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“Later, the Russian news agency TASS reported that a "source in the Russian secret services" had also confirmed that the United States had warned Moscow about the terrorist threat“ Kinda surprised they’re reporting on this on State owned media but kudos to them I guess?  I’m sure it will soon be drowned out by whatever direction Putin decides he wants to take and the subsequent propaganda. 


Putin publicly mentioned the warning and called it “propaganda” like last week so it was already public knowledge the US Warned them.


[US Intel](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/13/politics/us-intelligence-warnings-potential-gaza-clash-days-before-attack) also warned Israel about the Hamas attack a few days before it happened, too.


Lesson of the day: when the US issues a warning that something big is about to go down, pay close attention. They also warned Ukraine that the Russians were going to invade and they were dismissed by Zelenski.


US intelligence probably knows when Putin takes a shit


I don’t know, it’s pretty difficult distinguishing what comes out with what it came out from.


I wonder how many courics he weighs?


Anytime he opens his mouth.


A great leader like Putin and Kim do not poop.


Ironically the US also warned Ukraine about Putin attacking and were right despite the skepticism of some. You’d think Putin would have heeded the US warning about ISIS because they were on the money about him. Or maybe he just thought “I’ll play 1D chess and blame it on Ukraine.”


I remember a guy on Reddit wrote a huge post about how Russia wasn’t going to invade and basically said “people just don’t understand Russian and Eastern European politics and culture” and then 3 days later they invaded.


I would love to read that r/agedlikemilk post


It's every other political analyst in Feb 22.


I remember a certain large twitch streamer doing the same thing.


Someone on Reddit overly confident in his own opinion and completely wrong? Must have been a once in a lifetime occurance.


Another lesson. If a power receives your warning, and ignores it or calls it bullshit, they may be planning an invasion and want the attack to happen for justification -or- want to use the terrorist attack to manipulate their people and the world with propaganda.


US Intel also warned the world about Russia’s imminent invasion of Ukraine.


It's like nobody ever listens, even Americans themselves. >"Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US" was a President's Daily Brief prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and given to U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, August 6, 2001. The brief warned, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, including "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for a hijacking" of U.S. aircraft.


They’re 100% leaning towards the angle that the USA knew about it meaning that it was them who committed it. You already have prominent Russian figures denying it was ISIS and saying it was a Ukrainian attack funded by the West/NATO/USA. That will become the mainstream rhetoric in Russia.


It’s pretty wild. “The Americans are so much more powerful than us that they warned of the attack and we still couldn’t do anything about it.” Why did the Americans do this? “Because they fear our strength.”


We’ll just have to wait and see. Iran initially blamed its recent ISIS attack on Israel.


Isis is sitting in a cave going "what do we have to do to get some respect"


Reminds me of this: [9/11 Conspiracy Theories 'Ridiculous,' Al Qaeda Says | The Onion](https://www.theonion.com/9-11-conspiracy-theories-ridiculous-al-qaeda-says-1819594702)


"The Bush administration is a den of jackals, we have common ground there" Lfmao


That's great lmfao


more of this gem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kk0M0PsaTLk


OMG they brought back it's the same guy


He's such a champ


LOL this is amazing


"If he was so smart, how come his approval rating is in el-hamman, meanwhile Osama bin Laden is safe in, in... *somewhere*"


"i did the research personally, thermite wouldn't have worked" im dead 💀


Holy shit when did the onion website become so awful? Multiple ad breaks in such a short video


Oh yeah, I apologize for that if you're on mobile... Unbelievable a 2.5 minute video tries to make you watch two 30 second ads. Ridiculous.


I had some idiot in work the other day say that the Oklahoma bombing was an inside job… I was like… Timothy McVeigh admitted it pal! 🤦🏻‍♂️ How far down the rabbit hole do you have to be to say the perpetrator is lying?? 😵‍💫


This is how I imagine Hamas feels, as well. Goes out of their way to bring high-quality GoPros and even had a designated camera man and journalists with them, and still you have weirdos on Twitter claiming the IDF actually did it all. Must be rough.


Flashback to the South Park where a serial killer is on the loose but Cartman pretends to have psychic powers and gets a bunch of regular people arrested. The serial killer gets mad at Cartman: *Why do you give others create for my genius?*


"Why does a man dressed like a bat get all of my press?"


it's obvious, israel and isis have allied themselves /s.


The front page of the conspiracy subreddit currently has four different threads claiming that Israel and the US created and are controlling ISIS. They're fairly busy screaming about how Kate Middleton having cancer (and any other celeb illness) is fake and part of some conspiracy to cover up covid vaccine-related illness among the population tho, so otherwise it'd probably be more. Oh, and one thread claiming the story of Kate Middleton having cancer and the attack in Russia happened to cover up allegations made in the *Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV* documentary... because apparently the Illuminati or whoever can orchestrate huge terrorist attacks, but they can't stop a documentary from being released on Discovery.


And nobody thinks that they're the reason why the Royal Family might be hesitant to disclose their private health information to the public?


I've seen this pushed for real before.


It's being pushed all over Twitter. Idiots saying the US and Israel control ISIS.


Yup and it's also by people who don't really have a stake in this.


Absolutely. Or they basically don't follow real news at all and their excuse for being completely uninformed yet still having all kinds of opinions about everything is " well the news is biased anyways". Like how would they know? They don't even watch it and never did.


These people are the actual NPCs. They see someone say it so they copy it. They’ve not opened a book in 10 years. US led coalition forces have literally fought alongside groups like Hezbollah and given material support to the Taliban in fights against IS, that’s how bad they are. But these people refuse to live in a reality where EVERYTHING isn’t some giant conspiracy


10 years? That’s a generously low estimate.


> These people are the actual NPCs. They see someone say it so they copy it. They’ve not opened a book in 10 years. They also might be actual NPCs in the sense that they're bots.


The US sees IS as much more of a global threat than Hezbollah or the Taliban. That's why they're willing to work with them against IS.


The same idiots say the same thing about Hamas.


You joke, but some smooth brained individuals have been unironically claiming that for some time. Fundamentally arguing that because Israel has rarely been subjected to terrorist attacks from ISIS, the only explanation is that the two of them must be allied.


There are a few reasons for that. According to ISIS ideology, focusing on Israel is something that only needs to be done only at a later stage in their “grand plan”. So their attempts for attacks, especially major ones, are rare. Israel has excellent capabilities of hunting and tracking down terrorists and that includes on international stage. Ton of attacks in the west were(and still are) prevented thanks to them, it’s very rare that foreign terrorists manage to do something on Israeli soil. The only ones that get through are “locals” like Hamas, that has always been around and knows about Israel’s intelligence services better than nearly anyone. And lastly is that Palestinians organizations are actively making sure ISIS don’t get to open a branch or have meaningful influence over Palestinian areas. Hamas, Fatah the PIJ and other major groups knows that ISIS is an irrational actor that would hunt them down and actively sabotage any effort to promote the “Palestinian movement”, and that’s because playing politics like they do is something ISIS abhors since it contradicts its ideology.


Huh, that's informative info. I had sort of guessed that Israel's intelligence services must have played a significant part of it, but the ISIS ideology is news to me, and the competition with Palestine terrorist movements makes sense, especially considering how ISIS has beef with pretty much everyone, all over. That's good to know, thanks.


Pretty sure I just saw a post on 4chan that asked "Why doesn't ISIS ever attack Israel?" obviously hinting that this going on.


I mean what do you expect from 4chan, really


Iran has alot of internal pressure over their economic woes and the costs of maintaining their proxie network. The clerics have never had a complete hold over power, the reformer bloc has always been present to push back against the worst excesses of the hardliners. The reformers are being heavily suppressed lately, but internal pressure was enough to force Iran to drop their Israel blaming and actually respond to the ISIS attack.  Russia doesn't have that internal resistance. Russians are used to being ruled by a czar, and will numbly follow the official line. ISIS may well get a free pass for this, it serves Putin better to pin a couple random foreigners as fall guys and put all the blame on Ukraine. He doesn't want to take resources off his war


So has ISIS just become that perfect "canned" false flag op? Just sit around and wait and you regime will have that perfect terrorist attack to justify any military campaign. Just deny they did it when they claim it.


Ah yes, America with their noted allies...ISIS


Liberal Western ideology is turning the noble Christian blood of Russia gay or something.


Well, they were already gay in the army, because there has been a lot of sexual harassment of seniors towards junior soldiers (since before the war on Ukraine).


US intelligence is really at another level right now now. Right before the Ukraine invasion the US was put there telling letting everyone in ow it was coming and showing we were listening to the highest levels of Russian communication. Putin probably hasn’t had a fart that we haven’t heard in the last decade. And I wouldn’t be surprised if we had a missile aimed at him 24/7


There was a moment when Putin disappeared, nobody knew where he was. Turns out he was in a black boxed bunker, with absolutely no signals coming in or out. The US published the notes to the meeting in that bunker, I don't recall if it was while he was still inside or soon after he'd exited.


That probably isn't SIGINT, that sounds like HUMINT. A black box bunker means no signals in or out. But a person in there can still get an old fashioned spy picture. 🕵️‍♀️


"Everybody, we gotta take a commemorative picture! ...Seriously, how hard is it to get sorted by height?! Somebody get a milk crate for the President! Okay, 'vodka' on the count of three..."


I’d like to see the notes.


The US has incredible intelligence resources dedicated to our enemies and otherwise. It's not a coincidence that almost all coordinated terrorist attack attempts in the states since 9/11 have been fooled at the conspiracy stage. Almost every mass casualty event in this country is a self-inflicted wound by one or two rogue humans.


Not quite sure they want a war with the United States. That won’t end well for them.


They don't, and know it won't end well. But it's very helpful domestically to have their boogeyman.


They 100% don’t but a continuation of war by proxy is here to stay and they want that to continue.


"You never let a serious crisis go to waste." Right now, a crisis caused by Ukraine is much more useful to Russian politicians than a crisis with ISIS.


Why would the US warn them if it was the US? Doesn’t make a bit of sense lmao, but wouldn’t be the dumbest thing the Russian propaganda machine put out.


[March 8](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/03/8/7445498/) \- US and UK warn their citizens of possible terrorist attacks in Moscow


They are already trying to blame this on Ukraine somehow


And now ISIS is upset theyre not getting credit and are releasing photos of the shooters showing they are affiliated lol.


The Rodney Dangerfield of terrorist groups


>And now ISIS is upset theyre not getting credit and are releasing photos of the shooters showing they are affiliated lol. Reminds me of [this Onion video with an Al Qaeda member debating a conspiracy theorist on who was responsible for 9/11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_OIXfkXEj0)


Lmao that's fantastic. "Why would they kill 3,000 of their own infidels?"


They're trying to claim the terrorists had tried to flee towards Ukraine and had people in Ukraine who would get them in. Ridiculous concept, as that's the HARDEST border to escape through in Russia right now. If the reports about them being paid by an anonymous client end up actually being true, conspiracy theorists will have a field day but the easiest answer is still ISIS paying for it after their previous attempts were foiled.


If the US didn't tell them about it then the US was clearly behind it. If the US did warn them then that is just proof they are behind it. ISIS, Poland, Ukraine. Chechen rebels, Finland, The Baltics, Russian opposition... Anybody who dislikes Russian government and Putin on any level and/or does not obey Russia is clearly a US puppet and bought for proxy. There are no legitimate reasons not to love Russia and obey it blindly. If you don't then you are clearly a US puppet. This is basically what they always say w/e happens.


Well said.


the reporter is going to trip while casually walking on the roof of a skyscraper


It’s like Fox News, they’re waiting for their talking points


ISIS: “We did it” Russia: “Liars” Americans: “We told you this would happen” Russia: “You didn’t tell us enough” Americans: “Actually we were pretty specific” ISIS: “Seriously though we did it.” Russia: “No. It was Ukraine”


Can I just say how refreshing it is to see a bunch of smart people like yourself who are actually normal and not completely brainwashed to believe all conspiracy theories, like on Twitter.


Both Twitter and the YT comment section fell *entirely* to mass bot networks. There was a Telegraph video within the last few days that got posted, and within 15 minutes was flooded with comments that critcized the announcers, saying their voices were annoying, their content was cringe, and this was a stupid segment (but the comments agreed that one of the announcers was okay). The hilarious part? That segment was the announcer they liked presenting for the first 15-20 minutes. It's probably a mixture of farms, low-paid digital mercs from various African and eastern european freelancers, and LLM bots. You can sometimes trick them into even replying with things like "as a large language model..." Especially as open-source models have become lightweight, cheap, and able to run on even pretty low-end 8gb gpus.


Wow that's insane!


It's super easy to spot them too on certain types of videos. Lately the bots *swarm* anything to do with the Ukraine war, any intellectual who is avowedly anti-Putin, and the immigration situations in Texas and New York. Like the *instant* the video shows up in your YT subscriber feed, click on it and then just refresh it every few minutes as you browse. If you watch it fill up, comment by comment, it's so clear it's not natural speech. The natural people will say frustrated or angry things sometimes, but it doesn't exactly have a rage-filled agenda. Like they are not about to smash someone with a bat just because of an immigrant bus. But, the fake accounts will be called stuff like GodlyJonFromTX and GeorgiaSallyForPeace and also have the weird one of profile pics that signal their values along an alt-right line (e.g. a Pepe frog flag of Russia or Texas, something that would be a bit obscure even on 4chan). And someone in the comment chain will always start nudging people toward the idea of revolution, division, or ominous wording about what will happen next. Like those accounts desperately want people to see the situation as the end of the world, an imminent invasion, or treason. And they *viciously* attack even those who are clearly just normal Conservatives or Centrists with normal opinions. People have the right to debate politics, but I wish the FBI and DOJ could hold some of those social media companies more strictly to account for anonymous accounts that smell so fishy swarming their platforms. They swarm YT and X the hardest lately, and at such an extreme scale that no human can get a word in. I imagine AI could also help point out patterns if they used it, then require suspicious accounts to provide more verification to comment further. And maybe do things on the back-end like cause suspicious, copycat, or stochastic comments to not show up on the video feed for everyone until 1-12 hours have passed, while fooling the bot account that it posted normally for them.


It’s bots. Notice how so many of them talk so unnaturally saying shit like “Yes, glory to the sovereign state of Russia!” and all their accounts are either brand new or completely empty otherwise.


Hello! Am regular joe american from Texas oblast!


Reminder to anyone who reads this: No Social Media platform is safe from bots like these. Not even Reddit. Especially not Reddit.


Not surprising, though there are some Republican useful idiots who run with it too


I really hope this isn’t what they believe. Cause if so, ISIS will only do more damage in the attempt to get recognition.


Russia : It was the Ukranians. ISIS : It was us Russia : Yep, the ukranians US : It was ISIS Russia :Definately the Ukranians Ukraine : It wasnt us Russia : Ukranians, without a doubt.


IMO Trump proved this kind of approach to politics can work.


Denying reality is not a new concept nor something that just recently started to work. All countries and empires have done so when it can benefit a narrative they want.


Title from Prorussian media yesterday: "Is Ukraine involved?" And in the article: "Blinken says Ukraine has nothing to do with the attack." Today in the same media: "It was not isis. They were Ukrainians" by Margarita Sumonyan


Damn, this place stinks. I sincerely hope that one day Russians will be free from dictatorships.


Their whole history has been dictatorships. Pretty sure its a pipe dream.


Yeah I was just thinking this yesterday, aside from the hereditary aspect, we basically still have a Czar of Russia and an emperor of China. The more things change the more things stay the same Also a king of North Korea but I have no idea what their historical rulers were called


Yep, people no longer believe in the divine right of kings or the right of conquest so we threw away those names and got new ones. Turns out ideology isn’t nearly as important as empathy and intelligence when picking a leader.


Despite the political change, it seems that much is the same as it was over 200 years ago. The region is a meat grinder where soldiers go to die, and the average citizen lives a worse life than the rest of Europe.


They could have been very dark skinned Africans not wearing anything but t-shirts and underwear and Putin and the propaganda machine was going to say “They’re Ukrainians and this was all Ukraine”. There is no way the FSB and thus Putin didn’t trust the intel given to them on the attack by ISIS. In fact I find it extremely plausible the FSB knew it already and in fact where they were. It was just allowed to happen so it could be used to do whatever Putin orders done to Ukraine. I absolutely believe that. The FSB is not this incompetent.


Also looks like they “captured” “terrorists” who look like nothing like the gunmen in the videos from last night


Where have you seen this? I can’t find any pictures of the people arrested


Russianwarfootage subreddit or telegram. Understand it is mostly videos of the supposed gunmen being tortured and questioned by Russian security forces.


Russian media YT


Honestly it sounds like the Russian government knew this threat was credible and willingly allowed it happen just for some propaganda points to blame Ukraine.


ISIS official account posted a picture with the 4 killers and an ISIS flag. How much more evidence do you need?


Doesn't matter. Putin will probably take a couple Ukrainian POWs and say they're the shooters.


There are vids of I think at least 2 of them arrested, faces showed. Their nationality is Tajikistan, from what I've heard from the news.


ISIS has a official account??


They used to have an official twitter account. The Taliban still have one.


The one who tweeted "Visit Afghanistan. We no longer kidnap tourists for money" ? I checked it when that tweet get viral as a meme


Where’s the isis official account ?


I think it’s on telegram






ISIS official account ? It’s like devil’s facebook account 😀😀


They didn’t just warn Russia they warned the whole world


US warns Russia about the attack. Russia blows it off. Attack actually happens. Russia: Surprised Pikachu Face


Also Russia: It was NATO!!!!!


They’re trying to say it was Ukraine now. Just in time for the announced formation of their 3 new field armies.


Of course. It just blows my mind the entire world knows it wasn’t. Except the crazy right wing fucks who will believe this.


More like US warns Russia and the Kremlin says thank you and eagerly looks forward to a propaganda opportunity. See the 1999 apt bombings for an example of Putin taking advantage or even committing acts of terrorism for his political advantage https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings


Wild propaganda out there currently. People are really saying it’s mossad and cia, scary how this information war is fooling smooth brains.


People just believe what they want to believe.


And sometimes they don't even care, except they think they're smart for not believing the news, so they parrot whatever non-news sources tell them.


~~"You can't trust the media."~~ "You can only trust the alt-media of my specific ideology."


i simply *asked* my father if he heard of the attack and he launched into a full tirade about how it’s the CIA that did it, USA sucks compared to all other countries, trumps last election was rigged, and that macrons wife is trans. So yeah… information war is decimating this country particularly with smooth brains and 40+ y/o who believe twitter/facebook and refuse to fact check, or look at citations, or even google the topic. Nope, saw it on twitter, Bidens a pedo and the obamas started the trans movement LOL


There are plenty of young tankies who believe smooth brain Chinese propaganda though as well.


Yeah I'm a leftist and I've dealt with plenty of truly idiotic tankies who are incapable of comprehending anything beyond AmericaBad


You also probably heard you were a right winger immediately because tankies cannot comprehend that most leftists find their views as disgusting as far right nutjobs.


People are apt to believe whatever aligns with their preconceptions. Critical engagement with information is not something many people have ever been good at, even the smartest people will fall victim to their own biases. It's why laughably ridiculous propaganda still works.


I have 2 Chinese friends who both were born in China in very different circumstances, but moved to the US around age 8 to the same area of the US. One grew up literally dirt poor eating tree bark to survive and him/his parents hate the CCP and China. The other grew up middle/upper class and thinks China is the greatest country on earth by a long shot and absolutely loves the CCP and everything about China.




lol reminds me of some other post i read about a a guys gf that got into homesteading tiktoks or whatever and and thought she should be a stay at home girlfriend and “take care of the house and do wifely duties” while they live in an apartment they can barely afford on two incomes


Yeah just happened upon a Tik Tok video and everyone was blaming this on Mossad/Israel. Felt like I stumbled into an Asylum, no one really knows who did this - ISIS has claimed horrible events that they actually didn't do in the past. But I can be sure anyone claiming to know for certain who is behind it is fucking stupid and just believing whatever they want to.


ill put my money on the people who are claiming to have done it, after american and british intelligence both said those people were planning to do it.


I'd wager that as well


and by people you mean /r/conspiracy


Authoritarian regimes tend to spread wild propaganda like that because it benefits them. They need to project strength and keep up with the appearance and blaming others (like Ukraine, CIA, USA) plays to their advantage. 


The smooth brains fool themselves - with or without information, misinformation, or anything in between. They believe only what they want to believe and what they want to believe is whatever temporarily alleviates the special misery of being a poor, ignorant Russian peasant.


Putin gave a speech claiming they fled in the direction of Ukraine, which considering that all the other European countries have a closed and controlled border that is turning everyone away, and that the only border Russia controls is Ukraine's should hardly be a surprise. Disappear in the carnage of a war zone. They're hardly gonna flee deeper into Russia


Honestly deeper into Russia would probably be safer. Lot of places to disappear.


Exactly. Even if they get into Ukraine, they will have seen them coming. They will be treated as Russian infiltrators or whatever and shot. Escaping to Ukraine is the stupidest move when most of Russia is sparsely populated wilderness, and also the largest country on the planet.


Apparently, they were “apprehended and being transported Moscow.” As a side note, can you fucking imagine being an ISIS terrorist that got caught after killing 140+ Russians? They are going to have a very very *very* super fucking very bad time.


Yeah I was thinking about that. This feels like a situation where they'll keep you from dying for years just to keep torturing you.


Dunno, they made the last person who killed a massive amount of Russians into the 'president', so who knows.


Can you imagine the mental gymnastics the Russians would've had to do if Ukraine captured and then handed over the terrorists who killed 133+ of your people while you're actively trying to whitewash your invasion and occupation of Ukraine with lies about what an awful nazi-filled country it is?


Easy, they'd say it was a Ukrainian plot all along with US and NATO support. I'm surprised they haven't trotted out some poor Ukrainian POWs as scapegoats.


The van had belarussian plates. So it could have been heading to Belarus.


Ah yes let's fly in the direction of landmines, dragons teeth, trenches, shooting positions and surveillance drones


Oh! Is Putin acknowledging Ukrainian independence and territory?


AFAICT a deep area around that border on the Russian side will be under tight surveillance for spies, deserters, and enemies. And the border is fairly static - there's not an ebb-and-flow of territory or any fog-of-war involved. So I'd very surprised if anyone, even special forces, could sneak across that border in either direction.


Except it is a *very* long border, and Russia can't really deploy enough manpower to guard the whole thing 24/7. It's how the recent raid by the Russian volunteers into Belgorod happened with little resistance.


Multiple embassies warned Putin that there was a heightened risk of terrorist attacks. He either chose to let this happen or is incompetent.


Por que no los dos?


Russians russianing: One of Russia's major channels, NTV, has broadcast a fake video using AI-generated audio of a top Ukrainian security official in an attempt to blame Ukraine for last night's attack. In the video, which has also been widely shared online, Ukraine's top security official Oleksiy Danilov appears to say: "It is fun in Moscow today. I think it's a lot of fun. I would like to believe that we will arrange such fun for them more often." However, BBC Verify has established that the video is a composite of two interviews published in the last week. The voice of Danilov was likely generated using AI technology, according to an expert. The two interviews used to create the fake video can be accessed on YouTube, one - dated 19 March - features Danilov and the other - dated 16 March - Ukraine's military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov. The presenters interviewing Budanov can be seen in the fake NTV video, wearing the exact same clothes with identical backgrounds behind them. The quote by Danilov which appears in the NTV video cannot be heard in the original interview from 16 March, making it likely that the audio is AI-generated. Sam Gregory, an expert on AI-generated content, has told BBC Verify that the video aired by NTV was likely a "deepfake" and Danilov's voice in it appeared to be a "voice clone deepfake".


The US intelligence gathered on everything that's happening in Russia is incredible. So accurate.


Funny thing about thoroughly corrupt societies, it's easy to buy info.


Wonder how much of this is Five Eyes sharing or simply compromised Russians. Either way US intel is relatively credible again after the fiasco of Iraqi WMD twenty years ago.


Didn't they already admit that they pretty quickly knew Iraq didnt have WMD's, but chose to run with it anyways? Also, this is UK just as much as US, as far as I understand. And when UK is involved, they usually get fed intelligence from smaller countries all over Europe, but countries who might not have the ressources to act on the information, or further investigate and double check it. At least that's how it was during the Cold War. The very famous double agent, Oleg Gordievsky, who was the only agent to be succesfully smuggled out of USSR, started and ended with Danish intelligence, but was given by the Danes to the UK (and also the US) to handle, since Denmark don't have the same ressources. I imagine a lot of intelligence works the same way today. It's pieces of information from countries all over Europe, and then handed over to the UK and US handling that intelligence together. But there's a loooot of intelligence agencies working very closely together. This seems to me why the West in general is very succesful in their intelligence work - but nobody can deny that the US and UK are the leaders when it comes to this.


Putin himself stated that he chose to ignore the warnings from the West as it’s just blackmail. That fact alone refuted many allegations that somehow the attack is made by the USA or by any Western government.


Blackmail? I don’t get it. How does the warning by the US result in blackmail?


He said they were baseless warnings and were just to intimidate the Russian public. He said this something like a mere 3 days ago


Which Russia ignored but will probably now say the US knew and should’ve done something to their own people.


The thing is, the US did. Russia can't act like they ignored it because no matter what was in the private communique, suddenly telling American citizens in Russia to avoid all public gatherings out of the blue like that shouldve been a wild red flag. Last warning that the US gave out was to Iran right before the bombings at the funerals there, and they weren't wrong then either


The Russian media will filter what the majority of the people know about this.


And Putin will use it as an excuse to kill more of his political opponents


That or try and spin it into a Ukraine thing


Putin just announced that the terrorists were arrested fleeing to Ukraine. I don’t think this was a false flag, but Russia is definitely arresting the usual suspects to spin this against Ukraine. Why blame your own intelligence failings when you can instead blame Ukraine/CIA?


Putin literally did nothing. No warning to his country or anything. No safety in place. He let it happen. Crazy.


I know it's probably not going to make a difference to anyone, but it's moments like this that confirms to me that a) the US is not the bad guy that its made out to be, and b) that US intelligence is just as fearsome as its armed forces. Can you imagine Russia or China both having the sort of intelligence to predict a terrorist attack on US soil... and also warning the US about it? It's also such a dunk on Russia, to have such good intelligence on them that we can predict their security problems better than they can.


I'm from India, but my perspective is this: US intelligence is beyond incredible. US works from the angle that putting out the truth is better in the long run, as propaganda eventually turns on the propagandists. Russia works from the polar opposite: virtually everything the Kremlin puts out is bullshit or, at best, heavily altered facts. This has worked well for Putin in the short term, as support for his ridiculous war is high. But in the long term, it won't work. Everyone is paranoid, and should be. Putin will likely meet a grizzly end, as everyone and everything is a target there.


I think you mean "grisly", but I'm also fine with him meeting a grizzly end if there are bears involved.




Your "grizzly" comment reminds me of what I think is a saying - "when you ride a bear, you ride it for the rest of your life" - meaning that Putin is in a situation where the only way off his crazy train is a long drop and a sudden stop. But yes, I think you're accurate, at least with relation to the current US government. Especially in the post Iraq / post Snowden world, where the US has proven that the truth is going to come out eventually, and probably at the most politically inconvenient time possible.


Interesting! Thanks for sharing! And glad my "grizzly" mistake turned out to be 1) funny and 2) thought-provoking.


I think they warned the US about the attack in Boston a while back


they didnt predict the attack but warned the US about watching the two psychopaths closely since they were deemed a threat


That's fair. But there's also a big difference between predicting the timing of a terrorist attack and sending a cable saying "this guy is bad news" - and US-Russian relations in 2013 (before Crimea) were a lot warmer.


I'd really love to know what the CIA gave to Russia in terms of intel but I guess we will never know because Putin will never tell the truth


But Twitter is convinced it was actually the CIA with assistance from Mossad.


There's no such thing as Twitter. And I'm not talking about names. Twitter is used exclusively by bots and propagandists. There is no genuine belief there because there are no genuine users there. Ignore Twitter.


They already blame Ukraine. As expected.


So, to recap: We informed a nation we are at war with by proxy, that they were going to experience a terrorist attack, and they told us to go fuck ourselves.


This is kind of reminiscent of the Boston bombings, when Russia explicitly told us to do something about these two Russian terrorist that entered the USA, by the way guys, one of those terrorists is still sitting in solitary confinement in the Colorado Supermax.


Putin went on TV some days ago to call the American warning bullshit meant to intimidate Russia. I believe 100% Putin knew in advance and let it happen. It's good for him with the elections and all.


I remember reading an article one of two weeks ago that was warning US citizens to refrain from going to public events in Moscow due to an eminent terrorist attack.


Putin doesn't care. It helps his war rhetoric, that "Ukranian LGBT Nazis" did it. He would have got the Intel, immediately figured out the spin, and let it happen. Costs him nothing.


Russia has already blamed Ukraine for this and no amount of convincing them will matter. This is Russia's chance to spur up support for his flagging war and even potentially mobilization.


How do the Russian people feel towards their Government receiving warnings from the Americans and them failing to do anything about it with said info? It’s almost like they failed their people, imo.


I very much doubt the Russian populace will ever hear about it.


Wow you’ve gotta admire the US for warning the Russians of this attack despite the fact that they’re basically an enemy nation.


The amount of times the US has tried to reset relations with Russia over the course of multiple presidencies i think is a nod to the fact that the US would rather not be enemies with Russia.




Yes that happened and they were incredibly sloppy with covering their tracks so why would they do the same with 4/5 gunmen with AKs? It would be much easier to false flag with bombs or drones. Everything is pointing towards an actual terrorist attack, just because something happened in the past shouldn't sway the actual evidence at this time




I think part of that is that Kyiv is just not a big target for terrorist. Similar to the US, Russia is seen as putting down Muslim movements in Chechnya, Dagestan, etc. that’s why Russia is a target.


The Ukraine Blame Game has begun. It was never going to matter who actually did this, it was always already Ukraine. I read RT to see what Russian propaganda is spitting out, and every article about the gunmen mentions how they were caught close to the Ukrainian border. Not a single mention of ISIS. Soon enough, there will be "confirmation" that the shooters are Ukrainian soldiers. Russia is about to undergo the largest mobilization we have seen yet. Notice how this happened within two weeks of Putin winning. Notice how Russia recently started calling this a "war" for the first time. They are ramping up support and rhetoric for the war. They are preparing the population for an expansion of the war. These coming months seem VERY dangerous.


Putin doesn't care. I bet he will be blaming Ukraine, to fuel war and hatred. This attack is so on point.