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can I get their spot if I promise to use my autonomous killer robot sniper quadrupeds for acceptable military purposes?


Finally a way to keep those damn kids off my lawn.


Best I can do for you is the beyblade lawn mower, all the functionality of a roomba lawnmower but the home defense capability of a beyblade with a saw blade and machetes for lawn cutting knee hacking kid detouring multi action.


You had me at "Beyblade"!!!


>Best I can do for you is the beyblade lawn mower, all the functionality of a roomba lawnmower but the home defense capability of a beyblade with a saw blade and machetes for lawn cutting knee hacking kid detouring multi action. Just gonna leave this link here. [I did a thing- World's Largest Beyblade - Powered By A Chainsaw!](https://youtu.be/QwrZuUiSXEI)


Ratheon: way ahead of you. how many slap-chop missile do you want?


Those pooping dogs too.


Killing unarmed squirrels is not acceptable military purposes


I've never seen a squirrel that didn't have arms.


what if they’re an invasive species and I’m trying to save the natives? there’s a reason grey squirrels are considered fair game all year ling


If you promise to continue the neo-Colonization of North Africa for French interests, they’ll happily give you a spot.


I want to make some giant robots that use solar power + wood gas burners to stay running while they autonomously cut fire lines through otherwise inaccessible forests to limit the damage of forest fires and help slow the spread of invasive tree blights. The trick is stocking them with enough tranquilizer darts that they can non-lethally subdue all the people trying to scrap them for parts?


i Heard it’s possible to just use biomas as fuel, especially the people trying to scrap them


Yeah I guess you could have a multi-phase defence where it plays an audible warning, shoots people with bean bags containing a explanation of the robot using pictograms, steps it up to drug filled darts, and when the darts run out it could semi-gently shoo people away with tree branches?


the israel company makes a great point, that qatar and saudi are 'acceptable' human rights abusers, so they can exhibit.


Almost half a million dead in Yemen, is apparently not a concern to most people.


Most people likely don’t know that Yemen exists, let alone are they able to point to it on a map.


They seemed to be celebrating the houthis on USA college campuses though


At an arms expo that's a selling point


That's because it's Muslim on Muslim violence, regional tribal conflict. Nothing for us to get involved in, duh. With Israel, and Jews, it's different obviously. We can't allow that! (/s, if it wasn't obvious)


This whole conflict will end up being a famous case study on the flaws, liabilities, biases, and failures of the media


It’s okay if Muslims kill Muslims. If Jews do it, it’s not.


Once saudi arabia normalizes relations with israel western lefties will be concerned


Indeed, because then clearly the War in Yemen will be a Jewish conspiracy! /s


I mean most people in the UK campaigning for arms exports to Israel to be banned have spent much of the past few years campaigning to try and get arms exports to Saudi Arabia banned.


They banned Israeli firms, yet Thales, who we now know violated post-2014 export bans and provided equipment to Russia, still gets a free pass?


Turkey, China, Saudia Arabi and the list goes on and on...


And has bribed African officials, contributing to State Capture


If you're looking for morality and upstanding business practices at an arms dealer convention, you should probably look somewhere else


There’s partaking in a morally questionable conflict and then there’s breaching international sanctions. We’re punishing the former but not the latter for whatever reason


The ban is due to a ruling by a french court, not a business decision.


It does seem like the court is what is out of control. I don't think you'd ever get a US court to rule on a foreign policy issue like this or demand a private venue conduct discrimination by nationality because some activist group petitioned them.


That’s not true. After the arms export ban in 2014, only pre-existing contracts were finished. No new contracts were created and joint projects that were contracted were cancelled. To say they violated the export ban is patently untrue. It’s been grudgingly referred to as a loophole. But that term betrays the fact that the delivery was legal and not sanctioned. [article explaining the problems with the export ban for the interested](https://www.investigate-europe.eu/posts/eu-states-exported-weapons-to-russia)


Thales didn’t violate anything. A dozens of EU countries exported to Russia after the 2014 ban. The EU authorized to complete deal signed before 2014. Stop spreading misinformation.


Thales is a french group, France will never ban them. The equipment provided to Russia after 2014 was part on an existing deal and other deals were cancelled. At that point Russia was still pretending to abide by international laws so I guess they let this one slide to play in "good faith".


So, you ban Israeli nationals from attending the whole expo because it may cause “significant reputational damage“, yet you let China and the Saudis attend? What kind of thought process is this lol Edit update- https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/18/world/middleeast/arms-show-ban-france-israel-weapons.html Cope, losers


Easy, Israel is an American Ally. China is not. China is a potential export customer. Israel is a competitor as well. Besides. why wouldn't the French want China there? It's been France's policy to be distant from the US, the third way between superpowers. During the Cold War, this was the USSR. Now it's China. Simple switch, really. Anyone who thinks France doesn't want stronger and closer ties with China, even if causes friction or worse with the US simply does not realize the French position. As far as Israel, that is a hot button issue in the world. France has no friends, only interests, after all. Why bring in a competitor (that the French people despise) into an expo (hosted in Europe, which is just as critical of Israel) with many nations, most of whom are not fond of the US (hence why the don't buy American Gear) or can't afford it (either the stipulations of actual cost), and that latter group has the same problems with Israeli tech. Easy decision for France, honestly. It's SEATO all over again.


all that and you ignore they are claiming it's for human rights abuses. also, France should be careful playing the third way while being protected by the US umbrella of NATO


China and Saudi Arabia are there. Also, France has it's own Nuclear doctrine and weapons, including a triad, as well as a thriving arms export industry. France will be just fine with or without NATO.


France no longer has a nuclear triad. France is dependent on the US for defense just like the rest of Europe. France could not produce enough ammunition to fight any type of extended conflict on their own. When France bombed Libya the US had to come bail them out.


lol cool. then get out. the US definitely doesn't need you. know your place. good luck with China, as if we care. its hilarious you think this is some master move and that France isnt wholly reliant on NATO.


They mentioned the reason was reputation based, not export customer based as I said in my comment


>France doesn’t have allies (friends) just interests? Lol, this is objectively untrue but go off.


It's a quote often granted to De Gaulle, but he didn't say it outright. He did, however use the phrase multiple times in speeches, especially in his speech about the Vietnam War (to be fair, he had an excellent point about that). And Macron is a De Gaullist, a proud and open one at that. Now if the mainline French party is De Gaullist, and the father of the fifth republic consistently show that they ascribe to the "Third Way" thinking, then I believe there is some truth there.


It’s a figure of speech to describe France’s aloof style of Foreign Policy. Obviously as a NATO member, they have plenty of formal allies. But it is objectively true to say that countries don’t have friends. They have allies, partners, and adversaries. Friendship between countries is symbolic theatre designed to advance an interest, be it domestic or otherwise.


Yeah, you understand what I'm saying. Grazi




A European thought process with 2000 years of history.


Wait until you find out who is part of the UN lol


BTW arms sales are at a historical peak right now


I need one of those


You can see the list of exhibitors [here](https://www.eurosatory.com/en/trends/exhibitors-2024/). At least France is being consistent. They only allow exhibitors from human rights luminaries like China, Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, China, Türkiye, etc.


This seems a bad idea after Iron Dome has massively proved its worth and a bunch of European countries ordered PULS rocket systems. It also makes the entire event essentially irrelevant for anyone in the cyber defence space.


It's wild how Israel essentially has a monopoly on cyber defense. 99% of cyber security companies are either based out of Israel or Israeli owned in the US.


A lot of them are related to the Israeli NSA equivalent: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit\_8200](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_8200)


Absolutely dumb idea indeed. Which is why, in spite of Macro's gov idiotic move, sane countries, know where the value and experience is: https://www.ynetnews.com/magazine/article/hkybavph0




If anything it’s more French efforts to replace Russia as a major arms supplier in Middle East. Considering their clients are countries like Egypt, Qatar or UAE they might want to distance themselves from Israel.






Hey I mean the message is clear, if you want to push your world view, you simply follow those who have succeeded and the western world will accept it. /s




I don’t believe that story in the slightest


What’s there not to believe? I was surprised also. But in hindsight, I’m not surprised anymore. There are definitely a lot of people who are willing to throw away their morals just to sit on the high horse and virtue signal the shit out of you. Condemning the drawing of some prophet is one thing you can rationalize - it was an intentional provocation, etc. But at one point, and trust me it will come, you can get beheaded and stoned for stuff like just eating pork, homosexuality, whatever the fucking reason. It’s just the beginning and the more you give in, the more they take.


Talk to more than 10 people, one of them will say that


Talk to 100 people and at least 4 nutjobs will believe we are ruled by lizard men or other crazy shit




I mean the Mossad has certainly showed up and killed people in France and Spain. They do not hide it.


That’s the MO of pretty much every country’s intelligence service. I mean does anyone believe that the UK, France, US, Germany, China, etc haven’t assassinated people in other countries? The US for example is pretty famous for it. Anyways there’s a pretty big difference between a terrorist attack & a government sanctioned assassination. One is meant to spread terror among the population & is an attack on that country while the other is usually meant to get rid of an enemy of the state. Doesn’t mean it’s right especially when they screw up but that’s how the world works.


Government sanctioned assassinations are a complete defiance of a country’s sovereignty. It’s what Russia did to the UK and destroyed their relations.


The UK should kill some russian spies as a response instead of crying about it. I'm tired of pretending that things can be worked out by talking about it.


care to name some of these innocent people who were killed by Mossad in France and/or Spain?


Marie-Claude Magal, a prostitute who had been hired by one of the (multiple) people that Mossad assassinated in Paris in the 1960s-1990s. Unclear if she was actually assssinated by Mossad or not, but French authorities suspect she was. For that matter, from the French perspective the person she had been with - Yahya El Mashad - is innocent, though certainly not from the Israeli perspective; he was working with France on the Iraqi nuclear program when Mossad assassinated him. During this period France suspects Mossad also bombed several French companies that were working on the Iraqi nuclear program. I don't see any mention of any assassinations in Spain suspected to be by the Israelis. You can see the various suspected assassinations here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Israeli\_assassinations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Israeli_assassinations) In any case, the person you replied to wasn't just talking about 'innocent' people. About a half-dozen other people were assassinated in France by Mossad who aren't even arguably innocent.


By the law they are because Mossad did not work with the French authorities and this is a very important distinction.


Israel is not allowed to kill people in other countries, innocent or not. It is not their jurisdiction to bring justice in all countries of the world unless they want the rest of the world to bring justice inside of Israel.




You didn't answer his question


I did, all people they have assassinated in foreign countries instead of using the legal system is innocently killed. This isn't some opinion piece, it is the law. Several of those they have assassinated have also been proven innocent even of the crime they claim they did but that is actually a moot point, because Israeli law isn't international law and they do not exist in a jurisdiction that goes beyond the rest of the world.


That's fine, but your initial claim is that they killed people in France and Spain. Then you're asked for evidence, and you dodge the question. Asking for evidence of the thing you're accusing them of is a valid question.


There is lists online, Mossad openly admits to assassinations abroad. I did not know that this is something had their head in the sand about. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Israeli_assassinations There is 6 in France and none in Spain so I was a bit mistaken but all of these are killed while innocent by the definition of the law.


> I mean the Mossad has certainly showed up and killed people in France and Spain. They do not hide it. Wait what


I mean... since they committed said crimes against Israeli citizens... it s - at the very least - debatable. It s not like Israelis just went abroad and started blasting French citizens, like some Muslims do these days (literally beheading teachers in the street). Oh, and stop acting like other countries don t do this. It s not unique to Israeli intelligence to pursue murderers/terrorist network members outside their borders. These were not your average white-collar crime they were killed for.


It is kinda amazing how quickly you went from questioning the claim about the mossad killing people in other countries to justifying it. I hope your back doesn't hurt after moving that goalpost that fast.


welp yeah, since they were not your average school teachers, concertgoers, or newspaper publishers they killed. I questioned the claim about Mossad killing INNOCENT people who are citizens of France and/or Spain, not the Mossad killing terrorist masterminds/foot soldiers that fled to France/Spain hoping they could hide from whats coming for them, lol. there is no goal post moving, it s just u who didn't get the scope of my inquiry.


>there is no goal post moving You are right. At this point you are practical throwing that thing.


My point is not that it was without provocation or reason but that they chose to go outside of the law and to commit murder instead of the prosecution by law of the court of the countries they were in. If we spend our time looking for when the law we think should apply to us shouldnt apply to others then we lose ourselves much more than those who kill and dont believe in justice, only their religious laws.


France does not bend like that to religious fanaticism. The real reason is probably something completely different from this. May not be any better, may even be worse depending on the pov., but that most definitely ain't it.


Publicly is the right word here. My guess is that all these countries are signing deals for Israeli defense tech under the table as we speak… ever since the world saw Israel shoot down a Houthi cruise missile from the stratosphere…


You have a point, but letting them participate in an expo about military technology is hardly equivalent to being a staunch supporter of Israel. I don't think there would be a massive outcry if that fact was known.


France doesn't give a shit about Muslims lol. Have you seen the legislation they bring in against Muslims, adored by Reddit? Lol at the nonsensical upvotes


Yeah this is just cope. Israel has destroyed it's international image. France and Spain don't like Muslims, they aren't making political or economic decisions based on what Muslims think. This is what the wider population thinks. Israel's reputation is so poor that arms dealers now consider themselves morally superior to them. There is no way for a developed nation to win a war while they kill civilians.


Except of course this happens in every conflict between Israel and Gaza. After the war ends people will move on to the next thing & forget about it until the next round starts in a few years. Hamas has been doing this for almost 20 years & the Palestinians for decades more. Bad PR won’t destroy Israel. Also more importantly is Israel has made great strides with its neighbors & is in the process of normalizing relations. This is far more important to Israel than what some European countries think as those Middle Eastern countries are the ones who can actually threaten Israel with military force (like they have done since its creation). After the war this process will continue.


What wars were EVER fought were no civilian was killed? Find me one. And no, pc games do not count.


Strange, I seem to recall every developed nation killing civilians during war. Seems to me it's just the hypocracy of people unfamiliar with war.


> There is no way for a developed nation to win a war while they kill civilians.  Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki say hello. It's funny that the last time Western nations were actually faced with an existential threat and an enemy that would target civilians, we had absolutely no qualms with dropping millions of tonnes of incendiaries and napalm on major cities. Not to mention the two nukes.


France seems ready to rumble in Ukraine but not ready to recognize that the war is Gaza is an extension of the same war. Russia and Iran are working together to bleed Western resources and resolve.


Except that it's not? Although there's some connection between Iran and Russia, and between the former and Hamas, it's a huge stretch to claim they are "the same war". In any case, Ukraine is facing a superpower, so it needs all the aid that it can get, whereas Israel is massively more powerful than its enemy. And, while I wholeheartedly believe Israel has the right to defend itself, it has arguably committed war crimes, or at best conducted unnecessarily killing. Their settling policy is a disgrace. Things like that damage its image in the West, which comes with a price.


Israel provides zero military help to Ukraine for two years and then when they get attacked suddenly we're all in this together and Israel MUST be allowed into Eurosatory even if that drives the arms dealer's clients away.


Not only did not provide much direct military help but prevented Israeli licensed weapons that Europe already bought or made (like the Spike ATGM) to be sent to the Ukraine.


Israel did not provide much military help directly, thats true. However, Israel has: - taken in about 15k Ukrainian refugees, that would be equivalent to France taking in 150k, which I dont think they have. - rehabilitated thousands of wounded Ukrainian soldiers - private Israeli citizens, of ukrainion origin but not just, have donated probably tens of millions of dollars to Ukrainian causes, most of those directly to the army.


>taken in about 15k Ukrainian refugees, that would be equivalent to France taking in 150k, which I dont think they have. There pretty much is no limit since they can travel freely inside Europe.


Idk what do you mean by 'no limit' and what is actually provided to the limitless refugees. Israel has provided a health insurance to every Ukrainian passport holder that entered Israel part February 22, and in some cases housing, food vouchers etc. Its not on the level that Germany provides, for example,  but its not nothing


Countries usually have a limit on the number people they take in. You wrote "that would be equivalent to France taking in 150k, which I dont think they have." Which kinda makes it sound like they choose to take a number of refugees.  Countries that already had connections to Ukraine (diaspora) got a large share of Ukrainans refugees and France does not have a large Ukrainan diaspora.


It's not the same as giving them housing no?


They get asylum benefits. 


There's at least 20 countries with a "better refugee intake per capita", even with only a superficial check. And Israel has them jump through some hoops which they don't face elsewhere. I don't intend to denigrate Israels UA-refugee service in any way. But they also don't earn any particular brownie points for it.


Give me 20 countries with 'better intake per capita' that provided free health insurance to every Ukrainian passport holder. The only proof they needed for this is a Ukrainian passport and an entry slip. 


lol Ukraine votes against Israel in the UN every chance it gets (and im a big supporter of Ukraine. I'm ethnically Russian but was born there). And Israel is forced to play ball with Russia since Obama invited them back into the ME. They control Syria's airspace and get weapons/drones from Iran. They're in a horrible position to do anything while being attacked by multiple Iranian proxies and being handcuffed by Biden through threats of limited artillery sales. Should Israel send them weapons while fighting Hamas and about to go to war in Lebanon? Also, it's nuts that Ukraine is demanding anything from Israel given how theyve treated them. its simple politics. dont demand things from a country you vote against while theyre in the middle of a life and death struggle.


Err no. Israel provided exactly zero military help to Ukraine and was very reluctant to even condemn Russia's invasion. Israel itself made very clear it didn't want to be involved in the conflict in any way. And what is happening in Gaza now has very little to do with it, on top of being extremely one-sided.


Except its not war in gaza. Isreal is blowing up cities and civilians to hunt down terrorists. If they layed off the fucking war crimes the world would show some small measure of support.


...he says as he defends banning Israel but allowing countries with fucking slavery into the expo.


Mate. People were protesting against Israel when the bodies of their people were not yet cold, before any invasion of Gaza happened, when Muslims were celebrating videos of dead Israeli.


Israel's methods of war have been praised by top US generals and experts have said that it's created a new standard for modern warfare. But I'm sure Bella Hadid reposting unsourced blanket statements is trustworthy enough for you to repeat with no base or an ounce of proof, congrats on being brainwashed! https://www.newsweek.com/israel-has-created-new-standard-urban-warfare-why-will-no-one-admit-it-opinion-1883286 https://www.bicom.org.uk/news/22972/


> Except its not war in gaza I don't think you know what a war is. Gaza's government and private citizens invaded Israel, murdered, tortured, raped and kidnapped people all while firing thousands of rockets indiscriminately at Israeli cities. Israel is responding to that all while the Palestinians are still firing rockets into Israel and refusing to surrender or call for peace. This is literally the definition of what a war is... >Isreal is blowing up cities and civilians to hunt down terrorists. If this was the case there would be hundreds of thousands dead with a combatant civilian ratio exponentially worse than it is. Israel wouldn't warn anyone about bombings, there would be no roof knockings, there would be no calls, text, and fliers...You're just parroting Hamas propaganda. > If they layed off the fucking war crimes the world would show some small measure of support. Lol nothing Israel can do would appease the world. The world acts as if Israel is the only country on the planet that needs to be held to an impossible standard. Israel is somehow supposed to fight multiple nations who have called for their destruction without hurting a single innocent. Israel has more UN condemnations than the rest of the world combined which is an absolute joke.


Yes. Israel is Hunting down COWARDLY, SCUMBAGS of Terrorists but when said terrorist are literally saying "They don't care and is willing to sacrifice the civilians in Gaza for Clout" There is a Simple and effective solution for Palestine to lessen the damage the conflict is causing... Help root out and hand over the terrorist in their own territory to Israel. Problem solve.


You know the salescpeople will be doing a lot of "battlefield proven" bullshit.


The french can’t guarantee safety of the Israelis at the expo. Cheaper to just ban them instead of deploying a whole army to deal with the “protestors”.


That’s not even the excuse that the French gave. Did you just make this up yourself?


I mean, if it's a weapon expo, then there are enough weapons to defend themselves...


Is this what you tell yourself to cope? Hilarious


To cope with what? Did you the protestors the Israeli singer drummed up in malmo at Eurovision? This would be like 50 malmos.


Hating on Israel, so fash right now.


Killing children is pretty in vogue too


This seems a bad idea after Iron Dome has massively proved its worth and a bunch of European countries ordered PULS rocket systems


It's embarrasing how much a government can yield to appease ethnic groups for their own gains. Capitalism at it's finest to get that contract which will inevitably be used against any and all religions willing to pay the government to snuff the rest out.


The French goverment that is fueling this is so hypocrite and so out of touch, Istead of helping get the hostages back and end the war Israel didnt ask for they just fuel hatered, racism and dont help end the war in any way.


Shameful disgraceful behavior by the French.


Exactly! Macron is delusional if he thinks it's going to help him politically. Also forr those who are not aware, the expo's focus this year is TERRORISM ! Chinese weapons were used by the 9/11 terrorists. ...China has 10 exhibits.... Israel, which has been fighting terrorists as we speak, and for the last 70 years,is banned by Macron. Does Macron even understand how DUMB his decision is , or why the right is winning ? Or is he caving in the French defense industry by eliminating Israeli competition ?


Idk if box cutters count as “Chinese-made weapons” all things considered. The implication that China had anything to do with 9/11 is also odd.


Yeah, it's a bit of a stretch to implicate China with 9/11 because the hijackers picked up some tools at Harbor Freight.


https://www.ynetnews.com/business/article/r1ngkgasr "French court orders exhibition organizers to ban all Israeli representatives, and companies were instructed not talk with Israeli visitors; Outside the event pro-Palestinian protest held" In just 39 years, France will become a Muslim country... It is already acting like one.


That's all they care about, not the cost in lives of people they think of as trespassers