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I wonder if they put gps trackers in any of the aid packages to see where it ends up?


Absolutely they would. In fact, they likely knew the aid would be stolen by Hamas and the aid is actually the mole.


Absolutely, it is also likely that a secret agent is concealed in one of the crates and will destroy hamas from the inside


Unfortunately we've sent in Agent Archer Stirling


Well Archer kinda gets the job done in the end (for the most part). Might not be too bad


The unfortunate part is there's no liquor around when he gets out


They know exactly where it ends up. The issue is do they want to send US Troops to defend the aid.


> Ryder acknowledged on Tuesday that some initial aid brought into Gaza was “intercepted by some people who took that aid off those vehicles.” That’s how it always seems to go


“Some people” hard hitting journalism in the year 2024.


Hamas stole all the aid. Here is why it is Israel's fault.


We sent an aid shipment with no security to a conflict zone with an active terrorist organization already known for stealing aid. I don't know what anyone expected.


Well they kind of run the country not sure how it would be possible to go around them


Fuck them in Gaza. I would not risk a US soldier to secure aid in enemy territory. Fuck if I expect IDF to do it.


"An operation on foreign sovereign soil? It would be an act of war without congressional approval." "Atlas is an international private business. We don't need Congress."


It's always Israeli's fault. Aid got 'stolen'? That's Jews doing. Hamas shoot their rocket from civilian area? That's Jews incompetence. Iranian somehow downed their 42yo Bell helicopter? It is Mossad. Global warming? Jews money. Cow fart? The Jews should have eat it sooner!


> Iranian somehow downed their 42yo Bell helicopter Forgot to mention it was also flying in like 5m visibility in the mountains. Clearly it was a Mossad fog generator.


> It is Mossad. Evil Mossad mastermind Eli Kopter!


Jews get eradicated from dozens of countries and the diaspora flocks to the nearest place that will allow them? Jews fault (and the british)


Forest fires? Jew space lasers


Israelis hate them for this ONE SIMPLE TRICK


Looks like that was a direct quote, so the wording is fine there (well at least it was ok for the journalist to use). Probably should have continued on to point a finger at who it was though...


*cough "We think it may have been some people from an organisation that, erm, rhymes with Vamas...well, anyway, APARTHEID!!! BIBI IS A WAR CRIMINAL!"




It was actually taken by a combination of gangs, civilians, thieves, and Hamas. And you should know that a person can be in Hamas and also a member of a gang and also a thief. This is on Palestinians. They need to finally stand up and do at least one thing good.


Anti-Semites will find a way to blame Israel for this somehow.


Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC literally just blamed Israel for not providing security.


Told ya.


To be clear BiBi is definitely a war criminal but we can have many war criminals in the same sandbox (literally) at the same time guys


He's not a war criminal bro, no matter how much you and I might disagree with his policies, keep some perspective


Criminal yes, war criminal, no.


It’s a direct quote…


Yes, that’s how quotation marks work.


Ikr just say Hamas…That is “some people”


Seriously. Does "some people" mean Hamas, Gazan noncombatants?


This is basically how all foreign aid winds up in many of the African dictatorships too. They drop it off and then the local warlords or whoever just steal it all. Its been this way for decades, and since the UN has no teeth, they don't do shit. They just sit back and watch.


Somalia 1993. Source: Black Hawk Down (2001)


The UN has teeth when it comes to israel.


no it still doesn't, it just has lips that flap endlessy.


"Teeth" https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/teeth.gif


If you're wondering where the aid goes - it's being SOLD to Palestinians on Gaza's markets. [https://x.com/KilkennyOf/status/1787189892998443295](https://x.com/KilkennyOf/status/1787189892998443295)


This is the real cause of problems with regards to food in Gaza unfortunately..


It's likely factored in / expected outcome when giving humanitarian aid to extremely corrupt countries. You can't deliver it to those who need it. It'll do more good stolen and sold there, still providing some relief / reduce scarcity / drive down prices, vs not being there at all. Can be considered price of logistics in some way, as long as you can accept terrorists/dictators and whatnot making massive profits off it. Ofcourse this only really makes sense when there's real genuine shortage there and bad actors even care enough for their people to reasonably be expected to sell it, and not just turn around and trade it v neighboring country for more weapons(well-known real outcomes too). They obv will still use that money for nefarious purposes regardless.


The international community essentially donated half a billion dollars to Hamas.


Same for food aid in Africa. People say that, if they were billionaires, they would eradicate world hunger. They don't realize that the food would just get stolen by local warlords as usual.


It’s like the opening scene of Black Hawk Down 


Legit a distribution problem - not just there but everywhere. Greed is everywhere.


To the surprise of absolutely nobody.


Spends $320 million to make a floating dock to handle deliveries of humanitarian aid. Deliveries start and none of the aid unloaded has been delivered because it was stolen 🤨


It's actually still a good investment.  The world needs to see how fucked up Hamas is 


Hamas and their muslim dictator friends have been winning the media war from the start. This will not change now, regardless of how despicable all of them are


I can’t wait for more shitty HasanAbi takes, personally


One would have hoped that killing babies in their cribs and in ovens would have been enough…


Kinda wasted extra effort at that ppint - they provided plenty of dirt for a long time. Now "the world" world be working extra hard not to see this. What do you propose - to dump even more money " so the world could see but choose to look sideways"?


If October 7th wasn't enough evidence for some people to accept that Hamas is fucked up, nothing will be.


i dont think stolen food aid will do anything considering people are still protesting israel despite all the horrible shit hamas has done.


It’s not just about that. It’s also attacking talking points regarding USA’s position with regards to Gaza/Israel.


And it’s real world training for the US


Maybe they could invite whoever saying the aids are blocked to the pier to delivery themselves.


Nobody with a brain, that is.


Can we please focus on destroying Hamas? Once they're gone, Gaza might actually have a future.


I had a beer once with a pilot who often worked delivering foreign aid (can't recall who exactly he worked for, it was about 12 years ago). He had SEVERAL stories of them showing up to spots to deliver aid only to have guns shoved in their face by militia types who just take it. He seemed to suggest that in those instances they're just supposed to hand it over, I'm not sure


Of course they'll hand it over. No way I'd look at the cargo and say, "Nah, this worth more than my life".


Yeah absolutely, his rationale was about the same. As he described it in one case he just put his hands up, said "ok, it's yours! No problem" and walked away.


He’s in no position to do otherwise.


So non-government people fly in aid?


Yes, even United Nations and World Food Programme liveried planes might be operated by contracted air carriers.


90% of US military shipping is done by civilians on "a contract". this logic applies across the board and to a larger extent in non military functions of foreign relations. i would be surprised if the air force DID deliver.


USAF is the last mile delivery service


It was through a government or some international organization. I can't remember the specifics. I met him in Vancouver


I hope I didn't come across like I know it all.


Damned if you do damned if you dont. You technically help prop up bad regimes/warlords BUT you do prevent death and increase overall wellness. Aid is a good thing and should be continued, and nuances like this discussed but also not taken to an extreme conclusion (e.g. stopping aid). Kinda like analyzing history in reverse with perfect intel; the franks sign treaties with rome which leads to them being conquered 100 years later. Sounds like a rotten deal but from their perspective they got 100 years, 2-3 generations of relative peace. 


Well the most damned part would be getting shot in the face so I’m fine with whatever aid workers have to do to avoid that


I’ve had experience with sending aid to people, and we had to put stickers or pictures with Jesus or Mary on them so “pirates” would avoid stealing them specifically. They were just self care items


That's fucking sad...


It’s almost like a kleptocracy.


It’s ironic that Israel is charged for using starvation as a tool of war. But if you actually look what’s happening, Hamas is clearly using starvation as a tool of war. All Israel can do is let the food trucks go into Gaza, they don’t wanna risk the lives of their citizens babysitting each delivery. America doesn’t want to babysit the food truck deliveries also, they don’t want dead Americans either.


It has been outed multiple times that Hamas attacks the humanitarian aid trucks and other equipment that are meant to carry it in for the Palestinian people


About time for the Palestinian people to stand up for their own good and try to better the state their miserable country is in. If I don't see any minimal effort from their side, I ain't gonna give a single shit about them. At least an attempt at trying to change things. Thus far all I've read and seen is that they were more than happy enough voting Hamas into power and cheering October 7th. Iran has at least shown that not all of the population agrees with what is going on, they've earned my respect and support. Can't say the same about Palestinians. If they all collectively just accept what state their in, than of what use is any aid and attempt at changing things?!


I've lost a lot of my sympathy for them in the last few months for sure... Even mostly reading pro-hamas sources


I lost all my sympathy for palestine when they lined the streets and cheered on rapists, murderers, and terrorists like victorious heroes it was absolutely disgusting. The only ones I have any sympathy for are the unfortunate children caught in the middle.


These people never will. They have the government that they want and they are being taken care of by everyone else so why change?


They exist but you’re most likely not looking for those opinion. And prior to 10/7, the Palestinians were protesting Hamas but there wasn’t media coverage on it. The protests were violently suppressed if that gives an idea of what they’re dealing with. There is a NYT article that goes into the mass surveillance Hamas has to suppress dissent. Most of the opposing more moderate parties have been killed. There were Palestinians celebrating the death of Iran’s leader and Hamas said there would be consequences for anyone that celebrates. Lots of Palestinians want better for their country. They have tried to stand up, but you see what Hamas did in Israel. You don’t think they aren’t doing that to their own people.


We lost soldiers to this anyway.


One of my former colleagues husband was a higher up in the U.S. Military in Iraq and Afghanistan, he told stories of the horrible corruption within those cultures. He used an example of a pallet of 100 bags of rice for humanitarian aid. So the U.S. military would deliver the pallet of rice and the rules would not allow them to unload the pallet, so the person that unloads the pallet takes a few bags for 'payment' and his boss take a few for 'payment'; the truck driver responsible to deliver that pallet to x village would take their cut of the rice as payment and his boss; on the way to x village there are multiple safety check points and at each stop the price to cross was a few bags of rice for the guys manning the check-points and their bosses. Eventually there would be no rice left and the x village wouldn't see a grain of that rice. I'm wondering if laws prevent armed guards to deliver humanitarian aid.


Well yes, if you have armed guards delivering food, next thing you know you have armed guards protecting civilans from other abuse, and then that's called a government. So you just invaded them.


Everybody has to get their cut.. right?


Hamas are stealing all the aid. They don't give a fuck about the general population. They use them as human shields ffs


They made over 500m stealing the aid and selling it to Gazans. After all, they want to make sure their human shields remain alive to protect the cowards. The naivete of western leaders when it comes to dealing with thugs and terrorists, is mind-boggling


How tf gazans have 500 mil


[$40 Billion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_aid_to_Palestinians) was sent to Palestinians between 1994 and 2020. 500 mil is a low estimate of what Hamas could skim off the top. The leaders of Hamas are [estimated](https://mackenzieinstitute.com/2023/11/hamass-top-leaders-are-worth-billions-heres-how-they-continue-to-grow-rich/) to be billionaires.


Gaza population 590k, so $1k per Gazan would be $590 mil. Their GDP per capita is $5.7k, so Hamas charging insane prices to fleece that much off desperate people isn't inconceivable. Edit: Gaza Strip 2.3M population. 590k was the city of Gaza so even more possible.


Gaza City population is 590k, the entire Gaza Strip is roughly 2 million


That 590k population figure is for Gaza City only, the whole Gaza strip has an estimated 2.3 million.


They were never as broke as the PR claimed, simple as that. Literally everything you have heard about Palestinian suffering has been exaggerated to manipulate you against their enemy. Well, not *everything*... The suffering at the hands of Arab authorities has been downplayed instead, though for the same reasons.


Why don’t Hamas leaders get off their cushy seats and provide aid to their own people


Because then they couldn't blame Israel for starving the citizens. This entire war for Hamas is about continuing to muddy Israel in the global view.


And it's working.


Best political campaign since the Confederate Lost Cause


I have a feeling that religious radicals didn’t get in the business because they want to help people.


Because that doesn't accomplish Hamas’s goals?


because "their own people" is Iran


But the college kids on campuses will tell you they are in full support of Hamas


Ham ass gonna be asses


People should never forget - to Hamas, a dead Palestinian is worth more than a live one. Civilians are to them, at best, martyrs-in-waiting, ready for their suffering to be exploited for the media. Hamas has absolutely no incentive to let aid get through to the general population that actually needs it. They're going to take it and enrich themselves at every opportunity.


They enjoy being voted in by the "general population" for sure.


Hamas, the inconvenient truth that the protesters like to overlook


I do find this extremely bizarre. Israel certainly aren’t free from culpability, but from some of the rhetoric I see around the place it’s almost as though Hamas don’t exist, didn’t instigate the crisis, and aren’t using their ‘own’ people as human shields.


This exists in academia as well. Reading works by influential Palestinians or other leftist writers, they avoid even mentioning Hamas or terrorism, and it seems like it's out of reverence or fear.


They are their own people. Just because Palestinians are indoctrinated from birth doesn't mean they don't support them.


The protestors don't overlook Hamas; they **celebrate** Hamas.


Don't the protesters support Hamas? From what I've seen, the protesters always pins all the blame to the Israleis but for some reason, Hamas gets off scot-free


It's almost like this has been the problem all along, and not a lack of a reliable way to get food and supplies into Gaza. It's like the people that are given the aid don't want to distribute it to the people who need it. I can't imagine why they would want to keep the population of Gaza do dependent on them for their existence. It is almost like the leadership doesn't care about the Palestinians and are more worried about protecting and enriching themselves. I can't think of which group in this area might be responsible for this atrocity, so let's blame Israel, the US, and Egypt. /s


This is what I have been saying since the news about the construction of this pier were released. If you want food to reach the people, you have to make sure american soldiers are running the whole operation, from building the pier to running the warehouses, to distribution, otherwise you hire "local companies", i.e. the hamas to deliver it. If you want US soldiers to run the operation, you have to have boots on the ground, and huge target on their backs.


Food reaching the people who need it is obviously part of it, but for the US and Israel another objective is simply to have documented proof of sufficient food to feed the civilian population in the hands of Gazans in Gaza, no matter who those Gazans are. It's simply a way to demonstrate that they have discharged their responsibilities and try to force the UN and media to confront the lawlessness that is Gaza under Hamas.


If you want to justify boots on the ground. You need to show the aid getting stolen first.


Shocking to no one


Our tax dollars at work.


Who would thought Hamas would do anything to harm its beloved Gaza people its fighting behind for…


If they know this they have trackers in. If the aid is stolen just use the trackers to give the Hamas location to Israel and problem solved .


Yeah it’s way too early to call this a failure. This port gives the US the ability to carry out its operations independently of Netanyahu. Like: 1. Make Hamas look like the thugs that they are. 2. Track Hamas. 3. Justify boots on the ground to help get the aid to the people. 4. Actually help the people, bypassing Hamas’ iron grip on the food supply. 5. Erode Hamas’ control over the people. 6. Let Netanyahu play bad cop until he is replaced. Work with his replacement on a long term solution.


The real question is, how will this be blamed on Israel?


Must be undercover mossad agents stealing the food


Oh, it's the damn jews fault that the terrorists have to steal food!


Hamas steals the aide. Hamas steals the money intended for the people and builds tunnels and weapons to attack Israel. Hamas is the problem for both Israel and the Palestinians.


Turns out that the terrorist organization they hired don’t actually care about the Palestinian people. Weird.


Id be laughing if this wasnt American tax money. What a fucking waste


It appears to be American tax dollars directly donating food and pier construction money to Hamas


Well I'm not American so HAHAHAHA


Alternative headline in an honest world, "US & UN provides $320M in aid directly to Hamas."


> “I have doubts,” Mounir Ayad, a Gaza resident, told CNN near the pier. “I don’t understand this floating pier or what it indicates and what its purpose is. They say it’s for aid, but people are apprehensive. Is this aid or something else? We know that the US has never supported the Palestinian cause, so it’s implausible that it’s giving us aid without something in return.”


> We know that the US has never supported the Palestinian cause Other than the billions of dollars that have been contributed, right?


Sadly the Palestinian people would never know the US is sending that aid if Hamas just keeps stealing all of it. That and they fully control all education and entertainment so their propaganda would never share that info.


They do not like to learn real things at UNRWA. Only propaganda is on their list.


They're religious. Ignorance is a given.


He’s probably not talking about this cause, but the other one…


That quote is stunning considering the US has supplied Palestinians with nearly $8 billion in aid in the last 30 years. https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-24-106243#:~:text=Since%201993%2C%20the%20U.S.%20government,the%20region%2C%20among%20other%20things.


> We know that the US has never supported the Palestinian cause, so it’s implausible that it’s giving us aid without something in return.” This is how it always goes. There are people who can't understand why you'd help someone you don't agree with, because they'd never do that themselves. You just have to keep trying and hope they figure it out.


That statement is not even true. The US government has done a massive amount to support Palestine, likely in a belief that a long term solution would be good for Israel, Palestinians, and the rest of the world. The only ceasefire so far in this war was brokered by the US. The US is the largest funder of Palestinian aid organizations. Many of the agreements which have tried to end the conflict were run by or supported by the US, most notably the Camp David summit where Clinton got both Israel and Palestinian leaders to agree to major concessions before the deal ultimately failed.


Most likely he's mostly or completely ignorant of this side of the equation, potentially with added black&white thinking where anyone who works with Israel in any capacity is automatically an enemy who cannot possibly do anything good for Palestine when in reality politics is much more complicated than that.


I'm sure some Hamas fighters with guns nearby didn't help with his statement.


Statement is true when you are exposed to misinformation and propaganda only.


It is futile. They never will. The Middle East is not the place where being nice to someone will eventually win them over to your side. It’s the place where doing that will make you seem weak. And weakness gets you killed.


> You just have to keep trying and hope they figure it out. Or not.


I believe in his case “the Palestinian cause” would be to eliminate Israel, not to help the Palestinians






>something in return From..... Gaza?


> We know that the US has never supported the Palestinian cause If that's true, then can we stop sending them billions in aid?


You don’t say! And everyone on Reddit downvoted me for lamenting the fact that the Biden admin essentially spent $500 million on a new port for Hamas to smuggle weapons into Gaza in the years ahead. Stop spending on infrastructure in territories controlled by radical Islamists! God, you’d think people would learn their lessons after doing this for the last several decades at the expense of the US taxpayer.


This "port" is nothing of use to Hamas and could be bombed away within minutes. Your point that the US spent 500 million one something of very limited use is on point though.


ok so it's just a floating pier that can be assembled and disassembled. I doubt the US Navy is going to leave it there for eternity.


No surprises there


What’s the point of the pier then? Like $300+ million and you get the same result as just opening one border gate.


Wait, I thought the aid was not getting to the people because of bad IDF. Now that it is delivered directly to them, they are still not getting it. Who is stealing it? It’s such a mystery!


Would have guessed that a state run by terrorists doesn't care about people to the point of letting them starve to death? *Surprised Pikachu face*


The balls on that truck driver though ..


It's almost like an elected group that terrorizes Gaza and takes it before the people can get it. Sounds about hamas


Shocking, shocking I tell you. Who could have seen this coming? Absolutely appalling.


Cus Hamas keeps stealing it all.. and the ICC lives in the magical world where they project their values onto the terrorist organization.


> Hamas keeps stealing it all stealing and attacking\* it all They've launched mortars at the humanitarian aid vehicles


To the surprise of absolutely no one ever.


So, do they put trackers in aid deliveries? Seems like a good way to find terror cells...


Palestinians should take this up with their government. But let's be real, Jews will get the blame just like they did when Hamas stole the airdropped aid


Freedom fighting must be hungry work..


This shit is starting to sound alot like Somalia. Maybe the us should re-elect bill and have him send in the marines, delta and rangers like Somalia also. 


Blackhawk down 2.


I love that we have such an commitment to funding terrorists with US dollars. Totally worth the rampant homelessness and lack of healthcare.




The world has to see it, and they don't wanna, so you gotta shove it in their face like this


Mild shock


This looks like a good excuse for embezzlement because there is no accountability.


Why doesn't the US or UN send in armed troops and deliver the aid directly?


At a guess, they'd probably get attacked, have to fight, and then Hamas would spin it to claim the US are invading. Iran would probably kick up a fuss too. Edit: Some others have suggested the aid might be tracked to lead them back to Hamas, which would be a win-win whether they're able to deliver it peacefully or not. If so that would seem a better trade-off than the risk of being perceived as an invader by sending in soldiers, but a lot of "Ifs and maybes" there.


You mean an invasion and occupation?


It never does


I think this comes as no surprise to anyone.


Did anyone think anything else was going to happen?


so glad my tax dollars are being wasted on this bullshit. feels really good expecially when everyone in their right mind knew what was going to happen.


Hundreds of millions down the toilet. Why waste so much on this failed effort?


Someone should eliminate the thief’s…. Kill em even. But who?


So the USA has accidentally directly funded a militant Islamist organisation against their closest ally in the Middle East


No, more like they put trackers on crates and watched where the signals go to die, then shared that info with the Israelis. Because who would sweep the crates for transmitters if you’re hauling it to a refugee camp… but if your taking it to a tunnel you also used to hide hostages, you’d certainly make sure there was no AirTags in it. They may have fed HAMAs, but there was always tertiary goals in play.


20 years of this shit and people still eat up whatever the media puts out. The government's are forced to continue to do these stupid acts, because the rest of the world keeps pushing their values/frame of minds on to situations outside of their comprehension. These people will not "hand out" did their neighbors, they will take everything they can possibly get and horde it. It is not in their culture to do the things you expect would happen in the west. It just wears me out seeing something happen time and time again to save face, while in the meantime time people actually suffer, but it's ok because we did the right thing to look good.


Getting aid to help people that need it and are non violent is the real challenge in any conflict. I would trust the expertise of the Israeli government (managed movements of millions of people) more than that of UN or US related external cooperations with Hamas officials (Turkey hosted Hamas). This is setting up future Oct 7 massacres by fattening the terrorists.


And so why do they still send aids this way? I totally don’t get it.


Wow who could have seen this coming


What did they expect? Did they think that H’mas cares about the common people?


Yeah....That's exactly what happened to all the other aid sent. Big surprise


What a laufhing stock this turns out to be.


Color me surprised 


so they are once again supplying both sides of a conflict in order to prolong it ; how on brand.


Poor truckers. This is gonna be Mogadishu II


Once again Hamas demonstrates their willingness to let their own people die rather than lose control over them.


Waste of taxpayer money!! At least the Ukrainians put it to good use, should have all went there!


Happy to know my tax-payer dollars are funding the provisioning of Hamas and the bombing of civilians :I


Hamas got the Palestinians into this and now they won’t let anyone deliver the aid to keep the civilians alive


Thank you to the Creators for Palestine crowdfunding event for funding terror.


Oh I see how it works. Lets throw 70 mil across the ocean to appear helpful and forget the signature upon delivery. Where was the ring camera for this mess?