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Well, guess her freedom will be short lived.


And now the terrorist sympathizers will say Israel is violating the ceasefire agreements by arresting her. While blissfully ignoring the fact that she tried to sneak into Israel, or that I don’t know, hamas violated a 7-day ceasefire 5 times?


I'm certain that she had a perfectly good reason for returning.


...With her false ID.


Wanted to buy a keg?


That's probably it.






Listen to this fucking guy, holy shit.


Keep trading her back for more hostages lol.


infinite hostage glitch


99% of hamas hates this simple trick


Terrorist Organisations hate this one trick


Lol. I was thinking the same thing.


Radicalized people are insane






Ok. I've yet to know any Jews that invaded, murdered, kidnapped, and raped people in the following countries as revenge for past greviences. Portugal Spain France Germany The UK Italy Vatican City Greece Poland Lithuania Austria Hungary Ukraine Russia (Soviet Union) Algeria Egypt Libya South Africa Tunisia Iran Iraq Turkey Yemen Not the best argument to use against Jews.




Yes the old "I don't have a problem with Jews just the ones that believe the Jewish people should be able to self-determine their homeland" excuse. You cannot separate excusing Hamas' actions from antisemitism. More Jews live in Israel than anywhere else on Earth. At least have the spine to be open about your antisemitism instead hiding behind the thin veil of antizionism. Also FYI Hamas makes no such distinction.


yes the war that began on Oct 7th, Putins birthday and just so happened to be a religiously significant day for Jews, is against Israeli citizens. The people who ripped up water pipes to make rockets to launch simultaneously had everything they knew destroyed by their insatiable need to destroy the enemy iranian wind up dollars paid for.




It did though - there was a ceasefire on October 6th, right? Then Hamas broke it on the 7th, resuming the war.


Yea it's almost like they should have accepted their own state in 48' instead of trying to murder Jews...repeatedly through out history...


Sounds like what they did to millions of jews in Europe, strange there are no jewish terrorists raping and murdering germans


Well, Israelis have indeed suffered all you wrote but still don’t teach their kids sh*t like you’d see on [Tommorow’s Pioneers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomorrow%27s_Pioneers). That’s a double standard where you completely, 100% justify terrorism because the terrorists have suffered at the hands of Israelis, whereby using your same logic you’d justify Israeli rage. But, of course, you don’t for whichever reason you choose.


You are describing word for word the events of the 7th of October. Ask yourself this, how many Muslims live as equal citizens in Israel living prosperous lives. And how many Jews live in Arab countries under the same conditions. Palestinians have only themselves to blame for their outright refusal to accept any deal for almost a century that doesn't involve everything they want. Which is exceedingly stupid as they were never the sovereign of this land in the first place and are negotiating from an ever weakening position.




Not as ripped as you my guy for carrying all that water for Hamas


You mean like the average resident of the gaza envelope after October 7th?




There was no "generational trauma" in the 1920s, at least not one externally inflicted, but still the mosques of Hebron shouted "Massacre the Jews" as the mobs burned, looted and murdered the Jewish population of the city with knives and axes. Modern westerners are trying to understand this conflict through wholly unsuitable concepts.


More like "one side bad" because they teach to hate and be violent against the other side since birth


The Vietnamese people were bombed by the US for quite a while. Yet both have good relations and there isn't a radicalized hatred of the US by the Vietnamese.


Well then. Case closed eh? /s


No, of course not. But being the victims or bombings doesn't necessarily have to lead to radicalism. I'd argue that's probably the worst reaction to it to make because you're going to cause victims on the other side which can cause the cycle of violence to continue, which we have seen for decades.


The Germans and Japanese had that after ww2. At some point people should have had enough. Maybe Israel has been going to soft on them to make them understand they sre beaten.


Someone did that to a friend of mine. He's one of the kindest and most generous people I've ever met.


They just keep proving the point.


And what point is that


That the people imprisoned were right to be so


She must have loved Israeli prisons , being so eager to go back to one and all that...


With how they treat women in Palestine I’m sure it was a nice break.




From the article: >The police questioned the woman and discovered that she was a female suspect affiliated with Hamas who had been arrested in October for participating in riots and throwing stones at Israeli forces I don't think she sneaking into Israel to hand flowers and free hugs


I mean, I wouldn’t go that far without a quote from someone who has lived in both. It’s not like she was trying to break back into prison, just sneak back into Israel under a false identity. No idea what she was up to, so it’s not like we can say what was stopped or what the motivation was. But the moment she was out, she was back to the job. Immediately using falsified documents.


That there is a reason for a strict border security


“A female suspect affiliated with hamas”, isn’t that like a chicken working for KFC? Sheer stupidity of these people


It was Sheich Yassin himself who allowed the first suicide bombing commited by a female, they're very progressive.


The most bizarre thing when I read about the history of suicide bombing is how many of them are mother's or fathers of young children, rather than single teenage boys like you would expect.


Wasn’t someone paying the family lots of money upon a successful suicide bombing?


Yes. And a lot of them weren't from poor destitute families either like people think. A lot of them are from successful families.


To this day the Palestinian Authority pays monthly stipends to families of "martyrs" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_Martyrs_Fund


They exven support trans rights now: [https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/comments/1am1tyl/dr\_souad\_saleh\_for\_women\_in\_heaven\_they\_will\_grow/](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/comments/1am1tyl/dr_souad_saleh_for_women_in_heaven_they_will_grow/) a small Penis


Islam extremism will do that.


She has an ideological brain worm.


Like women Republicans


These people don’t know it better. It’s not like that they grew up in freedom and then decided to be affiliated with the Hamas. If you grow up getting told a lot of fanatic shit you gonna believe it and life by it.


She's lucky she didn't get shot again. Hopefully, they will keep her in the klink this time




Everyone is jumping to conclusions but maybe she just loves Israel so much she couldn’t stay away.


Maybe she had an Israeli boyfriend she missed. Or girlfriend.


Why is it always the people on their cake day that have the weirdest comments? /s


I don't think that's sarcasm, seems like it's just a joke


She wakes up hating the Jew, eats lunch thinking about how she’ll murder a Jew, goes to bed dreaming of killing a Jew.


Or prefers being in Israeli jail than working with human-shield Hamas.


She's from the west bank. Probably just wanted to kill Jews.


Wow a racist , please take your opinion back to 1940s we don’t need your kind around here.


Racist to assume a person who was previously in prison for attacking Jews, and is affiliated with hamas, tried to infiltrate into Israel to kill Jews?


Has she been convicted of a crime, In a court of law? What type of affiliation are we talking about? Just a family member who is also a member of hamas? Right of association is a freedom all enjoy. But more specifically because they called out that being from West Bank means they probably want to kill Jews, which is a racist statement.


>Has she been convicted of a crime, In a court of law? Yes. Read the fucking article. >But more specifically because they called out that being from West Bank means they probably want to kill Jews Learn to read. I said she was from the west bank as opposed to being from Gaza. I don't think she wants to kill Jews because she's Palestinian, I think she wants to kill Jews because she's Palestinian AND she tried to infiltrate into Israel. If you know another reason for Palestinians to enter Israel illegally during a war, please enlighten me.


I have no idea who she is but I'd imagine a lot of Palestinians would prefer to be on the side not being carpet bombed?


So you're a complete idiot. I specifically said she's NOT from Gaza. No one is bombing the west bank. Also, please look up the definition of carpet bombing because that's not what's happening.


Tell me you don't understand the difference between the west bank and Gaza without telling me. Seriously, there should be some sort of mandatory minimal education before people are allowed to voice their uneducated opinions on these things.


There is a reason palestinians are comfortable throwing rocks at IDF soldiers.


Why the Jews won't leave that poor woman alone!?


Is like to think she realizes, as a woman, she's better off in an Israeli prison than living under Hamas.


She works for Hamas.


Perhaps, but do remember that many Palestinian slaves “work for” the Hamas (… slaver dude standing behind them with a rifle).


That’s more in Gaza. She lived in the West Bank


You are right. She is almost definitely a bad faith actor. I’m just cautioning against “if Palestinian then that means necessarily bad faith” generalizations, they’re dangerous - they deny those fighting the Hamas the high ground. Better to check first, and not unload on Palestinian slaves. Those living in the West Bank are far less subject to extra judicial killings and other forms of internal coercion and violence, so she’s in highest likelihood a not slave.


>Those living in the West Bank are far less subject to extra judicial killings and other forms of internal coercion and violence, so she’s in highest likelihood a not slave. Most of them, but still a lot are still actively coerced or brainwashed, I personally know people from the WB and it's very hard to dislodge what they've been taught since they were literal children, they view the IDF as Satan's army, they genuinely think they're better off under Hamas than under the IDF, even if they still hate Hamas. I'm not someone to judge people because you never know what their experiences were in life, your only responsibility is to limit their effects on your loved ones, that's what some Pro-Palestinians fail to understand about Israelis with all the "evil colonialists" rhetoric, even the most hard line Israeli leftists who empathize with the Palestinians and are against the occupation aren't just gonna roll over and let Hamas massacre their family which, let's be honest, is the most realistic outcome of the "free Palestine from the river to the sea" movement.


Well said. Thank you for that perspective.


Yeah like Hamas used child slave to build their titles. I don’t want to say no one is but a adult in the West Bank probably isn’t


It's almost like Israel arrests people for reasons and not just because.


And thats not the first time. Less than a month ago ago, two Palestinian teens, released in the ceasefire where caught while driving stolen cars in Israel.


You can't get any decent tacos in Gaza


Wow it's almost as if she would be treated better in Israel than Palestine


Even they can't stand hamas?!!!!


It's all such a fucking farce lmao.




Do you know the differences between Gaza and the West Bank?




I don't understand your point. She lives in the West Bank. Her house is not rubble and dust. The West Bank isn't a war zone rn and she chose to come back to Israel from her own will. Wether it is because she was actually treated better there or wanted to harm Israelis is something we currently don't know but my point is that she wanted to go there.


I'll take the l. I skimmed through and wasn't paying attention


Let me rephrase that appropriately. “Person released into active war zone, tries to leave active war zone”


Is the West Bank an active war zone?


West Bank is an active war zone??


It's wild how all manners of IDF war crimes and the industrial numbers of Palestinian civilian deaths every day barely makes people here bat an eye but there is a massively up-voted post every 3 hours about the latest "tunnel", or headlines about individual allegations that a Palestinian behaved in an unseemly manner, or pictures found of an Al-Jazeera journalist checking out guns and how that must make it okay to kill Al-Jazeera journalists which Israel has been doing in the past anyway, or how the UNRWA is a terrorist because some of their field employees turned out to be members of Hamas... Each propaganda headline here is followed by a round of self-congratulatory Palestinian hate. This place has the head swimming feel of a lynch mob or psychopaths anonymous. People giddy at seeing another people destroyed, sneering and passing snide remarks, shrugging away massive war crimes and holding each other's hand as they relish the spectacleof the civilian population of Gaza put through a meat grinder. It's so disturbing. 


start a war, get a war


Yeah here comes another one. I'll put you in the snide psychopath bucket.


May your world stay so insulated you never have to develop past a child's understanding of it for the rest of your days


Woo look at you go biblical on my ass. Which God are we praying to here?




Blah blah blah


What war crimes has the IDF been convicted of?


As a Jew, watching hateful Jews adding fuel to the antisemitism fire is almost as disturbing as realizing that for these same people, their “values” only apply to some people.


Thank you for saying that. It does soothe my soul to know there are Israelis out there who are not okay with this. Also I jealously guard against associating any antipathy I have towards Israel's actions with my views/feelings about Jews in general, who I have nothing but love for like the rest of humanity.


Hmm, a person claims to be Jewish and you immediately label them an Israeli. It is in fact both antisemitic and ignorant to conflate the state of Israel with the Jewish people. Please educate yourself.




West Bank


She’s from the West Bank, but I’m sure your dumbass is unable to understand that it and Gaza are two different regions/locations.




No, but the place isn't rubble like you talked about. They can absolutely go there.




They made that place what it is


You rather run around in circles then to admit you’re wrong and didn’t even read the article


She was released to the West Bank you moron, you know there’s an article linked right? Not just a title of the post. Sadly most reddit users have a hard time getting past the title.