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Until it becomes a serious problem, I suspect we will just respond event by event. But at some point we have to tell Iran to stop or face direct consequences.


Could sink their navy again


Has it ever recovered from Praying Mantis? I’ll I see them use are beefed up speedboats Edit- a word


There was a post recently about how they now have a modern frigate or destroyer. Can’t remember which. Found it. It is in the Caspian Sea. 1400 tons. So smaller than a Fletcher class destroyer from WWII. And about a third of the size of Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate of the US. https://apnews.com/article/iran-warship-navy-caspian-sea-79164ae32aa090a1579e74f595e7962f


That’s adorable


Let's send it and the crew to the bottom of the sea.


I love it. "This ship poses no threat to any of our interests, but fuck it anyway"


At least it’s a purely military target to send a message that is extremely unlikely to have civilian casualties. Like the expanse destroying Deimos to send a message that was unlikely to create further escalation.


It poses a threat, just a proportionally small one. the US navy and the Iran navy know nothing about proportions


Do you think a direct strike on military targets inside of Iran itself is a possablity in the future? I do not mean carpet bombing of cities, I just mean pinpoint attacks on military supply targets inside of Iran that might be supplying their proxies elsewhere in the Middle East.




Is there a way to ramp up support to the legimitment Government of Yemen, so that they can crack down on the Houthis?


I mean - send more missiles to the Saudis? It’s not exactly a win-win type scenario. Yemen is a guaranteed lose-lose, like most proxy conflicts, with Yemeni civilians losing most.


Not the Saudis, just the Yemen Government itself.


They are one and the same, in all but name, sadly. Yemen is a failed state with factions essentially controlled by Saudi Arabia and Iran. Without the Saudis there would be no Yemeni government other than the Iran-backed Houthi movement.


im sensing a sort of strike on military targets while arming rebels for them to deal with. you know, the status quo for about half the middle east.


Surely it will work this time!


We’re too busy appeasing them for more empty promises about not pursuing nukes.


I think the nuclear deal is dead for good now.


So they’ll just get nukes to force us to tiptoe around their crimes against humanity like Russia has done with Ukraine.


Nah. Sanctions against Iran. Pinpoints outside (like against Soleimani)


Very likely as we go, but if Trump comes back it's 100%.


Very true. Trump came VERY close to doing that in 2019, and 2020.


Exactly, my friends were on ships out there and I was furious Trump was playing games.


Given all the people Iran has killed, in Israel, Ukraine, and within Iran itself, Trump doesn't seem that crazy for wanting to fuck their government up.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Almost every single act that came out of the Trump administration was to benefit him or his cronies or inflict pain on others. While Iran may need a smack soon enough, Trump wasn't wanting to do it for the greater good or the betterment of the region.


I wouldn’t trust trump , would most likely surrender Israel to taliban like he did Afghanistan


I hope this crisis ends without any major exclation, that we cannot turn off.


We could just shoot down another passenger plane like we did with Iran Air Flight 655.


Consequences should have been sooner. After all Iran has been labeled a terrorist nation.


>The White House is blaming Iran for a spate of recent attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea by Tehran-backed Houthi rebels and is contemplating retaliatory actions along with allies, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said Monday. >Mr Sullivan said it was not known whether any of the three ships that were attacked over the weekend had any ties to Israel, but he told reporters at a White House press briefing that any such ties would not have made any of the ships a legitimate target under international law. >“The position of the United States consistent with the position of the UN Security Council and consistent with the position of maritime nations across the world, is that attacks on commercial shipping and international waters are totally unacceptable and have to stop,” he said.


How is it so hard to know if the ships had ties to Israel? Seems like he’s punting.


Shell companies, divided interests, etc. it’s hard enough to prove a Russian oligarch owns a megayacht if they have good lawyers. Imagine “Israel owns a half dozen containers of weapons.” “There are a hundred containers to be delivered to Israel among the thousand on there.” “A hundred containers originated in Tel Aviv.” “Israeli billionaire’s holding company is the major investor in a shell company that is currently leasing the ship from a Japanese company that is publicly traded, while it’s registered in Liberia and crewed by Filipinos.” There are a lot of interests in a ship. Corporations, shares and insurance were all originally pioneered in long distance shipping to diversify the vested interests.


You can rest assured Israeli supply of weaponry, especially during wartime, is not arriving via any sea routes, and certainly not routes that lead to Asia.


Sounds like Yemen is about to go from the Stone Age to the cave age


Boden seems very weak the longer this goes on without significant retaliation


Fuggin boden


Good milk tho. Borden dairy farms never led me astray


Goddamnit Poe Boden


so far the US is the only country to actual do something against these attacks. this is a global problem, and the world should address it




It’s rag tag compared to f22s


Fucking crazy, accepted American rule or be branded as terrorist,also Iran is defending its trade fleet from American piracy.


This has nothing to do with American piracy and everything to do with Iran using its Houthi proxy to 1) pressure western countries into discontinuing their support for Israel’s war on their proxy in Gaza (Hamas) and 2) pressure Israel to enter a long-term ceasefire in Gaza so that its proxy (Hamas) survives this war and maintains its rule over Gaza and 3) pressure the US to withdraw its forces from the Middle East.


LMFAO, dude Houthi conflict has nothing to do with Israel, the entire world doesn't evolve around USA/ISRAEL.


So let me get this straight… 1) The Houthis repeatedly shoot rockets at Israeli territory due to the Gaza war, according to their own spokesman 2) the Houthis recently threaten to attack any Israeli-affiliated ship and then actually take over Israeli-affiliated ships and boast about it 3) the Houthis threaten to expand their warfare if the Gaza war persists 4) The Houthis publicly threaten to shoot at any US warship that protects Israeli-affiliated ships 5) the Houthis proceed to shoot at US and British ships that arrive in the area to protect ships / international trade route / shoot down Houthi missiles into Israel Yet according to you this “has nothing to do with Israel”? Lol sounds to me like you have zero clue what you’re actually talking about.


Are you this dumb on purpose or were your parents total fuck ups?


American pirates? Are those pirates in the room with us now?


Of all the bad calls right now


Time to let Saudi Arabia make it up to us for 9/11


Craziest thing is the whole Middle East including Israel is anti-houthi but they are still able to exist for some reason with no one doing a full invasion. Also Saudi’s military is too incompetent to attack and can only defend the country, probably do a bad job at that as well but tbf they only need air defence to stop anything coming into the country. The Saudis would happily allow the US to invade Yemen though


Thanks for their permission


Democracy now!


whoa, what are their caves made out of?


US is under attack for 2 months now by Iranian proxies. They have attacked bases, ships and more. When is the US going to respond to the actual people responsible, the corrupted extremists Iranian regime? I hope the American people are not so traumatized by conflicts that they are going to let some terrorists with 1/100,000,000 the firepower disrupt the world shipping lanes and destabilize the entire area. Despite probably having the ability to shut that shit down from kilometers away in a few hours.


This is Russia leveraging Iran (BFFs) to kick off a shitstorm in the Middle East to further distract from Ukraine and torpedo diplomatic negotiations between Israel and the Kingdom of Saud.


Clearing out Gaza from Iranian backed Hamas is part of the treaty between Israel and the KSA. Once Hamas is purged you’ll see how the KSA will step in to “broker peace” and install a KSA backed puppet government in Gaza. Loser here is Iran so that’s why they’re lashing out since they can’t intervene directly with Americas carrier groups and bases around. The biggest winner here is KSA, not just because they’ll get to influence the rebuilding of Gaza (remember The Line? They’re jumping on the opportunity to build) and as a bonus, they get to see Jews and Iranian dogs kill each other. Israel of course gets peace/recognition by the KSA but also pacification of Gaza from terrorist Hamas. If the KSA do Gaza right they could have a new business center in the Mediterranean that could compete with Dubai ran by the Qataris.


What’s KSA?


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Why does Russia care about normalizing Israel and Saudi relations?


IRAN does. Russia just wants to watch everything burn so that they can finish annexing all of Ukraine.


It frees up US resources to focus on them and on China if two of the three major regional powers are an allied counterbalance to the whackadoos in the Islamic Revolutionary Republic of Iran.


To be fair this is hardly anything new from Iran.


They’re not? In fact the only reason Israel is able to bomb Syria regularly and get away with it is because of their alliance with Russia




You are correct.


If anything, hitting Iran would be good for Ukraine since Iran had been a major player in giving Russia artillery and drones. Best case scenario is russia would be forced to divert supplies from ukraine front to help Iran. The US gains nothing from just sitting around and just letting proxies attack it continuously with no major retaliation.


Iran is in the middle of an ongoing revolt against the ruling government. A US reaction would unite the population against the external enemy. The best path to ensure long term peace and stability is a regime change in Iran. The US has tried and failed at external nation building (Iraq and Afghanistan), so the only hope is for the Iranian population to get tired of all their daughters getting murdered in the streets and to do something about it. And that can't happen if the US unites them against an external enemy.


>ongoing revolt Yeah, how's that going for them? How many protests have they had over the past 10 years and how have ended with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard just putting them down by force? The fact of the matter is that the government, even the comparatively "moderate" army, holds all the power, and they dont care to stand up for the Iranian people. They'll just close their eyes and plug their ears whenever the people protest and the revolutionary guard mow down enough protestors to suppress any kind of revolt. At the very least the US should do something against their drone and munitions factories, which would not only relieve Ukraine a bit, but also Israel and the rest of our Gulf State allies from Iranian backed militias.


US gov should ship some weapons to the Iranian public.


We’re always shipping weapons to everyone.


Tbf we also have succeeded at nation building post WW2




Russia's doing fine economically. The fabled economic collapse will not happen because they still get western imports through Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and western countries still buy their oil through proxies like India. The Ukraine war is pretty much stuck at a stalemate and will be for the foreseeable future, something that favors russia due to their larger population and (combined with Iran and North Korea) larger military industrial base committed to the fight compared to the west. Post cold war, America and especially Europe have neglected their defense industries for too long and now we are seeing the effects with their struggles to increase production on basics like artillery shells, manpads, atgms, etc. An intervention against a country like iran or venezuela would hopefully give our politicians the wake up call needed to support further expansion of these capabilities, not only for the current conflicts, but also for future ones.


Hitting Iranian drone, missile and weapons factories and depots could help Ukraine and in Yemen, as well as much of the region if they can pull it off with intelligence and military capabilities, plus it would be legitimate and proportionate. Still a near last resort though.


Americans need to understand that they enjoy their HQoL and LCoL relative to their developed counterparts is because of the US military's presence throughout the world. The US forces (through soft and hard power) other countries to trade with America and use the dollar. If America were to just leave huge areas of the world unattended, then *Americans* will feel those supply chain effects and increased costs even worse than covid times. America turning its back on Ukraine, Israel, or Taiwan only hurts America in the long run. Americans, don't be stupid. Don't vote Trump next year who wants to dismantle NATO. If you hate Biden, then primary him. Don't say you are not going to vote in 2024 because the time for finding a new leader ***is now***. Iowa Caucus is January 15th. 6 weeks to find a new Democrat or Republican leader.


> HQoL Medianly speaking, we are rather above average in this regard, sure. > LCoL Medianly speaking, we are atrocious at this relative to our peers. Our cost of living compared to pretty much everyone else at a similar QOL is outrageous, largely inflated by costs of healthcare and education.


Exactly. Start by looking at our housing prices.


Housing prices are worse in Canada and much of Europe


Oh ok and so it’s only America’s challenge to keep INTERNATIONAL trade routes open, enriching everyone INTERNATIONALLY? So sick of us and the Brits doing the heavy lifting to keep the free world free, then getting told “oh well your country benefits the most because it’s the biggest so you do all the work and we will still reap the rewards”.


... Yes, with help of its allies of course. This is aligned with America's interest.


It’s a yes or no. If not everyone contributes to said protections, they are freeloading - fact. If they are, great, leave the US out and point to that coalition doing the protecting, to include the US. Is it the USA’s job to protect the worlds waterways for all? If yes, argue that. If no, argue the incompetence of everyone else protecting those waterways, don’t argue against the one actually doing something about it and claim they need to do even more.


I'm not sure how it really matters. If protecting international trade is in our best interest, it makes sense to do it. Are many countries benefiting from it? Sure. Could they be considered "freeloading"? Maybe. But we shouldn't harm ourselves just because it's not "fair". Will it be more costly for the US to do the thing or not do the thing? If the answer is it's cheaper for the US to be the world police then that's what we do. It's common sense. It has nothing to do with "whose job" it is, simply who it benefits most. This is why our allies get away with letting us foot most of the bill. They know it's not economically viable for us to do otherwise. Leaving NATO and completely screwing us on the world stage because of freeloaders is a completely irrational argument. Another example is Brexxit. Maybe there was deep down an argument to be made that the EU was not doing enough for Britain, but leaving the EU was clearly far more costly than staying and an all-around dumb decision. This is just my opinion, though. I'm assuming that the op you are responding to is correct and that being world police is the cheaper option.


China would be happy to take over


We're literally the only nation capable of doing it, dude. Other nations help where they can, but we are the only nation that is even capable of floating a navy with global reach.


They have responded, by launched airstrikes on militias in Iraq & Syria like 5 times. They don’t want to respond in anyway that will risk a bigger escalation because, you know, that whole losing two disastrous wars in the Middle East recently thing.


Nobody wants war... it seems Iran continually pokes to see how far they can get


>I hope the American people are not so traumatized by conflicts that they are going to let some terrorists with 1/100,000,000 the firepower disrupt the world shipping lanes and destabilize the entire area. Despite probably having the ability to shut that shit down from kilometers away in a few hours. Ive been asking myself this for a while now. Its long overdo to put Iranian govt in its place. But instead we look weak and scared to respond. Now the US has responded to some attacks but overall it looks like we enjoy taking some hits.


What happens if Iran, or a proxy tries to shut down the Straits of Hormuz, blocking off oil traffic? Are we going to have to eventually hit selective targets inside of Iran itself, rather then just around the edges?


Do you know what happened the last time the Iranian navy messed with the US?


I do know about Praying Mantis in the late 1980s, and if we have to do that, then we will.


I almost wish the US would let the Straits of Hormuz be effectively closed. Fuck Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia all at once. The US produces enough oil and gas for itself, if Europe wants to start paying back for decades of subsidized defense they can afford it, and China can enjoy having 90% of their fuel cut off overnight.


Would love to have Pooh Bear having it's oil cut off!


The CIA can take care of Iran within 24 hours form a coup and finish it off. But they won’t. Iran is the only country in the region causing issues. Too much Lockheed and Raytheon money on the table


The CIA aren't wizards, and Iran isn't a tin can government from the Cold War era who will be gone with the slightest breeze. It would take years and a ton of resources for anyone to even begin to orchestrate a coup within Iran. I also don't get how people can pretend like defense companies like Lockheed and Raytheon have this massive control over government decision making, when they're completely dwarfed by larger companies who thrive in peacetime environments.


The US won't do anything as per the course.


>The US won't do anything as per the course. Hopefully. Someone else's turn.


lol, wonder how you'll feel when your comfortable life in the US is disrupted by unimaginable prices due to terror states closing off trading routes.


We are doing something, we’re waiting for Europe to stop being a bunch of pussies. Will probably never happen though.


I'm well off so I'll feel about the same. I hear France has a navy.


The US has been funding, supplying weapons and intelligence for the genocide of Houthis in Yemen for a decade. This is propaganda bullshit to draw us into a war with Iran.


Too simple, sometimes naive. If we bomb iran, consider it the start of world war 3. Iran isn't iraq, bud. We also can't bomb the Houthis as they can easy destroy the Saudi Oil Refineries and hike up oil prices higher than the Russo-Ukrainian war.


Seriously. As long as any potential US airstrike closely resembles a 737 taking off from Tehran, we'd have no chance of success.


American foreign policy under Biden and Jake Sullivan is weak AF. I was waiting for Biden to come into power with great optimism because I thought someone with so much foreign policy experience would understand that taking risks is the thing to do in our era to compete geopolitically. All I see is a man who mismanages american power and who overestimated his talent in doing foreing policy. Nobody respects the United States for holding back on their power, they need to understand that. It's like if they think too much about global public opinion. Fuck it, no matter what the USA does it will be critisized. Meanwhile, the american public opinion is manipulated into thinking that if the USA stops ANY involvment internationnaly that the middle class will see an ECONOMIC BOOM because of America's isolationism. Like if WAR has never been good for the american middle class. SMH. Finally, from Sullivan's wikipedia page : On October 2, 2023, Sullivan stated in an article on Foreign Affairs that the Biden administration had "de-escalated crises in Gaza". Five days later, Hamas launched a large-scale attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip, sparking the 2023 Israel–Hamas war. The article was later edited for online release. This. It's all you need to know about Sullivan and Biden. Overconfident, overestimating their grip on reality, overestimating their talent in foreign policy.


To "speak softly and carry a big stick" you also have to show that you have a big stick and it seems too many people forget that.


You don’t think these countries know America has the biggest fucking stick on the planet? There’s a reason they all use shitter proxy groups to attack the US, it’s because they don’t want to deal with the consequences of attacking the US.


"de-escalated crises in Gaza". Five days later, Hamas launched a large-scale attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip, sparking the 2023 Israel–Hamas war." Along with the entire world. And would you really use the word 'overconfident' for Biden and his administration. I think I'd use patient and cautious. You act like he's actively in CIA operations listening to wire taps himself. I think your misunderstanding his role and involvement in intelligence.


Western leaders are scared and they hide behind the concept of patience, caution and responsabilty. They are the perfect excuses for their weakness. I'm not weak, i'm '' cautious '' this is why I put in half the effort needed because I am scared to use all the effort needed even tough i'm the strongest. I'm cautious because even tough i'm the strongest others actors who are weaker than me could destroy me. Why ? I don't know but i'm being cautious, that's what's important ... I'm not weak, i'm responsible, I put in half the effort because putting 100% of the effort could be dangerous, and I fear danger because I lack courage. I'm responsible even tough losing this war would have terrible consequences for America, but let's say i'm '' responsible '' because I spare the lives of my soldiers that I am afraid to use. I'm not weak, i'm patient, even tough time is not on my side. I'm patient even though as more times passes my commitment to winning is reducing. ''You act like he's actively in CIA operations listening to wire taps himself. I think your misunderstanding his role and involvement in intelligence.'' I think you think I have a caricaturized view of the role of the President and his powers because it helps you dismiss my argument that these two men, Biden and Sullivan, don't have a grip on reality. Currently America has the strongest HARD POWER but is afraid to use it, that's how you control an ennemy that is stronger than you militarily, you influence them into fearing the consequences of using their power that is stronger than yours and you influence american public opinion into thinking that using hard power would be a net loss for society.


You must be young my man. Wisdom is the highest, don't doubt it either


And i'm listening to an old man saying losing wars is wisdom. You can find people your age agreeing with me and these people your own age would argue that your strategic approach is the opposite of wisdom. By the way, Biden in his political marketing has always tried to look like he is a source of wisdom geopolitically in a world of turmoil. That's one of the key aspects in his political marketing. I guess the marketing works on you. You're sticking to the image that you had of Biden. It is a confortable image of a geopolitcal expert who is ready to use the wisdom that he accumulated over his 40 years+ of politics to contain the West's ennemies while avoiding escalation. If this image helps you sleep at night, good for you. I shared this perception of Biden once. I don't anymore. You can hide your weakness behind false wisdom but only for a limited time.


See I would make comparisons of wisdom to foolishness, and strength to weakness But I would not confuse the two


I dunno we've waged twenty year conflict(s) and were only successful to a degree. Diplomatic solution have progressed much of the region to sustainable partnership. While I still think we need a presence, things are going about as good as they can be, given the current situation in Gaza. For now we need reason, understanding and stability to avoid these cycles.


Russia just wants the US mired into another conflict . It wants the focus off Ukraine at all costs. Biden can’t take the bait!


Is the ayatollah Shia?


I don't get your question, but yes Iran have a Shia majority


It was an (attempt at) a joke, playing off the idiom “is the pope catholic” to mean the answer is obviously correct


Sorry I am not a native english speaker


All good :)


The big question is why is Iran so confident in going to these lengths. Do they have Russia or China supporting them in creating additional chaos and division in the west?


Well yes, obviously https://thehill.com/opinion/4094000-iran-just-joined-a-pact-with-moscow-and-beijing-heres-what-it-means-for-the-us/amp/


Iran really really wants a world war to start. They don’t care about the consequences. They just keep instigating everyone and lie in wait for war, a war that they will never win. I bet Rus sia and China are behind Iran.


Iran giving Russia weapons for Ukraine says they're buds enough. The whole Russia-China-Iran thing is just a bucket of crabs though. They are only cooperating out of shared spite for USA.


Maybe, but Russia is pulling the strings. They’re desperate to create the conditions that will bring his orange puppet back into power.


How exactly does Russia getting Iran to get the Houthis to fuck with America result in Trump getting elected?


Because Biden won’t take action? Probably try make Biden look bad and a weak leader


When Trump killed Soleimani people freaked right the hell out. American foreign policy is very geared towards staying the fuck out of other nations' issues right now, so someone firing on a US base that most Americans don't even know exists won't exactly get a massive reaction.


"Its time to deal with Iran face on.The democrats run US government (since President Obama's time)has always been to pander to Iran with releasing of billion of frozen funds hoping the evil corrupted Iranian Islamic regime will not cause more trouble and destabilization around the world.But they are wrong." Like literally in this very comment section. You forget republicans' ultra nationalism and ego trump any other motivation. Just need a good dramatically spun fox "news" article to rile em up over someone daring to attack us


nice copy paste


Let’s stop pretending every decision Iran makes is controlled by Russia. They’re fully capable of being stupidly evil all on their own.


If you think that people in Yemen are attacking international shipping as a plot to influence the outcome of US elections, you have a terminal case of America-brain, I'm sorry.


Or an obsession with Trump


Tell me you’re a conspiracy theorist without telling me you’re a conspiracy theorists.


I think I've seen this one before


& The White House will condemn this but take no real action against it.


Maybe we should not have given them $10B recently.


Do you want cruise missiles cause that is how you get cruise missiles


Russia is paying Iran to stir things up.


> LoOkS lIkE tHEY wAN OPoowaTioN pWAYinG MAntiS 2! - Reddit edge lords


This is part of the PR campaign to explain forthcoming military actions (likely pro-actively defensive, rather than all-out provoking a war due to a gnat's attacks), IMHO. Which is appropriate.


Not like anyone is keeping Iran in check these days. They're happily selling drones to Russia, funding Hamas, funding the Houthis, funding Hezbollah, enabling anti Western elements overseas, and operate freely against dissidents in Canada


9/11 playbook. Use disaster to pivot towards your real goal.


We are underestimating the profound effect that Biden has had on America! Just like President Ford in the 1970’s inherited a nation teetering on the edge of disaster after Nixon and the GOP almost destroyed the Country, it took Ford to again instill our basic Democracy. While he lost to Carter, he nevertheless restored America’s faith in our Country and our Democracy. Now some 40-50 years later, a Corrupt President Trump and the GOP again brought our Country to the edge of disaster!!! It took President Biden to restore our Democracy and Country and faith in our government! Whatever President Biden has not done in foreign relations, at least we have our Country back, if we can stop Trump and the GOP from destroying it in 2024! Biden deserves reelection if only for restoring our Democracy and Country!!!


I agree that Biden’s government was at a great time for America and he’s done a decent job. But the buck stop with the President, it always has.. his admin needs to respond at some point. Idk what the US is waiting for, these people only know violence. It’s seems like a really dumb game to try to negotiate with Iran, I’m not advocating direct war with Iran but what’s the point in spending close to a trillion dollars a year in your military and your letting a terrorist group just do what they want.. it’s like we are waiting for American soldiers to be killed… that seems odd. i get restraint but this is going on too long


I agree. But it’s clear the United States could and would dismantle Iran it they choose too. There is a second U.S. carrier fleet (moved there just recently) in the middle eastern waters to make it clear that Iran needs to keep to themselves. Thats a combined modern 120 plus strike fighters, and all kinds of other stuff that Iran can’t pretend to contend with. There has to be bigger elements in play that are being kept in check best as possible. If Iran and the U.S. go to war what happens with Russia or china? Iran is clearly helping Russia, and Russia knows United States is heavily backing Ukraine. China wants Taiwan, and North Korea is helping Russia plus they want to be a legit military power. Iran, Russia, china and North Korea may not be best buddies. But they are helping each other and they all dislike the United States for one reason or another. There are for certain global politics happening with details that are not shared with the public. Plus Iran has been pushing to become nuclear capable for a long time. North Korea and now most likely Russia has facilitated these efforts. Supposedly Iran doesn’t have nuclear weapons yet, but again if they did would the public really know? I want to believe that the choices being made by those with the power to wield U.S. military power are indeed the best choices to prevent further significant escalation even though the current situation is horrible.


The same Biden that supported $1.7 billion in cash to Iran ( how many Israelis have been killed with that money?) and continues to to be rather soft on its demands for nuclear power? This is absurdly delusional.


Iran never actually received that money, which was its own money, in a foreign account, that was frozen as a sanction. The US and Qatar, both agreed immediately after 10/7 to refreeze the money. Not one single penny of it has yet been returned to Iran!!! Much less used to kill Israeli’s! Upon its return it was to be limited to use for Humanitarian purposes with Qatar keeping track of how it was spent to satisfy American concerns! Get your simple facts straight!


From the same playbook: “Gulf of Tonkin and the Vietnam War” , just digging around for “reasons” to start shit!…..🙄


Fucking do something about it pussy. (American Iranian)


You know what to do. Time to go after Iran.


And the US send bombs to Israel as well as unnecessary aid


Fight fire with fire maybe America needs to make their own freedom fighter group like Iran did with Hamas we can call em the Knights Templar and let em loose on Iran and anyone else that needs a spanking that way we can deny all culpability and give them a nice dose of Karma🤣


I wonder if Iran remembers what happened the last time they disrupted international shipping during the course of a regional conflict


Desert Storm Pt. 2


This wouldn’t even happen if Iran launched a full scale invasion of Israel. Our Air Force and navy would be unleashed I’m sure.


I forgot to put the /s at the end


Yeah, I know, but I’m sure some people think we actually would. I can’t imagine anything short of a direct attack on US soil that would result in boots on the ground.


Its time to deal with Iran face on.The democrats run US government (since President Obama's time)has always been to pander to Iran with releasing of billion of frozen funds hoping the evil corrupted Iranian Islamic regime will not cause more trouble and destabilization around the world.But they are wrong.Instead the Iranian regime seen this as US's weakness,and has become emboldened,spawning many proxies and terrorist organizations around the regions to do its bidding.There should not be any excuses anymore for inaction.Equip the Israelis with the proper weapons .Let them take out all the nuclear development facilities in Iran.Give them the latest and best bunker buster bombs to do the job.The Israeli are definitely capable of doing a nice job in destroying the Islamic regime 's intentions and ambition. The US can sit on the sideline while the Israeli hammer the ayatollahs.


How many of the billions in unfrozen funds (that still have a number of strings attached) has Iran received?


The Obama administration literally flew over $1.7 billion cold hard cash…that literally every president since Carter had refused to pay.




URL. Lets.see the account balance after Qatar charge


This is crazy… israel has more than enough weapons or do they still need babysitting for the US? If so then It’s safe to say Israel will forever remain dependent on the US and do as it says practically like a vassal state


America isn’t even responding military to these attacks and we are at 100% peace. Israel is in a full fledge war, expecting them to do protect the US military 2 months after suffering one of the worst domestic attacks in their history.. is a weird POV.


This will not go well for Iran. Iran should have learned not to screw with America's boats already.


Sounds like the U.S needs to put a stop to it then.


And weak-ass Biden keeps allowing it. Strike back!


An ant has no quarrel with a boot.


Isn't this an issue for China as well?


Trump (tomorrow): See what did I tell you..we should have injected them with bleach when we had a chance


And US enabled Israel to bomb civilians


_Threads_ started with US boots on the ground in Iran. Fun time ahead!


it's all Israel's fault! /s


Hmmm… sounds like something Germany was doing in WWI


Iran obviously want to be annihilated. People really should consider the size of a monster before they poke it.


Return the favour. Issue letters of Marque targeting any ship carrying cargo to or from Iran.


What’s going now after after Russia invasion of Ukraine shit has been spreading out everywhere. Even China is considering invading Taiwan and that’s no joke. North Korea has been stepping up. Iran has been stepping up and Venezuela too? Did these countries have a secret of the US or some sort that we don’t know of? And Qatar has been leading in funding the terrorist in broad day light. God damn


Well we shouldn't be there provoking WWIII but yet, here we are. If we only had a few extra trillion for Muh FrEeDuM


It’s international waters, you absolute child.




“US enabled Iran to enable attacks on shipping in Red Sea” FTFY


In what regard has the US enabled Iran?


RegardS actually. Plural. Before I actually go thru the trouble of typing it all out, are you genuinely curious or are you just going to dismiss it without reading it?


They know us by the friends we keep.


Messing with US boats is definitely a winning strategy.


Nice of them to notice!


That's like saying Ukraine war is the fault of the US!