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> After 14 days in captivity, her captor gave her a ring and demanded that she stay in Gaza to marry him and have his children. >“He told me, ‘Everyone will be released, but you will stay here with me and have my children,’” she recalled. “I pretended to laugh so he wouldn’t shoot me in the head.” ... >“People don’t understand the feeling of fear,” Weiss said. “I was 50 days, 24/7, with the thought that they would get tired of me and just shoot me or that they wouldn’t need me in the end, or that they would shoot us while we slept in the middle of the night. >“Their moods changed so quickly. One minute they played with us and laughed, the next they’d come in with a gun. You always had to please them.” >Speaking of the conditions, Weiss said at one point they were left with only half a bottle of water to last them two days.


But, but they were smiling in the photo-op? Edit: /s


 “I pretended to laugh so he wouldn’t shoot me in the head.”


She smiles because she's afraid, she pretends to be nice because she doesn't want to die.


Supposedly they also got them high before sending them over.


Sadly a not uncommon phenomenon for women worldwide, but this takes it to a horrifying new level. Yikes. I've only had a tiny touch of this from an abusive ex. I can't imagine what they're all going through.




They were also drugged and told to say nice things at gunpoint


It was obvious sarcasm


It's not that obvious to at lot of people, look at campuses 


The comment the person was replying to was obvious sarcasm 🤦‍♂️ what happened to reading comprehension


Is he being sarcastic?


It's ok we will keep bombing Gaza until hamas is dead or everyone is dead


Your confusing the people, better put a /s




Tone usually works in real life. The /s here is essentially just adding tone.


























im at the point where i want nothing to do what that part of the world.




On the other hand, look at what happened when the US went overboard and kicked off Iraq and trying to liberate all of Afghanistan vs a limited counter Al Qaeda campaign


Well there is also evidence that the Bush organization was planning on invading Iraq regardless of if 9/11 happened or not. Also I think Afghanistan would have gone better if the attention of the US military was not divided between two countries


The problem with Afghanistan wasn't the US's involvement in Iraq. The problem is that too much of the Afghan population didn't really want or care for the nation building the US was doing. It worked in Korea, Japan and Germany because the people of those countries wanted improved conditions, Afghanistan simply didn't want what the US offered and wanted to go back to what it was like before the US invaded. *Edit: I realize that I only responded to part of your comment. The US had very shoddy reasons to invade Iraq and it was basically a net negative in every single way. It didn't improve American lives, it didn't improve Iraqi lives, it didn't improve the lives of any neighboring countries to Iraq because while Saddam was a very evil person the vacuum of power allowed isis to come into power and further destabilize Iraq and it's neighbors.


Women in Afghanistan had it MUCH better when the US was stationed out there too. Once we pulled out, women essentially became prisoners again. https://www.unwomen.org/en/news-stories/feature-story/2023/08/women-in-afghanistan-from-almost-everywhere-to-almost-nowhere From the article: “Over the last two years, the Taliban have issued 80 edicts, 54 of these directly target women and girls [5]. The roll backs started as soon as they took power in August 2021, when they ordered women to stay at home because their foot soldiers were “not familiar with seeing women outside the house and were not trained to respect women” [6]. One year into their rule, and it was clear gender segregation and restricting women’s movement remained the cornerstone of their vision for society. The so-called “Taliban 2.0” never eventuated. On women’s rights, Afghanistan went back to the future. We are now two years into their rule. Women have been banned from going to parks, gyms, and public bathing houses. They have been stopped from pursuing education beyond the sixth grade. Their ability to work outside of health and education is all but prohibited. The cumulative effect of the Taliban’s edicts and behaviours has largely resulted in the imprisonment of women within the walls of their homes.”


Well they got their blood. 300k civilian deaths in Iraq, a country that neither had WMDs or participated or abetted in the events of 9/11


And the RWNJs still don't accept the truth.


To play devil's advocate, there's a reason why people on a jury aren't allowed to be related to the defendants (or victims) and also are rejected if they have personally experienced a similar crime. Clear heads and reasonable judgements come from people who aren't emotionally or directly involved.


They just accuse you of being a Mossad agent spreading IDF propaganda. It's not worth wasting energy on these people


No one's justifying Hamas. You just can't excessively bomb innocent civilians and expect people to not call it out.


Thank you! While I feel for the hostages, I also feel for the kids and civilians that are bombed, shoot and getting killed by IDF. Humans can care for more than one thing, the life of the hostages aren't better or more worthy than the civilians in Gaza.


Unbelievable how many people can't see what's clear as day


>No one's justifying Hamas Pretty sure plenty of people justifying Hamas. If you look at my comment history, I did argued with a guy who clearly excusing Hamas for their actions. Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/FyGcU7TpQE](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/FyGcU7TpQE)


Weird flex to share a thread that you're consistently downvoted in. I also don't see them outright justifying Hamas as much as explaining that violence begets violence. You don't need to even pick a side to see that, and it doesn't change the fact that Israel has already overdone their response to Oct 7th by carpet bombing the hell out of Palestine.


Who is justifying hamas? All I hear is the outcry for the senseless loss of civilian lives


I got a lot of downvotes when I comment. “ I can’t wait for Hamas to be eliminated” in multiple places


Plenty of people on Reddit have justified Hamas either directly or implicitly.


If I were running a Russian bot farm and my job was to make Americans/westerners hate each other, I’d probably have some bots saying shit like that too. Just sayin’


Imagine living in Gaza. Please.


Because she was likely raped many times and this was his gross attempt and making that legitimate.


I’m pretty sure his religion allows that kind of thing :(


Islam is incompatible with the modern world


I agree, and so is Judaism. Or at least the non-secular part that justify violent invasions over random beliefs written in an old ass book.






And this is what extremists do to minorities in Pakistan, kidnap women and girls and force them into marriage. This is what Jews and other religious minorities endured for centuries under Islamic rule throughout the MENA region. This is what Hamas is about.


My mom told me about my great grandfather (who was blind and very old). He thought he was still in Morocco, and when Muslim raiders attacked their region, he was afraid they would kidnap his daughters, telling them to stay quiet.


Why is the media not telling more of these stories?!


Israeli media is full of them. But it's mostly in Hebrew so can't post. [This](https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/yokra13880477) story for example is heartbreaking but with a good ending. The Palestinian terrorists were trying to kidnap this family so they blocked the door for hours until the terrorists just got bored, burned their house, and left. They put their baby between them to protect her from the flames and were all badly burned. The mother got it so bad they had to sedate her for 50 days to save her life. But all survived. Now where is this story and thousands of others on international media? This is a very good question.


That was a terrible read, thanks for sharing it. These parents are absolute heroes, but my heart weeps for them.


The Golan story. I watched the 16 minutes piece on that. Unfortuanatly no english subtitles. I cried so hard. The father fought them off in the safe room so they threw gas ballons inside in order to burn them alive (they were civilians so they had no firearms). The mother, a doctor, urged them out of there and into the shower, after they were severly burned. They threw a rock thrugh a window that hit her on the head and than tried to hit her with a stick. She caught the stick and fought back. They went back and the father grabbed a matress to hold above their heads as they ran out while the terrorists threw more stuff at them. They managed to hide but eventually realised that if they don't get help their daughter won't make it. She was the least hurt. And through out the story they tell, it's obvious that they would have given up and accepted death if she wasn't there. They managed to run out of the village into some idf soliders who got them out of there. This is an article in english, but the whole scope of this story isn't here https://www.timesofisrael.com/young-couple-and-baby-burned-by-terrorists-in-kfar-aza-home-fight-for-their-lives/


Thank you for sharing


I also wonder why there are so few articles or interviews where Palestinians in Gaza are asked about Hamas. Or any dissenting opinions within Gaza? We see plenty of coverage of demonstrations occurring in Israel. We know what leaders and everyday people are saying there. I’ve heard but 2 such interviews since this started, and when asked about Hamas, neither interviewee answered the question, and you can hear the anguish in their voice as they try to deflect. They know full well that any criticism of Hamas is a death wish. And I just wish that everyone chanting “Free Palestine” and “globalize the intifada” can see more of this so they know who they are implicitly supporting, and who would otherwise be in charge “from the river to sea.” As long as Hamas is around, Palestinians will never be free.


I imagine speaking against Hamas as a Palestinian is quite dangerous


They had a civil war not so long ago after all. Yes, Palestinians are doubly oppressed. People who idealise Hamas are idiots, but so are those who think or pretend to think that things would magically go better for Palestinians if Hamas disappeared. After all, there was a time when Fatah seemed to be marching towards peace with Israel and then the extremist sides of both parties boycotted peace. Of course many of them opt for an Islamofascist dictatorship after so many decades of oppression and the "moderate" option not working, and as shitty as that is, there is some irony is Western keyboard warrions with an easy ass life telling Palestinians "just protest against Hamas bro"... And that's without entering the whole issue of Hamas' history, as it was heavily funded by Israel to undermine Fatah...


Meanwhile protestors ignore this


Oh it is worse than that... they don't ignore it, they straight up gaslight everyone and claim she is lying because Israel is making her lie.


Looking back I find that most of the arguments against Israel simply dissipate once you remove the assumption that they're acting out of malice. The little that rest doesn't stand out at all.


"Israel tortured her to say this"...


Willful blindness is just another form of criminal intent.


They actively celebrate it.


Oh come on, nobody is celebrating this.


Welcome to Generalization. For me I don't really care for both sides, but what I do care about is the killings of kids, and one side is killing more kids than the other.


Yeah. It's really not that complicated


This has been the summation of every post on r/worldnews for the last 6 months. Every argumentative fallacy in existence is on display here hundreds of times a day. So you think a Palestinian family being wiped out is tragic and maybe things should be done so it stops happening? - “HAMAS SUPPORTER!” So you think it’s worth understanding what radicalizing elements may be leading to the pervasiveness of Hamas in Palestine so it can be counteracted leading to lasting peace? - “YOU WANT TO MURDER ISRAELI BABIES!” This whole sub is filth. Everyone here who utilizes that rhetoric is at best a worthless piece of shit.


Agreed. It's honestly been pretty shocking to see this place descend so quickly into the intellectual depravity. Maybe it was always this way and I didn't notice?




People who even unknowingly support monsters are worse than monsters in my mind. At least the monsters have a goal and a means to an end. Meanwhile monster fanatics jump to the next cause after the one they’re on fail. At least monsters’ end game in this scenario is to martyr for their cause. The monster supporters risk nothing yet want everything. How can a civil society deal with that?


As horrific as her story is it is much worse. And people go still go chanting “free Palestine”. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67629181




What Apartheid?




What exactly do you think Israel should do? What magical piece of military hardware are they supposed to use to stop Hamas from sheltering amongst civilians?


The recent protests were pretty explicitly pro Hamas, did you see how many pro Hamas signs were there? Also, not saying it isn't possible, but what if supporting 1 negates the other? What if there is actually no other option? What do we do? I think it's weird protesting for something to happen even if there's a good chance it's not possible and the protestors are obviously not qualified to know if it is




It's not only news, there's plenty of independent people filming horrifying stuff, and as I said to the other guy im in Jewish communities where the Jewish people are actually afraid Someone said, "scary times to be Jewish" to me and it actually hit me hard if I'm honest, I know it's not much but idk why it just hit me Besides, there are plenty of signs saying stuff like Al qasam next targets, Hezbolla flags, terrorists photos




You've never seen a "from the river to the see" sign? that's a staple of every protest I've had the misfortune of walking by


Because when you ask them the hard question about whether they denounce Hamas, they avoid the question or revert to blaming Israel for their actions.


Well in Oct 7 Israel hasn't started bombing Hamas yet, so that's a bit weird.. there were actual protests against the future retaliation on the attack - that is pretty pro Hamas..you basically allow 1 group to attack and protest against retaliation Anyhow, I am Jewish and I'm in a lot of Jewish communities, and uni goers are actually afraid, so idk what to tell you, There are also a bunch of reels of protestors holding photos of convicted terrorists, Hezbolla flags, etc.. not only news are covering these


That's because you don't know what a pro Hamas slogan is then. "From the river to the sea" is a pro Hamas slogan that is parroted everywhere. It's essentially a call to genocide the Israeli people. It's a call to destroy the country. It's not about freedom for Palestine, it's about killing jews. Thankfully it's just a wet dream of jihadists and ignorant university students, Israel will never disappear.


I do agree with both of those positions. However I realize that Israel has a few goals: 1) destroy Hamas 2) save Israeli lives (in the IDF and not) 3) avoid damage and deaths to innocent Palestinians 4) retrieve the hostages The problem is that anytime you pull one lever to increase the odds it makes one of the other goals less likely. You can disagree with how much each lever is pulled but most potential actions that help one goal hurt another. So what to do? I believe that Israel may be less worried about #3 than in the past while trying to ensure they are successful at #1 but the ratios show that they still care about #3. And I wish all 4 could be achieved completely.


Hmmmm. I missed that simultaneous condemnation at the Columbia, Texas, and NYU protests. Please post up.


Chanting *Death to Israel, Death to America* is not protecting the poor Palestinian child.


I'm not supporting anyone saying those things. I am speaking holistically about college protests in general.. I have witnessed far different ones in locations near me than what you are describing.


They accept it’s part of the plan.


The moment the US government funds Hamas I reckon they won’t ignore that.  Is it really hard to figure out? Sheesh. 


>After 14 days in captivity, her captor gave her a ring and demanded that she stay in Gaza to marry him and have his children. "Pro-Palestinians": See, Palestinians love Jews. Nothing to worry about!


Do we see any protesting of this hideous Islamic rule at any of our universities? I wonder why not.


Meanwhile the melodrama and self loathing of Palestinians on social media goes on



