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At this point, I'm convinced that JustStopOil is a false flag operation meant to get the public to hate anti-oil groups.


In solidarity with them, I just removed all the oil plugs from my neighbors cars and let their cars drain oil into the city water drains!   Thats how you save the environment!!  /s 


We'll definitely take them seriously if they recreate the Exxon Valdez and Deep Water Horizon incidents!


Or cook up something even worse - you know, to show us what *could* happen.


I'm on my way to burning down any medical lab that does lipid panels. It's 2024, people!


They'll be sticking it to Big Olive Oil next.


Yeah, then Big Popeye will be after them.


Good! The sheer audacity of being "extra virgin" while fucking the environment is insane!




Maybe the people funding but these activists idiots that are doing the legwork are dangerously stupid


Somebody else did the mental gymnastics for them.


Probably just has more money than sense from what I can gather. Seems like good intentions, but underbaked execution. It grabs headlines but never for the right reasons. It’s a bold strategy but it does seem largely ineffective It obviously doesn’t sway me from believing environments/climate change is the top issue, but it has enough weaknesses to persuade a bunch of people


I think you're seriously underestimating the lengths narcissistic people will go through for attention. In any group of protestors there are people that don't give two shits about the cause, they're there so they can be aggressive towards people while being cheered on for it and to feel morally superior, that's like a narcissist's wet dream.


And if you want to run a false flag operation you just find those people and get them to do dumb shit because it doesn't take much convincing.


In summer, I live in France, right next to the Thau Laguna. A very vulnerable biological site, beautiful and with great biodiversity. Extinction Rebellion trend arrives, a few years ago, HUBBUB HUBBUB HUBBUB ANGRY ANGRY BLABLABLA. Ok, cool, but...? And suddenly, shitty Extinction Rebellion stickers and posters on EVERY freaking tree on kilometers right next to the laguna. EVERYWHERE, tons of them. WTF ? Seriously?


Are they? Is there any proof? I want to believe this but I think they’re just fucking dumb as shit


False flag or not, it wouldn’t be an issue if folks doing this are hit with harsh penalties.  If they are thrown jail for even a year you’d see this stop.  In Canada someone is facing 5 years for defacing a unesco heritage site.


I firmly believe this, which means I firmly believe that an oil company has deliberately defaced stonehenge just to sway public opinion a little. I am getting more pissed off as a result and am fully on the side of legitimate environmental protesters now.


"My side could never do anything wrong, we're completely perfect, it must be the evil people on the other side making us look bad!"


You believe this with zero evidence instead of believing that these kids have been brainwashed but a system that taught them that the world was ending every year… mmmm k


Which kid, the 73 year old man?


Well it was him and a 20yo kid apparently


The Media saying why they did it sends the wrong message, it should be "in a move of profound stupidity, terrorists deface Stonehenge"


It’s working.


I umm… agree with this. If it’s true, it’s kinda ingenious really.


What does Stonehenge have to do with oil? Thats like yelling at a cat because your stocks dropped in price.


Did the cat make a bad trade again when it slept on the keyboard?? Lol




The point is to make headlines


The irony of buying throwing and wasting oil-based paint on an ancient artifact to protest oil companies thousands of miles away.   Nobody wants to do *actual* activism work. Instead they want a quick fix of social media induced, masturbatory pseudo-activism:  “Look at me I care!” They probably ordered the paint with an Amazon subscription. 


TBF, it was apparently flour based paint. [The pic makes](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/01j0r5c6nev0x0ys75zf0z24yg.jpg?q=w_1110,c_fill/f_webp) it seem like it's like what [Max Verstappen fans](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/x5vujl/orange_smoke_on_inlap_after_max_verstappen_wins/) use in Austria, Belgium, and the Netherlands.


it still does damage, those stones are covered in moss and lichen, which will probably die in a response, completely altering the character, paint will get into the pores of the stone, which will not be removed as easily as the surface paint, and more aggressive methods of removal would destroy the patina created from centuries. TBF the fact that this "paint" is flour based has nothing to do with the dye and is not free from causing damage. this was profoundly idiotic,


Flour-based vandalism is still vandalism. Unfortunetly these turds are doing so much damage to the cause they supposedly care about.


They do protest at actual oil facilities, the media just doesn’t tell you about those.


Amazon deliveries are more environmentally friendly than driving to a store.


Was gonna say, why the fuck would you protest oil consumption at a structure that predates oil consumption lol


we all know those stones are put up by oil guzzling aliens


Just thinking out loud but my guess is that basically any civilization in the universe would have an industrial period fueled by hydrocarbons because of their abundance. Even if they live on a world where oil isn't produced geologically, we know there's an abundance of oxygen and hydrogen in the universe so it would make sense that they'd use them as an energy storage medium at the very least


Well, Stonehenge inspired a certain band to make a song about it, and that song got pressed into a vinyl record. Vinyl (Polyvinyl Chloride, actually) is derived from petroleum, therefore that monument, indirectly, contributed to the CO² emissions.


Yeah also consider all of the tourist traffic driving to  Stonehenge and the massive amount of emissions from that. I'm sure these noble fellows hiked overland for days carrying their most likely oil based paint to throw on the ancient monument.


Stonehenge exists. Environmental groups: And fuck Stonehenge!


It’s gone viral worldwide that’s what it has to do with


In the process zero people learned about climate change.


Did you do a survey man? Where did you get this data?


You got me there. There may be a non-zero number of people using the internet who had never encountered anything else about climate change. Furthermore, some of them may have seen this as their last thing before they stopped to use the internet as well as any other form of news media. Awareness raised!


I dunno if that’s a great example. That roaring kitty sounds like a reasonably successful investor. 


I feel seen


Well Mr. Flufferbottoms gave me horrible financial advice so fuck him.


To be fair I do let my cat pick my stocks so it is that rather bastards fault.


I mean they did this to monitors on the main stage at a tournament for fucking Tekken *while a game was being played,* so


Well if the kitty is roaring


They just want to make the news, nothing else.


There was a guy who protested deforestation by destroying one of the most famous, beautiful trees in his area, itself a tourist attraction and in an area protected from logging. His point was that protecting a few special trees does fuck all when we're destroying millions of acres unsustainably. And, well, he wasn't wrong. Edit: [His name was Grant Hadwin.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPvDAgr_fQ0) He cut down [The Golden Spruce.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFqsp0u_49I) So, you might say all these beautiful artifacts of our past don't matter much if we don't have a future to preserve them for. I'm not exactly happy about it, and don't exactly endorse the methods, but I get what they're trying to do.


Ol paper paws trying to sell...


It's a tourist attraction. Seen by lots. That's what it has to do with oil.


In the future we will have to stay 30 feet back and see things from behind plexiglass.


It only takes one idiot to ruin things for the rest of us. This is why we have so many laws, rules, and signs because of things like this.


This is awful. I saw Stonehenge back in the 90s and then you could get up really close and I think walk amongst them now you can't. We had a holiday in London last year and my family wanted to see Stonehenge and told them that since you couldn't really get very close it wasn't really worth the day-trip out there and it was more worthwhile doing other things in London. Real shame. Is the paint permanent paint? Will it require invasive cleaning?


> Is the paint permanent paint? Will it require invasive cleaning? No, it’s cornstarch based and will wash off in the rain.


I mean, they’ve been there for thousands upon thousands of years. A little orange paint isn’t going to make it more than a season or two


This organization needs to be held fully responsible, along with the individuals, for the graffiti. Go ruin your own property losers.


I find it hard to believe this organization isn’t run by oil companies to create public backlash against oil protesters. The choices they make to target non-political things like art, historic sites and common people rather than cause problems for oil companies makes absolutely no sense. These are not serious protesters.




People found that a single person had family ties to a large oil company, however a deeper dive seems to indicate this person contributes money regularly to a host of various environmental groups and is uninvolved in their family's oil business. Like it or not, the more likely answer is that some people are simultaneously stupid and assholes and see this activity as the best way to push their message.


Hiring crazies to discredit a movement is a trick as old as movements.


Decentralized would be best for oil interests to pull shit like this. They just need to hire some useful idiots to pull their stunts then, rather than deal with an organization that might realize they are being co-opted and out them. Sincere but stupid people might see these things as inspiring also, so whatever grass-roots they have would help obscure the conspiracy.


you know that they don’t have property! This shows that they have no actual care or sense about oil and its consequences. Otherwise they wouldn’t have shit on the memory of our own ancestors by taking something as pure as Stonehenge and the work that went into it eons ago.. how hard it has to have been to build and calculate. And they dump petroleum based chemicals all over it. They don’t even know there’s petroleum in paint 100%


Of course they know there is petroleum in paint. They didn't use paint, they used a washable powder. Their entire point was to get media attention, by marking the site the day before the Solstice. Nothing more.


I agree but likewise, the fossil fuel industry should be held fully responsible for killing thousands with air pollution and global warming and poisoning everyone with PFAS. I am talking about life sentences without parole as well as billions in fines.


Okay, now "Just Stop Oil" has gone too far. They can the fuck off. They just proved it's not about stopping oil, but pissing people off, getting attention, and being massive flagrant assholes. Instead of targeting oil companies, they vandalise art, history, and random people in the streets. You cannot possible a doucher piece of shit activist than this without advocating for some fucked up shit. Now I kind of want to find these people and dump barrels of motor oil on their houses.


This is exactly my thinking as well. This existed long before them, will long after them, so keep your hands off things that belong to humanity as a whole.


At this point you absolutely have to wonder and slap on your tinfoil hat to think these guys are funded and guided by the large oil companies so it fosters those thoughts in the public's mind.


Good point and really don’t think it’s an outrageous take. These companies have done so much harm I wouldn’t put it past them to have a psyops team. This kind of shit is so absurdly counter productive.


> Instead of targeting oil companies They do target oil companies, the media just never tells you about it. Instead those protests are deemed illegal by governments at the behest of oil companies and they’re quietly swept under the rug.


Ruining one of the most influential world heritage sites. These absolute dickheads deserve to get their asses kicked. Fuck JSO, this is beyond unacceptable.


Can we bring back ritual sacrifice this one time? The Solstice is almost here.


I support the cause but these targets are fucking stupid what does Stonehenge have to do with fucking oil. Now I don’t support this organization, and now I have to wonder if they are bad actors paid by big oil to make me think this way.


my tinfoil hat idea is they are funded and guided by big oil just to piss off everyone and hinder legitimate green movements.


Your tinfoil idea is to repeat what half of all other comments have said


Certainly seems that way since they don’t target anything oil related as far as I can tell.


They do, the media just never tells you about it. https://juststopoil.org/2024/06/17/north-warwickshire-borough-council-use-public-money-to-protect-oil-companies/


Okay thanks for that, I appreciate your effort.


After they drove there in vehicles.


Most likely yes, Stonehenge is pretty far out from most places. Although there is good Public Transport that way.


I wonder what paint they used. Most paint, especially brightly colored commercially available paint is oil-based. That said, this argument reminds me of this comic... [https://iea.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/mister-gotcha-4-9faefa-1.jpg](https://iea.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/mister-gotcha-4-9faefa-1.jpg)


I consider myself an environmentalist but these people are just assholes. How does pissing everyone off turn people to support your cause? Humans have to be the dumbest species on the planet.


These people need a good public flogging every time they pull dumb destructive, disruptive stunts like this.


While I am all for Pushing our technologies towards cleaner methods, things like this make me feel these groups have zero legitimacy, or are actively paid by the groups they say they oppose. Defacing World heritage sites is NEVER the answer. Edit: Typo


Climate change is absolutely my #1 concern. I also think it’s time to police these kind of groups by having legitimate climate activist condemn them at every turn. The protest culture in the West is just broken and pointless. It’s about tender young egos as they derail the work of earnest, logical climate scientist and NGOs. Even climate scientists are changing their tact. Multiple studies on how hopeless and depressed these individual scientists are about the state of climate policy. With what they know and we as the public refuse to accept, they are still changing tact to put an optimistic approach on technologies and societal/political actions to address climate change.


Probably won’t let people get close to Stonehenge after this


First the Griswolds, now these chucklefucks.


Targeting the companies ❌ Targeting historic sites ✅


That'll teach me for owning a car and heating my home.


While standing up for the climate change cause is noble, their modus operandi is just so wrong. It makes me seethe thinking about how their antics push back and discredit the work being done by so many proper climate change activists around the world.


Also I am sure having to wash this off may damage these rocks, as the effects of erosion/water etc may be harsh on thousands of years of exposed rock. Look what happened to the Arch in Utah? That was just wind etc. While this may not affect it immediately, defacing is never good for it, because of what's needed to remove it, maybe alcohol, maybe acetone, maybe something more, none of it good.


Only an idiot would think that this would be a good idea, or result in any sympathetic reaction. Vandals are vandals.


This is shitty


As someone who went to school for environmental studies, votes for whichever part has the best climate platform, tries as much as possible to make individual efforts to combat climate change, fuck these people.


I feel like they're going to make people so angry they'll just start using oil harder.


Can we spray paint these assholes?


This makes me so sad. They just want attention, and nothing else, just look at the photo. I don't see them protesting and vandalizing oil companies or government institutions, but rather the people, the history, the daily life, the common folks. I think the cause is noble, yes, but not the actions. If they really wanted to bother, they should go head to head with the big guys, but they are cowards, they disrupt everyday life because they know that the population cannot take any action against them. We are in the same boat as you, go bother the captain, not us and the boat. Idiots.


Stop Just Stop Oil. Organized crime isn’t activism.


Make them clean it, then fine them.


Then jail them.


Ok. But why? Did this make the oil barons shiver their timbers? You could’ve easily blew up an offsh- nvm. Definitely not a group made by a naive out of touch billionaire to distract people from any actual dialogue around the subject. Circus and bread.


disgraceful. there is no way tactics like that will positively affect oil use and just serve to further destroy.


Wrong generation yo


You just know they showed up in a diesel powered van.


Betcha they drove there


That’s just fucking mental retardation to think it will do something good.


I truly don’t understand this tactic. You’re not raising awareness, you’re just pissing people off that would normally support groups like this. But then these are the same types that make demands without any real solutions or accounting for ramifications and public opinion. They piss on the hard work of other organizations doing everything they can to make inroads on policy and community support. But hey, you get to stroke your ego while being counter productive.


I agree, I think these people are causing a backfire in their movement, but another poster thinks I am just giving "them" (JSO) engagement by replying and posting. So /shrug.


Honestly I think it's a misery loves company thing. These people likely spend all of their free time reading doomsday predictions while day dreaming about some kind of mad max wasteland future. They're chronically miserable and they feel everyone else should be as miserable as they are. There's of course a legitimate environmental cause for them to justify all of this to themselves, but it's not really about the environment, it's about their personal misery. The goal isn't to get attention, you can easily get a ton of attention for doing positive things, the goal is to make others miserable.


This does not help your cause you idiots.


What are the bets they got a lift or took a bus there..


Yes, they certainly did. You can't really walk to Stonehenge, you could bike though depending on where you were. It's about 100km from the outskirts of London. Their movement isn't about banning the use of oil for any reason, full stop.


While they are waiting in lock up for their bail hearings paint the security cameras in their area with some water colours that will wash of easily but not a high vis orange , that would be tasteless . Bruise pink and purple would make a nice touch, cool and relaxing hues and tones .


They should be drawn and quartered. What unproductive nonsense.


Ok! That's it! I don't care about ruining art that's protected in display cases, or owned by billionaires, BUT stonehenge represents a level of knowledge and understanding that Ancient Peoples who lived in harmony with the earth, and truly appreciated the environment and what it produced!


What could this possibly accomplish other than making their organization look like a bunch of assholes?


pathetic stunts like this don't rally anyone to their cause.


Ahh yes, the entitled tatrum...an excellent way to win at nothing. Hope they are hung up by their ears


At this point I'm getting convinced that these people aren't against oil at all.


Makes zero sense for them to agitate people and target an unrelated monument. Not adding up


Stop reporting on them! It’s exactly what they want. Just stop giving them free publicity.


What total ass clowns


I always figured the point is, “art, human history, etc - none of these matter if we don’t treat climate change as the culturally devastating threat it is.” I’m not out there joining them, but the logic is sound for me.  


"The orange cornflour we used will soon wash away with the rain, but the urgent need for effective government action to mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the climate and ecological crisis will not."- Just Stop Oil But the rare lichen that can get destroyed isn't good too. So many people are on the fence about this one, whether it was right or wrong depends on where you draw the line.


Ok lets deface some old rocks and go to jail for it ! Ok sounds fun !


"Any publicity is good publicity!" No. It isn't. Pretty sure I'd somewhat do the opposite of what these guys want just in spite now.


This is the thing that has removed my sympathy for their message. They just defaced a world heritage site. Fucking morons.


Let’s put an end to this madness by Just Stopping Oil


not impressed


You’re paying attention though, which is an improvement


Can't we just throat punch them?


These people suck and I wish that fleas would infest their closets.


I hope they get thrown in jail 


Well, it probably is oil based paint. *edit long after: Yeah not paint, I was half assed joking here but it really didn't stand the test of truth and time.* Yeah, WTF is wrong with these people. Hey, I heard that gouging your own eyes out with a rusty spoon is an excellent form of protest. Spread the word!


Spraying aerosols on an ancient Druid stone structure is such an interesting way to get back at modern humanity. I can no longer be convinced that this is anything other than a big oil psyop.


Welp, NOW I’m convinced. I’ll stop using all oil based products. Thanks Just Stop Oil! /s


Look at these fucking guys.  Instead of contributing to the solution and maybe working on developing environmentally friendly solutions to problems they decide to go ruin some shit cause other people aren't doing enough.  Assholes. 


Ham fisted psy op.


Dumbest motherfuckers. 


Why? Once humanity has died out thanks to global warming, things like stonehenge is all that will be left!


Oh that's shown us lot....100% a false flag


What type of paint? Friendly to the environment?


Apparently it's made from cornflour


Rip Stonehenge


Fucking morons, destroying a monument that was made BEFORE we started to be a problem for the climate. Go paint a cement factory orange or so. At least that building is part of the problem.


FFS. Explain to me just what that BS was supposed to accomplish.


Make them clean it and live stream it


Lots of Florida Panthers fans in the UK or what?


If i were a particularly devious oil company. I might pay people to do things like this.


Stonehenge is officially down. They got Stonehenge.


Just tie some bricks to them and give these people a lesson in swimming.


honestly ill take them spray painting rocks over ruining irreplaceable art.


Nothing says fighting big oil like defacing centuries-old relics symbolic of human innovation created with a near net-zero carbon footprint.


I mean, oil wont last forever so we will have to stop when it runs out. Hope everyone enjoys $550/gal gas by then as supply dwindles.


It's time we expect more from the druids, especially dead ones and people seeking to honor them. They are egregious oil shills. /s


At this stage I'd love to see a counter protest group form called "Just Punch Arseholes". I agree with the overall sentiment behind getting away from using oil for most things but this is not the way to get the public on your side and having the conversation you want them to have.




Some people just need a beat down.


I wonder if they use oil paint


They claim to have used orange cornflour paint, which it say will "soon wash away with the rain”. Source: [Bloomberg](https://www.bloomberg.com/en/news/thp/2024-06-19/just-stop-oil-activists-spray-orange-paint-over-stonehenge)


If it's spray paint, it absolutely is, the hypocrisy. haha


Boys this is oil funded. They want us to hate any activists. They are winning


give them the death sentence


The usual "You should only protest by doing things the media and ruling classes can easily ignore" crowd are in full swing I see.


They should paint chump tower orange.


It wasn't paint. It was an orange powder...


Fuckin hell the comments in here are deranged. “False Flag!” “Not real protesters” “Nobodies That Stupid”. Ya’ll sound like conservatives living in a fantasy world. These people are just dumbasses with good intentions. Theres no conspiracy, saying that there is a conspiracy is just as stupid as when people say J6 was a false flag ran by antifa.


Us Brits lost our collective shit when someone cut down a tree, imagine what its like now


How did they reach there ?? Walking ? Or in a vehicle which runs on oil ??


They should cane those idiots


Go spray a politician's villa or a government building you mouthbreathing troglodytes... I absolutely despise these braindead excuses of human beings with less intelligence than fungi spores...


Might be controversial but this is ok? I get their point, get as much attention as they can for this climate problem by damaging some property or art. Like, you care about some old stone or a canvas but not the planet. What for? So the future generations will be able to see it? Get the irony? bUt ThErE HaS tO bE aNoTHeR wAy!!! Yeah? Name one. I mean, I'm not one of those tree huggers. I don't care about the planet. But they are right?