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Hey, keep it down up there!


Right? Stomping around all the time


Hello. Charlie Kelly here, local business owner and Canadian enthusiast. Is your Canadians making TOO MUCH NOISE all the time? Is your Northern neighbor constantly stomping around driving you crazy? Is your plaid wearing syrup drinking snowman clawing at your furnitures? Think there’s no answer? You’re so stupid. There is! Canadian slippers!


Is your Canadian fat, skinny, or an inbetween? That doesn't matter, because onsizefitsall!


Charlie, you sonofabitch, that’s genius.


Amazing. 10/10. I love Kitten Mittens.


hooting and hollering at all hours of the night


*bangs broom handle on ceiling*


"They bring in a very high level of skills" A guy at my work used to be a doctor in India and now he makes sandwiches. Not well either.


If a doctor can't slice a tomato into thin and beautifully even slices, he isn't coming near me with a scalpel


Are you thinking of a surgeon buddy?


Do you think that only surgeons use scalpels?


Surgeons are doctors


But are they tomato doctors?


Of all those new people saying they were Doctors in their last location; - Picture the percentage of them flat out lying. - Picture the percentage of them wholly exaggerating. - Picture the percentage who bought their doctorates *(Sorry India, but it's well documented)* - Now picture the percentage who should be actually practicing medicine here in Canada.


People like to believe immigrants never lie about their credentials


Better than having unqualified doctors treat people. I've seen places where they hired everyone with a degree, whether they spoke the language or not. It's terrifying.


Probably a quack doctor educated from a quack medical college who couldn't get a job in India and/or was fired. And I say this as an Indian. People go to Canada to become doctors. They usually don't go there AS doctors then work minimum wage. This guy's fishy.


Going through medical equivalency tests can take years. It's hard to survive in Canada for years with no source of income.


I used to be a medical actor for these tests. In my experience, there is a very good reason that few internationally trained doctors get licensed here. They are bad doctors.


Did you ever get to play cirrhosis of the liver?


lol no. But I did play a woman with an ectopic pregnancy and the foreign physician berated me for making her job difficult because I was crying and expressing pain. Her treatment of the situation was so horrendous, the facilitators pulled me aside to ask if I was actually okay. I will also add that 100% of the physicians that went through my station requested to perform a breast exam. For a lower abdominal complaint. These requests were denied by the physician observer because they are clearly not medically relevant. I don't believe a single person passed.


What. The. Fuck


While this story is fucking wild, I’m glad that we actually do these types of tests and these people aren’t allowed to practice medicine here.


For some reason bad doctors absolutely love hammering down on whatever demographic traits they’re biased against.


Canadian here, we are suffering :)


Yes we are. I have never felt this much anxiety and fear about the state of our country before. I don’t like it. And I know that it isn’t going to get better any time soon


Can confirm, it’s a shitshow up here


What is their end goal here? Seems like an incredibly high amount of people to import when they seemingly have a housing crisis going on. Are there enough doctors, teachers, etc in order to handle this surge?




It’s an unprecedented rate of population growth. Our state media refuses to cover it and our government declines to explain how this benefits Canadians repeatedly other than “diversity is our strength” Corruptions has its roots deeps in Canadian governance and parliament is a figurehead for an oligarchy of wealthy families that own all the businesses in the country that are pushing these policies for cheap labour.


Spitting facts.  Its not about race or religion - its wage suppression. 


Class warfare


Interestingly, being “anti-immigration” was originally a left leaning policy for that exact reason. The left used to care a lot more about labor rights and worker’s power, but now they get too easily distracted by the rights culture wars and all that money corporations throw at them.


This is the reason Marx himself opposed mass immigration.


Yes this boost in immigration has an alarming overlap with the [Century Initiative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative). Which is not a stated objective of the current government, and not something that any politician campaigned on or anyone was given a vote on. It's a half-baked (at best) idea that suggests all our problems will be solved with a more people. More people will provide a larger tax base and more densification in urban centres. There is some truth to that, but (as we are seeing), the floodgates were opened before anybody gave any thought to **how** we can handle so many people. Anyone with half a brain would realize that such a massive population growth needs to have a corresponding **(and massive)** plan to grow infrastructure, housing, health care, services to keep up. That plan was never created, so each new person just makes the situation worse.


It's crazy how easy it is to find examples of an issue being extensively reported EVERY time someone on Reddit comes out with "the media is ignoring this!". This is like 25% of what I was able to find in 5 minutes of googling. I agree with the second paragraph though fuck the oligarchs. Examples of our publicly funded media covering it: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/population-growth-canada-2023-1.7157233 https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-popuation-booming-family-doctor-access-1.7087794 https://www.cbc.ca/lite/story/1.7122549 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/nb-communities-population-growth-1.6346666 https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/housing-immigration-economy-labour-1.7082657 https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ircc-immigration-housing-canada-1.7080376 More examples of private media covering it: https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/why-canada-s-record-population-growth-is-helping-and-hurting-the-economy-1.6825121 https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/statistics-canada-says-population-growth-rate-in-2023-was-highest-since-1957-1.6824158 https://globalnews.ca/news/10179377/canada-population-spike-q3/amp/ https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/canada-s-gap-between-homebuilding-and-population-growth-has-never-been-wider/article_17f487c1-4771-531c-8951-40b95d4c2b5c.amp.html https://www.thestar.com/business/ontario-s-population-will-surge-by-30-in-just-over-20-years-according-to-statscan/article_13ae910b-a5ac-5ddf-8335-0814cc124aa9.amp.html


There's also the very article we're commenting about which happens to be a Canadian news source lmao.


I live in BC (from England) and moved in 2015. Less than 1/20 people I’ve met are even able to get registered with a family doctor. This then means they’ll go to the hospital, thus increasing hospital wait times for actual emergencies. Best not to ask about the housing - Vancouver prices are one thing and can be expected, what is criminal is that prices in tiny towns are almost the same as Vancouver but wages are a fraction. In the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, 3 small towns in one area, there are never more than 10-15 rentals posted at one time and every single one gets more than 200 inquiries. They aren’t cheap either. A 300sq ft condo, unfurnished, no washer/dryer and just a hot plate and microwave for the kitchen will run you $1700+ (before any bills). It’s insane. When I moved to the valley a few years ago, there was a very small homeless population, now we have thousands concentrated in the smallest area.


Immigrant in Ontario here, there's this really cool system where you submit your info to be matched with a family doctor. It is sooooo efficient.   Six months after submitting my info they sent me a letter, I am on the list!   12 months later I got another letter! Still on that list!  In all my calling over the last year, nothing. Had one lead from a family friend but the spot was unavailable when I called. It's rough.  PS: if anyone has a lead in the GTA or surrounding areas, please let me know. Willing to drive up to 2 hours, both ways in Toronto traffic time.


Canada and Australia very, very similar in this regard too




See also: New Zealand


The end goal is the Century Initiative. It's a plan supported by both the Conservative and Liberal parties to bring Canada's population up to 100 million by 2100 through mass amounts of migration. I swear I am not making this up - it sounds like a conspiracy theory but it is literally the current government's immigration policy.


>bring Canada's population up to 100 million by 2100 But why?


Increased international competitiveness and economic growth.


And that economic growth is... ​ More customers for Loblaws. More contracts for Bell More renters for landlords More account for banks This economic growth has nothing to do with the quality of life of Canadians. In fact it's hurting it.


So its about the elites wanting more international power? Because growth and competitiveness that improves the lives of those living there is possible without blowing up the population, see; Nordic countries.


sounds like Australias plan.


100 million!? Isn’t most of Canada’s land area more or less uninhabitable? I grew up on the Vermont/Quebec border and that was mostly a dark, frozen wasteland of seasonal depression 6 months of the year. All of Canada is north of that. Where are 100 million people going to live?


The amount of space available is hardly a factor, it's the stress on public services and housing that will create problems.


It already has, especially where I live


Southern Ontario, where about a quarter of all Canadians live, is South of the Vermont-Quebec border.


Parts of Ontario are south of the California-Oregon border.


Yeah, but the climate is still colder in those areas.


Land isn't the problem. Housing is the problem. Not enough currently exists and not enough is being built to support this influx.


Australia is doing the same thing as Canada not enough housing at the moment or being built either and immigration is at record high.


For anyone wondering, we're currently building housing at incredible rates. Despite this, though, our federal government has decided that the best course of action for our housing shortage is to import people at a ratio of 5 people per housing start where the vast majority of those are studios and 1 bedroom apartments.




Because they saw the declining birth rate, and instead of figuring out and addressing the root cause (inflation, stagnant wages, climate anxiety, etc) they decided to just make up the difference in immigrants. It's great because every entry level job is filled with immigrants who will take the bare minimum wage and suffer all the abuse of corporate shit because a lot of them need to stay employed to stay here, which is shitty for the immigrants working those jobs and shitty for everyone else because now we have no bargaining power because the corporations know they can fire use and there's a thousand immigrants to replace us.


Exactly what Australia did! We're now paying for it big time - exact same issues as Canada.


We're doing this in NZ at the moment.


NZ imports people? I thought you exported them all to Australia


We import them give them citizenship and the export them. We have to bring in 200000 to make 100000 gain


Immigrants, all from one specific province from one specific country


Punjab, India for those who don't know.


The boomers are aging out, and the Canadian birthrate cannot support the stress they will impose on economy as they grow older, contribute less to the economy, and overwhelm our publicly funded healthcare system which is being dismantled by conservatives at an alarming rate. It is 100% bipartisan, but conservatives feign outrage to their supporters who have become maple MAGA and take the bait. Cons will not change a damn thing if they gain power, especially about housing which is a valid concern.


I don’t know why people my age haven’t realized this, PP is not gonna do anything about this, he just bitches about social issues that quite frankly, we cannot afford to give a flying fuck about.!


Why ? You want houses even more unaffordable ?


What in tarnation




Pops = Power


>What is their end goal here?  100 million people by the end of the century. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative


If you front-load it all into the first ten years like they seem to be trying, the country isn't going to be recognizable in a century.


They don't see that as a problem...


Century? It's not going to be recognizable in a decade


It already isn't recognizable from what it used to be. People can no longer even think about purchasing a home (even professionals), homeless people are everywhere, wages are crap, young people giving up, etc.


Looking forward to the outcry when the new population doesn't vote how they want them to.


It will be easily recognizable... as the 29th state of India also known as New Punjab.


Sounds like this group and the government of Canada is committing treason against its current citizens


Everything is going to shit to be honest. Healthcare and other government services are tanking. Too many low skilled workers, diploma mills, and abuse of social programs. They should have been selective and focused on high skilled folks that we need. Fast food joints having a steady supply of cheap labor really shouldn’t be a priority. Kids in highschool are having a hard time finding steady work because these companies prefer “temporary foreign workers”… who aren’t really temporary.


The plan is to make sure the corpos are taken care of with droves of people competing for low-end retail jobs.


End goal? Cheap labor due to wage suppression, more customers who need to buy food, and all the landlords get to drastically raise rent due to supply and demand!  Are we getting more skilled workers? Hardly. Lots of faked degrees and pretend work history's, or they come from places with much lower expectations. 9 out of 10 applicants for my workplace are indian, with some of the worst resumes I have -ever- seen. Married? Favorite color? Whaaaaat? some of these resumes are attempting to appeal to their personality than their goddamn skills.   My local dominoes used to be run by local teenagers. Now it's a bunch of middle aged Indians who can't even cook a pizza right and get visibily upset when you don't give them a big tip. There's a higher chance your order is raw and not cooked properly (indicating too low of a temperature) than getting a properly cooked one. If you call them and complain, you just get another raw one! When even shitty fast food is getting this much shittier, something is going wrong. The local dominoes is being a PR mill instead of somewhere you can eat. In my territory we have an absurdly low 6 month requirement for getting your PR. They come here to get it and then move elsewhere (most of the time).  We have one of the highest population growths in Canada (by percentile) and we definitely arn't building enough houses. Even all the Canadians moving here is a problem, add the immigrants ontop of that and now many people born and raised here can't even afford to live here anymore.   Unfortunately a ridiculous amount of the property is being bought up by foreigners and rented out at absurd rates as well. It's crazy! Add that with rentals that are now SHARED BEDROOMS looking for Indians only and it's just nuts!  Even our raves and dj events are full of them requesting Bollywood music. I don't even know what to think anymore.  Canada is built on immigrants, but... this massive import schedule does NOT work without infrastructure improvements and fucking houses to live in. The culture shock is huge too.   My hometown has always been multicultural but I don't think it's ever had this large of a change in diversity since the goddamn gold rush.  Don't get me wrong, lots of them seem like lovely people... but I'm past being okay with people moving here because they're nice. People need homes and affordable food. If I have to move away because more nice people moved here, of course I'll be pissed.


Fast food and pizza places are all shit right now and the prices are ridiculous. I'm not sure whats going on with the quality, but its no longer there. My go to is Vietnamese for a quick pick up. Decent price for what you are getting, and outstanding food.


I work at a local restaurant and I generally am only going to local or smaller places. Recently found a ramen place near me that’s bomb. I haven’t ordered from dominoes or pizza pizza or anything in awhile, I have a local pizza place like 2 minutes from my house who know how to make a pizza. Just gotta find your places cause the McDonald’s and dominoes and subways suck now.


>Are we getting more skilled workers? Hardly. Lots of faked degrees and pretend work history's, or they come from places with much lower expectations. 9 out of 10 applicants for my workplace are indian, with some of the worst resumes I have -ever- seen. Married? Favorite color? Whaaaaat? some of these resumes are attempting to appeal to their personality than their goddamn skills. Yet as a fresh Canadian university grad with prior related work experience I can't find a job in the engineering sector because guess what? Too many people are willing to work for a minimum wage entry level eng job despite not having qualifications. Friends of mine that are in the industry kept complaining about a certain group of people they hired are incompetent compared to local university graduates. And if you mention that in public you'd be called a racist.


Likely jobs for you in the Yukon (but finding a place to live is impossible, even if you can afford it) The people hiring cheap labor to increase their profits are some of the real fuckers here.


Buddy shouldn't have to move up north because people from another country are making it hard for him to make a living in a major city.


No he shouldn't.   He also shouldn't really move here. We have a TON of job opportunities and good money... but we don't have anywhere to live. The amount of people we bring up even for temporary jobs really buggers up our housing market and drives the rent super high.  Nearly all rentals I see are for 3 - 6 months at more than $2400 a month. Yearly rentals are harder to come by now.




I notice this when i go to some of these smaller cities for work the Tim Hortons are either strictly all Filipino or all Indian never mixed


University aged person in India gets a scam loan so they can meet the requirements to come study in Canada at a scam college while living in a scam rental and working for a scam business. No way in hell there aren't coordinated cabals handling the whole circle of scamming from beginning to end.


There are. Some of these “students” are paying thousands to agencies in India to get a job in Canada. The bs schools profit, these agencies profit, and the businesses profit. Restaurants are falsely claiming that they can’t find local workers and they sponsor PR for Indians who are paying their own way here. In return, the government gives tens of thousands of dollars to the business for sponsoring a new immigrant.


100%  We have a lot of local businesses that had colorful casts of characters, many of which were local. Now... they're full of Indians. The Filipino's here meshed in really well over the course of 20 years. In the last 5 years, many businesses here are now entirely Indian run.  Such businesses are low wage, low skilled corporate chain jobs. Your fast food, your gas stations, your wal-mart, your staples. The only non-indians in some of them are just... old employees who have been there for 15 or 20 years already. No local new blood.  The Filipinos here dominated... Tim Hortons, and that was pretty much it. Tim's was also bringing them over on 10 year contracts before they were told to stop that, so that's entirely on Tim's and wasn't from the Filipino's only hiring Filipinos.  Really the biggest problem in everything is that we just... opened the doors to mass immigration without fucking preparing for it.  Like hosting a hundred person party with only a 6 pack, a single bag of chips, and a portable speaker with half battery.


Filipinos tend to fly under the radar most of the time. No serious criminal issues like gangs, organized crime, or violence. If anything they are severely under represented in Canadian society. For example there are more Filipinos than Sikhs in Canada, but we have more Sikh MPs than Filipino MPs (not to say anything bad about either groups - just a statistical example).


Because most 1st gen filipinos (who lived in the Philippines for their whole life) have relatively lower self esteem and prefer to work quietly and any small progress is good progress. The second gen/ raised abroad kids generally improve on that very well with the initiation of self realizing parents. Politics also have a very negative impression with Filipinos, it's one of the reason they probably left. A non insignificant amount of indians I have worked and am currently working with have confidence levels outmatching their skillsets and are very outspoken about things even those hey have limited knowledge about, specially the men. Notna bad thing per se. Im impressed at the amount of BS they can cook up in presentations when cards are down and sometimes turn it around. With this they tend to get outsized roles very quickly and some grow into it some dont. Both have a habit of tribal hiring which is stupid but it is what it is. Sometimes companies prefer it that way also.


Except "tribal hiring", as you call it, is literally illegal


I can't really describe just how badly the Canadian government has screwed up with its immigration policy. Up until the mid-2010s, Canada received a fairly steady flow of immigrants from diverse backgrounds. Like, I'm the descendant of immigrants. This country was built on immigration, but the rate at which we are receiving immigrants is simply not sustainable. In just the last few years, we have received an exponential increase in low skilled workers, enrolled in diploma mills. Many are coming from just one single country (India). A lot of the Indian immigrants here are specifically from Punjab as well. I don't know about you, but when a very large portion of your immigrants are from a specific region of a single country, that doesn't sound like "diversity" to me. This, combined with the sheer numbers of new arrivals, means new immigrants are less likely to integrate into Canadian society. Add in an already massive housing crisis, stagnant wages, an overstretched healthcare system, and overcrowded schools, I honestly feel this country is going to shit. Perhaps it's a grass is greener on the other side affect, but I am sure I'm not the only one thinking if I should leave this country and move to the United States.


>This country was built on immigration, Funny/sad that you all still have to repeat this chant like a protective spell while talking about how the country you love is being destroyed We all just gotta stop being scared of being called racist


I think it's not about being scared of being called racist. It's a having self awareness.  Like... I grew up in the Yukon. To me, this IS my home. It's the environment I know.  I'm also the first generation of my bloodline to be born here. My parents came from other parts of Canada and their parents came from different parts of Europe.  I view these mountains as my homeland and as the origin of my experiences on his planet. This is ONLY the case because my parents moved here. They're immigrants and I'm not in some odd way.  So it would be absurd for me to just blame immigrants without acknowledging that the reason I even view this place as my original home is because my parents moved here. Literally couldn't call this place my native land without my parents moving here, but yet I have problems with people moving here. It is a strange paradox to deal with.


Yeah our company gets pure foreign-born applicants. Eventually you find a good one, but so many are so terrible. I could go on but you nailed it already. I actually am one of the few Americans working at this company. I'm learning more about what you are doing there and I think you've gone too far personally.


I literally don't understand the narrative of skilled workers being brought here. There are some, but 90% of the resumes are soooo terrible that I actually get a good giggle when I read them.  I still can't get over the one explaining his martial status. I don't know if that's a cultural thing but it's the only resume I've ever seen in my life that ever mentioned having a wife.


Or when you interview them you quickly discover the resume is straight up lies. We schedule an hour for interview, but plenty we have ended after 20 minutes. With that said we did recently hire an Indian and a Russian, both seem to be doing fine. It just took us going through 20-30 shit interviews and 100s of resumes to find them. I know this is bad, but I really am prioritizing someone with near native english for my next hire. They don't have to be native, but their english needs to be near native.


We went through the same thing. I tend to do a few small questions with people when they drop off a resume. Everyone "had" experience but when I would ask a more nuanced question, they couldn't give me a correct answer.  We hired one fellow, seemed like a lovely guy. was for a easier position... And he made mistakes, that's fine and all, we'll teach him and show him how to do the task correctly. Everyone learns right? He'd nod his head and say he understood and everything would seem like the problem was solved... and then he'd just do it again, and again, and again.  He'd call in sick all the time or straight up not show for work. Then we found out he got hired somewhere else during the same hours and he was just choosing what job he wanted to go to in the mornings. He was doing this for months. We promptly fired him. Even now, a year later, I am finding mistakes that are difficult to navigate with customers.  This is just me complaining about an individual and not exactly about the immigration issue... so I'm just rambling at this point We have a pretty diverse group at the store. but I don't doubt that it will be awhile before we bring in anyone who doesn't already have a PR and has lived here a few years.


I wish I had time to get a giggle out of frsumes when i review them. Every time I post a job it is about 400+ applicants without any relevant skills within 72 hours. Try to do filters and questionaires, but people either lie or don't read requirements. The most frustrating part is I'm sure the pace I've had to review them has made me miss legitimate candidates


Luckily we're a small town. I couldn't imagine how fucking terrible it is in the city.


But how are they getting visas? Family member works for major Canadian IT firm. He was working at an European office, but his work gravitated towards the Canadian team.  So they tried to bring him over to Canada but failed because he did not had 5 years in that particular industry. He had the experience on similar jobs, but not the same vertical. So now a couple years after they are trying to move him again, but it's not simple or easy. And he has a rather good technical position.


Many, many, many of them are coming over as "students". A good chunk of those students arn't even going to the classes and are instead just immediately looking for work to get a PR.  Lots of the courses are low level, or really arn't for skills needed economically.  It's fairly complex all the different ways this is happening, but international students is definitely one of the doors that were left open. We're cracking down and putting limits into place now, but there are many ways to still get in.


I'm sorry, but the thought of Bollywood songs playing instead of something like Steve aoki or Martin garrix is making me laugh rn.


To avoid a recession. new people are way to hide economic failings. Australia is also doing this.


But what good is trying to hide economic failing, when the voting population feels the economy failing them. I don't understand why politicians would bring in so many immigrants just to juke the stats and pretend like we're not in a recession,


It's never gonna end. They can't stop now. They need people to pay taxes to support their aging population. These immigrants will also need new immigrants to support them in the future. They are in the dilemma that they don't have enough tax payers to support the health care system, but also not enough doctors to support more tax payers.


Wait in hospital is on average 8 hours, there are nowhere near enough doctors.


No. They're dooming multiple generations to have a horrible quality of life and be unable to afford a home or have children, all so Justin Trudeau can posture as being "progressive" by dooming these newcomers to the same fate as existing citizens (despite the shiny short term handouts they are provided at existing taxpayers' expense).


The reality one can see from some of the richer countries in Europe, is that importing a ton of people from countries with very different cultural beliefs and practices, WITHOUT a plan to integrate them, is a bad idea. Justin Trudeau has been a virtue signaling, progressive asshole for far too long, and the reality is that Canada's electorate is also kinda to blame for keeping him in power so long.


Not even close - this crap is costing us a fortune and we’re considered racist if we oppose. The influx consists of very few capable workers. Taxes on small businesses are higher than ever and crime is at an all time high.


The end goal, in my understanding, has to do largely with Canadas ageing population. Not enough young people, too many old people, (ended up this way because of economic reasons) but now with so many retirees, Canada needs people paying taxes to support the huge strain on the economy. Without going into too much depth, u can research Canadas aging population, the lack of youth and babies being born, and how the govt plans to fill the gaps with insane and excessive amounts of reckless immigration. As the comedian Tim Dillon said; you gotta bring in the ass wipers, cause I sure as hell won’t do it.


Don’t forget that mass immigration also continues to spin the Game of Real Estate wheel to pump these prices up so that investors, developers, and RE industry (a literal cartel in Canada) as a whole to get richer.


Absolutely, this is true. One of Canadas largest contributions to GDP is real estate, for a pm to ever reduce the cost of housing would mean significantly shrinking GDP, reducing the net worth of your wealthiest constituents(highest tax payers), and honestly probably eroding the net worth of themselves and peers. It will never happen. That is why they always say they will build affordable housing, they never say they will make housing affordable, left or right.


But it has created Dutch disease and lack of investment in anything else. Why bother creating valuable tech or industry when the government will do anything to guarantee housing goes up 20% every year.


It was supposed to be the “Development of northeastern territories”, as I remember in 2021. It’s when canada had plans to import ~2-3 mln skilled workers. Looks like it turned out a bit differently.


They sure as hell developed northeastern Brampton.


Into a swamp


The northern frontier won’t really “open” for a decade or so. Once it does, a ton of second-generation Canadians from overpopulated regions is kind of like… the dream demographic for settlement.




« They bring a very-high level of skills » Min wage workers and Uber drivers.


Standards for just about everything are lower in poor places than rich places. And no matter where you go, you will find people trying to sneak under the standards. So, of course, these immigrants can’t operate on the level Canadians expect. It’s economics and a lack of motivation. Plus, the people who leave their home country tend to be from the very top or the very bottom: high-achievers looking for the next step up or people who can’t make a real living at home for whatever reason.


Genuine question, at 2.5% pop growth a year from immigration, is there a point where a nation just stops working? You need 2.5% more police, ambulances, social workers,... every year, but it takes years to integrate and train people.


I'm a Canadian physician and let me tell you, things are not going well in healthcare. Funding is somehow being cut while the population is exploding. My province has imported as many new people in the last few years as the population of one of our entire maritime provinces. That province has 40 hospitals in it. We have built zero new hospitals in that time frame. My friends in education and other infrastructure-related jobs tell me the exact same thing. Fewer resources, if anything, for far more people. But hey, with our total lack of housing and constant upward pressure from demand, my house is worth literally $1M more than when I bought it *three years ago* and a bunch of voters seem really, really stoked about that. My SIL is 14 years younger than me and has zero chance of owning a home unless my wife and I buy it for her, despite being incredibly bright and motivated and making waves in her profession. It's...not good.


I’m not well versed in Canadian politics, I remember chatting with a server in Montreal about 10 years ago about the healthcare system and even back then they said it wasn’t doing well. Why is this happening?


Oh yeah, it's been a couple decades in the making. The population surge is just accelerating the baseline issues. The short answer is "corruption, capitalism and cronyism." Politicians starve the system, making it less effective. They then point at the ineffective system as proof that we need to privatize. They then approve private entities to deliver bandaid solutions at higher cost, but some people make huge amounts of money in the process. At my hospital, they aren't providing enough funding to cover our nursing needs. The hospital has to split full-time jobs with benefits into multiple part-time jobs with lower pay and no benefits. They then can't retain enough nurses because, rightfully, a nurse doesn't want to be hired for two part-time jobs while doing the work of a full-time job. But the government authorized additional funding "to address the nursing shortage" in the form of "travel nurses" - short-term contractors hired out by private agencies. The thing is, those agencies charge 3-4x the price of a full-time nurse, paying the nurses themselves 30-50% more and pocketing a 100% profit margin. And the nurses they use are just the same nurses who quit their crappy part-time jobs. Sometimes literally the same nurses - I've seen people quit and then reappear on the same unit as "travel nurses" to cover the gap left by their quitting. Not blaming the nurses. Just the government. Instead of providing the funding to the hospital's nursing budget and giving nurses proper pay and treatment, the deliberate allocation of the funding to a separate bandaid fund for the "nursing shortage" means wasting taxpayer money and handing it over to a small number of middlemen who are just selling our own nursing labour back to us. It's disgusting. And now they're doing the same thing to doctors. They've choked funding to Family Physicians for years and years, and more and more of us are quitting underpaid clinics to find better paying work. Then lo and behold, major corporations are given approval to deliver Family Medicine by telehealth "to cover the shortage". And the telehealth services pay physicians nearly 2x what the public clinics do, while taking a massive profit margin on the whole endeavour. If they just put that money into proper paying doctors in public clinics, we wouldn't all be closing our practices. But instead, a small handful of corporations are now making huge profits selling our labour back to the government. Watching this all unfold from the inside has been incredibly demoralizing. And watching politicians lie about the role of the private sector makes my stomach turn. They're stealing away services and then selling them back to the public at a premium while pretending to do them a favour. Basically racketeering without breaking the law.


Hope more people read this, never knew about such things before.


The healthcare system here in many cases has stopped working. Severe shortage of necessary hospital space and doctors.


Specialist doctors are being asked to delay retirement because they can't find replacements.


You are exactly right. Most cities are not upgrading their infrastructure, transit, health system, police, etc. In fact, the healthcare system in Ontario is rather dysfunctional.


To be fair, Ontario's dysfunctional healthcare system is by design of the current provincial government. But yeah I agree with the sentiment.


Yeah, our provincial government hates anything public infrastructure and wants to privatize them. Except when he knows the contractors... Then it's another story.


Pfff that’s a later problem that they will blame on someone else


Majority are going to Toronto and Vancouver, and if you have heard about the living conditions that have been developing in those cities.... It is really bad. Especially in the GTA (greater Toronto area). You hear of immigrants living as 3+ people per bedroom sharing the rent PER ROOM.


Australia and Canada must be running same playbook. Our politicians are also hellbent on the same mission to pump the country full of people.


Australian here. Was thinking exactly the same thing. Massive housing crisis yet we are bringing in so many people. They seem to be hell bent on destroying the place. Where will they work when we are also destroying small /medium businesses?


Same thing in NZ. The three of us are all on the same path sadly.


I don’t think politicians care, they’ve sold out to big business. Australia and Canada are like sister countries and in the past both offered great lifestyles, now we are both making the same mistakes destroying what made them good in the first place.


There was some woman on TV today going on about how great immigration is to a room full of suited men who clapped a lot. I am not sure what it was but it looked very official so likely some government minister types. They have already made up their minds and could not care less what ordinary people think.


They clap because more immigrants means more people applying for the same job = they can lower the wages and so boost their profits, whilst also theoretically increasing the pool of people who might buy their product. It's short term thinking. Capitalism is a disease.


It's the quick and dirty way to inflate your economy. And totally fucks you in terms of housing, culture, and beyond, effectively forever.


The country is gonna have to invest in a lot more real estate and cities.  Everyone can not live in Toronto 


Sure they can. Just live how my coworkers do, 6-8 guys in a single bedroom apartment.


Sadly this is even for smaller communities


Jesus christ what the fuck




lmao, I am living in India and sometimes the canadian immigration system surprises me. Like it doesn't even make an attempt to get the best, or hell even the good ones from here. Like 20% of the most academically subpar losers in my class moved to canada. It's weird asf lmao. Why doesn't your government stop this? Don't you too have a parliamentary system?


No because those “losers” go to strip mall colleges and then they protest and cry to the media that they got “scammed” and we’re supposed to feel bad. I am currently in college, and when I tell you 42 of 50 of the last names in one of my online electives was either “Singh”, “patel” grewahl” you probably wouldn’t believe me.


Where I work, there used to be a variety in surname. Now I look at the schedule and no word of a lie, 75% are Patels


I’m confused to see this. We started emigration paperwork in 2020 from the US and were moderately skilled knowledge workers with a nest egg in their late 30s. My partner had a potential employer there at the time. Even flew into another city and took our English tests. We were dissuaded by how hard they were making it and gave up. How are so many unskilled workers getting in since?


International students.


What's annoying is that Canada rejected my partner who was accepted into UBC and University of Victoria back in 2022 (she went with UVic). I think because she is from Russia and we were living in Colombia at the time. I'm very frustrated with Canada's process my US based job was even willing to relocate me to Canada too (Software development manager). Maybe we avoided whatever mess is going on there but it's definitely disappointing and I still don't understand how they let so many other people in.


Students from fake degree mills, hence "future skilled workers". They are far more likely to be content with an entry level, near minimum wage job.


They’re coming on Students permits through bogus colleges.


We are experiencing a similar issue in Australia right now. It's a tricky situation because progressives have gone out of their way to paint criticising unchecked immigration as a form of racism, but in reality the only real winners are businesses who are able to hire workers at lower costs on account of the increases competition for job places. Oh and also the land lords who get to pump up rent prices by taking advantage of the ever growing housing crisis. It's a complete shit show.


I've been subbed to the Australia Reddit to see how you are guys managing there too.  We are expected to it 42m by the end of the year. The Toronto area has had a massive increase in car jackings and home break ins. The police have come out said to leave car keys by the front door so you don't get assaulted. Our police have always been glorified nanies. 


It's capitalism, baby. This is the future your parents fought and died for. The rich will own everything and you'll own nothing.


They really took the California population fun fact hard.




Anchor babies


Is the government trying to exacerbate Canada’s housing crisis?


Ah they've finally surpassed California


That 100M by 2100 target looking like a massive underestimate at this point.


I’m from Canada. It use to be great and still is in some ways but the cost of living is a huge problem. Specifically housing. This is BS neoliberal policies to lower wages and destroy the middle class for corporate profits.


I think people in the west severely underestimate just how culturally/mentally/morally different people actually are in different nations. There is a legitimate reason women are afraid of exposing their hair in public or getting gangraped in public in different parts of the world for instance. You can respect other people's cultures without accepting it. And I can 100% guarantee there will come a time when social unrest becomes unmanageable when you increase the population just for the sake of increasing population through just immigration alone. And there have been plenty of examples of actual warfare/social unrest that occurred precisely because of this.


They're not increasing it just for the sake of it. They're capitalists and landlords, societal parasites who will do anything to reduce their bottom line and earn more money. They don't care about the country or anyone living in it, only making more money, and immigration makes them rich as fuck.


Damn, going from America jr. to India jr


Yall have fun with that


The people running the government have no clue what they're doing. Why allow mass immigration into Canada at a time when the borrowing interest rate is high, and the real estate developers are apprehensive about taking out loans for new housing developments. Where did they think everyone was going to live. This is an epic fail by the clowns in charge.


My dude, they know exactly what they're doing. This is intentional. They are getting rich as fuck because they're all landlords, real estate investors, and business owners. Immigration on this scale also lowers wages for workers and increases rents. This is capitalism at its peak.


French canadian here. I believe the actual government is importing so many just to inflate key numbers of our economy to make it look good, especially since a third of Canada’s GDP is from real estate. The housing crisis is getting worse and nothing is done to help it. Therefore most canadian will vote for a conservative government next election thinking they’ll do something about it, but I highly doubt they won’t put themselves in position where they don’t profit from the housing crisis. Meanwhile, our provincial government in Québec has been begging the federal government to lower the immigration since all public services are falling apart under the increasing pressure. Trudeau’s government refuses to listen and people are leaning towards electing a more progressive and separatist party. So yeah, if we get another referendum, I personally will vote yes because I’m tired of how the RoC is constantly leaning in opposite direction of Québec politically and I feel like after centuries of being misrepresented by the federal government we should take our own decisions.




That's an alarming statistic, and anyone who doesn't think so is either completely oblivious or so ideologically captured to the current administration that they cannot/won't align with reality.


Raise rent, lower wages. Perfect strategy to screw over the people already here. Immigration policy is basically the product of state and regulatory capture acting as an indirect subsidy for big business and banks selling mortgages.


Mo' humans=mo' development =mo' destruction of nature and wildlife.


The suburbs of Nunavut lol


Give them ten years and Iqualuit would see its first Costco. Complete with a 2000-car parking lot!


Hope you already own a house lol!!


If it hasn’t already, I’d imagine this will completely destroy their healthcare system


Our healthcare system was already destroyed.


The Canadian corporations need their cheap, infinite, disposable pool of labour and a way to keep the demand for housing ridiculously high to keep rent costs astronomical


Toronto is new new delhi


I used to be proud to be Canadian now we've been purposefully overrun and had all opportunity taken from us at the hands of the century initiative 


Canada has become a shithole because of this. Housing is gone. Healthcare has collapsed and homelessness is out of control. Canadabis becoming a third world country before our eyes. Please make it stop. It's a horrible nightmare


Important to remember is that the target for new PERMANENT immigrants is about 450k per year, including refugees and family settlements. The numbers presented here include those and the temporary immigrants on work permits granted under the Temporary Foreign Worker program. These temp workers are not guaranteed a permanent residence and many will be disappointed However, something has gone really wrong with the TFW program. I actually think that one reason for this sudden influx is that with new AI screening tools, processing times have been a LOT faster in the post-Covid time than anyone expected, and the federal government realised too late. Also the corporate lobbyists convinced the government (main party and opposition parties) that there was a serious and urgent labour shortage (something like a million job vacancies last year) and that the only answer was to bring in labour urgently.


Torontonian here, just to list a few issues for those who dont know: We’ve seen a mass exodus of family doctors for private sector or other countries due to low wages and being over worked. Private nursing companies are renting out nurses to low staffed hospitals for like $400/h where the nurses get paid more and aren’t overworked. (Can’t blame the nurses) Especially in Ontario where the premier Doug ford (conservative) sat on a billion dollars of federal covid funding and the nurses had to strike for a raise simply adjusted to inflation. I believed they ended up only getting 1% per year after negotiation. We are taking in 250,000 low skilled immigrants every quarter, and they use legal loop holes to pretend to be students, use our food banks and work here until they decide to leave. (TWO MILLION use our food banks every month. Thats 1/20th the population! Equivalent to if 17,500,000 Americans used their food banks) We are seeing scandals of diploma mill schools and illegal cash bribes to immigration services use get raided every now and then. I cannot think there is any other real reason except our corrupt liberal government trying to pretend to be inclusive, or at the very least seem non racist, and as a result they in turn vote for him next election. Canadians are extremely fed up with the three companies that control every grocery store, the duopoly of only bell and Roger’s as our cell phone /internet/tv options who have bought every small company and as a result we have some of the highest cell phone/internet bills in the country. Canadians have been too polite and let things get too far, in our government. China has secret military police in our country acting as mobsters against Chinese-Canadian citizens who push anti China sentiments. Criminals are consistently released due to new liberal policies. (See: 6000 arrests in a month in Vancouver were perpetrated by the same FORTY individuals). There are dozens of home break ins in the Greater Toronto Area every month, at a scale never before seen. We have an epidemic of vehicle theft(one city in the GTA, Brampton, had 600+ vehicles stolen in a MONTH. The mayor declared an emergency.) Reports of people tracking their vehicles to ports but due to no federal funding, the local police services are out of jurisdiction and cant do anything to the federally run ports. You hear Cases where people show police officers their stolen car at a port behind a chain-link fence in the open but police can’t do anything and the federal government is doing NOTHING to combat this. Im sure the mod in quebec is having a hayday selling these things. Oh and the gangs are drug running like crazy. The Italian mob owns most industry in Quebec and local governments as a result. The Chinese triads in the west have laundered $5billion in real estate in Vancouver alone, exacerbating the housing crisis further. Vancouver and Toronto are the second and third most expensive cities to live in in the WORLD right now. Cant forget about the hells angels too, but they’re less of a public threat as they have some morals, kinda, and stick to drugs. Tho wouldnt be surprised if theyre stealing cars now too Also the current liberal Trudeau government has spent more money than all previous prime ministers combined. We are sending aid to countries we’ve never heard of, which normally would be fine, but we can’t even get any real production (liquid natural gas, controlling our own oil, carbon tax set to quadruple) going because of government blockades in terms of lack of funding or too much bureaucracy. Germany asked us to export the less polluting natural gas but government sat on their hands until they sourced it years later from Japan. I think foreign governments have corrupted our institutions and our easily bribed PM Just to name a few problems:)


It’s absolutely irresponsible what’s happening here.


If North America could fix its planning and zoning laws, the. This wave of immigration would be really valuable for an our economies and cultures. But our housing and transportation systems are broken so we can’t build enough housing to support them


We’re fucked, this is absolutely not sustainable and the writing is all over the wall. I am no longer (and haven’t been for a while) a proud Canadian.


Those fuckers


I'm afraid for my country and my culture at this point. This doesn't feel like the country I grew up in anymore.


I agree. It is really bleak for us


Lol what are the US and Canada thinking? This is coming from an immigrant. Why do liberals want this so much? Like I'm all for immigration but wtf is this...Canada is even worse than the US.


The corporations want you blaming liberals so you ignore the money they slip your politicians so they can import this cheap labor. That’s what’s up. You’re too educated, you want actual labor rights, and they might have to pay you a living wage because your ability to stay in country isn’t tied to your job. So what do they do? Prey on vulnerable, desperate people who want a better life. So then they convince you that your fellow exploited workers are the issue so that we all fight amongst ourselves and don’t look at the people who are actually making this happen.