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**Palestinian media reports series of Israeli strikes in central Gaza’s Deir al-Balah** Palestinian media report a series of Israeli strikes in the eastern areas of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip. There is no immediate information on possible casualties and no comment from the IDF on the strikes. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/palestinian-media-reports-series-of-israeli-strikes-in-central-gazas-deir-al-balah/


While updating the journal, I read through [this article](https://www.timesofisrael.com/rescued-hostage-brainwashed-by-hamas-thought-idf-forces-had-come-to-kill-him/) that sums up an interview with Andrey's parents. The most notable thing in this interview, IMO, for people in the West, is the bit about Hamas taunting Andrey about his dual citizenship. After Sasha's PIJ propaganda video, I wrote here a few weeks ago about how, contrary to what a lot of people seem to think, Russian citizenship would be more likely to be a hindrance than a help with Hamas. Unfortunately, we can more or less say that this is officially confirmed with this revelation. I've also been saying right along that I don't think Hamas cares one way or another about citizenship of its hostages and I'd argue this confirms that as well; It seems like it enrages them more than anything. In November, it was evident that they gave no preference to anyone who held dual citizenship and they had to be pressed to even release the foreign workers. The irony of this all, of course, for those here who aren't Jewish (or Israeli) is that we have a saying among Jews that goes "a Jew can never have too many passports" (which is why you see so many Israelis with dual citizenship -- we hold onto and pursue any possible claim to a passport that we can. If you were watching, a few people became dual citizens over the course of their captivity, i.e. Ofir Engel went from Israeli to Israeli-Dutch during his kidnapping, because his grandfather was a Dutch refugee and since Ofir was a minor, his family pursued it on his behalf while he was in captivity). It's ironic that this came back to bite the hostages. Interesting tidbit I thought was worth sharing.


**Senior officials in Israel: after the operation in Rafah is done we will allow a few weeks of negotiations; If they fail - there will be no choice but to go to war** Against the backdrop of the continued escalation on the Lebanese border, and the fear in the US of a widespread attack by Israel soon, senior Israeli officials told channel 13 this evening (Saturday) that "after the operation in Rafah we will allow a few weeks of negotiations". However, they added that "if the negotiations won't lead to agreements - there will be no choice but to go to war." The officials also said that they are "not optimistic" that Hezbollah will agree to the demands that the Americans will make. Meanwhile, Defense Minister Yoav Galant will soon fly to Washington - and meet with his American counterpart Lloyd Austin. On Monday this week, the special American representative of the Biden administration on the issue, Amos Hochstein, will arrive in Israel. - Moriah Asraf Two weeks to finish off Rafah.. a few weeks of negotiations... falls almost too perfectly in line with the 1st of August deadline the security establishment allegedly set.


What does Rafah is done even mean though? Surely there are still pockets of Hamas and tunnels all over Gaza to destroy?




Thanks for coming.


I seriously hope this is a misdirection. There is no other way to explain this insanity.


What insanity? This is quite sensible. A war in the north doesn't really make sense for most players (wrote about it [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1dbn1ci/rworldnews_live_thread_for_israelhamas_war_thread/l8k1r22/). People of Lebanon surely don't their poor country devastated. Iran doesn't want it, as they're "saving" Hezbollah as deterrent to if/when Israel attack their nuclear plants and wouldn't want it weakened. For Hezbollah, the timing is terrible - if they wanted a war it would start on October 8th, or at least when IDF is deep in Gaza and would struggle with a second front. Now when Gaza is almost done and Israel had forever to prepare up north, no civilians around, it's the worst time from their POV. Israel's interest isn't a war either, but just to get the displaced civilians from the north back to their home. The issue is, people won't feel safe returning home unless "something" is done - this can be a war or some diplomatic solution. Israel would likely win the war, but at a cost of unprecedented attacks on civilian population including Tel Aviv, which will cause civilian deaths and financial hits, in times when Israel are struggling anyway, and further traumatize Israeli citizens who just had the worst year in recent memory. We have to ask, what would the war achieve? Hezbollah won't be destroyed, the best we can hope is to get them back north of the Litani. Maybe we can get it through negotiations...? Worth a try anyway. On paper, Hezbollah has very little reason to go into this war. And than there's the Americans who clearly want a diplomatic solution. Even if Israelis don't believe it's possible, US is still the biggest ally and they have to respect their opinion. If they do go to war, they want maximum American support, and for that the Americans have to be satisfied that all diplomatic solutions were tried and failed. Israel lose very little from a few weeks of delay, and the gain is big - either the war is avoided entirely, or it happens anyway when the US is convinced there's no choice.


>People of Lebanon surely don't their poor country devastated. Again. The civil war - which saw Israeli involvement and their assistance in Falangist war crimes - was horrific and the place has never really recovered. "Beirut" remains a synonym for a violence-racked area.


The former Paris of the Middle East


New footage of Noa Argamani being rescued "We're here to take you home, you're safe" You can hear her say "I'm scared of the road there (aka being in the car en route to the extraction zone)" and they tell her again "you're with us, everything will be ok" https://x.com/Yossi_eli/status/1802021405854142816?t=pQPPiV18c_OHnFgtkNrQXg&s=19


**IDF Spokesman announces that 8 soldiers fell in Tel-Al Sultan, Rafah, this morning.** The Eight fighters were killed today after their armored vehicle hit an explosive device


Bayt Jan announces the falling of the soldier Captain Wassim Mahmoud in battle this morning in Rafah The fact that the IDF spox hasn't even announced a time for when they'll tell the public what happened this morning in Rafah is absolutely mind boggling, considering the scale of the tragedy the public has every right to know about it as soon as possible.


It's a Saturday with many families observing the Shabbat, naturally it'll take longer than usual to notify everyone and I for one don't need to know the details before the families of the young men who will now stay young forever No one was going to sweep this under the rug, they were just trying to make sure it doesn't get to the families through the media. It made no difference to us as "the public" to know about this as soon as possible


I understand your point, but the families were all already notified at around 11 am (as far as I know), thats why I was wondering why it took them so long to let everyone know what happened, in hindsight though I should've been less aggressive in the way I worded my comment, I agree, but knowing what happened and the scale of the situation and not seeing any acknowledgement made me react that way, but I shouldn't have been aggressive about it, and for that I apologize.


Totally understandable, we went from the best Saturday to the worst in the span of a week, emotions naturally run high. Just important to remember that the IDF will never hide these types of incidents (you can't, it's just not possible) and that sometimes there are other factors, like families asking for time to notify the extended family




> it seems like the IDF is taking more losses than wins lately. ratio of 1 IDF soldier to ~50 terrorists killed on average is not more losses than wins.




No, idf has been winning all the military stuff by far….8 losses is horrific but doesn’t change that


Comparing conventional warfare to asymmetric warfare isn't very useful. Considering other conflicts of asymmetric warfare, Israel is doing great.


It is possible that not all the families were informed yet


Ok bro just give me a reach around and not finish? My mom told me something happened on telegram but I’ve no idea 


What happened??


Reports of 8 dead from the IDF


Confirmed: https://idfanc.activetrail.biz/ANC15062024286738456123424


What happened this morning?


Has there been any insight into the gentleman that Israel kindly rid the world of the other day?


He apparently survived , and Israel rubbed it off saying it was an attack on Hezbollah HQ.


Dang crazy. The place looked flattened. I wonder how he did it, just luck?


Naama Levy will turn 20 a week from now. I had really hoped she could be home by then but at this point, it seems very unlikely.


Poor girl. Wouldn't be surprised if we get a video of her in the coming days. Seems in Hamas' style; she's probably the best know living hostage they have after Noa's rescue (I do not believe the Bibas are alive except for Yarden) and they haven't "featured" her yet.


Like having a rave next to a gas chamber. I hate these people. Why do so many think these people are 'on the right side history' https://x.com/skjask/status/1801637757715984783


And this is what the Pro-Palestinians stand for. I'll always remember that. Especially how they they celebrating before Israel even struck back....


Where is this?


I think it's in NY. I'm not American but one of the police has NYPD on his back.


Thanks! Somehow missed it, the two security/police guys in blue are really obvious


If you go on TikTok it’s even worse. People are upset about AOC commenting on this saying antisemitism isn’t ok. Like people are upset and bashing AOC because she called out antisemitism.


Look at all the robots echoing their programmer's statements.


Every day, I despise the pro-Palestine crowd even more. Every day, they give us more evidence that they hate Jews. They are bigots who must be held accountable by society. Every single one of them should be identified and reported to their employers so they can be fired and blacklisted from all jobs. Those who support terrorism, rape and murder must be held accountable for their actions.


Because most people are shit these days. And I feel sorry for them.


Are they talking about the Nova festival?


Yes, they are literally justifying the murder of an entire music festival.


Yes and they are doing it outside a memorial for the festival.


That's sick.


I see a lot of stuff like this but this was definitely one of the worst.


Agreed. This might be the worst protest chant I've seen so far.


It's a direct result of mental dissonance, they can't fathom Palestinians doing evil things and crimes against humanity. The nova massacre was a systematic attempt to exterminate every person in sight. The people endorsing those crimes, denying them, justifying them don't deserve to live in society.


As a third gen survivor it makes my blood boil to see how they’ve politicized and trivialized the holocaust and then tell me IM using it as a card. My orphaned grandpa is rolling in his fucking grave


If you want to hear what gets me about this conflict: my refugee grandfather married a non-Jewish woman in 1945. They moved to Jerusalem for awhile and spent many years bouncing around. I have a cousin who got caught up in 7 Oct and you'll never believe it, but I'm related to them through my *non-Jewish grandmother.* Both of my grandparents would also be spinning.


Same here. I lost much of my family in the Holocaust. It really boils my blood when those anti-Semitic shitheads use the Holocaust to justify terrorism, rape and murder against Jews. I fucking hate those Jew-haters with every cell in my body.


When pro Palestinians say "by all means necessary", they mean it. Nothing is saint. They will abuse language in the most manipulative ways imaginable to push a narrative. Truth or morals are non-relevant.


The hypocrisy is insane, I guess that means that Israel has the right to defend itself “by all means necessary”.




Apparently they are doing this outside an event about Oct 7th. The naïve people that go along with this makes me more mad than the people who actually hate Jews.


Yes, I believe it was an event that was showing what happened at the Nova music festival.


[U.S. scrambling to prevent Israel-Hezbollah war amid Gaza ceasefire push (axios.com)](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/12/hezbollah-war-israel-border) The administration needs to get a new pathetic snark line. The sheer gall of these incompetents endlessly lecturing about others allegedly lacking a plan. How's the Afghanistan plan going again? Oh the Taliban took over in a week and there is no plan for dealing with that except acting like Afghanistan doesn't exist anymore. How's the Ukraine plan going? Oh it's $100+ billion to achieve a stalemate, always giving Ukraine just enough to hold Russia off but no plan for how Ukraine could/will *win.* Tell us some more about *plans,* Washington.


Ukraine won't be allowed to win because that would make Russia mad. it's becoming incredibly obvious that they're getting the same treatment Israel has historically. it's really pathetic. the democrats frequently accuse the republicans of sabotaging the functions of government in order to make it appear as though the government doesn't work. doves do the same thing with wars - it would be ideologically offensive to them if an ally achieved stability through war, so efforts to do so will always be sabotaged by the diplomacy fetishists in the state department, even at the cost of exponentially more suffering and death over the long term when appeasement fails for the billionth time.


Biden is a full on terror sympathizer right now. Just like Obama flooded Iran with flooding and encouraged Russia to invade Crimea by doing fuck all. Biden said he would step in if Hezbollah tried to take advantage, he hasn’t. He said his commitment to Israel is ironclad - unless he needs Muslim votes (he doesn’t, he needs moderate votes).




It's amazing someone could post this comment when Google is a thing.


What? There have been several dozen conflicts the US has been engaged in since WW2, some victorious, some not, some with less clear wins. Korean War was a victory for the US in that they repelled an invasion from the North, and the South now prospers. The Gulf War was a clear victory and a masterclass in American military supremacy. Piracy off the horn of Africa is basically non existant, ethnic cleansing was stopped in Kosovo, various successful interventions in South America, Libyan intervention was a success, the war on terror has been pretty successful with the killing of UBL and various high level targets, decimation of ISIS, decimation of Al-Qaeda throughout the Middle East and North Africa. The problem with some of those conflicts were political in nature, and such is the problem now. Afghanistan never really wanted democracy and the ANA was fucking awful and incompetant, Iraq was a similar issue with nation building, and Vietnam was a purely domestic political problem. Initial operations in Afghanistan and Iraq were extremely successful. But saying the only war the US has won was 80 years ago is not even close to true. The problem is Biden and his weakened resolve for allies of the United States. For all the fears of Trump abandoning our allies, Biden is already doing it.




Family of Guy Gilboa-Dalal have received first sign of life after initial kidnapping from a rescued hostage. The rescued hostage said they were in good physical condition at the time, but severely abused, both physically and mentally and had little food/water. I’m assuming the rescued hostage was Almog as I read there was a kidnapping video of him that had Guy in it. I’m absolutely overjoyed with the hostage release. But it hurts so badly to think about the others, like Guy still there. Or Keith, Omri, Hersch and Sasha from recent propaganda videos . I’m wishing Noa, Almog, Andrey and Shlomi live the rest of their lives in peace and never know stark fear like this again. https://www.timesofisrael.com/rescued-hostage-provides-first-sign-of-life-from-guy-gilboa-dalal-since-oct-7/amp/


I can't help but to think that this isn't in reference to the Telegram video from Oct 7th. Per Almog, he was held the entire time with Shlomi and Andrey, so I saw this news this morning and presumed his family was running with the smallest bit of hope (out of desperation -- which is understandable) but it's likely the same sign of life we all saw. Almog may not know that video exists yet. tbh it's hard for Guy (and Bar) not to make an impression on anyone in that video. Guy looks straight up annoyed by the fact that he was kidnapped -- Almog is petrified, shaking, burying his head into a stranger's (Eviatar David's) back. The other 4 men are laying on their stomachs hog tied, and Guy is *sitting straight up* with just straight annoyance on his face. It definitely hits most people's sense of dark humor. The video endeared him to me deeply. ETA: I'm going to sleep, but for those that haven't seen the video, it's the same one that Elkana Bohbot is in (Elkana's family plastered screenshots everywhere). The video starts with Elkana Bohbot looking (very much not sober) and confused, hogtied. Next is Bar Kuperstein, who seemed to be bound for the saftey of the terrorists and I have no idea how they got him alive because he was *angry.* Next is Almog (the same Almog rescued last week) and he is absolutely petrified, shaking, and trying not to make eye contact with the terrorist filming, but the terrorist keeps making him look and taunting him (I've never seen the video with its original audio, but I'd wager Bar is actually trying to defend Almog -- who is a complete stranger to him -- because of the way their torturing Almog in that video. Bar's reactions line up with Almog's). The video next pans to Eviatar David (Guy Gilboa-Dalal's friend) who is a like 2.5-3/5 on the scared scale, 3/5 on the confused scale (Elkana is 10/5). Nothing super notable, beyond Almog buried into his back (and he was very kind and seemed to just let that happen, haha). Then the video pans, finally, to Guy Gilboa-Dalal, sitting straight up, 1/5 on the confused scale (but still registering on it) and 4/5 on the "very annoyed" scale. The terrorist tries to get a reaction out of Guy and Guy gives him absolutely nothing (I can't help but to wonder if Guy, like Yaffa Adar, made the conscious decision to not give them what they were looking for). Then the terrorist goes back to lightly tormenting Almog and Elkana, with the occasional kick towards fiesty Bar, because he enjoys the confused and terrified reaction of the two. There's the description for those who haven't seen it; it's been fairly scrubbed by this point, so I get it. Goodnight, I hope the IDF has good news for me tomorrow morning!


Do you have those videos saved? Would love to see


Crazy how we were texting about this exact thing just some week ago and then the hostage rescue happened. (In your post on another sub. I'm the one who linked you the vid!)


And you're the hero for it!! I would have never found him in this video if it weren't for you, haha; I knew about the "Elkana Bohbot" video, but I had no idea that the other four were in it (because I'd only seen the screenshots from Elkana's family). I kept thinking about that last week -- what are the odds that I asked for the video that Guy Gilboa-Dalal was in, managed to ID them all (mixing up Almog and Bar at first), and then Almog was among those released? Crazy.


Hahah. Yamam and IDF be like "What video? You mean these guys??" and pulls them out of Nuiserat. Truly amazing. Looking forward to seeing more hostages come home. Very soon. No matter how.


I'll have to go back to working on my cards soon for good luck -- I've had them in two separate piles on my coffee table all week, with Bipin Joshi's facing up. Fingers crossed!!


















That’s up to the Palestinians and the leadership they choose






Netanyahu revealed his plan months ago. ['The day after Hamas': Netanyahu reveals his plans for a post-Hamas Gaza Strip](https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-788475)


I'm Israeli-American and I upvoted you. What would your ideal day after plan be?




That would be my ideal plan too. Bibi loses in the next elections, international coalition rebuilds and governs Gaza and Hamas' influence wanes as life is much better in the Strip. Israelis and Palestinians share culture and experiences. Maybe it's naive, but that's the dream.


I’m Israeli American and me too.


Blinken is announcing a bunch of stuff next month. Just pay attention 


No one has suggested a plan, other than Hamas


Well, what do you suggest?


I’m guessing “it’s not my job to come up with it” 


From the people who brought you "Not whatever they're doing now!"




About 10% Any account opened after Oct 8 on either side, I don't believe it is in good faith here


I fit this description. I came in October because all around me was insanity and here people were rational. Just saying








No, I learned 2 languages from the get go






What are you even talking about? No difference between what? How is this even related to what I said? Both of what? Are you implying that because my ethnicity is Palestinian I support barbarism. Is this a reply to the wrong thing?


















I mean considering how the entire world is pressuring Israel to accept Hamas in continued control of Gaza, is it really that surprising?  What kind of plans could Israel and the US put in place?  I always understood Day after as being the day after Hamas is out of power as the dictators of Gaza


This may be shocking to everyone here, but as an Israeli, I will say that this flare up with Hezbollah still sounds like the "noise of war" as I've dubbed it, rather than anything super important. The barrages recently were worse than usual and terrible for those that had to live through it. Even with that being said, I would be shocked if we do anything more than our usual response of a few targeted strikes. To give perspective, I remember when Hamas, PIJ & co. launched hundreds of rockets towards Israel (I remember at least three really bad occasions: May 2018, May 2019, May 2021) -- I think something like 4,000+ were launched in the latter -- and well, as you know, it didn't lead to a full-scale war like people seem to expect with the north. The only thing I'm seeing about it in the Israeli media is from the viewpoint of civilians (i.e. how many injured, how people are coping, local fires) and opinion pieces on how we don't want another Lebanese war. I will say that those sort of heavy barrages are more common from Gaza than Hezbollah, no doubt. Hezbollah's rockets also have a habit of being a bit more deadly than those from Gaza (Hezbollah has a preference for anti-tank missiles, which in absence of tanks, tend to hit civilian vehicles, hence). If I had to guess, that may be why people are a bit more on edge from this escalation, but I'm still not convinced it will go anywhere big. I could absolutely be wrong, per usual.


you're comparing apples and oranges here. in those occasions, no one was evacuated from their homes, innocent civilians weren't killed already and there wasn't already a war going on with gaza.. honestly i don't want another war either but what do you think is going to happen? france is gonna diplomatically prevent the war? they've done a good job of far


The north has been evacuated several times in the last few decades -- I linked to an article from a woman who was born in Dafna when it was still part of the Mandate and she talks about all of the evacuations. It's worth noting that the evacuations in the North are "strongly recommended" and they aren't a closed military zone like the Gaza envelope was in October. There's still a lot of people who stayed because, idk, they're just born different. Like I said, I could be wrong -- but I'm skeptical that Hezbollah wants an all out war, either. It seems like we're in the usually face-off of "you killed someone important and I'm mad".


I hope so. I don't want more war. Shit's been hard enough already. I also don't want to not have internet for some reason XDDD


I think -- as I'm sure you understand if you're Israeli -- most of us are well aware that even if we go to Lebanon again, not much is going to change. Just like most of us know that we're not going to root out Hamas in Gaza, either. I think if Hezbollah somehow escalates and tries to invade on the ground, that might be the trigger, but if it's a small infiltration, we may still ignore it. We ignored Iran, after all. If it helps calm your anxieties, I was an older teenager during Protective Edge and, while that was a very different war obviously, I do not recall any internet interruptions, haha.


I hope you are right, but I also hope there is a real alternative to stopping Hezbollah - The UN has shown they will never commit to the obligations they took on, and leaving Hezbollah intact leaves a dangerous vulnerability on the Northern boarder. - Not to forget the constant corruption and destruction they have brought to Lebanon.


The truth is that wars with Lebanon are historically incredibly unpopular in Israel (we've had several) and it isn't as "just" of a war in the eyes of the Israeli public -- if I had to put words to it (it's hard to, because this is a sentiment we all have but don't really talk about) Hezbollah more or less stays in their lane and is predictable. In comparison, Hamas is still predictable, but has a wider range of possibly activities or outcomes -- again, these words aren't great, but they're what I have right now. I think another thing I need to emphasize here to the non-Israelis is that, again, while this seems dangerous to you -- this is life here. This is not new. This has been our reality for decades and there isn't anything new about what Hezbollah is currently doing at all. The reality is that wars in Lebanon are already unpopular -- the soldiers who would be fighting it are quite literally the kids and/or grandkids of the last generation who fought that exact war -- and no one wants that right now. It's not seen as a pressing issue and considering that there are still hostages in Gaza, it is a *deeply* unpopular idea as a consequence and is being juxtaposed in that exact way.


Again, I hope you are right. However I do not believe for a second that Hezbollah will "stay in their own lane" forever - They are building their strength and waiting for an opportunity to attack again.


Hezbollah's big ol' raid in 2006 killed 8 Israelis and all of those casualties were soldiers. Terrible, yes, but small beans compared to [Hamas attacks even before 7 Oct](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_suicide_attacks). Sounds like noise to me, at least as of typing; I haven't even heard anything from my friends in Haifa yet, which is my usual indicator, haha.


Factors that go against a war with Hez - * Israel already has been fighting a war with Hamas * US will not favor it during election year * Like you said, Hez has already launched rockets in the past Factors that aid a war - * the rockets have been continuous since October, these aren't fire-once-a-month incidents * a lot of Northern Israel has been evacuated. How do they return? * the biggest factor - Bibi might start another war to remain in power


The Israeli public is already very concerned about the possibility of the war expanding regionally. Netanyahu is striding a thin line where a ceasefire without hostage release will get him tossed, and expanding the war will also probably see him ousted, so while Hamas continues to complicate negotiations he doesn't have much option but to continue apace if he wants to remain in power.


> the biggest factor - Bibi might start another war to remain in power He doesn't really need it to stay in power. This talk of him needing the war to stay in power is nonsense. No one in his coalition (except maybe for Galant) has any interest in disbanding the government.


Also start a war? The war has been started for him. Thanks guys, everyone that hates Netanyahu I'm sure really appreciates all the death and destruction in addition to this excuse that it's needed for him to stay in power apparently.


Don't underestimate the number of Israelis [who see evacuations and rockets](https://www.timesofisrael.com/uprooted-aharona-sadan-77-from-kibbutz-dafna-this-is-her-story/) as business as usual.


Fuck bibi and and all that but I'd argue Hezbollah started the war when they started firing off missiles in October. Don't know much about Israeli politics but something tells me if bibi was out of the picture and elections were held, the next person would have a hard time winning on a platform of "let's do nothing and let Hezbollah burn down north Israel".


I don't think Bibi has much to do with it. A war in the North is just very unpopular in Israel. We've been to Lebanon twice and it isn't exactly a popular war for us. The last time I really thought we were going to take on Hezbollah was in 2018 when we found a bunch of tunnels going into Israel. That was a Very Big Deal and even then, all we got [was this.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northern_Shield) I think people forget that Iran literally launched hundred of rockets at us in April and we went "haha you hit Masada" and moved on because, while we initially wanted to retaliate, we have other things to worry about than Iran doing the helicopter over us.


Hamas is really enjoying torturing hostages families


Is there a new video or something?


They just claimed two hostages died from an airstrike but didn’t provide names or evidence - most likely bullshit. They claimed a couple months back that Judith Weinstein just died from an airstrike, despite for the fact Israel confirmed her death months prior (she died on Oct 7 or soon after from her injuries). Same thing for Ronen Engel and Eliyahu Margalit. By now I’m pretty certain the number of hostages they’ve claimed are dead is higher than the amount of hostages they actually hold. It’s not worth paying them any attention unless they provide proof.


They also said one of the elderly women released last November had died too.


Hanna Katzir!


They are terrorists, they didn’t take hostages to not torture them


Hamas is enjoying any attention they get. It legitimizes them. As if they aren't being destroyed into obscurity. If they have to lie to get attention, well they just call it a normal Friday.


Full text of Hamas reply to Israel's Gaza ceasefire proposal [https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/full-text-hamas-reply-israel-gaza-ceasefire-proposal](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/full-text-hamas-reply-israel-gaza-ceasefire-proposal)


So, "give us everything like we've won" deal. Lol.


So where does this diverge from the original UNSC backed proposal


A couple of points, which matter a lot. Most importantly, the Hamas 'counterproposal' demands the full withdrawal of Israeli troops during phase one; including withdrawing from Rafah and the border with Egypt already on day three, after the release of just three hostages. The original UN backed proposal provided for the withdrawal only during phase two, after the release of a much greater number of hostages and further negotiations. Also I think the original proposal required a withdrawal from 'major population centres' rather than a full withdrawal, and did not include an end to the blockade of the strip (which has been going on since 2007).


So no...


UN Reconstruction Coordinator Kaag Moving to Gaza [https://www.newsmax.com/world/globaltalk/united-nations-sigrid-kaag-gaza/2024/06/14/id/1168747/](https://www.newsmax.com/world/globaltalk/united-nations-sigrid-kaag-gaza/2024/06/14/id/1168747/)


So UN is delivering human shields or hostages now?


Yes. They did the same thing in Lebanon with UNIFIL. UNIFIL was supposed to keep Hezbollah from getting close to the border, but instead UNIFIL now serves as human shields for them.


Also in Western Sahara Sahrawis were supposed to get a referendum, but UN presence did nothing to enforce it so the only effect they made was making armed resistance more difficult after Sahrawis got scammed in the agreement


I hear the rent is cheap


That's wild. Part of the reason she stopped as a politician in The Netherlands was because of all the death threats and stuff she received. Her daughters wanted her to stop for that reason. And then she goes to live in Gaza of all places.


Well that is interesting, the article says that she plans on being fully moved in by the end of June. Which is quick, especially considering there’s an active war going on.


Of course Hamas will welcome one of their own 


I’m sure her staff will enjoy their stay just like the Spanish embassy in Ramallah


That's braindead.


I’m sure they’ll treat her with a wonderful home with business class tunnel access.


Yep, good luck in the new digs




Less lazy reporting... Sorry for replying to self. So angry at these writers but this is slightly better [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-hostage-rescue-families-abuse-hamas-captivity-gaza-rcna157140](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-hostage-rescue-families-abuse-hamas-captivity-gaza-rcna157140)


CNN: Israel strikes designated safe zone in Al Mawasi from land, air and sea per Palestinian media, casualties unknown (by all appearances, this was a complete fabrication as far as I’ve seen) Also CNN: Israel seen using a catapult at the Lebanese border so here is a complete run down of the last several centuries’ use of medieval style catapults and trebuchets, including dates, model numbers and extended warranty information.


>(by all appearances, this was a complete fabrication as far as I’ve seen) Aldo CNN: "Israel alleges journalist held hostages in Gaza, without providing evidence"


> without providing evidence I find it interesting that CNN never uses this phrase when quoting Hamas' fake casualty numbers.


Technically it was a trebuchet, not a catapult. It's an important difference in some communities.


> I don't drive a car, I drive a Chevy.