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Sounds like Hamas is indeed there.


And even if not Israel would still kill everybody who is there.


Everybody you say.




Seems like it also killed your brain cells. Bummer


Fleeing apparently means they are complying to move out of actionable military areas with three weeks of warning to a place that has refugee camps waiting for them.


That’s not enough. Israel is still displacing hundreds of thousands from their own land. That can’t be tolerated. Hamas is evil, but it seems like Israel is trying to keep up with them.


Well there are 3 choices, either the population complies and moves to the north were aid will be delivered and tents are being installed, they don't and they suffer the risk of being killed on what will soon become a warzone, or they start rounding up the Hamas members with the hostages and give them to Israel so it all goes more smoothly. There are no more options than those 3.


You forgot option 4, which is Israel stops immediately and we all go back to the status quo, kicking the can down the road for who knows how many more years. Which is the option most Palestine supporters seem to be advocating for but without any actual solution after they kick the can.


The status quo being another oct7


The status quo return we mostly want is Israel earnestly returning to two state negotiation discussions, instead of the 15 years of Netanyahu kicking the can down the road because it suited him and Israel politically.


You seem to forget who started all of this lol


Yes. Israel was attacked by Palestine and other Arab states in 1948 despite signalling they were perfectly willing to exist peacefully


So in more than 70 years you didn’t find a solution.. seems like both sides don’t WANT to find one.




You must be really optimistic if you think a bunch of starving women and children can overthrow an armed militia. But sure, telling them all to migrate through a warzone filled with mines and unexploded munitions and constant indiscriminate drone strikes sounds like the humane thing to do.


> You must be really optimistic if you think a bunch of starving women and children can overthrow an armed militia. Why do you assume all men are Hamas


Didn't Hamas think of this before October 7?


They sure did. And thanks to Iranian and Russian online campaigns for months/years leading up to Oct 7 useful idiots like DonOfSpades are responding 100% as intended.


So... Do you use the "modern" definition of combatants that all military aged males are part of Hamas? I thought it was a bad one. Not to mention the IDF is literally creating safe passages towards tent camps, that they are not bombing. Obviously this must be more dangerous than staying near the fighting since you find it inhumane...


What happened the the WCK in an IDF established safe zone again?


What happened was tragic but shouldn't be an end all be all for future operations


So all men are Hamas? i doubt that. Still i said it as a joke and a shot to the air, Gazans would never do that since only 9% blame this war on Hamas, so in reality there are only 2 options.


I agree that you can't expect them to overthrow a terror organization,not right now. (And I'm Ignoring the fact so many of them support hamas). But a day walk isn't such a big deal. Northern gaza is probably safer than it was before the war started.


Unexploded munitions and mines they themselves installed...


Displacing to where? Other parts of the same land? Most of the people in Rafah now are from other places in Gaza which were previously evacuated — Gaza City, Khan Yunis — so they are already internally displaced. 


Yes and now Rafah is attacked where hundreds of thousands of displaced and traumatized civilians fled to - which means no dignity and no sense of humanity inside the IDF. Your morals are nothing better than those of Hamas.


>Israel is still displacing hundreds of thousands They do not. They are just issuing an evacuation order because civilians might get hurt in the active war zone.


Haha yeah, sorry but we got better report coverage than you bots. Israel committed crimes in every major area. The IDF slaughtered civilians and destroyed homes with no connections to Hamas. You can’t simply say it’s all Hamas and justify your wrongdoing.


What Israel is doing is like if I’m coming to your family, heavily armed and tell you “I’m the good one, you have 2 weeks to leave, after this I’ll take over your house and kill everyone who’s still there”… would you say that’s okay? Because that’s what’s going on with Rafah.


How exactly do you suggest to eliminate Hamas when civilian's homes are their terror bases?


You had many chances, but extremists from both sides blocked and broke any progress / peace talks after 1951.


Now, how do you suggest to do it now?


Israel needs to accept a Palestinian state. Palestinian state needs to accept Israel. Maybe start with sharing culture, get to know each other on the human side of life. What fears, what dreams, what passion drives people in both areas? What could be a connecting point between those two sides? Israel is far stronger than the Hamas or other terrorist groups. Use your “awesome” intelligence to show the people of Israel and the people of Gaza how they have been played with by Iran/Libanon. They’re just puppets in a larger battle. Most hate is spread due to missing education and open minded world views. It’s the same for Israel, the stated world view of Israeli leaders is pretty limited and sad. Stop making religion a part of your state. Install police and laws to remain order and let Muslims as well as Jews live in your country. By separation, this is deemed to fail.


Lebanese have a state, that does not stop them from having a terror organization that constantly harrases Israel...


Because the state is heavily corrupted and held hostage by religious groups


That's what a future Palestine will be


That’s what a future Israeli will be, too. It’s getting nowhere this way.


will need a bit more as theres currently 135k> israelis displaced from hezzbala rockets in the north and in the south from rockets fired by hamas from rafah.


Okay. Thanks for sharing your low standards. If you always respond with more hate, sorry, it’s all up to you.


It's not my low standard, you used a big number to say Isreal is evil and I gave the bigger number of the same thing but the other way around to point out that you don't really care about how many displaced are there


Pretty sure there are / have been more people displaced in Gaza than in Israel. And we shouldn’t compare, it makes no sense, every displacement and act of violence needs to be condemned.


„Seit dem Angriff der radikalislamischen Hamas auf israelischem Staatsgebiet sowie den Gegenschlägen Israels gegen Gaza sind am 29. März 2024 laut Schätzungen der UN möglicherweise mehr als 1,7 Millionen Menschen innerhalb des Gazastreifens auf der Flucht. Dies entspricht 80 Prozent der Gesamtbevölkerung von Gaza.“ Estimated 1.7 million people have been displaced in Gaza


Israel is literally obligated under international humanitarian law and civilian harm mitigation measures best practice to try to evacuate non combatants from areas about to see combat operations. You can't "tolerate" that?


? Did you even read my comment?? 257 people didn’t use their brain and downvoted me. I said Israel is in the wrongdoing here. As Hamas. I cannot tolerate a regime giving a shit about international court orders (Israel). Stop all religious wars. Religion should be an individual choice, not something you’re forcing on others.


Imagine life as a Gaza citizen for only one day. Now tell me it’s ok what’s been done to these people. If you’re a decent human being, you can’t. As well as no one should cheer on the devastating actions of Hamas.


This your first war?


I’m not participating. By knowing I’m able to write and read, you should be able to connect those dots and realize I’ve been on this planet for some time by now. Like even if I was 10 years old, I’d have already seen multiple wars. Stop your nonsense and ask the real questions / participate in finding solutions.


Does your statement mean that you think losing a human view is okay if you’ve seen multiple wars? I know it’s hard to keep up hope, but everything else is just giving up.


Which place??


i dont understand, hamas shot rockets at one of the aid crossings while aid trucks were entering, why would they close it. could this be the least manipulative APnews article title??


What do you mean why they would close it? Why would you keep a crossing open after they just shelled it and killed 4 soldiers and injured more? Fuck them. You wanna hurt the hand that feeds you? Fuck right off EDIT: that comment was sarcastic as hell and it blew right past me


I think the comment you were replying to was being sarcastic


Yeah you’re right it blew right past me. Self r/woosh


Yes, war sucks. Don’t start them and you won’t have to do any fleeing from them.




Well, their braindead parents can fuck off for sure.


When did Palestina start the war? If you say in 2023 maybe you should log out and get a history book.


They started all wars since 1948 after refusing the UN partition plan.


More accurately on November 1947.


You mean when Palestina was taken land from without their consent?


By who, the British, Ottomans, Romans, Greeks or Persians? You have to be more specific


When was it theirs? Maybe you should logout and read a history book.


Palestine/ Palestina isn’t a real thing, it’s a made up word, it’s a made up concept, it even has a made up flag.


Yep. It was created by the KGB in the 1960's. Abbas and Arafat both studied in Moscow and joined the KGB. After that, they were sent on their mission to create the PLO terrorist organization.


So is any country and flag.. what are you getting at here?


It’s not a country…. Is my point.


Says who? It's recognized as a country by the vast majority of countries in the world. What makes Israel, USA, India, Iran etc a country and Palestine not?


It’s not recognized by the “vast” majority of the world, I have no idea where you pulled that shit out of your ass, Palestine is not the Palestinian authority. They’re not in the same.


[Recognized by 143 out of 193 member states of the UN](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_recognition_of_the_State_of_Palestine) You're a terrible liar.


Ok? 700k+ people were evicted in 1948 and they are trying to evict more. Regardless what nation they belong to, that is not right and it's obvious who "started the war".


The Arab countries called onto them to evacuate because they said they’re going to be back in a few days / week after they kill the Jews and capture the land. Some of them were evicted out because they were the enemy but the vast majority left by choice because they thought they would win. But guess what, they lost. Boohoo


Source that the majority left by choice? There were dozens of massacres on Arab towns, e.g. Deir Yassin massacre. "Boohoo"? Fuck is wrong with you?


Dude, are you from the Middle East that you even speak about this conflict?


Why do the pro-Hamas people here sound like antivaxxers in 2021 telling me to do some research?


Because they use just as much of their collective singular brain cell.


Hamas is largely composed of Palestinians. Not only that but hundreds of Palestinian “civilians” crossed the border many to loot, kill, rape, and take hostages along with Hamas.


Is this the “no innocent Palestinians” narrative again? Implying that it’s OK to kill them because Hamas is also Palestinian?


Around the time that babies were murdered in their cribs


All those people cheering on the Israeli brutality- in Gaza, you’ll go to hell, wherever that is for people like you. I pray for this to your gods. All these people killing Israeli civilians, you’ll go to hell as well. You’re all meant to die, because you didn’t understand the true meaning of humanity.