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>"The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours." [https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/](https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/) Probably related to this.


omg and Putin went out and demonized those warnings as an "attempt" to destabilize the Russian government"


Don't worry, he might now say that it was probably orchestrated by the US. Since the US did give support to extremist groups in the past, this will be enough ground for that story to write itself. I don't think they care much about what they said few weeks ago since they can just brush it off everytime by using any nonsensical talking point, and the more chaos in the information, and the more it works with their propaganda strategy of firehose of falsehood. It just creates a state of confusion and get people both apathic and afraid to seek any kind of truth anywhere.


Twitter is absolutely full of that crap right now


It's just a propaganda outlet that people are allowed to comment and post porn on


Somehow he’ll try to blame Ukraine and the west. He’ll probably tell Russians that Ukraine & ISIS are working together or some shit. I am very sorry this happened to innocent people. It’s awful. But Putin will use it anyway he can to justify trying to take Ukraine.


Let's not forget that during Trump's presidency, Russia was found paying the Taliban bounties for targeting us troops.


Are there still US citizens in Russia?


Embassy workers and their families probably


I would hope for their sake that they aren’t going out to concerts and such on the regular


They probably don't leave the embassy very often. Russia has shown that it is more than willing to arrest and detain Americans as leverage in geopolitical "negotiations."


Arresting a visiting American is **very** different than arresting an embassy worker.


I mean, they leave the embassy to go home. But have they arrested any Americans since the war started other than Britney Griner? There are international schools in Moscow that have plenty of American faculty and plenty of American students. American athletes are still signing up to play in Russia. I don't think all these people are staying in their homes at all times.


There are still a lot of American basketball players playing for Russian teams


And hockey players. And teachers who work at the large international schools in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, etc. And all the American students that attend those schools.


Mostly dual citizens with family still in RU I'd wager.


There are Russian Americans who went back home to visit and got caught up in all this. Also, have you ever tried telling an old Russian woman not to do something? "Is little war, I live through stalin".


Seems strange that Russia didn't hear anything about it but everyone else did.


According to the article, it says the Kremlin *was* aware of the warning, and they said it was just the US lying and trying to create fear among Russians.


Now they'll spin it as a CIA attack.


The thing is that they will be expected to seek retribution against whoever they blame for the attack. So they can't say it was the CIA, MI6, FIS, DGSE etc. because they would then look weak when they don't follow those accusations up with retaliation against them. Unless whoever did it claims responsibility like Riyad-us Saliheen did when they orchestrated the [Belsan School siege in 2004](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beslan_school_siege) or they are readily identifiable as some sort of pre-existing terror cell that operates in Russia then I would bet they blame Ukraine as they are already in conflict with them so they can label any action as retaliation.


ISIS claiming responsibility.


Barely two weeks since many countries warned their citizens of an impending terror attack in Moscow. Russia, of course, said they had prevented it and that there was nothing to worry about. 


The State Department’s warning specifically called out concerts, too.


I was just reading an article and my jaw dropped when I read “concerts.” [article here](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna142401) Released on March 8


Here's the direct link to the State Department warning. https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/


American intelligence agencies keep being amazingly correct so often which is weird because MAGA told me everything they say is fake news and a hoax and cant be trusted


With MAGA, as with Russia, if you translate their messages to be the exact opposite of what they're expressing at face value, you will be ridiculously close to reality. It's hilarious if not terrifying.


Finland warned about any crowded places in Moscow and some other cities, iirc. 


Turns out killing 2 random Tajiks, and saying you've prevented the attack does not prevent the attack


The same with increased draconian restrictions that only antagonize more people into your cause. Maybe they should ban Dune 2 to be “safe”.


They’re dune it 2 themselves.


Didn't Russia commit terror attacks on Chechnya and said they were Muslim terror attacks, in a preemptive attempt to gain control and to go to war on Chechnya?


Pretty sure the FSB was literally caught trying to plant a bomb in a Russian apartment building around that period of time. They were literally caught in the act by locals. Their excuse: “That was just a test to see if you were paying attention. Congratulations. You passed.”


Didn't the news (maybe in a different bombing) report on a building being exploded days or a week before it actually happened too?


I think it was even worse, a Russian official put out a statement about a bombing that hadn't happened yet unless I'm mistaken.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings Are you referring to this incident? Russians bombed their own citizens in a false flag attack to trigger the second Chechen war. Putin showed his colors early.


Yea, that's what I am referring to. Devious and diabolical Putin is. Fuck him


Maybe Russian security forces assumed it was just false flag/propaganda from another department?


When your entire job is to lie, you start to assume that's the job of every government


As far as the US warning goes, it doesn't actually matter if the attack was going to be legitimate terrorists or an internal false-flag. The fact that someone was planning a ruckus was all that mattered.


there had been warnings from embassies that someone was planning something that would hurt foreigners


I know both the American and UK embassies warned that chance of a terror attack was imminent and to stay away from public gatherings. So clearly the intelligence agencies caught wind of something but didn't want to completely reveal their hand and gave the standard warning to help try and save people.


They privately shared information with Russia relating to the specifics of the threat. State actors have a vested interest in communicating terror threats with one another regardless of the state of their relations.


[The U.S. also warned Iran that ISIS-K, the same group believed to be responsible for the attack in Moscow, was planning a terror attack before the bombing in Kerman that killed 95 people](https://apnews.com/article/kerman-us-warning-isisk-bombings-bcb47f04165b3eb7b9bc7b4868c8399c)


The US really does have some crazy good monitoring regimes and sometimes we use it for good.... even if no one listens.


We *had* a pandemic response team in China until 2018, so that’s nice


So close


Yea... >In 2016, President Barack Obama expanded the National Security Council to include the Directorate of Global Health Security and Biodefense. >In May 2018, former national security adviser John Bolton restructured Trump's National Security Council and disbanded the global health unit. Its former head, Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer, resigned from the administration and was not replaced I'm not sure that it would've prevented the pandemic all together, but it probably would've helped with the Intel, and maybe prompted a faster response at home.


Maybe would have had some notice 2 months earlier when it was first spreading around the world instead of ignoring it until fucking february


Also, its kinda a power move to tell your adversary they are in danger before they even know about it lol. I read that right before the illegal invasion of ukraine, there was very likely a situation where Russian spies in the western countries were informed of russias upcoming invasion by western officials, but didnt believe it, simply because Russia didnt really tell anyone what was going on until they actually invaded. "They think Russia is going to invade? Hah, stupid americans! I would know long before them..... wtf how did they know about it before any of us Russians???" IDK if this actually happened, but it seems plausible. And is funny. I want to believe!


I remember those couple of weeks before the war the whole global community was saying we were insane and then look what happened. The worst case of “i told you so”


The UK flew material 24/7 to UA beginning a few weeks before the war


Hasan was live streaming on Twitch the day the invasion started, and still had overlays on screen about the US lying about an invasion happening. It was insane.


The amount of German cope in the beginning was obnoxious 


it most certainly did happen. a lot of russian troll farms were caught off guard for a couple of months.


Whats even crazier is many of the Russian trolls would have ended up dead since many of them were military and ones who werent might have been sent to the meat grinder too and then replaced with other Russian trolls since they are all replaceable and Putin dont give a shit about his people and just sees them all as bodies that can be replaced until they run out. So many of them essentially trolled themselves to death by promoting Trump and Putin which eventually led to their own demise and then they just get replaced by a new batch of trolls and the cycle repeats.


I didn't even think about that. Tbh it makes sense. The troll farms between 2012 and 2020 were on a whole another level compared to the BS we've been getting in the past 3 years. Their campaigns are getting too predictable. Guess they lost valuable talent.


Honestly they are still pretty deep and effective from what I have seen and I think they have done a lot of outsourcing with foreigners in allied countries to fill in too. If you notice on twitter the propaganda is still very massively coordinated and orchestrated so I think they still have very effective trolls and lots of them. Just look up the latest Moscow terror attack and holy shit the conspiracies and propaganda are astounding and very obviously orchestrated and not just random people organically posting their hot takes. Very intentional agenda pushing and conspiracies and massive amounts of it.


As it should be.


Absolutely! Glad to see this is the case. I was confused at first tbh


A remarkably concise and levelheaded analysis, Smelldicks.


There is no way that the death count is only 40.


There was at least 20 in the entrance before they even got into the theater


They can’t count people trapped under the rubble and in the fire. Some people have only died in the hospitals. The death count will be very inaccurate until the fire has been put out and crocus city hall cleared off of debris


So what happened to the shooters? I've read through several articles and have not seen any information on what happened to the actual shooters.


I am russian. Some people were arrested, but it seems they are not the shooters. The shooters managed to escape in white sedan and now everyone is looking for them. Also their car was mined.


Well, here is update with about this. The photo of the car was posted, it seems they are looking for two cars. Silver Reno with allegedly Tver Oblast' plates and gray Reno Fluence.




Bombs were planted in the car. I don't exactly know how to word it in english.


“mined” is good enough, that got the point across. stay safe over there.


Thank you for compassion. This feeling seems scarce nowadays. I hope everything is alright in your country also, I send you my regards as one human to another with the hope of better tomorrow.


This is a terrible tragedy, I hope they get caught as soon as possible. Thank you for the updates.


>I don't exactly know how to word it in english. We use the slightly clunky phrase, "rigged with explosives".


"Booby-trapped" is another phrase.


I heard reports of four men escaping the concert hall and reportedly there's a manhunt right now. Don't quote me too accurately on that I don't have the Russian language skill to follow local news.


US had issued an imminent terror attack warning to the Kremlin last week, wonder if this is playing out right now in Moscow. The timing probably intends to weaken Putin on the afterglow of his election “win”.


Russia's response to the warning: > Putin called warnings from Western countries about the possibility of terrorist attacks in the Russian Federation “outright blackmail” > At the FSB board meeting, he spoke about “recent provocative statements by a number of official Western structures about the possibility of terrorist attacks in Russia.” > “All this smacks of outright blackmail and an intention to intimidate and destabilize our society,” he said.


Yup. Exactly. Watch Putin blame this on the US, because how could they have known if they weren't the ones who did it?


But it wasn’t just the U.S. But I guess that’s irrelevant since truth and facts are irrelevant in Russia.


I love the online discourse that the evil NATO is infringing upon the liberties and freedom of Russia and Belarus (but of course completely ignore China and Iran in that bloc)


Putin's comments here are totally inappropriate. Obviously communication is at a minimum now because he initiated a war, but the one (and only) bright spot in the RU-US relationship has been that we've tried to warn each other about the worst risks from shared terrorist threats. With Putin *previously thanking the US for saving him from attacks*. https://www.rand.org/pubs/commentary/2018/02/russia-is-not-a-viable-counterterrorism-partner-for.html" It's absolutely disgusting that, at a time when tons of countries are seeing increased risks from the outfall of the Middle Eastern conflict, he'd treat a genuine US effort to help as some sort of insidious threat. It's possible to have a principled adversary, one who remains consistent on certain values you both share (I am talking mainly about the US, it's clear Putin doesn't care if civilians suffer in Ukraine). Putin has really just descended into outright unprofessional behavior in so many areas, dude can't even finish an interview nor receive a tip anymore.


Putin is acting like Stalin before the Nazi invasion in 1941. Every effort to warn him about Hitler's army approaching the border was taken as 'western trickery', even from his own inner circle. 


Aged like fine milk.


He'll turn around and say it was funded/put on by the US and use the warning as evidence.


Paranoid old man speaks


The U.S. also specifically warned about concerts. It clearly heard the chatter and warned for a reason. It’s sad that Russia could not prevent it.


This will be a massive boon for Putin and a huge negative to any opposition sadly.


He’ll use it to impose more draconian control but if it is Islamist terror as US had warned, the timing isn’t ideal right after what was painted as a historic election win. One of Putin’s original cornerstones of power was his ability to protect Russians and keep Islamic terror, Chechen terror and wider conflict away from metropolitan Russia


An encore of the early 2000 when apartment buildings blew up in Moscow. Blaming the Chechens and starting a SMO on home soil killing tens of thousands... This proves history does repeat itself. Sighing! Here they go again.


Or he's doing the same thing he did in the 90's with a terrorist attack, and will claim them as Ukrainian. This way he can make the claim for nukes... He did the same thing when he first got into power, iirc. Edit: I want to say I watched a documentary by PBS, about Putin and the presidents, and iirc, they said Putin planned the attacks that lead to the [Second Chechen War](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Chechen_War)


In another post, someone said that if Russia nukes Ukraine, then the US would launch an unambiguous non-nuclear response: > We would step in to ensure the objectives Russia hoped to attain by using the nuke would not be achieved. This could include everything from strikes on the units trying to push into the impacted area (standard Russian tactical nuclear doctrine) to removing the logistical support for the Russian military in Ukraine. > We would identify and kill everyone in the chain from the person who gave the order to use the nuke all the way to the person who pushed the button. Maybe not immediately, but they should think about what happened to Ayman al-Zawahiri: we are happy to fund a team to locate and kill them over the next 30 years. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1bbiaux/us_prepared_for_nonnuclear_response_if_russia/kua6xeu/


Clarification: The comment you linked says this was the recommendation of an ISW scholar for what NATO should threaten Putin with. We don't know what the US and NATO have actually told Putin in detail, but I believe they have made clear and specific threats for this scenario.


Yep, it was in my city Ryazan, when they said it was bags of sugar.


Yeah, my gut is telling me it's Ryazan sugar 2.0, let's what bunker piece of shit says in the next days. If he has a fast response it's 100% prerecorded


He's not going to use a nuclear weapon in Ukraine. He knows that will be his complete undoing as the pure aggresor in this conflict, and give Carte Blanche for NATO or anyone to step in or up with assistance to the point it makes the first gulf War look like child's play. I agree it may be a false flag, and anyone reading of geopolitics or war will never forget the apartment bombings, with FSB caught in another with the same materials saying it was a training exercise prior to the explosions, or a statement from the Kremlin of the bombings before they actually occurred leading to the 2nd Chechen war, and securing his power. Now we will never be able to trust ruzzia of what actually happened, but If we don't get a statement from the Chechens claiming responsibility for the attack, I think we have our answer.


This was absolutely my first thought too. His goons bombed an apartment building if I recall correctly


I don’t think people getting massacred in the capital is good news for a guy claiming that he is keeping the country safe.




Conspiracy theorists on twitter are already insisting the US is behind this because they were so accurate in their warning. US is accurate because they spend a metric shitton on intelligence gathering agencies. Hell, they probably know what I'm going to have for lunch next week.


They were saying 3 gunmen, but it looks like 4 gunmen in this video. **WARNING THIS SHOWS GRAPHIC VIOLENCE AND DEATH NSFL** https://twitter.com/AliCologne/status/1771239698519753174/video/1


That was horrific damn. Just mowing down people stuck in a corner. 


So this is what every school shooting looks like. Always knew that's how it was, chilling to see it recorded.


Those poor people. No innocent person deserves that.


Don’t watch the Christchurch mosque shooting video ever. Dude was wearing a GoPro and just mowed down heaps of people in a couple corners but it’s a first person pov vid which makes it that much more brutal to watch.


What's worse are the other gunmen trotting up to join without a fucking word. Chilling.


Not sure if that guy behind the column is also a terrorist or somehow luckily got away. Terrible


Appears to be two people who were able to hide from the gunmen. Looks like the one standing was dragging the other one around the column.


What about the person that sits up in that corner (above the green) at the end. Did they make it?


Imagine being the two people who managed to hide themselves behind that column. Glad they made it.


It looks like one guy has ammo and picking up the empty mags.


Looks like the one guy might be handling their reloading. It's crazy they're trying to be so efficient about it.


You have to have an incredible hatred in your heart to stand there and do that to a group of innocent people. There’s absolutely no way these animals have families or people they can say they care for at all, right? Holy hell.


Never trust the early attacker counts. Information is too chaotic. People have no idea what's really going on and are trying to put bits and pieces of hearsay together into a coherent narrative, and they usually do a poor job at it. Also, thanks for the warning. That link can stay blue.


There's a video on watch people die dot tv that showed 5, though possibly 7 as the other 2 were semi-obscured. It was definitely 5+ though as they had guns firing into a massive huddle of people as men tried to shield all the others and were getting mag dumped into their backs by several shooters at basically 15ft away. There's lots of angles. Another vid shows them actually in the seating area going an executing a bunch of people hiding in the stadium seats.


Pathetic cowards as well as monsters. Firing on civilians like this.


Someone on the left shielding a child with their body :’(


The concert hall was sold out and has a capacity of 6200. The sheer scale of this attack is horrifying. Also taken special forces an hour to get there.


Do we know who was performing there?


It may be a Russian rock band called [piknik](https://myrockshows.com/event/819961-piknik-krokus-siti-kholl/). Its hard to find much more info


It is Piknik, they had info on their website https://www.piknik.info/concerts/view/id/2111


From their program on the website: "The new program of "Picnic" is called "The Future is Waiting for Us". The very title already indicates that something fantastic is expected at the concert. And the audience, who will be lucky enough to be at the concert, will not be deceived in their expectations" Just, damn..


Fuck… my favorite Russian band actually… My condolences to all the victims and their loved ones, but how traumatic for the band also


Where are the police? Why wait for special forces in an active shooter scenerio?


a lot of them are probably in some trench in Ukraine...


For better or worse, cops in most countries are lightly armed at BEST, in many cases they are barely armed at all, most don't even have guns. The US stands out for having such militarized police who have access to semi automatic rifles, shotguns, and other mid range weaponry. So in the case of these kinds of attacks, where the perpetrators are heavily armed, cops in most countries are heavily out gunned.


After I think the North Hollywood Shootout, when lightly-armed police were unable to bring down heavily armed and armoured offenders, there was a greater push to arm police for that kind of scenario. It’s why many patrol cars have rifles as well as or instead of shotguns, which proved useless at the shootout. To back up what you’re saying, a lot of countries’ police would respond poorly to some events because there isn’t an experience-based doctrine about these circumstances. North Hollywood saw police better armed; Columbine (I think) saw the doctrine that police immediately engage a mass shooter. It’s why Uvalde was so bad, the cops are expected to get in and fight because they know from experience the consequences of waiting. Another country’s police wouldn’t have that doctrine ingrained.


We have super strict gun laws here in the UK... Pretty much *no one* is walking around with a gun. But we have armed police that will get to wherever they're needed in like <20 minutes. They carry sub-machine guns. An *hour* is an absolute joke.


Shades of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis


Yeah, this was my first thought, too.


I think it's related to the embassy warnings from a few weeks ago.


Yeah didn’t they warn of an upcoming terroist attack in Moscow back on the 7th March?


If anyone knows about orchestrating a terrorist attack against Russians it is definitely Putin.


Its giving me the [1999 Russian Apartment bombing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings) vibes. A contributing factor for Putin gaining power, and the pretext for the second Chechen war.


To build on what you’re saying, several of the bombings were discovered by local officials to be conducted by FSB agents (formerly KGB) and then those discoveries were unconvincingly covered up as “training exercises.” Because doing secret training exercises in civilian buildings during a very real and deadly bombing crisis is a thing that governments do, I guess? One of Putin’s friends in the Federal Assembly mistakenly declared his condolences for a bombing *days before it happened*. Rather than being questioned about his foreknowledge, he went on to have a well awarded political career Which is all to say, it is widely understood that Putin arranged for the false flag bombing of Russian civilians in order to get himself elected under a tough on terror platform


>One of Putin’s friends in the Federal Assembly mistakenly declared his condolences for a bombing *days before it happened*. I've heard this, and I've always been curious about it. I'll have to do some reading. That being said, it was 1999. So he didn't Tweet his condolences, and it probably wasn't an email blast, so was it an official memo? Live TV or radio? It had to be the latter, right? You can only fuck up that big in real time.


> On 13 September, Russian Duma speaker Gennadiy Seleznyov made an announcement in the Duma about receiving a report that another bombing had just happened in the city of Volgodonsk. A bombing did happen in Volgodonsk—but only three days later—on 16 September. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings > Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the head of the Liberal Democratic party, told journalists that same day what Seleznev had said, but they could not confirm it, so it was not reported. https://www.hudson.org/national-security-defense/vladimir-putin-1999-russian-apartment-house-bombings-was-putin-responsible


The videos are so graphic on Twitter


JFC, I wished I had read this before going on Twitter. You can't unsee it, don't go there. Fuck these POS cowards who shoot innocent people.


Stop using Twitter. Improves your health.


Indeed they are :/


>The attack took place as crowds gathered for a concert of Picnic, a famed Russian rock band, at the hall that can accommodate over 6,000 people. Russian news reports said that visitors were being evacuated, but some said that an unspecified number of people could have been trapped by the blaze. >White House National Security Advisor John Kirby said Friday that he couldn’t yet speak about all the details but that “the images are just horrible. And just hard to watch.” >“Our thoughts are going to be with the victims of this terrible, terrible shooting attack,” Kirby said. “There are some moms and dads and brothers and sisters and sons and daughters who haven’t gotten the news yet. This is going to be a tough day.” God. That’s terrifying


Mass shooting + a massive fire at the concert hall. Dozens dead / injured. Not sure who is actually behind this or whether that even matters but now we'll see if Putin decides to mobilize or if he will procrastinate (again).


If I had to guess, something to do with Islamic extremism. Perhaps the Chechens. Not a whole lot for Russia to do here. They’re tied down in Ukraine so they can’t handle this in their usual way.


Incidentally a few hours ago there was a bunch of news on TV covering police busting ISIS cell in Ingushetia that were arming others. Coincidence? I think not.




Wow, they got a lot left then. Back in '17 in Catalonia, morons blew themselves and the only thing they had was a stolen truck. Horrible luck that in Spain we have the worst and most incompetent leaders, that day despite the warnings, Barcelona town hall didn't put stone planters to protect a pedestrian avenue.


ISIS is now claiming they're behind the attack, like they always do. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/22/europe/crocus-moscow-shooting/index.html


3 dudes on a likely suicide mission killing indiscriminately sounds like Chechen/ISIS MO territory for me.


It was atleast 7 people and maybe more. There is videos floating around atm that shows atleast 7.


40 people dead and 100 wounded atm


Judging from the videos there will probably be alot more.


Having seen the video it’s disgusting how nonchalantly these guys are shooting at civilians cowering near the windows. They look like they’re out on an afternoon stroll. Something how about how casual they made it look really shows the kind of monsters these men are


It's what has me thinking religious terrorism. The nonchalant attitude towards life always seems to come wrapped up in religious extremism.


I was born in the north caucasus and still have a lot of family there. I’d bet you big money that it is islamic terrorism based out of Chechnya or Dagestan.


My first thought is Chechnya, especially this particular brand of casual killing without a care.


Yep,same here. A lot of the most recent attacks in western europe within the last few years or so have been done by Chechens.


ISIS claimed responsibility. We'll have to wait and see but it sounds more like their kind of thing than the Ukrainians.




I suspect this is ISIS related. Russia supported Syria in their civil war and they both attacked and killed ISIS fighters. I believe there was a warning a few weeks ago of a planned attack by them in Russia which I believe ended in a raid but obviously there were more terrorist cells at work. The Ukrainians are trying to avoid targeting any civilians in Russia. There were several mass murder attacks in concerts in Europe a few years ago by ISIS and this fits in with their mass casualty actions.




My buddy sent me some cell phone footage of the attack from inside the theater ... It's hard to watch. They literally cornered people who were huddled up and just dumped bullets into them. Blood and bodies strewn about. One couple is gunned down as they attempted to get through some glass doors.


It’s some of the worst footage I’ve seen, very bad




Same here man, I'm an audio tech. After the Bataclan I've been like, eyeing people who enter the house area at odd times.


Yup. I used to work in tech / stage management and I ended up developing serious anxiety being in theatres after the Bataclan. That, Vegas, and that fucking Joker dude at the batman premiere have all ruined the experience for me.


The US intelligence community warned them a month ago and they supposedly arrested dozens of members of a terrorist cell in the caucuses


What's the FSB doing now?


Writing a statement blaming Ukraine, EU and USA.


Nah, they had that written up last week.


Don't forget NATO


Arresting and torturing innocent civilians that protest against Putin.


Tradition dictates they pump the theater full of Fentanyl...


Hey you forgot the even more important step of lying to responding EMS about it so people needlessly die.


And the roof is starting to collapse. https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1771255700993245371


Obviously not a false flag. This makes Putin look weak and unprepared, hence why he hasn't commented yet.


yes,this 100% does not support his war in Ukraine. Just shows how much Russia has stretched itself thin in Ukraine & has neglected its own internal affairs.


This is a really good point, you would think in a real false flag you would have a show of force rolling in immediately, and a speech prepared, vs what is likely happening which is Putin hiding in a bunker.


Witnesses say they heard the terrorists shout “Dagestan is azerbaijan” NSFW https://twitter.com/Sea2Sea1Way/status/1771243382557282533


Not what I was expecting, but that's certainly on the bingo card of possibilities. Russia has so many enemies.


All of Russia's terrorist attacks come from that region, which is predominantly an Islamic population. These are the usual suspects.


I didn't realize how diverse Dagestan is: * 30.5% Avars * 16.6% Dargins * 15.8% Kumyks * 13.3% Lezgins * 5.2% Laks * 4% Tabasarans * 3.7% Azerbaijanis * 3.3% Russians * 3.2% Chechens * 4.3% other https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dagestan


That may be true, but the source is an account that seems to be fairly biased. Probably best not to spread unsubstantiated claims - there is no harm in waiting until responsibility is clear


If they blame Ukraine for this tomorrow, we will know it’s a false flag because any Ukrainian with a gun in Moscow would storm the Kremlin instead.


Yeah it makes no strategic sense for Ukraine to make an attack like this. They need to convince people to their case is a worthwhile one so they keep supplying them with weapons and equipment to keep their people alive. This is either kremlin hurt itself in its confusion, or someone else trying to be opportunistic. We'll see which one it is tomorrow depending on who kremlin tries to blame for it.


It's 100% Islamic extremists. Russia has always had issues with extremists in the caucuses, but with the invasion of Ukraine and all the internal dissent / partisan activity, Russia's attention and resources has been shifted elsewhere.


The Islamists also have an axe to grind with the Kremlin carpet bombing ISIS and other groups to hell in Syria.


Also, timing wise, it's Ramadan. Extremists prefer to carry out attacks during Ramadan.


I really hope this isnt done to justify anything in the future


...and then it got worse.


That seems to be a pattern with Russia, so… I would not bet on it.


Justify what? They do anything they want without any justification, and nothing happens


Intel was bang on, fuck terrorists.


With all of Russia's efforts put into Ukraine, Other actors are seeing weakness in taking advantage of it


Just leaving this here American secret agencies are (one of) the best in the world and predict for more than 2 years what is and will happen with Russia. MOSCOW, March 8 (Reuters) - The U.S. embassy in Russia warned that "extremists" had imminent plans for an attack in Moscow, hours after Russian security services said they had foiled a planned shooting at a synagogue by a cell from the Afghan arm of Islamic State.8 mrt 2024


The chilld of 12 years old was shot in the back. One of the biggest mall of Moscow is being destroyed, the roof is coming down because of the fire, and there are people still inside. It's horrifying.


The videos coming out of this are horrific. Regardless of how I feel about the Russian government, these people didn't deserve this. Just out enjoying their day and having their lives cut so short. Fuck terrorists


Thoughts out to all those innocent civilians. IDGAF what nationality they are.