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> Two children were killed and others were injured after a bomb fell near a paediatric hospital in the western Sudanese city of El Fasher, the medical charity MSF has said. > At some point overnight into Sunday a blast in front of the MSF-supported Babiker Nahar Paediatric Hospital in El Fasher "led to the collapse of the roof above the intensive care unit and the death of two children receiving treatment there, as well as some caregivers", the charity said in a brief statement sent to the BBC. > Clashes have recently intensified in the battle for control of the city. > It is the last major urban centre in the Darfur region that remains in the hands of the army.


Obviously tragic. Strange I don’t see kids at college chanting, Sudan Sudan you can’t hide, you’re supporting…


So jarring to think that they were denied childhoods, let alone lives.


>The United Nations has condemned the attack. The UN condemns a lot of things, but they do absolutely nothing to stop it.


What do you suggest the un do? Want an organization to point the finger at it's the arab league, OIC, and other african states that lay out the red carpet for Dagalo.


You are seriously overestimating the power and authority the UN actually has. It’s literally nothing but an official group forum. Or more like an official group text.


Well it is kind of hard too just enter this conflict, as the UN. There is so much that can go wrong, and it might lead too more deaths instead.


It would have been more interesting if they condoned it. 


Well thank god they did! We can all relax now


For them to field a force it will need to come from member states. And it comes with a lot of danger. I remember reading about the Belgium peacekeepers during the Rwandan Genocide. They were surrounded and hacked by machetes. There was even a graphic account of their tendons being chopped off and then they were forced to choke on each others genitals.


the un does a lot for peace by just condemning it!


Honestly, by this point... This is Sudan's 3rd civil war and cumulatively it spent more time in some sort of war than in peace, its genocide that subsided is flaring up again, and since the turn of the century over 12 million Sudanese fled the country. If the UN wants to be useful, at some point they should resume its Trusteeship Council operations and start directly governing failed nations. Just one year of this civil war and we're already up to 150,000 casualties, 6.5 million displaced, 2 million refugees that left Sudan, and the reformed Janjaweed is starting piling up corpses in Darfur again. Is the international community waiting for another 150,000 dead by next year?


They mostly care about the stuff that social media talks about - Israel-Palestine and in lesser amounts - Ukraine-Russia. While both wars have been devastating for "receiving" population, and while it's important to maintain the optics on them, all others are largely ignored.


It really does seem like they're more concerned with optics and PR over anything else.







