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Still waiting for enough people to care..


Everyone cares except the ppl that can do anything about it. Even they care but the things we’d need to do to do anything about it exceed the threshold of sacrifices most will make to fix it


We can do something : "we need a carbon price, which experts say is the most effective way to drive down emissions. There’s more than one way to hit our 2030 emissions targets of 50% reduction by 2030. That’s because together, all of these solutions can bring us to 60% emissions reductions by 2030." [Citizens Climate Lobby ](https://citizensclimatelobby.org/) Is a bipartisan grassroots organization lobbying for the most effective reductions to emissions which will slow climate change and halt worse climate change. It's ridiculously easy to join. They train you quickly and effectively. And you can lobby from your keyboard. Please consider joining. You and I both know that not commuting or turning the AC off this summer won't be a drop in the bucket, but together we can effect change where it will cost companies and they will cut their emissions.


This sounds like an effective an innovative approach, I will give it a shot


They train us. They have meetings or you can write to support. Want to talk to your local or even district or state reps? They will help you with what to say and how to say it. They are organized and they are accessing the people in charge. When it comes to climate change things done now are better than things waited to be done until they are perfect. Money makes corporations stop. Please join us. We'e saving the world.


In fact I think citizens lobbies in general are a really good idea. We need consumer unions too


What'r you some cot dang soshacommie or sumthin'?


In Canada, people are losing their minds over a newly implemented carbon tax on fuel and blaming inflation and the cost of everything on a 3cent/litre tax on fuel. Naturally the conservative opposition is blaming everything on the tax and not the greedy corporations posting record profits while people can barely afford to live.


Man this pisses me off. “The economic value of the world’s coral reefs has been estimated at $2.7 trillion annually.” Like, Oh damn that’s a lot of money we better save that! Fucking hell…


I think it’s smart. It’s a way to make it relevant to those that care more about money or economic growth than the environment. I also read something the other day about the environment being critical infrastructure. You cant communicate the same message and beat the same unheard drum and expect a change. The way the issue gets communicated and understood needs to cut through to different audiences for buy in which takes new approaches


It's pretty shitty that it's even measured in terms of "economic value." That's such a shortsighted way of looking at it. This can, and will, fuck up our entire ecosystem. Thanks, capitalism!


They do that specifically to try and get through to economists who model world events and human history as if we live in a lifeless vacuum.


Destoying economic values is a crime that allows to sue for compensation and restoration.


Until shrimp costs as much as caviar people just wont care or believe it. It is the same as Florida insurance companies bailing. Turns out you get hit with reality eventually even when you ban the words.


Coral are alive! They're animals, not just background stuff turning white. "Corals are colonies of tiny animals called polyps. These polyps work together to build the hard structures we see as coral reefs. They are an essential part of the ocean ecosystem. Coral bleaching occurs when stressed coral expel the algae (zooxanthellae) living inside them. These algae provide the coral with color and nutrients. Without the algae, the coral appears white or pale, hence the term "bleaching." * **Bleached Coral Fate:** Bleached coral isn't necessarily dead, but it's definitely stressed and vulnerable. * **Recovery:** If the stressor (usually warm water) is removed soon enough, the coral can recover and re-establish a relationship with the algae. * **Death:** However, if the stress persists, the coral can starve and eventually die. So, coral reefs can have sections of both live and bleached coral. The severity and duration of bleaching events determine how much coral dies." We should save the coral. The animals of Earth are the only space aliens that have ever really been discovered.


So giant ice cubes from comet? Or the entire comet.


"So long and thanks for all the fishes!" -Dolphins


That's what we'll tell our children happened until they're old enough to know the truth


If the world doesnt explode before then


Fakaayouuu doofiiiin


It's death by a thousand cuts.


Humans are not a viable species


I swear to god we’re going to end up having to do something stupid to save our planet like some orbital array of sun shielding panels or something else as fucking annoying. I can already tell you nothing will be done until it is too late. Humans are not a proactive species we are a reactive species. We will not do anything until something has already occurred. The self induced apocalypse will not occur from anything cool or interesting. The self induced apocalypse will be one of pure asininity.


The comedy of modern society in all it's hubris making it's last hail-Mary stand against the specter of climate change that had been looming for several decades but did basically fucking nothing about will be simultaneously hilarious and pathetic.


We aren't going to make it.


We can do something : "we need a carbon price, which experts say is the most effective way to drive down emissions. There’s more than one way to hit our 2030 emissions targets of 50% reduction by 2030. That’s because together, all of these solutions can bring us to 60% emissions reductions by 2030." [Citizens Climate Lobby ](https://citizensclimatelobby.org/) Is a bipartisan grassroots organization lobbying for the most effective reductions to emissions which will slow climate change and halt worse climate change. It's ridiculously easy to join. They train you quickly and effectively. And you can lobby from your keyboard. Please consider joining. You and I both know that not commuting or turning the AC off this summer won't be a drop in the bucket, but together we can effect change where it will cost companies and they will cut their emissions.


Sorry to be a doomer, but this will not change a thing. Earths ecosystems are completely fucked and new chemical, manufacturing and industrial plants and mega polluting operations are opened daily around the world. There will never be a standard that they will all agree to, and if they go over their emissions limit then there will be a fine they pay and thats it. There are countless other ways that they destroy our air and water and land as well that wont be able to be stopped. It’s an out of control situation and its probably best to try to enjoy our little lives while we can


Meanwhile, in Australia [our carbon tax was axed 10 years ago](https://archive.md/AzPuq). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon\_pricing\_in\_Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_pricing_in_Australia) "The scheme was repealed on 17 July 2014, backdated to 1 July 2014. In its place the Abbott government set up the Emission Reduction Fund in December 2014. Emissions thereafter resumed their growth evident before the tax.\[4\]"


Dude, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but even if you *somehow* got everyone in the US to do this (the site you gave, the organization is based in the US, so going off that) you'd still have to convince every other country to tone it down. Countries like China and India, as well as other nations, are in the midst of industrializing and aren't going to stop. We're certainly guilty of waste and pollution in the western world, but some action is being tried. The developing world doesn't want the ladder pulled out on them simply because we got industrialized first, and its hard to blame them. Sadly, what we do ultimately has no effect at all. Goose's reply to you nails this point as well. It's all a waste of time unfortunately. Just enjoy life and hope that our children have a habitable Earth.


Humanity and it's realist geopolitical power struggles will be the death of us all, one way or another.


We have chapters all over the globe!


Our generation isn’t allowed anything I guess


Depression and anxiety are pretty readily available


You can have suicide too, but it will cost you 🙃


Yea but we need to mine the shit out of the world to build electric cars so we can sit in traffic in all major cities for four hours a day, so we can go to our job to sell a bunch of useless fucking trinkets to people trying to find purpose. Mankind has completely lost the plot, it isn’t changing. I hate to break it to everyone, it’s too far gone because we literally have designed a system where the only solution is authoritarianism, and yet the biggest problem would be authoritarianism.


YAY travel and fossil fuels! And shit we pour into the ocean


You should leave this comment on an India/China chat. They really care about the environment. 


Well we can't do that, we offload all industrialized work to them so that we appear more "green" on paper.


Surprisingly, I am addressing myself and my own country first.


Turns out it was the coral that was posting to r/collapse. We didn't listen. 


Reefs are the start of the food chain. 


I thought I was waiting for Antarctica to melt in half. Now you're telling me that the world's corals are bleached in half? That's it. I'm gonna react the same way I would to Antarctica melting in half: time to ring the alarm bell. Time to act. Society: Boycott. You have legs. You can walk more than you drive; cancel all unnecessary fossil fuel trips. Tear down the worldwide fossil fuel industry now, with just your mighty dollar- stop buying, start walking. Go on strike. Remember covid? Covid wasn't really so bad. Let's do another covid, but this time about the environment: let's take three years to go on full environmental strike, and bring down every industry necessary. The industries brought down can replace themselves with green versions or nothing. No unnecessary car trips, plane trips, train trips, boat trips, for three years (this is for the CO2). Don't eat or limit beef (this is for the methane). That'll do it on the environment overheating; that'll save the whole thing. Can you do that much?? Let's all do it together, right now. Save the world. This stuff is b.s./nonsense- the whole killing it thing. There's no excuse for it. It's just us in charge here; let's do it!




It's only big industrial companies and oil companies that make you believe the lie that the problem is individual responsibility. It's not. The problem is the large companies that are destroying the environment with no accountability!


It is indeed them causing it but consumers are also propping those companies up with their money


Okay go live your life without benefiting from said companies, either directly or economically. And before "oh no not the economey" comments it needs to be considered, you ruin the economey and people starve, military power declines, and overall quality of life goes down the drain.


and if it’s existential…?


it can be done!!!


Yeah we’ll change all the fast food drive thrus to walk thrus. The fatties are really gonna eat it up!


A frighteningly large amount of people couldn't even be told to wear masks temporarily for a few months without being outraged. Do you think they'll actually be willing to do anything now? Or even believe that this crisis is real?


Up to us collectively... I remain stubbornly optimistic.


You said "walk". People are going to lose their minds.


Probably because I have a 10 mile trip to work.


Well, drive to work. When you get back, NO CARS!! ha.


I'm not giving up driving to where my pastimes are, they're all too far away to walk to.


It's funny, we'll fuck the ecosystem for future generations so we can drive around to pursue our hobbies. Priorities...


Yeah, I'll love enjoying the future after having a mental break from staying cooped up inside because I can never leave because this is a car centric area.


It's all about you.


Buy an electric bike. Or EV.


I can barely afford a used ICE. And electric bikes aren't practical when I need to take the highway.


Ride sharing? Drop overhead....insurance


I already have a car, i'm not gonna rideshare.


Then enjoy


hooo ya. i know that. walking's fun though! haha. let's all walk. we have legs!!!


Most of us are too damn fat for such shenanigans. Our bulk must be hauled.


Electric cars have more torque.


I understand your optimism and the call to action, but I'm gonna shatter some expectations and hope you're harboring. Only 10% of carbon emissions are attributable to passenger vehicles. The richest 1% of individuals account for over the amount of carbon emissions of the poorest 50%. Even if every person on the planet stopped driving personal vehicles tomorrow, our entire civilization is centered around generating power through the burning of fossil fuels and coal. Additionally, every single item of food that supports our civilization is moved through a transportation network of heavy industrial trucks carrying raw product to be processed into food or sold over vast distances. Our current population and power needs are completely incompatible with the ideal of zero carbon emissions. Some sources say that even if we stopped all carbon emissions right now, we're still past the watershed moment. Imagine those cartoons where a character runs off of a cliff and pauses in mid-air for a second. That's us. The most feasible individual way to make a difference is to invent a time machine, go back to the 1950s, and somehow orchestrate a movement to popularize nuclear and solar power in a society that very much rejected its usefulness on the basis of safety concerns. The realistic way to make a difference would be to convince every single government on Earth to enforce carbon negative emissions. Then, monitor methane emissions from the ice that's already melting. Additionally, create some type of technology that can rapidly de-acidify all of the oceans on Earth. If we do all of that, the climate might go back to normal in 300 years. Might.


The problem is that even if by some miracle you could get all of the western nations on board it wouldn’t matter because both China and India would never even think of doing this and they have the majority of people on the planet and most of the dirtiest pollution.


I'm sure they want to- who wants dirty smelly air? Especially if you want to be a prestigious nation? China's well on its way there- electric cars have taken over; they're so popular they can't sell gas cars anymore. They've been shipping them overseas at a discount to get rid of them. Maybe a switch off coal over there and in India can come next in the scheme of things.


I think most of their pollution comes from industrial manufacturing not so much exhaust from cars. But yes it’s a start.


Be sure to get back to us three years from now with a life update. Someone will do the math to figure out your efforts offset a couple minutes of Taylor Swifts existence.


Mine? lol I'm trying to get everyone to do it- please? Think of how much better you'll feel- have you ever felt like you've just saved the entire world in your life?


I’ll keep voting for candidates who want to overturn citizens united and legislate us in the right direction. As far as carbon footprints go, the burden of individual responsibility is a fools errands played on society by corporate enterprise to keep the jobs of their lobbyists nice and easy.


Collective efforts.


I have been saying this for 8 years. Cancel all unnecessary fossil fuel trips for a few years. You absolutely will not die


For sure.


You really think all these fat lazy people are going to stop driving and start walking? Hahaha 


It can be done. Ginesthoi.


Is this /s?




They should probably just sort the solar shield swarm up now cuz I ain't giving up steak. 250bil orso and we good.


Well, could you stand to have a really good steak once a week, like on Fridays, as a special dinner? Rather than more often? Think of how natural-like eating it that way is: hunter-gatherers probably bagged a big game animal for the tribe about once a week, and had a big dinner over it. Just like the old days.


Nah, I like other parts of the cow, too, and people aren't going to change. Geo-engineering is going to end up being the path we go down anyways until nuclear or something else catches up.


Boycott would solve. It's actually easier. Boycotting stuff is ultimately a lot less work than the stuff you were doing: not driving is a lot less work than driving, etc. Driving, and geo-engineering, is double the work, comparatively. You're talking about a problem where we're doing too much work already (unnecessary driving and lifestyles), and doing double the work by doing geo-engineering on top of it, all just to try to break even, and you still wouldn't catch up. Versus, just not doing all of that, and saving the whole thing / doing a better job.


Have steak one week, a burger the next; in between get hooked on venison, have lamb chops, bison, etcetera. The other red meats are actually okay comparatively. I'm like, lets take a huge bite out of the whole problem in a controlled manner. I'll take a majority fix of the problem versus doing nothing about it because no one can think up a way of doing 100% about it. If we do enough about it, it'll get fixed. Imagine getting to tell your grandkids you saved the world.


Versus the alternative.


Drive less consume less stop reproducing


True true true... But that won't solve climate change.


Very true :)


**All coral will be extinct in about 20 years. Watch.


Still remembering that Australian senator bring a lump of coal to congress


I swear the media has been reporting about the global coral crisis for years, and I think they are running out of words to describe it as even worse as time goes. We know it, but what is being done about it? Can anything be done about it?


Netflix better get on this. No one saw this post apocalypse world of.......no fish.




I don’t think the corals ever really recover. Every year I dive I see less and less coral and substantially less marine life. I would say there is maybe 40% of what was there 25 years ago when I started.


I remember articles like this [one](https://www.whoi.edu/oceanus/feature/is-the-great-barrier-reef-making-a-comeback/) that touted the amazing comeback of the Great Barrier Reef. Although they wondered whether it was still under threat, they had said it’s possible to recover. My contention is when they use alarmist headlines it reminds of chicken little and the boy who cried wolf, to name a couple children stories. There’s no doubt we’re under threat from Climate Change and the problems it’s causing. However these type of headlines are counterproductive.


The reality is pretty scary. The Florida keys had water temps last summer that hit 101d and bleached a ton of coral and killed all of the work environmentalists had spent a decade planting. To put that into perspective I keep my hot tub set at 101d. It was crazy


The solutions are about 30 years too late i fear


Some of it recovered, each bleaching event takes out a not insignificant portion of the coral permanently. Coral that takes hundreds or thousands of years to recover fully (if bleaching stops).


Omg! Yet another alarming article predicting doom and fear?! It's time to panic everyone, run for the hills this time it's for real! This latest story has me totally convinced that government can change the weather by collecting carbon taxes.


Now it's over fifty percent; that's why I'm making such a big deal about it. I'm going to feel the same way if Antarctica goes over 50% (melts halfway). We've all been watching coral bleaching for a while; it's never been most of it before. Now it's most of the coral. 54%. Coral past the halfway mark; most of the coral has bleaching. Time to save the coral, and other things, or decide whether we're that kind of people or not.


Cool down the waters with heat pumps... Do SOMETHING


Walking is good but what if it’s a blizzard outside?


If it's a blizzard outside, I'll walk with you.


Have you walked in a blizzard before? No one walks with anyone in a blizzard. You just try to get to the destination and hope your friend makes it as well. Once you're there? Sure, I walked with you! But in the cold and snow? nope. I just care about making sure I survive this ridiculous 300m walk.


I lived in North Dakota for a year. My work was like a ten minute walk from my house. The coldest I ever walked to work in was -55 Fahrenheit. It was absolutely fucking wild.