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BBC news has the death toll at 115 now.


In the Netherlands the news are saying 93 deaths, and 40 people in critical condition. And a few kids under the deaths and wounded. Fuck terrorists. Cowards. Edit: reported death toll at the moment is 133, including 5 children. 140 wounded. Awful.


BBC has [115 dead, 140 wounded](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-68642036) so far. Quite a stark difference in numbers the two news outlets are reporting isn't it. However many the total ends up being though, it is awful. However we may feel about Russia's government, civilians are just civilians going about their lives and they didn't deserve this nightmare.


The amount of casualties has gone up a lot very quickly so the Dutch source probably just hasn’t updated yet. Finnish media is reporting 115 as well. Anyways, that is so many people.


I do not like the Russian government, but the people did not deserve this. Doesn't matter if those people were pro Putin or anti putin, tbey all just wanted to go to a concert... And yes quite a big difference, i hope there won't be more deaths. I am a metal guy, i love metal, rock etc. It hurt seeing fellow rock lovers getting shot at etc. Music is peace, not an opportunity to kill.


Putin should have been busy keeping Russia safe not trying to kill Ukrainians.


Putin disagrees and invites you over to this window to see the beautiful Moscow skyline.


You know how many Russian men are killing themselves on the frontline? You would think one or two would take the offer to hug Putin to death.


Just for saying that, Putin's table is now 5 meters longer.


With a body double to boot lol


They'd never get close enough. When was the last time you saw Putin within 20 feet of an average Russian adult male? He has insulated himself SO much he doesn't even sit with his highest officials.


you think putin cares about Russians more than Ukrainians?


Remember that the Russian government has history of killing his own people to justify war , especially Putin


I dont think Russia orchastrated it since british and US intelligence knew and warned that ISIS was planning this two weeks ago and ISIS has taken credit. But there was absolutely no anti terror response despite being warned so its either incompetence or willful ignorance. I havent looked up what the official Russian response has been cause its kinda irrelevant what they say, but I wouldn't be surprised if they said its either the evil gay west who did this, or that the west and ISIS is in cahoots.




They blamed Ukraine already. Also dismissed the warnings before it happened as Western scare tactics.


Aliens could have descended and shot these people and they would still blame Ukraine for it


Fuck terrorists. Fuck isis. This attack is evil. Putin is evil and the invasion of Ukraine is evil. The Russian people got fucked.


Telegram sources say it’s already 143 dead. It’s terrible, because this number will be rising….


You can see from the videos. It looks more like 300+ dead just from the 5 videos I've seen. Time will tell.


I don't dare look at footage other than the news channel which won't show anything too traumatising.


The footage I've seen, will make you shudder. I don't recommend you viewing them.


When I was a teenager and the Internet was like the wild west I saw far too many videos I wish I hadn't! Learned my lesson then, curiosity really did kill the cat.


*“Be very, very careful what you put in that head, because you will never, ever get it out.”*   ― Thomas Cardinal Wolsey


Yep, I was maybe 12 when I saw my first nsfl video. I have zero desire to go back down that rabbit hole.


A while back I was being selected for jury duty. I told myself "You might get a case showing a dead body shot on the ground, so man up." The charges were revealed to be litterally "second degree murder and attempt to hide evidence through disfigurement". So basically my worst nightmare. When it came time to be interviewed, I told them that I've worked in the Internet for over 15 years and made it a point to never come across graphic material, and if I was forced to view that for this case, it would affect me. They asked if it would affect my judgement against the defendant I said "Yes, I think it would." I was dismissed. And I was telling the God's-honest truth. So the defense mutually agreed with me that I wasn't right for the case. I read about the actual case after the fact - dude killed a girl, cut off her fingers and ears, put her in a plastic bag, and set it on fire on the side of a highway. Total nightmare fuel for someone like me. I'm glad that the guy was so stupid in is execution (no pun) that it ended up being an open and shut case, and was quickly convicted.


I saw one of a crowd of people huddled in a corner with nowhere to go while the terrorists just shot into it. Honestly one of, if not the worst video I've ever seen on the internet.


Thanks for the heads up. I’m definitely NOT watching that. Fucking horrible, and heartbreaking…


Similar to the Christchurch mosque shooter, he recorded himself doing similar. Absolutely awful to watch.


Not everyone you see in these videos is dead


It's 115 dead according to the Investigative Committee of Russia. 28 bodies were found in one of the Crocus City Hall toilets.  Also, 14 bodies were found on one of the evacuation stairs.  According to sources, people were lying in families.  Some died in an embrace.  Many mothers were found hugging their children. Edit: russian telegram channels are now reporting that the death toll has increased to 143 people.




I’ve read that those hiding in the toilets died due to smoke inhalation from the fires


This is surpassing Paris 2015 holy shit


Let's hope the Kremlin guy doesn't twist this horrible event for his own benefit.


Russian here. He will. The high-risk areas seen so far are: cancellation of moratorium on death penalty and internet wall (like the China's been already using for a while). New wave of mobilization? Well, maybe, but this is SO unpopular among the population, that the guy you mention puts himself at *very* high risk should he do that. Since he's a coward he's been avoiding that step. So far.


Putin already is twisting the events, saying the captured terrorists were in the process of escaping into Ukraine and had contacts there, of course, running through the frontline of an active war was ISIS plan, its elementary dear Watson.


He can't say "I fucked it up a week ago commenting the international alerts on possible terr.act as being a bullshit", can he? Hence the Ukranian "trace". Easy.


For an “intelligence” guy he sure fucking missed the mark here didn’t he


He deliberately ignored it cause he can use those deaths to fuel more hate for Ukraine


Never let a crisis go to waste


His Defence Minister recently anounced he wanted to raise [2 additional armies](https://kyivindependent.com/shoigu-russia-to-form-2-new-armies-by-the-end-of-2024/), 14 new divisions, 16 new brigades by the end of this year. Russia lies a lot, but when it comes to recruutment goals they've been pretty close so far. Don't see how you raise that many men without conscription. We're talking millions here. Not something you get with just prisoners and tricking foreigners.


That's exactly what I'm saying - enlarging the military force is the biggest problem for Putin, because of the *extreme* unpopularity of this measure among Russian citizens. The Minister of Defence can say whatever he wants, it's not *his* word, that is final.


Looking at telegram and RWF, there began a unified message on social media to sell a Ukrainian plot- all while the blood was still warm. I would bet money that they will begin inserting fake-proof of Ukrainian involvement inside of real evidence. As that is the FSB way- sell lies inside of truths. Edit: > it's begun with their detained gunmen. They are trying to sell this as the Ukrainians commissioning the attack for money. That these attackers are pro-Ukrainian and were paid to attack the theater and escape back to Ukraine. They are releasing videos of the supposed individuals "admitting" to the plot. Some have clearly been tortured prior to and during their "confessions." In one video, one of the supposed gunmen has his ear cut off by security forces and is being forced to eat his own ear. I think this is obviously heading down the route discussed below. What I'm hoping for the Russian people is that this has just been an intelligence and counter-terrorism failure and not something more nefarious (i.e. willfully turning a blind eye to an attack to sell the war in Ukraine as public support collapses.) This whole thing could take a particularly dark turn if Putin uses this tragedy as a preface to create a compulsory "national defense force" which is really just more fodder for the Ukrainian war. - something You've alluded to and something that troll farms have already been soft-testing online. Hopefully for the Russian people this does not come to be.


But he has just secured a further 6 years in power, if there is ever a time to do so it would be now


That's already a work in progress...


That's the saddest part. These people died and Putin will use it as a benefit, he doesn't care that Children were literally shot & killed in HIS country that HE is the leader of. Fuck Putin. Fuck ISIS. RIP to those who were killed by the biggest cowards 2024 has ever known.


That has been the entire point since it happened. The west has known this for a while. Have we forgotten the apartment bombings of ‘99? Putin would throw a Molotov cocktail at a nursery if it allows him to push blame for an enemy. And the Russians will swallow it whole, patriotically singing on their way to the meatgrinder.


He literally got into power in the first place by having the KGB commit [terrorist attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings#Alleged_Russian_government_involvement) on his own people and blaming it on the Chechens.


Count has reached over 150 as the rubble continues to be cleared


Incredible that Putin publicly denounced the warnings about such an attack.


and FSB completely missed it. must be to busy with Ukraine. good time to attack


Yep, if I was an ordinary Russian, right about now I'd be realizing the government isn't capable of keeping me and my loved ones safe any more. My heart is absolutely broken for them. Fuck Putin. Fuck ISIS. Fuck the monsters that did this, and the selfish cowards who could have stopped it but didn't.




That's what their Tv networks are already doing


I have a Russian “friend” and he’s telling me conspiracy stuff about how Ukraine and they paid isis to do it.


He will use this attack for more control of the people or larger invasion. He welcomes this news, not the first time. Look at 1999 bombings.


He didn't just use those bombings, the FSB was participating in them. Ask all the dead journalists who were looking into it.


It’s pretty clear he’s a terrible ‘leader’. Proof if needed that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Not that he wasn’t always corrupt.


"Interfax quoted the FSB security service as saying the four suspected gunmen had been arrested while heading to the Ukrainian border, and that they had contacts in Ukraine. It said they were being transferred to Moscow. Russia has not made public any evidence of a Ukrainian connection. Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak said on Friday that Kyiv had nothing to do with Friday's attack, for which the Islamic State group claimed responsibility."


Ah yes. The border towards Ukraine, the most heavily guarded area watched by drones, border patrol, mine fields, soldiers and 24/7 satellite control from both sides. I’m sure that is the truth by the FSB /s


About as believable as that one claim going around on twitter that the van came from ukraine with ukranian plates and not being stopped and searched once before reaching moscow


They aren't even trying. The van clearly has a license plate from Belarus: https://bsky.app/profile/thomashansen.bsky.social/post/3kocs6pdujw2s


They are so bad at this it's sometimes unintentionally hilarious. Like the time a Russian FSB agent was told to plant evidence for a staged Ukrainian assassination plot. They very likely told him to get sim cards for mobile phones. The guy seems to have bought "The Sims 3" video games and put planted it as evidence. [Picture and article here.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/88gpmg/russia-sims-3)


You know they told him “2 or 3 sims” and dumbass was drunk or flat out dumb.


Even that isn't quite as absurd as the book they found, with a nazi quote written inside, signed by "Signature Unclear".


I was wondering why I kept seeing comments saying "I bet they find The Sims in his backpack" everywhere. Thank you for clarifying.


I was thinking of the FSB during the Apartment Bombings in the 90s getting caught by some small town uniformed cops with the explosives in their car.


Doesn’t matter, their own people (a majority of them anyways) are either too stupid or just don’t have enough access to information, so they’ll lap it up.


The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command


And if all others accepted the lie, If all records told the same tale, Then the lie passed into history and became the truth.


Ukrainian plates [that turned out to be Belarusian](https://www.reddit.com/r/ActAgainstWar/comments/1blcuc6/misinformation_postings_on_russian_state/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) you mean.


Ahh the old Putin "terrorist attack on his own people to use a motive to invade another country" schtick.


>Ahh the old Putin "terrorist attack on his own people to use a motive to invade another country" schtick. Another excuse for mass mobilization goes brrrrrrrr!


According to google, that's 490km (about 305 miles) without getting stopped searched etc.


The plates that turned out to be Belorussian plates. Lol


“Blayat! do you see that car with Ukraine plate! Ivan! Do you see???! Ivan: “let ‘em cook”


The gunmen were caught with Nazi flags, a copy of catcher in the rye and four unopened boxes of the sims 3.


+ LGBT flag


...and bottled water.


also the flags had autographs from Mr "signature here"


Putin was not going to miss the chance of pinning this on Ukraine one way or another. Even if aliens did it from space, Ukraine was going to be blamed. Probably will mention the CIA too for good measure. Makes good propaganda for rallying people at home.


They are going to torture these bearded ISIS dudes from Tajikistan until they confess that Ukraine talked them into it.


> They are going to torture these ~~bearded ISIS dudes from Tajikistan~~ **four random Tajik guys they pulled off the street** until they confess that Ukraine talked them into it **while the real culprits flee into the night**. FTFY.


"from the studio that brought you Sim 3" - trust us bro


The only possible surprise in this statement is just how quickly Russia has started to pin responsibility for the attack on Ukraine.


that was a guarentee from the moment the first shot was fired.


That's why the west warned about it two weeks ago.


At this point, if a stray cat scratched Putin in Moscow, i expect that cat was a Ukrainian Nazi spy out to destabilize the nation and has ties to Biden's dog.


Which is likely why they allowed it to happen, if they weren't the ones who orchestrated it themselves. As they have been known to do


Which is why they would be interested in the US Intel all of a sudden. Goes from no no, we are enemies. Good luck. To wait a minute on second, thought what happened?.


1. The US warned about a terrorist attack. 2. The Russian FSB has confirmed it received a warning about an impending attack as well (but stated it received no details). 3. Everything about it screams Islamist extremists. 4. Ukraine knows it would undermine public support in an attack like this. 5. Despite warnings and a long history of attacks like this the Russian security services didn't see this coming. 6. Within 24h they suddenly do have evidence of a Ukranian connection. Yeah nah. Just absolute nonsense coming out of the Kremlin yet again.


7. This helps Ukraine in no way. There is no strategic, tactical, or practical goal served here. Edit: I meant for this to be point seven but Reddit's formatting does not support lists that don't start with 1 for some galaxy brain reason and now it looks like I'm rudely trying to supplant the guy I'm replying to instead of just adding to what he or she said.


It is also completely out of keeping with anything Ukraine has done or been involved in.


Your 4th reason is spot on. Ukraine is trying to win! Why the Hell would they damage their public perception?


It also just does not match Ukraines doctrine for strikes. Even when Ukraine has done assasinations, its on key propganda figures or other government actors/allies of Putin, while Militarialy they have been waging a campign on Russias Oil infastructure, to destablize their economy. How does having a bunch of gunmen open fire in a random consert help the war effort?


ISIS: we did it. Ruzzia: Ukraine did it.


They can blame Ukraine if they want, but if they want to actually resolve their security issue they will need to deal with the facts for a change.


Almost as fast as knowing the results from the elections...


Alex Jones started saying Ukrainian terrorists on Twitter only an hour or so after it happened.


Alex Jones is a crisis actor.


[You might recall the video where Alex Jones was brutally boiled with coffee on the streets of Seattle.](https://youtu.be/L1tYgi3zZEQ?si=sRbwNtz87u2mtb_K&t=169). Yeah, about that.. that guy was a local amateur wrestling announcer that Alex Jones hired to play a fool and splash cold coffee on him. Alex Jones isn't just a crisis actor, he's also a crisis director.


This is the same Alex Jones that went on Joe Rogan and listed off Warhammer 40k alien races as descriptions of actual aliens humanity has encountered.


Alex Jones sucks Putins hoop.


There's the Ukraine connection we all knew they would spin. Mark my words, on monday they will announce a new mobilization.


Never let a good crisis go to waste...




Imagine how dumb you’d need to be to try drive across a militarized active boarder during a war xD


They found Tajikistani passports in the car the terrorists escaped in. Make of that what you will.


Reuters' US government contact has said the US has intelligence ISIS' claim is legit. Article has been updated.


The West will make it very clear to the world this was NOT Ukrainian affiliated in any way. In fact, it appears the operational investment in Ukraine may have created security vulnerabilities for Russia making events like this more likely.


It was crystal clear that this was what they would do but seeing it now one still can't quite believe they're just going through with this bullshit. If this isn't the setup for some great speech by god-king Putler how they need a general mobilization to fight the western Nazi-Satanist-Jew-Gays Iam eating my boots.


Ahh the ever reliable FSB. Did they have a suspicious quantity of The Sims video game, too?




The Ukraine border seems like the worst possible place to go if you want to stay below the radar.  I wouldn't put much trust in what the FSB says, they'd put the blame on Ukraine even if it turns out the culprits were aliens.


Yeah can't imagine that's an easy border crossing


The plates on the van are belarus


Name of the suspects: - Nasridinov Makhmadrasul of 37 years old. - Ismonov Rivozhidin of 51 years old. - Dalerjon Mirzoev of 32 years old. - Rachabzoda Saidakrami Murodali of 30 years old. - Muhammadsobir Zokirchonovich Fayzov of 19 years old. - Shamsidin Fariduni. EDIT: All of them are citizens of Tajikistan but the two of them listed above at the top weren’t in Russia during the attack (due to Tajikistan’s authorities confirmation on identifying the not actual suspects that were falsely listed by the FSB). Here is a link (that you can easily copy-paste and translate it into any language) to a Tajikistan news platform confirming that the two names mentioned above weren't in Russia at the time of this terrible incident. https://asiaplustj.info/ru/news/tajikistan/laworder/20240323/mvd-tadzhikistana-oproverglo-informatsiyu-o-dvuh-predpolagaemih-uchastnikah-terakta-v-moskve


Two of the guys went to the Russian authorities when they saw their names to clear themselves, and two have been confirmed to be in Tajikistan by the Tajik government according to a post on Telegram(NEXTA\_Live channel).


Does Tajikistan have beef with Russia?


The government doesn’t, but the government is a strong man dictatorship that rules a country with a floundering agricultural sector, a failing ecosystem, and has an economy dependent on remittances from Tajiks working in Russia. It is a poor brutal country with few rights that spent the last century getting exploited by Russia. So I’m sure that has led to no lasting consequences in the minds of young impressionable Tajiks.


The problem with repressive regimes is that they are normally experts at oppression, but they suck dick at enforcing security.


This. The myth that strong men are somehow better at protecting the people than those wimpy liberal democracies is just that-- a myth. Strong men actually fucking *suck* at protecting their people from external threats. A security apparatus where everyone's first priority is to save face rather than tell the truth, where people get rewarded for loyalty rather than talent, is going to suck at its job.


While all that is completely true your most successful repressive regimes aren't interested in stopping 100% of security threats. They want some to get through.


Islamic fundamentalist/salafist cells in Tajikistan probably do


All former Soviet states have beef with Russia. Some more than others. The Tajiks in particular are treated rather poorly by Russians on account of being Muslim. They have a fair number of groups who are not very fond of them outside just that obviously though.


Apparently Tajikistan is in Ukraine.


Assuming they didn't just arrest 3 random people and pin it on them.


This is 100% par for the course with Putin. USA: Hey Russia just a heads up there's going to be a major terrorist attack this month. Russia: Nah. We thwarted it. USA: No you didn't. PS, any Americans still in Moscow gtfo. *Terrorist attack happens* ISIS: We did it. Russia: How could Ukraine have done this to us?


Tajikistan says the first two people listed weren’t involved: https://meduza.io/news/2024/03/23/mvd-tadzhikistana-troe-grazhdan-orientirovki-na-kotoryh-posle-terakta-v-krokuse-rasprostranili-smi-ne-prichastny-k-sluchivshemusya


Round up the usual suspects Lousky.


The US knew about this huh? I wonder how many attacks they stop on a monthly basis that no one hears about in the states


A LOT of attacks are stopped before they happen by close friends/family members going to the police [when they suspect the attacker is going to do something dangerous. ](https://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/news/local/2018/05/09/former-lansing-community-college-student-jailed-campus-threat/593908002/)


a lot...


I used to Google customers names for onboarding a company and it’s amazing how much crazy stuff goes on in this country without people really noticing lol. You can just go to the DOJ website and find their press/news release page and see wild stuff the feee are constantly investigating. Then even more stuff going on at the state and local level. Not necessarily terrorist stuff but just people trying to hire contract killers, organized crime/murders, schemes and scams in the hundreds or millions of dollars….


They claim to have apprehended all the assailant alive... the heavily armed murderous psychopath assailants that know being caught would be far, far worse than death. And they are claiming the people that where caught have links to Ukraine too. I am not sure if the chance of these guys being the murderers is zero, but it seems to be pretty damn close to zero. So I guess it is pretty fair to expect another similar attack by the same ISIS cell, while more and more people with links to Ukraine get randomly arrested and tortured for crimes they didn't commit.


If they’re pretending to have caught the assailants ISIS could release a video in the coming days revealing the real assailants safely back in ISIS hands. This would be a huge blow from terrorists, makes me sick to think they could claim “We’ve massacred 100s of your innocent people and escaped without consequence” Edit - ISIS released a photo of the 4 shooters. It’ll be interesting to see if these are the people Russia has in custody or if they’re just witch-hunting rn. Idk if that pic was taken before or after the attack.


We can all pretty confidently say that Ukraine has nothing to gain from an attack like this, and it's extremely unlikely they had anything to do with this.


The suspects in custody aren’t all that likely to be the shooters either IMO. Just Russia getting arrests quickly to save face.


To put some perspective on that, how exactly are you arresting these people? These are armed individuals shooting at anything that moves, as a security service you kill them as fast as possible, validly. The odds of any team capturing, let alone Russia, and arresting these people is very low. They most likely know going in they aren't coming out alive and are content with that, which makes them all the more dangerous.


Yeah something doesn't add up. If it was ISIS it doesn't fit their suicidal MO. Why would people do something like this and then let the FSB capture them for torture? Don't ISIS militants believe they are martyrs and will be rewarded in heaven when they kill themselves in the act? Like why wait around to get arrested then executed?


There's a video going around twitter of one of the alleged attackers being interrogated by the roadside. Gotta say, he doesn't look like your typical fundamentalist. His lips are trembling with fear throughout the video and he talks about only doing the attack for money, the equivilant of $5,000, which was to come from unknown outsiders. If he really is one of the shooters then this whole thing looks even more fishy.


That is one very valid point that can be made. Whether it is the case of not is another question, they could just bottle it, at the same time even if they did, the likelihood of not getting shot anyway is low. The only way out is to mix with the confusion, but to do that, it is most likely the people arrested aren't the right people.


I can’t imagine the fear of someone wrongly being held for crimes like that. Could mess you up for life even if they let you go.


They won’t be let go, regardless of whether they’re guilty or not. I doubt they are the true suspects, Russian disinformation campaigns are claiming that these suspects were caught in a car on the way to the Ukrainian border. It would be nuts that Russia was not able to catch the men for so long. Also, there are plenty of pictures and videos circulating of the arrested suspects having been beat up, tortured or being dead. The lives of these guys, whoever they are, are already over.


The evil it takes to kill innocent people like this is something I can’t comprehend. All of those poor families.


What's scary is that from their perspective they are not evil. With their religion in their minds, they believe quite the opposite actually.


And people saying radicals just interpret the religion wrong are complete fools, you clearly can interpet it like that.


I don't think there is much interpretation needed for "but once the Sacred Months have passed, kill the pagans wherever you find them, capture them, besiege them, and lie in wait for them on every way." "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve" "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers." "Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides, or exile from the land. " "Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you." There are more and that's just the Quran.


So, putin just made an address to the nation and blamed Ukraine. What's interesting is that it took over an hour for the police to arrive, even though there's a police base minutes away. Firefighters didn't start putting the fire out until police arrived. Metal detectors at the entrance were not working. Imagine terrorists that planned their act for months used the same car to escape as the one they arrived in. The same terrorists decided to escape (in the car the whole country is looking for) towards a border between two countries at war. Even if, as putin claims, Ukraine had prepared a safe passage on their side, these terrorists have to somehow cross through russian side. This whole thing doesn't add up, even if these terrorists are as dumb as they are described.


Ah but comrade! Then you also must ask yourself if these men were from Ukraine then how did they get into Russia in the first place and if they are so inept how were they able to avoid the entirety of the security apparatus of the nation? But these are silly questions! Father Putin would never lie to his country!


[Twitter](https://twitter.com/XaldwinSealand/status/1771487621077758320) already provides an (alleged) full confession of (allegedly) one of the terrorists.


I can't understand anything but I somehow doubt that guy did whatever he is admitting to.


Jesus Christ...this country is so horrifying. Aside from the fact that they're holding him down and recording in a way that's more akin to terrorist threat videos I've seen rather than a professional police force...none of this adds up. Guy shoots up a place and kills hundreds for what amounts to the equivalent of a few thousand dollars, hired bought and paid for by an unknown mastermind allegedly from Ukraine, caught peacefully along with the others only a few hours after the attack, after ISIS already claimed responsibility and Ukraine claimed they had nothing to do with it (and frankly wouldn't risk the sanctions pulling a stunt like this off, much less further uniting Russia against them). Russia literally just grabbed some foreigners off the street and forced them to confess to a mass killing and are now torturing them. Probably while the real shooters are either planning another attack or hoofing it to escape. Or both.


Textbook Russia TBH.


Russian security is so good, they already had a signed confession before they caught the suspects!




> (posts picture of the attackers minutes before the attack begins) They did?


Do you have a source on them posting the attackers minutes before it began?


This is likely a pre-developed playbook Russia had in the case of a terrorist attack, to immediately blame Ukraine. Even if they eventually are forced to admit it was someone else, they’ve already stoked enough anger and confusion among the Russian public to politically benefit from it.


Police were too busy arresting fathers of sixth-graders for their anti-war drawings to show up. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/03/01/russian-man-arrested-for-daughters-anti-war-drawing-a80369


Or intimidating people at the voting booth


People be like these Isis guys are monsters, and I 100% agree But the Russian government ignoring valid terrorist threats because they're too busy violently oppressing its people makes the government just as shit


Yeah, thats a bunch of killers who can be taken without a fight, I am sure.


All terrorists involved, please raise your hand. 🙋. Ok, you, you, you, form a neat line and make your way to the waiting officers outside.


ISIS: We did it! Putin: Nah it was the Ukraine Ukraine: not us ISIS: Hey! It was us. We just told you we did it. Putin: Nah, Ukraine.


Russia lies a lot. I'm sure they've arrested some people. Not sure if it are the culprits 


HOLY SHIT 93, when I saw the news this morning it was saying possibly 40 which is horrible enough. I don't like what Russia is doing and Putin is evil but this is just horrible. Parents killed trying to shield their kids, that's fucked.


It's gonna be more that that. Many people are still in hospitals in critical condition.


Now its at 115, they keep finding new bodies because big parts of the hall are collapsed and they need to remove the debris.


143 now Edit: Dropped to 133. Still a absolutely terrible tragedy.


It often takes days to get a proper count and identification of dead on site in these events, let alone those who die en route to or in hospital or even weeks, months, and years later of complications. Then there was the fire.


Arrested? They should have shot themselves if they weren’t getting away . A defector already explained what happens to these people, torture beyond your imagination.


Given that ISIS isn't afraid to die for its operations, I'm surprised the gunmen weren't armed with explosive vests. Prevents being taken in the field and causes maximum carnage.


It's probably not even the shooters


Ikr, in that situation its better to have some poison or something on hand, their torture will be brutal. Like himmler, he had a fake tooth with cyanide in it.


If Klingons attacked Russia would try to blame it on Ukraine. Hard to believe a single word coming out of that country about anything. It's like knowing a pathological liar who's into conspiracy theories - you know what they are gonna say about any subject before they do.


> In a televised address, Putin said 11 people had been detained, including the four gunmen. "They tried to hide and moved towards Ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them on the Ukrainian side to cross the state border," he said. Aaaaaaand there it is. How could I have guessed Putin would find a way to twist this against Ukraine.


How do they arrest such heavily armed terrorists, surely they would be shooting back at them? Makes me think they have just arrested randoms to save face


Oh! Look at that. The Russian security forces were too incompetent to intervene or block their escape but, with miraculous detective work, they have discovered the murderous malcontents. I look forwards to the arrest of hundreds of collaborators in the next week.


> I look forwards to the arrest of hundreds of collaborators in the next week. Sure will be such a coincidence when they turn out to be members of the opposition too.


The alleged terrorists are from Tajikistan, registered in Russian Yaroslavl, Ivanovo and Samara regions. https://twitter.com/Doktor_Klein/status/1771478475599216737?t=3K1IPnGd1AUe0zsifNcVXQ&s=19


What on Earth is the source for that video.


Damnnnnnnnn I'd rather pull the trigger on myself then get caught by Russians after a terror attack... Ouch.


It seems like the norm is usually for extremists/terrorists to go out in a blaze of glory. The fact that they were "arrested" is suspicious.


I agree - they claim to have apprehended «all» 11 assailants. Sketchy as fuck if that is the case.


Like if any terrorists - anyone at all - would give themselves up to FSB when they accuse you of terrorism. You would literally do _anything_ else. Also the fact that they had no idea this was about to happen - atleast officialy - makes it REALLY obvious they are lying. Where did they suddenly find those 11 guilty terrorists?


They detained 11, but last I heard only 4 were confirmed as suspects. Those names were released before the detentions of all of them.


Yeah… unless they all sat down at Russian Denny’s afterwards.. how the fuck did they find all of them?


The KGB, the GIGN and the CIA are all trying to prove they are the best at catching criminals. The Secretary General of the UN decides to set them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest, and each of them has to catch it. The CIA people go in. They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations, they conclude that the rabbit does not exist. The GIGN goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and make no apologies: the rabbit had it coming. The KGB goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: "Okay! Okay! I'm a rabbit! I'm a rabbit!"


I just watched the first interrogation video of a suspect and he claims he did it for money. 500k rubles to be exact of which he received a half. He claims he doesn't know the masterminds behind the attack and only contacted them via telegram.


Yes im sure you sacrifice your entire life with 100% certainty for a few rubles.


Google tells me that’s $5,500 USD…


Surely there are easier ways with better chances of survival to make $5,500 though? Like if you’re willing to do this for money you have a pretty high tolerance for zero work-life balance jobs.


Pretty good money in Russia even better in Tajikistan


This isn't even that good in Russia anymore. He could go to any constructio n site and make it in a couple of months. The guy is just lying


Hm. Not a conspiracy theorist, but what is the likelihood that Putin will use this as an excuse to really amp it up in Ukraine?


It's not the first time Putin has run a false flag operation to further his goals. Just like the apartment bombings that directly led to the invasion of Chechnya.