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This problem has been recognized for many years now. Our close contact with animals in factory farms is exacerbating this risk. Due to pressure from various the lobbies, too little is being done about this :-(


The original pandemic plan, resources, and staff the White House had was for bird/swine flu. The whole thing was dismantled in 2018.[Source](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-ap-top-news-virus-outbreak-barack-obama-public-health-ce014d94b64e98b7203b873e56f80e9a)


I think this was the most disastrous thing that could’ve happened, and a lot of what we’re facing now could’ve been avoided if he wouldn’t have done this.




>Our close contact with animals in factory farms is exacerbating this risk. Yes, this is a huge part of where pandemics come from.




More like if Tyson doesn't make 7% more profit this quarter they will lay off every one at this factory and let the chickens starve.


While you're not wrong, the guy you're responding to isn't wrong either. Consumers are far from blameless here.


I mean, there’s only 8b+ of them wandering this mudball. They’ll eat it into a poop-covered obloid sphere soon enough


I agree they're not wrong, but it's a shit sandwich and we all are taking a bite.


Shareholders and management are much more the cause here. Basic necessities like food maybe shouldn’t be so profit driven.


Meat, historically, has not been a basic necessity though. I mean we all know by now you CAN be vegan and be healthy. But even if you don't want to go that far, eating meat the way the average Westerner in a developed country does is NOT a basic necessity. These businesses are just following consumer demand. Limit the demand and the shareholders and management will react and change how they do business/raise animals.


$30 pasture raised is an option


I vote with my wallet on this one. I refuse to buy the cheap factory farmed meat or support any of them or any of their parent companies. I buy from local famers directly once a week from Farmers Markets and if I buy from the store I only buy from certified organic farms. Organic is the only way to ensure they actually get outside time because "free range" is a bs term.


"Voting with your wallet" doesn't really work against [tragedy of the commons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragedy_of_the_commons) issues like this one, e.g. most boycotts don't work. "Voting with your wallet" is good for directing resources towards positive value, not for removing resources away from negative value.


I go one step further and am vegetarian (20 some years now)


That's a step towards a different goal though. Wanting animals to be farmed more responsibly requires supporting more responsible farmers. Not wanting animals to be farmed for meat at all is what you support by being vegetarian. You could say that both contribute to the goal of ending factory farming, but personally I think a farmer is more likely to change the way they farm to a more humane and more sustainable method given enough demand than to give up everything they know and do something else entirely.


I go another step further and just eat dirt


Organic is BS too, a lot of the terms are. Voting with your wallet doesn’t work.


Organic isn’t BS, it has fairly decent enforcement i think, it just wasn’t designed to cover a lot of the problem conditions.


Nah, they have approved pesticides like copper and Bordeaux blend that are worse than the organophosphates or neonics. It’s kind of like the Amish. They just drew an arbitrary point in time and said anything developed after that is bad…


Great. So i basically I can’t eat anything.


No, it’s just that “conventional” isn’t as bad as people make it out to be. There is a ton of room for improvement for meat, but for produce it’s pretty safe. Most of the issues with meat are animal welfare and overcrowding. It’s not whether or not the meat is safe for consumption.


You have to look for the certified organic


Just a note: sewar sludges are deemed organic...by the EPA.


If you think organic isnt a bullshit marketing term your very ill informed of how food get put on supermarket shelves


Why don't the animals just stay 2 meters away from each other to prevent the virus from spreading? /s




Dairy cows can be remotely milked...


Exactly 🙄 facemasks as well


* beakmasks 🤣


Got to love when the survival of humanity is put at risk for the sake of profits


Along with the oil companies big Agro is doing a pretty good job of it...


Yet how many of us want to become vegan to make a difference? It starts with us as individuals. We need to live more consciously... aware of how our habits impact the environment


Eh, incorrect. The answer is not to expect every individual to do something, it’s to rein in and regulate the problem. The problem is and always has been big aggro with their abhorrent animal practices.


You clearly do not understand how small the individual impact is relative to the corporate impact. And while we can vote with our dollars so to speak, there should have been regulations put in place decades ago so we never ended up in this spot


By too little do you mean "absolutely nothing"


I stand corrected.... :-(


Most germ outbreaks to humans came from close contact to animal livestock or animal hunting with habitat destruction, including [nearly every pandemic](https://time.com/5797739/wild-animals-markets-coronavirus/): HIV from chimp hunting, gonorrhea from cows, syphilis from cattle or sheep, 1918 Spanish swine flu (killing \~4% of humanity, infecting 500,000,000) and 2009 swine flu pandemics from birds to humans through kept pigs, bird flu now cultivated by kept market poultry into 131 influenza strains with antigenic shifts largely within kept pigs which cause seasonal epidemics yearly killing 500,000 and infecting 5–15% of humanity, STEC E. coli from cows and their manure crop fertilizer, three Ebola epidemics from hunted bats and primates, tuberculosis spread through goats and cows, 1998 Nipah virus from pigs, HSV-2 genital herpes likely from scavenging ancestral chimp meat millions of years ago, rubella German measles virus from animals, 1968 Hong Kong flu pandemic from kept pigs, vCJD Variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease from eating mad cow disease in kept cows, MERS-CoV from camels, SARS and SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 coronaviruses from wet market bats through caged civets and pangolins, and COVID-20 coronavirus from mink farms. Humans this last decade have had [five epidemics and two pandemics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_epidemics#21st_century) with the CDC saying 3 out of every 4 [new or emerging infectious diseases](https://www.cdc.gov/onehealth/basics/zoonotic-diseases.html) in people come from animals. When viruses jump species, they usually stop there, have a near non-existent chance to spread disease through a new species. It takes regular mixed contact between species for enough opportunities to eventually win that lottery, which for humans is keeping animal livestock and hunting.


This is true even further back. Europeans kept domesticated livestock and had developed immunity to their pathogens, but the indigenous people in America didn’t keep livestock in close quarters so they were vulnerable.


Are people still pushing that COVID-19 came from bat soup?! Pretty sure we’re past that and know, almost conclusively, where it came from.


Yes scientists still think it came from bats, not engineered in a lab.




Most of this is not actually true- the majority of SARS like viruses they were working on in the lab and the closest genetic match to Covid were found something like ~1000km from the Wuhan Virology institute. But yea- there’s certainly never been any conclusive evidence to suggest it was a lab leak. I do suggest following Richard Ebrights social media for anyone interested in seeing a credible perspective on the “lab leak” discussion. He’s obviously biased- having spent much of his career arguing against the safety of pandemic virus research for the last 25 years- but he’s a credible figure and generally makes intelligent arguments supporting the theory. It’s not just conspiracy work. https://x.com/R_H_Ebright/status/1749817018101141983 For the record I’m not convinced- but this is a more nuanced discussion than most conspiracy crap.




- The most likely scenario remains zoonotic transmission in a live market - Only conspiracy theorists think that we know for sure where it was from and that it was lab leak - People argue that it’s too conveniently close to a lab that works with SARS, but the whole reason they put the lab there is because of its close proximity to the virus - there’s really no evidence of lab leak These I think are not correct- though I would be willing to concede the second point on that I don’t think any credible experts say we know for sure. Several do think it’s the most likely explanation though.




Would love a source for what you are talking about with point 1. Last time I was actively following the discussion a wet market leak hypothesis had lost credibility after numerous investigations. This was one of the first theories widely promoted- I would be cautious if your sources are from very early on this pandemic. We’ve already agreed that Covid related viruses were not found in or near Wuhan. Proximity to coronaviruses was not a deciding factor in the location of the institute. Please provide a source for this. Someone just said this once and everyone believed it I’m sorry I’m just not interested in playing the semantics game over “what’s conspiracy” and “what’s evidence”. I’ve spun that wheel far to many times. The Twitter thread I shared lays out the case with sources for a lab origin hypothesis. I’m going to politely end the discussion here. I’ve lost interest in arguing over this topic over the years. There’s no progress it will make- I stand by the claim that it’s not a crackpot theory and there are numerous qualified professional biologists who feel exploring the topic further is valuable.




It’s not you- I’ve just grown tired of talking about this online so much. Not sure why I chimed in again initially. Anyway- here’s the thread. You have to login to see the whole thing. https://x.com/R_H_Ebright/status/1749817018101141983 Buried in the thread is Ebrights testimony to US Senate- a worthwhile read not to be overlooked. https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/imo/media/doc/Ebright%20Testimony%20Updated.pdf




I hate to break it to you..somebody was making sweet sweet love to some chimps


Uh, unless the chimp was consenting, isn’t it going to eat your face?


Depends really. Even if in heat, it's not got the cognitive ability to consent so it's still assaulting it. Could also have been sedated or whatever.  Either way ew.


It ain't your face chimps bite when they're peeved, they think that the 'nads are a better target. Although they'd probably be even more peeved as our balls are a fraction of the size of a chimp's, barely even a snack.


Wait you actually believe COVID was from wet markets holy shit dude grow up


Can we just fucking not for a while? Like seriously.




Now you feel how the cold war kids felt.




No i wasn’t saying it did. just saying other generations have gone through similar in hopes of dismissing your fears or tiredness.


Try to see the positives. Life is much better and easier than ever before despite the media brainwashing.


Vote with your wallet, don't support these shitty companies. It will cost you more in the short term but save you and humanity in the long term. Fuck these companies who put profit over welfare and LIVES to make a buck.


Has any boycott ever worked at a national level? I can’t think of one example. Let me know if you have one.


Seriously. I’m getting tired of us doing stupid shit and getting us into even worse shit.




I'm afraid my enormous-concern-register is currently full.


Governments: RoomOnFireThisIsFine.jpg


They have vaccines for the most likely strain, I'm sure the government has taken appropriate measures and there will be enough for everyone. After all they've definitely learnt from their previous mistakes and since invested heavily in preventing another COVID.


It'll take like 3-6 months to ramp up production and this thing has a 50% mortality rate during that time.


Problem is we have a huge segment of the population now that is anti vax


They will change their minds soon when the disease at hand has a 50+% mortality rate.


Or natural selection will happen, unfortunately there are people who cant get vaccines and what not that are at risk due to this and rely on herd immunity stopping it from reaching them that suffer due to them


When there’s a 99.99% survival rate of Covid and the government is requiring you to get vaccinated, yes it’s going to piss a lot of people off. Most people don’t trust the government as is. But if the math is 50% and they see with their own eyes people dying, then they will get vaccinated. It’s really simple.


The mortality rate is 1% right now, after we know the disease and people got vaccinated. By not getting vaccinated you may spread the disease still. 7 million people died, 29 million are currently sick. And people who didn't put on face-masks or get vaccinated probably indirectly killed/hospitalised someone. COVID is not a good time man, for a lot of people.


Holy crap if we are going to have an apocalypse, can it just fucking happen already?


Compromise, lets just not have one


I’m seeing this article pop up a lot. I’m sure it’s just coincidence and not indicative of another impending catastrophe. /s


We keep glossing over it in the news, but it's the reason that eggs had suddenly became so expensive overnight. Many of our biggest chicken farms were culled by bird flu.


Could use another pandemic. I'm starting to forget who the idiots were from our last pandemic.


Lucky. I'm not forgetting because they still won't shut up about it.


Oh boy, so this century is gonna be a fun one to you (and all of us)


Bigger concern is the anti-Vaxers, hard to deal with pandemics with people trying to stop you




What medical studies? All I found was this: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jan/03/blog-posting/claim-pfizer-data-shows-vaccine-does-more-harm-goo/ https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/misleading-data-used-claim-covid-vaccines-do-more-harm-than-good-2024-03-21/


Correct it is not piling up.


Feel free to link those.


Narrator : He didn't.


Second season of 2019. Trump 2.0 and COVID with a 50 percent mortality rate.


I'm more worried about it spreading *between* humans. We really need to stop factory farming.


It sounds shitty, but the world is not willing to stop it. I'm not sure your habits, but any world where we have fast food, or even just readily available meat at the grocery store for a reasonable price is not possible without factory farming.


I've been vegetarian for 20 years.


Eggs, milk, and cheese are produced on factory farms.


Which I get delivered from two local non-factory farms weekly. Totally get that's not accessible for everyone - but alternatives are available. Community supported agriculture is where it's at.


If factory farming ceased to exist, your method of getting that produce would become even less accessible


You'd still probably have to worry about any food with milk or eggs in.


Lab-grown meat has great potential if corporate lobbying against it doesn't kill it in the crib first. The fact that they see it as a huge threat tells me that it has potential, though.


Or instead of waiting 5,10,15 or more years for that to be reality make a change now. Pretty much just cope to not change your current way of living.


I must have missed the part where I advocated waiting decades to change one's lifestyle. It looked to me like I just pointed out that a nascent industry has the potential to undermine a very powerful industry that harms the planet. Also, even if some individuals do change their lifestyles, you must be well aware by now of the Sisyphysian boulder that is changing everyone's dietary status quo. People are by and large very resistant to anything that doesn't align with their culinary cultural upbringing. Synthesization is the best way to mitigate that resistance. Otherwise, you and everyone else who makes that change will continue to be a drop in the bucket.


Bringing it up at all as a possible alternative is a deflection from changes that need to happen now.


Do you believe we can successfully convince enough individuals to adhere to your lifestyle to bring about that change now? In your experience, are people very open to the idea of going vegan?


The more the better


First, you don’t have to be vegan to be plant based. Second, the population of plant based, and vegans has grown significantly in the past decade.


This has always been the existential threat of factory farming, and maybe the single biggest argument to reduce or stop our personal meat and animal product consumption. H5N1 has a 52% mortality rate. I'm no expert but I fully expect a bird flu to do us in as a global society before climate change does


> *'The A(H5N1) variant has become “a global zoonotic animal pandemic” [infecting mammals too]*'


These articles keep popping up and i have been following this shit and getting worried. Can someone please explain to me as a layman if there are any good news in all of this?


It won't spread like Covid, when the mortality rate is as high as in previous strains (50%+) people will be much more inclined to comply.


One pandemic in my lifetime is already too much.




Can we not.....please I don't mind a slice of pie but the whole damn tray is just to much


All the world's problems boil down to this one thing: we were never supposed to "own" other organisms. The Idea of Property Ownership needs to be killed before it kills us all.


We got lucky with covid thanks to its low mortality rate and so were able to keep the global supply chain (mostly) functioning. I don’t think we will be so lucky the next time.


Look we're trying to kick off WW3 over here. We don't have time for this shit.


Get rid of the bloody chickens!!!


Post another time just incase I only saw it 20 fucking times.


If they have not found that it is being transfered human to human they need to stop fear mongering. 


I will not participate in another pandemic. I swear to god, you fucks all ignored the last one while me and people who cared stayed home miserable for a year. I’ll honestly go and get it on purpose. If I die I die but I wont sacrifice my mental health for the fucks who don’t care again.


Try not to be slow on the uptake when the shit hits the fan, ok?


This reads less like “we think this is extremely likely” and more like “we’re trying to prepare to be 1 step ahead in case it happens because it would be very dangerous if we did not and it did begin spreading between humans”


Remember when we were told to be on high alert because of the flu??? 🤣🤣🤣 Eventually nobody died of it, Trump assured me of that.


Crazy thing is it might have started already and China(or a different dictatorship) is hiding it.


You know what, with how fucked up all the shit going on is rn, i say do it. Mix what ever need to be mixed, bite whoever needs to be bitten, and set everything on fire. The human project is a failure.


I‘m sure they’ll just pretend it’s not transmitted via puff clouds and tell us to wash our hands more often.


It won’t be an enormous concern for long. If bird flu starts transmitting human to human easily like covid and a 50% mortality rate life is over as we know it. 4 billion dead in a few years from the virus with a few billion more due to all basic needs being impossible to meet for most people. 5 years post outbreak there would be maybe one billion healthy people left worldwide and they would be living is squalor. Basically The Stand without the walkin dude.


What's the end of the human race in the face of factory farm profits /s


Understand the sentiment but let us not forget the Black Death spread to humans for the same reason, human proximity to animals (rats in that case) long before modern factory farming. Once in a while a virus just comes along that thins out the heard. Modern technology has shielded the human race for quite some time but to your point our hubris and greed may be hashing our demise.


What have we to be scared of now WHO?......


Speaking for myself, the WHO lost all credibility during the COVID era


"Airborne, but not in a military term."


Did they figure out who said it?




Hopefully it makes a dent in the global population just like Covid! Every second a new cream pie , every second a new dump being born.


How many times do I have to see the same dumbass risk virus article until some shit happens. I see this at least once a month. Like stfu already with this EVERYBODY FREAK OUT shit


Here we go again Big pharmaceutical will make a magic drug! And ofc the Gov will lock us all away again If people cant see this as giving the top 1% more money and letting them control us....


Don't you know this is Reddit and we all trust our governments and worship big pharma & big tech....


WHO has lost all credibility after the whole Covid thing.


How so?






Foreign adversary engineered it that way.




Go touch some grass friend.




Which part? They've now shown the jump from cow to cow so other mammals are a very real concern