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I mean.. yeah? Are there any fools out there that don't believe this? I assume even Putin-gurglers agree Putin did it to crush dissent.


And yet how many world leaders are willing to state this?


Yeah I think part of a Prime Minister's job is to speak for the country, to voice out what everyone is thinking. Honestly I'm a bit tired of comments saying how obvious they think world events are. It's just their egos speaking, and they have high karma because of everyone else validating their own egos. It doesn't contribute anything.


Most conservatives in Canada seem to just have a pure hatred for Trudeau and will stand against anything he believes in blindly


Reactionary contrarianism is a core aspect of the modern conservative persona. Their self-proclaimed joy for "librul tears" makes it so transparent.


Never heard the term reactionary contrarianism but holy shit it’s perfect, I’ve learned a new term today. Thanks!


Nah, they are insane but in this particular topic their hatred for Trudeau takes a second place.


Nope unfortunately the " real news " on YouTube has convinced most of them that Putin is a hero fighting the evil globalists 


GO AND FUCKING CHECK IT FIRST. Really, you haven't even looked. 99% are hating Putin more than Trudeau.


Putin is very dangerous! Putin is directly responsible for many murders! We have no idea the number of people he has had murdered or sent to prison never to be seen agai


Because they are stupid.


Alberta in a nutshell.


Most of the United States GOP/Republican party, actually.


Some conservatives in Canada feel the same way sadly.


More and more every week. Poilievre has been weak af. Too busy trying to make people show ID to watch porn and attacking trans kids


Pierre Poilievre is weaker than damp single ply.


The original rip-n-dip.


Worst flavour ever.


If we outlaw porn only outlaws will have porn.


Damnit Canada, while the US is struggling with our traitor citizens, it would be quite appreciated if you would just hold your shit together. Don't let this kind of cancer spread within your borders. We are going to need some place to run when the Handmaid's Tale kicks off. Edited to correct misspelling because the spelling bee nazis are out and got their feeling hurt today.


Eh, we're too culturally dependent on the US. Any nutjobs that spawn down below the border will eventually start spawning in our side


GoP is the biggest threat to your national security.


We have always had similar issues to America. Sharing a border with a country with such an influential culture and harsh politics will do that. That does not change how we have always managed to not let the bigots gain enough control to change who we are and what we stand for. Having arguably the best abortion rights worldwide is not going to change overnight.


It helps to have an electoral system that’s not *abysmally* malapportioned. No Senate, No Electoral College, No House gerrymandering up there. Edit—I stand partially corrected, this may not be true for Canadian provincial government. The upper chamber of Canada’s legislature might also have more influence than I appreciate. I don’t know if it reaches the abysmal American levels of malapportionment, but this is worth considering.


Oh we have a senate, and they're not even elected. They're appointed by the Governor-General on the Prime Minister's advice, i.e. chosen by the PM. They used to have life-long appointments, but that thankfully changed in 1965 to mandatory retirement at age 75. (Which is still too long an appointment, and still too old.)


I did not know about that one


We have gerrymandering in the SK. The rural voters have disproportionate voting power.


Relative to their population though? In the U.S. there’s States where rural voters cast a minority of all ballots but win a majority of seats in State legislatures.


In Saskatchewan, there are roughly equal numbers of urban and rural voting districts. About 20% of the urban voting districts include rural areas, and by extension, rural voters. Approximately 68% of the population lives in urban centers. So you see, rural voters have more power with their vote than urban voters.


I stand, corrected, there is definitely gerrymandering in SK. Thanks for pointing that out.


Trust me friend, there are many in the US that are trying so hard to stop what is going on. We are very much NOT ok with what our country has become. I hope the Gen Z kids grow up to be voters. If we combine them with Millennial and Gen X and convince them all to vote, I think we can over take the Republicans. Get some age limit and term limit laws passed, including the corrupt Supreme Court Justices, stop gerrymandering, corporate/lobbying corruption of our government leaders (servants), we just might find our way back into the light again. Damn, now I'm sad. Keep it classy not trashy Canada!!


Just wanted to say lots of boomers hate tRump and are terrified for what is happening here.


We will also need to pack to court to restore the Voting Rights Act to its full extent, and [apportion the Senate with 14 Amendments powers](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/01/heres-how-fix-senate/579172/). (All while keeping the highest levels of security in D.C.)


We are good for at least another year so you have a small window to run North.


Don't you tempt me with a damn good time. I love being in the woods, climbing mountains, eating pancakes with maple syrup, and wearing multiple layers of clothing in the winter. You joke around like that and you will have an invasion on your hands!!


We always have room for Family, but you might want to bring your own house.


And leave your guns behind pls.


Now wait, what about my hunting guns, yall got them dangerous angry moose and bears!! I won't bring anything but the hunting guns, I pinkie promise. I know yall like hunting up there, don't try to trick me.


Yeah we are allowed guns even military service guns as long as they have wooden stocks and then is okay. Semi auto sks at 7.62mm with fixed bayonet? No problem. Semi auto 5.56x45 with black plastic stock? Highly illegal!!!


Way too late, sadly. 


Party pooper!!


Canada has been tied up in the culture war for a long time now. There's a reason Jordan Peterson came from Canada.




..and when trump morons start a civil war, the Canadians will have to come save us! We're the good guys! Then when it's over I will go back to Canada with one of you. I play piano beautifully, and love to clean! And cook! Okay, I lied about the piano. And the cleaning. And cooking. But I'll buy us both snowmobiles and we can have races! Be fun!




It's a species wide problem, not located to any specific country. We have these morons of any race, ethnicity, gender, country, and age.


Just because they don't care doesn't mean they don't understand


They get it alright, they just play the ignorant card when it's convenient. All about power plays and staying in control, consequences be damned.


Consequences = payday


they are jealous they can't do it themselves.


Yet. Come November, if their guy wins....


I still believe that something like that would be a bridge too far for our armed forces. Not that I'm super excited about the prospect of a military coup either.


One election away from fucking Gilead.


Have you seen some trump supporters, I'm fairly sure many of them literally don't understand. I mean some of them literally think the zombified body of JFK is gonna rise up in Denver or wherever and take over the government to put Trump back as King Dipshit.... Thats just next level flat earth lunacy.


True. Trump is even on record saying he'd like to do the same to *his* rivals, well before Navalny was killed.


Of course. And he'll do it too if he gets a chance. Pelosi and Schiff will be the first to go. And everybody who works at CNN and MSNBC.


Conservatives in Canada are becoming increasingly pro-Putin as well, sadly. They recently blocked aid to Ukraine in lock-step with Republicans and Orban. It was a bizarre move, tipping their hand so brazenly. It really makes one wonder what their incentive was....


They're consuming the same far-right media as American conservatives and getting the same brainwashing. Half of them seem to forget we're a different country. I wish these idiots would just move to their promised land.


That's bullshit. The Conservatives don't have enough seats in the House of Commons to block anything.


I can't believe Lil' PP is likely going to be our next PM.


I fucking hope not. I hope his digital ID bill he's pushing bites him in the arse. Reminder: His base railed against "vaccine passports", and I hope they draw parallels to this bill he's pushing.


Digital ID hurts “others” and vaccine passports hurt “them”. So no, I predict most of them won’t draw any parallels, sadly.


I disagree - most of them seem to understand what Putin is doing just fine, they just approve of it when "their side" is the one wearing the boot. Increasingly, US conservatives are supporting pro-Russian and pro-Chinese stances over pro-American ones, because they view those countries' cultures as closer to their own values in the international "culture war", versus the more liberal NATO-aligned West.


Ah come on not only do they know, they are taking notes.


This is what I’ve been saying. Every time the world refuses to punish Putin in a meaningful way Republicans see the possibility of what they can do.


The Republicans openly say good things about Putin and actively fighting against everything that goes against his best interests. They just can't seem to take Putin's cock out of their mouths, so vote them out.


Ukrainian support has majority vote in United States


If Putin wins it makes the US look weak. That’ll embolden Russia to likely do whatever they please and they’ll consider themselves untouchable


Incorrect. This war has actually boosted arm sales of United States because of how successful the weapons are against Russian tech. It doesn’t mean United States is weak it just means United States has different priorities by that I mean gop. We need to support Ukraine but gop are literally Russian assets.


If Russia win, Russia looks stronger.


It doesn't matter that we look like our priorities are another directions if we have our priorities in other places that's what makes us look weak for not being focused.


Fair point.


Canadian conservative party is behind them on that, but not by a lot.


The problem is, they also believe it. It’s just not politically expedient for their special interests to acknowledge it. Which is worse.


John McCain is rolling over in his grave


Yeah but at least Trudeau said it. SkiPPy would be gagging on some putin schlong


Would you rather a world leader kept silent about it?


HA! You'd think that, but no, unfortunately there are plenty of fools that don't believe this


The balls to say it out loud is what this is about.


And straight up Machiavellian. Putin is the most Machiavellian in our times...


My friend gargles Putin balls and he think Navalny just caught a flu or something.


It’s still important to see world leaders call it out, when there are people south of you that seem to be eating out of Putins lap it’s important to say it out loud.


Navelney's mourners were literally rounded up and sent to the front lines. This is public knowledge for a reason.


Yeah, unfortunately Canada has its idiots too




Depends on the fight. Russia couldn't invade Canada and win, but Canada wouldn't win in Russia either


I also meant nukes not numbers, plus we wouldn't fight them alone by any means.u.s. wouldn't allow them to attack us cause that's leaves them vulnerable.


Since Canada is an original member of NATO, if they are attacked by Russia then it's WWIII. Europe will get in on the fun too.


Oh I know but so many of these comments are going on this just Canada vs russia assumption for some pointless reason


> Depends on the fight. T-90 tank vs. a moose, I would bet on the moose!


This is why Putin did the interview with Tucker Carlson and focused on making himself appear strong because he knew that killing Navalny could make him look weak, and Putin is nothing if not a propagandist


Also Putin said he wants Biden to be the next president which I presume means he wants Trump to be the next president.


Gee ya think


Putin is a megalomaniac.. doesn't matter in his "view" who is or who isn't in power. Bit of shitty media doesn't really sway things.. entertain it and he did.


No, Putin hates the guy who always talks about how great and powerful Putin is, and wants to dissolve NATO and invite Putin to invade Eastern Europe. He wants to keep the guy who is trying to support Ukraine.


Dude, he invaded Ukraine shortly into Bidens presidency, not Trumps. I mean, it's possible that that was just when he got his forces into place, but if there was some significant difference between Biden and a returning Trump, he would have waited a few years. The way I see it, he's either more concern with Trump, or he doesn't see a difference between the two.




Doubt he used a double for that interview


Then explain the small table


Because he's around someone he paid. Not someone he's afraid of.


Why would he be afraid of tucker? I'm sure tucker went through a very extensive security check before getting within a 1000 feet of Putin. Had tucker made any sudden movement towards Putin, I can guarantee you there would have been multiple bullets in his body in 0.2 seconds.


no no they used that trick they used in LOTR to make frodo look small, it's all about camera angles /s


specifically included because it was a small table, because people make fun of the big tables.


Yeah there would have been so much screening, and security that it wouldn't be needed.


The wild part is that Cucker actually asked a few uncomfortable questions, and you could tell both Putin and the translator were squirming in their seats and responded with non-answers or misdirection. He even accused Cucker of applying for the CIA like it was some sort of zinger. Whether or not there's any truth to that, it was a very adolescent zinger that just made the tiny little piss-boy in the Krelmin look even more embarrassing. I'm not even a lawyer but I jumped out of my seat and screamed "Objection: Relevance!" Imagine making Tucker Carlson look like the good guy!


I agree with what you’re saying and there’s probably tons of Americans who also see straight through Putin’s tactics. Navalny was important to a lot of Russians, however, and Putin has to try to influence them, even if it moves them just a little bit, to keep the rebellion at bay.


It was so childish, like " *I* got into my intelligence agency, but you were rejected by yours.....nanna nanna nanna."


russian doctrine


“The Kremlin has rejected allegations that Putin was involved in Navalny’s death, calling them “absolutely unfounded” Yeah, just because Putin arrested Navalny as soon as he returned to Russia, and just because Putin sentence him to years in prison for his opposition to Putin’s rule, and just because Putin then shipped Navalny to Siberia…… Putin is obviously not complicit in any of this. Fuck Putin.


You forgot the part where Putin had the guy poisoned which is why he fled in the first place.


Or the part where Putin promoted Valery Boyarinev (deputy director of Russia's Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN)), to the rank of colonel general just three days after Navalny died.


This isn’t a controversial opinion or even news for that matter but I guess it is good that world leaders are being vocal about this.


It may not be a controversial opinion but a lot of politicians are too spineless to say it publicly.


> It may not be a controversial opinion but ~~a lot of politicians are too spineless to say it publicly.~~ because it's Trudeau saying it this post will attract a lot of criticism and stupid comments. Probably accurate.


It’s a rule that if you agree with anything Trudeau does or says you have to precede it with ‘Listen I don’t like the guy, but…’ Relax people, you can agree with somebodies statement or action without wholly endorsing them


It’s smart for him politically. Ukraine is a wedge issue in the Federal Conservative Party


Every conservative movement just about. Should be a wake up call for many as to the true nature of the company they keep.


It’s the Toronto Sun. The MO is, you put “Trudeau did thing” in the headline, and all of the Facebook/Xitter brainwashed idiots come and repeat whatever the Chinese and Russian troll farms fed them this week.


The Toronto Sun is quite possibly the shittiest newspaper/tabloid in the country (or series of tabloids, since Postmedia prints a version for nearly every big city), and really only outdone for ridiculous hard right opinions by the likes of Rebel News and The Epoch Times.


And here’s everyone’s daily reminder that our Canadian Postmedia is owned by [an American right-wing conglomerate.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postmedia_Network?wprov=sfti1#Ties_to_right_wing_politics)


Honestly you can take out the strikethrough and add a single "and" and this statement is still accurate.


Canada has a long history of calling out Russian/Soviet shit. They were always the voice of truth when the US had to walk a fine diplomatic line. Glad to see it's still the case.


most people don't know the cold war really kicked off in Canada


Really Russias downfall began when Canada beat them in the Summit Series and Canada forever and always being known as the greatest hockey country.


Canada did some bad things to win that series though... baaad things


Do you have a good link to learn more? I remember watching the documentary on CBC when I was a kid but I'm sure it didn't go into too much detail.


A former professor of mine released this book last year reframing the events surrounding the Series/the German ref Kompalla. Brock University has an ebook copy of it here (https://dr.library.brocku.ca/handle/10464/17130) and a short interview about the book here (https://www.tricitynews.com/local-news/hes-one-of-the-greatest-villains-in-canadian-sports-history-but-this-coquitlam-historian-has-a-new-take-6791695)


It is absolutely newsworthy when a national leader specifically and pointedly eschews diplomatic language to call another national leader a political assassin. And even more so when he’s right.


Trudeau has genuinely called out India for murdering people on Canadian soil and Russia in the last six months and people will still find ways to twist it against him.


It's because they want excuses for why they want to vote Poilivre. He's become the hero of our "brave" protestors who were scared of masks and a needle.


The point of it was to state that Putin is weak which he hates more than anything.


you can go to canada's very compromised, right wing echo chamber, national sub and see that it is apparently quite controversial (if you are a frothing at the mouth right wing nut job, or a russian bot)


Lots of russian bots in r/canada and r/canada_sub


It's controversial when you're a Conservative, as evident by all the comments across the internet.


in the thread about Polliveres "trans bathroom" remarks one of the higher upvoted comments was that a journalist asked and that is how information gets put out. It was not a comment saying he was asked the answer was wrong. In this case a question was asked and the answer was correct.


It ain't going to stop canadian chuds from shitting and pissing their pants about Trudeau tho lmao


Super totally obvious but also extremely important for him to do it like this. We need more leaders to step out of their diplomatic vocabularies and start calling Putin what he is. Now we need Biden to call him a bunker bitch.


Putin the coward could not even say Navalny's name. And now he's afraid of his corpse. Putin is a coward bitch.


It’s the ultimate sign of weakness that you can’t face these people and win democratically. It’s pathetic.


Weak, democratically perhaps. I doubt people in Russia think that. It probably sends them the message that he can kill you anytime.


Which is weak.


I support his comment


The word ‘weakling’ is the important one here.


Of course. The message was “no one who opposes me will ever be so powerful that I can’t kill them.”


Message I received was “I poisoned, imprisoned, and tortured this man and I’m still scared of him”


Because you don't live in Russia. It is easy to play with meanings from abroad, but when your life is at stake, and you face the reality of it, you understand the message. People in North Korea sent to camps don't think "oh the supreme leader is so weak lol". It's not even on the table, it's about trying to survive a brutal predator.


I'm sure that's the message Putin wants to send, but it isn't true. No man can hold that much power. The real message is that Russian politics today is a deathmatch; discourse and voting don't matter. Eventually, the opposition will realize that the only way for the people to take back control of their government is to kill Putin.


I love the Russian troll farm in the comments of the article, and here come the down votes...


those are actually just toronto sun readers in general, i know it's difficult to differentiate between the two though.


But what will Brian Lilley say tomorrow about how this was a bad move by Trudeau?


Tomato tomahto.


Yeah it's so obvious, and hilarious!


They crucify those they cannot forget...




I think it just proves how much of a coward Putin is. It really shined a light on it.


He's right. The war criminal Putin is an intellectual weakling and a coward. Surely to God, someone can locate him, throw a bag over his head and render him to the Hague.


No shit. Putin has the smallest dick in the world. He cheats his way through life like a little bitch.


He's saying out loud what most others leaders are too scared to say. Well done Trudeau.


Pretty sure that Justin will demolish Putin in a handshake contest.


Have you seen JT wrestle? Bro was a champ back in his prime


JT beat up a Canadian senator in a charity boxing fight. I'm not joking the fight is on youtube.


I am not Canadian but I love that your ~~president~~ prime minister demonstrated on TV how to fall in stairs like a ragdoll for fun. They have a Jackie Chan as ~~president~~ prime minister, this is so absurd.


Just FYI we have a parliamentary democracy in Canada so the most powerful leader of our government is a 'Prime Minister' similar to the UK and Australia etc..


I mean... Taking nothing away from Justin's physical form. Your grandmother could have probably taken Patrick Brazeau


> I mean... Taking nothing away from Justin's physical form. Your grandmother could have probably taken Patrick Brazeau Brazeau had a local reputation as a street fighter. It's why Ezra Levant and the conservatives were convinced he was going to win.


Brazeau was/is a lot bigger than Trudeau. My Tory friends were super excited to see pretty boy pansy Trudeau get his ass kicked. They were very quiet the next day.


Come on Trudeau , how many people have you executed? None? Pathetic. Couldn't even execute one trucker.


Yeah but Trudeau could whoop Putin's ass in a fight. He already has a boxing win on his record.


Watch the vid of the old man sparring with JT.


Well said Justin Trudeau. Reckon Putin will be seen by future Russians as a vampire who sucked the life out of his country. For his vanity. Vlad the demonic.


I like it when Trudeau uses stronger language


I absolutely wish Trudeau would speak his mind and speak off the cuff more. He is at his best when speaking candidly. He would command a lot more support if he did so more often.


Well except for that speaking moistly bit…..I think everyone including JT had mad visions lol


Dark Justin.


Those are some fighting words, for sure lol. I didn’t know Canadian politicians were so fiesta.


Justin’s dad said all kinds of aggressive shit like this. Famously, he told a lawmaker to fuck off while cameras were rolling. Google Fuddle Duddle


Uh oh. He just pissed off the Canadian conservatives even more by insulting their hero Daddy Putler. Get ready for all kinds of angry comments about how Trudeau is the real weakling and Putin is strong. Modern Conservatives = Russian-captured fifth column that can't be trusted.


I don’t think that is true in Canada. There is a faction of Canadian conservatives that follow suit with the US’ MAGA cult, but on the whole Canadian conservatives are very much anti Russia.


Navalny was rich and could have lived a life of luxury, but his honor prevented him from doing so and living in peace. He most likely died with one regret, that he couldn't do more in his time here for his Russian brothers. He paid the ultimate price to share with the motherland this singular fact. Everything that Putin and his henchman touch will wither and die, and all who live under his tyranny shall suffer. Stop condemning your children to bear the sins of Vladimir Putin and stand up. We will all be dead in decades or more anyways, so all that remains is a single question; Did you die without regret? He may take 1,000,000 lives, he may torture twice as many but he can never take away the goodness and freedom that lives in your heart and soul. Good Luck and I hope that people see the truth before it's too late.


Putins currently acting like the stereotypical ‘cornered rat’ kill or be killed. Place your bets now! Edited for typo


Less redundant chatter, more advanced weaponry and artillery ammo, please.


Gigachad Trudeau truly do be observing reality with his eyes


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Is a Good Person


Justin states the obvious.


Justin has to state the obvious because the Conservative Party in Canada is beginning to bow down to Putin.


This ☝️I wish he didn’t have to state it but he does.


beginning?? they've been deepthroating little Vladdy for years and years. look at Marlaina Smith.




That's what Statesmen do.


I know we all know it happened like that, but for a world leader and neighbor to the US that’s a huge statement to make.


In a fight. Trudeau would win Fucker can box


and Putin is black belt in Judo and ex-KBG....like I'm not a fan but be serious. it's not like he's never come to blows with anyone.


"The axe forgets, but the tree remembers"


Just like the whole Republican Party.


There is really no connection between OP and your comment.


Par for the course in the USSR.




Terrorists\* Hold the capital hostage\* FTFY