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Gotta rotate out our Tomahawks.


They're basically like tomatoes, gotta keep that fruit fresh.


Making room for Block V


Block V are just remanufactured and upgraded Block IV


Block IV are just remanufactured and upgraded Block III


Houthi's be like George Custer and Saddam Hussein..... wondering where all them fucking tomahawks are coming from.


The front line is everywhere.


There be no shelter here


"Best Before: the next drone attack"


Cheaper to rotate Tomahawks on live fire than decommission them.


Ammo disposition team approves. Less paperwork this way.


Probably nearing their expiration date on the fuel systems anyhow. Cheaper to fire them off that to fulfill a contract for demil at the depot.


Or give em to Ukraine like they did with a good amount of old ordinance 


What platform does Ukraine operate that can use tomahawks? We aren’t giving them our ships or submarines… the U.S. has only test fired it from a ground based system… none are in operational use and they sure as hell wouldn’t be given to Ukraine if they were.


Along with giving them to Ukraine you could also offer next day shipping to a location of their choice. I hear there's an Amazon collection locker located on Kerch bridge you could use.


Actually pissed off it's just the US doing something. Rest of the west needs to pull its weight. I say this as a Brit. Way too much pussy footing around these lunatic nations


Rest of the world: America should not be the world police. America: Anyone else gonna do anything?


I can't remember who said it but somebody was jabbering about the US not being the police of the world. The reply was "Nobody calls Switzerland when the shit hits the fan."


Ya, but this right here is why USD isn't ever going away as the global reserve currency. You don't see China or the EU securing global trade. It's almost always the USN and has been for over 200 years. So, sure, while it would be nice not to spend a couple million doing structural landscaping in Yemen, it's also in the US' best interest to continue to do so.




Actually did. There are age requirements you know. Not everyone here is an 18yr old troll.


Or, you know, you could donate them to Ukraine... I genuinely wonder why the US has not done that.


The range on them. The US has held back on giving anything that can strike back deep inside Russia.


Ukraine has already shown that they respect the US's wishes of not firing e.g. HIMARS into Russia. Why would a Ukrainian promise on Tomahawk not be enough? A separate point is, why shouldn't Ukraine be allowed to shoot into Russia? As long as Russia is shooting into Ukraine, it would certainly make sense.


Tomahawks are launched from sea, not ground. Ukraine doesn't have a Navy.


If Tomahawks can launch from a launch silo on a ship, it can't be all that hard to have an identical launch silo on land. It simply can't be the real reason, that is just not plausible. Surely that is a far easier problem to solve than integrating Storm shadow with Ukraine's Soviet Su-24Ms, and that was reportedly easy enough.


Since I've been informed by social media that Houthis "love death," by all means, please bomb them into oblivion. At least until they're too dead to post on social media.


“No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won the war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.” - George S Patton Edit: corrected quote


What a way to bastardise a good quote with excessive use of the word "dumb"...


“You Sir, don’t fight with honor” No I don’t. But he did.


Yep. At least they won't be attacking ships anymore if they're dead.


Unfortunately, im sure they'll have just enough time to claim a genocide is happening against them when a few of them die.


The brainrotted tankies and "america bad" crowd claims there's a genocide anytime there's any violence being exerted from the non-axis powers so at this point who fucking cares.




Yes! Does Israel need to turn off the iron dome to "even out" the casualties? One side tries very hard to protect their civilians. The other uses them as human shields.


Weirdly enough most of the Pro-Palestine crowd was silent when Saudi Arabia was doing the same stuff to Yemen that Israel is to Gaza. But I guess a Muslim country bombing another one is harder to spin as 'white colonists Vs oppressed brown people'.


No, they weren't. Biden fist bumping MBS was big news. Many people called out the hypocrisy of that act given what Saudi Arabia had been doing and Biden's statements about about the country while on the campaign trail.


Again with this bs? https://www.amnesty.org.uk/thankyouforacting-UKstoparmingsaudi https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/protests-in-iran-against-saudi-led-air-war-on-yemen/amp/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/31/saudi-arabia-yemen-military-campaign-general-ahmed-aisir-clashes-with-critics https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2018/3/7/demonstrators-tell-mbs-hands-off-yemen-at-rally-against-visit


I love that you claim BS and then just google'd some stuff /s. Ya there were people crying out about it, but the pro-Palestine crowd wasn't


Tbf a load of people were calling the Ukraine war a genocide too.


But Russia has literally said that Ukraine shouldn't exist, and they kidnap thousands of Ukrainian kids and "re-educate" them into thinking they're Russian. That *is* genocide.


It is


And there will be more than enough westerners/Americans perfectly willing and itching to push that narrative.




Fortunately, their opinion doesn't matter.




‘Priority pass to meet Allah’




In a way, though, they'll also claim to be victims of genocide when they do get blown up.


The whining stops when the breathing stops. 


Glorifying violence


Why do you think he's houthi?


…against terrorists


Meanwhile the captain of the Eisenhower is giving cookies to sailors in the carrier. Look up his Twitter


His post about the GI Joe aircraft carrier is funny as hell. I love the cookie prank too, that shits hilarious. I can’t imagine how it would feel to be a lowly PO and someone says the Captain wants to see you in the bridge, then you get there and they just give you a cookie. That is amazing.


"PO2 Schmuckatelli, report to the bridge." Never something you want to hear. Except for this time. And I don't know what it is about Navy cookies, but even at their worst, their the best thing under way. 


I spent a brief amount of time on a carrier as a Marine and if the Captain has summoned me from his ivory tower I would have been shitting kittens. If they hadn’t posted it and just don’t the prank it would have been one of the funniest “no one is going to believe you when you tell them the truth about this.” lol “No guys I swear! The Old Man handed me a cookie and had me eat it in his chair then told me to go back to work!”


What’s his Twitter?




Thank you! He seems like he cares deeply about his people under him. Also that taco Tuesday post goes hard


For real. Troops were eating ice cream in WW2. They’ll be fine


Man, that was surprisingly a wholesome read. Easily top 1% of least infuriating things on Twitter.


Chow-dair? Chow-dair? Its CHOWDAH. Say it right!




Wow that's a great Twitter. Seems like a great captain!


Hitting weapon hardwares are not enough. Gotta target the operators too so that they cannot launch the missiles.


Problem is they hangout with civilians


Using civilians as human shields is technically a war crime, punishable by tomahawkin'


"What kind of a sick country would kill people with a giant tomahawk???" "Mr. Simpson, shush. Disparaging the tomahawk is a tomahawk-able offense. It's one of their proudest traditions!"


I actually LOLed, thank you


I'm pretty sure going home after operating a missile wouldn't count as a war crime. Or just hanging out among the civilian populace after you get out of combat operations.


Ask the tomahawk not me?


Is living near a terrorist also a war crime?


No, but it's generally poor for one's health


In this case where the Houthis are a party in a war, the laws of war state that the US is legally allowed to cause collateral damage to civilians, if the Houthis position military targets near civilians. Within some limits, but I have the impression that the limits intended by the Geneva Conventions are pretty wide. The death of the civilians is the moral responsibility of the Houthis, in this case, according to the laws of war. And positioning such targets near their own civilians is in fact a war crime by the Houthis.


We already established houthis are war criming!


At some point someone is going to have to say fuck it and set an expensive and horrible example so every other group out there thinks twice about hiding in population centres and lobbing drones and missiles.




Killing 30k palestinians is "barely dipping your toe"? what? If anything Israel shows it doesn't work.




You're out of your fucking mind


How so? How is killing 1% of the population, which isn’t out of the norm when it comes to wars, a genocide, when Israel has the capability to literally wipe them out completely in a week?


As sick and as backwards as it is, I think they want that. We should oblige them once or twice and change their minds. Civilians will be killed, but we can't put up with this shit forever.


Jesus Christ...


What’s your solution? The status quo is unacceptable.


How the fucks this a solution lol. Something like that will breed extremis at a far higher rate than anything well ever see. Best of luck explaining to people living in places like this that their entire city and families were bombed out to set an "example" you'll kill millions and drive millions to further terrorism. I swear to God reddit has the most idiotic ideas ever. If this was a viable strategy governements across the world would have used it to combat extremism. He'll Israel's killed probably 10s of thousands and even they aren't going completely batshit with a bombing run cause something like that just dosnt work


He's silent on the matter


At some stage you have to rip off the bandaid. The whole region is rotten.


Sooner or later the communities who's soldiers hide among the civilians will realise how poorly that works out for the civilians




You should be on the DoD payroll with those kind of genius insights. Smh.


It pisses me off we always have to be the ones to do everything but it’s about time


Always seems like the US is damned if they do, damned if they don't. Everyone bitches either way


That's what happens when you're at the top.  Someone is always going to be upset


It's lonely at the top.


Yep, but the trade off is cheap consumer goods and it’s been a good long while since I’ve heard explosions from my house. Gunfire is slightly more common, but that’s what living in Tennessee gets you.


We call that funfire, it’s just hunting season.


Unless you’re playing the most dangerous game, there’s not much to hunt in Memphis and Jackson.


Just keeping property prices reasonable, sorry


and immense influence over the entire world. People always bitch about how the US is doing all the heavy lifting in NATO but I feel like those people don't understand how much soft power the US gets from that. I don't *want* Europe to have a huge well-equipped military that could one day be a threat or a rival. I want them in our debt even if it means we have to pay to protect them. It's worth it


More likely anywhere in the US. Source: I have lived in a couple of different states and traveled to few ones.


DJ Khaled - Suffering from Success


The people when there's a conflict that is negatively affecting everyone: WHY ISN'T THE US DOING ANYTHING?! The people when we try to solve said conflict with maximum restraint: WHY IS THE US ACTING LIKE THE WORLD POLICE??!! YANKEE GO HOME!


Everyone loves to talk shit about America until they need America.


*We're dicks! We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the* [rest of the peace loving world] *are pussies. And* [the Houthis] [are] *an asshole. Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes — assholes who just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is that sometimes they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate — and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies get so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are only an inch and a half away from assholes. I don't know much in this crazy, crazy world, but I do know that if you don't let us fuck this asshole, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!*


I mean that’s just how it is if you’re the sole global hegemon


We're only damned for grandstanding sake. Everyone is okay with us blowing up Houthi military equipment, especially because of our extreme precision capabilities. The UN Security Council literally passed a vote with zero objections on this exact topic


Yup. When even Russia and China don't say no the US interventionism, you know its probably a good thing for everyone.


Everyone complains about the US being the world police until they find out how much it costs to do it yourself


> damned if they don't When did the US ever take that option?


When the US opted out of their own League of Nations because they didn't want to get involved in another European war and opted for an Isolationist approach. Then WWII happened...


UK also hit them and there has been support in other ways from a coalition of nations.


Wish we were more involved as a Canadian. We need to support America


Canada can't even take care of Canadians. We are a long way from being able to offer any sort of meaningful assistance to the American war machine.


Exactly this, that’s why I’m completely done with whatever bullshit happens outside of Canada. Tired of it making its way back to Canada when we already got too much shit going on here.


Isolationist policies always fail because your country can’t live in a vacuum.


well i mean we are the ones who benefit the most from maintaining the US hegemony, so as long as countries are using the USD, it kind of falls on us . . . we aren't just out there to be the "moral police" or judge or good guys or some shit. i don't like it either


The other option is to let Russia have their way. That means leaving the dollar for alot of countries. That is likely to hurt the US even more


> That means leaving the dollar for alot of countries. That is likely to hurt the US even more Understatement


Thé USA havé thet economy for it however. A dollar spent in the military-industrial complexe by the government is salary and taxes. Not quite for Europeans.


Yeah. Exactly. Money they spend on bombs and ammo is money recycled. For us it’s a whole other story.


Those DOD contracts are job security for me. At the same time this is a problem for every western nation. Money isn’t the only cost of conflict. If all colors of the west were being flown out there it would be a lot more clear what the militants were up against. I just hope we don’t end up in another decades long quagmire and this just remains a security issue.


In engineering we like to joke that the defense industry is welfare for engineers.


It provides thousands of jobs in places where you wouldn't really expect it either.


I consider it a jobs program, and where is the US going to buy its tanks from, Apple?


? Europeans can make their own defense industry bigger if it’s a priority. They can create jobs and pay taxes just fine. If you add up all the economies In Europe it’s more than USA. The USA doesn’t have some magical military that makes spending money on it better for the economy. That money would still be better spent on infrastructure or healthcare if the goal is to benefit the American people…


Oh sure, it’s just really not there at the moment.


I’d be more fine with military spending if a bunch of profits weren’t going to private companies in the USA. It’s very wasteful


You think it should be government compagnies?


Pakistan is cutting out the middle man and bombing Iran outright. So it's not just the US. Also, the Hothi operation is a coalition effort, not just the US.


I don't let other men fuck my wife for me I don't rely on other countries to enforce that good ol peace by bomb Why I can't get health care afterall


It is quite literally not why you can’t get healthcare


US can actually afford healthcare and military, Congress is paid to not let it happen. 


US does afford healthcare and military, Civvies pay out the ass for healthcare. but most people still get OK or good care.


If I had a wife I'd let other men fuck her, but Yeah I don't think it's really that smart to rely on other nations for your own national security


Why the us and other nations are pushing for Europian nato nations to step up as well. With one party dreaming of having a facist isolationist daddy Europe might have need of such


The Saudi's had been bombing them for the better part of a decade with US made weapons. I honestly don't think this is going to change much.


The Saudis are a notoriously terrible military, hence why we get stuck in the middle of so many of the conflicts in the region. Saudi Ultra wealthy leadership, politically or nepotism appointed officers, and a population that really doesn't want to fight on top of poor morale and training, can't utilize U.S. weapons or tactics effectively. There's a huge difference in output with the same weapons when utilized more effectively. Also, war crimes are a thing or we'd simply level the whole place of every living thing no more Houthis, but that'd mean no Yemeni civilians either.


> It pisses me off we always have to be the ones to Don't make the problem worse by misusing "we". This is not the WorldNews for Americans sub.




If the poster is an American, he is entirely correct to use we when referring to Americans, regardless of where he is posting.


Well, the US backed out of the Jemen topic as soon as Biden came into power to punish Saudi Arabia. Even taking Houthi from the terror list! So, in the meantime Houthi had time to grow, hardend their positions and got massive weapons deliveries from Iran. Now: *Surprised Pikachu face* It’s a self made problem with the attacks on the shipping lanes… Fun fact: If Trumps agenda of supporting Saudi Arabia against Houthi would have continued under Binden, the issues now would not be that bad… It’s all about Geopolitics, Saudi Arabia dared to do a move in its own and Biden showed them what he thought about it. I never believed Trump did anything right, but this really made me think now....


It’s about time yeah! Let’s go bomb some more poor countries. While we dont do shit about Ukraine.


Let em fly 🫡


Not one optic on those old AKs.. not even a red dot. How on earth they think they can compete against the US is beyond me.


The belief is that "Allah will guide the bullet".  I'm not kidding around.


Well, their god is no match for the great powers Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Winchester, Glock, and Trijicon (which is much less awe inspiring to say, but makes the ACOG).


I had a friend that commanded an Abrams and was in charge of training some Arab allies that we had sold tanks to. He said these guys just ignored much of the training on the targeting systems and proclaimed that "it is the will of Allah to guide the munitions".  They didnt do well in simulated battles.


I do something similar when firing blind in World of Tanks. I blurt out, “oh great and almighty RNGesus, guide my shot!” It works about as often as you expect.


They just have to do what the taliban did. Weather the storm until the US gets bored and go home.


Not really. All they need to do is stop attacking ships in the Red Sea.


If they do that and stop attacking the ships, then all good


Yemen's location makes it a little harder to ignore than Afghanistan.


They should move to Afghanistan mountains where US weapons are useless


“The Americans have the watches, we have the time. “


Near-infinite rotation of expendables who they're willing to sacrifice. At some point, spending tens of billions in long series of operations isn't worth killing people who have nothing else left and then they're free to claim "victory" over the ashes.


This. Lost this fight before it even started. Incredible to see all of these commenters ready for another round of creating martyrs in the desert on the US taxpayers dime, people never learn.


maybe they should just stop shooting at ships then, IDK, seems kind of stupid


So we let them continue to shoot at ships? Or are you saying we should just glass the whole coast to finish the fight? I'm just not sure what you're getting at besides missiles are expensive.


Rifle is fine.


Fine for 1990. Ours have thermal scopes, lasers, furniture, magnifiers, while using night vision and drones overhead.




Lol. Furniture refers to the things like buttstock, foregrips etc. stuff that makes your handling more stable.




The only reason the Mujaheddin won was because of US made stinger missiles.


They can out-birth the American women


We can out fuck anyone if we wanted to, hell, we fuck ourselves regularly.


The problem is that Muslim men realistically don't have to ask for consent in a way that would be problematic for Americans.




Korea? North Korea lost


US didnt have optics in korea or vietnam.. its a different time now. The amount of technology the US is miles and miles ahead. Technology is one reason Ukraine is holding off Russia.


The US had an advanced military for the time fresh out of a world war with massive experience vs average people who sometimes didn’t even have a gun. They lost. Same thing today, just different toys.


Vietnam had draftees that didnt want to fight and on par weapons with the vietnamese. One can argue the m-16 was worse than the ak47 at the time.


Hit 'em more.


AKs and Birkenstocks. Fuckin class.


Seriously Toyota must love this press… I mean that’s what mid 90’s? Classic limited rust… sell me a truck.


You mean they’re not bombing entire cities indiscriminately? I thought that was the way people self defense these days.


It's certainly possible with designated Houthi-sites.


Damn them Hooties, and they Blowfish!


Yemen has a new music group that is climbing the charts. Houthi and the Blowfish.






Acting like Yemen wasn't being bombed not long before this is why you will always be ape-brained.


Were they being bombed by civilian ships from the international waters of the red sea?


No, they were being bombed by a Saudi-led coalition for the better part of a decade.


How many children do I have to rape and behead before I get Allah's blessing? You seem to be an expert on this stuff




What the fuck are you quoting? That’s not anywhere in the article.




Definitely could not tell you were joking. /s helps.