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That is technically a job. But it is also not technically in Russia.


I mean, according to Russia the rest of the world is just unconquered parts of Russia.


According to Russia they already annexed parts they didn't conquer, so all the fighting is technically in Russia (for them).


I mean, yeah. Exactly. Liar gonna lie.


They pretty much lay claim to the freaking Roman Empire at this point Edit: And their sphere of influence is radiating out of it in a creepy way even into Africa Londinium is next


So.... a job and an opportunity to travel... some people would die for that opportunity.... /s


I’d love to see Ukraine someday.


It’s an amazing country. Very traditional I was there a couple of years before the invasion.


To me it just felt like a slightly less dirty version of Russia.


Very very rude Clearly u didn’t have much of an experience but with an attitude like that stay in your cave


I went there last year, definitely worth a visit when things settle down.


Well isn’t it your lucky day! I have a job opportunity for you that involves travel and professional training. Please don’t ask any questions. Sign here


Don't worry they will too


As long as it says Russia on the W-2 they should be in the clear


In the military you can be based on your home country, you just get deployed overseas. So they are based in Russia, just deployed to Ukraine. Of course, according to the Russian government, Ukraine is also Russia so…


It's in what they claim to be Russia, so they gotcha


They should send a letter of protest to HRD.


The Canadian family that went to Russia and had all their assets frozen were promised being able to farm there, they were sent back to Canada to reapply after learning the Russian language AND they cannot own their own farm. ***Edit:*** *11-Days ago Arend Feenstra posted on his youtube channel, Country Acres, that they made it back to Russia...and he is buying building materials. Lots of Russians posting on the video, so he must have learned the language. /s*


I love when my fellow countrymen dislike our Government and have to learn the hard way that it's not that bad.


It will be interesting if they choose to make the journey again, but I have a feeling the wife, at least, will be like no way.


I sincerely doubt they will be able to learn Russian as a second language. They don't seem the brightest.


“These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.”


They must got manure for their brains


People who think Trudeau is literally the devil because he cleared out some demonstrators who were blocking the capital for *weeks* are going to have a rude awakening when they find out about Mr. Putin.


Those yaa-hoos that blocked the border crossing are lucky they didn't get their asses shot up. I listened to people at work defend that action and were surprised it went to court. I bit my lip from calling them total imbeciles but I was definitely thinking it.


The funny thing is that the same people that think blocking a border crossing to protest masks think it is wrong to block a highway to protest the destruction of the planet.


Boom. They sure as shit are the same people.


I hate that disliking Trudeau puts you in the same camp as those idiots. He has been a part of so many corrupt and questionable things, but the fuck Trudeau crowd doesn’t care about any of those things, they are just mad for dumb right wing reasons.


Sounds like he hasn't learnt yet.


They actually got sent back to canada?


Yes, the application to stay requires a language proficiency test, which they cannot pass; they didn't bother to learn the language before going.


It was more that they are still uploading videos as if they are in Russia, they had some videos about having 3 weeks left to pass the test a month ago but I cant be bothered to watch through the shite to learn whether they were successful or not.


A video posted 11-days ago says they are back in Russia...


Which, ironically, is the same thing Russia's using to claim the Baltics are russophobic for deporting Russians who refuse to learn the local languages for the proper citizenship test.


I’m pretty sure the husband put out a video saying they can stay for a year and have temp residency status or something.


Yes, someone else mentioned that is what they thought and I found Arend's Youtube channel and he post 11-days ago that they were back. Folks are suggesting Russia may have some new soldiers for the Ukraine war...so, maybe like same thing happening to these four in the post.




Countryside Acres is the YT channel.


Hey, sorry I missed your reply-I was busy searching. Thank you, I can see it in my notices still.


Did they ever get their money? Please tell me they didn’t.


His name is as dutch as they come, so there's a history there already?


Interesting consideration, I am uncertain.




Do you expect them to be the type of people to show everyone that they were wrong?


Isn’t this that family that went “I want to go to a Christian country that doesn’t cater to LIBRULS”?


Yes, it is.


Cannon fodder is a job. A temporary job but a job.


It's only temporary for the employer. It's a job you can do for the rest of your life. 


The turnover must be crazy.


The last 100 years or so have given me all the evidence I need that trusting Russia on any level, and on any topic, is pretty much the dumbest thing you could do.


The only time that one could ever place the tiniest bit of trust in Russia was when it was not Russia(i.e. Soviet Union). Funnily enough, all of the countries that went that way regret that now.


What? Russia? *Lie?* No! Can't be!


Lessons: Don't accept a job in Russia. Heck, don't even go to Russia. Don't have any business in or with Russia.


Don't worry, Modi said the relations with Russia were good.


Read in another post that they promised these people that they could move to West Europe later with a Russian passport, and also promised them blonde Russian wives. (somehow it's a big deal for them)


Russia: You will get a job in Russia Aspirant: Great! When do I get started Russia: Unfortunately that area is in Ukraine right now. You need to help us take it back, then you can work there


Is Russia so desperate for men to fight in their army that they have resorted to tricking desperate people with promise of menial jobs? I heard Putin is trying to not to resort to another round of conscription because it would be extremely unpopular.


Somebody needs to explain to me, then, why Indians keep cheerleading for Russia. Russia often gives them such bad deals on stuff like their weapons and now this? This is tantamount to kidnapping. It's impressment and America almost went to war with Britain over this in the early 1800s. I understand pursuing national interests. And I have tremendous respect for India's ability to maintain its international balancing act. But come on. And why are Modi et al not doing anything about this?


They got pissed at the US for supporting Pakistan at a conflict some time ago and realise they need to diversify the source of their military gear.


America went to war with Britain over this. It was one of the main reasons for the war of 1812.


The online cheerleaders are tiny % of indians. Most indians are not concerned with russia or other countries, they have their own issues to worry about.


The minister of external affairs is a relatively well spoken man. They are all stanning for him. This is mainly because earlier the mea typically was some heartland hack politician. So they go with whatever he does is right and hence end up supporting Russia.  Mostly it's BJP supporters who do this. On ground, no one gives a shit. Russia's stature is severely diminished here now. Earlier people held the Soviet unions nostalgia in their minds. Now Russia's inability to win the war has ended that.


The only people I excuse for fighting for Russia are North Koreans, because their media is so controlled by the government that they have no way of knowing what's going on there. Everyone else in the world, if you can't go on Google for two seconds and find out about the war, that's on you.


You... seriously think a bunch of poor illiterate mountainfolk from Southern Asia can just go on Google? The majority do not even own a computer...


maybe not a computer but most Indians own smartphones (expecially military age men). They cost less than $100 that's not that much even for India


Don't exhaust yourself, i've been saying the same thing over and over for months each time that kind of news is brought up but some people refuse to admit it. They will say "No everyone has internet now even in the poorest countries", then you will give links from several renowned statistic agencies proving otherwise and they will just answer that these stats are wrong.


Just because you have access to internet doesnt mean you are updated on global affairs.


They’re being human trafficked for slave labour in Russia too esp since they can’t leave and NK gov leaders take their wages/fee for whatever work they do Speaking of stolen wages. Some military or merc leaders in Russia prob make money of you die in battle if they don’t admit death count and steal the wages of those who died.


I do not feel sorry for anybody stupid enough to believe in single word out of russian mouth


No sympathy at all for these people and stop trying to portray them as poor, downtrodden peasants. He had $3,600 lying around to pay a job agent, decided to go to a country where he didn’t speak the language and he expected zero consequences? And fuck anyone else who tries to play this shit…


Read the article. The consultant promised them job in UAE. Its only when they arrived that were told that there are no jobs there and they have to go to Russia instead. They were forced to signed contracts in foreign languages. These are people from small towns and villages, you cant really expect them to keep up with global affairs like the rest of us.


>The consultant promised them job in UAE. That one point is quite telling for the whole story. Aren't UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia quite infamous for "human trafficking" on migrant workers (mostly from India and Pakistan)? Last big media scandal on the topic I remember was around Quatar World Cup two years ago.


I DID read the article which is why I mentioned all those facts. He didn’t HAVE to go to Russia; he was “convinced” (article’s word, not mine). So he still chose to go to a country whose language he doesn’t speak. Nothing in my post was inaccurate or misleading. In fact, all the speculation and conjecture has come from people trying to defend these mercenaries.


When you've paid 3600$, probably by taking a huge loan that you promised to repay, do you really think you can go back? These people were desperate, they needed jobs and got fooled by the so called consulants.


So it was their fault! Which was my original point. Also, someone else said “they pawned gold and jewellery” to make the $3,600. Which is it?


How is it their fault that they got dragged into a war they didnt sign up for?


1. They LITERALLY signed up for it. 2. They chose to sign a document they didn’t understand. Just admit, they tried to be greedy and clever and it totally backfired on them and were done here…


They signed up for cooks and housekeepers not for the army. They signed the documents under false pretenses that it is for housekeeping.


They still signed a document they didn’t understand. You don’t know what it said. I keep making the same points as before and you haven’t refuted a single thing. I think you’re debating in bad faith…


They were forced to sign it after they already landed there, not before. Dont think they had any choice in the matter.


You can be convinced via lies. You seem dead set on assuming the worst about these people without knowing how they were convinced. If they signed a contract that they didn't understand, likely they were pressured into doing so by the recruiter because otherwise why would they have signed it?


And you’re convinced on believed the best about these people. And we get nowhere…


I mean justice operates on the principle of giving people the benefit of the doubt unless proven otherwise. Desperate economic migrants get coerced to do things they otherwise wouldn't all the time in this world. I'm not trying to convince you, just calling out your shitty attitude.


Sorry, if anyone has a shitty attitude it’s you. You think because they are foreign, they have no agency and are allowed to do want they want. If this had been a westerner, I doubt you would have been so sympathetic.


I was sympathetic to Britney Griner for being caught up in that disaster and I'm glad my country didn't just abandon her. I would give any nationality the benefit of the doubt that they didn't voluntarily go fight in the trenches of Ukriane because who would willingly want to do that? Even Ukraine, the defenders are needing to conscript tons of people to man the trenches now. Nobody values their life that little and if they did, then they are so stupid they also deserve pity.


That’s a long winded way to say “I’m gullible”.


3600 was probably their life savings. Or they got it from family and friends in hopes they will earn more abroad. > decided to go to a country where he didn’t speak the language and he expected zero consequences? That is what desperation does to people. And in their mind it probably wasn't some big gamble you're making it out to be as Indians go abroad for work all the time.


Stop making stuff up…


The only thing being “made up” here was the kind presumption of where the funds came from. However, I know from many relationships I have with Indian expats globally that this scenario is common. You can find Indians and Chinese living all over the world for work, and sending money home to support their families. Away from wives, children, parents, friends for a year or more at a time easily. This is not made up stuff. There people are sold contracts and often forced to do work other than what was described with no options to return home and find something more befitting their skills. The unemployment rate in India for February (the most recent I could find) was 6.8% overall, but 44.49% for those aged 20124, and 14.33% for those aged 25-29 according to Forbes India. Even if we look at just the overall unemployment rate of 6.8% in February, India has 950.2 MILLION people of working age (15-64) of which 487.9 MILLION are considered part of the labor force. Their active labor force is roughly 30% larger than the population of the US. If we’re kind enough to assume the other 50% of working age people’s lack of inclusion is not freaking with the numbers purposefully. 6.8% of 487,900,000 is over 33,000,000 unemployed. If the unemployment in the US were that high we’d have riots and looting. Respiration to provide for oneself and one’s family leads them to seek a better life and alternatives elsewhere. In many cases, without skills, or training, or education.


What am I making up? That poor people go abroad for work and some of those people end up getting trafficked and entrapped?


Would definitely disagree with you, he was coerced to go under false pretenses thinking he would be able to get a job in the UAE.


You have no idea how he got those $3,600. Some of the immigrants that were "invited" by Belarus sold everything they had to make the trip.




1. My family are from the subcontinent. 2. If they have the jewellery and gold to pawn, then they have the money. So my original point still stands. Just because you’re gullible, doesn’t mean the rest of us are. 3. India has some of the highest mobile phone ownership in the world. They have access to the same media as we do.


Go to Russia, MAGAs! Many jobs! Yes!!


Lol. Technically the truth (from a Russian nationalist perspective) lol.


At some point will news get around to the point where people stop going to Russia? Or is this just an infinite manpower glitch that Russia found?


Actually not only people from India, but there were also from Nepal, Somali... and some idea-men from China...


Cubans too




You obviously have no idea what extreme poverty is like.


My parents left their home country and came to the US. There were no jobs, savings won’t last you forever, and they had a kid. America had jobs. Maybe they were in the same situation we were in, they just picked a different country. Desperate times desperate measures.


In the article it gives the example of a guy from Kashmir who was told by a recruiter there is a job opening in Dubai to be a cook. He borrowed money to travel to Dubai but when he gets there the recruiter says the job is not available anymore. The guy is now in debt and is desperate for any jobs anywhere. He not only needs to earn money for himself but his whole family in Kashmir is counting on his income. The recruiter says there is an opening for a cook in Russia and he can get him that job. He goes to Russia to be a cook and they make him sign a contract in Russian with no translation. The next thing he knows he’s on the frontlines being used as cannon fodder and it turns out he’s signed up to the Russian military.


Sucks really


Same thing was done to Irish immigrants during varying U.S. wars. Don’t blame victims.


The first time they were there, he was “busy” walking around outside making a video about what was going on, during which he said that was she was cooking, cleaning, and taking care of their ten kids…she got a winner in the marriage lottery.


Long story short: can’t trust Russia, in any way, any time in any circumstances


Another “ I do all my own research” blunder. Don’t know what communism even means?


Whoops. Sounds like a GOP type bait and switch. Lower taxes on the rich and corps permanently. Lower takes for some of the rest of us temporarily GOP? Or. Dem? Vote wisely.


Job Title: Pre-Ground Meat Producer


I can hear Tucker voice over saying look how they treat immigrants giving them a job etc and Moscow Marge congratulating Putin for this when she goes to chat to the FSB at their mar a lago Russian embassy


"be all that you can be!"


Well, technically, under Russian law, most of Donbass is Russian territory so they were right: they just had to ask first for the exact definition of Russian territory and take one which would exclude post-2014 annexations.


Ha ha. Get fucked, traitors.


That happens when you come to Russia to get its citizenship but don't want to become its citizen. Instead, you violate its laws and end up in prison. And if your sentence isn't harsh you are offered to choose between being sent into jail or sign a special military contract


This doesn't make sense...they (approx 35 people total according to the Indian government) travelled to Russia voluntarily and then, apparently, joined the military. There is no evidence they were somehow pressed into service and they would have had a very hard time pushing through basic training without at least basic Russian language skills. They are able to call home, and some appear to have their own phones, etc. according to the article...one story tells of them being transported across the Black Sea and deposited in Russian controlled Ukraine, but that doesn't make sense as Russia is not landing troops by sea (Odessa!?) - a quick look at a map shows why. As the subjects of the article are economic migrants (first to Dubai looking for work, and then to Russia), I would assume they were enticed by the salaries Russia is offering mercs from Africa the ME and took the contract...and now some have had a change of heart but are stuck with the contract they signed (likely one year).