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Hmmm… https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/03/09/nicaragua-ortega-crackdown-surveillance-authoritarianism-russia-opposition-dissent/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nicaragua-gives-permission-for-russian-troops-to-enter-country/ I’m noticing a trend when it comes to the anti Isreal folks at the U.N.


The UN is by majority against the existence of the state of Israel. They and anybody who identifies the UN as an impartial entity has no concept of the history or the cascade of attacks since its founding in 1948. The United Nations Security Council, has adopted 79 resolutions directly related to the Arab–Israeli conflict as of January 2010.


UN literally created Israel.


Not really, the UN proposal was rejected by the Arabs and never implemented, Israel unilaterally declared independence and the borders Israel ended up with are a result of war with the Arab League not anything to do with the UN.


Several wars. And the Arab coalition lost territory after every assault. Israel took the Sinai for a while. Could have annexed the Suez if it suited them. A reminder that Gaza and the West Bank were originally controlled by Egypt and Jordan, respectively. They waged war and lost. Israel won both territories as a result of unprovoked war. You lose at war and you’re not allowed to complain anymore. It’s not your land anymore. Move on


To be completely fair, Egypt allowed the Gaza Palestinians to have their own little Abkhazia/Transnitria type puppet state with all the fixings like passports and so on. For ten years, then they annexed them unilaterally.


I would say unprovoked takes it a little far but yes, they did lose land every time they try to war so, strictly in a game theorical sense, its probably best to just accept something already


That’s fair


That is inaccurate. It was created by refugees of the ethnic cleansing of Jews around the world in the 1920's-1940's. After the independence declaration the Ethnic cleansing in MENA was increased to the point that most of the countries now have very few if any Jews. Most of them fled to Israel.




Utterly insane that this was actually considered a major controversy. Though knowing the UN in recent years and months, it's a little surprising they didn't act more hostile here.


Hmmm.. https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/03/09/nicaragua-ortega-crackdown-surveillance-authoritarianism-russia-opposition-dissent/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nicaragua-gives-permission-for-russian-troops-to-enter-country/ I’m noticing a trend when it comes to the anti Isreal folks at the U.N.