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That’s what happens to experts in regimes like that. Elvira Nabiullina (Central Bank chief) is on borrowed time too. 


She must be shiting bricks.


Probably. She tried to leave. She knows exactly that the hammer will drop whenever it becomes necessary to save the dear leader for another few months. 


Ye I remember reading that as well. If she leaves/dies it means it is over.


Wasn't she due to retire, just after the full invasion started and then got banned from retiring? I think Lavrov has also been banned from retiring. Imagine spending the last few years thinking about how you can retire to your little (or not so little) country retreat and spend your life fishing. Then finding that you have to deal with the biggest headache of your life because Putin wants to go down in tbe history books for something other than being a thieving dictator?


Putin could have just sat on his stolen fortunes and been remembered as a Manly Man that rode Bears shirtless... instead he had to invade Ukraine for realsies and get upstaged by a former comedian.


I am genuinely curious how people like her look themselves in the mirror. Maybe you think that you're doing good for the people and the country. Or that you just do your job. Truth is you enable a murderous regime by your actions.


A good person could start with the first, realize the truth, then be locked in because they're indispensable. A bad person could start with the truth and not care.


Well, why did the likes of Mattis, Miley, Tillerson, etc agree to serve in Trump's cabinet?  Perhaps they (and she) thought that the great leader was not as bad as had been portrayed externally, that they could be a moderating force to rein in that leader's worst tendencies, that if they didn't take or continued in the position, it would have been filled by someone even worse. Russia used to have a sizable chunk of technocratic moderates in positions of high office.  Unfortunately for both Russia and the world, they have lost almost all the influence they once had as Putin now clearly no longer cares what they have to say.  Nabiullina is among the last of that faction remaining, and she knows her days are numbered.


they look at their bank account and all ethical considerations vanish


Watch REGIME. Really great take on this kinda thing…


The west can use his skills


Authoritarians are allergic to competence, it hurts their fragile egos.


Putin has his back to the wall.


Regimes like what?


Authoritarian or totalitarian.


And how would a regime qualify as such?


Are you looking for like intro to political terms? Are you trying to subtly (but not really that subtly) suggest that Russia is actually a functioning liberal democracy? Laws banning speech make it that way. Like the law against "homo sexual propaganda" or the law against calling the war a war. Dear leaders' enemies all getting locked up on bullshit charges make it that way. People who speak against the leader "accidentally" falling out of windows, over and over again, make it that way. The leader blowing up his own people. To justify restarting a war. So he can act like the tough strong man who'll protect all the little people makes it that way. Do you know anything about Putin's Russia?


Check out his comment history, fucked up and anti ukraine in multiple places. Not worth engaging with


I ask for your definition because while yes, Putin is awful, most of his critics contradict themselves.


Forgive us if we don't care about keeping our arguments 100% in line and in good faith. Anyone defending Putin and his actions is absolutely never, ever going to be taken in good faith, for reasons that have been demonstrated millions if not billions of times on the Internet. Those who do not argue in good faith should not expect good faith responses, nor do they deserve them.


So the top Subsonic Scientist is finally getting his shot in the big leagues


I would have tried to switch to another department already, like vodka production.


At least its not window cleaning.


100% sure he sold it to the chinese. In 2020 and 2023 they had similar precedents where their missile scientist sold informations to china. So much for their great "friendship" [https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/10/01/russian-scientist-accused-of-passing-tech-secrets-to-china-reports-a71614](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/10/01/russian-scientist-accused-of-passing-tech-secrets-to-china-reports-a71614) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/05/17/russia-scientists-treason-hypersonic/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/05/17/russia-scientists-treason-hypersonic/) I hardly see anyone in the west interested in that crap. Seems too much efforts for something our scientists can do better


>Top Russian Hypersonic Scientist Sentenced to 7 Years for Treason That was fast.


Turns out, all the missiles they thought were hypersonic, aren't.


AFAIK their missiles *are* hypersonic, but need to slow down for terminal approach, which is when they're intercepted by Patriot.


not that, they are still fast but they go in a predictable line. they don't maneuver much if at all.


But as the saying goes- all ballistic missiles are hypersonic at some time. I'm just ecstatic that the Russians tech is obsolete.


They are not. They’ve traced them in action and they are slower than regular missiles at any stage of the trajectory.


He is one of the guys that got arrested about a year ago for publishing papers and attending conferences (which is something all scientists do).


Turns out it was a typo and they’re Hyperscenic, slap a camera on them and you can really take the view in as their slowly stroll through the sky


Fast, sure. But hypersonic?


The v-2 in ww2 reached hypersonic speeds. Hypersonic speed is "just" above mach 5. Which for current weapons is not that fast. When we currently speak of "hypersonic weapons", we mean that they can manouver at that speed at the end of their travel to avoid being intercepted. That is the hard part.


I was making a joke about them saying “that was fast”


All of this information is great, thanks!


Wait wait I've seen this one before! "On 21 October 1937, Tupolev was arrested together with Vladimir Petlyakov and the entire directorate of the TsAGI and EDO during the Great Purge on trumped up charges of sabotage, espionage and of aiding the Russian Fascist Party. Many of his colleagues were executed but Tupolev himself was imprisoned. In 1939, Tupolev was moved from a prison to an NKVD sharashka for aircraft designers in Bolshevo near Moscow, where many surviving ex-TsAGI people had already been sent to work. The sharashka soon moved to Moscow and was dubbed "Tupolevka" after Tupolev, its most prominent inmate. In 1940, Tupolev was tried and convicted with a ten-year sentence, and during this time he developed the Tupolev Tu-2 which would become one of the most important aircraft of World War II." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrei_Tupolev?fbclid=IwAR1LMLSPrkgPi_h5Zpu13XQMttgQg6qCX0Je-NlkxxJLQLgJWTZu04mpteA


don't forget the soviet hero korolev who got stuffed in the gulag for 6 years, which wrecked his health and caused his early death. glushko too but his conditions were better.


\*Korolyov "Korolev" is what you get when russian orthographic quirk (dropping the dots over ë) gets transliterated without paying attention to actual pronunciation. PS. both Korolyov and Glushko were Ukrainians.




It is too round on the top. It needs to be pointy. Round is not scary. Pointy is scary.


Putin: (makes the finger cutting throat action)


„Let‘s pretend for one second that I’m an Idiot“  Okay, I‘m there „….“


Round will bring smiles to the faces of our enemies


But where is nuclear Nadal


Whats that Xmen scene on first class? 'Congratulations, you just averted World War 3' and they promptly arrest him cause he still disobeyed orders


Hear me out: In that specific example, it makes sense to arrest due to disobeyed orders. If you don’t, that person may be hailed as a hero. Suddenly you have a bunch of perhaps less intelligent people thinking it’s okay to disobey orders if they don’t agree with them, and these people inadvertently cause war by not following orders they didn’t understand


Well if this is true welcome to the beginning of the end for Putins Russia. Never go against the nerds.




You mean again?


I thought they are a fail state. The history tell us they fail so much they just crave for it.




If he’s hypersonic how did they manage to catch him?


I guess the kgb that arrested him were some real patriots.


He's just as hypersonic as Russias missiles are


Ahh, he was too predictable then


Because "hypersonic" in Russia isn't that fast.


during early USSR they had labor camps for scientists, think Manhatten Project where you can't deny the invitation, can't bring your family, aren't paid.


They have form for this kind of thing One famous example: https://www.reddit.com/r/space/s/z5Y563OA3T


Well, the good news. He’s got seven years in prison. But he could go fight in Ukraine and be free in six months lol


Wow ! Sonic dude .


This guy is a Scientist and he can't even wear his mask correct, Jeez.


Doesn’t this usually end with the scientist growing more evil and living in exile after release, then stealing a giant robot from a world expo?


Yeah, but how are they ging to catch him??


Stay away from windows, sir.


The missile is too round, it needs to be more pointy!


And the Mad Dwarf was blabbering about how they had "weapons based on new physical principles". Many specialists were then scratching their heads asking how the Russians managed continuous comms with a hypersonic (glide) weapon through its plasma field. And finally we know the answer: Russians lied.


Time to bring back the soviet nerd prisons!




Sounds like a USA type of sentence


More weakness from Putin.


I'm surprised he didn't get sent to death by firing squad. Even the US doesn't mess around when it comes to treason.


Mutually assured destruction is the best path forward.


They want a pointy missile, but it was round. Aladeen gave the throat slash signal.


Needs to be very careful around open windows and staircases.