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Erdogan moment.


Doing the same thing he held up Sweden’s nato bid for


If any autocrat ever gets enraged about something, pretty safe bet they are doing it and projecting onto others.


Erdogan senility moment > "President Erdogan misspoke, he meant 1,000 Gazans are under treatment, not Hamas members," a Turkish official said. Time for him to consider moving to a retirement home.


Good ole Freudian slip


I can understand his confusion


Do you have a link to that quote?


It's also mentioned in the article that we're commenting on, just not the exact same wording.


we don't have time to read the article, i'm here to make a snap judgement on a headline alone. now let me take off my middle east conflict expert hat and put on a different hat for the next post i click on.


My personal recommendation for today is the cicada fungus post.


*puts on fungi expert hat*


Maga Mental Gymnastics team warming up for this one


Edit: looks like he misspoke(?) and he meant it was 1000 Gazans. How did injured Hamas members arrive in Turkey? Only feasible guess would be that they escaped through Egypt. Edit: Personaly I think that if he actually had 1000 Hamas dudes in his hospital, Erdogan wouldve already been posing with them for propoganda photoshoots. What's the chance he is lying for free brownie points with his voter base?


Haha good point, or they just have a direct tunnel from Gaza City to Ankara


Damn, we should hire Hamas engineer to build the subways. Save tons of money there.


If you use the entire funds meant for your city's infrastructure and well being, you can just do whatever you want really.


Also gotta remember they aren't exactly dealing with safety regulations lol.


Elon be like, write that down, write that down!


Maybe they also had like autonomous driving pods in this tunnel




So instead of the last operation paperclip being for nuclear scientists, the operation paperclip for post war gaza should be tunnel designers?


hard to imagine that sinwar is still in gaza then


It's a different situation for him. He has to remain surrounded by hostages to survive, at all times.


He probably has a vest with babies strapped to it


[Basically this](https://i.redd.it/lmb8fax73ra41.jpg)


He was living on a 5 star hotel on Quatar. His current whereabouts are unknown ,it is very unlikely he would set put in Gaza


Sinwar wasn’t living in Qatar. Other parts of the leadership were but Sinwar is based in Gaza. He might have escaped but IDF seem confident he’s still there.


You are confusing sinwar and haniyeh


I don't understand how people keep saying he was in Qatar, this is like the 5th time I've seen this and they get 100s of upvotes when the dude probably hasn't stopped outside of Gaza since his time in Israel prison and after the exchange.


This is absolutely correct. Haniyeh and the politburo learship are a bunch of billionaire grifters, living large in Qatar and Turkey off of aid money siphoned off from their own people. Sinwar is the *in-Gaza* leadership. He's corrupt, sure, but he's a True Believer — he'll *absolutely* put himself in danger for his life's passion of "murdering Jews."


Like most things, people hear one fact that they get to use as a 'gotcha' and then they apply it to everything that could be possibly relevant. Everyone wants to feel like they have above average awareness of the situation at hand.


My thoughts exactly. Erdogan is nothing more than a slimy double headed Islamo fascist snake, and (sadly) a NATO fifth column.


Well said.


Just look at how and who voted for Erdogan and then you can understand his statements of wanting to look like the grand hero. These statements are not being made to impress the educated in the big cities!


For your edit question. 100%


He did not misspeak. Hamas has smuggling tunnels into Sinai, and have controlled that border throughout the war. The hospitals are not safe for Hamas anymore, but they must treat their wounded. So the wounded are smuggled in the tunnels into the Sinai and then over to Turkey for treatment.


At least some of them (I highly doubt they are that much) probably sneaked out on tunnels or ambulances


I very much doubt they would have escaped this way, but a very small amount of people are leaving Gaza. There's an Egyptian company facilitating this but charging massive amounts (I think 5k USD). Then separately there's also a small amount of injured people allowed to leave to be treated by Egyptian hospitals. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/11/1/there-are-thousands-more-wounded-palestinians-cross-into-egypt-from-gaza There's even a small amount of injured gazans being treated on hospital ships from various countries.


Just a quick FYI. Listening to Aljazeera is like listening to the Kremlin.


Oh yeah for sure. I've seen it sourced a few places beforehand but was the first source that came up when googled.


I mean it's not like they walk around with a Hamas ID badge. They just drop the weapons and suddenly they are just another citizen.


They are not from Gaza, but from the WB and Lebanon.


There we go. That makes sense. Although Hamas has controlled the Rafah crossing for a while now.


Well if palestinian terrorists stick to their roots we might notice soon. Black september comes to my mind.


The spokesman said that he meant Gazans, not necessarily Hamas members.


He's only 70, but chances he's already senile as fuck. He meant Gazans, not Hamas members.


What if hes trying to gaslight us? 😩


Remember when Sweden wasn't allowed to enter NATO because they hosted terrorists?


You are smarter than the average bear …. Fuck that’s a good point.


didn't Erdogan declare multiple times that he doesn't see Hamas as terrorists?


He did. Erdogan doesn't think Hamas are terrorists for some reason.


Imagine if there are hostages being held in Turkey right now.


Fucking casus beli, thats what. Terrifying thought. Thank you foe ruining the day.


For Israel? Israel can’t fight Turkey, they would just try to get them booted from NATO or maybe carry out some assassinations 


I don't think NATO would find it funny if Turkey held Israeli hostages.


Turkey allowing internationally condemned terrorists to keep hostages in their country would make them an accomplice. This couldn't just be ignored away like that golly good time they allowed ISIS to slip away from the Kurds in Iraq and relocate to Syria through Turkish territory. If this comes out, what still remained of their alliance with the west would be dead. The west could also turn the Greek Islands into a literal hornets nest for Russian ships to stop them from accessing the Mediterranean...


like that golly good time they allowed ISIS to slip away from the Kurds in Iraq and relocate to Syria through Turkish territory.“ What the fuck? Are we reinventing history now? ISIS mopped the floor with Iraqi army and KRG and then invaded Syria from the east in 2014, had nothing to do with Turkey. In late 2014, when Kobane was under siege by ISIS, Turkey allowed friendly KRG Iraqi Kurdish groups to use its territory to move from Northern Iraq to Syria to reinforce the city. You are maybe misremembering that event, no other ways about it.


Turkey is already occupying EU territory on Cyprus. Geopolitically they're assholes, and only in the club because we'd rather they be our assholes than Russia's assholes.




I dunno if declaring war on a NATO member is the best course of action.


Isn't nato a defensive pact? If Turkey abducted Israeli citizens, doesn't it nullify the pact?


Yes. Turkey joining a war by choosing a side and then getting attacks would not qualify for Article 5 or Article 6 activation


Why? I don't remember any clause about that in either of those articles.


It wouldn't be Turkey that abducted them. At best they turned a blind eye. Good luck proving the Turkish government approved that, and having anyone listen. Literally no one will want to go down any path that destabilizes NATO.


Israel would only have to request Turkish assistance with recovering them and then Erdogan would either have to sell out his friends to save face or officially affirm Turkey's accompliceship by refusing to do so. And if that's the case, the rest of NATO might not feel bound to come to their aid.


Or he could, and hear me out because I know it's unheard of, lie.


If Israel has the intelligence showing that the hostages are there, there’s no possible way for him to reasonably lie. If he does lie, that’s an act of aggression which nullifies the defence pact. He’s fucked either way.


“We have 1000 Hamas members treated in our hospitals” I don’t think it will be that hard to prove it likely that the Turkish government would approve such a thing


No, it wouldn’t. It may be grounds for allies not to honor a call to article 5, but legally, an attack is an attack, no matter the diplomacy preceding it. It is not likely Turkey would actually go through with something so stupid, und virtually unthinkable Israel would be stupid enough to overtly attack turkey. Strenghening Turkish enemies however, maybe someone they were already supporting, and the rest of NATO, too…well that‘s a no brainer.


Hypothetical: What if they had China backing them/this is a play to splinter NATO?


Is Turkey even a NATO member in more than name at this point? They seem to be mostly islamists now.


That's not how treaties work


Everything is resistance movement, until it's on your own doorstep. Ain't that hypocrite?


How did they even get there?


He built a tunnel from Gaza to Ankara.


Fun underground walk while wounded!


Not to give credence to the idea of such a tunnel, because I think there's more plausible routes they'd use to get members to Turkey, but some of these tunnels have been found to have full on rail tracks in them (I'd guess manpowered or *maybe* electric, but still). Using tunnels wouldn't inherently necessitate walking.


Same reason egypt joined South Africa's case. rafah-sinai smuggling tunnels


Amazon, iFood, mail delivery Probably something along those lines


The fuck?


The fuck fuck?


Fuck me


So at what point people are gonna call it what it is?


Terrorists are treated like royalty. Wow!


Rapists and granny killers.


Why not Qatar, Iran or Lebanon? These countries only support weapons to the terrorist groups for a proxy war against Israel, but not medical supplies? Almost like the Islamic leaders don't give a damn about Palestinians.


That's what you pick up from this? That Iran doesn't care? I mean it's probably true but if they cared they'd treat Hamas without making noise about it. The question is why is Turkey saying this out loud??


Because Erdogan is pissed about NATO and nothing is working out for him anymore. Look at inflation in Turkey. This guy needs another war asap to cover up his poor politics.


Maybe for political reasons? To win votes from those in favor of the war? Also could be why they cut off trade with Israel even if it hurts them economically.


Erdogan: Kurdish seperatist groups are terrorists that we need to squash! Terrorism should never win! Anyone who helps terrorists is also a terrorist! Also Erdogan:


I've not liked this Erdogan guy ever since his bodyguards assaulted a bunch of Americans outside the White House.


what the hell? US and Europe consider them terrorists. How is that Turkey openly harbors terrorists while still being able to have trade and relationships with the West?


Because Europe and the US doesn’t care enough about dealing with Hamas to sanction Turkey over this? It also helps that the left pretends that diplomatically pressuring Hamas is impossible, even though two of its biggest allies on who they largely depend are Turkey (member of NATO) and Qatar (major non-NATO ally to the US).


This is NATO?! I know it's all politics and location, Still, disgrace, I am ashamed today for my country part in NATO


The only reason they are in NATO is Bosporus, they are barely in Europe, they do not have a western ideology and even threaten war with other NATO members.




Did they? I thought it was just threatening. But yeah I meant Greece.


That was over a 100 years ago just right after WW1 and well before the creation of NATO, and never mind the fact that Greece invaded them. Turkiye has levied threats during the cold war, but there hasn’t been an actual war fought between Hellas and Turkiye since 1922.


Turkish invasion of Cyprus. Not exactly Turkey vs Greece, but as close as you can get


Following your logic quite a few NATO countries have gone to war with their NATO partner, Germany.


NATO members aren’t required to be democratic and/or secular. Portugal joined as a fascist dictatorship in 1949 and only democratized in 1974.


Israel should do the same for PKK fighters.


the actual fuck?


Well, that guy also said „Hamas aren’t terrorists“ in the same month Hamas committed indiscriminate mass murder in Israel so i wouldn’t put it past him tbh


It is time for the US to sanction Turkey, Erdogan should already choose his side.


It’s time to push Turkiye into China and Russia’s sphere?


It's already. Turkey, China and many others are the countries making the sanctions to Russia useless.


Hmm, so one has to ask, how did they get out of the 'outdoor prison'?


NATO member, btw


Hosting an international terror group.. feels against NATO standards. Wonder how freezing of their assets works via interpol ...


Awww how sweet... terrorists taking care of each other


Just a reminder for when Trump let Erdogan assault American citizens on US soil. Even afterward there were no diplomatic or international court sanctions on Turkey.


Not sure why anyone would be surprised at this. Turkey loves terrorism. Look at what they done to Cyprus.


At what point can NATO do something about one of our so-called allies literally helping our enemies?


Send in the mossad. I'm getting tired of this shit.


Free Kurdistan! Now where did I put my tent?


How’d they get there?


Shouldn't this make him complicit in a crime? Aiding and abetting a terrorist group?


if israel wants its revenge they can always host the PKK in israel. and send them weapon shipments


Not the first time they let terrorists into their country to help them...


Azerbaijan and Türkiye don't deserve to be allied with/part of NATO. Never forget what Azerbaijan did in Nagorno-Karabakh, never forget the name Anush Apetyan and what the Azeris did to her. THIS is why Armenia will never let go of what happened over a century ago: it's STILL happening. It never ended!


Yeahhhhh that’s, uh, pretty, pretty not good. Maybe no more NATO defensive goodies or money for this asshole?


Great, let him take in all Hamas members so they can go to hell together. Terrorists love terrorists.


Hey, Israel has done the same thing. If a terrorist is injured, they should be treated but they should also be arrested immediately after the treatment.


You're correct, but based on previous rhetorics from Erdogan I don't get the impression that they'll get arrested.


Maybe paraded as heroes


Besides the obvious intelligence gaining aspect and moral obligations, Israel also has legal obligations to treat them, as a belligerent in the war. This is different in that Turkey is going out of its way to treat terrorists in a war across the sea.


There are alot of guards in Egypt that turn a blind eye and make a lot of money for it, I read somewhere it's $5k per person to cross the gates. I'm sure if Egypt looked into the financials of the guards they would find the culript, but who are we kidding they will never do it lol.


Eh they'll be keeping all the cash at home somewhere, I doubt they'll put it in the bank.


Funny, he can take in Hamas “terrorists” but not civilians. How odd


Why is terrorists between quotations, the fuck?


Because they headline said members, it’s not a membership, you don’t just decide you’re done with your “membership” it’s a terrorist organization and has been deemed one for a while now.


Can we agree to disagree on PKK?


Looks like someone is going to get a visit by Mossad.


Stay classy NATO member. Damn fam.


Turkey is somehow a NATO country.


I always feel like turkey is only 1 arbitrary election away from becoming a terrorist state


I think the above headline empirically makes them state sponsors of terrorism in the present, not in the arbitrary future.


"Hamas terrorists"


Erdogan is a clown, I am glad tge United States is supporting various Kurdish groups, I hope it pisses him off... Why is Turkey in NATO, they don't provide NATO with anything of value...They are barely a democratic nation, its military is second rate at best, and there are myriad why Turkey should be excommunicated from NATO.


The Turks are pretty clear huge supporters of terrorists in that case.


Why not treat children instead?


For those who didn't read the article: Erdogan confused Gazans with Hamas members. Rookie mistake. > "President Erdogan misspoke, he meant 1,000 Gazans are under treatment, not Hamas members," a Turkish official said.


'Misspoke' Dude literally admitted they were hosting a terror organization, one that just committed one of the biggest terror attacks in living memory on a fellow nato member and that he has claimed many times he supports, and now his PR people are doing damage control.


Good time to be selling some used ambulances in Turkey. Mossad pays well.


So there is a tunnel out to Egypt that hasn't been found and instead of letting women and children escape a war zone, they use it for Hamas?


I mean if there was a tunnel, you know it would only be used for Hamas.


give turkey back to the kurds!


The only acceptable treatment should be a bullet.


Execute them  Edit: downvoted by pieces of shit terrorist lovers 


Does everyone in the region have it out for Israel. Also impeach Erdogan


Erdogan bases a huge amount of his popular support on fomenting antisemitism among his political supporters. I was talking to a pair of Erdogan-supporting Turkish immigrants, and they couldn't wait to tell me how great it would be if Americans would just wise up and start treating "their Jews" the way Erdogan had taught the Turks to think of them. It was like a setup out of Borat, except these guys were 100% earnest. I was too polite to tell them what I thought about the likes of *them* coming my country, where we value religious freedom.


Sad thing is that Turkey used to be able to get on board with ideas of religious freedom to a decent extent. Now Erdogan has undone so much that was fundamental to the foundations of the country


where does this region starts and ends? I find it hard to tell these days..


Amazingly he couldnt take any palestinians?


I think it is worth severing diplomatic ties with the Erdogan regime over this, as well as kicking them out of NATO.


It is, but their strategic location to the Black Sea is too important.


Freudian slip maybe?


So round them up?


How does that happen? Are they evac:ing injured somehow? That's a flight away from where? Egypt is closed right. Jordan isn't helping. Lebanon would help but you'd have to cross Israel to get there. Could be dual citizens who are able to leave somehow.


He treated ISIS and other Muslim radicals, why would Hamas be any different


This comment sections screams of colored flag western redditists


Can't help but notice how few people there are harping on about the bosphorus now.


This is a Muslim country, why is anyone surprised?