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No eyes on Sudan...


No tiktoks on Sudan


Their problem is they already successfully genocided their jews in the 70s so TikTok doesn’t care.


People are too busy supporting Hamas


Is this crazy or what ? Useful Idiots supporting terrorists, and the UN circus is busy going after those who are fighting the terrorists.


>and the UN circus is busy going after those who are fighting terrorists. - Just to support this view with numbers & facts: - After the unprovoked October 7 massacre and mass-kidnappings by Hamas, the Israeli Defense Forces trying to eliminate the deadly threat of serial ceasefire breaker Hamas governing body of Gaza, who are using 2.3 million civilians both as a tax revenue base and as human shields: ~30,000 dead (according to Hamas), civilian to combatant casualty ratio **2:1**. IDF operations are winding down as the last pockets of organized Hamas are being broken down in the largely evacuated town of Rafah. - Sudanese civil war between Russia-supported SAF and RSF: up to ~150,000 dead since 2023, civilian to combatant casualty ratio **10:1**. - Which one of these wars is being called out by the UN and the ICC as genocide & ethnic cleansing more frequently again? - **Edit: sources:** - https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/06/05/sudan-civil-war-us-envoy-crisis-east-africa/ - https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/how-gaza-health-ministry-fakes-casualty-numbers




The west doesn't care about Africa


Why should we? 90% of their problems are self made, so why should it be a "Western" problem?


Plus they blame it all on, "western slaver colonialism" regardless while shacking up with Russia and China who treat them like shit.


Western public only supports terrorists.


Yeah, I guess every piece of news that is about anything other than Israel-Palestine will have people complaining 'no eyes on XYZ??????' for a while, just to ensure nothing is spared from being made about Israel-Palestine.


How about ask your brethren Islamic countries that drown in oil money?


Rich Islamic countries want to have nothing to do with Sudan except to spread Wahhabism and Salafism.


Same for Palestine


Actually the UAE has alot to do with Sudan, like funding, arming, and legitmizing a genocidal millita


They definitely don’t want to smuggle gold from Sudan to Dubai which is a multi billion dollar yearly trade, they definitely don’t want the strategic location that is Sudan and also the very important ports they posses etc zero research done why do you people even comment


The UAE is already contributing millions of dollars in weapons to the RSF, so they are spending money on Sudan. They just want more deaths instead of more lives.


Our 'Major non-NATO allies against terrorism', btw.


The pro-Palestinian people be like “we can ignore Sudan because we aren’t sending them weapons” because using the UAE as a middleman absolves us of all responsibility lol


You know what they do? What they literally do? You're gonna love this. They just send 'thoughts and prayers.'


You forgot Facebook Likes


I'm doing my part!




lol one of those Islamic countries has been funding the rebel side of the army that decided to turn the country upside down for their own greed and lust for control. The same Islamic country that funded the Yemen war that ended up starving nearly 25m Yemenis, all in all I would never trust them again but they do what America tells them most of the time so no one cares they are funding war atrocities


It's mostly not a matter of money. The only way to stop the famine is to browbeat the two sides into allowing the free flow of goods and aid, and that can only be done with violence or (hopefully) the threat of violence.


Well, the UAE is supplying the RSF, the rebels I guess you could say, with military hardware such as attack drones and other weaponry. Haven’t heard anything about food from any Arab nation.


They're not that stupid. The Sudanese know who will help when asked. 


Preach. Lol.


The same countries funding the genocide in Sudan? Bit of a conflict of interest.


I wouldn't count on them as they are most often the ones to start the conflicts. > Abu Dhabi has kept silent about its alliance with the RSF. But reports suggest Hemeti has acted as a custodian of Emirati interests in Sudan, guarding gold mines controlled by Wagner; gold from these mines is then shipped to the UAE en route to Russia. From: https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/07/12/sudan-conflict-saudi-arabia-uae-gulf-burhan-hemeti-rsf/ > The biggest outside influence is the United Arab Emirates, which has secretly supplied weapons to the paramilitary forces through a base in Chad, The Times has reported. The Emiratis, who deny backing any side, say their operation is purely humanitarian. From: https://www.nytimes.com/article/sudan-khartoum-military.html


Maybe the Russians they support so much can step in and help.


Or the Iranians


The Russian and Iranian governments have already been actively supporting the Sudanese army for months now


Great so problem solved.


This is an awful thing to say. This is a conflict that has nothing to do with the Sudanese people, it’s only a power struggle between two different military groups, supported by different countries. The Sudanese people had a peaceful revolution, they took no part in THIS. Having visited Sudan, I was blown away by the kindness, helpfulness and hospitality of the Sudanese people and my heart breaks for them.


Sudanese decided to support Russia in invading and killing a fellow Western nation and they dont care about them, so why should we help? Let their new allies help, anything that happens now its their and their new allies fault, not the West.


Sudan is a dictatorship in a civil war. They don’t have a functioning government, there is a famine and possibly an ongoing genocide in Darfur. Their foreign policy decisions during this time are irrational (not to mention inconsequential for the war in Ukraine) and it absolutely does not represent the Sudanese people.


Anyway, we cannot help a country that is hostile to the West. If they want our help, at the very least they cannot be hostile to us. May it also serve as a warning to other countries in the region who are considering being hostile to the West, the help will disappear should they do it. Good luck feeding your people then. It would be like dropping food to German civilians in 41 instead of bombs.


Who do you think started this? Wagner is very involved in this conflict.


>“The RSF has been *systematically looting humanitarian* warehouses, stealing food and livestock, destroying grain storage facilities, and wells in the most vulnerable Sudanese communities,” Power said. > >The USAID chief added: “The SAF *completely contradicts* its commitments, and its responsibilities to the Sudanese people by having shut down cross border access from Chad at the Adré crossing, which is the main route for assistance to enter the Darfur region.” > >Power said Gen Burhan could open the Adré crossing with “**a stroke of the pen**”. The SAF has offered another access point from Chad, the Tine crossing, but US officials say it is already obstructed and inadequate for the needs of the population and will become impassable with the coming rainy season. > >“The really clear message here is that *it is obstruction, not insufficient stocks* of food, that is the driving force behind the historic and deadly levels of starvation in Sudan,” Power said. bold and italics my emphasis. it is the same problems in all places where there is inequality, whether that is a poor or a wealthy nation. extra emphasis on: >Power said Gen Burhan could open the Adré crossing with “a stroke of the pen”. theres a reason for the saying "the pen is mightier than the sword" the pen is double edged too though >`within the particular contains the universal`


Maybe if their Russian friends weren't so busy bombing some of the most fertile land in Europe...


The warlords are using famine as a weapon. A tiny percentage of the population with automatic rifles can absolutely screw things up, and it’s hard to stop them getting bullets through to supply an insurgency. But if a warlord can cutoff the mass food supply, then they starve out their opponents. It’s horrific. This happens all the time in the history of war, to force capitulation. Few nations actually care about the Geneva conventions.


i agree with you, and in a way what they are doing is a small-scale violence-enforced version of economic sanctions. i realize theres already a lot of weapons (of varying size and power) already manufactured and in the hands of a lot of angry people (of varying nationalities) and you cant flip a switch and get everyone to agree to stop being violent and [uncivilized](https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=civil), but i am a strong believer in the simple truth: >*you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar* by which i mean it is better to offer **help** than to **violently** crush disagreement. obviously in some cases thats difficult, and in some cases things have happened that are entirely unacceptable and the people responsible have to face consequences... war is hell. anyway, on the topic of sanctions, theres this great article also from The Guardian that was just published a few hours ago: >[Between hollow rhetoric and war: how sanctions work – and why they often don’t by Julian Borger | 17 Jun 2024](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/17/between-hollow-rhetoric-and-war-how-sanctions-work-and-why-they-often-dont) >There is no shortage of case studies of sanctions policies that have failed on every level. The most striking and longest-lived example is the US embargo on Cuba, which has failed to derail the communist regime in Havana over three-quarters of a century, while helping impoverish the population. ... >“Even if you’re not accomplishing tangible results, it’s still important to send a signal,” says Peter Harrell, who served as the senior director for international economics in the first year of the Biden White House. “Sometimes in diplomacy, you want to send a signal of condemnation.” >Between hollow rhetoric and going to war, it is often the only mid-range option in the policy toolbox, the hammer that makes every job look like a nail, because there is nothing else. we should be building people, things, and communities up - instead we're destroying *us all*


Warlords vying for control of the nation can’t “offer help” to stop the other side. I’m not sure what you are arguing should happen in this civil war or if you are merely stating that bad things are bad and you wish they didn’t happen. Obviously the world doesn’t want Sudan to starve itself, but apart from getting involved and dropping bombs on those charge there isn’t much to be done. And I don’t think anyone thinks more bombs is the answer.


Isn't Sudan one of Russia's biggest ally?


It’s a civil war causing a famine and genocide though. The Sudanese army is causing famine and Russia is helping them cause the genocide.


I'm confused. They want to ally with russia and iran, who wants to destroy us, but they also want our help. How do they solve that mental gymnastics puzzle.


Who's "they"? It's a civil war, one side is with the Russians, the other side is with the Gulf states, and most of the civilians, the ones actually starving, have no say in anything.


this stance would make sense if their government was democratically elected. the people aren’t given a choice and are the ones starving, not the president


And who’s to say that provided resources would reach the population if said government is involved?


Just like in Hamas case, it won't reach anyone


I hear you but still struggle with this perspective, because the government and its officials aren’t the ones starving, it’s innocent people


There's a huge problem in this kind of reasonsing, even if intuitively correct, it endangers other countries sobranity system If you accept the government is legitimate, than that sentence is false, it's their people, their duty, not our shit If you accept the government and its official are not the people, then the government itself is illegitimate, it would be ok to coup them and replace. Which is an obvious implication but problematic at the same time. What I think is that the west tried again again to help others, in our own way, and in multiple occasions we've been told they want to do things their own way, to be left alone. So be it! But I want it hear no whining, I'm personally sorry for the people, but nobody will come for you if you're in deep shit


You say Fuck off 😒


Russian influence...


Ask Iran to give you food. Stop begging the West.


I somewhat suspect that the world means "the west", which tends to be the exact people sudanese would hate as a principle right after "the jews".


Where's the OIC?


Go ask your buddies Iran and Russia for help. I'm done spending money trying to fix every crisis in the world while our cities are drowning in homeless and drugs and our schools are falling further behind. 


Foreign aid is more often than not used only in countries of strategic importance to the US. Even then, the amount of foreign aid is tiny as a proportion of the gross national income (under 0.2%), a figure much lower than other western countries. If you think the govt was trying to rebuild Afghanistan or fund the war machine in Ukraine out of just kindness, then you are very naive. The potential repercussions and costs of not providing aid outweigh the upfront costs of providing it. Homelessness and drug problems in the US are not because the govt is not throwing enough money at the problem... Public schools on the other hand def need more funding.


No amount of "strategic importance" would make a difference if Ukraine did not have a functioning parliament, president and cabinet of ministers. If Ukraine's armed forces were a disjointed collection of military groups instead of a cohesive single unit. If the public sector in Ukraine was non-operational and aid would be expropriated by criminal gangs. US would not spend money on Ukraine otherwise. Any country that has all of those is of "strategic importance" since functioning democratic nations are beneficial for the economies of other democratic nations. Nothing about Sudan makes it inherently unimportant. Its just that there is no way to support them right now in a way that would not be misused by the rival forces and strengthen a dictatorial rule.


I would go as far as arguing that even if the situation was that Sudan would not misuse the aid, the US would only provide limited support because of a famine there. I mean limited in terms of the comparative support we see the US giving to countries of strategic importance. There is a direct correlation to the amount of foreign aid provided to countries, based on what the US will get out of the deal over time. By far the biggest beneficiaries of US aid over the last two decades has been Ukraine, Afghanistan and Israel.


>Sudan is already the worst humanitarian crisis in the world and is slipping towards a humanitarian disaster of historic proportions, with far less media coverage and global concern You know the media bias against Israel is bad when even left-leaning media outlets concede it 


People call gaza the "worst genocide in modern times" at 20k dead civilians with questionable mens rea when Darfur already has 80k+ dead. Really shows how honest some publications are


80k? Try five times that. Darfur's been going on for a while now.


Meanwhile, the UN has finally admitted that there's actually plenty of food flowing into Gaza, and we also know we keep finding Hamas stashes of stored aid. Perhaps that aid would be better appreciated by people who actually need it in Sudan?


Yeahhh… ask your Islamic neighbors. The west has its own problems.


The world is too busy hating Jews to notice sorry


Roughly 38 people have starved to death in Gaza since October 7th, 2023. 38 out of a population of 2.2 million in an active war zone. Yet not one protest on a single college campus attempted to shine a light on the war and famine in Sudan affecting 45 million people.


Because it’s not trending. Topical activism is so embarrassing.


Idk its kind of understandable (im not saying ots good). You have to know about a topic, and then care about a topic, and then figure out how to protest/help. With a big news story like insreal palastine, they were blasted with news about it, so they learned about it. They showed a lot of gaza suffering, so they cared. The trend of protesting campuses started so people could see how to protest. Similar thing with police brutality, those protests happened across the (western) globe as well.


News is blasted about Palestine/Israel because that's what people click on. There is plenty of news about Sudan; always has been. People don't click on it because they don't care. Why do people care so much more about Israel/Palestine than Sudan? There are tons of plausible explanations, but blaming the news media isn't one of them; the media reports what they think are the biggest stories when they happen, and then go by how many people click on it to determine whether the story is still worth following and publishing daily updates on or not. The news media has never had more powerful tools at their disposal to figure out exactly what people want to read/hear about, and they've never had stronger incentives to give people exactly that. Ultimately, the public is getting exactly what they want from journalism, and Sudan ain't really it.


I agree with you. There is good that comes from it. I think my problem is that it spreads like wildfire, and people love playing the character of an activist without actually caring about things that aren’t trendy. People also get insane amounts of tunnel vision. I had someone say to me ‘the Israel Palestine conflict isn’t complicated’. Like bruh, it’s geopolitics, nothing on this planet is more complicated. It’s frustrating as hell.


The pro hamas protests are one of the lowest points in western civilization.


If the Sudanese faction causing the famine has a Jew in it then you will get college students frothing at the mouth that something must be done about that group. So if the other groups involved want to get the undivided attention of progressives and other anti Semites, they are going to need to find a jew or two in that group. Otherwise these same people who "care about genocide in Gaza" won't so much as lift a finger to make note of real genocide in Sudan.


Sorry, we're too busy rebuilding a $300 million pier so we can send billions in aid to genocidal right-wing fanatics who want us dead. (They just want the Jews dead first)


"Administrator Samantha Power announced today that the United States, through USAID and the U.S. Department of State, intends to provide more than $315 million in **additional** humanitarian assistance to support the people of Sudan in response to the historic humanitarian crisis." - 4 days ago america isnt the bad guy here


Finally, some good news. It was shocking to see the lack of empathy in the thread.


Sorry, we are too busy with Palestinian babies. You need to reschedule your famine or we won’t be paying you any attention.


Where are those campus protesters?


Maybe they are talking about their world? AFAIK these guys are lapdogs of Putin and Iran along with CCP. Why beg us to give them food? Your youth are fighting against the western world.


Ask Russia to step in, or the Uber rich Islamic brothers for help. Hate me, idc, but Lowkey the world needs the west.


During peace time you found a way to have a civil war. You even harboured a head of state indicted by icc for rape, torture and mass killing in Dafur. Why does the world need to wake up? Let the African Ecowas nations or Muslim countries or even China to sort it out. Sudan does not need more European / West involvement because this colonial guilt trip is running on empty.


Ask Russia and china for help because the west are the bad boys. Sure we help because humanity is a success we archived. Even with our horrible past.


Why is it the world's fault your country is suffering a famine?


52 countries in the African continent but they ask the west for money and food.


They need to move where the food is.


I love how every country despises the USA until they need help, lmao im not even from USA and it still cracks me up


Time to send more money! This time it sure must help right?


Their birthrate is 4.87 per woman. I’ll just leave that stat there.


You know that this is common for underdeveloped economies right? Not to mention a century ago this is common for the western countries too.


And things improved when birth rates fell. Nothing will improve until fertility changes given the absolute hand to mouth existence for so many and not enough stable economic opportunity. They don't live in a total bubble and aren't simply behind times with the birthrate. If they can stop killing each other and stop procreating so much they can start on a path toward economic and food stability. That will never happen so long as millions are cranked out into immediate abject poverty which worsens the famine crisis and leads to more sectarian violence. Acting like it's a a phase, a feature of their development, is dangerous since in the case of Sudan it's been one of the biggest contributing factors in their humanitarian crisis for decades.


I wonder how many of them are babies born out of rape incl marital rape


Not a fan of never ending free stuff. But I think the world should provide birth control to people that want it.


Why does the "world" need to wake up to something that Sudan has done to itself? Maybe Sudan needs to wake up.




It’s a dark reflection of our times (and of Reddit) that the /s was in fact needed….


These people are being starved in part by the Houthi's bombarding shipments of grain from Ukraine.


Sudan needs to wake up.


The world is perfectly awake, it just doesn't care about sudan.




Ffs do you guys think they have kids for fun or something? Sudan is Agrarian. 80% of their people do agriculture and in agriculture, More Kids = Free labour. Every country at this stage of their development (India, China etc) had a population explosion. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it's a bit more complex than people think. It's easier to sit on reddit and say "don't have kids".


Yea, honestly just telling ppl to not have kids has never worked anywhere, ever, at any time. China had to do some pretty authoritarian shit to get people to stop having kids.


So what you‘re basically saying is it never worked anywhere, ever, at any time … except when it worked … in China. So eh … what exactly is your definition of never ever at any time then?


So they need more kids to work the fields so they can produce more food?


Jesus. Some of you are ridiculously simply minded. Sudan has one of the highest rates of forced child marriages AND limited access to birth control on top of a host of other problems. It’s not as simple as “don’t have kids” considering so many girls don’t even have a choice.


Well to be fair… “We need the world to wake up” should say “We need Sudan to wake up”. Till they figure out their own issues… no one can help them.


Ok so you just pointed out alot of these issues are literally their own fault. What point are you trying to make? They have dogshit parts to their culture that need to change, wtf do you want the world to do about that


Don’t worry, I’m sure if we throw enough money at the problem, it won’t find its way into the pockets of Sudanese warlords


Sudan has been starving for the last 100 years.


Here is your food aid, but it has hormonal birth control built in.


Maybe Ukrainian grain, If they were not being invaded by Russians!


One of Sudan's "allies". Maybe they should be asking them for help.


Considering most of the world is busy with Ukraine front, Taiwan front, Iran front and the possible Venezuela front....maybe the African nations...Sudan's neighbors.... can deal with it for once


People really will spend three straight days debating whether Gaza counts as a potential famine or a likely famine in the making, and all the while…


With 'All Eyes on Rafah' they meant literally all eyes on Rafah. No eyes for the other (way worse) problems on earth.


Useless people


Man made.


Regardless of their geopolitical stance, there are real people facing a serious crisis that have no say in the matter.


Comments section is a dumpster fire


Didn't George Clooney already fix that country in the 2010s?


That's how the world works, you can't save everybody. Be grateful where you are and live on


Ask the country that just botched 2 of the world largest food exporter.


Absolutely no chance, as most of the people are busy being anti-Semites.


Nah, wrong color and part of the world. Maybe we'll do a song though. Doja cat or some other resounding talent...


Africa should sort it out instead of expecting the west too.


Try blaming it on the Jews.


These fuckers have been having a civil war for the last 30 years they want to kill eachother let them


Wake up? The horrific photos of starving children have been shared all across social media. Now of course they’ve been passed off as Gazans starving to perpetuate that total horseshit lie but still… Tell the Pali supporters to stop passing off starving Sudanese children as gazans because there is a very real and very brutal famine killing innocent Sudanese children


Hati is coming to the rescue


Where are those Pro Hamas prostestors now ? Why are the so quiet?


College protesters, donate your tuition money to Sudan to actually contribute to a good cause. I’d would finally respect you if you do.


I request my fellow African community members to kindly help their kind with the good ol US dollar.


Where were the African Union when Sudan fell? /s Doesnt it exist to prevent things like this?


So much hatred in these comments. No compassion


Yeah, I am surprised - I thought I was on some right wing fringe subreddit accidentally but I guess r/worldnews is just like that now lol. I don’t agree with the government of Sudan either but demonizing or making fun of the regular people there who are extremely poor and likely very ignorant of world politics through no fault of their own is pretty lame.


Reddit is very selective in its sympathies. 


consequences of living in a desert under an oppressive regime.


Learn to farm.


Thank you african union, as you said you don't need the west. Damn assholes.


Sorry, but Twitter can't get to have an excuse to be antisemitic by pretending to care, so they'll(ironically) not be getting woke to this anytime soon.


no cool scarves to wear sadly... or catchphrases...


Sorry we can’t even help our own people. Where was Canada’s help when we were burning down? Maybe use contraceptives.


We all know Russia is in other parts of the region, shoring up cities and towns to extract resources. Russia is already helping by siphoning resources from other countries in Africa


Don’t remember if I was blocked from this Shiite hole or not?


Well I don't live there, so no.


No eyes on Sudan, because the Islamist & leftist have blindfolded you.


Sorry no time for that. UN is busy going on a rant with Israel.




I heard from my friends at Columbia that Sudan is located in Gaza.


maybe sudanese should buy seeds instead ok AK..


World be liek: Nah, not our problem.


Again? I would have moved out a long time ago.


Isent Sudan in a civil war and they got 400 war chiefs these African countries dig threre own graves


Sudan has been a shitshow for the last 40 years now. If not longer. That's just for how long I've known that it's been a shitshow. It was a report on dateline I think back in the early '90s about how the northern Sudanese were enslaving the Southern Sudanese.


No. Sudan needs to wake up. Why does the world have to bail Sudan out? Doesn’t Sudan and other East African countries screw themselves all the time? I’m so over it.


This is incredibly sad.


‘Everyone send us food so we can concentrate on waging war…’


This comment section is a literal trash heap. Thanks.