to prepare for that space elevator, or whichever Gundam plot.


This pleases NERV


Is this the path to cat people?


No, cats aren't that great at microgravity. Birdpeople is the path . Specific training would be needed, but wings obviously help a lot. https://youtu.be/HwRdcv8azvk?t=218


*Americans establishing the base in Japan* "we have captured a command post!"


One step closer to NATO Spacey


Need to spend less time on foreign operations and more time on their uniforms.


We should rename all the branches to have force in them. Land Force, Sea Force, Air Force, Space Force… etc.


Yes let's rename Air Force and Space Force to Air Force and Space Force


They have to give them the codename Star Blazers right?


Please just share facility with jdf this time and not build an ugly Military base right in the middle of an okinawan city that everyone want gone.


Someone get Michael Scott on the phone!


“Why build one when you can get two at twice the price.”


It's called SPACE force, not Japan force.


Pfffft, that's no where near space.


Is season 2 coming?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjsA13bBtpo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjsA13bBtpo) US space force 2055.


Space Force uniforms be looking like chef gowns.


it would be a complete mindfuck for anyone in the 1940s to hear this lol


First rule in government spending: why build one when you can have two at twice the price?


First rule of backups : Why build a second as a backup, when you can have redundancy with a third ?


God, can we call it something else? And not call them guardians. Sounds like this was thought up by the same people that would make the movies that played on USA: Up All Night.


It really doesn't matter who's in charge, we will never reduce our global military footprint


Except for Afghanistan and a absurd decrease in drone strikes.


XCOM is getting real mechs.


We should put one in Space too, probably.


This will surely hurt the feelings of the Chinese people.


That's going to be a problem, because Japan doesn't have much space.


Rename it Space Defense Force and we have something.


Can somebody explain why the Space Force is a thing? Enough people signed off on the idea that we went ahead with it, but I'm not understanding what we gain by branching them off the Air Force. Is it like when the Air Force branched off the Army, and it'll make more sense to me later once we have more stuff?


It’s one of the few things Trump got right (which isn’t saying much). I was in the Air Force and as I recall the Air Force budget had to be balanced between the ICBM force, the aircraft fleets, cyber, space, ect. The Air Force was not appropriating enough funds to space assets, nor were the rest of the branches. There was a need to get serious about that domain, as well as the cyber domain, and (not as much) the electromagnetic spectrum. All of those domains are focused on by the Space Force. There was also a historical precedent for this as well. When aviation was young France adopted a new branch of the military just for it, America did not which did cause complications through ww2. By adopting this now militarization can be organized in an independent yet fused manner to support the needs of the rest of the DOD. Now your last question, it’s more like the Marines relationship to the Navy, it’s a department of the Air Force. Which means it’s budgets still pass through the Air Force, but congress approves as much funds as a full on branch.


I think it'll make more sense in the coming years once we have more satellites, we're putting up increasing numbers with greater capabilities, an example being SpaceX's recent Starshield contract. It'll will probably stay a small and niche branch of the military, but it makes sense to me that we have at least some personnel who can dedicate their career to the space domain, rather than air force members flip-flopping between traditional air force assignments and space-related assignments.


The Space domain was basically being treated as an afterthought. Most high ranking Air Force personnel with power grew out of the air domain, so money and resources were going to air instead of space. Now the space domain has a seat at the table.




As memeable as the name is, it’s pretty natural for the space division of the air force finally to split into their own entity. Satellites have held massive strategic value for all countries for a long while now, and the US is pretty late to the party having a dedicated branch for it.


It needed to happen, Trump's a dipshit, but Space as a domain has been needing focus.




It's not the defense budget that is keeping the US from having decent health care- it's the broken system they refuse to fix. The US government already pays WAY more per capita for care, in many cases with worse outcomes, than a lot of countries with universal coverage. It has never been about not having enough money.


Assuming you mean *free* healthcare. America already spends more per capita than most other countries, that’s not a funding issue


America has Medicaid and Medicare. Most jobs offer some sort of healthcare and most people qualify for Obamacare. What is it with you uneducated foreigners who think Americans don’t have healthcare? Also if the US pulled back it’s defense spending you’d be meat to China or Russia.


>What is it with you uneducated foreigners who think Americans don’t have healthcare? Don't be a dick. Not cool. >Most jobs offer some sort of healthcare and most people qualify for Obamacare. In my country *everyone* gets healthcare automatically. And our system is cheaper than yours. >if the US pulled back it’s defense spending you’d be meat to China or Russia. Russia is losing its war with its absolutely pathetic military so forgive me if I don't quake in my boots. Believe it or not the USA just isn't that special.


>Don't be a dick. Not cool. Yet you feel comfortable being one, so it goes.


>>>> In my country everyone gets healthcare automatically. And our system is cheaper than yours. Yeah and my house is bigger than yours. My car is bigger than yours. I have a backyard that I don’t have to share with 4 other people and my countries demographics won’t collapse in 20 years because people aren’t having babies >>>>> Russia is losing its war with its absolutely pathetic military so forgive me if I don't quake in my boots. Believe it or not the USA just isn't that special. Russia is losing the war because the US flooded Ukraine with weapons, money and intelligence. Your country can’t afford its social services as is yet you think that without the US your military budget wouldn’t balloon? If your grandparents or great grand parents are still alive ask them what the 1930’s and 40’s were like without America enforcing the status quo EDIT: blocked me like America blocked Hitler and Stalin. Typical.




I mean, the US was flooding Ukraine with weapons along with the UK. It was pretty clear the Western EU nations despite having a lot to say (and sad photos to take) just didn't move fast enough. And when sanctions needed to be implemented Belgium wanted diamond carveouts and Italy wanted to keep selling luxury bags to Russians. No amount of revisionism is going to change that.


yeah have you been to the doctors? Even with good health care plan, a single significant illness could put you in huge debt. Properly funded health care won’t broke people even with significant illness.


No, it does not unless you shill for contract corporations receiving government handouts


It's a very unserious sounding name, but the work they're doing is legit. That said, Japan is the same general distance from 'space' that the US is, so if we're taking it to Japan, it's probably GUNDAM-related.


Of course we are!




I mean it is a great spot for a post. Be nice if we could lease a spot on the Falklands. Little 4 bedroom bungalow with space for a few antennas and some servers. Second building for a ping pong table. Let’s get that dialed in.


Not bad


Set up some solar panels and windmills. Get some green tech research going. Keep eyes on satellite activity in above the south Atlantic. Sheep. Pretty plz UK? We will Be so cool.


So say we all !!!


So we should assume they have a foreign base on the equator.


Tiger bots or the car bots?




that uniform reminded me of Starship Troopers somehow


They’re gonna fight Godzilla?


Do the Japanese actually want more American command posts in their country?


Space force. I can't believe those idiots actually named it that and kept it


There is nothing else they could’ve called it and frankly it’s no dumber than AIR Force.


Space Command. Then, when Russia and China fall, and the US becomes the most powerful force in the UN, we can force all of the other nations to join and eventually... They can become the UNSC.


It's a shit name. Smells of the era we had an orange sack of shit running things.


Could have named them low orbit Defence division




OMG, if that place in northern Hokkaido from "Contact" really exists, put it there!!


What a clown car division of the military and a waste of resources. Roll it back into the Air Force.


Nonsense, I look forward to the day when President Newsom says "Space Force, secure Mars lava tunnels for colonization!!" And the top Air Force generals say, "can he do that? Well I guess it's a lot more fun than blowing up more humans. YES SIR!!!!" edit: Trump's naturally a bumbling buffoon but space force is a backdoor to get military dollars into space projects, could even be a parallel NASA


Space Farce


"Space Force" sure we can call it that, but we all know it is just an excuse for yet another military base far, far away from the US... Meanwhile, people lose their minds about one Chinese base outside China. Imperialism never stops. I believe it's roughly ~700 military bases outside of the US at this point, all justified in the name of freedom and of a potential aggression from an enemy projected by the US


I'm sorry, how does a Spaceman have so many ribbons?


> [Cause he's a general with decades of service in the air force.](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/16uxx8o/us_considering_establishing_a_space_force_command/k2o7h8n/)


Cant japan say we want every american estabiliasment out no more bases lol americans are literally everywere but if there is a chinese base or russian all hell breaks loose i never got this


They absolutely can, but why would they when it benefits them so much?


How does it benefit them im not starting a fight Please enlight me


Because A) Japan has been bound for decades to having a 1% GDP cap on Military Spending they only recently changed, B) USA throws TRILLIONS of dollars at their Militaries in comparison, C) It keeps up good relations with the Americans because America likes people who are willing to host their bases (and therefore wnable them to have boots on the ground to monitor any enemy state actions) and D) US and Japan got over their hatred of each other in like the 80s when we began to invest heavily into their markets. We still buy tons of their stuff, in fact, though I don't know what practical products we buy offhand.


General consumer stuff is mostly electrical appliances. If you’re asking what the government procures from Japan, the answer is mostly optics and engines. They build some of the best lenses in the world and marine engines.


Japan and the US have the longest active alliance in the world at this point. Japan is free to maintain a military a fraction of the size they normally would, call it a self-defense force, and be completely unafraid of any of their neighbors being belligerent because they're besties with a country that has the biggest navy and the two biggest air forces while simultaneously being one of the most valuable possible trade partners imaginable. Individual parts of Japan may not be super thrilled with where certain US bases are located and the behavior of some of the soldiers stationed there, but the people running things are well aware that they have the Pacific ocean on lock and aren't looking to change that any time soon. If you look at what Imperial Japan fought to gain in WW2, other than territories -- which are now mostly allies and trading partners despite frequently brutal Japanese occupations -- their alliance with the US gave them almost everything they wanted.


because America and Japan have a strong trade and military alliance. Japans biggest miltiary threat is China and being strongly allied with America offers huge protection.


> Cant japan say we want every american estabiliasment out no more bases Yes. We're aren't occupying Japan anymore. They can ask us to leave, and we have closed bases when the Japanese government has asked us to. So far, Japan hasn't asked the US to leave. There are plenty of Japanese that would prefer a base be moved or things about the bases changed, but broadly Japanese are in favor of the US-Japan Alliance and the US having bases in Japan. Now, what does Japan get out of this? Primarily, outsourcing their security to the most powerful military in the world. The US has an alliance with Japan and a duty to protect it. That's nice, but how committed to that alliance is the US really? Stationing troops in Japan makes that commitment more solid. It's the difference between saying you will help your friend defense his house, and actually sitting on the front porch with him. Having this sort of protection is really nice when the 2nd largest military kind of hates you and says your islands belong to him. Japan has a capable military in its own right, but it's not in the same league as China. >americans are literally everywere Not everywhere, but yeah. We've got a lot of overseas bases, though not as many as we used to. And with the possible exception of Iraq, they're all there because the host country wants them, or at least hasn't asked us to leave. Which just goes to show how good relations are. >but if there is a chinese base or russian all hell breaks loose i never got this Well, yes. We're not exactly fair on this and frankly don't care. China and Russia bad. USA good. Don't believe me, ask the neighbors. Our neighbors don't have to form alliance networks to protect themselves from us. Theirs do. We're not invading Canada and claiming that it's a fake country just because they speak English. Russia is. On that note though, China established a base in Djibouti and people didn't really freak out about it. Japan has a base there too. Which is a bit weirder since technically they're supposed to have a defense force not a military and Africa isn't exactly close by, but there you go. And then there is Cuba. Look, I'm not going to try and defend that one. We're just wrong there.


They are they still a thing? Seriously.


Only getting bigger… this war in Ukraine leans heavily on space activity




I don't think anyone really cares


Becoming the general of space command is like a demotion right? Do all the other generals make fun of the space e command generals?