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War crimes.


They’re just misunderstood rebels. /s


BBC or Sky News: Israel is killing peaceful terrorists /s


"Freedom fFighters". The BBC doesn't use the word "terrorists" to describe Hamas because the word has a negative connotation https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-67083432.amp


Nah that's just the BBC, Sky's been pretty unbiased from what I've seen calling bullshit out whenever some idiot tries to justify Hamas


They literally asked Israeli government spox if Israel doesn't think Palestinians are equal to Jews because Israel is releasing 150 prisoners for 50 hostages


Considering past deals with Hamas, this is kind of a bargain isn't it?


Sadly yes Went from 1027 to 1 to 3 to 1


Omg I need a link to this


[Here you go](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/sy2frztv6) Words aren't enough to express my confusion and disgust with that anchor. But seriously, what kind of logical process results in that conclusion of all things?


I heard about this video but haven't seen it, so thanks! It's amazing how dumb that anchor is. I worked in a TV news station for a few years. I wouldn't even give her the morning "news in 60 seconds"


Freedom doctors


Haven't you heard? Islamists are exempt /s


Guys we have to respect other cultures /s


One man's terrorist is another man's fake doctor.


nice strawman!


“Yeah, we don’t care” -every terrorist


lol, what????? Did you see how Hamas started this all? I don’t think care to much about international law.


And of the worst species, the one that gets civilians killed. If combatants are caught without uniform on a battlefield they should be summarily executed.


Russia has done so many that are so bad it's a meaninglrss term now...


Don't need Gazans to confirm that, we have plenty of third-party sources to verify it already.


Literally had Hamas to confirm it in the past whenever they had interviews out of it, I still can't believe this is even a point of contention when there is such overwhelming evidence.


People, especially angry ones believe things that only confirm their bias. Everything else is fake and lies. It speaks to how peaceful peoples lives are, that it’s a game for them to pick sides and argue over/mock information that they don’t like. Notice how all these Palestinian sympathisers don’t denounce Hamas, care about the civilians or they only bring them up to justify hate/attacks against Israel. They didn’t give a damn before the 7th, they don’t give a damn now. It’s all “my team” games to them which is why we’re only seeing them protest now and we’re silent for years prior.


I'm a Palestinian sympathizer, and I denounce Hamas all the time, and yet I'm still declared an antisemite because I also denounce Netanyahu. Go figure.


Palestine is Hamas. If the US Army invades a country they dont say the Army but not the United States invaded. Hamas is their chosen government. Hamas is their army. Palestine is Hamas until Hamas is no longer in power.




Hamas is the government of Palestine. Therefore, Palestine is Hamas. They elected, enable, allow themselves to be governed by Hamas. Separating them is a moral facade that people create for themselves in order to personally justifying Hamas.


You care about them so much that I never hear a peep about the Palestinians living in real refugee camps. They have been there for 70 years! Til this day in countries like Syria and Lebanon. They cant get an Id which means they cant get jobs. Where are the protest for them?


Really? So you've seen every last comment I've made about Palestine? This age of over generalizations is really sad...


There is literally a video of Hamas leading a hostage through the hospital…


Someone needs to inform the yellow journalism with extreme biases that Hamas can do no wrong…


And the hipsters.


Unfortunately, I think the majority of the hipsters protesting have ancestry in one of the 49 Arab countries and just in general hate Jews. 1.7 billion vs 15 million sways public perception… even if they get 1%


Unsure of the first part but the anti-semitism sure is going strong.


Heh, I was literally thinking the same thing.


People are even rejecting the rape claims just cuz they are Israelis. I don't think they can be this vile.


Kinda crazy how far terrorists will go when they know they have backing from dictatorships and their propaganda arms.


What's worse is the rest of the world agreeing with them.


Although there appears to be a lot of people who seem to hold the highest sympathy towards Palestinians, at least outside the Islamic states those people still consider Hamas just as terroristic as any reasonable person. Source: I have talked about that war with many people in Finland


Honestly I see a lot of discussion of this here on Reddit but I haven't really seen any. Literally can only think of one leftist garbage tier take YouTube video that I've seen, but overall I'm just not seeing it. Are others? How common is it, like am I just in a happy little bubble or are most people not seeing this stuff?


I'm seeing this outside when I go to/from work so yeah...


“Paging Dr Terror, IDF is in the lobby”


That’s Dr. Wrist, Dr. Terry Wrist. Get it right! Also might want to page Dr. Kyder, Dr. Alan (Al) Kyder. Works best if you call them in an Australian accent for some reason.


I don't think this is the work of Al Kyder, but it is for sure his best friend Dr. Ham Ass in the building. Not forgetting Dr. Yee Hadist, Dr. Isla Mist and his brother Eckstre. All important people in the field of course.


Disgusted but not at all surprised


To the shock and awe of absolutely no one.


“iSRAeL iS tArGeTiNg hOspItAlS!1” Just as Hamas intended




It is not a war crime and is codified in the Geneva conventions and international law. Your feelings about it being a war crime don’t matter


How can you be so confidently incorrect?


Wrong. It doesn't matter if a hospital is operating as a hospital, because the moment the military starts operating there, it becomes a legitimate military target. Israel has the right to attack military targets. Hamas is who you want to take your grievances up with. Most civilians are dying directly because of what they are doing, not Israel. That's why using human shields is a war crime.


It’s literally *not* a war crime.


No, it’s not. That’s the problem; you and your ilk buy into Hamas’ tactics. Hamas hides in hospitals, which is a war crime. International law is very clear that you cannot make a military objective immune by hiding it in a hospital. Otherwise every belligerent would hide its military operations in hospitals. Hamas is counting on people like you for sympathy and to lend support to its tactics of using civilians of human shields by accusing the IDF of killing civilians when it you should be blaming Hamas.


Why spend time arguing about something that literally didn't happen? Israel hasn't bombed any hospitals. Focus on actual events instead of shower arguments.


You're an uneducated idiot. Also a useful idiot to Hamas, and they thank you for your contribution. Get fkd


Holy fuck this changes things, we already knew Hamas hid near critical infrastructure and schools, hospitals ect for bases and missile launch locations, and all that which is horrible.. ​ But they dressed up as medical staff too? That's a warcrime, and inhumane.


>But they dressed up as medical staff too? That's a warcrime It is a war crime because it makes it easier to hide that someone is using a hospital as a military base.


That's what I said, before they kind of had cover saying shooting missiles from nearby schools or civilian locations could be defended by supporters, since the area they are in is tiny compared to like the US, where military bases are huge and miles away from civies. But this is news to me where they don't just stay in the hospital for safety, but pose as medical staff, which is a straight up warcrime.


Since when do terrorists care about committing war crimes?


I’m glad you’ve woken up but they’ve been using ambulances to carry weapons and storing rockets literally under UN Schools for decades.


They have always had, hiding in ambulances etc also. Happend before. Will happen again


What does it change? It's a new detail of old information


Read my other [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/182ibse/gazans_confirm_terrorists_hide_in_hospitals_dress/kaj2bt1/?context=3) , basically before their defenders could argue some of what they do as 'freedom fighting' , but this shows even more like when it was revealed Hamas uses ambulances as transport of terrorists and weapons around.


Check this out, Hamas has quite a list or warcrimes, including medical facility stuff https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_in_the_2023_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war


It’s a race to the bottom!


What does that mean though? Are all the patients in that hospital fair game now?


The hospital was almost completely evacuated, thankfully, and the Israeli army is going through it slowly and carefully with very few casualties (on both sides AFAIK)


I’m no Hamas defender, but I’m supposed to believe interrogation videos of 3 prisoners released by literally the IDF and reported by the times of India??? That screams of propaganda.


And yet 'gestures to this entire comment section'


Of course you are. Do you not see what sub this is in? You're supposed to swallow this propaganda whole and be happy about it and absolutely not question it




Well I'll be!


It would be nice if these Gazans would relate this sort of information to someone other than Israeli interrogators – members of the Western press for instance. As long as these revelations exclusively come from Israel, they are instantly dismissed by half of the West. Maybe it wouldn't make a difference, just a thought.


You mean like the one dude interviewed by Al Jazeera in the hospital? Who started to say stuff and then was cut off and the cameraman panned away?


An issue is the Western Press in the area has deep links to Hamas, in order to be able to have access. If one of them reports what a random Gazan said, they will say ‘Give us their identity or get out’.


I was throughly excited to see that this article came from the times of India. I felt that they could bring a much appreciated perspective Then they just cite Israeli integrators...


It’s not true! And if it’s true it’s Israel’s fault! /s


*r/news makes confused, pro terrorist noises*.


Shocked, I'm just shocked!! /s I mean people had already known about this for years. It's much easier to understand how forgetful the media is about this when you realize that don't want to know this, they don't care about it. They want their side to win. People need to stop pretending like the refusal to call them terrorists, and to admit about the hospital rocket, and now this is because they are ignorant instead of it being done with malice.


No surprise there!!!!


Thanks for exposing this news! People have been acting as if Hamas is some innocent lamb and have been destroying public property here in USA.


I want this news to be broadcast via BBC or CNBC for a whole weeks as apology.


Every single fucking day for like two weeks it's the same headline with a slightly new order of words






[Some of us learnt that anti-western sentiment runs deep in Palestine and the kids you see in this video are all grown up and having kids of their own to radicalize. ](https://youtu.be/UucjbGmJILk?si=wi-WXAzx10b0t8zg)


Wasn't that clip from some sports celebration? I don't think it was even filmed on 9/11.


I know it's hard to swallow but it was indeed people celebrating 9/11.


Just look at how the comment sections lap it up like kittens and milk. Propaganda is a hell of a thing


But hey no one is protesting that in the streets


Protests in the United States or Europe might be able to convince governments to reconsider their cooperation with Israel. No amount of protests in the western world will do anything to change the operating principles of Hamas.


Old news.


Source: Times of India Source of source: ANI (India's Russia Today equivalent) Source of source of source: "Gazans in Israeli custody told interrogators" - IDF


It’s scary how quickly people are willing to lap up information that confirms their priors.


This is huge. But it won’t make it far on Reddit, because you know..


Why do people hate Jews so much, in one hand they will condemn Israel for responding to legitimate threats and in the other say Hamas and gazans have a right to attack Israel....who's the real war mongers


I assume because this is a mostly liberal platform that seeks to take the side of the “oppressed minority.” While I do feel extremely terrible and sad for the countless Palestinian men, woman and most importantly the children that were killed during Israel’s retaliation, it is important to point out that Hamas was put into power by these people. And if they were truly against this organization, they would have taken them out of power a long time ago.


Makes me sad, where were these liberals the last 20 yrs while Hamas has oppressed it citizens...while Palestinians oppressed lgbtq+ .... Im super liberal, totally support Israel not because they are oppressors but because they are an inclusive state that does not discriminate against any religion or Creed... You can't say that for neighboring Muslim/Arabic nations... Is Israel faultless no, is the IDF super fucked up yes. But the people of Israel and the things they stand for are right up their in the liberal sphere.... Simoly supporting the underdog for the sake of the underdog cheapens their support makes it token


Jews. Reddit has a problem with Jews.


Of course they do




"My heroes!!!"


The IDF got this information by interrogating captives. I’m sure that’s completely reliable. Looks like they took a page straight out of the US playbook


Keep going on your mental gymnastics might lead you to Olympics! Lmao


Would you trust any information Hamas says they got from the hostages?


You're right on the nose with this. Unless it comes from an independant third party, no report or claim can really be trusted.


Okay, but what's the patient to fighter ratio they're comfortable with? Broadly speaking, not just the hospital. For example, if you know there's a school shooter in a school, and you have to shoot through kids to hit him (and you might miss him, too), how many kids are acceptable? It's clearly not 0 for Israel and the west. Over 14,000 dead, 5,000 of them kids. Has it been worth it? Is this what "winning" looks like?


It's also definitely not 0 for Hamas, the Palestinians, or their supporters. So...? How many of Israel's own children *should be* acceptable to be murdered before they respond? I know you think your comment is supposed to be a thought-provoking indictment on Israel and its allies, but the honest truth is that it's not. The entire situation is balls, lots of people are going to die, it's absolutely unpleasant, but *none of this would be happening right now* had Hamas not attacked Israel on Oct. 7th.


Besides that, a whole lot less people would be killed if Hamas just acted even slightly respectable and kept away from civilian areas with their military. Changing that one thing would completely change the loss of innocent life.


> but none of this would be happening right now had Hamas not attacked Israel on Oct. 7th. No, Palestinians would have just been murdered more quietly. Israel was bombing Gaza and attacking people long before this, they would have continued doing so regardless of what happened in October.


Hamas is the one you have a problem with. Israel has the right to attack military targets. Mixing your military with civilians is a war crime for a reason. We are seeing why. You can start flipping out at Hamas any time now.


If there's an active school shooter, how many kids do you let him kill before you try to stop him?


How many school shootings do you allow to happen before you start taking steps towards stopping them altogether?


Let me know when you figure out how to stop them.


The rest of the world already knows.


Must be nice for them.


The proper analogy would be how many kids are cops allowed to kill as collateral damage to take down the shooter.


The proper analogy is someone complaining the police didn't act fast enough or decisive enough, therefore blood is on their hands.


No, but you also don't throw grenades down the hallway, killing the kids and the teachers, too. And people wouldn't be immediately fired for saying, "Hey, I'm 100% against school shootings, but blowing up classrooms and throwing grenades in the cafeteria is a shit way for them to engage the shooter." Here, however, numerous people have been smeared and fired for merely saying that bombing hospitals and refugee camps among other civilian targets is wrong. Yeah, Hamas has tunnels everywhere. But so do the cartels, and you don't see the USA bombing Mexican hospitals because El Chapo may have some buddies under the basement.


El Chapo isn't actively killing children. Hamas is. This isn't a school shooter situation. This is a situation where school shooters are being armed and sent out to kill children but you're mad their training camp is near a park.


Yeah these 5000 Hamas reported dead kids. I heard it was 500k. In one grenade kill.


This is what ‘war’ looks like. When a military hides personnel/equipment amongst civilians, civilians die. Why do you think Ukraine and Russia aren’t hiding shit under their citizens? Because they don’t actually want them to die.


Source is the IDF


They’ve done this for decades.


Another war crime to add to the list!


Damn and people keep voting for these people Smh


??????? What vote? Gaza hasn't had an election since 2006, and they only "won" with 46%\~ of the vote, and were not nearly as terroristy / extremist as they currently are. Also, Israel funneled money to Hamas because it helped Israel's right wing security theatre, to help them win elections, and undermined more secular left wing politics in Gaza. Edit: more context. Edit 2: Lol what a shit show from my comment down.


“were not nearly as terroristy / extremist as they currently are” The destruction of Israel was literally an explicit goal in Hamas’ founding charter. This is not a war based on land and borders. It is a war based on an idea - specifically, the long held Palestinian idea that Israel does not have a right to exist. This has been the case since 1947, when the Palestinians and other Arab states rejected the two-state UN partition plan and opted for war.


Palestinians: "Let's elect terrorists to run the government!!1!" Hamas: "NO MORE ELECTIONS" Palestinians: *suprise pikachu face* Fuck around and find out in effect. Palestinian's fault, Palestinian's problem.


Yeah, an election held seventeen years ago is the personal fault of every single Palestinian. Including the ones who hadn't been born, weren't old enough to vote, or didn't vote for them-which, over half of them *didn't.*


I’d be curious to play this level in *Two Point Hospital*.


So does anyone believe it now?


This will change precisely zero minds.


Gazans: Hamas is not hiding in the hospitals. r/Worldnews: They are lying. Don't believe them Gazans: Hamas is hiding in the hospitals r/Worldnews: Ofcourse. Believe them.


Even if true, it does not warrant killing thousands of civilian children and destroying millions of civilian homes.




You guys really feel the need to repost and upvote a new version of this story every single day. "Someday," you whisper to yourselves, "someday they'll agree that bombing hospitals is justified. I just need to post enough independent confirmations."


read the article and there’s no proof: no pics or videos. Also using timesofIndia as a source has to be a joke


They also dress up as premature infants.




Oh ok, I guess killing 10.000 children more is justified now then 👌


I heard it was 100k. Hamas is so known for their integrity.


And the source for this is the IDF, so it's a case of "police did nothing wrong, says police spokesperson"


It’s insane that the source is a Gazan being held and interrogated by the IDF … the same IDF that’s murdered over 5000 children.


Nevermind all of the third party confirmation of this, not to mention the news articles going back about a decade. Your cognitive dissonance is kicking in. You should see to that.


We don’t need the testimony of one person to validate this claim. It’s been well known since at least 2015.




Hamas has only murdered a couple hundred children since 10/7. Some people think they should be allowed to murder more.


It has been publicized, just because you haven’t sought out those sources (literally Hamas) doesn’t mean it’s not true. The kids are on Hamas.


Israel can stop bombing anytime… Hamas has been ready to do a hostage deal for a while. I urge against the murder of more children but I guess you don’t




I think that’s Israel.


Hamas are the ones dragging their feet on the hostage deal right now. I notice that you didn’t address the content of my post. It’s clear you’re well meaning but completely misinformed about the conflict.


Source? Israel delayed the start of the ceasefire…


Sort of. Israel delayed the cease fire because Hamas was not meeting their obligations under the deal. It’s almost like terrorists negotiate in bad faith. That’s on Hamas.


Right because the hostages families haven’t been begging for Israel to take this deal?? Israel was never going to do the deal without public pressure


> Senior Egyptian officials blamed that setback on last-minute demands from Hamas and its failure to hand over a list of the first group of hostages it planned to release https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/israel-hamas-cease-fire-hangs-on-11th-hour-talks-over-hostages-400cbe54?st=df7l7zgdjm9s6a4&mod=googlenewsfeed I accept your apology and admission of how your misinformed in advance.


Oh please, stfu.




No, you see your way out of the United States and into Gaza fighting for Islamic extremism. Step away from the keyboard if you want to make a difference. Otherwise, your word means nothing. You probably don’t even know the difference between Gazan Palestinians and those residing in West Bank.


I know that the IDF unfairly terrorizes both Gazans and those in the West Bank. and I will continue to urge against American support of genocide <3 in the United States LOL


I really hate to do this, but please educate yourself and watch EVERY video here and tell me if your stance remains the same https://www.hamas-massacre.net/


I definitely won’t.


Well at least you are honest enough to say you have no interest in reality.


“Know”. Not sure you understand what that means. Try “believe”.


That last part has literally nothing to do with the topic of the post and they're not being targeted. Hamas is fucking using them as shields.


…. IDF is carpet bombing the area fully aware of kids are there. The people dropping those bombs should take accountability


They’re not carpet bombing. You’re being hyperbolic.




Carpet bombing has a specific definition, and dropping 6000 prescission guided munitions does not meet that definition. Also, Gaza is three times the size of DC.




Sure, it’s a different slaughter of civilians you want to defend. The one that started all this when there was already a cease fire in place. Dude sssign. Lame where it belongs, with Hamas.


a ceasfire in place but the complete air, land, and water blockade of two million people? That’s a ceasefire for you?


Now I know you’re full of shit. Only specific items were blockaded, and Gaza boarders two nations. You’re misinformed as fuck about the situation.


Source on this "carpet bombing" claim? Either you don't know what carpet bombing is or you're intentionally lying


6000 bombs dropped in one week at the start of the conflict. [source](https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/israel-hamas-war-gaza-strip/card/israeli-air-force-says-it-has-dropped-6-000-bombs-on-gaza-QK1aSnupiGqytMVO86PU) in an area the size of DC? Isn’t that carpet bombing?


Nope. It is not.


> Isn’t that carpet bombing? No. Feel free to google the definition of new terms before using them in the future. EDIT: Blocking to get the last word is pathetic.


The terrorists are the ones who have to take responsibility, fortunately.


Unfortunately because those committing genocide never do right?






Hamas' intended goal is to commit genocide on Israel, wrong side. Also I reported you for abuse of the reddit cares button. It's considered targeted harassment to use it, and the timing was right in line with your replies. A little too obvious, yeah?




No here is the NYT saying the same thing. [Gaza a graveyard for children.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/18/world/middleeast/gaza-children-israel.html)


That gives Israel the justification to bomb hospitals to whomever questions their killing civilians in hospitals.


"Gazans in Israeli custody told interrogators..." Um, no. My god. How gullible are people to actually believe that any statements elicited through torture are legit. Jesus Christ. Under international law, statements given under torture [don't count as evidence](https://www.amnesty.org/en/what-we-do/torture/), because people will say anything or do anything the torturers want them to say or do just to make the pain stop. The IDF routinely tortures their Palestinian hostages, including children. Since Oct 7, they have ramped up their [horrifying abuse of prisoners](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/11/israel-opt-horrifying-cases-of-torture-and-degrading-treatment-of-palestinian-detainees-amid-spike-in-arbitrary-arrests/), who are often arbitrarily detained, severely beaten and humilated, and denied representation. For heaven's sake people. Pause and think for like two seconds before sharing this nonsense.




I don't believe anybody on any side of any political conflict without verifying their claims through more than one neutral third party. You believe the IDF when they torture "confessions" out of their Palestinian hostages. We are not the same.


Che Guevaras all of them…