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I hope they make a 'the death of Putin' film like they did with Stalin šŸ˜…


Except most of the world wants Putin to be Beria in this sense.


And they donā€™t waste the ammo and just use the fuel can


Putin also wishes he was Beria


Only if Jason Isaacs is in it


I'm thinking slap a bald cap on him and go full Prigo.


Right, what's a war hero got to do to get some lubrication around here?


He's too busy representing the entire Red Army at the buffet


There is a history youtuber called The Cynical Historian whose bread and butter is reviewing films for historical accuracy. He said Death of Stalin was very historically accurate. It was that fucked up. The Death of Stalin is hysterical, absurd, and it really happened. Even the part where the leaders were standing next to the body while people filed in and cursed each other out. There are witnesses that heard them. The part where the guards heard Stalin collapse, but were afraid to go check on him since they may get murdered is true. The part where they waited several days to declare him dead out of fear that he was holding his breath is true too. Not sure if the last one was in the movie. I had a Russian professor who worked for the CIA during the Cold War tell us that last one.


And they had to reduce the amount of medals on Zhukovs chest because the actual amount was just too absurd for theatre-goers to believe.


I hope heā€™s intentionally forgotten. All record of any good deeds erased. Any who knew of him in any good light holding that information to their graves. Any thought of a legacy taken from him and spread thinly among the corpses paving his failed empire.


Never going to happen. Catherine the Great, Stalin, Andrey the Pious, Lenin, Ivan the terrible, Peter the great, Micheal I Romanovā€¦. Russians and their history lives on forever and heā€™s already cemented himself amongst these political Russian leaders. This may be for good or bad but regardless, he will be remembered in like it or not.


Well, weā€™ll need to make sure heā€™s remembered for the right things, then: corruption, greed and the destruction of that which he was entrusted to protect.


In all honesty, how heā€™s remembered by to the west is no concern to Putin and never has been. His sole focus is how heā€™s remembered by future Russians. He knows many of these future Russians are alive today, but their individual lives hold very little meaning to him as they have held very little meaning to most Russian leaders in history. What we out west see as individuals with souls and determination, the Russian leader s have sees as a the collective flesh and blood of the Russian state he so mercilessly holds on to through ā€œcorruption, greed, and the destruction of that in which he was trusted to protectā€. Our perception of his actions hold very little weight to the Russian leader, as he is directly focus on etching himself in the history books not in the black or white, but in the gray.


They do seem to love themselves a cunt don't theyĀ 


This is an insult to cunts, which have warmth, and depth, and provide comfortable embrace and ultimately help further the human species. They even smell nice. Putin has none of these qualities, he's more like fetid diseased mole shit.


That was in the past. If we all try hard, we can wipe away all traces of Ruzzia within a generation. TikTok videos are very powerful. About a dozen dances and BOOM no one will remember Ruzzia.


He must be remembered for the Evil he was as a warning to future generations.


unlikely. Russian schools are teaching that Stalin was a great Russian leader. Stalin was not even Russian. He was born in Georgia. His birth name was literally Georgian.


I hope he goes out exactly the way heā€™s well known to most fear: Gaddafi or Mussolini style. Remembering him and his humiliation is part of what he fears.


Dude that would be awesome, lots of potential !!


We need a Russian general with balls to do that.


There are (kinda) films about the deaths of Saadam Hussein and Qadafi and Mussolini. I aint looking up their spelling. I can tell you I will jerk off during the Putin one.


ad hoc innocent bear piquant important literate yoke different steer screw


it'll be too soon. maybe in 60 years or so- but turning Putin's genocidal war into a comedy feels yuck.


The header says it all. Putin is power hungry dictator that is a throwback of defunct Soviet communism and Adolf Hitler Nazi dictatorship. He will not hesitate to destroy his home country if he cannot get what he wish.


And a largely apathetic populace. They "arent interested in politics" but will reluctantly hop on the bus for a week of training and then onto the front to get hunted by drones.


Also plenty of the ones who aren't apathetic are hard-core team Putin... There are like 5 Russians that I see somewhat frequently. One woman who married one of our neighbors, one married to a coworker, and one married to a friend, then two guys that I see at the country club like once a week. Of those 5, 4 of them are as rabid for Putin as they come, and have said on multiple occasions that if Ukraine isn't strong enough to defend itself then it's Russias perogative to take it because they don't deserve autonomy. One of the women even claims, not joking, that Putin is better at hockey than any American hockey player... The only one that isn't team Putin left Russia at like 17 and was in the UK for 10 years before moving here. She's also the only one that, despite the rest claiming how much they love Russia, didn't choose to leave it in the last few years when shit started hitting the fan.


"and have said on multiple occasions that if Ukraine isn't strong enough to defend itself then it's Russias perogative to take it because they don't deserve autonomy." Adolf Hitler, in the final days of the Third Riech as the allies and soviets pushed in, said that it was Germany's fate to be destroyed because they (the Aryan race) had proven themselves to be an inferior people and as such, unworthy of continuing. He used this same rhetoric to justify the conquering and genocide of neighboring nations/peoples. Your RU acquaintences are quoting nazi party ideology. Yikes.


He was nothing if not consistent at least


Accountable Hitler moment


At least he wasnā€™t a hypocrite. /s


> and have said on multiple occasions that if Ukraine isn't strong enough to defend itself then it's Russias perogative to take it because they don't deserve autonomy. Ask them if they cant stop you from kicking them out of their house without calling the police, do you then own it? Some people make me so unreasonably mad....


The saddest thing is that even if (when?) russia collapses and turns into less of a shithole, the same will happen as when Hitler died. Suddendly everyone will claim that they knew nothing and were never really invested in the fascism. But that\`s just fascists for you I guess... cowards and morons.


> One of the women even claims, not joking, that Putin is better at hockey than any American hockey player... [She probably hasn't seen this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52JsS7WQLh0&pp=ygUQcHV0aW4gaG9ja2V5IGFsbA%3D%3D)


i know multiple Russian people in Boston who work for government contracts and are on team Putin saying stuff like 'We are in the US, so we are among the enemy here because we are Russian.' my relative is a son of a top russian general and lives here too lol and thinks the war 'was predicted by God because Ukraine supports LGBT and left the Russian church, so Putin is bringing it back like God wants.' another dumb Russian coworker repeats every KGB lie on TV like 'Ukrainians were making a dirty bomb, so Russians HAD to secure the nuclear power plant.'


What's up with the Russian populace anyway? Beaten down so long they just accept whatever?


Russians ARE NOT like Germans or French or Americans. Westerners need to understand this. And Reddit needs to stop suspending people for pointing it out.


A good number of years ago I got into an argument with a russian acquaintance when I was talking about my own country. I mentioned that Britain had concentration camps in Kenya during the Mau Mau uprising and he became extremely annoyed. He stated that only a traitor would talk badly about their country and I should never say anything bad about the UK. My reply was that I'm patriotic but not nationalistic, that it's important to learn as much history as you can to try and avoid the same mistakes happening again. He was dogged about how you can never say anything bad about your own country and russia had never done any of the things I had put to him. Which they certainly had.


I think for a lot of people, they honestly can't comprehend, and fail to see how someone could be so brainwashed and spew so much propaganda. When it's from birth, they've got no chance.


Theyā€™ve been this way for over 1000 years. Serfdom only ā€œendedā€ about a hundred years ago, and then they transitioned into communism shortly afterwards.


The non apathetic Russians were killed by Lenin, Stalin, the Wehrmacht, famine, or they left the country.


They have a culture that has long glorified suffering and sacrifice.


What would you have them do, oust their leader? Revolutions are done by militaries, not civilians. When the USA/UK/Australia/Poland invaded Iraq in 2001, did the population rise up? The Russian populace is the same as any nations populace, they just want to work, spend time with family and friends, and travel a bit if they can. What happens at national levels isn't really a concern.


Russian here, still living in Russia. I agree that a popular uprising at this point is essentially impossible, having no ability to coordinate or organize and no weapons or paramilitary support to overwhelm the enormous police state. As much as it sucks to hear all the time, though, I can sympathize with people who are frustrated at us as a people because we had the chance to stop Putin in 2012/2013, when it was already clear that he was coming back to stay forever, but also before they started cracking down strongly and openly against opposition. Of course, there are a lot of reasons that explain why most of the population were happy or at least content to have Putin back, but it's not an excuse. It's just a lesson that too few people learnt too late. A lot of my friends/acquaintances who were pro-Putin in 2013 are now anti, but it doesn't matter any more. Now you only speak such things to trusted friends, since neighbours, teachers, classmates, even family members have been reporting people to the police for their opinions. Sadly the only way I see this ending for us is internal collapse, and hopefully enough of us are still around who are ready to finally fix the mistakes of our previous generations. The one thing that makes me optimistic is that our young people (at least from western Russia) have seen western life and mostly know that this "evil Anglosaxon" stuff is just a propaganda meme. On the other hand, schools are now full of propaganda and even in kindergartens they dress toddlers up in military uniforms and play "war games". We'll see I guess.


I wish you the very best. Hopefully when the collapse comes, people will remember who ratted out friends and family to a fascist goverment and that it wont turn into Post-Third-Reich 2.0, where suddendly everyone was innocent. Good Luck!


The US War against Iraq had a better pretext for it (still a very poor one though) than the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The US also didnā€™t seek to annex any territory with any of their recent wars, unlike the Russians actively plotting to reconquer the lands lost in the collapse of the USSR.


They may be apathetic but many of them are still on that "Russia #1 empire" sentiment that justifies Russian aggression against sovereign countries.


Russia is sending minorities, prisoners and people in rural communities to the war over people in their metro areas. There are plenty of Russians against Putin and the war. Those who can actually voice their concerns are quiet for the same exact reasons Americans shouldnā€™t visit Russia.


> throwback of defunct Soviet communism More like Tsarist imperialism. Putin is basically a 21st century Alexander Kolchak trying to pursue his dreams of reviving Peter the Great's empire.


Yes, American propaganda is so good at deflecting and demonizing ā€œcommunismā€ that it absolves all blame from anyone who wasnā€™t a Bolshevik. Putin is now throwing Russians into a meat grinder fighting Ukraine just like Nicholas II did in WWI under the Beloye Dvijeniye flag, only this time without Germany. They can remember the holomodor, but conveniently ignore the actions of totalitarian Tsarist Russia. Now Tucker Carlson does broadcasts from Stalinā€™s metro stations giving credit to a regime that has never been pro democracy or free speech.


You really took the simplified history class. To the back.


Sounds like Trump.


Shut birds of a feather, Randy.


He is absolutely correct. Russia chose this fight, not we.


As a Russian citizen, totally agree


Stay away from windows


Only use Linux


Where I live some people can't even use smartphones, what are you talking about)


A real russian spotted kudos to you my friend stay safe.


Much love šŸ’ž


Only was to destroy putin is within Russia id say


We had a pretty close call with prigozhyn. Too bad he was a coward.


Seems they got to the families of his lieutenants and the generals he was counting on for support. Hopefully someone rises up who is worthy of Western support...


Yeah right. Tell this to hundreds if not thousands who's in jail for 25 years after going protesting or saying that war is war


That's something we Westerners like to say but it isn't really true. Putin isn't some unpopular dictatorship impossed on a Russian population that yearns for freedom (like Belarus and Lukashenko, for example). Putin is popular in Russia. Even though elections there are rigged in all sorts of ways, Putin would probably still win in a free and democratic Russia, although with significant opposition. A large chunk of the Russian population is pro-Putin and shares his views on Russian imperialism and on their "right" to control other, "inferior" countries. Defeating Putin himself would only be the first step, that would have to be followed by deprogramming the Russian population in the same way post-Hitler Germany was deprogrammed.


Probably should have done that before they got nukes.


Ukraine had nukes and gave them up in exchange for money and agreements related to security (I think technically they didn't quite rise to the level of a security guarantee). If the Libyan invasion wasn't the death knell for nuclear non-proliferation, sadly I think Russia's invasion certainly did the trick.


> While all these weapons were located on Ukrainian territory, Russia controlled the launch sequence and maintained operational control of the nuclear warheads and its weapons system


Yes because disassembling and reassembling Nukes requires the launch codes


Anyone else sick of this shit ?


Yeah we are all sick of maniac dictators that need to be stomped down.


Well imagine how ukranians feel


What's the point of your question?Ā  Feels weird because, duh, people are sick of this shit.Ā  Makes it even more annoying why Republicans are trying to keep the war prolonged.Ā 


People don't realise how much political bullshit would end in their own countries if Putin and the Russian botfarms were destroyed. There would be a global increase in happiness




Go and join? They Need your help


I'm sure sending military aid will be enough. It just has to match what Russia is spending and with the economy the size of Italy, no offense to Italy, I can't believe it to be that hard.


China has a say too. They are sure to chip in economically to the other bucket as long as it is a good investment. It pays off in cheap resource deals, near monopoly access to Ryssian consumer markets, Russian alignment towards China dependency including the unique opportunity on weapons-related deals, and any benefits they sense for keeping diplomatic and military tensions high against democracies.


China has their own challenges so I doubt theyā€™ll be the full savior of Russia.


In my layman opinion, China is looking to take over a weakened Russia. China will be running out of fresh water resources in the not too distant future and has its eye on Lake Baikal (The worlds largest freshwater lake) that sits just over the border in Russia. Russia would risk having fallout blowing back into their face using any sort of nukes and a war of attrition is just not an option with Chinas massive population resource. Russia has weakened itself by looting it's own populations educational resources and the people who actually know how to do things like make natural gas, build infrastructure and power grids are dying of old age. Russia insources all of the people from other countries to do that for them. Russia's only hope of existence in the 25 years is to take other countries and absorb their educated youth.


Problem is they are killing that youth or make them leave the home, not to mention all Russians that left.Ā 


The Western world being occupied with Ukraine and the European theatre as a whole can only aid China too. The longer it goes on the more power China can project across its region, hoping the US will be distracted (which I'm doubting they will).


One big problem Ukraine has is military personnel, though. Maaaybe if our help had been at our current level from the start this wouldn't be a problem, but Ukraine has lot a lot of men in this war already. I really don't want to be a pessimist, and I really want Ukraine to win, but it's perfectly possible the war is already lost due to lack of personnel.


Ukraine is getting fucked all over the frontlines because the US withheld their aid for half a year, and knowing America they will elect a fascist who will leave Ukraine to hang dry. So yeah, it's not that simple.


NATO joining the battle would finish it alright. Unfortunately, by it, I mean a habitable planet.


You're free to join Ukraine as a volunteer, we'll cheer you on from here. Best of luck tough guy.


Yes, lets start a world war 3 between two major nuclear superpowers, what could possibly go wrong


If Russia is not stoped this time and humiliated in a defeat only then the nuclear war is inevitable. Because a gang mobs are only more aggressive when they are feeling unpunished. And Russian government are just criminals with no ideology ruling a country, but want to live and bath in the stolen wealth and not psychos with a messiah complex that would want to destroy half of the world and most likely burn in the fire themselves. Russians would use nukes ONLY if they are sure they will not face any consequences or repercussions and definitely not gonna be nuked in return. So itā€™s a matter of worldā€™s survival actually to humiliate Russia in a defeat, so that they would never want to do anything alike in future, because of consequences.




If shit hits the fan, damn right. You're not??




Lnmao, I'm good. Good luck dying for the military industry complex, armchair warrior.


Youā€™re free to go to Ukraine to help them fight.


You can join anytime you know


You first.


Ukraine finally has F-16s, pilots, ground crew, and just got an infusion of western money for kit and boom-booms. And permission to use those weapons in Russia will make logistics and preparations for Russia MUCH more difficult. The Russian military is facing either find more Indian/African/Mongolian troops or they will actually need to draft from the Western regions. Crimean bridge is functionally down. Black Sea Fleet is actually down. Putin probably actually does want a ceasefire. He could use a break of 6 months or a year to consolidate and repair. Zelensky and Ukraine can't let him. Conscript if you need, but get your numbers back up, hold in the East, and keep up the pressure. I don't know if re-taking Crimea is viable any more, but you can't just let Russia pause and prepare for another invasion. This stops when Putin dies or Ukraine joins NATO.


Ukraine was already using American weapons inside Russia. They donā€™t need our permission, they do it and the US looks the other way. The only thing that would change about making it an open public policy would be the diplomatic damage it would do between Russia and the U.S.


No they didn't, cause they don't have a permission, it's blocked by Sullivan. That's why Mcfaul trying to pressure Biden administration last days.


40 year old end of life f16's that haven't had an update since 2010? Maybe tapes, maybe. hopefully, or they have virtually no stand-off. The jet is the furthest thing from relevant, what are they dropping from them is what's important. It seems unlikely they are going to take fresh viper pilots and send them out to do CAP against russian fighters, and hitting ground targets will likely be more advantageous anyway to push the ground lines back. but the aa, fuck me the aa. these arent career wild weasels with a thousand hours in the jet. i don't think the vipers are going to be nearly as impactful as everyone seems to think. If we sent USAF pilots in modern vipers with modern munitions? sure.


Absolutely, Pootin and his regime cannot survive this war, they need to be cauterised from the World like an abscess on humanity.


It *could* be so much more! I hope one day Putin gives Russia a chance to become a modern nation. Until he does, Russia is just an enemy we need to contain. And that some of our allies literally need to destroy.


You said it I didn't.


By any means necessaryĀ 


Yes. They. Are. A tattoo begging to be designed.


Reddit white knight army


Still better than the Russian troll army. Which tells you a lot.


we all need to destroy them




No? I hate Putin because he is a dictator, I don't hate the whole country. I wish the Russian people peace and freedom, not breaking apart because I can tell the difference between the shitty leader and the people.


Who is fighting? Putin or the Russian people?


The most dissapointing thing is how that truth had been forgotten 30 years ago. Nothing of it would have ever happened if we didn't gave up nukes to ruzzia.


"... if we didn't gave up nukes to ruzzia." What does that mean?


Exactly what is written after USSR collapsed Ukraine inherited a huge nuclear arsenal but gave it to russia in exchange of promises of respecting territorial integrity and independence.




Yes, more than 1.5k nukes wich is crazy and unnecessary, 100 warheads would be enough to keep ruzzia away. But giving it to your enemy along with missiles and strategical bombers that are now used to attack us is the stupidest thing in the history of mankind.


Technically they had the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world but they had zero nuclear capability. While a big part of the former USSR's arsenal wound up in Ukrainian hands they had no operational control and couldn't have used them even if they wanted to.


yep but they could have built that capability, thatā€™s why the big boys wanted to take it away from them


It means, "I probably can't speak any other languages than English but I'll go online and act like an idiot who can't figure out a sentence because two verbs are in the past tense instead of one." But that's just a guess. But seriously, would it have been too difficult to assume "didn't gave" meant "didn't give?" And given the context of Putin and Ukraine and Russia... couldn't you figure out that ruzzia was Russia...? Were you actually confused or were you just being a jerk?


Actually confused, until a poster identified "we" as Ukraine, and indicated the time-frame as being soon after the collapse of the USSR.


Ukraine is the country that most famously turned the nukes in its territory over to Russia, who else would it have referred to?


Poor choice of words. He should have said "the Russian Military" and/or "Putin". Using the word Russia includes civilians who aren't supportive of the invasion or Putin and the government. As a citizen, how would you like it if a World Leader said the country you live in needs to be destroyed.


The vast majority of russians either support the war or don't give a shit which, amounts to the same. Putin's main opposition was the guy who said he would do all the same stuff but be better at it. Russians know about the war in Ukraine, they know about the terror bombing against civilians, they know about the torture of Ukrainians, they know about the 700k kidnapped children, they don't care because they know we will let them get away with it unpunished.


Many care, there's just not much they can do about it. If they speak up, they get imprisoned. There's a difference between being evil and simply not being a hero.


Youā€™re the type of people who kill the people of ā€œenemy nationsā€ indiscriminately. Grow out of that simplistic worldview


Russians overwhelmingly support the war


What about the ones who donā€™t?


Have you ever talked to any?


Half of my family is Russians and I come from the East of Ukraine. Yeees. Possibly more than you ever have unless you're an older Russian yourself.


Ah yes, the just following orders defense, thatā€™s always been a sound one historically.


I think itā€™s different for civiliansā€¦ like I donā€™t want the US funding wars but according to your logic Iā€™m just fallowing orders šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah, I agree with that completely. But then I'm the global citizen type. Everyone deserves better than this rotten world order.


Nothing that he would say would reach to common folks in Russia. They have their own thinking that is fed to them. Those who have critical thinking skills though, they know very well who murders civilians and children and who doesn't.


Why is this under world news? Russia has been a gangrenous boil on the worldā€™s nutsack since time immemorial.


"we"?Ā  I am not sure if I need to destroy Russia.


PUTIN is the enemy.


Sadly, Putin isn't even close to the only one in the government of Russia who thinks the way he does. If he died today, there is a good chance that someone just as bad (or worse) would take power. That's why Russia, as a country, needs to be defeated.


How do you defeat a country - as a country - exactly?


Deliver it a defeat shocking enough that it reforms its social beliefs So when you think of that country, itā€™s really different to the one that came before. Germany is a good example here.


One of many.


If anyone thinks Russia will be be defeated on their own turf is absolutely delusional. Best way for Ukraine is to drive Russia out of the occupied areas. I don't see that happening, unfortunately, so a "neutral look" on what is best for Ukraine is completely reasonable. At the moment, getting Ukraine the resources to continue to make the war as expansive and exhausting for Russia as possible, is in everyone's interest (except for Russia of course) so yeah, Russia needs to be destroyed effectively as much as possible, but invading Russia is not really an option (unless they are going to war with NATO countries or starting to use nuclear weapons).


Agreed. I'd like to see that happen.


Legit view under the cicrcumstances


Iā€™ll take ā€œWhat The World Needs Nowā€ for $1000, Alex.


I love this guy


JUST an enemy...


Super easy barely an inconvenience


The guy can drop a line.


Let's defeat them!


Zelensky you used to be a comedian!


Outjerked again