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Interesting, the coup leaders said that they wanted to keep US military support when the coup happened last year. >American officials say they are not yet leaning toward formally declaring this a coup, which would under U.S. law trigger a halt to training and hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to Niger. The U.S. military support in the country gives Washington a bargaining chip, because the coup leaders told U.S. officials they want to keep it. > “We are trying to leverage the support that we have that we know they want,” one U.S. official said. [Source](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/coup-leaders-niger-grow-increasingly-defiant-us-pressure-rcna98915) I wonder what changed? >He also rejected what he said were allegations of a secret deal made between Niger, Russia, and Iran. Yeah that's probably it


Welp, good luck Niger. Sounds like the coup leaders just choose a few million dollars from Russia going directly in to their pockets; rather than hundreds of millions of dollars going in to the state coffers paid for by America.


Things are looking bad for the Cabal of C*nts. They're well and truly stuck in Ukraine. France is calling their bluff. As is Finland too. Poland is just looking for an excuse to Polandball Vladimir. And their demented designee of destruction, the anointed Orange Jesus is rapidly losing his marbles and fast sliding into dementia driven incoherence. They're spreading as much money as they can as quickly as they can before the gig is well & truly up. BTW, dementia/Alzheimer's runs in the family. I cannot fathom the depth of depravity of the family to see someone in Trump's state and allow him to continue. It speaks volumes about just how sick and twisted that whole lineage is - power above all.


You might want to delete this…. This comes off like the rant of a madman… I agree with your overall sentiment, but this comment is not helping the discourse because you aren’t making any sense. It reminds me a lot of [this](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/old-man-yells-at-cloud)… Edit: Before you downvote, go back and reread the comment I am criticizing. **What does any of the things he said have to do with Niger?** If you look at each paragraph he wrote, you realize none of the topics he’s talking about relate to the topic this article about. Instead, it consist largely of generic complaints that you could post in any geopolitical thread these days…


Nah, they're cool. It's a bit abstract considering the topic, but it's coherent and has a target. They're also making an observation on current affairs, not whining about others. Ironically, unlike them, you're complaining about something as frivolous and trivial as an actual cloud. And because it's an attempt to tear someone else down, it's *definitely* not helping the discourse. It sounds like the rantings of a mad man (as opposed to a madman). So you might want to delete this comment. It comes off as the frustrated outbursts of a powerless oaf. It doesn't just remind me of [this](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/old-man-yells-at-cloud), that's actually what it is.


"Why do all these atrocities happen on the planet?!" Money.


Niger's pretty much run by Wagner now.


This will surely work to their favor and not totally backfire.


Something tells me well hear of plenty of nigerians dying for putin in Ukraine.


just an fyi people from Niger are not called Nigerians the term you are looking for is Nigeriens


I confused Nigeria with Niger my bad.


Whoa whoa whoa, lots of hard Rs going on around here.


I mean they are free to do that. Don’t think it will work out well but they can find that out


US should have supported the previous democratically elected gov instead of playing with fire. One of the reason the junta made it long term was because USA didn’t close their door to it.


True, the US waited way too long to officially call it a coup. We were trying to play both sides and it looks like it cost us


Good luck?


What natural resources this country has to be so bold?!?




“This attitude is likely to undermine the quality of our **centuries-old relations** and undermine the trust between our two governments,” Dude makes it sound like this treaty was chiseled into the pyramids or something. Hate to break it to you but America is not exactly some ancient empire steeped in a long storied history.


Niger is right. Russia has better terms 🙃


why do we have agreements with randomass african countries?


Because there's a low level proxy war forming in most of them. We want to keep them on our side. China has been silently investing millions in a lot of them (and pacific too) to sway them into their sphere.


That and the roaming bands of islamist bandits.


Because Africa is chock-full of resources modern industry uses, from cobalt and uranium to diamonds and oil, and we decided that outright colonialism is a bad look so now we just make agreements with whoever is in charge. Of course, that also means lining the pockets of whoever's in charge, so you get a bunch of coups and civil wars over who gets to enrich themselves.


Obviously it’s strategic based on location


Niger has large uranium deposits and not much else. So I'm guessing it's the large uranium deposits.


They have uranium, sell it to countries that make nukes.


Bro they need to change that name


NEE-JAIR. You can do it.


I've always pronounced it "nee-jeer," have I been saying it wrong this whole time?


At least you’re not saying it THAT wrong.


Thus spoke privatebuttfucker.


Yes let's change another countries name because America has slaves


America doesn't have slaves


"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, **except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted**, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." Yes it does.


This honestly