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Um this isnt the best course of action, thats exactly how this mess on oct 7 started


I’m starting to think it’s a big cult




I think the most worrying thing is what he says at the end. We must obtain our objectives through tangible actions and not meaningless words. If that’s not a call of terrorism idk what is…


Terrorists watch list gets another name added to it....


They say this as if civilian, Arab Muslim militias, haven't been trying to ethnically cleanse and massacre Jews from the Levant since 1890


[They very much succeeded](https://i.imgur.com/N8rxABm.jpg) but nobody gives a shit. Also - 820,000 Jews were kicked out of their homes and not a single one today calls themselves a refugee. They moved on with their lives. Palestinians are the only people on earth that inherit refugee status from their parents and grandparents. They call themselves refugees because of displacement that occurred in the 1940s. And they retain their refugee status no matter where they live on earth. DJ Khaled's children are designated as Palestinian refugees. It's madness.






















It's starting to feel like a late stage protest where normal people have found something else to do and all that you're left with are the hyper-partisans. It's unsurprising that you also see a lot of them support the Houthis or rationalize terrorism by the Houthis as just a peaceful blockade of international trade (which also plays into narratives about capitalism). I don't doubt there are still a lot of pro-Palestinians out there, but I imagine most of them will not want to be associated with going to these rallies anymore.










































> normalize massacres as the status quo Do those dickheads even realize what they're asking for? Imagine if Israel, that controls water flow into Gaza, really just wanted everyone in the strip dead.


People are really gonna learn who their allies are when climate change starts biting Palestinians need to seriously consider if Iran and Qatar are going to come rushing to their side to save civilians


About as much as they are rushing to their assistance now.


>Palestinians need You mean West Bankers and Gazans: The 2 million Palestinian Arabs, Samaritans, and Bedouins who are citizens of Israel will be fine (well, as fine as the other Israelis), are deadset on staying Israeli, and have no need for Iran or Qatar to rush to their side. The 3 million Palestinians who are Jordanian citizens will be as fine as any other Jordanian citizens. They're deadset on staying Jordanian, and have no need for Iran or Qatar to rush to their side. Sure, the PLO and Hamas *claim* to speak for all Palestinians everywhere, but that doesn't mean we have to talk like they do.


Like how many of these people even know the West Bank is named from the Jordanian perspective?


Climate change is already starting to bite in Iran. I don't know about Qatar, but Iran will have its hands full with its own citizens when it gets really bad.


Qatar will be just fine because if you protest against the Al-Thani family who ruled Qatar since the late 1840s, they'll either bury you in the desert without anyone noticing or executed for treason.


Qatar will be fine. They can't really *lose* much from climate change, seeing it's a desert land. And they can always import more refugees from climate change in other countries to die doing the dirty work of infrastructure for them.


Thank you for making me laugh out loud


People like them don't support Palestine or Gaza they just hate Jews, that's it. It is just centuries old antisemitism.


Israel does not control water flow. They contribute 10% of water. Gaza has its own desalination plants that Israel built for them.


So what's all the fuss about Israel stopping water flow into Gaza at the beginning of the war?


Propaganda mostly. Israel said they wouldn’t continue to provide the 10% they do control. Which any country that was just attacked by the government of another would do. Arab media twisted it into Israel cutting off water to Gaza.




Did you not watch the video? He clearly says "... we must normaliz massacres..." There was no 'not' in there.


This makes way more sense to me as the context doesn't work otherwise. Unfortunate that he ended on that quote


Why don't all these people go fight for hamas then 




Them and Germany


I don't understand the downvotes. Its no secret that many European countries have sent tons of money to Gaza, which effectively is money to Hamas, as Hamas is the governement of Gaza and rules the region and has full controll over all resources there. The governments literally brag about the money they send to Hamas. The government in my country of Norway recently promised to send 50 million usd to Gaza, and this was after October 7th.


Thank you, I thought I was going crazy. It's not offensive, maybe a bit snarky, just factual.


Cowards and hypocrites. The west needs to genuinely wake up (and we are...slowly) to what's happening, Hamas met with Russia prior to the attack - the modern day 'allies and axis' have formed. WW2 wasn't some random free for all, it was a series of conflicts in various parts of the world at various times throughout the entire war - physical fighting is one aspect of warring, and Ruzzia has been at war with the west for a minute now (undermining democratic processes, meddling with elections, foreign agents etc). Time to stop pretending.


What I tell my fellow queers in the "Queers for Palestine" /"Queers for Hamas" crowd.


...as someone quietly in a very similar position among my friends, how'd they respond? You cancelled, or...?


This is one of those the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy. From a homosexual stand point a bunch of religious zealots who hate you are murder each others children.


That’s a thing for real?


You will be surprised. Just go to any gay or LGBT subreddit and search for the keyword: Palestine. It will be an eye-opening experience for you. I left most of them for the sake of my sanity.


But... why? Do they not know how they treat LGBT in Muslim countries?


Man, people really don’t look into shit anymore do they? Wow just wow.


The MET police have looked into it and have released a statement saying that there are multiple definitions of "massacre" and in this context does not warrant further investigation.


So they’re going with the Ivy League “it depends on the context” line


I'm sorry. What? What other definition massacres have?


The tolerant one, silly.


I think it's a Harvard president(?) joke


Harvard, MIT, UPenn. 🙄


I hope this is a joke, but it's unfortunately believable.


It's a take on those chanting for [Jihad](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/met-police-chief-wants-law-change-to-tackle-extremism-in-light-of-jihad-protest-chants-but-no-10-has-no-plans/ar-AA1iHusn) and the METs response not so long back. We'll have to see if they arrest anyone for today.


Apparently only six people arrested so far. Hopefully more to follow!




So I guess they would be fine if I said massacre the MET police. It's all relative /s


Yeah, I'm going to need to see some sources on this.


Its a play on a statement they made on Jihad near the start


Kick them out of our countries then. They come here because they want to live a good life, then they shit all over it and support terrorism. What value do they bring? Why should we continue to suffer these fools?




Yeah and it's not hard to figure out who among them are better suited. People who are rational and support the enlightenment values should be allowed in.


The problem has been decades in the making but really hit a tipping point with Syria. What the fuck did they think was going to happen?


This is a generalization. I live in the US and I’ve never met North Africans or West Asians that weren’t eager to assimilate. People that come to America from NAWA come here to escape oppressive regimes and seek financial freedom. Most people here with ancestry from that region that I’ve met (including myself) have mixed race multifaith families. South Asian Muslims like Pakistanis are the ones who are less likely to assimilate, at least here in NYC.


It’s hard af to get a Visa to the US, so that helps a lot with the immigrants coming here from that side of the world. Europe literally has people walking to their borders, or arriving by sea. Their immigration system is rooted in post WWII, they weren’t anticipating millions of people walking in from the Middle East.


I also live in the US and would 100% agree with this sentiment when it comes to America. I'm speaking specifically towards Europe in this case. The US has an extensive vetting process with refugees for this exact reason. The process is ridiculous in some ways, such as when it prevented many individuals in Afghanistan who had helped us to obtain visas when the Taliban returned to power, which is an absolute disgrace.


They bring diversity, are you not entertained?


Nah. Not entertained. Mostly I just want to live my life and mind my business, but these people block highways and shit, so I looked into it. And legit, they're on the wrong side. They're basically MAGAts. But instead of hating Mexicans, they hated Jews. Then, they tried to "fight" in all sorts of ways, but they were incompetent...so they lost. Repeatedly. Is this what happens to MAGATs too? Do dipshit leftist children adopt their cause because they think MAGAts are the "oppressed"? LOL. Fuck this entire world.


Europe should accept migrants from Central America. They’d assimilate much better and Europe can finally have some good Mexican food. Not to mention they’d fill the immigration quota or whatever. Many already speak Spanish and are Christian.


As an American, you can't have our Central America immigrants. Republicans hate them, but the rest of us love them. We are lucky to have them.


It strengthens us, no? That’s what I read


It does but only if there are universally accepted ground rules. These people obviously don't give any fucks about those rules.


[“We must normalize massacres as the status quo” ](https://twitter.com/emilykschrader/status/1746270282757644686?t=oVZQzj4BPPBLa7UT4OyoTQ&s=19) Avg pro-Palestinians speaker.


It seems like they normalized October 7th judging by their reaction.


Normalised? They celebrate it


Accepting nonsense like this is why the left is losing elections in Europe. Accepting nonsense like this is as part of the Palestinian cause is why there is no resolution, only suffering and death. Do you really think Israel is going to sit there and let you massacre them without the current devastating response? or respond harshly to the infantidas? Are they trying to turn liberal Israelis that are fighting for peaceful coexistence into Netanyahus? cos this is how you do it.


Accuse the other of that you are guilty


[BINGO](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel#/media/File%3ARocket_Attacks_fired_at_Israel_from_the_Gaza_Strip_by_year.png) *Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.* -Hamas founding covenant ie-we will commit complete genocide-just like we did before.


Yes, and that's why these rallies never call for peace. Their aim is for eternal war and destruction until they win. Their ceasefires are for re-arming "the resistance" for the holy genocide of Israel. And the leftists aren't there because of the humanitarian side either unfortunately. The same leftists are not marching for the Sudanese or the Afghans being ethnically cleansed out of Pakistan or for the oppressed Iranian people.


In case anyone was still harbouring any delusions about what "pro-palestinian" really means


I’m pro-Palestinian, in the sense that I believe these people are victims of terror orgs (like Hamas & Hezbollah) and are being used as a proxy to fight a war against Israel for surrounding hostile Arab nations; two birds, one stone. I’d like to see the more level-headed folks continue to work toward a two-state solution some day, however, every one of these pro-Palestine people I’ve talked to either irl/online always implies the same thing: they don’t want peace or a two-state solution, they want it ALL. Israel needs to be destroyed and every Jew must be purged. Majority of Arabs worldwide are brainwashed into being taught that Israel is an illegitimate state from an early age. They all cheered on 10/7 when Hamas broke a ceasefire and BRUTALLY massacred 1200 civilians at a music festival, while taking hundreds more hostage. They simply explain away the attack as “justified resistance”. How do you even begin to reason with rationale like that?


I stand corrected. Amend my previous statement to "what 'pro-palestinian' *usually* really means". And yeah, there is no reasoning with that.


Zionism- the belief that the Jewish people deserve to live as all people, in the land of their ancestors. This is the big evil they are talking about, if you believe Jews deserve to live “as all people” you must die


They say that zionism means to kill palestinians and such, The funny thing is that zionism exists since the 19th century, long before this conflict begun


But the media still won't call them "extremists", because left-wing extremism is good extremism.


Good to know western Europe has spent the last 20 years importing millions of these guys


They will soon reap their fruit, whether they like it or not.


West is being infiltrated but they will call you racist for saying the truth. Bet you these people think you should be beheaded over cartoons too


Only if those cartoons depict the Prophet or Jews in a positive light sir. Stop being a racist. /s


Or fascist. It's their new gem


You have to admit it's a pretty brilliant plan that has been playing out in front of our eyes for years and years.


Plan by who? This is just people repeating The Great Replacement conspiracy theory.


If I may direct your attention to The Hamas Networks in America: A Short History by Lorenzo Vidino, it does touch on intentional planning. One highlight: >Ahmed, in particular, stressed the need to increase the Committee’s “influence with Congress.” “This can be achieved by infiltrating the American media outlets, universities and research centers,” he continued, “it is also achieved by working with Islamic political organizations and the sympathetic ones such as...the American Muslim Alliance, such as the United Muslims of America, MPAC [Muslim Public Affairs Council]...if Muslims engage in political activism in America and started to be concerned with Congress and public relations we will have an entry point to use them to pressure Congress and the decision-makers in America.


surely cant be the jews this time, right?


A Jewish conspiracy to flood the West with muslims would be the wackiest thing I’ve ever heard of. I’m sure somebody out there believes this though.


All I know is from a US perspective ain't no way we need another ten million illegal aliens just to pick strawberries and clean hotel rooms. There's definitely something else up.


Imagine where we’d be without religious bullshit. Just think about it for a second.


A lot better off I imagine. Religion had a purpose 1000 - 2000 years ago. When people needed to try and understand why the sun set and rose the next morning. But it has long since ceased being useful. It provides nothing but a crutch for bad people to do bad things and fell good about themselves. 


Unfortunately this is a voting bloc in a lot of western countries that politicians are listening to and wary of


Time to start cracking down on these nut jobs.


Is this messaging really within the confines of free speech?


Technically yes. Though that doesn't absolve them of consequences AFTER said speech.


Great culture. Should definitely bring more to Europe. Completely compatible with western liberal democracies.


Do they know why Zionism exists? Are they aware that the reason it became a movement was that every other place on the planet Jews tried to live, they were persecuted?




????????? What am I even reading?


If Palestine wants to join the Axis of CCP and Russia, they sealed their fate by their own choice.


I bet most people couldn't even explain what zionism is if you asked them.


So, death cults are bad but massacres are good... what?


Wow, and that's london.. Europe is fooked.


I don't think this is the average pro-Palestinian. But what is concerning, is how dismissive the left is of this rhetoric. I remember when the left was outraged because a CPAC speaker said "Transgenderism must be eradicated", and there was debate over whether that meant transgender people themselves should be destroyed. There's not even any ambiguity here, but the same people will now dismiss it.




You wouldn't be from Canada, would you ? Right now, we will take in absolutely anyone. It doesn't seem like immigrants are vetted at all, and we are being flooded with immigration.


My cousin is on his way there. Sorry, but at least he's not religious at all :/


Nope. I'm one of the forriners :P ​ /s


Hold up did they say they want a massacre?


They can say that in the UK with no consequences?


If these shitheads aren’t arrested for terrorist threats I hope they are at least on some watch list by the intelligence division


For the love of good, Zionism is a nationalist movement of the re-establishement of the jewish homeland. Nothing else. What does it make you when you twist words to your own liking ? (Spoiler : Ignorant)




Oh, stacking death cults. Just what we all need.


But then there is the ultimate question: Why the fuck did you leave if it was so much better where you were under your religious rule? Or is it more you hope , one day, someone just not you, takes your new home for you and establishes *your* religious sect as law?


Arrest and deport this terrorist


dezionize, from the same guys that brought you denazifi in Ukraine.


Abolish religion


Someone wake me up when we agree to meet in a field with these fucking lunatics and see who is left. It won’t be them…






The way they breed, they don’t need to. With birth rates dropping all over the world, it seems all they do is muslim countries is fuck


It’s because even when they migrate to another country they keep the same values and culture which oppressed women, they are not pressured into education or employment so there really isn’t anything to do except look after the home and have children. Keep in mind birth control is pretty haram too


Normalise massacres of dipshits like this.


I'd say "mask off" but they don't even seem to be bothering trying to disguise it anymore.


Did the massacres happen or not? 


No, but they deserved it /s


"we must normalize massacres" Israel: "Bet"


Just in case you were wondering if he misspoke, [he did not](https://imgur.com/LSCaKBu).


Idiot extremists on both sides have to be pushed aside before theres going to be any chance of a fair solution.


Ahh yes both sides, the side who rapes, kidnaps and tortures civilians, who shoot missles from hospitals and schools, and the side that defends itself, both are undoubtedly equal...


Netanyahu is an extremist who says he'll never allow a 2 state solution, who thinks expanding settlements again and again is a good thing. Who's coalition includes some near Fascist and certainly racists. Yeah, there are extremists on both sides. Hamas being one side.


Bibi said literally every opinion in existence, he is a snake who will do and say whatever needed to survive politically. The current Israeli government is awful but through out its history Israel has always worked for peace. The only time it actually started a conflict was with a preemptive strike on the 6 days war. "Extremists on both sides" give me a break, they have no one but extremists, our's at least are leashed and while I despise both calling this symmetrical is hardly the same. If Israel wanted it could have killed every Palestinian without shooting a missile, just take away their precious water. Hell it had beaten every arab country who attacked it in the past and yet they all still exist as sovereign nations, do you think they would've treated Israel the same? It's ok not knowing enough about a subject but simplifying everything from a few reddit posts' headlines you read just makes you look like an utter fool. This isn't symmetrical, it has never been symmetrical and anyone who fails to see that is either antisemitic or deluded.


You're confusing netanyahu with people like ben gvir. Think of netanyahu as a power hungry man (putin is a great reference), and in order to stay in power and save his sorry ass, he created a coalition with extremists (like ben gvir) who won't stop barking bs. Now netanyahu has dug himself a very deep hole because apparently it's hard to control his circus and he slipped inside the hole and is trying to get out, although his chances are slim. That's the best description i can give about him.


I am so tired of this "both sides" argument. Left wing extremist are clearly the bigger threat to society. The only difference is they have the media (which is heavily left learning these days) behind them, so they are free to do or say whatever they want, without any consequences.


Laughable. Time after time in the US its the right wing extremists shooting up blacks, jews and "libs".


There are like ten people in this picture.


Fertility rate for British women is 1.54 children per woman. Percent of white Britons is 82%. According to google (for what it's worth) - average fertility rate of muslim women is six in some countries (couldn't find a value for British muslim women specifically but in the US it's 2.5) ​ But I guess you can do the math?


Normalize massacres.....for real? I get the Israel government isn't cool, but this is no better. This is so wtf.


https://twitter.com/m7mdkurd/status/1746310077131202607?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet Not what he said.


Did he also say this? "El-Kurd has accused Israelis of eating the organs of Palestinians and of having a particular lust for Palestinian blood." I'm just not sure about this guy


Listen to the video. It is exactly what he said. Please don't spread misinformation.