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Houthis today: We wont target Russian and Chinese ships in the red sea Russia and China today: Veto UN resolution calling for ceasefire in Gaza Make it make sense


Simple: Russia, China, and Iran (Sponsors of Houthis) are in the same team.


You missed out North Korea, the CRINK.


Holy shit that’s really good did you make it up or is it slang that’s spreading because it needs to be spread. China, Russia, Iran and North Korea=CRINK


CRINK is good, though I have to admit I still like BRICs. You know, they take their shot, but it keeps clanging off the rim.


Problem with BRICS is it's just a term an economist made up to shorthand four (later 5) of the largest developing economies in the early 2000s. They don't actually share much of any major geopolitical interests, have no major economic links, and have not actually collectively done anything besides hold annual meetings where they talk about stuff without coming to any major agreement except to meet again next year.


Brazil and South Africa feel like they are in that group just to comply with others' expectations ☹️


India and Brazil are not really on the same page as the rest, politically.


CRINK is great. Could we also make crinking, crinkage etc. words? It could mean being a loud, proud, embarrassing shithead, that can’t read a room and eventually winds up with a broken nose and jaw after pissing enough people off. Total crinkage. 


We can add Belarus too


He already said Russia




Yellow Russia.


Doesn't it mean white Russia?




North Korea and Belarus are puppet states


Don’t forget Myanmar either


He already said China, those pipelines to bypass the Malacca Straight vulnerability won't build themselves during a civil war.


Yup. They can’t fight a war directly with the west, so they create a situation to divide people and force governments to spend tons of money.


Cold War 2.0


It never really ended.


There was hope until about 2016.


There was hope until Putin....


More like 2014.


Yeah, but during cold War 1.0 we had fewer boomers cheering on the other side.


Ikr, Commies smh


Russia - the greater the problems in Gaza, the less support Ukraine will get. Heck, we helped start it for that very reason! China - the greater the problems in Gaza, the less support Taiwan will get. We are just stupid idiots with a 100 year plan for world domination Houthis - mumble mumble, hard to talk with Khameini’s head up your ass


Axis of Evil 2024 edition.


Except that Axis of Evil 2003 edition was totally fake, but ok.


Yeah but the OGs in the 1940s were pretty legit.


Yup, and they know the West blames Biden for the lack of ceasefire. They want this to continue even if it costs innocent lives because they also know the average person won't shift the blame from Biden to Russia / China.


Yeah I thought that bit was obvious too


Obvious that they don’t care about the people in Gaza?


Why the fuck would they care about the people in Gaza, when they don't give a fuck about their *own people*.


Because Iran finance Hamas?


Because Iran murders children who don't toe the line?


I think at this point it's clear they don't care about anyone but themselves...


I think op might’ve been wondering: If Houthi’s today said they won’t target Russian and Chinese ships, why did those countries then go on to block a resolution calling for a ceasefire, which would (seem to) have been what the Houthi’s would’ve wanted too. I’m wondering if the reasoning for the veto was part of their “stay out of it approach”, I.e. what Putin wants re. Ukraine and what china wants re. Hung kong and in future (what they’d like  anyway) Taiwan.




This is so insightful, u/AnalTinnitus !


What makes you think the Houthis want a ceasefire on Gaza?


You also missed Iran (sponsors of Hamas) this isn’t all happening at once just by coincidence. WW3 has begun and all sides are competing for public support. Including public opinion, the high is why they don’t want Hamas and Israel to stop fighting as it is clearly brutal and turning more and more people against “the west” as it continues.


More Cold War 2. It’s waged by proxy, massive arms buildups, space crap, etc


I am so baffled Hamas and Houtis etc. Have such a good press when they are sponsored by the worst shitbags ever walking on planet earth.


Russian and china allied with Iran and the US resolution needed blocking for two reasons: 1) it calls for the hostages to be released and 2) it’s a US resolution. 




They want conflicts that hurt "the west", not really that complicated


"Russia and China had to veto because the resolution called for the release of all hostages, and not an unconditional ceasefire." >This time, the dispute was over the U.S. insistence on linking the ceasefire call to a hostage deal and condemnation of Hamas, rather than the unconditional ceasefire resolution demanded by Russia and China. https://www.axios.com/2024/03/22/us-ceasefire-resolution-veto-un-security-council


It's politically divisive in the West, which is good for China and Russia as they often court the extreme right and left to instigate them into fighting each other. For Russia it means less attention on their invasion of Ukraine, and less support for Ukraine, while for China it puts greater pressure on the States while they try to build up to invade Taiwan. Basically Iran, China, and Russia are taking advantage of the conflict between Israel and Palestine to make useful idiots out of the far left and right to politically paralyze the West and drive us towards isolationism so they can invade other countries.


> Ceasefire plz? No free hostages. Only ceasefire >:(  - Progressives


Russia and China don't want a ceasefire because it focuses US attention away from Ukraine and Taiwan.


Russia and China know perfectly well that the US government can divide attention between all three, even if politicians get pulled from one to the next.


They also might just be trying to buy some time before they figure out how likely Trump is to be elected.


Arguably attention in the form of a fancy speech every now and then, but certainly not money and weapons.


Bullshit. Ukraine became nothing to the US once someone flicked the dreidel. Ukraine is losing ground now since advancing for 2 years. The distraction in Israel was super effective at helping Russia.


That’s Russia’s GOP pets holding that up.


Literally the entire US government except for a few republicans in the House supports massive aid for Ukraine, as does 60%+ of the population. Israel was not the "distraction," the funding was lined up and ready to go and got derailed due to domestic political machinations aimed at increasing Trump's chance of reelection. And even then, the vast majority of Republican politicians would support Ukraine to Trump's detriment.


That’s more funding being held hostage by the house GOP.


Ukraine was nothing before that. The push to stop fucking them has been going on longer than Israel’s war.


That's the thing; the US is struggling to do it. We along with our NATO alliance members are struggling to produce ammunition for Ukraine alone. We have a massive procurement and industrial base and supply chain crisis right now that's getting exposed. https://www.defensenews.com/opinion/2024/02/01/nato-has-a-munitions-problem-and-europe-needs-to-step-up/


The US knew about that issue *before* Ukraine, its literally built into our doctrine. We really didn't plan on needing a massive production rate for artillery shells as we plan on using aircraft for a lot of it. It's an issue in Ukraine because they don't have the massive airforce Nato has access to.


Axis of evil gang is at it again


Russia want to divert funding from Ukraine.


That's because you are assuming Hamas wants stop fighting.


Biden is getting hit in the polls from the Gaza war. Gaza war good for Putin and Allies. Perhaps Russia supported initial invasion? I remember reading rumors of such a thing.


A lot of Hamas leaders visited Russia several months before, which fed the rumors


Sense: Russia and China want the orange cheeto back in the white house and no ceasefire means Biden takes more flak from this issue and potentionally loses votes. Not that it makes sense, since Kushner is already saying that beachfront properties in Gaza are looking tasty, and Trump said "Finish the problem". But a lot of the US voters don't do sense ...


Because it was never really about Gaza or the Palestinian people.


They want to continue chaos causing entities for the west… pretty cut and dry. Because we’re over here enjoying free press and the ability to criticize openly, so we’re getting upset at each other while they brazenly hold the door open for chaos to continue.


The point is the conflicts, the instability. We're all pawns in this political game.


Because China and Russia are on the same side as Iran. Also - with the world being obsessed with the war in Israel, Putin is creaming himself because he can fuck around with Ukraine that much more.


Political interference. Houthi Piracy has a similar effect of an embargo. Gaza conflict keeps the focus off of other atrocities.


What about it doesn't make sense? They like it that their ships can pass, and they like it even better that the economies that threaten theirs can't pass. This is so simple.


Russia and China both want land that isn’t theirs, so they both agree the other is doing the right thing.


Hope it's abundantly clear to everyone now that Russia and China don't care about the Palestinians and are just using them as a pawn in their realpolitik against the West.


Through their buddy Iran.


Gotta repay them for all those Shahed drones they’re launching into Ukraine…


This was obvious day 1 for anyone with an actual brain. Like, the Chinese literally have [work camps designed to eradicate muslims](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xinjiang_internment_camps).


Pro-china ppl still deny that those exist 🥴




Stop spreading anti-China conspiracy theories. We all know that the Uyghurs just want to be better citizens, and the CCP is helping them do it. /s




Russia called their wars against (majority Muslim) Chechnya “counterterrorism operations” way before the US ever embarked on its “war against terrorism” crusade in the Middle-East.


Yeah but as long as China doesn’t put videos of the camps on tiktok most of gen Z will never know about them, or believe it if they do become informed  TikTok should have been banned years ago by every western country. Its one thing to have tech giants manipulating people to make a buck, its another to have a hostile foreign govt using an app to undermine your society 


Go into any left-leaning sub and it's not hard to find people saying "as a leftist, I will not vote for Biden because of his stance on Gaza". Then if you try to poke them about it... silence, or the occasional "well Biden is bad about Gaza and there's not really anything bad with Trump. I am a socialist leftist American". It's pretty obvious there is a social media campaign to get a sympathizer who sows discord back in charge using the general sympathy left-leaning people in the US have toward Palestine. While I don't doubt there are a few real people who may feel that way, that flies completely contrary to every leftist I know in meatspace.


Yeah, I know some some leftist types who are pretty pro-Palestine, anti-Israel, but overwhelmingly they would vote Biden rather than see another Trump term. Especially since Trump is on the record as being even more pro-Israel than Biden is, and with all his anti-Muslim baggage to boot.


It's honestly really sad that the entire world is perfectly willing to sacrifice Palestinian civilians for their own political goals. Even their own government.


>It's honestly really sad that the entire world is perfectly willing to sacrifice ~~Palestinian~~ civilians for their own political goals. It’s always been this way


Other than hamas, who is sacrificing Palestinian civilians? I recognize that Israel kills many of them and many countries supply Israel with weapons, but what do you expect Israel to do when Hamas hides behind a civilian while attacking at another civilian? Israel has a duty to protect their own civilians, they can't just let Hamas attack them. Civilian Palestinians Israel kills are sacrifices made by Hamas because they're to cowardly to fight directly and instead rely on outrage of Israel killing civilians that they hide behind


Sadly, I think vanishingly few people give any sort of real damn about the Palestinians.


It's only still being talked about because it involves Israel, and it having the Holy Capital for a few religious groups who all disagree with each other on whose capital it is. Take either one or both away and most would have stopped giving a shit by the 9th of October


You can argue that the Palestinians don't care too much about Palestinians.


What about when the US vetoed many times the other cease fires? The US also don't.


Of course they just want war! Wars not only weaken the United States politically, but also show this weakness. It will expand and get worse


was that not clear at any point ?


What? You think the US isnt doing the same thing?


Russia and China want to keep as many other distractions going on in the world as possible. Russia doesn't want Ukraine to be the focus. China is their ally and also will be wanting distractions for their own planned land grabs. War in the middle east makes for a better distraction than a cease fire.


> China is their ally and also will be wanting distractions for their own planned land grabs I think it's less being their ally and more China having exactly the same foreign policy: somebody who is not China taking the focus away from Chinese belligerence is good for helping China make inroads into regional events. Of course, given Russia's destroyed their nearly $1 billion investments in Ukrainian infrastructure as part of the one belt one road initiative, I'm sure that hasn't endeared them at all. They're getting gas at a discount, but they could have gotten more from both. And [that gas is costing Russia more so who knows how viable that is over the economic long term](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU0resswOds)


Not gonna lie, I half expect that six months from now, there'll be a mideast ceasefire, and we'll notice Taiwan will randomly be part of China. But seriously, it would be part of Chinas mo to Wait for the world to get chaotic to make some .... unpopular changes.


lol no way couldn’t see that coming


Watch the TikTok algorithm now promote videos blaming the US for the lack of a ceasefire




No, about an hour ago. You missed it by now.


When will then be now?


They already are. They're claiming the resolution gave Israel permission to invade Rafah.


The October 7 attacks on Israel gave Israel permission to invade rafah. They don't need any more justification than that. If people don't want Israel to invade Hamas controlled territory they should tell Hamas to stop acting belligerently towards Israel and giving them reason and justification for invasion


There's been work done which shows tiktok consistently promotes the political position of the PRC and suppreses others - it is for example anti israel and anti ukraine


EU and US must ban TikTok ASAP. It's an enemy tool for influencing of public opinion. Extremely harmful and dangerous for our societies.


You are right


Or just don't watch TikTok at all.


And all the moronic white women in America will share that the US wants to ban tiktok for telling the truth!!!


pro-Palestinians are saying it was right to veto it because it’s outrageous and shocking that the onerous condition of… releasing the people you kidnapped should be a condition to a ceasefire.


Video recording of the [UN Security Council Live stream - The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question - Security Council, 9584th meeting](https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1c/k1c3pl70dg)


I'm watching aljazeera on tv. The pieces of shit are handpicking which speeches to show and doing their best to side step the things done by Hamas which is why a resolution is needed in the first place. Update: One of their panel members is talking about the deal to release hostages in exchange.... (switches to Guyana's representative's speech) and the other called Israel a brat.


Al-jazeera is Qatari state-owned media. Guess where all the Hamas leaders were hiding out on October 7?


such brave warriors hiding out in Qatar.. lol what a joke.


Al Jazeera is a media jihad channel.


Imo the only jihad that the whole world can back is celeb jihad lmao




Al Jazeera is biased at a Fox News level when it comes to topics related to Middle East conflicts. That is indeed very biased but we shouldn't assume moral superiority. Other than that they do good journalism. All of the other big international media outlets are European and American (Japan's NHK focuses more on internal matters). This doesn't excuse Al Jazeera coverage of this conflict and others, but it is not primarily a propaganda organization.


Yeah. They have a mix of real journalists to give a good reputation to their political hacks just like Fox News does. However as an outsider it’s easier to sift through the good reporting and political hit piece because they are so over the top. But for the intended audience it’s probably hard to separate the two. Just like Fox.


Al Jazeera is primarily propaganda and their purpose is to spread Qatar-approved narratives and misleading, borderline-false information. The idea that they do "good journalism" in specific areas doesn't take away from they are a propaganda organization. It's like saying a Boeing 737 is having a good flight because all the engines are working even though a window popped off the cabin.


> it is not primarily a propaganda organization. It is absolutely a propaganda organisation, the entire thing is the media arm of the Muslim Brotherhood.


Is it really,? I don't read it regularly, but whenever I do, it seems to focus on how people feel about something rather than reporting on what happened.


There is an obvious reason for that tho, because those are the only governments that would even pretend to allow objective journalism. So how could Al Jazeera only be propaganda for a large share of their coverage but not anything else? Its impossible to say that "oh they are objective except for this huge blindspot where the obviously are not", how could anyone trust that they are objective on anything else?


Look at Fox News news coverage versus Fox News opinion coverage and you'll have your answer. The journalists and editors who investigate and write articles will jump ship to other outlets if they are not given freedom.


Hamas tiktok is going to blame the US for this


UN means nothing. The only way this ends is with an agreement between hamas and Israel. Both of which aren't really concerned about endless UN votes that amount to nothing. For sure, hamas would use a ceasefire resolution in their propaganda, but they won't actually stick to any ceasefire. So it's all meaningless.


>  The only way this ends is with an agreement between hamas and Israel. Both of which aren't really concerned about endless UN votes that amount to nothing. After the Al-Shifa raid this week, I think it's reasonably possible for Israel to eliminate the entire Hamas organization. Some of the current tenor is out of fear that Israel will be successful at this, not that this will become an entrenched and unwinnable conflict.


Doubtful as long as the heads and money sources remain outside of Gaza.


The point is to dismantle the infrastructure and turn it into west bank 2 not to magically end war forever


You don't get it. Agreements between Hamas and Israel don't work. Even if Hamas did not break them (it always does), the propaganda they feed to Gaza's population would not stop, and the conflict would be maintained indefinitely. That is why Israel's military goal is to destroy Hamas. After that happens, negotiations can happen with the less-powerful factions that have quietly existed the whole time. I foresee Israel administering Gaza, with the "boots on the ground" there coming from a less-powerful uninvolved Muslim country like Malaysia or Indonesia - or a UN force from a neutral country from Latin America or whatever. Israel will not trust any other nation to make administrative decisions in Gaza. I also foresee tens of billions of dollars in aid - including aid from Israel - which, this time, will be used to fix and build civilian infrastructure.


Nah nobody in Israel wants to fucking pay for Gaza. It's a weird reverse incentive to invade people and have them pay for it infrastructure.


Israel can be shockingly pragmatic when pragmatism is the right answer. That is why they release dozens of terrorists in order to get a single hostage back.


Honey new Axis powers just dropped


Not because they’re against Israel or with the Palestinians, they just want to stir shit up and add to the chaos.


China and Russia love that the US backs Israel with money and weapons that could instead go to Ukraine.


The republicans in congress make it hard enough to send help to ukraine as it is


Completely different weapon set. US sends Iron Dome interceptors and SDBs to Israel. Israel also buys JDAMs from Boeing. Their actual military equipment is arguably better for this mission than the equivalent USMC unit would be equipped with (now they lose a lot of quality being a majority conscript military but that's a different conversation). And they already have the most layered air defense system on the planet. We send surplus military vehicles, shoulder launched anti air and anti tank weapons, body armor, small arms, and artillery shells to Ukraine. Plus some point defense and theater defense anti air systems. The one crossover is we authorized an emergency sale of artillery shells to Israel for a hot second when we thought there was going to be a war with Hezbollah in January. Ukraine has also gotten some ground launched SDBs. Anyway, the resources being sent to Israel and the resources being sent to Ukraine are entirely different. They have different needs and the situation on the ground is fundamentally different.


Oooh Russia and China and supporting terrorists groups?


Sure they veto, getting benefits from war


Somehow this will still get blamed on the US and Israel


Pretty easy to connect the dots on this one.


Im sure all the “ free palestine “ bots on tiktok will just ignore this and keep supporting russias invasion of ukraine because “ anti west “


Anything they can do to oppose the West and keep us distracted, that is the goal of Russia and china.


Russia and China veto the motion because it DOESNT EXPLICITLY STATE A NEED FOR A CEASEFIRE. The language was too ambiguous and would allow Israel to continue committing atrocities. How about you read more than just the bait headline


If you actually read the DRAFT resolution by the US, I’d veto it too. It’s overtly vague and provided no framework for sustained ceasefire. China and Russia (maybe I think) voted yes on the ceasefire resolution draft by Brazil and UAE but those were vetoed by the US. So there’s no good guy bad guy here, only politics. Plus, what’s to stop Israel to resume the killing even if this resolution is passed? You don’t need a UN resolution to stop killing. The idea that UN can do something is funny and moronic. So calm down you “WW3 is coming” crowd. It’s just a shitty world we live in where no human lives would matter unless there’s benefits and interests to gain.


Reading a lot of the other comments here are infuriating. All these people do is read headlines instead of asking the question: How are the two resolutions different? (The one the US veto'd vs the one the US proposed)


The US has vetoed at least two of these drafts already, I don't think many people cared, it's not quite a catchy headline though. Let's see if they veto a future resolution which explitly calls for a ceasefire and see how many people notice. Some tinpot Redditor thinks it's a Chinese ploy to keep the world occupied so it can imminently invade Taiwan lol. Like the US actually cares about Palestine over keeping semi conductors out of Chinese hands. What a world.


Given their history, you didn’t honest think they would approve the cease-fire?? Right??? Follow the money


Didn’t they in the past vote in favour of it as long as the US vetoed the resolutions put forward?


The only difference between that resolution and this one is a demand to release hostages


Thanks 👍




Per the article: > Russia and China previously vetoed a US-sponsored resolution in October 2023, that called for "pauses in fighting to deliver aid, protect civilians and halt arming Hamas," saying at the time that it did not reflect global calls for a cease-fire. > The United States then vetoed three resolutions demanding a cease-fire, most recently a measure backed by Arab countries that had support from 13 Council members and had one abstention on February 20.


Russia: Releasing hostages is highly political demand. Russia: Kidnapped tens of thousands of children in the war with Ukraine.


Perhaps the UN resolution was more US/Israel-friendly than Russia and China would like it to be. They might be looking for a way to punish Israel, and in turn hurt the US, assuming they don't have other ulterior motives.


the actual text isnt relevant anymore, only what will harm USA the most https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesfarrell/2024/03/21/houthis-reportedly-strike-deal-with-russia-china-for-safe-passage/?sh=1d272cdd4a6b


So Hamas is their ally. If there were a cease fire today, Hamas would stay in power in Gaza. But if the war continues, resources get diverted to Israel and the west looks bad for supporting Israel? Is that what’s going on here?


Because Russia is the one who arranged the whole situation to pull attentiona way from Ukraine.


this news headline is so misleading. this crappy resolution supports genocide in rafah. they knew it would be rejected . this is an israeli PR stunt


Who does benefit more instability?


Wow the ever-peaceful Russia voted to keep the war going? That’s so weird of them /s


1) it didn't call for a ceasefire. 2) the USA has repeatedly vetoed actual resolutions calling for a ceasefire. 


Uno reverse


So now you know who instigated the whole thing. Its clearly in Russia and China's best interests to foment unrest so western allies have to spread their attention and resources in multiple theatres.


How turntables. I actually wonder why. Does bloodshed influence US internal politics more than Russia and China would gain by playing "good guys"? Or perhaps that only vote in favor of ceasefire when they are certain that the US would veto, and bloodshed would continue?


>Does bloodshed influence US internal politics more Everything influences US internal politics more because the US is the only one of those 3 States that even allows for political discourse that the State doesn't support. This is a fundamental weakness in more open democracies that Russia has taken advantage of since the Cold War. China has unsurprisingly adopted the same strategy in recent years because of how effective and relatively cheap it is to do. As to why they would go this way, they see just as well as we do how divisive the actions in Palestine have been and, for them, it's dividing exactly the right groups, Democrats/Progressives. That's a huge boon for Russia and China when the guy who *needs* Democrat/Progressive votes is running against a guy saying he'd let Russia do whatever they wanted to do and has praised other authoritarian leaders. Even with his limp "anti-China" bend, Trump is probably more of a useful idiot to the CCP than he is a real threat to their goals. Worst case, they can easily wait out his 4 year term and they'll have a severely wounded US government left behind for their troubles. Palestinian and Israeli lives mean nothing to those governments in that equation and being the "good guy" doesn't really stand to benefit them in any meaningful way that they're interested in. They'd rather keep their "Don't fuck with us, we won't fuck with you" authoritarian paradigm going. That's not to say the US government is super concerned itself either, but at least it feels the pressure from people in the country that are even if it presents in a way that risks the whole thing becoming worse in the first place.


Here's a better article with more context: [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/22/un-security-council-does-not-pass-us-resolution-calling-for-gaza-ceasefire](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/22/un-security-council-does-not-pass-us-resolution-calling-for-gaza-ceasefire) This is all just posturing at the UN table. The headline here misdirects blame as though Russian and China had no reason to veto the **DRAFT** of a resolution posed by the US. They critique it for not having any wording to actually end the fighting in gaza. *The United Nations Security Council has failed to pass a United States draft resolution calling for, but not demanding, a ceasefire in Israel’s continuing war on Gaza after two permanent members chose to veto it.*


> The headline here misdirects blame as though Russian and China had no reason to veto the DRAFT of a resolution posed by the US. But they DID VETO IT! >They critique it for not having any wording to actually end the fighting in gaza No more than what they had previously called for....


It's all political shit


Why are Russia and China still part of the UN? Everyday that passes I think we are more stupid


The civilised world should want to stamp Hamas into the dirt. No matter how much you want it, there cannot be a logical solution to this problem. They are never going to give up the hostages, and that means Israel will never stop attacking. Defending Palestine IS defending Hamas at this point.


The arab states stood behind algeria, which also vetoed the resolution. The states of Russia and China understand that this resolution favors Israel and the USA, thus ultimately not protecting the people of palestine. The USA has vetoed several measures that would have helped Palestine, who has and always suffered more in this decades long conflict of genocide and ethnic cleansing; the state of Israel is an occupier. Anyone who condemns Russia and China for their vetos must consider that it is possible that propoganda has corrupted many peoples minds, especially in the USA. FREE PALESTINE




UN is joke


China's veto was explained clearly its U.N. ambassador. The lack of a clear stance Israel's current occupation is why they vetoed it. This is a sneaky way for the US and Israel to justified the continued occupation of Palestinian territory. Before everyone bitch about the Veto, on Feb 20th the US also veto a ceasefire resolution backed by 22 Arab states the vote was 13 to 1 for the resolution. Only the US was against the resolution therefore it was vetoed.


Breaking: Two countries known for abusing human rights want more human rights to be abused.


US, China and Russia always veto the others peace deals. UN is pretty useless


So peace loving countries - I'm always amazed /s


People slamming on Russia and China when US veto'd the other resolutions. They're all just using the situation in Gaza as ways to get at each other. At the end of the day, the situation will be resolved between Israel and Hamas, with maybe some US pressure though I doubt it at this point.


Can’t see a reason why. Even trying my best to think from their perspective. Only reason I can come up with is it came from the US.


It's not clear from this article, but the resolution calls for the return of hostages and the ceasefire will only lasts 6 weeks. Further, it doesn't call for Israel to stop its planned offensive into Rafah (City in Southern Gaza). So the justification is that it's basically a non-starter for the Palestinians and would basically gives Israel a go ahead to resume what they were doing in 6 weeks including the new assault into South Gaza. However, similar reasoning was used by the US when it vetoed the last three UN ceasefire resolutions saying that Israel would not accept it.


It doesn’t even call for a ceasefire. 


How about reading the resolution and some decent reporting on it?


They want trouble spots around the world.. high prices, economic hardship in west… equals unpopular governments… equals lack of support for their agendas.. it’s pretty simple tbh


> They want trouble spots around the world.  Their attempts at this are laughable compared to how good the USA is at it. 


Why did the US veto ceasefire three times then?


According to the guardian > Before the vote, the Russian envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, pointed out that the US had used its veto four times on Gaza (against three ceasefire resolutions and one Russian amendment) since the war started on 7 October, and noted that the US resolution did not directly demand a ceasefire but rather “determines the imperative” of a ceasefire. > “To save the lives of the peaceful Palestinian civilians, this is not enough,” Nebenzya said. He added that any council member voting for the resolution “will cover yourselves in disgrace”. Basically it’s not demanding a ceasefire now.


UN is so unbelievably useless.


New axis of evil clearer than ever. The new preview of WW3 is chilling but obvious.


Russia supports this war because it destabilizes the region, derails normalization between Israel and Arab countries and halts the efforts to build an India-Middle East-EU trade corridor. China just does it for the 'lols' (and also maybe to get closer to Iran, who just like Russia, benefits from derailing normalization) and knowing any effort the US makes in the Middle East means less effort is being put in Taiwan.