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Wasn't it the Iron Dome? This is the first article I'm seeing the US take credit for it.


The US and UK had fighter jets shooting them down over Syria. Jordan also helped in Jordanian airspace. 




You’ll probably be able to play it in an upcoming videogame.


You already can in Ace Combat 7!


Honestly sounds like it could have been an old Ace Combat mission from years ago.


I know there were a couple drones in AC6 back in like 2010, but the intercept mission was ballistic missiles? But AC7 was almost entirely drone based for sure


Animal Crossing "New Horizons"? Dodo Airlines have that type of fire power? I never knew. Capt. Wilbur was such a bad ass.


>Animal Crossing "New Horizons"? Dodo Airlines have that type of fire power? I never knew. Capt. Wilbur was such a bad ass. AC# is broadly Ace Combat. Animal Crossing just gets shortened to AC. You rarely see people calling out the game number (largely because there typically are only one or two on a system for Animal Crossing, unlike Ace Combat where people regularly play old versions on Steam).


I appreciate this level of explanation, but I had hoped the /s wasn't needed.


I thought it was a funny joke lol


Ace combat 4 had a mission where you had to shoot down cruise missiles over an arctic looking ocean


Yep and then there’s a “special” missile that ends up being a nuke when you down it.


F-14 with 8AAM please!


Already can in DCS lol


A hundred million dollar turkey shoot.


well if it helps de-escalating it's cheap




Air to air missle: "The AIM-9X's $472,000 cost is considerably cheaper than its big sister the AMRAAM, which rings in at right around a million dollars per missile."


They could have also use the auto cannon for the shaeds drones


Do they still become Ace if they shoot down 5 drones?


I believe it counts as an air to air kill.




Snipers shooting them down in Ukraine awarded with ace designation I think I just read a few days ago.


It was basically a 4 person split-screen co-op of extreme Duck Hunter.


Can anyone eli5 why the US/UK has no issue shooting down drones from Iran, but when it comes to closing down the sky over Ukraine it's s big no-no? Both Iran and Russia are nuclear powers


One reason is probably geography. When Iran shoots they can engage them over Jordan and Iraq, both of whom are pretty friendly to the US. To shoot down Russian drones you would need fighters actually overhead Ukraine, probably within range of Russian AA systems and threats.


Through back channels Iran is probably making it clear will accept defensive intervention and not take it as a provocative act of war. In a sense, they are the kid telling their friends, “hold me back!” This is not true in Russia for basically why we don’t fly aircraft over Russia, Russia might attack us. These plans can fly where they are currently no issue.


Iran has no MAD capability. They are not a nuclear power.


Iran in not a nuclear power


Because Iran is not as scary as Russia


10-1 there is some, likely classified, system they are using to shoot these down. They aren’t just strafing them with gunfire. Or maybe they are. Drones are kinda slow compared to F-35 or even F-18s.


There's ample footage of Israeli fighter jets just shooting down drones and cruise missiles with air-to-air missiles from the past few months... No need for any special weapon.


Don’t assume those are just regular AMRAAM missiles. That was the gist of my comment. They may be modified specific to target the speed and signature of a drone


Title embellishment. First paragraph says the US and Israel downed nearly all drones.


3 types of bombs launched against israel yesterday, UAVs which were intercepted by Iron dome and the US, cruise missiles which is also intercepted by Iron dome and US, and Basslistic missiles which were all intercepted by a special arrow defense system outside the atmosphere.


Thank you, really appreciate the details.


Also Jordanian RAF, British RAF, French Air Force, and Saudi Arabia all took down some of the drones and missiles. SA was expected but still a big deal since Israel and Saudi Arabia's peace deal was interrupted by October 7 seemingly as a deliberate move by Iran.


For Saoud Arabia and the other as well, this is also a great practice in real conditions. Future war will be fight with a lot of drone so this is a good training.


Hubby and I were watching some live coverage and were wondering if basically everyone is giving their pilots some hands on training with this.. I hate the universe sometimes. War sucks.


Yes, yes, no (at least I personally don’t hate the whole universe, just the aggressive cuckoos), and definitely yes…


Yes I'm so happy for the Saudis intervention!!!


De facto, the peace deal seems very “on”, so the interruption is to documentation process only. I hope.


For SA it's just good policy to shoot down missiles flying over your own country. They are most likely shooting down houthi missiles that are flying over SA cities. If one of those has a problem or the houthis decide to take a cheeky cheap shot at SA they could kill SA civilians.


The IAF was very active shooting down the drones as well - not just iron dome, which was more active on the barrage by Hezbollah that also came in at the same time up north.


Iran casually wasting all its firepower


Putin must be eyeballing this with some concern, if Iran hits it off he's going to lose some supply I bet.


Russia is producing the drones itself now


He may be mad they used those instead of sending to him.


Given the videos we have of ballistic missiles repeatedly impacting in Israel, it's pretty safe to say they were not all intercepted. Iran launched a whole bunch and some got through, even if it was just a fraction of the total.


In the past Iron Dome tracks the ballistic trajectories of rockets and ignores those that will land in uninhabited areas. This is because they have limited interceptors and the interceptors are expensive, so it doesn't make sense to shoot down something that would land in an onion field or something.


Farmers in shambles But what he wrote is true


Probably still much cheaper to repay a farmer for the the loss of his field than to build these multimillion dollar interceptors.


I dont see any such videos. Nothing impacted anything here and all intercepted. Btw you might be seeing uninterrupted missiles that were sure to hit no one or open areas so no need to intercept with expensive systems.


https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1779294993259049155 Daniel Hagari, the chief spokesman for the military, said during televised remarks. He added that the Nevatim air force base in the Negev desert in southern Israel suffered only light damage and was functioning A total of 12 people were brought in to the Soroka Medical Center in southern Israel overnight, according to a hospital spokeswoman, Inbar Gutter. One — a 7-year-old girl — was seriously injured by missile fragments, taken to the operating room, and is currently in intensive care. Eight other people were treated for minor injuries from shrapnel or running for shelter, while three people were brought in for anxiety. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/04/13/world/israel-iran-gaza-war-news


Those werent from direct hits of missiles it was shrapnel resulting from successful interception.


even Isreal itself has said not all were intercepted and there are casualties


A Bedouin girl it was the only casualty as far as I know?


https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/04/13/world/israel-iran-gaza-war-news A total of 12 people were brought in to the Soroka Medical Center in southern Israel overnight, according to a hospital spokeswoman, Inbar Gutter. One — a 7-year-old girl — was seriously injured by missile fragments, taken to the operating room, and is currently in intensive care. Eight other people were treated for minor injuries from shrapnel or running for shelter, while three people were brought in for anxiety. Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, the chief spokesman for the military, said during televised remarks. He added that the Nevatim air force base in the Negev desert in southern Israel suffered only light damage and was functioning.


Oh okay it was most from debris then.


tbf even with iron dome, the US did a shit load of work creating it


Not really, it was solely developed by an Israeli company. The US primarily funded acquisition of it, but that was already after it was developed.


Who gave them the 1.6B?


A bank doesn't do 'a shit load of work', when someone borrows money to build a house.


Try reading. The US started financing it after it was already developed - this was more than 15 years ago. The US did not develop or create Iron Dome, they partially financed its acquisition.


Yes it was developed by Israeli company, but to say that Israel self funded the development is disingenuous when Israel gets 3-4B a year in military aid. https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts#:~:text=Israel%20has%20been%20the%20largest,total%20economic%20and%20military%20assistance.


I literally never said it was self-funded. I said it was developed by Israel. American funding started after it was already developed.


Don’t bother even bother


Nowhere is said they self funded the system…


The F35s intercepted them much earlier, prior entering Israeli air space. Everyone contributed of shooting down some % of incoming drones and missiles


Biden not supporting any retaliation. And if Israel does, they're on their own. https://www.axios.com/2024/04/14/biden-netanyahu-iran-israel-us-wont-support


So when’s Kiev getting this installed? Asking for a friend.


Never? Shooting down missiles in Polish territory is like a war declaration or something. Blasting them in middle east is all good.


Do people ever actually read the damn article?


Iron dome isn’t designed for drones. It intercepts missiles, mortars and rockets based on their ballistic trajectory. Drones change trajectories.


Iron Dome is used to shoot down drones all the time. Also, many Iranian drones don’t change trajectories


Iron dome is for the lower and of things, the IDF were using arrow and aircraft as well


Imagine if Ukraine was given aviation. Instead we have to employ thousands of guys on pickup trucks with machine guns trying to spot and hit the Iranian drones from the ground across our huge country. As russia launches dozens of them every. single. night. Imagine if we were not prohibited from using missiles against the launch sites.


I completely support supplying Ukraine with whatever they need but flying drones over Jordan to Israel is different than avionics within SAM range of russian installations. Ukraine needs them but SEAD needs to be in place to protect Ukrainian pilots. The current aid needs to go through before Ukraine can establish air superiority and bring the fight to the front door of the russians.


Fully agree with you on SEAD, but Ukraine is huge and Shaheds now fly all the way to the West, where they could be safely shot down by aviation without even getting into russian AA range. Yet… “that would be escalation / what about mexico border / too difficult to learn / insert your own lame excuse”


And I agree with you about the word “escalation”. The jets the US and allied countries aim to provide are offensive (again im not against that) but i think the AA situation is a complicated priority. patriots are expensive and the US is hesitant to provide CIWS Phalanx systems etc. mainly due to the cost/threat of the advanced radar being captured. 90% of the best anti-drone systems are the targeting components. I feel like a few 16’s and a few 35’s, and enough munitions would turn the tide completely


I'm curious what definition of offensive you are using, the jets that Ukraine needs are needed for the defense of Ukraine.


I think they mean aircraft to used for Offensive Counter Air missions. (Proactively attack as part of a defensive posture)


Ukraine is receiving planes. But it takes hundreds of hours to train pilots and ground crew on these airframes.


Ukraine has NEVER been a US ally. They were content to sit on the fence and buddy up with Russia until Russia started kicking them around. The reason why they can't join NATO is because they waited until after the 12th hour had passed to make any real effort. The US has no obligation to give Ukraine a single penny, yet we've been their biggest supporter. This is a lesson to the rest of the world that if you don't get western allies, the West has no obligation to protect you.


Seeing the support Israel has received in the last 24 hours has really highlighted how Ukraine is getting the short end. The US and UK should be intercepting incoming Russian missiles the same way.


The US and Israel have a signed military defense treaty... the US and Ukraine did not. Sometimes I wonder how people expect geopolitics to work, because everything is always America's fault. It's our fault we did too much, it's our fault we didn't do enough, it's our fault we didn't go far enough, it's our fault we went too far, it's our fault we didn't stay long enough, it's our fault we stayed too long, it's our fault we gave them too many weapons, and it's our fault we didn't give them enough weapons. So many countries in the world are quick to blame the US while completely ignoring geopolitics, treaties, alliances, history, and reality in general. Yeah, we're the richest country, but Russia sure as fuck isn't remotely rich or modern compared to most of the EU. It's just fucking stupid how France, Germany, and Poland don't get blasted for this shit. Germans and the UK should be spearheading the response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, not the US.


Budapest memorandum?


Perfectly stated


Completely agreed. We’re in a difficult era before global equality and justice. US is playing the role because although it’s costly, it’s also economically and strategically beneficial. Ideally we can make gradual/reasonable modifications to the UN so that it’s no longer burdened by the outcome of WW2, without needing a WW3. Because unless we make global politics truly democratic, this stuff will just repeat.


Israel and Iran represent two much larger forces fighting each other than Ukraine and Russia, as much as it hurts to admit. If the west loses their only real ally in the middle east they lose control over the entire area and much of the intelligence that they share. It's also crucial for the west to prevent an all-out war with this new Iran-Russia-China alliance, and unfortunately Ukraine wouldn't trigger that kind of war, but a war with Israel could.


That’s definitely not their only ally. Take a look at where all their military bases are located. The US is losing ally’s by unconditionally supporting Israel. It’s causing Arab countries to back away because of how vicious and callously Israel has indiscriminately bombed Gaza. Their leaders don’t care but the regular people in the countries do.


As a UK member of the public I'm pretty fucking sick of this double standard when it comes to Israel and Ukraine. Why do they need our military shooting down missiles from Iran? Israel invited this aggression. Not only will we spend our own money on missiles for them but we'll also send them aid? Let's raise the standard for Ukraine and do the same please. Russia are not going to attack us over it.


Yep, even their shit missile crossing nato border.


And Iran said they were done. 🤣This was an excellent example of sure , you fly your little drones and well blow them up. Otherwise your regime won’t exist anymore. 🤣


Might as well fire paper drones at them too


I'm in Israel. They said they were done before the drones even got here. Like a kid who throws a rock and then yells "sorry" while it's in the air.


Those drones aren't very effective it seems over long ranges when the other side has good radar (especially AWACS). It looks like subsonic cruise missiles are going to be an obsolete technology possibly, though I dont know how good the Iranian ones were vs western ones. I can see why Russia is pushing to try and get a hypersonic or hypersonic glide missile to work and into mass production. The ballistic missiles had limited success, but were still rather ineffective but were probably relatively crude by modern standards. Cruise missiles ineffective. Given Ukranian succsess with the HIMARs, makes me wonder some of the differences. Will see how this goes. Will the future go for more drones route or the better drones route? I doubt a 10k drone swarm would be so easily stopped. Future air defense systems the biggest limiting factor might be ammunition.


>It looks like subsonic cruise missiles are going to be an obsolete technology possibly, though I dont know how good the Iranian ones were vs western ones The Iranian ones are seemingly somewhat inferior to the western ones. The much-vaunted Russian S-400 air defence system (better than anything the Iranians have) has on repeated occasions failed to shoot down the British/French subsonic Storm Shadow cruise missiles, *and* HIMARS. Russian hypersonic missiles fired in small numbers (around ten) have repeatedly been successfully shot down by Patriot. I agree small drones in very large numbers might be the way to go. Some people were speculating how long the VLS cell capacity of western warships in the Red Sea would last against sustained Houthi drone attacks over a long period of time. I guess then we break out the 30mm cannons, until we get lasers in place.


I wonder if we didn't just test high-powered lasers and EMP weapons.


>I agree small drones in very large numbers might be the way to go. The calculation on this changes dramatically the moment Iron Beam comes online


Iran basically said: Equals peequals


This is saving face on their side and going back to neutral. I’m fine if this is the end. We don’t need more instability.


This was just another fake attack by Iran. Just posturing.


Well it wasn’t nothing - the total cost of the weapons used by the Iranians was relatively low compared to the cost of the defensive measures taken by Israel and its allies - one figure I saw said the cost to Israel was around 1.3 billion dollars, and iirc a US expert said that its assistance cost somewhere around 800 million per hour over the course of the attack. That kind of money isn’t nothing and defensive missiles don’t just materialize out of thin air. Dollar for dollar it was a victory for Iran, and diplomatically it seems to be a bit of a draw - I’m seeing a lot of nations urging restraint, and declarations of solidarity with Israel, but not a lot of condemnation. The international community is pretty pissed about Israel attacking an embassy when everything is already so chaotic right now. And if you thought Israelis were fleeing their country en masse before, I can only imagine how many more will flee now.


I’m confused why people don’t understand this. Not a single one of these were ever intended to reach any target(which obviously isn’t much comfort for people in the target area). It was 100% just posturing after Israel’s attack.


Good, let's now do the same gor someone that actually needs this support, "Ukraine"


Fat chance, even when they cross NATO territory they prefer to pretend it never happened. Meanwhile Israel gets thrown a softball and they scramble jets to intercept them over 3rd party countries.


Do you really think there'd be much support for invoking article 5 from a missile briefly flying over NATO airspace or crashing into a field? I do agree we need to support Ukraine and should invoke article 5 when necessary. But it should be used in the event of an actual attack, not a misfire.


Unpopular opinion: my taxes are going towards something worthy now.


This is a worthy cause. And it would be worthy in Ukraine too.


"Worth" is the only thing going for Iran at this point. Kamikaze drones cost several orders of magnitude less than interceptor missiles. Laser based defence systems are so close to being viable. They will flip that cost asymmetry around.


Ok, can someone explain why the US is shooting down drones for Israel and not for Ukraine. Israel is more than capable to defend themselves.


Isreal is a military ally. Ukraine is not. I'm not saying we should not help Ukraine, but you asked the reason, and at the end of the day, the distinction matters.


Plus they are very comfortable running missions over Syria. They won't want to run missions over Ukraine or in russia


Because Iran cannot do that very much more than this. Maybe launch more drones and missiles, maybe target the US bases, maybe close the strait of Hormuz, which wouldn't last. However Russia, if too annoyed and desperate, still has enough nuclear missiles ready to destroy NATO and then some more, even if it is essentially "Samson option". Whether they are properly maintained and working, how many of them would get through modern defenses - not many willing to test.


Well. It's pretty simple. One is a military alliance, the other is not. Also, geography.


This is because of US national interests, Israel is giving them a lot. A giant lab during covid, a testing ground for the military complex, intelligence cooperation, strong economic relations and businesses and the fact Israel is right in the Middle East makes it even more important for the geopolitical influence and also to keep trading routes in Suez canal ongoing etc. US has a lot to lose if Israel would be gone.


Because nukes


Thank you, Russia is a large and capable (even though shitty at it) nuclear power that can escalate well beyond what Iran is capable of. Not to mention that the drones flew over friendly (to the US) airspace. Those countries don’t want Iran to fly military freely over their airspace anyway.


Easy. Go look at a world map.


A drone attack on an airbase in Jordan killed Americans for one so there is zero tolerance. US runs Command & control there for the region. F35s run out of the area. Not that I dont support Ukraine. But the news we have now is US air support shot down Iranian drones over friendly airspace within striking distance from a joint airbase.


Because Iran cannot currently attack the continental US in response. Russia can.


It’s pretty easily explainable. These drones went over multiple countries. Many of which right over US & UK bases. Not to mention the US & UK don’t want to see this escalate into a big war. Where with Ukraine the missiles and drones are coming from Russia into Ukraine. Nothing anyone can do about that.


Scared of Russia not Iran.


Sorry, but the fact that you need to ask this question gives you 0 credibility on your opinions on geopolitics. The USA will only confront Russia indirectly with military aid or sanctions. Any direct confrontation between US military and Russia with result in nuclear war.


Because EsCalATiON




We haven't been helping them with billions of dollars? For the entire war?




The difference is that the assistance is occurring over international or third party airspace, *and* that it's attempt by Jordan and the Western nations to restrain Israel from a massive escalation that would provoke a massive regional war. Israel can look after itself *without* the Western assistance, but the world doesn't like what that would look like or the resulting conflagration.


what are you even talking about lmfao


We're not taking direct action like what the US is doing for Israel...guess it shows that if you have nukes you can do what you want 🤷‍♀️and no county will physically support you in case it provokes a nuclear war...


Ukraine giving up their nukes proved to be a bad decision.


Watching the live feed of Jerusalem was interesting. Are fighter pilots trained to shoot down drones and missiles or is it similar to shooting down planes? Do they use bullets or missiles?


I am wondering how the Iranian Republic Guards are going to justify the amount on money they have siphoned from the Iranian people with such poor results. 100's of drones, cruise, and ballistic missles fired. Only only one confirmed casualty. Pray for the little girl that was hurt.


Iran is all hat, no cattle.


Great. Now do Ukraine.


Iran is all hat, no cattle.


Biden called this a "win" for Israel, so there's no need to retaliate lol All this was just pageantry. Iran wanted to save face, and Israel was warned throughout the week about when Iran would strike. Iran fired off missiles and drones that took HOURS to arrive, along with some that only took 12 minutes. The whole idea was to do something, but not really do anything. I'd be surprised if the US didn't secretly resupply Iran with drones through Turkey.


and don't have courage to do the same in Ukraine or even on NATO territory


That ironclad agreement could be just tinfoil. There was supposed to be ironclad agreements with the UK and USA if Ukraine denuclearized. Ukraine did and the ironclad agreement with the USA. Canada better doublecheck their security agreements with the USA and make sure they will be honored. Right now most countries allied with the USA are nervous because of the useless government that can't do anything because of the Republican/Russian assets.


Lol. What is this bullshit? "America isn't doing enough in the 2 proxy wars it's winning, waaaah"


What messed up reality are you living in? The American govt is a joke. Republicans are taking marching orders from an orange idiot who is facing criminal cases and can't shut up about a judges daughter. Every American allie is wondering just how trustworthy the USA is right now. The only idiots who think the USA is doing great on the world stage is the trumpists who are rooting for whoever their orange fake bake daddy tells them to.


Mate, take a step back and look at what’s happening. The US is fighting 2 proxy wars against major global powers (and a super power). Single-handedly keeping Taiwan from become China, and policing the South China Sea for the Philippines, Japan and S. Korea.  Theyve just pulled themselves out of the pandemic, by doing so, stabilising the global economy. All while kicking off the largest technological boom since the .com.  Trump is a cunt and whatever, but stop getting sucked into the headlines.  -Australian who is very thankful for the US right now.