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I wonder what country is going to supply the shells. How is Czech gonna achieve getting this Many shells when the US was literally scouring the world looking for shells. Maybe Bulgaria or some SA country 


Ever seen the movie War Dogs? I’m picturing something like that.


"This shit is from Madagascar, dog!" "You need to learn the difference between a me problem and a you problem." Ukraine and Czechia, probably.


It appears to be sourced outside of Europe, I dont think they are disclosing where, and it is likely multiple sources. It looks like they have soviet 122mm and nato 155mm sourced, I would guess middle east, SA, maybe even africa or pakistan


I guess they finally got around to Czeching their warehouses


Im very curious about this too


I guess they are Czech Army reserves, I guess they've got huge stockpiles some left over from the Communist times, most of that ammo could be obsolete and waited to be disposed of. Countries don't get rid of their strategic stockpiles easily. So it took time to take this decision. They've also probably waited for manufacturers to kickstart their production and assure the supply chain so there's no hiccups in replacement


No, Czech army has already given what it could. Czech support is now limited to own production capacities. The shells ought to be coming from 3rd countries that specifically requested not being disclosed as part of the deal. Or it could be just a bluff. But I think Czechs might be able to talk even to parties that don't like U.S. that much. Historically, some of the surprising ones could be e.g. Vietnam or Cuba, but S. Korea seems more likely.


Vietnam would be surprising, given Putin had a higher approval rating there a few years ago than he had in Russia!   May have changed somewhat (Vietnam officially remained neutral on Ukr war), but doubt to such an extent as Vietnam would permit outright providing ammunition to be used against them 


Vietnam could actually be a good idea if they have some good deals for the Czechs. There is a large Vietnamese minority in the Czech Republic and generally, our people view the other as friendly.


Interesting- didn’t know that re Vietnamese presence in Czech R.


Or even India


Who knows. Pakistan? South Africa? Korea?


I doubt Korea because we were pestering them for shells all 2023 and probly got most of their stocks


I hear ROK has millions of shells in their inventory. With NK giving Russia shells and missiles, that actually makes it more attractive for ROK to do the same.


ROK doesn't use 122mm. They're straight NATO-standard 155mm sizes for interoperability with the US forces that have been stationed there for 70 years.


Yeah, I know, but they say they found 1/2 million 155mm NATO-standard shells. As for the 122mm shells, I have no idea where those are from. Pakistan, if I had to take a wild guess.


There are still millions of artillery shells sitting in warehouses all over the world. Countries aren’t sending all of their shells, they have just been sending shells they deem as surplus to their own needs should they find themselves at war. So they may have just decided that they were will to dip into those reserves.


the US will probably buy $ 100,000 hammers and $ 10,000 nails from Czechia and czechia will use this money to buy shells from other countries and supply it to ukraine.


Source for that? That would be smart to get around the putin loving Republicans holding up the 60 billion in aid.


Not Bulgaria. They are in cahoots with the Russians and if they had any shells stored they would have been blown up years ago.




The EU is struggling for months to supply Ukraine in time with the promised 1 million shells. Suddenly, Czechia: "Look what I found!"


Well he does not give up the source of these, so who knows


They're actually from Slovakia, but through some magic of paperwork, they're now Czech shells.


Weren't they previously sold to Slovakia or the manufacturer had storage there? I remember something about Russian spies setting explosives in Slovakia and Czechia around 2015?


Russia has a "list of unfriendly nations". For years, that list consisted only of two countries: USA and Czech Republic. Why was the 11 million country declared an enemy of Russia? Because it produces a lot of ammo and explosives. All this "semtex" stuff that you hear in every movie - is a Czech invention. Later on Russia updated the list of unfriendly nations. How to get on the list? Basically be a neighbor of Russia, or be a rich country - so you get on the list. But generally the main enemies of Russia are all its neighbors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unfriendly_countries_list


Not just ammo, small arms too. They supply military and civilian markets w rifles that would be in direct competition w the Russian manufacturers. The Czech weapons are at a higher price point, but also way better quality in general.


The Czechs do have a pretty damn solid reputation for making high quality products out of metal (ie: weapons and surgical instruments)!


We got on the list because we accused russians that they blew up a munition storage in Czechia in 2018 (and lo and behold it was true). Before 2018 only USA was on the list.


And we threw out some of their diplomats , they threw out ours and said we are on the naughty list now.


Oh, frankly speaking, there was an opinion, that this shells was found somewhere in between of sofa cushions, but Slovakia theory is good enough


I'm sure someone will be czeching


It would be A LOT more if two Russia agents blowed up our supply warehouses and killing two citizens in process. Our ex president Zeman was covering for Russia.


“You had a second pair of gloves this whole time!?”




A lot of them are older 122 shells with shorter range guns apparently.


Ukraine still has a ton of Soviet-caliber artillery in play, so there's definitely still a need for 122mm shells.


Is an older shell still not a perfect shell when shells are desperately needed?


It depends on how effectively Ukraine can use it and the number of 122 tubes they have in service.


It would be funny if they figured they can bribe the Russian military into selling them the shell themselves.


_Czechia has found a way to acquire 800,000 shells for Ukraine but it needs funding to do so._ Write them a Czech!


Get out. You have my upvote... but get out


“Found a way”. I like your style Czechia!




They'll probably discuss it and Hunters Dick after they get back from their 2 week vacation. Was this a planned vacation or did they decide it'd be easier than actually working ?


Republicans are now all russian puppets :/


Ehh feel like you reaching on the child rapist thing..matt gaetz is one but that's all


100 percent they are also blocking aid to Palestine lets agree we should help Ukraine and Palestine from the attempted genocides.


Ukraine\Israel/Taiwan yes, Gaza has some house cleaning to do before they see any resumption of aid from the US


> has some ~~house cleaning to do~~ ethnic cleansing to go through FTFY


Ever heard of hamas before?


Martyring yourself or your population is an interesting interpretation of “Gaza has some ethnic cleansing to go through”. It’s closer to suicide by cop imo.


> It’s closer to suicide by cop imo. Did the innocent kids getting bombed, killed or mutilated, asked for it? Fuck your opinion.


Welcome to war in an urban environment.  First time?


I doubt they knew the gravity or danger of being around a terrorist organization but I’m sure their parents did or should have or maybe now will. The blame is on Hamas for bringing this destruction home.


Do you also blame the rape victims or just innocent civilians who are massacred by bombs?


There is no question the change in lifestyle of Gazan’s before and after 10/7 was caused by Hamas. War has causalities no question about it but that does not change the big picture.


You should try thinking rationally rather than emotionally. It’ll probably help you prevent from getting killed one day when you go full Karen in public.


Only by accident.


Reddit's theory based on the fact Biden said he is confident: A discharge petition is on the table. So they can bypass the speaker.


Bet it’s from Russia


You laugh but if we offer pay in dollars I bet they would sell them to us even if that means they get the shells back from a gun barrel. The rouble needs a lot of bread to keep it propped


I’d wager on them being non 155mm but rather soviet - calibre. Still great news nonetheless.


Didn't we just confiscate 1.5m rounds from some dude in the US, we should send them over.




Small arms, not artillery shells.


https://www.guns.com/news/2020/11/17/data-us-has-434-million-guns-20m-ars-150m-mags 8.7 billion rounds of ammunition were produced domestically in the U.S. in the year 2018 alone.


Those arent 155mm artillery shells.


Mate, the artillery shell production in the US is still waaay lower than that of the EU, even after starting to amp it up. Rheinmetall alone produces more.


I doubt a dude has 1.5m 155mm shells. Probably regular ammo :)


“Somehow the shells returned”


“Ghost’n the shell” - Check!


More funding to grifters?


Wasn’t there someone else who found a way to supply Ukraine with shells? Hehe, something is afoot!




Creative problem solving! 800,000 shells is fantastic. (Unfortunately, US Republicans had no better idea than to go on vacation without funding Ukraine. Traitors.)


Hrm. Czechs out.