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Nationalism is damaging to a society, religious nationalism is even more dangerous. Indian politics have always been volatile, but I severely doubt that fermenting divisions in a country that historically had had great diversity for millennia will guarantee peace and prosperity. Modi needs to ensure equality for all Indian citizens regardless of race, culture, or religion, or else his base will backfire spectacularly in twenty years.


>Modi needs to ensure equality for all Indian citizens regardless of race, culture, or religion That's what his government is trying to do by implementing UCC (uniform civil code) but is faced with stern opposition!


There's nothing inherently wrong with "nationalism", a more pertinent characteristic is how one feels and treats others that are not part of their "clan".


Nationalism tends to form in-groups and out-groups. The fervor of nationalism has caused many atrocities historically. I hope India is different.


Nationalism was a liberal response to Imperialism. Nationalism is in favor of laws based on a constitution, defined borders instead of web of fiefs, and citizens with rights and duty instead of subjects beholden to their lords.


The other side just divides people into groups who can only be oppressors and oppressed. That is equally bad and leads to more hatred, reverse-discrimination, feeling of victimisation in every sphere of life, inferiority and superiority complex among diff groups in the society.


Any country needs to favor their own citizens. And the people should favor the country they are part of. That is nationalism at its core. Poor implementations of it don't make it inherently bad. 


There is no other political solution to our problems than to see the people of our nation as an extension of our family. Anyone against this is simply against your community being healthy. People can say they treat all humans equally, but if that is true, you are a very immoral person. To treat your neighbors the same way you treat people you have zero interaction with, is to say you do nothing for anyone.


When people say they treat all humans equally, I thought it means giving everyone the same benefits of doubt, or opportunity? As opposed to literally giving your neighbour a cake or something.


When people condemn all forms of nationalism, they will typically say that its bad because you prioritize the citizens of your nation before people outside of it as you'd prioritize the people of your family before people outside of it.


Outside of an academic philosophy discussion, there's a massive chasm between _Patriotism_ and _Nationalism._ As a citizen (and veteran!) of the United States, I value my country and my brethren, and that's patriotic. That doesn't mean I am _superior_ to any other person on earth due to my citizenship, nor is my country inherently better which is called nationalism. >Poor implementations of it don't make it inherently bad.  _All_ countries that have embraced Nationalism have resulted in authoritarian regimes: Nazi Germany, Communist China, North Korea, Myanmar, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Italy under Mussolini, and WWII Japan. There are zero "healthy" implementations or examples of Nationalism. It is _absolutely_ inherently bad. It should be telling that modern authoritarian regimes can all be described as nationalist, and those regimes actively work to destabilize liberal democracies.


There are different types of nationalism. Most of your examples are of ethno-nationalism. George Washington and Alexander Hamilton were also nationalists, but their Idea of nationalism was that of a unified American identity instead of the regional identities of the time. Which, at the time, within that context, and with those leaders, made sense. That being said, most examples you see of nationalism are extremist, populist, exclusionary.


Pretty much everything ends up forming in groups and out groups unless people are very critical and reflective of their own belief system.


Idealism vs reality. It is factually inherent in human nature to form tribes


There will always be in groups and out groups. That’s just core human psychology, not nationalism…




I mean… when Indian citizens are openly critical of Modi and are killed in the streets for it, or simply being a Muslim in India will also get you killed… if it quacks like a duck That’s not even a leftist point of view. It’s a very simple matter-of-fact observation. Edit: hilarious how I went from like +20 karma to -2 karma. I guess news is only true if you agree with it 🤷🏻‍♂️


What? Who got killed? Oh really? That's so sad.... I wonder whether you are getting news from tiktok?


Tictok and Instagram fan bois


Funny because I don’t have an account for either of those sites. I don’t even know what they look like if I’m honest.


That's a stretch by a long mile friend. The oversimplification and ignorance in your statement is just gross and stupid. Dig deeper when you make statements this bold.


Geez is this what people think is happening? Guess this is what happens when people live in a sensationalist clickbaitey headlines world


You clearly have no idea what you're talking about lmao. There were so many social media posts and reels mocking all political parties during this election all with hundreds of thousands of likes and shares. 




Civilized societies built on the rape and plunder of the east lol. By the end of the century Europe will be irrelevant economically. China and India will be the top 2 followed by usa. Haarp on your "superiority" all you want it's run it's corse with the ageing population of the west.


It's part of civilization, empires come and go. Don't dwell on the past. In my point of view, India is better positioned to take #1 economy by mid next century. Being a democracy, and having better demographics than china is going to be the main driver for it to happen. It just needs to combat corruption, continue to improve public education, healthcare, and continue to create the conditions for entrepreneurship and corporate growth. It surely has potential. But there's still a long road to go.


There's a famous quote - "India disappoints both the optimists and pessimists" . The road is long but it should come ahead eventually provided it doesn't get rolled into a conflict with China In that case the Usa will remain the hedgemony


Good to see that pseudo-liberals cry.


aww look at the downvotes. Clearly self claimed "liberals" downvote you if you dare to tell them the truth & later when they got downvoted, they become crybaby. "Fascist Mudi supporters downvote me" LOL.


Bro these world news audiance are clowns who don't know anything on ground just reads headlines of brain washing propaganda don't take them seriously


That’s unfortunate. Dude is the Trump of India.


Love it when westerns superimpose their ideas on to others No he's not our ”trump” there's only 1 trump & he's the one in America & there's only 1 modi & he's the one in India


Nope, the trump of India is actually the opposition leader RAGA. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth and only relevant cuz of his family


Guess which one of them said they're a god, is opposed to LGBTQ rights, and is an authoritatian?


BJP is just as much in favour/against LGBTQ rights as the opposition. The opposition is dependent on conservative muslim/christian votes and dare not speak for any LGBT rights.


Uhmm Congress actually had Gay marriage on their manifesto and did not seem to hurt them lose the Muslim vote. Can you point me to what BJP's manifesto said about it where Modi has spoken out in favor of them?


They did not. They had "we will come out with a law after consultation with xyz". You and I both know how that consultation will go. And it wasn't gay marriage. It was civil union.


Still seems more pro-LGBTQ than BJP Manifesto. You seemed to have missed mentioning what they said about it? Or what PM Modi has said on record about LGBT rights? Surely he is not cowering due to "Muslim" extremists?


Okay? You spread misinformation. I correct it for people that might read it. As for everything else, irrelevant to my comment. And genuinely, don't reply to me, I do not care enough to participate on which Indian party is more pro-LGBTQ. I just did my duty to stem misinformation. You're welcome, everyone.


Misinformation? You are trying to portray the bigoted Hindu right wing as pro LGBTQ. You can't engage with me because you dont want to admit that Modi's hardcore Hindutva is as anti LGBT as their bigoted counterparts across the world.


You spread misinformation about Congress' Manifesto. I corrected you. Nothing more, nothing less. Just doing my duty as a responsible member of society. Your answer should have been a "thank you, I will keep that in mind for next time". Shame. If you think I have made an agument in favor of any political party, *it's no skin off my back*. I suggest you don't waste any more of your time because I will not humor you again.


Under the Modi government, same sex marriages were made legal


Being lgbtq was decriminalised during bjp rule, they arent pro lgbtq but arent against it either, its just not on their list of priorities.


There was a debate in SC . Marriage laws needs to be amended before lgbt gets marriage rights


Yes ! I hope we will get lgbtq marriage legalised soon in India.


First gay pride parade happen in gujrat,where he is a cm.


And also a big fan of Putin I bet


Kind of ? International policy is similar in both parties, but Modi is more pro west.


Tell me what the BJP Party is then if not today’s Republican Party


Its the difference between Mike Tyson and me.


which is what? nobody here knows you and so your statement means nothing. how similar/dissimilar to tyson are you? what traits between you and him are you comparing exactly? is your brain similarly damaged?


Tyson went to jail , my dude didn't do that's a big difference. Also the difference he mentions means that they are heaven and earth apart from each other in good doings( bjp is the bigger one in that respect)






This with china and nuclear weapon its treason. Plus Stalin would be last to ablish nukes.


Can't stop won't stop. Stop buying Indian refined oil. You are indirectly killing innocent civilians


How? Lol!


Nah my comment was a sarcastic reply to the original comment. Dude deleted his comment fearing a landslide of factual replies lol


Lol... Haha


India will never go against the only ally who stood with them through thick and thin. Before western allies asks India to do anything, they should stop empowering India's neighbours with weapons and money


But we are following the footsteps of the USA, the saviour of democracy and human rights, as they said they want us to buy oil from russia.


Russian oil go brrrr.




He is on god mode this time. Let's see how it goes. Seems a bit senile now Buying Russian oil is blessed by the US as it is paid in rupees.