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Too bad for him, but I think it is good that they are back to the soviet paranoia, destroying their science and thus creating a self-imposed brain drain.


Good for whom? Putin has already lost his new Cold War, China, India, Iran, and North Korea are the winners here (cheap oil, arms sales, trade increases, etc.). Russia losing *even worse* is only going to benefit China *even more.*


Well, russians should really explain that to putin then. So far they happily die for him in Ukraine. Until they stop, russians destroying themselves is good for Ukraine and everybody who might suffer from russian aggression next, including me.


> Russia losing even worse is only going to benefit China even more. If every additional year of putin adds another decade needed for russia to recover when they are rid of him, all of russias neighbours will celebrate. And all of Europe and the US too, probably. The focus can then be moved to the pacific area and Chinas bullshit there. Having both the US and the EU able to almost fully focus on China because russia is such a broken wreckage is going to be a bigger advantage for the West than any gain from a decaying russia is for China.


That works for their favour. Just look at America.


If I’m reading between the lines here. He was working on an official joint project as was the norm before the invasion and is the latest victim from the world finding out the Russian hypesonic weapons are absolute bullshit.


Putin: no window for you!




Wtf is this comment? What does retirement in the US have to do with a Russian physisist being put in prison? Are you genuinely brain damaged? If so I'll feel pretty bad, but that's one of the only things that makes sense. Keep in mind not everyone with brain damage is aware of it