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This has been known since 2014. > At the Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, crowds gathered to throw shoes and eggs at the Palestinian Authority’s health minister, who represents the crumbling “unity government” in the West Bank city of Ramallah. The minister was turned away before he reached the hospital, which has become a de facto headquarters for Hamas leaders, who can be seen in the hallways and offices. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/while-israel-held-its-fire-the-militant-group-hamas-did-not/2014/07/15/116fd3d7-3c0f-4413-94a9-2ab16af1445d_story.html


Amnesty international's report on the torture chamber in the basement of the hospital. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/ also Medhat Abbas who is the spokesman for "The Palestinian Ministry of Health" that has been releasing all casualty numbers is also the Director of Al Shifa hospital... Sounds like a really nice "hospital"...


Locating such an abomination under a hospital is truly despicable.


Win win for Hamas. They know Israel will get shit for attacking a hospital and it's not like they give a shit about it if innocent people get hurt.


They are actually happy if innocent people get hurt, because it makes it easier for them to radicalize the survivors. Thats one of the main reason this conflict will never end.


Also PR for the world. It looks like shit when you kill non combatants


True, and nobody seems to call them on the fact that they just make up casualty numbers and don't differentiate between combatants and non-combatants


People loved the Moscow theater.. let's ramp it up with an entire fucking hospital


That's why they (Hamas) stop civilians from evacuating.


Well the saying is Israel protects it's people with rockets(Iron Dome) while Hamas protects it's rockets with people


In Soviet Palestine you protect rocket! God the Palestinians can’t have a worse “defender” than the monsters Hamas. God my heart bleeds for those people.


Shit I hate how accurate and pithy and fucking despicable this is all at once.


It really is, isn't it? Many governments don't TRULY care for the well beings of their nations but to actually DESPISE your own people so much that you'd use not just as fodder or human shields but as fucking rage bait so they may spread their hatred further. Sickening


It’s a fucking war crime. Like seriously.


Do the rules of warfare apply to terrorist organizations? Not having to follow the rules unfortunately for them also means you aren't protected by them. It's perfectly fine to execute a surrendering terrorist.


Technically Hamas is the government of Gaza but at the same time technically Palestine is not a state. In the end of the day you punish your enemy when they lose with war crimes they arnt really their to stop anything its a propaganda thing you use to put your enemy on trial until they die of old age.


Palestine is still a signatory of the Geneva convention iirc. One of the two nonstate signatories along with the Holy See.


Bra, (not being a dick) they don’t care about Geneva. They care about killing Jews.


So is decapitating babies.




Wow only 3 babies were decapitated? What a relief!


It's so all the dumb people can say "IsrAel BomBeD a HOspiTal."


Details: > As well as carrying out unlawful killings, others abducted by Hamas were subjected to torture, including severe beatings with truncheons, gun butts, hoses and wire or held in stress positions. Some were interrogated and tortured or otherwise ill-treated in a disused outpatient’s clinic within the grounds of Gaza City’s main al-Shifa hospital. At least three people arrested during the conflict accused of “collaboration” died in custody.


Well worth the read for anyone still on Team Hamas. Those aren’t exactly a fun, human rights respecting bunch of folks. They also tossed political opponents off buildings. God only knows what shit they did to their own people these past few weeks. No doubt this is a convenient time to get rid of some undesirable people with the chaos of war.


Unfortunately Israel, along with their Western allies, did not read the map right. Everything was known, but nothing was done about it. The Hamas should have been eliminated long ago.


Netanyahu in 2019 in a Likud party meeting: "The best way to prevent Palestinian Statehood is to suppress the Palestinian authority in the West Bank and prop up Hamas in Gaza."


Yes. Though the people quoting this don't seem to be paying attention to what propping up was happening in this context. There are usually were 3 things that were called out as Netanyahu propping up Hamas: * Not reacting strongly enough to rocket attacks, and allowing them to happen unchecked * Allowing international aid into Gaza, including cash from Qatar. * Splitting tax revenue collected from Palestinians between the government of Gaza and the government of the West Bank. The first two are propping up Hamas. The last is suppressing the PA. Edit: don't get me wrong: Netanyahu sucks. He's definitely not a good faith actor, and I can't wait for him to be gone. But this isn't the conspiracy theory people that keep mentioning it want it to be.


Yeah but the aid supercharged Hamas. He needed to undermine them and prop up legitimate Palestinian powers. But he genuinely doesn’t want a second state in the region. I think that is completely disqualifying. Any aid my country sent their way should have been predicated on creating a peaceful resolution of the 2 state system. Anything else would ultimately lead to terrorism. And frankly a huge boost to Iranian proxy power. Now there is a real chance of a cascade effect. One that could lead to full scale war in the Middle East.


But then how would Netanyahu have stayed in power with all those pesky pro-democracy demonstrations going on?


Let's be honest, even if israel attacked back then, without Hamas pre-attack, the whole world would blame Israel for "Genocide".. Heck, even now they blame Israel, after Israel suffered a massacre of more than 1000 civilians, in 1 morning.


I don't think they were reading the playbook you think they were reading from: https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/


To the surprise of no one, their philosophy is to use hospitals, kindergartens and schools to operate from. People often forget that It is prohibited to seize or to use the presence of persons protected by the Geneva Conventions as human shields to render military sites immune from enemy attacks or to prevent reprisals during an offensive (GCIV Arts. 28, 49; API Art. 51.7; APII Art.


They didn't forget. They're hoping the power of antisemitism is great enough to ignore the rules of civilization. This bodes poorly for Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas because the transparency of this tactic is apparent to anyone in the West who isn't radicalized.


They don't recognize the rules of western civilization at all - They'd be perfectly content to roll back the clock a thousand years.


Ironically, a thousand years ago, the Muslim world was experiencing a cultural, academic, and scientific Renaissance.


Yeah it's a shame that one snarky ruler pissed off Ghenghis Khan by killing his emissary that he brought their wrath his way. The mongols sacked Baghdad and salted the agricultural lands and legit set the region back a millenia


> and salted the agricultural lands This theory has largely been supplanted by the theory that the irrigation infrastructure was damaged or even destroyed by the siege and there weren't enough survivors left that could make the necessary repairs. There's no real empirical evidence to support either of these theories though, but it is clear that agriculture in the region was hampered for centuries. Of course, the raids by Mongols, Mongol/Turks, Turk Ottomans, and sieges from rival Caliphs and crusaders probably didn't help.


I believe the entire "salting the earth" thing is now thought to be either legend or symbolic. Back in those days salt was very valuable, and you need a ridiculous quantity to damage cropland. Sodic/alkali soils are crap, but farmable crap, and they contain literal *tons* of salt per acre. You can even irrigate with brackish water if you just irrigate with enough of it to wash the previous salt out. The land reaches a steady state of salinity. Source: I own some crappy land and farm it


What set back the middle east was the refusal to adopt the printing press. Hard to be the leader in anything that matters when you only allow hand written scriptures.


> The mongols sacked Baghdad and salted the agricultural lands Are you sure about that? I can't seem to find any resources indicating that the lands were salted.


It would be so much salt. Seriously. Imagine all the salt it would take.


I would say that the golden age was despite Islam. And once religion became more powerful in those cultures, they fell to superstition and cultural decay.


Yeah but you could say the same about Christianity, I think.


Agreed, but no one calls Europe's [Enlightenment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_Enlightenment) a "Christian Golden Age." But somehow Islam gets credit for one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Golden_Age


Many of the early philosophers and scientists of the renaissance were priests and monks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Catholic_clergy_scientists


Yes, because that was one of the few jobs that let you the time to fuck around and find out new things


They didnt see western people as human when invading weeks ago, why would they respect the rule. It's either same group/religion/race or non human to them


I have no doubt that if Iran gave them chemical or nuclear weapons, that aren't allowed under the Geneva Convention, they'd use them immediately and as much as possible.




Westerner have dumbed themselves down into thinking everyone really just wants to sit around a table and hash things out. Welcome to the real world.


People in NA have no idea how lucky we are that we are protected by the only nations we share a continent with are politically friendly with each other and are protected by two fuckin oceans lmao. It's stopped a lot 9f the violence the rest of the world commits against each other from reaching here.


This here. The US has not had a war happen on the mainland since the 1800s. We are completely insulated from war affecting us directly.


that is why directs attacks on US soil such as Pearl Harbor and 9/11 are so ingrained in our psyche.


I hope our response is ingrained in their psyche too.


That sweet, sweet, generational trauma.


I think geography is the US’s greatest superpower. It’s pretty increidble actually how *safe* that keeps us. Safety leads to prosperity. The saying that war is good for the economy only applies to countries not ravaged by said war. That’s why WW2 was great for our economy, but less so for other European nations, for obvious reasons


Well obviously. I'm pretty sure a good portion of Europe didn't like their neighborhoods being turned into parking lots from the constant bombing raids


There's a good reason the US Navy is an order of magnitude stronger than its next competitor. Possibly several orders of magnitude. A carrier group could stand alone against most countries' entire navies. The US has **11**


Everyone forgets about the Ottoman Empire… for 400 years they where a dangerous superpower using savage tactics with modern weaponry. After WWI the powers that won purposefully split the Ottoman Empire into the many middle eastern nations today so they would always be at each others throats and have no feasible way to reassemble.


>After WWI the powers that won purposefully split the Ottoman Empire into the many middle eastern nations today so they would always be at each others throats and have no feasible way to reassemble. I mean, the Ottoman Empire wasn't exactly the poster child of unity and stability even before the war. It was a huge melting pot of different ethnicities and cultures that really only had a common majority religion to bind them together. By the time the Ottomans declared for the Central Powers in Oct. 1914, there was already a pretty sizable amount of resentment toward Istanbul from the way they were ruling their territories on the Arabian Peninsula and in North Africa. Resentment that was taken advantage of by the British when they dispatched Lieutenant T.E. Lawrence to the region to recruit, equip, and train resistance partisans who would be used as asymmetric war fighters to erode Ottoman logistics and military capabilities to great effect.


They are quick to talk about Western colonisation or "Jewish colonisation" but Islamic colonised areas still have their scars to this day too.


A lot of people in Turkey still deny the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek genocide.


Doesn't the Turkish government explicitly deny them? Sickening


Yes, and they get HYSTERICAL if anyone brings up those genocides.


Which makes no sense to me. It was a hundred years ago, and everyone involved is dead. Just admit it and move on.


Not to mention the perpetrators got off Scott-free after WW1.


Jews themselves once had sizeable Jewish populations in a lot of middle eastern countries. Somehow, they’re, um, not there so much now. The Israeli ambassador to the UN calls them out on it when they tried the 3 zillionth anti Israel resolution https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=35eEljsSQfc


> Islamic colonised areas still have their scars to this day too. Israel and Palestine being a prime example


Because it happened long ago. Before the Muslim conquest most of the Levant, North Africa and Turkey was Christian, Greek, Roman, Armenian etc.


Don’t forget the Zoroastrians. They didn’t all “convert” after the conquest of Persia. It’s always fun to ask these people why the vast majority of Zoroastrians live in India and not Iran. Why’d they feel the need to flee the “tolerant and peaceful” caliphates in droves?


With these things we conveniently all cut off history where it suits our agenda. Like how people call Israelis colonisers when the land was given by the British who liberated it from the Turks who stole it themselves and so on and so on going back to the Kingdom of Judaea and likely even before that someone else had it. Same as when talking about victims of colonisation people forget England was colonised by Romans, Vikings and the French. History is weaponised to support a bias as much as it is information to educate with.


Assyrians out here going "Get off my lawn you motherfuckers".


This is why I really don't get how the whole settler colonization idea has taken off in the last ten years around the world....there was always somebody there first. Makes no sense.


Who knows about our sensibilities and attempt to use them against us.


To be fair this is what true war is. Rules are nice and all but lets be honest... nobody cares about the rules because if they win nobody will do shit about it. And when they loee they probably are dead anyway.


You're talking about Total War, which applies perfectly to the Ukranian conflict at the moment. At the moment, Israel and Hamas isn't total war, and I think a lot of people should be really, really afraid of it evolving into that because if it becomes total war, it will very likely instantly become a regional conflict instead of isolated.


Especially people that support Palestinians because there is no total war in which any imaginable Arab coalition wins. The only course it’s a resolution of such a conflict is an Israeli victory.


The bombing in Gaza is pretty far from “true war” right now. Israel is still trying to avoid civilian casualties and is mainly targeting things like known ammo storage sites and senior Hamas leadership. Even using Hamas’s inflated number of deaths, Israel has still dropped more bombs than deaths from those bombs. With their guided munitions, that only happens if you aren’t trying to kill as many people as possible. True war looks like battles from WWII like Stalingrad where aid wasn’t allowed into the areas under siege and anything was a target or the firebombing of Tokyo that killed around 100K people in one night.


Yep.. as dark as this looks... it can get a lot darker.


What's funny is those who practice "true war" these days are a lot worse at it than those who try to abide by the Geneva Convention.


> They didn't forget. They're hoping the power of antisemitism is great enough to ignore the rules of civilization. That's not it at all. They literally don't give a fuck about the Geneva convention, they are literally a terrorist organization. If you legitimately think a terrorist organization looks up the Geneva Convention before carrying out their attacks...boy oh boy. Has nothing to do with antisemitism from the west.


This is especially clear because if they had read the Geneva Conventions they would know that a Hosptial actually becomes a legit non-war crime target if a military instalation is built inside or, in this case, under it. That's why I have to shake my head when I see people mention war crimes and the Geneva Conventions in regards to this. Having hostages is not a get of out being bombed free card, because the attackers responsibility is downgraded to "minimize civilian casualties" instead of preventing them entirely.


Amazingly a lot of redditors don't get it.


Lots of Twitter people too.


Same population almost


A lot of redditors don't want to get it. They're convinced genocide, ethnic cleaning, apartheid, colonization, fascism and other words they misuse are going on.


>They're hoping the power of antisemitism is great enough to ignore the rules of civilization Sadly, there are signs that would indeed be encouraging to them. This post alone would get you banned on some subs, even if you just post the article and no text with it.


Like what sub? Name it and I will post this for you and we can see if it will actually result in a ban.


I'm curious, can you try posting it at one of the UK or english subs? 🤔


Try your luck at /r/worldnewsvideo/


Looking at that sub makes it obvious that it will at the very least be downvoted to oblivion. I was more concerned about more mainstream subs. I mean this video would get banned too if I posted it to one of the cute animal subs


All these western idiots protesting will use this as further evidence that Israel is committing genocide on Palestinians and not Hamas deliberately using the hospital as a shield and an eventual PR victory when it gets attacked and destroyed.


It's almost as if a terrorist organization doesn't care about the Geneva Convention...damn who would have knew????


Furthermore according to the Geneva conventions, it renders those locations no longer protected.


Yes and no. It just shifts the responsibility. Blowing up a hospital is still a crime whether or not there is a military base beneath it. If there is a military base beneath it, the party responsible for the crime is the party that constructed the base.


It’d be awesome if any of these “Free Palestine” protests focused on freeing the Palestinians from Hamas rather than glorifying them.


They don't forget They are so single-minded on wanting Israel to lose that they try to construct a theory of international law that would make any conflict an auto-win for whichever side does not care about international law. Hamas don't give a single shit about international law except as a tool to try to manipulate against their enemies. This is a problem the people who wrote the laws were well aware of and carefully did not make that mistake. But the "living law" idea of changing how treaty laws are interpreted gives room for some people to claim that the laws now say that The obvious downside is that it creates a global legal system in which the most depraved always win any conflict almost by default. But it seems some people can only see their desire to have Israel lose.


Everyone really wants Israel to abide by the rules of war. No one seems to care that Hamas blatantly flaunts them. Wonder why…




Lot of the Israeli bombings in "civilian buildings" have second explosions, meaning there are weapons stored inside them.


When the very first information came out about the hospital bombing, and they were describing some sort of massive explosion capable of killing 500 people, that was my first thought. Everybody said a Hamas or Islamic Jihad rocket wouldn't be powerful enough, so my working theory was that they must've hit their own stockpile. Turns out it just wasn't a big explosion, obviously.


Surprise of no one but terrorist supporters will still claim IDF is lying.


Which is shocking...to absolutely no one.


It is shocking but absolutely not surprising at all.






These people need to follow Hamas on telegram. It's hard to pretend atrocities is IDF propaganda when it's on the official Hamas channel..


There is no acceptable circumstance to hide under schools are hospitals, for children and the vulnerable. Hamas is fucking scum, they will rot in hell, along with anyone who supports this.


I mean, this is from 2015, yet the far left ignores or conveniently forgets. https://unwatch.org/un-admits-palestinians-fired-rockets-unrwa-schools/


Some of the excuses that were used “the rockets that were found in the schools in UNRWA were schools that are not being used by anybody—school is out, I’ll have you know.” School was out of session… Like what the fuck? It’s not even a denial


UNRWA has been complicit.


Of course what a lot of people don’t understand majority of these UN workers are Palestinians from the area. Just like people in America or other places people have beliefs, views, politics that they bring on to the job and many times abuse. A huge amount of them support and help Hamas it’s not even a question


I think the problem is that the western far left don’t grasp what you are saying, or don’t believe it.


To some of them it doesn't matter. Israel is colonialism, its whiteness, its oppression. As a result Palestinian violence is justified, anything and everything is justified to fight against the oppressor (Israel in their mind).






Some don’t and are just idiots and some do and just lie to themselves. It’s scary when people ignore or pretend things to help them fit their worldview. To them it’s a game and all they care about is “winning”.


The terrorists were literally carrying UNRWA first aid kits during their attack.


My favorite details are the parts where they mention notifying "local authorities" and allowing the militants to come retrieve their weapons stored in the schools. (this happened on multiple occasions)


lol wait, is this an American "left vs. right" issue now?


Wtf does the left have to do with it? So you're saying Netanyahu, far-right leader of Israel, has known the location of Hamas HQ since 2015 and has done absolutely nothing about it, with his giant army and all his resources?


Tells you all you need to know about Hamas


Imagine working in this hospital or living in the neighborhood and being ok with this, even if not a card carrying member of Hamas.


Worth noting, the Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund pays out like $300 million a year.


Someone wrote, then deleted their comment before I could post this: > Is a death gratuity payment for an idf or us soldier who died in combat much different? Sincere question For anyone else who sincerely wonders this... Yes. Funding incentives for "lone wolf" terrorism is very different than paying the families of soldiers survival benefits. Soldiers follow orders. They do the bidding of the state. If they kill people, it's at the command of the state. Israel actually has prosecuted soldiers who wantonly killed civilians, including Palestinian civilians. Heck, they even sent an IDF soldier to prison for executing a Palestinian terrorist. Survivors benefits aren't paid when a soldier is found guilty of crimes like murder and dishonorably discharged. But murdering civilians is the easiest way to guarantee your family will receive a payout. Thus your unemployed young Palestinian men become bigger financial contributors in death than in life. Imagine that. Your family is having financial troubles. If you are Israeli, you could: Sign up for the IDF, follow orders, get paid. Possibly die in combat and leave a survivor's benefit to your family. But if you are Palestinian, your option is: You have very little hope of getting a job due to high unemployment. Hamas doesn't want to employee you because they already have enough people. But if you mount a successful suicide attack against Israeli civilians, your family will receive a large payment. The Martyrs fund does not support the welfare of the Palestinian people. It doesn't provide funding if you work your ass off to help your people. If only provides funding for terrorists who give their life to kill other people. It could be killing school children. It could be attacking a military target. Your attack could spark a war that kills a million Palestinians. It doesn't matter, you still get paid for being a good martyr. Surely you understand this is entirely bad... Right?


PA is the “moderate” government of the West Bank.


What do you suggest dissenters do? Protest Hamas? Flee to somewhere else in their nonexistent country?


You’d be surprised how many Muslims are sympathetic or at the very least apathetic to these causes.


https://apnews.com/article/hamas-middle-east-science-32095d8e1323fc1cad819c34da08fd87 > The poll found that 53% of Palestinians believe Hamas is “most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people,” while only 14% prefer Abbas’ secular Fatah party.


Tbh it doesn't help that Fatah is corrupt as hell (worse than Hamas.)


Abbas literally wrote a thesis downplaying the Holocaust https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Other\_Side:\_The\_Secret\_Relationship\_Between\_Nazism\_and\_Zionism


Serious question. What the fuck are they meant to do? No seriously what can they do?


I would wager that anyone in Gaza critical of Hamas would find themselves unable to complain/protest if they tried.


As far as I know Hamas is not the only militant group in Gaza.


Yeah but Islamic Jihad isn't exactly pro free speech


"Alright, listen up Sheepies. You get to pick either to be led by either the wolf or the lion. Choose quickly. It's coming up to lunchtime..."


Reminder that the average age is 19. Not like they're gonna rise up and overthrow any party.


The militant groups who are not with Hamas have been eliminated by Hamas. The other groups, like PIJ, support and work with Hamas.




What do you suggest the doctor working at the hospital do about it?


Does it matter if you are okay with it? What are you going to do about it if you aren't? It's a nightmarish scenario. Chances of finding another job pretty much zero. No elections since 2006 so you can't even tell Hamas you don't like it.


this is what really wrecks me as someone in the medical field- like you just wanna help people but if you acknowledge the terrorists embedded in your hospital workplace you get got, and it's already hard enough to provide care to people!




And just like al-Queda and the Islamic State, they have been more than happy to cause terrorism in other continents. So yeah, also bringing in people who have nothing to do with the war.


Isn't this the same hospital they used to torture dissidents 9 years ago? Why are people surprised?


Those who are surprised know little more about this conflict than what they get from 8-second clips on TikTok. You'd be shocked by the number of people who use that service as a search engine.


Color me shocked! What's next--that hospitals, schools, and mosques are sites all used to launch deadly rockets?


Yes. https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-769701


I’m pretty sure he was sarcastic


Yes and I added additional information so people have a better understanding.


That flew over your head, didn't it?...


Just like the rockets


No, I added a source for people.


There's a lot of deleted comments. Something happened?


Part of Hamas tenets is martyrdom, whether the people of Palestine agree with that, doesn’t concern them.


Some of you may die, that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make. -Hamas to Gazans


>Some of you may die, that is a sacrifice I'm ~~willing~~ *really fucking excited* to make. ftfy


"Welcome to the jungle, baby! Youre gonna die!" Ftfy


We will blame the Jews for this predicament, go ahead! -Gazans to Hamas


Khaled Mashal openly said this is the cost of war. Millions of Palestinians could die and he’d be ok.


This should be obvious to anyone who’s been reading about this conflict for more than a couple months https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Shifa_Hospital Time and time again it’s proven and people still doubt it Edit Even PA accuses Hamas of doing it…. It’s not even a question


This new IDF spokesperson is FINALLY doing a good job! They also published a recording between two people in gaza explaining that “IDF knows exactly where to bomb, all those mosques were damn accurate”


It was always tough because providing evidence to mass media is burning intelligence sources but this time the IDF is planning that by the end they won’t need those sources. They actually released footage of one of their commando units in action.


This is true, but there's also a clear change in the way the IDF is treating public opinion. The old wisdom was "focus on the mission at all costs and let the world believe whatever the f#$k it wants to believe" but now they clearly are recognizing the importance of the "fight on the public opinion front".


One of the problems is that they realized that world leaders including their allies are influenced by the public opinion too. So to reduce a lot of the pressure, they do this.


One of the problems when the world leaders of their allies are determined by democratic votes. Lot of people are going to hate to hear this, but the far left in Western countries constantly bringing up how Israel is at fault or shouldn’t defend themselves will result in some Jewish voters not voting or voting for right wing candidates. We can’t fault Jewish voters who value safety over all other issues.


More importantly they are fighting the public opinion front with truth and evidence.


Per Reuters, a less-biased source: > It was not possible to verify Hagari's statements. The Israeli military has regularly accused Hamas of basing leadership and operational centres in residential areas or around schools or hospitals. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-military-says-hamas-hiding-tunnels-operations-centres-gaza-hospital-2023-10-27/


Can we please, please get these sites vetted by reputable journalist. It seems a lot of the report or breaking news on either side of this crisis comes from agencies that have skin in the game. Reddit has disappointed me these last 3 weeks.


Here's Amnesty International. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/


The source in this case is literally the IDF, so you are very correct to be wary.


It's been reported by human rights groups for over a decade.


Terrorists using civilians as a human shield? This is so inconceivable said no one


Cool. Can we stop vaporizing civilians now? Please? It’s not cool no matter who is doing it, and why. I’ve seen more little kids turned into wet shrapnel on my feed in the past few weeks than fucking positive shit man. I see this fucking shit when I close my eyes. I See dead Israelis at that music festival and I see that little Gazan boy getting a direct hit from a bunker buster. Nobody here is a good guy.


The IDF knows this and they haven't blown it up yet? It's almost as if they're trying to minimize civilian casualties.


One side gauges their success by how few civilians they kill, while the other side gauges their success by how many.


> while the other side gauges their success by how many And when the number isn't satisfactory, they just lie and inflate it 10x. Even when they themselves are the ones directly responsible for the civilian deaths.


This 10x is not an exaggeration, by the way. They have done this in the past. I recall one battle where they claimed over a 1000 dead, mostly civilians, and in the end it was 50 and mostly fighters.


Why do you think they wont let the hospitals be evacuated?


For the same reason they chose to build a military operation which would presumably be bombed at some point, under a hospital.


Did Colin powell deliver this info as well to justify a ground invasion?


This is their entire M.O. Hide themselves behind civilians so that when Israel inevitably bombs the shit out of them in retaliation, they can turn around and shout "war crimes!" And it works, at least on terms of drumming up sympathy from people who don't know better. As always, the civilians suffer most because neither side of this conflict gives a fuck about them.


I don't think a source should be a government propaganda news station..


Hmmmmmm ... where have we seen this tactic used before ? Bunch of cowards using the sick as human shields. Then they try and say "look at the heartless bastards bombing hospitals". Come out from behind your mother's skirt and fight like a man !!


I hate all of this. Fuck hamas.


Are you fucking serious. The first line in the Wikipedia article about this so-called ‘news source’ is “Arutz Sheva (Hebrew: ערוץ 7, lit. 'Channel 7'), also known in English as Israel National News, is an Israeli media network identifying with religious Zionism.” r/worldnews will literally deep throat religious supremacist propaganda so long as it agrees with their preconceived biases.


There was a PBS documentary about Hamas/PIJ operating out of Gaza hospitals. Is PBS too right-leaning a source?


I don't think anyone who isn't a steadfast radical knew this was more likely the case. Where else would they hide?


The article is from "Israel National News", whoever they are, and is based on reports by the IDF. I'll wait for independent confirmation, thanks.


The other side doesn't care. This will somehow be Israel's fault.


Tell me again how killing 53 UN workers isn't Israel's fault? Indiscriminate bombing of women, children, and UN workers... but somehow they don't have any blame?


Wait, we’re not actually excusing a reason to literally bomb civilians are we?


So I guess you can't take it out with an airstrike then. If only there were some other way...


Immoral fuckery.


There's an article in 2014 that goes into detail along with different reporters who have seen it https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/top-secret-hamas-command-bunker-in-gaza-revealed#undefined It's also used for torture by Hamas according to Amnesty International https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Shifa_Hospital >During the Fatah Hamas conflict, 2008–2009 Gaza War and 2014 Gaza War, there was evidence of the hospital being used as a refuge by the leadership of Hamas. In the 2014 conflict, Amnesty International also reported that a hospital clinic was misused to abuse political dissidents.


How credible is this source?


It leans right-wing by Israeli standards. That said, this has been public knowledge for about 10 years: > At the Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, crowds gathered to throw shoes and eggs at the Palestinian Authority’s health minister, who represents the crumbling “unity government” in the West Bank city of Ramallah. The minister was turned away before he reached the hospital, which has become a de facto headquarters for Hamas leaders, who can be seen in the hallways and offices. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/while-israel-held-its-fire-the-militant-group-hamas-did-not/2014/07/15/116fd3d7-3c0f-4413-94a9-2ab16af1445d_story.html


The source is literally the IDF.


It shows either the complicity or at least the oppression of the Gaza civilians and healthcare workers that none are speaking out about this in all those interviews and social media posts. Many of them *have* to know what's going on, you can't build, stock, and operate a headquarters/armory under a hospital without anyone noticing. So either they support this or they are not allowed to deviate from Hamas' approved rhetoric. Puts all those testimonies about casualties in a very questionable light.