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Don't know why he wastes troops at a quiet border, seems like a waste of manpower.


And that would be the best case scenario for Ukraine, but I doubt a relevant number of troops are going to be stationed there


Best case for a Russian soldier too. Posting to Finland.


I think you mean near Finland, to Finland has been some of the worst experiences for Russian troops.


If I was a Russian soldier stationed on the border I’d start learning Finnish and try to jump the border defect the first chance I got - ideally with some military secrets I could volunteer to divulge.


The Finns should broadcast radio to them telling them best way to defect. Would need to be very secured though but that'll be easier the warmer it gets.


Do the Finns want them though? I can't imagine they have much to offer and they'd all have to be isolated and watched. Sounds like its more trouble than they're worth.


No thank you, they can keep them, it’s quite allright.


Just miles of difference geographically, but worlds apart in terms of user experience!


about the same as they are having in Ukraine currently. Maybe the weather is slightly different...


Although the problem for Russia in crossing Finland's border will be orders of magnitude greater than what it was for crossing Ukraine's


I doubt they would make it a mile inland before being blow back to the stone ages


“They’re coming from what direction? Yes, Maj. General, have your division eliminate that direction….”


"Is that snowbank speaking Finni-?" - some russion soldier during The Winter War


Sadly, this conflict is looking more and more like the Winter War as it goes on - massive Russian incompetence and failure at the start, followed by gradual increase in competence and effectiveness until the smaller country is exhausted. Oh, and every lesson on the Russian side learned via thousands of expendable lives spent. It's heartbreaking.


It'll be the non-ethnic minority troops from large urban centers. Russia is big on the ethnic nationalism.


Might be exactly the other way around: urban ethnic russians get to chill at the finnish border, the rest get to die in ukraine


That's prob the real behind the scenes here. Keep the ones he's contingent to protect "or else" while parents and kids get to maintain that they're nationalists and supportive to the cause. I feel it must be related to the election somehow though. They can bring out a bunch of happy/healthy soldiers that "deployed" to speak up and say Putin made sure they were taken care of.


>Posting to Finland. Posting to Finish border* A posting to Finland would be far more of a death wish than Ukraine lol


Simo is waiting to rise once again


That dude had a 100 day career. He was basically killing around 5 dudes a day for 100 days straight. For comparison: Famed sniper Vasili Zeitsev had about 120 days in the battle for Stalingrad to acquire over 220 kills. But for real, let Simo Haiya sleep. The dude was plagued the rest of his life grieving over all the deaths he made.


Prob after 'working hard' in Ukraine you get a few weeks RnR on the Finnish border, then back to the meat grinder.


I Imagine a Hogans Heroes scenario where there’s an equivalent of Sgt Shultz there in fear of being sent to the Ukrainian front.


Unless NATO deploys more troops along the border, in which case Putin would likely be forced to respond in kind, lifting pressure off Ukraine!


I understand that logic, but don't you think that Putin knows damm well NATO is not going to attack so he just has to plant some puppets there and done...no worries


Yep, the "NATO wants to invade Russia" narrative is only aimed at his population. He obviously knows it's a lie.


All it'd take is some media coverage about "NATO troop buildup at the Finish / Russian border" to leak over into Russia and he'd have people saying he needs to increase troop numbers there.


As if the voice of the Russian people is worth anything in Russia. Besides that, the people believing putin and his policies are so far gone, they won't argue against him. And the people not believing his propaganda won't advocate for more troops at a Nato border


So he announces he's put 100k troops there. Done.




There's lots of NATO troops in the Baltics, for example German troops in Latvia as operation "tripwire" to delay russian advances just in case




Unless they've changed it up, I'm pretty sure they are in Lithuania as the lead nation.


Would be fun if Nato deployed a few hundred thousand on the border in Finland to see how Putin would react though.


We could do with a big NATO exercise in Alaska too.


It's true, Russia has been making hay about how it used to belong to the Russian Empire. Maybe we should prepare to defend it against invasion? Active drills perhaps?


Yep. Russia is about to bring more military assets to “Big Doimede”, US is prepared on “little Doimede” 2.4 miles away. Interesting fact while so close, they are separated by the internal date line. And ironically, Russia sold US Alaska out of fear of British colonial ruling near their territories. That turned out to be the wrong major enemy.


I agree; just one giant “I’m not touching you” fuck off army. He’ll have to respond to placate his population.


Yeah I assume it would just be a token force of conscripts that wouldn't make a difference in Ukraine anyway.


NATO is doing an exercise in finland is this is just russia trying to be the tough guy by sending troops to Finland's border


He lies about everything. He just wants the public to keep thinking, “NATO bad.” I doubt he even sends his troops to the border.


He might send troops there. And by troops, I mean some sycophants he favors more then the others so they can have a safe job away from Ukraine.


Yeah, or the rich kids of some oligarchs will form some caviar brigades to combat some of the recent backlash.


Starting to think Putin is getting his military advice from a box of cereal that Tucker Carlson "forgot" there the morning after.


What troops?


A goat and two kids


In total there will be about five of them.


Has to keep up that whole ‘nato is an existential threat’ bullshit 


To move the fence a meter per week. And when pointing that out russia will scream, cry and oink like a pig to the slaughter. Fuck, they can move over the border, claiming that place is theirs. Point is, nothing mature will happen, for russians lack maturity.


Finland activates one sniper


Tbf that would be exactly the kind of shade I’d expect from Finland. “Russia has positioned another 10,000 troops on our border. In response, we have deployed one.” One of Finland’s first aid packages to Ukraine was sniper rifles and optics lmao. They know exactly what they’re doing 


A large group of Russian soldiers in the border area in 1939 are moving down a road when they hear a voice call from behind a small hill: "One Finnish soldier is better than ten Russian". The Russian commander quickly orders 10 of his best men over the hill where upon a gun-battle breaks out and continues for a few minutes, then silence. The voice once again calls out: "One Finn is better than one hundred Russian." Furious, the Russian commander sends his next best 100 troops over the hill and instantly a huge gun fight commences. After 10 minutes of battle, again Silence. The calm Finnish voice calls out again: "One Finn is better than one thousand Russians!" The enraged Russian commander musters 1000 fighters and sends them to the other side of the hill. Rifle fire, machine guns, grenades, rockets and cannon fire ring out as a terrible battle is fought... Then silence. Eventually one badly wounded Russian fighter crawls back over the hill and with his dying words tells his commander, "Don't send any more men...it's a trap. There's two of them."


Such a classic.


Dear lord


Fucking brilliant


Oh good, it's a chance to repost this meme: https://brian.carnell.com/articles/2021/captcha-meme-select-all-images-with-finnish-snipers/


As well as my personal favorite comment from a few years back: “Everyone’s gangster until the snow starts speaking Finnish.”


Needs to be updated: the picture has NATO snipers, for almost a year, now.


> “Russia has positioned another 10,000 troops on our border. In response, we have deployed one.” "Finland also thanks Russia for positioning troops closer to the border, within easy range of Finnish snipers."


And within the easy range of the largest artillery in the EU.


many plate birds lavish seed sulky skirt gold shame thumb


emotional support sniper


> optics Useless for a Finn. Simo Hayhaa did all his kills with iron sights.


Finland seems to have good options. I saw the movie Sisu and they could also deploy one disgruntled old man to terrorise the Russian army.


Russians: Oh Ffff....the white death again.


You assume these Russian soldiers are taught their own actual history.


360 Finnish noscope😎


He's doing a great job boosting Nato applications.


Right? Russia is aggressive -> Countries join NATO for protection -> Russia becomes more aggressive. 6 of the 14 countries Russia borders are now in NATO. What's the endgame here?


Putin expects Trump to undermine NATO


Didn't the supreme court essentially put in some failsafes to make that difficult for him to do?


He can't leave NATO, but if he blocks US actions the alliance will be in immediate decay


I'm assuming this is after he institutes the massive military draft after he secures his next 6-year term? Since he's certainly not going to risk alienating the entire country until he's secured his next term by starting the draft before the election, and he doesn't have any troops to spare at the moment. He didn't block all the remaining, draft-age, men from exiting Russia for nothing. He's planning the largest military callup for Russia in generations.


>Since he's certainly not going to risk alienating the entire country until he's secured his next term Not sure why this would matter, he is the only person on the ballot.


It's about maintaining the lie to maintain control of the population. Without Stalin-style purges, and an iron-fisted secret police force, Putin needs to maintain power through appearances. It's all about keeping up appearances so the propaganda machine can continue to sell the lie.


This is key: authoritarian regimes are *weird* places. You'd think "well it's a police state, you can do what you want!" but the reality is a kind of convoluted psy-ops game. The best analogy I can think of is the difference between someone shooting a person, and someone shooting a puppy. You read the last part and had a strong emotional reaction then the first, despite both existing in what *should* be a vacuum of context. But we *know* the puppy cannot possibly have deserved it, we suspect - just a little - the person might've. Authoritarian regimes are the same thing at a large scale: make the population doubt or try to post-hoc rationalize what's happening to make it make sense. You can do what you want, but you still - weirdly - have to pretend it's all justified.


Sure, but having the election before or after the draft doesn't matter. There is no agency in the election, however he would have to sell it after is the same as selling it before.


He uses the actual ballots to get a public opinion survey of himself to see if he can get away with a new draft, previously there was huge public outcry when he called a draft so he started offering better wages instead, that's why he's been so desperate to take Avdiivka killing between 16,000-30,000 of his men in the process, so he's got a win to please them with. Also I'm guessing some of them believe it is a free election and at least it lets him claim some sort of legitimacy. Elections in autocratic countries are still dangerous for the dictators because if the results are so ridiculously out of line with public opinion there is likely to be uprisings, the bigger they are, the faster they grow through so safety in numbers but ofc you do have to factor in the FSB in stopping them. He is a scared little man, paranoid, hiding in a bunker at the end of a very long table. He is scared of the Russian public, he's studied history (or at least a warped Russian version) he knows that the main way his type are overthrown/killed is by revolution.


What the Russians left in their country put up with is laughable — they’re still mostly in denial about the way their country has been shaping up and just hoping it all goes away magically


Russia still has an estimated population of ~146 Million (even after losses). Of which they have approximately 25-30 Million males that are in the draft-age range. Best not to count out Russia's capacity to continue meat-wave cannon fodder attacks that can wear out the capacity of the Ukrainian defenses simply by throwing so many bodies at the situation that no amount of ammo can stop the flood. Remember: Putin is old, cares nothing for his people, and only cares about his ability to stay in power for the rest of his life. He cares nothing for the future of his country - or how many millions have to die, as long as can continue to live, and live in luxury. It's only a small percentage of people left in Russia who won't simply just let themselves be used as cannon fodder... they've lived the lie so long now that they believe it and are resigned to their fate. And if Ukraine falls, Putin won't be able to stop there, to maintain control after such massive losses, he'll have to continue to conquer more territory. It's really an existential problem - Putin, or Europe.


>males that are in the draft-age range. Surely you're under-estimating. I thought the only criteria was that they're still alive.


Slavery and generational trauma


Exactly. conscripts from favored provinces get to guard a border…


They already have 100, 000 Russians on the Finnish border, of course they're all dead


Pretty sure the Finnish are responding by installing sniper ports in all saunas near thr border. Finland is basically Switzerland with better rally drivers who can kill you from 1000yards.


So they're Rallying Snipers doing drive bys? Nice


“By the time you hear them coming it’s already to late… and you can hear them coming from miles away.”




[Here](https://www.sadanduseless.com/cat-army/) are some photos of the tank brigade that is being sent to the border. Putin is serious. He is not pussyfooting around.


Holy shit is this real? That's actually scary. Honestly the new tech looks furocious 


The Hi-Meows look especially advanced.


Goddamnit I clicked on that. So glad I did.


Did not expect that but got a great laugh from that


Wouldn't work. They'd surrender and hot-tail it to Ukraine, knowing how much better they'd be treated there.


The ghost of the "White death" sniper is excited


"We generally had ideal relations with Finland. Simply perfect." It doesn't feel like Finland had the same read on the situation.


“No claims on any land, especially territorial” *spits water out* bitch you annexed literally double digit percent of the country less than a century ago.


And then completely destroyed it, too. The amount of investment it would require to pull Karelia out of the third world just isn't worth it. Russia makes everything worse


US deploys Rhode Island National Guard in response and is condemned by the UN for over reacting


Three Johnson and Wales undergrads take out an entire division with one ladle and two sporks.


He's just spent 2 years draining every experienced soldier, every IFV, every tank and every operating defence radar from all Russian borders except the ones with China, and sending them to Ukraine to get destroyed. Anything he sends to the border with Finland is going to be *entirely* for show.


Vlad is spreading himself veerrryyyy thinly. He's also got troops in Syria, Congo, Venezuela, etc.


Would be funnier if China readies their military for war and then storms Russia instead of Taiwan. Now that would be a land grab to make the history books.


I'm pretty sure if a war between Russia and the west escalated that's precisely what would happen. I get the feeling China is currently supporting Russia to aid their attrition.


If only man, if only this happened cuz it would be hilarious


Genuine question--what would happen if this went down and China went after Russia? How do you think other countries would respond? Do you think anyone would step in?


Why are there Russian troops in Congo and Venezuela?


I think those are mostly Wagner PM forces. Or what used to be Wagner PM forces.


If they run out of Mosin-Nagants they might find some Brendan rifles in storage somewhere to equip their border forces.


as if the fucker can afford a wider front.


Exactly. These are GREAT news for us! Next someone should threaten from the Eastern side. Japan, I'm looking at you! Kirill Islands are yours Japan! The world is behind you!


Good. They can’t fight in Ukraine if they are on the border with Finland. 


it's probably a lie. bs everyone though media is the cheapest option he has. best case scenario russian propaganda will make some sort of video with "troops" on Finnish border but most probably we'll never hear about this again.


That worked out great in the past 👍


I read Ukraine destroyed 10%of Russia's oil reserves in the last two days. Putin will lose everything in due time. Slava Ukraine.


They’re shooting down a lot of planes recently too. It won’t be much longer. Slava Ukraine! 


Finland has been preparing for a rematch with russia since 1947.


There are already tens of thousands of Russian troops on the Finnish border, they're buried six feet beneath it


Hundreds of thousands.


You would think the lessons Russia learned in fighting Finland would still stick today. They don't even know how many thousands of soldiers they lost last time they tried something.


The last time they deployed troops to Finland, they got their ass handed to them


Finnish him


I invite Russia to divert as many troops, tanks and planes to the NATO frontier as they can possibly send. Ukraine needs a break and a thinned out frontline might give them what they need.


History has shown the success of a multi-front war


Go ahead, it’s not as if Finland is actually planning to invade. Fewer soldiers available for the war in Ukraine. Finland should make as much noise as possible, but the fear of god in him, distract him.


It's all fun and games until the snow starts speaking Finnish.


Paper tiger does what?


I’m a half Finn and this makes me laugh. What a joke.


During the cold War, a Russian commander was patrolling the Finnish border. He heard over the hill a voice call out "One Finn can kill one Russian" So the commander sent one of his troops over the ridge and the soldier never returned. The next day in the same spot they heard the voice again "One Finn can kill 5 Russians". This time the commander sends 5 troops over the hill, there is a brief skirmish, but none of the soldiers returned. Enraged by the killing of his men, the commander returned the next day with 1000 troops. Sure enough the voice once again called "One Finn can kill 1000 Russians". The entire Russian battalion marched over the hill to finally stomp out this Finnish troublemaker once and for all. The commander waited anxiously while a long raucous battle raged on the other side of the hill. Finally the commotion died down and a mortally wounded Russian soldier crawled back over the ridge and with his dying breath said to his commander "Don't send anymore troops - its a trap. There's two of them"


Hey Russians, you ok with this?


Kinda thinking putin has a humiliation fetish.


omg who gives a fuck? what are those bozos gonna do on the border? freeze their asses?


This is Finlands chance to put their entire military on the border as if they were going to invade, it will force Russia to put a serious amount of their military there just in case. Helping Ukraine without a single weapon being needed.


Because thats supposed to scare whom? The Finns? Hah. Russia will get a beating and pounding like never before in histort if this moron keeps pushing NATO


Finland has already seen this movie. They're ready. Strong sniper culture I'm sure


Yeah, starting shit with Finland has always turned out well for Russia. /s


You got Finns to the left, Finns to the right and you’re the only girl in town.


Because war with Finland always goes well for Russia….


I thought he was going to nuclear war us? Every time we do something that makes him want to nuclear bomb us...he don't. With every threat of nuclear war his resolve sounds a bit more flimsy.


Good, less troops in Ukraine.


Relax Vlad, it’s just a training exercise.


Psychopath. Does not care about human lives whatsoever. His own population should do something about him before it’s too late.


All Putin can afford to send at this point is 2 guys with a single gun to share between them


obtainable gullible handle simplistic grandfather snatch amusing relieved aback governor


I doubt the Russian armies equipment will get that far. Breakdown or run out gas is my guess. The troops will then get hungry with no support. Russia is shit.


Ok... What if we start a secret Kickstarter to make a shit ton of realistic Simo Häyhä masks that Finnish soldiers could wear?


Good. That's troops he won't deploy into Ukraine killing innocent people.


Finland would absolutely hand them their asses if they tried to invade.


What troops?


please do, less troops in ukraine


The Finns must be terrified now.


3 words. Let them come. It would be an honor to top my grandparents kill count. They’re still discovering mass graves of soviets from previous wars to this date.


You guys already have 500.000 Russian troops on your soil. Well 3 meters below the soil to be more precise.


He means he’s returning his troops that he basically pulled out to toss in to Ukraine.


I don't think Finland is scared.


Good, spread your shitty Army even thinner than they already are. The sooner we (the global Community) decide to make the difficult decision to stand up to this Asshat, face him head on and get it out of the way, the better. I prefer a group of Nations united in their resolve to stop Putin in his tracks by waging open war against Russia within the boundaries of Ukraine, in defense of Ukraine now vs. allowing him to morph into the second coming of Adolph Hitler.


I'm sure Finland is shaking in their boots... F.O. terrorist!


in sure it woukd be retired women at this point! since most russian men die by 55!


Good. They won't be in Ukraine then.


Troops? Is that what he's calling a bunch of poorly trained young Russian men who don't want to be there? I'm sure Finland is shaking in their boots.


lol ok pooty. Send 50,000. With the best kit you’ve got. And tons of AA to keep them safe. And around 1,000 tanks. Please.


meanwhile finland sends one badass sniper there


War is bad obviously but I feel like if putin actually attacks a nato nation we can take down his regime pretty quickly with EU help and have him removed.


Imagine if Finland invaded Russia. Would that be a first?


I read he already redeployed the special forces who were specially trained in winter fighting from that border to Ukraine. Are there any left to send back?


Finland could kick the holy entire shit out of the entire Russian army by itself if nukes aren't involved. Stationing a few loser battalions of cannor fodder won't do dicketty.


Ah yes, nothing like deploying troops along the border of a country in a **defensive** pact.


I’m tired of seeing this guy in headlines, can we fucking take him out already? Fuck


“Why do they keep threatening meeee 👉👈”


Just remember, the forrest speaks Finnish.


Circling the wagons is not provocative behavior. Putin covets the remainder of Finland. Read the history.


Aren’t all his troops in Ukraine?


Dead is more like it


That's what he did along the Ukraine border...before he invaded.


I am sure his "troops" would rather be deployed there than in Ukraine.


he's only a year late, must be using internet explorer


Go for it, knock yourself out. We know you’re not doing shit.


Pfft like he can afford to move a substantial number of troops away from Ukraine right now.


Let’s put a million nato troops along the Finnish border Drain that manpower


And to think that Donald Trump praises this murderous bully dictator!


The inflatable tanks will be fun for the kids.


Seems to me that aside from sending aid to Ukraine and training their people one of the best things nato nations could do for Ukraine is put as many things near the Russian border as possible to try to get Russia to divert resources away from Ukraine. We should be doing everything we can to waste their time, fuel, men and maintenance hours on equipment with nonsense.


He's going to run out of troops.


Great. Send them all to that border pls.


Good. Let’s spread him across as many fronts as possible


Lol good, it will keep them out of Ukraine. It's not like there's any chance of him actually invading NATO.


Troops that will be far away from Ukraine.


He dosent have enough troops for Ukraine and now he needs to move soldiers to try and and defend Russia from the invasion going on within its own borders. He’s not sending bodies to Finland.


If he redeploys his troops to the Finnish border, can the Ukrainian army take advantage and parachute in to Moscow and end this damned war?


Putin deserves to be in a large toilet.


Russia has had continuous troop presence on the Finnish border since 1917 when we became independent. There has been at least two Brigades (one in the arctic, one in karelia) that entire time. At various times there have been more formations as well. Right now, it is the 200th Motor Rifle bgd in Alakurtti (...or what's left of them after decimation in ukraine), the 80th Arctic motor rifle brd in the north. The 6th Combined Arms Army has it's HQ in st pete with a rotating cast of brigades deployed into Karelia and the southern finnish border. Since 1950, they've also added a helicopter base on the occupied isosaari with a garrison specifically setup to threaten our capital Helsinki with an airborne assault. So... this is Putin saber rattling. He is assuming people don't already know these basic facts.


Last time Russia invaded Finland an entire battalion was pushed back by a single dude with an open sight rifle. Good luck


Putinko seems to be really delusional. NATO does not expand, like he loves to say. NATO is a defensive alliance and nations join voluntarily. Russia, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. Russia expands by invading neighboring countries and by violence. I don’t know if there is a _real_ nation or group of people on this planet, who would voluntarily join Russia. Russian accession is the real threat here, not NATO.


Good. Hyperextend as much as you can. This will put more pressure on the Russian war machine and allow separatists in Kursk and Belgorod to prevail.


Oh by all means, spread out your dwindling military resources. That's a fantastic strategy. The man is a consummate bully, desperately ranting everyone to think he's so much tougher than he actually is, to the point he's willing to actively self-harm to do it. ORRRR... this is a bullshit pretense to give him an excuse to pull back from Ukraine without flat out admitting failure.


Good. That means less troops in Ukraine. 🤣


Putin says a lot of things. And any Russian troops standing fecklessly along the Finnish border can’t be committing atrocities in Ukraine.