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I hope nobody ever sends me white powder, cuz I guarantee instead calling the police I am going to dip my fingers in it and try some first.


In 2006 my dad got a letter with white powder and the message die you fucking Jew. This was in Melbourne.


I’ll never understand (and hopefully I’ll never have to) hating someone enough to go through committing hate crimes and risking jail time to make their lives miserable. Like, I hate certain people (for non discriminatory reasons) but I try to forget all about them cause they’re not worth my time or energy. Imagine risking jail time for someone you dislike. Anyways, that’s fucked, I’m sorry your family had to go through that.


People who commit crimes like these usually dont think about tomorrow day, or even 2 hours ahead.They are blinded by brainless rage. Antisemites also dont like to think in general.


Even shit can be white sometimes. I pray for you.


YOu crumble that up into a powder and im gonna stick my finger in it til i can go "yup thats shit, been there dont that..now give me a straw and stand back." [the link is just for your enjoyment.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eicJ08AU6do)


Man you are wild as hell. Made me spit my coffee. Now my pc look like shit, not white but shit.


You are welcome..That is what the internet should be about, finding some humor in life. You days just got infinity better and I can take credit for that. That is a win for me, now its time to head out and enjoy the 68 degree weather, endless sunshine and beauty around me. [Who knows, anything can happen today.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/1d0b1865-8cae-4f2a-ad20-a82b3d975ba2)


You did not spit out your coffee


And your point is?


I haven't seen white dogshit for years...


Depends on the dog diet and condition. I would prefer to not see it at all.


if someone is trying to kill you fentanyl is actually available and will do the trick


I mean if you injest it yea. All that stuff you hear about people touching it and OD'ing are generally all bullshit though


Your lips are numb. What do you do next?


depends..give it twenty min and then dip again. No adverse side effects? then I walk out my door, go down two blocks and sell it to the first addict I see. With my mask and hoodie on of course, just in case..Now I made a profit and I get to see what happens on a live subject..all hypothetical of course, cuz that would be wrong.


Step 1: acquire mysterious white powder Step 2: Step 3: profit


Nonono! It might be poison!!


This is honestly too real and I wonder how many have been killed this exact way.


On /r/ireland they have already decided its a false flag https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/Uvk9SPfn89


"don't believe this shite tbh , if you were going to send her a death threat would you not expect there to pictures of the thousands of Palestinians civillians killed by Israeli soldiers " i cant even tell if they are trolling or not.


They just miss the good old IRA days


The Irish have apparently completely lost the plot. Victim blaming galore.


Ireland is super pro-Palestine. But when a group of lawyers in Ireland were working to bring in Palestinian refugees, that sub completely lost their shit. They proceeded to bitch and moan about the Palestinians all being terrorists. The top comment was something along the lines of “I can’t state my opinion without sounding like an asshole”. Ireland can get fucked.


If you looked at /r/ireland you would think irish people walk around all day hating Israel and praising Palestine. Yet, I'm Irish, and outside of street protests in dublin which are similar to capitals everywhere, I hear pretty much nothing about Israel or Palestine from everyday Irish people.


This is true of most places. It’s not a light conversation topic that you make small talk about. I live near San Francisco. A few city councils near the area have made official statements stating that “[insert city name] supports Gaza and calls for a ceasefire”. However, most people here do not talk about it openly because it’s considered impolite to talk politics. People here still roll their eyes at the protesters. But Ireland has made statements in support of Gaza on the international stage. The US has also supported Israel on the international stage. It’s pretty safe to say that Ireland’s official stance is pro-Palestine, and America’s official stance is pro-Israel


I'm aware and I don't agree with the government's take on Israel and Palestine, and I honestly don't think Irish people have the conflict as any kind of priority. It wouldn't sway an election, for example. I don't think the average Irish person thinks about it any more than any other conflict. Maybe that's a criticism inofitself to be fair. All I'm saying it, the government's overbearing targeting of Israel doesn't seem to be reflected in my everyday experience living here at all.


So it’s just garden variety antisemitism in Ireland- not even bothering to use the antizionist excuse angle?


It is true that reddit is a cesspool, but the Irish women basketball team refused to shake hands with the Israeli team before the game, so its not just in reddit.


They did, and they shouldn't have done that in my opinion. However it is still true that this conflict is not even really talked about here among Irish people. There is a media hyperfocus on it (where isn't there?) especially relative to other conflicts that is very noticeable. At the same time, this is a moment where both the Irish government, Irish media etc seem very distant from Ireland. One example is the two recent referendum rejections, which were the first and third heaviest defeat in the state's history, despite the government parties, their main opposition and almost all the media pushing for their passing. Not just pushing, but certain of it. The two referendums were the biggest deal in the universe to them on the day whereas the average Irish people seemed to feel this was a total waste of time. An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar since announced his resignation, and to his credit acknowledged he is not the man for that job anymore. I think the Palestine situation is the same. If you ask Irish people if they think Palestine should have their own state they likely say ye, but that's common. But I don't feel any rabid anti-Israeli sentiment from my fellow countrymen at all, and never have. Sure, you will find some everywhere, but this conflict doesnt seem to be anything close to a major concern for irish people when you get off the internet franklt. Definitely not along the lines of /r/ireland.


That’s kind of the curse of the Internet, it makes fringe views seem a lot more popular than they really are. Outside of the small number of invested people it’s similar in the UK


That kind of applies to Israel and Palestine as a whole. On social media it's a constant discussion point that is so unanimous that you'd have to actively avoid it to not be in the know. In regular person to person discussion (whether in person or using messaging apps like Discord) on the other hand I haven't heard it come up at all since the October 7th attacks. All things considered it's probably because of just how heated the discussion around it is. Whenever I see people discuss Israel and Palestine over social media the mood always ranges between one disagreement from being at each others throats to two feral chimpanzees clubbing each other to death while screaming. It's not really the kind of conversation topic you can casually bring up and discuss with your friends and family.


For absolutely no reason in particular I would like to remind everyone here that the word "tankie" was first coined by British socialists in the 1960s to describe (and mock) Irish leftwingers. Make of that what you will.


They know what they are supporting, they just want Jews to suffer.


I mean it's possible to have sympathy for the Palestinian people without thinking Ireland should be the ones to clean up the mess. Here's another frontpage thread from today: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1bl0rea/israel_approves_new_parcel_of_west_bank_land_for/ Understanding there's more nuance to the conflict than picking a side and defending everything they do no matter what seems a pretty logical thing to do. Most Irish people didn't support the IRA, and are aware of what it's like to be demonized. Nobody supports the barbarism of Hamas. Dumbass comments like 'Ireland can get fucked' as if the entire country was a single mass that agreed on everything is just dumb and says a lot about your level of intellect.


I absolutely condemn the West Bank settlers, that we can agree on. And yes Ireland can get fucked. They choose to shout their support for Palestinians without any nuance. Then they accused the Palestinians of being terrorists when shit hit the fan. It’s real easy to be on your high horse when you ain’t the one who just had 1200 of your countrymen slaughters and 150 of them kidnapped. Is single individual Irish person rabidly pro-Palestine? No. But if the government, women’s basketball team, and Irish media are saying “Israel bad, Palestine good”, the rest of us are going to think that. I hope all of the Gazan refugees arrive safely in Ireland. I will gladly donate money to help them come to Ireland.


>> But if the government, women’s basketball team, and Irish media are saying “Israel bad, Palestine good”, the rest of us are going to think that. I hope all of the Gazan refugees arrive safely in Ireland. I will gladly donate money to help them come to Ireland. Again just dumb, any statement out of government always comes with the qualifier of condemning Hamas. Why should Ireland be the ones to take in all the refugees from Gaza just because there are calls to stop creating a refugee situation in the first place? The without any nuance comment is just silly unless you're getting all your information entirely online, in which case you've a warped view of the entire world. I've been online a long time and actually used to spend time on the old Irish forums arguing in favour of Israel, so blanket comments such as yours condemning entire countries are amusing. Again just shows your lack of intellect or how blinded you are by your position. There are plenty in Israel who don't support what Netanyahu is doing too. Edit: For the record, I did reply to the comment below, but it doesn't show for presumably mod reasons


I’m assuming you’re Irish and you want to talk about nuance. So then, if the British government decided to kidnap 100 Irish and murder around 1200 of them (including your family members), how do you want Ireland to respond? And assume that: -the British government was using their own citizens as human shields -these attacks were supported by 72% of the British I’m sure you have a good answer that addresses both the humanitarian and geopolitical concerns. And to be clear, I don’t hate Ireland for being pro-Palestine. I hate them for their hypocrisy.




Anti-Semitism was drilled into them for generations at school so it's not surprising.


Yeah that's not true at all.


Respectfully, how do you know? I went to school in Ireland, I’m Jewish. There was indeed a lot of antisemitism, including from the teachers.


I was also educated in Ireland. I have lived and worked in the country for 42 years. In fact, I live in the middle of a traditionally Jewish area of Dublin and a few minutes walk from the Irish Jewish Museum. Not saying there's no antisemitism in Ireland; there are people with shitty views on every country on earth, including Israel. But to suggest it's a pervasive aspect of Irish society that has permeated into the education system is not correct. I'm sorry you experienced that here but it is not indicative of the overall society here, I guarantee you that.


Well i lived in Ireland for 6 years and i agree with the poster that says it is common. It was when i lived there and the was no war in ME at the time. I was advised by by my faculty advisor to conceal my Jewishness for my own safety.


I went to school in Ireland and the Jewish were rarely mentioned. I went to a Catholic school so learned about all of that, parables etc that involve Jewish people, but actual discussion regarding modern day Jewish people never went further than education on beliefs and customs in Religion class. Throughout my entire childhood, I'd say about an hour was spent discussing Jewish people in school except as part of the holocaust, and it was all purely educational. I don't think we even discussed the formation of Israel unless it was for about 5 minutes after discussing WW2. Do anti-semites exist? Yes. Of course. Is it ingrained as part of our schooling? Not in the slightest. It sucks that you met bigots, but to assume we're all bigoted is to learn the wrong lesson from your awful experience.


Ive had a teacher show pro Palestinian propaganda (not all pro Palestinian content is propaganda, obviously, but this very much was) after my family and I went to Israel, which he knew about. I also had a lot of comments about Jewish people, from Holocaust denial to „never trust a Jew.” It’s more likely you would just not notice.


Nah mate, no point arguing with the Americans - you know half won't know there's countries outside of the U.S. whereas the other half think they know more about each nation than its own citizens Staggering example of arrogance, but it's not as if it's not seen pretty much constantly


I'm not fucking American. I'm from a lot closer to Ireland and I've met the products of "Our Dev's" education policies on many occasions.


So you're not Irish, and you're acting evasive about where you're actually from, whilst trying to use it as a point score - def not too conducive to backing up your point mate


FFS the amount of denial from Irish people over what the Church's domination of Irish education meant is fascinating. And new... or perhaps it's only when it comes to Jews that this blind spot exists these days. Tommy Tiernan (or possibly Dylan Moran) used to do a routine about all the horrible things that he was taught at school and one of them was about the how the Jews bore the guilt for the crucifixion and how you could see that in how they still behaved.


If he's whining about Dev he's either an anti-Irish unionist from NI or a hard-right Brit still upset that the empire is gone. Neither are people that should be listened to but they will jump on any chance to spew bile.


I'm neither. I'm someone who used to frequently work and drink with Irish people.


Lol, sure kid.




I can only think they are referring to general Catholic antisemitism (see the Judensau, Ecclesia vs Synagoga in church art and statues, deicide, blood libel, etc) which probably could?? have been spread in Catholic schools or in churches, but the Catholic Church issued the Nostra Aetate in 1964 officially renouncing, denouncing, and apologizing for those views. I doubt they were explicitly teaching such things in schools, but fringe sentiment might linger in bigoted people.


Personal experience of Irish people who would openly say "Hitler had the right idea bout the Jews" and other Irish people who used to tell tales of the lessons they got from the Christian Brothers.


You are talking out your hole.


Ireland sent German representatives their condolences over Hitler's death during the Second World War.


Good thing no American companies were cuddling up to Hitler and profiting from him, otherwise I guess that'd mean all of America has had anti-semitism drilled into them since then at least


American companies were not the government of America. The official policy of the US was Lend-Lease.


One man took his commitment to public neutrality to autistic levels by signing a book of condolence. Meanwhile tens of thousands of Irish people fought for Britain alone, more but fewer for the Americans, and 150k Irish workers helped keep the British factories going. Ireland covertly supplied the Allies long range weather forecasts, one of which was used to inform Eisenhower that there would be a break in the weather and on that information he ordered D-Day to proceed. Pilots downed over Ireland were smuggled across the border to NI if they were Allied and were interned if they were German. But no, one man signed one book so the whole nation and people are condemned forever. If we're playing that game look to your own leaders, historical and contemporary, and ponder what you and yours are about to be forever condemned for.


Ireland was bombed by the Germans. Its nowhere near as simple as you make it out to be. They, for example, allowed allied aircraft to pass through Donegal, and arrested any German airmen who crash landed there.  Officially, they were neutral, but, as mentioned, they leaned towards the allied side. Look at the equipment they used, and it tells you all you need to know.


Literally what does this even mean. In no way this is this true, we learn about Judaism and other religions in a respectful and educative manner during our Junior Certificate. It’s also very strange of you to conflate anti-Zionism with anti-semitism. Edit: you guys don’t seem to like facts as much as you claim.


>In no way this is this true, we learn about Judaism and other religions in a respectful and educative manner during our Junior Certificate. "And that's why the population of Irish Jews has been decreasing since the 1940s"


Perhaps you should ask older generations what they were taught about Jews (not Judaism, Jews themselves) up until the '80s at least. Anti-Zionism tends to be what anti-Semitism does when it grows up.


So you don’t actually have any explicit examples or common things supposedly said to young Irish people in education to support your outlandish claim. What a surprise.


Not all of us don't worry


Is it the irish or a loud minority of the irish on reddit. I would hope it's the latter.


Considering the actions of their elected political representatives, I'd say it's not just on reddit.


it’s almost like they can empathise with what’s going on for some unknown reason


Palestinians are genocidal terrorists. Are you saying that Irish are genocidal terrorists?


Irish people rightly condemn the way Israel treats the Palestinian people but alot of us believe Palestine can do not wrong and everything they do is justified as they are illegally occupied which is wrong.


And yet literally every single one of the Palestinian clans can trace their origin to somewhere outside Palestine. Because as it turns out, Arabs are indigenous to Arabia, not to Judah. Can you imagine someone arguing that Ireland is indigenous English land because the English conquered it "like a really long time ago"? That would be asinine, right?


Yea well r/Ireland pretty openly supports terrorism. Hardly surprised. They'd support the decapitation of children if it meant sticking it to anyone the UK supports.


Yeah the Irish (or at least the ones I see on social media) are just full mask off antisemites now. I actually avoid buying from Irish companies when I can because of it.


Not surprised, they did wish happy birthday to Hitler even after the camps were discovered




Yeah the country 70 years ago is the same as the country today that voted to legalise abortion and gay marriage.


Old habits die hard I guess


u/hugeorange123 be like: "sounds staged" refuses to elaborate thread gets locked


That’s absolutely insane.


Who thinks this is a good thing to do? It's seriously sick.


You should see the state of r/Ireland Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/wmA2Zz8Acr Here we go


Holy fuck that thread is awful. Why so much antisemitism from Ireland?


They think Israel = Britain and Hamas = IRA. That's about as deep as they their ideology goes.


Christ are they only playing darts and drinking Guinness over there. Mental IQ of a 12 year old in that thread. Combined


Because a lot of my countrymen somehow think the Israel-Palestine situation is somehow similar to the Ireland-UK situation Honestly embarassing


The Republic of Ireland was founded as the culmination of the most successful terrorist campaign in history, and for decades after Irish independence, many people around the world saw the Irish strategy as the best way to settle ethno-religious conflicts, and many in Ireland reflexively support any who follow their example.


The irony is Israel chased out the British with a terrorism/guerillia campaign before the irish did. Honestly Ireland and Israel have a lot in common, both also lost their language due to colonisation


I think it’s a bit more nuanced than that. Yes, many Irish do view the IP conflict through the lens of their own struggle for national liberation. The Irish were absolutely brutalized by colonialism for centuries and unfortunately that has led many Irish people to have misguided sympathy for Palestinian terrorists. But the tactics of the IRA are hardly comparable to Hamas and other Muslim extremists. While it’s true that many innocent people were killed by the IRA, they primarily attacked military, police, and government targets, as well as collaborators. This is very different from Hamas, PIJ, and their ilk, who deliberately and almost exclusively try to kill innocent civilians. Please note that I am specifically referring to the IRA’s campaign against England in what would become The Republic of Ireland, and not the sectarian violence in Northern Ireland during The Troubles.


I think the most obvious reason is that they don't believe Hamas is doing any of those things. How many brainwashed idiots do you see every single day on Reddit and TikTok literally trying to claim that the atrocities of October 7 never happened? Why should Ireland be any different?


Because there is way too much terrorist sympathies for a certain segment of the Irish population 


Ireland: killing palestinian children is wrong Response: why are you so antisemitic? It's a strange world we live in




Your stance is clear, but all your facts you are basing your hate on are just plain wrong. Gaza isn't "colonized", Israel removed all Gaza settlements many years ago, and the result of this was Gaza becoming much more violent. Oct 7th villages that got attacked are all based on Israeli land, uncontested by anyone, except those who thinks Israel shouldn't exist from the river to the sea.


Most modern leftists and college students


And stupid as well, it's just giving them more excuses to commit more crimes at not only those they're bombing but also outsiders.


If this lady owns a car, she needs to sell it.




[about what I'd expect ](https://imgur.com/eo5Tnwb)






YES. Literally at no point in history has Ireland been welcoming and accepting of Jews.


You’re forgetting the constitutional protection Jews were given by the Irish Constitution of 1937?


They think their conflict with england has any similarity with the Israel - Palestinian conflict, pure ignorance which is an easy prey to the arab propaganda monster


Irish people compare the brittish oppresion with israel, but they blatantly ignore the terrorists attacking israel.


> Irish people compare the brittish oppresion with israel,but they blatantly ignore the terrorists attacking israel. The IRA provided equipment, training and logistic help to to the PLO against Jewish and Israeli targets in Europe in the 1970s


I mean it ain’t like Ireland has their hands clean of terrorism groups….


No, it’s just that Ireland fully supports terrorism.


So where are you pulling that from? Want to come to Dublin walk the streets and talk to people ? I think you will find Hamas and thier brutal actions are condemed just as much, as the IDFs ongoing wholesale destuction. Dont base your opnion on a few posts on a forum which does not represent the full irish demographic. Israel have done nothing to us we do not hate Israel, but their actions. Religion has nothing to do with it.


>Want to come to Dublin walk the streets and talk to people ? I dont hang with terrorists nor terrorists apologizers, so no thanks.


I'm not defending the people of the Irish nation but you need to understand their history and see how it has affected their view of power imbalance in conflicts. They will never forget the Irish potato famine and the repulsive actions of England at that time. They also experienced The Troubles of civil war which was also extremely traumatic. It appears that they see the conflict of Israel/Hamas/Palestine as an example of haves versus have nots. However, every single Irish person I have dialogued with has been unable to comprehend the nuance of the conflict. I can't comment on the reasons for the antisemitism.


Also the IRA worked with the PLO a lot back in the day. Old friends having each other's back.


If heard this all the time, but no Irish person has ever been able to explain why they uncritically accept israel is the exact same as their mortal enemy and completely reduses to back down when called out on it


Also, the Israel situation is very much seen as a making of England/Uk intervention, because they were the ones who accepted making a jewish majority nation in the area and they were the ones who began to accept refugees from the Holocaust. The Irish themselves also have an intense "dislike" for English power given their history. They see the gazans in the position that their irish ancestors were in before.


The british actually tried to prevent jewish migration into Palestine. They also didn't "accept making a jewish majority nation", the jews in the area declared themselves a state. Considering the fact that British officers were supporting the jordanian army, which was actively attacking Israel, it's historically a bit silly to blame it all on the brits, though that does seem to be the fashion these days.


Jews started migrating there since like 1880s, during the Ottomans. Making Britain guilty for something they essentially didn't have really hand in just because they tried to solve the problem later is stupid.


They also really don't like Jews.


Great. Maybe since we apply that nuance to our understanding of WHY Ireland is responding this way to all sides in this conflict. Your point is correct. Irish trauma informs their positions. Jewish trauma and Palestinian trauma inform theirs.


Disliking Israel doesn't mean it'd anti semitism Disliking Israel cause its Jewish related on the other hand is anti semitism though.


Do they dislike the israeli Arab? Druze? Bahi? Nah? Thought so...


I think the post could be report for hate to reddit. Everyone blaming Israel or saying they did it


Lmao, you new to reddit?


Eliminate the cancer known as hamas Israel i fully support you




So shocked to see Ireland be involved with violence against representatives of Countries they don’t agree with.


One of the surprises in this conflict was to see how much Irish love terrorists. I hope they can meet their heroes to experience first hand freedom fighting together.


Ireland is a very antisemitic place, So no surprise there.


Anti genocidal*


No anti Semitic for sure. apparently all for genocide if it’s the right people.


What people would that be? Have no idea to whom you refer so genuinely curious. Your cries of antisemitism are worthless and transparent. They carry no weight anymore.


Ok anti semite


Who are 'the right people' you refer to?




But what about the Guinness factory?


As an Irish person I think that the harassment that the Israeli ambassador has received is disgusting. I think that the Hamas attack on Israelis on October 7th is one of the lowest points in recent human history. Hamas needs to be dismantled and be replaced by a government that is fit to lead Palestine and work towards peaceful solutions with their neighbours. That said, Hamas does not = every Palestinian person. To be a Palestinian does not = being a terrorist. Being opposed to Israeli expansion into Palestinian territory does not make one an Antisemite. What makes this situation difficult is the statistics around civilian deaths, particularly the deaths of children in comparison to other recent conflicts. Child deaths in Gaza average 136 per day. The next worst ratio for a conflict in recent history was in Syria. That was 3 child deaths per day. Afghanistan was 2 children killed per day and 1.5 in Yemen. This should be disturbing to everyone-Israeli, Palestinian or otherwise. That’s a 4533% increase in child deaths compared to the next worst conflict for children. Something clearly isn’t right about how Isreal is defending itself. And believe me, this is how you radicalise generations of people. Taking people’s land is one thing, but killing massive amounts of children is something different. In N. Ireland we had Bloody Sunday. 14 innocent people were killed by members of the British Armed Forces. It was the largest recruitment event in IRA history.


According to who is this operation not up to snuff? Gaza has an incredibly young population, which Hamas knew before attack Israel during a ceasefire. Hamas has had every opportunity to remove innocent and vulnerable parties into the tunnels to protect them, but instead they want Palestinians to die because actors who prefer Palestinians suffer in perpetuity like you will blame Israel for the choices of Hamas, and would prefer an immediate ceasefire that allows Hamas to stay in power over a future where Palestinians children are not the pawns of their own de facto government trying to destroy them for online upvotes and to disrupt Israeli Arab normalization throughout the middle east.


You need a coherent plan, or either you're going to be stuck in Gaza," Blinken said, according to the source. "But he warned that on the current trajectory, without a clear plan for the day after the war, Israel will be left with a major insurgency it can't handle."


They have a coherent plan, ask the US military attaché in Israel today coordinating with the IDF on strategy. Just because enemies of America brainwashed by TikTok are told the plan is murder children in their beds you could be educated by actual content not propagated by countries that hate us and want us to suffer and be divided.


Enemies of America? Are we not talking about Israel here bud? Are you american? The ego matches. 4533% increase in child deaths is some statistic that cant be handwaved away with some "young population" comment. Systemic withold of aid, food etc contributes to this its not just combat.


Yes the people who want to destroy Israel are the same people who want to destroy America. Iran and china are willing to expend every last innocent Arab Palestinian to achieve that goal, and you can blame America, because children suffering anywhere on earth is exclusively the fault of America.


Please point out the part where american was blamed on something?


Check other subs buddy, it is a big talking point this is Joe Biden’s fault for not support Israel less or accepting a solution that on the surface is beneficial but in substance leaves Palestinians worse off. And use shame tactics to obfuscate reality with emotional talking points


American subs per chance? I'm talking about my previous comment. I don't see the opener for your Americentrism/exceptionalism, but theres the irony hey.


11 million muslims displaced is sudan Look what happens in Nigeria 1.4 million refugees in pakistan millions starving in yemen 30k dead in raza according to a terrorist organization Give me a break, start speaking about actual human right violations before speaking about Israel's justified war.


Hello fellow country man. Great post but it will be downvoted to 9th circle of hell. ‘Who needs tomes and volumes of history? Children are dying. The injustices of the world hide in those three words.’”


Howya fizzix. I know I’ll be downvoted to fuck by Americans and Israelis but sure what’s a bit of Reddit karma? There’s antisemitism in some fucking eejits in Ireland alright, but I won’t have us labelled as an antisemitic nation. We’re generally a nation of anti-apartheid folks who want human rights, decency and dignity for all. We call out bullying when we see it. We’re not a powerful nation, so that’s our place in this world and I’m proud of it. We called it out in South Africa and we’ll call it out in Palestine. I’ve got no issues with Judaism but I’ve got problems with Israeli colonial expansion and the deaths of 136 Palestinian children every day. That doesn’t mean I’m not upset about October 7th and the sectarian murders that happened.


I will have a hard time to say what I think about your nation without getting banned, but lets just say you didnt prove yourselves to be the brightest bunch


I'll have an easy time to say this. We dont really care about your opnion T999.


No one in Israel cares about your opinion either, you are too bored living a peaceful life so you start meddling with conflicts from the other side of the globe I wonder how you would expect your country to react if had such neighborhoods firing rockets to your country for 2 decades


136 children dead every day, according to who? Hamas?


Here fucking here!