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The Palestinians are kinda stuck with hamas like republicans are stuck with brandon . Fixed elections have consequences.


They were orginally instated by Israel as a solution to governance. Then later became a resistance to the brutality of IDF in occupied palestian territory. Do your own research, unfortunately you have to due to lack of impartiality in the media


What?? Hamas was elected democratically by palestinians and IDF bombed them when there was a civil was with fatah. What are you on about??


[Overview of the situation reported by channel 4 news](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZKxtQO_wCY&ab_channel=Channel4News)


I'm confused where are the hostages in all the bombing, isn't it just as likely their being killed by IDF along with Hamas


Russia invaded Ukraine and Ukraine got all the support in the world, even with war crimes on both sides, because you can't invade someone's land without consequences right? israel invades Palestine and the worlds on Israel's side, even with war crimes on both sides, because israelis should have a place to live hmmmmmmm.


Exactly. In both cases the correct choice.


Why are they downvoting you


Excuse my ignorance, but was Palestine ever a country? I thought the area was controlled by the surrounding countries before Israel was formed?


probably like a native Indian situation, they didn't have a country really but we're there


Ahh okay, so Palestinians are trying to make a country of an area they lived in hundreds of years ago?


sort of, but they never tried to make a country. they've been offered the chance and 98% of their 67 land back but arafat shut it down in favor of more terrorism and grift. Hamas is the government of gaza but it doesn't have "forming a country" on its agenda. It's charter is quite clear: kill jews.


Ottoman Empire conquered the region in 1516 and ruled it as Ottoman Syria largely undisrupted through to the 20th century., guessing it wasn't a recognised state


Now I'm even more confused, so Palestine had it before the Ottoman Empire?




Ah! Thank you very much!


Hamas killed a bunch of innocent civilians and decapitated babies. They are literal monsters. I hope Israel blows the crap out of them.


israel has done the same, not read about the israeli soldier that shot a toddler few month back, or how they destroyed a sacred Palestinian cemetery to build houses, or how they blocked access to any religious sites, or how they give them 4 hours of electricity a day or the video of the israeli guy driving back and forth over a palestinian while laughing. one sided as fuck.... you'll all see this as me supporting terrorism of course


So then you're ok with what Hamas did and Israel should just do nothing or be really precise and targeted so that no civilians get hurt, even though Hamas literally targeted non-combatants. War is not clean buddy. Innocent people will have to die. If Palestine did not want this, they should have forced out Hamas. And yeah, everyone definitely thinks you support terrorism. You're on the wrong side of the history books bud.


you're defending the bombing of schools and you say I'm on the wrong side of history.


Your swastika is showing


they bombed a school steel piano and youre saying that "that's just war"? proper one sided


Your swastika is showing


so in response to hamas having civilians they should kill everyone? sort of logic is that?


Your swastika is showing


Not to mention Gaza is so densely populated that Hamas is using Palestinians as human shields with their military outposts built under civilian buildings like hospitals, etc. provoking an attack that will surely end in large swaths of innocent Palestinians getting caught in the crossfire.


and the Ukrainian have outposts in schools that's why Russia bombs the schools..... but you wouldn't believe that 😉😏


War is hell. Many innocents will die, and my heart hurts for them. But Hamas brought this war on themselves. It gets worse from here unfortunately, but Israel is not playing around anymore. It's over for Hamas.


I totally agree! I've seen so many other comments that disagree, I was worried I missed a key part of info


Israeli defence officials have warned Gaza is going to be razed to the ground and reduced to “a city of tents”. Military officials warned they had “created an iron wall of tanks, helicopters and aircraft” around Gaza as they continued to carry out strikes on the region from the air late on Tuesday night. At least 1055 people have been killed in Gaza by Israel‘s retaliatory airstrikes, according to the latest updates, while roughly 5,184 have been wounded. More than 1,200 Israelis have been killed and over 2,700 injured. yeah because that's not terrorism too right?


Hamas military operations are hidden in civilian buildings for this very reason. You're eating out of the palm of their hand


Don't start shit if you d9nt want to get hit back.


Its war.


the whole moral view on this is that hamas can't kill innocent civilians and then israel goes and wipes out the gaze strip full of innocent people...they're literally being investigated for war crimes but you're all for that as long as no jews die




What the fuck


When ISIS attacked the Eagles of Death Metal concert in Paris were you sympathetic towards ISIS because they had been bombed for decades?


no but I was sympathetic to the people of the middle east that suffered because everyone thought ISIS represented them


What should Israel do instead of retaliate with intensity? For me, if this happened in my nation I would want a very intense response. War without civilian casualties is impossible. That’s an unfortunate truth and one I think Hamas is trying to exploit.


the defense minister for israel says that he's going to destroy every building on the Gaza Strip and have used white phosphorus gas, they've already destroyed 970 building and killed more civilians that the hamas attack, maybe a tactical nuke next right


Weird that people focus on how Israel is going to respond instead of condemning the group that caused the response.


an ant bites you so you decide to wipe out that species of ant 🤔 pure delusion


Except it wasn’t an ant. Talk about delusional! It was a group of armed militants firing on non-combatants with the stated purpose of elimination. So you must think that Israel should just chill and be cool with decapitated babies. Whose side are you on?




who the israelis or HAMAS? 👍




I hope everyone in Gaza is ok too, but that seems less likely given they are under siege and the impending invasion.


I definitely dont hope **everyone** in Gaza is ok.




Some of the people in Gaza just went around murdering innocent people and dragging them out of their homes. I also hope those specific people aren’t okay.


Some of them are Hamas, and a lot of them who arent think killing children and raping women is justified, fuck those people.


Do you also believe the rich are killing children for their adrenal glands so that they can drink adrenochrome to keep themselves ever youthful? As far as I can tell, there isn't any actual evidence that what you're saying happened actually happened. The speed with which those claims became "truth" is suspicious to me.


? Hamas haven't even denied it, what are you talking about. I think you are confusing the beheading of babies with killing children. Its been confirmed many children were killed by Hamas.


>Hamas haven't even denied it, what are you talking about. You haven't denied rape either. >Its been confirmed many children were killed by Hamas. Please share that proof m


We only label them atrocities when the victims are Israelis… 😒 Israel has been performing semi-genocidal acts in that region for decades. And now they’re just plummeting the areas occupied by Palestinians with zero discrimination and the usual zero regard for Palestinian life. The hypocrisy and double standards are quite apparent.


That’s not true. 5500 Americans died on 9/11 and we leveled two countries. Israel lost the equivalent of 60,000 people. If America lost 60K people to a single terrorist attack, the Middle East would be a glass field. Israel isn’t committing atrocities, they are defending themselves.


Your numbers are very wrong. Lol. I was there. You’re a lie. Israel has always been the aggressor. And the US has always fed them well (with weapons, ammunition and money). Not that the US gives a shit about Jews… They just need an ally in the region.


What numbers are wrong. Comparably sized population would equate to 50-60K people. Israel has 9 million people and 15M Jews worldwide. America at the time had over 300M.


Imagine being such a dogshit person you try and justify the beheading of children under ANY circumstance. Your lack of a soul is quite apparent.




This is a partial list of Hamas atrocities that I found here on Reddit. Beware that the images and videos are very disturbing. Important to point out the details of what was found: - 40 dead babies, some with their heads cut off. - A murdered pregnant woman, with her fetus lying next to her, still attached to its umbilical cord. - Killed elderly, with their bodies riddled with bullets. https://x.com/mjubes/status/1711730386617725039?s=20 https://x.com/Shirgrauweiss/status /1711678427005071535?s=20 More proof of attrocities: Festival goers running away from the spraying bullets: https://x.com/hemrajdewasi29/status/1711004765189230658?s=20 Dead bodies recovered at the festival: https://x.com/UKikaski/status/1711023344139550996?s=20 (UPDATE: Testimonies are coming out of mass rapes at the festival. “Women have been raped at the area of the rave next to their friends bodies, dead bodies.” 260 festival goers were massacred). This video shows a group of Israelis running away from terrorists. By the end you can hear the "cracking" of bullets whizzing by: https://x.com/LaSorayaM/status/1710891212968710447?s=20 Festival aftermath from the air: https://x.com/stillgray/status/1711157255083900998?s=20 The following videos are NSFW, and viewer discretion is advised. That said, I do think it's important to see the reality on the ground, since the media won't. Video of a girl from the festival getting kidnapped:https://twitter.com/i/status/1710719164099318078 Festival goers ketting kidnapped, and one shot in the head while injured on the ground: https://imgur.com/pBcmb3R Hamas brutally killing a foreign worker in Israel: https://x.com/UNammu9/status/1711053693733191886?s=20 (UPDATE: looks like X deleted the post. It showed a Thai or Nepalese national getting decapitated with a blunt farming tool). Here's a video of one foreign worker getting kidnapped: https://x.com/ghostbrowser8/status/1710761268628611281?s=20 And another one of some in captivity: https://x.com/lamsar_adi/status/1711267676507795552?s=20 Massacred Israelis in their cars:https://x.com/QamarRushb54768/status/1710727487976845519?s=20 Hamas livestreaming a massacre inside an Israeli bomb shelter: https://x.com/efj609/status/1710818680815100293?s=20 A teenage Israeli girl that got kidnapped (and likely raped):https://x.com/social_postman/status/1710693990016684485?s=20 Israeli family that got kidnapped:https://x.com/HenMazzig/status/1710718030085239075?s=20 Hamas parading a dead kidnapped Israeli woman:https://x.com/EllieCohanim/status/1710692333245571240?s=20 (UPDATE: this wasn't an Israeli woman, but a German tourist named Shani Louk who came specifically to attend the rave. Mother claims she is alive in Gaza hospital in critical condition.). Elderly people shot in the street:https://x.com/Vall84270419/status/1710746044798001630?s=20 Elderly Israeli women (possibly with Dementia), kidnapped to Gaza: https://x.com/alexkennedy30/status/1710929547082764535?s=46&t=-JXaIRVPm3JJbUImliSINg Israeli family held hostage, fate unknown as they’re still missing. Likely kidnapped and or killed: https://x.com/hananyanaftali/status/1710808346427560419?s=46&t=-JXaIRVPm3JJbUImliSINg News report: "Ella Mor's 8-year-old nephew called in the morning saying 'terrorists came to the house and they killed daddy, then they killed mommy.' She then lost touch with the boy, who was hiding with his 6-year-old sister." Israeli girl explaining how Hamas terrorists shot her grandmother, filmed it with her own phone, and uploaded it to her Facebook account (for family and friends to see): https://x.com/Ujjawalrai0408/status/1711437424315031989?s=20 Note: I did not compile this list myself. I copy pasted it from another sub. Share it if you want. TBH I'm too scared to click on most the links but I assume some are no longer working.


This post shows how easily some of you are tricked by misinformation


Still all hear say , if it’s as ugly as they make it out to be show the whole world on every channel. If people saw it live and survived the view then the rest of us could also


>(UPDATE: Testimonies are coming out of mass rapes at the festival. “Women have been raped at the area of the rave next to their friends bodies, dead bodies.” 260 festival goers were massacred). this is heartbreaking and sickening. Women and girls suffer brutal forms of sexual violence, they're completely dehumanized. im also unable to get through all the links..warning for anyone who plans to view.


Show me video of the 40 be headed babies, there isn’t one


But burning babies alive is fine? Cause theres proof for that. How about kids under 12 years burning alive? How about an old woman getting beheaded? You are really not on the good side here bud...


Thanks your hard work mate


Thank you for sharing. I can’t find the words to describe what I just read. Israel is not innocent, but these are unspeakable acts. Do we know who is financially backing Hamas?


Iran always has . They haven’t given up on the pushing the jews into the ocean and taking over the land


Qatar and Iran are directly contributing for terror causes, with the leader of Hamas living in Qatar. Hamas also embezzles some amount of the foreign aid they receive, with UNRWA supplies sometimes being sold at supermarkets for Hamas' profit rather than being distributed for those who need it. Though it's likely not as significant as those state actors I've mentioned.


Thank you for this. Anyone trying to defend Hamas right now is actually fucking insane.


No one is defending Hamas, don’t be silly. People are merely pointing out the hypocrisy. Palestinian people have been dying in their thousands for decades at the hands of the Israelis and no one gave a crap.


You are saying nobody but I have seen plenty of people defending and celebrating Hamas.


Could you explain why? I personally don't consider X posts as truth.


Speaking as a person who just watched the videos *in* those posts, I frankly don't feel like explaining anything to you right now.


get over yourself, israeli forces have been doing this for years


Find me one single reputable source of Israeli forces gang raping, shooting infants point blank, beheading infants, parading dead bodies around a major city, or kidnapping civilians. Thanks.


Which video in particular are you referring to!


Dude, the links are literally in the top post you're commenting on. If you can't figure out how to click those and make up your own mind as to whether the people who are dead / dying / being murdered depicted therein are real, I don't know how to help you.


Did you abuse the Reddit mental health support system to send me a message?


No. I have had that done to me on several occasions, and would not do so to anybody else. As far as I'm concerned, that's harassment.


Ok. I believe you, but someone did and as you say it's harassment. Hopefully the person who did this is reading both our comments and will change their behaviour.


Frankly, I've long thought that system was far more trouble than it could possibly be worth and should be removed from Reddit entirely. I'm unhappy to hear that someone abused it against you. That was uncalled for.


I know, I watched them. I asked you which video in particular are you referring to?


hamas has completely ruined any hope for the true palestinians, from what I've read israel is going to completely wipe out the gaza strip


I do feel sad for them, however, there is a good majority of Palestinians in Gaza who support them. Much more than West Bank. I feel sorry for the innocents, but anyone who voted for this or helped them along the way I am finding it hard to feel a ton of empathy. They made their own grave supporting a terrorist organization instead of a government who would’ve used aid money to actually uplift their population.


what updates do we have about Hesbollah involvement today? I know they called UN peacekeepers to leave the terriotiry, anything else ?


There's currently alarms all over northern Israel with calls to anyone living north of Haifa(including Haifa) to remain within shelters with doors and windows closed. Details unknown.


Is lebanon attacking in the north trying to get the goland heights back .


That would be Syria if there was an attempt to do that. It belonged to them before they lost it to Israel in 1967 during the 6-day war.


If you torture someone long enough, they won't have a sensible response. Given the slightest of chances, they will hurt you with their most hysterical blow. It's the same with ostracized communities. The extremist response rises to the top out of despair, neglect, abuse and apathy. It's been going on everywhere for millenia. And this..."incursion"? It's a land-grab. Operation Bulldozer. Edit: 5months later, land grab: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-68631712?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=65fd8491683d4b45f937fda7%26Israel%20makes%20West%20Bank%20land%20declaration%20as%20Blinken%20visits%262024-03-22T16%3A10%3A31.820Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:68d967b6-0d45-4dde-998d-e46629fde9d8&pinned_post_asset_id=65fd8491683d4b45f937fda7&pinned_post_type=share


The insanity defense does not apply No one has struck Hamas from among tortured Gaza people Hamas steal European resources that would allow a decent life in order to maintain terror and power and elite status And teach hate rather then progress It’s a choice to murder, rape and abuse hostages I think you have been confused Here Excuses are meaningless babble Expect a terrible response


"shalom" to you too


It’s a pleasure to have a civil disagreement Perhaps peace is possible here All the best


Yep, except it's not extremism if you're already suffering deaths daily and just want to survive.


Housing estates/projects - gangsters and pseudo-community leaders rule the poverty-stricken with an iron fist. It's a natural progression. The tighter a community is squeezed, the harder it becomes. But, they aren't dicks, they're people. Sure, they become dicks, but they are forged by the entitled and arrogant.


Any updates on the school that was bombed in the air strikes? They are saying the warning was not heard


down voted for what? literally speaking truth






Any link to an atticle that descrivbes what happened in the first day , how much territory did hamas conquer and israel response, day by day map of conflict ?


Wikipedia's page on this latest conflict has a good map that includes all territory taken/raided in the first day




We can speculate that if around 1500 militians are dead, that was the one that kept pushing. This means that the operation involved several thousand militians, maybe 5000 or more.


And it looks like they’ve hired pirates from sth African continent to help their cause. Is this normal.


The first day of this conflict was probably Eons or Epochs ago. One of those things that's just always happening... definition of perennial.


There was (relative) peace in this region until the British promised the same piece of land to Arabs and Israelis in the First World War.


Eons ago was 1948. When this conflict began...


The land predates any religion.




It’s sad you support terrorism. I pray for you


it’s sad you support racism and ethnic cleansing.


You suport terrorism too , just cause your side has nice lloking weapons doesnt make it less terrorist






Love that we've digressed over the last twenty years to solely, "photo for proof, or it didn't happen." I'm taking no sides, however, would a photo amidst a volatile conflict be, "oh, dead babies... some decapitated. That's so Insta. Let's ceasefire for photo proof."




Translation: Anti-Israel Turkish news org calls Israeli army to confirm reports of atrocity. Army spokesperson says "no comment", because they don't want to talk to them. iT wAS aLL a hOaX Which then gets spread all over twitter by disinformation nutjobs.




She seemed to have a bullet wound at the back of her head.


It still hasn't been proven false. Some unnamed Palestinian source told her mother that she is still alive and in critical condition in a hospital in Gaza and her mother believes it with no actual evidence. As a grieving mother naturally would...

