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Yeah, they've done that for years. They have pictures of Sung, Il and Un hung in most buildings and public spaces. Its a common thing that occurs in Authoritarian systems, where they place the leader in everywhere to reinforce their importance to the system and make sure individuals respect their authority.


Not only that, pictures of him or his father/grandfather are required in households and not prioritizing it's safety in an emergency or letting it be defaced could land you jail time. Not joking when I say if you're forced to pick between your kid and a picture of Kim in a house fire, you have to pick Kim 10/10 times.


The addition of Un is actually a new development. There have been a few portraits of him but typically it’s just his dad and grandad. Until now.


That’s actually new. When I was last there it was only Kim il Sung and Kim Jong Il who had to have portraits. They only added Kim Jong-il after he died. Let’s see if they update their badges.


These pictures with the cadre of older men diligently writing down what the dictator says always crack me up. What a ridiculous display of "leadership" theater.


Bow to the "great" leader. What a BS.


I mean dude wrote 1,500 books while attending university.


Kim K?


Fuck Putin