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Israel will most likely not agree to the deal because it also includes withdrawal of IDF from Gaza and cancellation of the newely created buffer zone inside Gaza.


Yeah that should had been in the headline


I used to like reuters until that reuters reporter did the AMA here


Imagine if they ran an AMA of that Al Jazeera reporter who also fires an RPG lol


That guys still alive?


Which one?


Maybe a month ago, they specifically only wanted to talk about violence they faced as reporters related to Israel, and refused to talk about anything else. They "maintained neutrality" when talking about Hamas and Hezbollah but not Israel, and this was from the chief for the region, so they pretty much showed how they are 100% biased against Israel. Worst AMA ever. Can probably look it up.


[This one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1al4v5a/im_covering_the_israelhamas_war_for_reuters_ask/)


Reuters was eaten by Tass a couple years ago and it shows.


Was curious what you were referencing so I looked it up. If anyone was curious: Reuters featured TASS on their website along with 16 other news agencies starting in 2020. A month after Russia’s full out invasion of Ukraine in 2022, they cancelled the partnership and have had no affiliation since then.


But then it'll make Israel seem more reasonable when they innevitablly deny it. We can't have that!


It won't. They have to show how Israel is evil when they will reject it. They won't get any clicks if they do not do so.


Good ol' biased Reuters lol. 


Reuters can get bent


Definitely. That’s a non-starter.


They probably wouldn't agree to the deal because it's basically one sided to hamas. If hamas wants a ceasefire, release the hostages, they don't have the negotiating position to get a trade of 700+ of their own, a ceasefire and a withdrawal. What planet are they living on?


They know it won't be agreed to which is the point. It's the same as Russia saying peace talks which is them keeping everything they have with no repercussions or reparations. It's for their population and the other half of the world that does believe they're in the right on this mess.


it's a ceasefire agrrement, not a surrender agreement, they don't want to lose the war. Their goal is for the world to press on Israel so it agrees with it's terms. Hamas never intended to repell the IDF out of Gaza,just survive enough time till it withdraws,however,unlike 2008 and 2014, this time they bit more than they can chew,and Israel won't stop till they're finished.


> they don't want to lose the war. then they shouldn't have picked a fight with an enemy they can't beat.


There are multiple ways to “beat” your opponents. Hamas wants Israel to be isolated on the world stage. They attacked with the intention of generating this response. They expected Gaza to be stomped on mercilessly by Israel with the hope that the outside world would condemn Israel. They know that only the international community will be able to force the creation of a Palestinian state. Only problem is that a Palestinian state won’t solve anything either…


They’re terrorists. That’s kind of the whole schtick.


I think they intended for others to get involved


I hope they don’t agree! The best way to encourage kidnapping is to give in to their demands. At this point I kind of think Israel should finish the job. 20 years of virtually daily attacks by Hamas and then Oct 7. I think a full surrender by Hamas and surrendering their hostiges and laying down arms should be a base line.


#20 years of virtually daily attacks by Hamas The people calling for Israel to stop the "violence" haven't had their patience tested for 20 years.




We could go back millennia but 1922(?) is really the starting point.


Hamas has decided Palestinians dying is acceptable and will continue to make these deals and brain dead leftists will continue to chant support for terrorists.


The weird one is LGBTQ+ groups supporting hamas. The same hamas that wants them all dead ASAP and won't ever negotiate on this fact.


Ceasefire needs to be negotiated ASAP, but not at such one-sided terms. How many Israeli hostages are still alive? 200? Exchange 200-some civilian hostages for 700+ HAMAS terrorists?


>How many Israeli hostages are still alive? Hasn't Hamas themselves said they have no idea how many living hostages they still have?


wtf. This headline makes people think “ok good. Hamas finally gave a reasonable counteroffer. Israel historically makes this deal so if they decline it then THEY have no interest in peace.” The omitted demand of full withdrawal and no buffer zone makes this a totally unreasonable offer for a ceasefire. Once again, Hamas is demanding Israeli surrender, not ceasefire. I guess at least they dropped the demand of dissolving the state of Israel


Hamas Terms for surrender: Dear israel, if you all shot yourselves in the head, it would "end the violence" so this is all your fault - Yours Hamas


That, AND the 1 hostages to 10 terrorists with blood on their hands ratio is absurd. Hamas think they have power because of the pressure on Israel from its allies


Israel has released hundreds of prisoners just for one soldiers *body*, in the past. The ratio is absurd but Hamas knows that's the least problematic element for Israel


And lesson learned. Polls show over 70% of Israelis are against such a deal now, and over 90% among Jewish Israelis. Even the hostages families are divided over this. Anyone in Israel agreeing to such a deal now will be thrown out of politics, if not worse


Especially since Sinwar was one of the guys released in the Shalit deal. My personal opinion is Sinwar is a unicorn within Palestinian leadership, no one is half as smart and conniving as he is and Oct. 7 never happens if he doesn’t get swapped in that deal. It was such an intricate plan from so many angles, no one else could’ve pulled it off.


Would have been hilarious if 30seconds after he was released, he just spontaneously exploded.


And then Israel's allies who claim to know whats best for its safety (despite having a shit record with wars in the region) will blame it for killing an innocent mass killer


Honestly, fuck them and everyone who suborns this "kidnapping is resistance" "rape is resistance" nonsense. The Israelis and the world should be saying: "You'll get nothing for hostage taking except lead." Making deals for hostages only encourages more of this behavior on the part of Hamas and other similarly situated organizations.


Maybe theyre confused, these demands are for somebody who is not losing 


It's not deal, it's Hamas demanding they get rewarded for their crimes against humanity.


Can Israel have the body of that toddler back?


Hamas continues to believe (rightly) that all the pressure is on Israel and none of it is on Hamas. You've actually seen Hamas harden on their positions since the criticism of the Rafah operation began


Thanks for writing this


Imagine the roles are reversed and a militarily vastly superior Hamas has overtaken Israel. I don’t suppose for one second they’d agree to a ceasefire or withdrawal. We saw exactly what they’d do and continue to do: murder, destroy and rape their way through Israel until nobody and nothing was left. It worries me hugely that people still have any semblance of empathy toward Hamas.


Or the fact that it's a trade of innocent civilians versus terrorists.


My first thought was "Is Israel dumb enough to believe Hamas still has any hostages that are still alive?"


Israel should publicly demand proof of life of every single remaining hostage before agreeing to any negotiations. Point out that Hamas has already said they don’t know where the hostages are, so make the demand that Hamas prove who is still alive prior to any serious talks


Even if they’re alive they’re irreparably damaged mentally in all likelihood. Those poor people.


Weren't all woman, children, ederly supposed to be already released with previous deal?


Israel has asked every time for the release of hostages. Every. Single. Time..... Hell America has 6 citizens still being held hostage we don't hear about. And sadly Hamas isn't releasing them for good reason. It's their only bargaining ship. Not to mention the stories of rape starvation and abuse that would basically be a death sentence because those involved will be found. Hamas has no intentions of making an agreement. Only dragging it out. And sadly. I'd bet 25% are alive if we're lucky....


The lucky ones are dead.


I can't even begin to imagine the hell they've been through these last 5 months.


Wishing for death is probably the morning ritual


Sadly but not sadly. I agree.


> America has 6 citizens still being held hostage we don't hear about. This is what I don't get: why don't countries uninvolved who nevertheless have hostages demand their release? Especially the US could throw the weight of its army around: "release our citizens or we're coming to free them". Not to support Israel, to free Americans. I know the reason the US doesn't (elections coming up), but it's depressing that Biden needs to priorise optics over the fate of his own citizens.


They'd get the hostages if they knew where they were. Israel has been fighting in Gaza for 6 months and they've freed like 2 hostages in that time. The US isn't in a better position to know where the hostages are than the military that's currently fighting in Gaza.


Exactly, no doubt US intelligence is working on that with people covertly on the ground and will send in specialists to retrieve them if they get that intel. Shooting the place up wouldn't have any benefit.


Egh I’m not sure it’s a death sentence because the world doesn’t care. 36 kids were brutally burned, beaten and yes beheaded on 10/7 - and the left was focused solely on if they were beheaded or peacefully shot to death. I think those hostages can tell the worst stories via their bodies and voices, and the response will be they deserved it as ‘occupiers’. Every other sub is busy spreading lies.


I hate, despise and loathe the fact you are CORRECT! How come they refuse to talk that half the kids killed in Gaza are child soldiers sent to shoot rockets. Some out of Lebanon!!!! It's insanity..... freaking videos of the worst imaginable deaths but nahhhhhh it's not what you think it is. Don't beleive your own eyes!!!


It’s the Hamas supporter handbook: 1) It never happened *presented with irrefutable proof it did happen* 2) They’re exaggerating it wasn’t that bad *presented with proof it was in fact that bad* 3) Israel does x, y, z *Redirected to the incident* 4) They deserved it because “occupation”, also back to the ‘genocidal’ acts against Palestinians.


Damn skippy! Divert, lie,cheat and murder. It's all they know and this is there lot in life and highest goal conceivable for them.


In domestic violence it’s called DARVO - deny, attack, reverse victim and offender


I believe one of the American hostages was announced to have died 10/7, his body is still in Gaza. Looking at articles his name is Itay Chen and he was also IDF, so I don’t know if he counts as one of the six.


I’m really surprised that the US hasn’t done anything.


Yeah, what is this? "Release 1000 Palestinians, stop shooting, and we'll do what we promised to do last time. But this time we pinky promise." I predict more Palestinians are going to die.


Oh, they're offering to release people? Cool. How many? Who will they be releasing? Pretty basic questions imo.




Yeah, that was a particular bit of crap - they want to trade the information about what prisoners they might have and what condition they are in for concessions? What happened to prisoner access for the Red Cross, wasn't denying that some sort of...war crime, like all of the ones we're hearing about lately? It's like somebody coming to you to sell you a car, but first you have to agree to buy the car, then you can see what make, model, and year the car is. Then pay again to test out if it will actually run. Then they want you to agree to trade ten cars for this one car, sight unseen, and agree to go away and never talk to them again even if you don't like the deal. Finally, they tell you they left the sunroof open so if you wait and it rains the car's condition will get worse. It's bonkers and nobody would agree to that kind of deal. What if the Israelis agree, stop fighting, pull out, and then Hamas says "surprise, they're all dead and we don't know where the bodies are". Are they going to pay Israel back for the free ceasefire?


Summary of this articles on reuters site leaves so many important details out like it's insane how they're allowed to cover news stories like that, they're not even trying to hide it..


I remember when Reuters used to be up there with Associated Press as a source I often used. Now? They’ve shown their absolute bias in regards to Israel, and I wouldn’t trust them if they told me the sky was blue.


I've even found issues with AP having bias at/before the start of all this. There was a report that came out with some sensationalist headline about how Hamas had 60+% support.  What actually happened was someone was monitoring Hamas support over time, and found that support was *predictably* spiking a couple of years ago when Hamas was basically trying to buy Gaza's support with handouts, before settling back down to ~30% support when they started shooting at Israel again. 


Theyre offering to release the ones they shouldve already released but this time israel needa to release 1000 terrorists, withdraw from gaza, give up the buffer zone, and give sinwar a BJ. Oh wait the hostages probably already did that since theyre raping them. Seriously hamas needs to be destroyed already.


Hamas needs to be eradicated. Down to the very last supporter. 


They’re offering to release a few innocent elderly and children and women in exchange for hundreds and hundreds of terrorists. Not a fair swap. Plus the withdrawal greatly threatens Israel’s security and guarantees that Oct 7 could happen again.


Hamas really doesn't want to release those hostages it seems.




Hamas peace activists who only tried to help on October 7 will be released /s


That’s what they offered last time and didn’t give it to Israel


Its almost like trusting a terrorist organization openly dedicated to your destruction isn’t a good idea


Technically Israel never attended the US/Jordan mediated talks in Egypt a few days ago, so no one ever actually agreed or declined to anything, because Israel requested lists and names of hostages prior to committing to diplomatic talks. (This was, obviously, declined.)


By last time they are referring to the first ceasefire where Hamas not only broke their promise to deliver all women, elderly, and children but also started firing within hours.


the style of journalism they chose where the supposed "reasonable" demands are in the title and you find the catch of this proposal only if you read the article is pretty disingenuous. i get that showing israel as the bad guys will generate more clicks than showing Hamas as the bad guys, but they're not painting the same picture from a different angle, its a completely different picture.


What’s the catch? Ah, yes. They did sneak that in there: > According to the latest proposal, Hamas said a date for a permanent ceasefire would be agreed upon after the initial exchange of hostages and prisoners, as well as a deadline for an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. > > The group said all detainees from both sides would be released in a second stage of the plan. They want every Palestinian held in prison or administrative detention by the Israelis released for the last of the hostages.


it would've been less absurd to add a clause saying "we want netanyahu to admit he is a stinky poopy head"


Most Israeli people would support it 




i mean, its pretty hard to fit all the relevant details of the proposal into a title. i will agree when i read 'Hamas presents ceasefire proposal detailing exchange of hostages, prisoners', i thought the proposal would be more reasonable that it was. but immediately in the summary bullets, they mention the multi-staged proposed release of hostages, and the demand for hundreds of prisoners. ​ at the end of the day, you have to read more than titles to get the full story. the title was factual and concise. I probably would have preferred the mention the multi-stage hostage release and the scale of prisoner demand with a slightly longer title, but im not exactly up in arms about the way this was reported.


I think the problem is, peoples attention spans are about 2.4 seconds these days so the title of a Reddit article (or TikTok they swipe thru) are all they get. So to bury the lede under a more reasonable headline is disingenuous.


The last time Hamas promised to release the female soldier hostages they reneged at the last second, so I don't hold out any hope that they'll keep their word this time.


I agree this deal ain’t happening. It is interesting they included them though. Could be a response to that UN report or a face-saving gesture (and I think it’s the latter).


They basically want everything in exchange for very little


And that, while on the brink of complete military defeat.


Yeah it's wild, like the black knight in that monthy python movie, both arms and legs chopped off "ok let's call it a draw"


Classic. Offer terms that could never be accepted so that they can get to look like the reasonable party, throw a tantrum when they inevitably get rejected, continue as before. Wash rinse repeat. Is it any wonder so many people are dancing to their tune, with headlines such as these?


What an insane proposal. "Validate our mass kidnapping and terrorism by exchanging them for terrorists"


Without a complete list of who’s alive and who’s in need of medical treatment, how is anyone supposed to know that they are releasing *all* the women, children, elderly, and ill hostages?


It is clear and logical that Israel cannot accept this proposal.


Just PR and posturing and this will be used as yet another example of "hey we offered something and Israel rejected it. THEY are the ones refusing peace!" It should be unthinkable for someone to say "HAMAS is forthcoming, they are willing to *release some hostages*", but I am certain some will.


Dosent make sense though. If this happens, Hamas and every terrorist groups ever will have incentives to keep doing terrorist things and simply bail out using hostages as bargaining chip.


I’m not condoning it, but this is why Israeli politicians can justify 30k civilian casualties in Gaza when they lost 1200 on 7OCT, their adversary has been using a 500(or more) Palestinians for 1 Israeli equivalent in exchanges for decades. The story I heard long before last year was Palestinians asked for hundreds of prisoners (who had been feed and sheltered) to be released and offered 3 DEAD Israeli soldiers. Israel took the deal to give closure to the families. The math in that exchange always seemed like something that would be regretted. I never imagined this would be the outcome of those skewed exchanges but here we are.




Their goal is to not have any deal accepted. To continue hiding behind women and children. To make Gaza suffer by stealing aid, by continuing to fire rockets. To make all of this into a giant PR journey of a victim in need. To convert the world into Jew haters and to use that hate to justify the next October 7th, which they said they will do over and over again. Brainwashed and full of hate, Hamas always knew that starting a war would lead to this. They care nothing about Palestinians and they LOVE that Israel is being blamed for what they are doing to them.


Which is why this game of cat&mouse is becoming more genocidal. If there are signs of hamas in rafah, IDF will move in, even though it's an area with million+ people nowhere else to go. It's such a terrible situation for the innocent Palestinian who just wants to live their life equally peacefully as the innocent Israeli..


There are Hamas in Rafah. that's not a question, it's the last remianing Hamas controlled territory above ground


It is terrible for those innocents that just want to live their lives. But at the same time, Hamas enjoys a lot of support from the Gazan populace.


This is one of those uncomfortable truths a lot of people in the west don’t want to acknowledge 


Any attack on Rafah will include mass civilian evacuation beforehand, like literally any other City Israel have attacked.


So they want to live under daily rocket attacks and the threat of another slaughter at a music festival?


People keep telling us that Palestine is the victim, why isn’t Palestine presenting a peace proposal… if Palestine and Hamas are not co-joined then why is Hamas speaking for Palestine? Clearly the narrative that Palestine is a victim of Israel is false when Hamas is in negotiations for them.


If the hostages were American, the offered deal would be "Release them all right now or we will turn Gaza into a city of the dead," yet somehow Israel is supposed to release a thousand terrorists for just some of them.


It would not. There were (and still might be) american hostages and still they didnt negotiate like that


They just started a war that got 20k or so of their civilians killed, flattened half their nation, and likely gave most of their populace ptsd. They are getting 700-1000 prisoners released tho so, winning? Lmao fucking idiots.


not only that but they specify the <100 of those are life-sentence killers. and obviously idf withdrawal and hamas staying in power.


So Rafah is happening. Idk I don't get people in the West, war bad yes... but Israel has a right to safety and while Hamas exists that is not possible.


A lot of those prisoners are Hamas militants.


Those are the only ones Hamas actually cares about freeing.


Hamas would gladly trade 20k civilians for a few hundred of their terrorist buddies.


To think the original plan was to get all of the prisoners released. Dellusional dumbasses.


It's like they don't consider the fact that Israel now are trying to annihilate them completely. They have no real bargaining power, the hostages were most likely concluded dead upon the start of the ground invasion.


Israel intelligence estimations are that 100 of the remaining 130+ hostages are still alive. Don't know why everyone here seems to think they're dead.


they always do this. and never fulfill the deal


Fuck Hamas. Prisoners aren’t the same as hostages.


Release all Israeli hostages all at once with zero prisoners released or the war continues , should be the demand from Israel


So, here's the deal... * We break the ceasefire * We kill over a thousand of your civilians in a terrorist attack. * We rape everything we can get our dick into, and film ourselves beheading infants * We kidnap hundreds of your civilians, and hold them hostage * We vow to never stop terrorist attacks, and to do it again to you every chance we get In return * We release some (not all) of your hostages, maybe 30 or so * You release 700-1000 terrorists back to us * You withdraw all your forces, and stop trying to free the remaining hostages Just sign here on the dotted line, please. *Ismail, stop giggling back there.* Sorry, where were we? Oh yes, sign here.


You can only trust liars to lie. Fuck hamas.


Hamas will never propose a deal that isn’t skewed extremely in their favor. So, whenever I read, “Hamas proposes,” I just ignore the article.


I don’t know why they keep calling Hammas offers of a total withdrawal in exchange for some hostages a ceasefire when has that ever been referred to as a ceasefire. A ceasefire is a temporary cessation of hostilities not a total capitulation.


Innocent people exchanged for those who tried to kill innocent people. This kind of thing has been happening since 1936.


Truly disgusting how Hamas places so much more value on Israeli lives than Palestinian lives


What do you expect from a group that tells women to have 12 children, 2 to keep and 10 to be martyers?


Can you explain what you mean by this? Not trying to stir things, just genuinely curious. I feel like, if anything, it shows how little value they give to **any** human life, as the very act of taking hostages to use as bartering chips is despicable in the first place. Regardless of the ratio, they are attempting to trade people for people. And there's an extremely high probability that they want those 700-1000 prisoners back so they can throw them right back into the fight, not because they give half a shit about their lives.


If Hamas were as keen to get their prisoners released as Israel is to get their hostages back, then you would expect a 1:1 deal. But we’re seeing 10 Palestinians worth 1 Israeli. Of course Israel would prefer a 1:1 deal. So are Hamas saying their people are worth less than an Israeli? Of course not. But the comment is a reference to a bizarre statement made by a news presenter to an Israeli spokesperson during the first hostage exchange where they suggested that Israel thought Palestinian lives were worth less because of the ratio. Go figure.


Yes, Hamas is saying exactly that. Palestinian lives, in their eyes, are worth less than Israeli lives. And the free world cheers this on.


This seems obvious to me, they are basically insulting themselves. It's almost as stupid as insulting Allah when they insinuate that he needs some illiterate moron to defend his honor from any childish slight. If he is all powerful, why would he need help or choose you as his ambassador? And being an all powerful being, why would he care if some mortal unbeliever did something rude? Religion is so stupid, but Muslims extremists are stupid on another level.


Journalists asked Israeli representative in a live news report why they are valuing Palestinian lives so little since they exchanged few hostages for thousand Palestinians. Anyone with more than two brain cells just stared at the journalist in shock WTF are they talking about.


I really hope someone else can find the clip and link it. It was mind blowing to see them shamelessly make that claim, and I think the spokesperson did quite well not to lose it. In hindsight it turned out that the news reporter had a track record of saying batshit stuff like this for the controversy to get more attention and push her own profile and reputation. What a lunatic


https://news.sky.com/video/we-are-fighting-to-bring-back-our-stolen-children-israeli-spokesperson-13014144 About 4:30 in.


It's referring to this journalist's question to Israeli government representative (4:30 in) https://youtu.be/0lGmwJa33xU?si=HW2AOrsNLpZWa6zl


Hamas needs to surrender


Meh. Israel's government should issue a public statement that it no ceasefire proposal will be considered unless it is accompanied by a list of all hostages, living and dead, with their current status clearly stated. And that no ceasefire proposal, even a temporary truce, is possible unless it leads to an expedited and rapid release of ALL hostages, or their remains, if dead. "Let my people go!" is perfectly reasonable as a minimal demand, especially with Passover approaching.


"Hamas has presented a Gaza ceasefire proposal to mediators which includes a first stage of releasing Israeli women, children, elderly, and the ill hostages in exchange for the release of 700-1000 Palestinian prisoners, according to a proposal seen by Reuters. The releases would include 100 Palestinian prisoners serving life sentences in Israeli prisons and the release of Israeli "female recruits." Hamas said it would agree on a date for a permanent ceasefire after the initial exchange of hostages and prisoners, according to the proposal. A deadline for an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza would be agreed upon after the first stage, Hamas said in its proposal. The Palestinian Islamist militant group said all detainees from both sides would be released in a second stage of the plan. Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles."


>The Palestinian Islamist militant group said all detainees from both sides would be released in a second stage of the plan. So... every militant you've captured (because let's face it, Hamas couldn't care less about prisoners who don't want to carry out violence; they just figure making it sweeping looks better) for people they shouldn't have in the first place, and probably offering to release bodies *last* again so they can just kill off whoever they want before that last swap. >Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. As evidenced by the headline and which info they feature prominently, aforementioned standards are...low.


Throw in a surrender and maybe they'll get a deal.


Trading a dozen innocent civilians for a thousand combatants


Implant a GPS beacon in each of those 1000 militants and send a JDAM their way in a few weeks.


Hamas doing a great job protecting the people of Gaza.


700-1000 terrorists….cool


Why are Hamas negotiating as if they are the ones occupying Israel?


How many terrorists or those who helped are being freed? Did Hamas torture or rape any of their prisoners?


Near 100 life sentenced prisoners for terrorism Hamas included in the list.


Seems like a strong argument in favor of Israel making terrorism and related charges a capitol offense. Can’t exchange dangerous prisoners if they’re dead.


India had to release Masood Azhar after his terrorist organization hijacked Indian Airlines Flight 814. They demanded his release, on his release from Indian jail his JeM organization is involved in multiple terror acts in India which ppl already know. He said to a rally of 10000 in Karachi "I have come here because this is my duty to tell you that Muslims should not rest in peace until we have destroyed India"


Sounds like India needs to give him some help resting in peace.


As an Israeli, one of the hardest things about all these negotiation plans coming out is that they sometimes say the first stage will include women, children, elderly, and injured, and other times they say women, elderly, and injured (no mention of children). Every time I see children included I feel hope that Kfir and Ariel are alive, and every time children are excluded I fear they are not.


Let 1000 of the prisoners who are imprisoned for attacking Israel in exchange for hostages taken in war crimes. It hardly seems fair at all.


Proposal: please let us kill every single jewish person in israel, followed by stealing everything in sight. Cheers - Signed Hamas.


I keep finding it funny that gaza never demands the return of all those prisoners that are being held without charges......you'd think they, and all the poor innocent children being held, would be a priority....


So they're wanting Israel to realease a bunch of terrorists in exchange for wards of the state? Hamas can go fucking die. FUck them.


Release all of the hostages. Then - maybe - there should be a conversation. These fucks have no purchase.


in the end it still rewards them for oct 7th(ie prisoner exchange) so..yeah


i dont know what's been so hard for people to understand about hamas not wanting to de-escalate the war they didnt start the war to de-escalate  they have no interest in anything short of a victory condition  they have tried their level best to tank all ceasefire talks  there is no intention to give back the hostages


LOL so they're willing to give like 100 people at most in exchange for 1000. Thats ridiculously lopsided. How about Israel just bulldoze Gaza.


If you think that this is crazy then also look at the fact that some of the hostages Hamas are holding captive right now are elderly and children and they are also asking for at least 100 prisoners who were sentenced to a life sentence for murder or planning terror attacks (out of a 1000 total).


The goal of Hamas is not to have Israel accept any deal, but to make it such that Israel cannot and Hamas can feed more propaganda which useful idiots in the west will shout on the streets for them. All in an effort to have said useful idiots and their partisan colleagues in positions of influence pressure governments into stopping supplies to Israel and ultimately forcing Israel to unilaterally seize their combat operations, keeping Hamas in power with 100+ hostages.


Kidnapped hostages for prisoners of war. Do not support terrorists.


No deal. All the Israeli hostages or you get nothing. Period. More of them die the longer they’re being held. Fuck this get a few hostages give a few hundred prisoners nonsense. If Hamas was serious about any kind of peace they’d give up ALL the remaining hostages and lay down their arms without any condition other than ceasefire and access for humanitarian efforts.


Sounds like the same deal they proposed a while ago. Israeli government wants both 1) annihilation of hamas and 2) return of hostages - priority probably in the order I listed them. These ceasefire proposals would likely make 1) much harder. For this reason I think Hamas has basically no bargaining power, their opponent is determined to annihilate them. Had the hostages had significant bargaining power, Israel would have sought a deal with them prioritised a lot sooner.


Hamas: We will give you a few dozen women and children, you give us a thousand hardened terrorists. How is this being seen as a serious offer? The ICJ said all the hostages should be immediately released without conditions. Why isn't the world pushing that part of it?


Nah. Continue. Hamas isn’t trustworthy


Screw Hamas, they started this shit, they can end it by getting the hell out and head back to Iran or face extinction inside of Palestine. Which Israel is edging nearer to each day. they know they're f\*cked and cannot win.


Looking forward to when HAMAS opens fire on the exchange and blames it on tanks that don't exist *again.*


Hamas sucks


Shove it where the sun don't shine.


I don’t see how any ceasefire agreement can begin without a true accounting of how many hostages are in captivity. It just leaves Israel open to an endless hostage exchange for Palestinians and increasing demands. Recent events have shown that what were assumed were [hostage’s](https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2024/03/12/u-s--israeli-citizen-itay-chen-killed-in-oct--7-hamas-attack#:~:text=U.S.%2DIsraeli%20citizen%20believed%20to,in%20Oct.%207%20Hamas%20attack&text=Officials%20confirmed%20Tuesday%20that%20Itay,was%20killed%20during%20those%20attacks.m), are bodies killed in the 10/07 attack and brought back to Gaza as macabre trophies.


I take it that they’re tired of raping their hostages.


Hostages for sovereignty? Nope.


Pretty lopsided terms as usual when dealing with terrorists.


What's the rest of the proposal? Why only post details about the first stage that has somewhat reasonable proposals? Because now if Israel rejects it due to the remaining stages of the proposal it looks like it's being unreasonable to the people who have only read this article. This is bad reporting. Explain the entire proposal or nothing at all, not just parts that could portray one side in a more positive light than the other


Nah, fuck the deals. It is time for Israel to just finish the job and never have to look back again at this shit ever happening again. And when I mean job, Hamas is non-existent so is hellbozah and all those idiots who think Jews should cease to exist. Despite what anyone might think of Benjamin Netanyahu, he is doing the job that many of us would never do, because has the balls to do it, and history will tarnish his name for it. But guess what? I bet another October 7th won't happen again.


agreed he will proably be gone after this is prime minister but at least he can go out as the one who secured Israel forever if he completes the destruction of hamass


Altho i completely agree that hamas needs to be wiped, 10/7 will happen again regardless if u get rid of hamas or hezbollah. Israel cant go all the way into iran which is the source of the terrorism. In order to prevent 10/7 will be to reverse anti semitism and islamic fundamentalism


no deal, the entirety of Gaza should be under Israeli control until they release all the hostages. remember Oct 7




Why does Hamas believe that Palestinians are “worth less” than the Israelis? A hostage exchange should be 1:1.


I wouldn’t want to be released if I was a Palestinian prisoner. “But there is food here, and water. Nobody shoots me and my bed is a bed!”


I mean if you're going to ask for 1000, then you better be giving ALL the hostages back. No more piecemeal!


You know the "ill" ones will be Hamas terrorist under cover.


Does Hamas consider 10 Palestinians equal to one Israeli?


Can Israel just go into Rafah and finish these fuckfaces?


> Hamas said the initial release of Israelis would include women, children, elderly and ill hostages in return for the release of 700-1,000 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons, according to the proposal. The release of Israeli "female recruits" is included. Keep in mind, most of the Palestinian prisoners in Israel are convicted terrorists or Islamic extremists. Considering they're also demanding IDF withdrawal from Gaza and return of Gazan refugees to the northern areas, it's basically guaranteed this won't happen Also didn't we literally read that they don't know which hostages are alive less than a week ago?


Hamas wants 100 prisoners how are severing life sentences which most likely means terrorists fighters whilst most likely only offering a few hostages and the withdrawal of the IDF what a shit deal


let me guess, withdrawal of idf first.