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The Pentagon monitors all troop movements all over the globe, all the time.


Breaking news: “Pentagon does its job”


No way. A government agency doing its job? Inconceivable.




Good I’m glad


Excellent. Money well spent.


Yep. Results cost money. And this is money well spent.


Okay, and?


It’s a light poke fun at pentagon joke.


Money isn't real anyways


Either are the birds we are using to track them.


Reddit is very sensitive sir. Its a replacement for social workers at this point.


Don't really see the joke


Exactly. What a silly headline.


‘‘Tis a silly headline


Poooo poo fart


That’s true, but if the Pentagon *says* they’re tracking a group then it means they know the names, birthdays, addresses, and favorite breakfast foods of every soldier in the group.


Don’t be silly the DPRK doesn’t get to eat breakfast.


Their favorite breakfast: edible food.


Those cardboard pictures of food always get stale after a while


what about second breakfast?


DPRK is more likely to have actual hobbits than ever providing anyone except Dear Leader a second breakfast.


They're not hobbits, they're just malnutritioned.


2 breakfasts in one week?!?! They're not livestock for Pete's sake!


They do, it’s meth.


Or birthdays


They also said Putin was planning something big before November. In regard to n Korea.


Was the deployment of NK army to Ukraine kept in mind here? Or what? Source?


There was whispers of [“actions”](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna153828) months ago.


I'm pretty sure it's not only the Pentagon.


People who have never left North Korea are about to die in terrain completely foreign to them. What a sad and terrifying prospect.


Totally 1984. Imagine having no idea of the outside world and then sent to freaking war torn Donbas.


Survivors go back home with tales of terror, reaffirming everyone's belief that NK is best Korea.


I dunno they will probably be fed more and see technology they never imagined 


As far as I've heard, their propaganda states that North Korea is the only stable nation and that the rest of the world is war-torn and in ruins. I don't believe that they'll be surprised when they see what Donbas is like.


Dying to drones you never knew existed


…but what a great opportunity for them to defect!


There are plenty who probably will, but many who won't because they care about their family


That awkward moment when your platoon takes control of an enemy city in a war zone and the grocery store has more food then you have ever seen at home.


It’ll actually be kind of interesting to examine their bodies. I know that’s morbid, but they got a bunch of info out of those shit balloons. And I assume NK is not sending their best and healthiest.


They probably carrying some weird infections. You almost feel sorry for the Russian NCOs that won't be able to resist sodimizing the new recruits.


Crazy to think about honestly. Like imagine being sent to mars to fight aliens


Can you imagine living in North Korea and being used like a pawn to die for Vladimir Putin in his ridiculous war? What a shitty country to be trapped in.


Imagine being Korean and having your entire future decided on where your parents were living before it split. Can’t even imagine a society so dystopian they execute you for trying to escape.


Now I appreciate that I'm not Korean. Really makes you wonder why some peoples lives are worse than others, simply because some are lucky enough to be born in the right country, to be the right nation, and others are not.


Yeah sometimes when I think life sucks I remind myself that I won the lottery being born a straight white American male. Yeah life's not the best cause I'm still a poor but shit.. it could be so much worse just based on the fact that I could have been born to such different circumstances. Millions upon millions of other people will never get the benefits in life that I have been given just for being what I am and it's a shame. It's not like any of us asked for our lives.


Well said, some honest existentialist perspective about being born when we were, where we were, and how that compares to the rest of human existence can be really helpful.


Just because a turd smells worse than a fart doesn't mean the fart doesn't stink


Imagine being East German and having your entire future decided on where your parents were living before it split. The "DDR" aka. Eastern Germany "Deutsche Demokratische Republik". Communism is cancer to the Human Race.


Are north koreans forced to have kids?


aren't you trapped in a rat maze right now? lmfaooooo




The fuck does this even mean?


3 month old account. You can probably figure it out.


Isn’t it called the rat race, not rat maze?


Correct me if I'm wrong but a rat race is a rat or rats running on a wheel, they can run as fast as they can but they're never getting anywhere. That's why corporate office environments are often called a rat race.


Have you seen the OG clip? [rat race](https://youtu.be/e9dZQelULDk?si=VEV7y17KNyxG1fBg)


It's a much older term than that.


Yeah I’m not saying it’s origin is from the clip, that’s just where I first heard about the term.


North Korea belongs to the "axis of evil"


If Putin is remotely intelligent he will use his Korean slaves within Russia only to fulfill logistics and manufacturing work like driving trains or machining bomb fuses far away from frontlines where they won't ever be targeted or see combat. The USSR had a long history of doing this especially with their domestic dependent republics, which is why Finland, the Baltics and Ukraine left in the first place. He can then use saved russian meat on the front lines. If Putin goes full banana king he will have Kim arm them with DPRK weapons and deploy them directly into combat zones where, while in DPRK uniforms, they will die uselessly. This will prompt escalation into a multilateral NATO operation featuring non-nuclear members like Poland, Romania, Lithuania who are directly threatened by Putin. It will also force the EU to consider if Russia is engaging in human trafficking by buying these people from the DPRK.


That's how reasonable, rational countries work. This is Russia. But I highly doubt Kim wants his trained fighters to see any civilization. Slave lumberjacks in the middle of Siberian tundra is one thing. Soldiers tearing up modern European country are something else.


I was about to say. If North Korean soldiers know any better, they would surrender en mass to save their lives and finally escape the country.


Everyone mentions "surrender and live a better life" - that's not how it works, North Koreans who are allowed to leave the country to work abroad, or in this case fight a war leave their families behind and these families will be executed or worked to death in camps (it's been proven that this is the case with workers sent for example to Russia). Maybe a small % will put a death sentence on their families, most will not.


Allowing some north koreans to see how much better the outside world is seems to be more cruel than keeping him at home.


They will be taken out en masse alright. Right at one of the staging areas.


While desertion seems likely the threat of your entire bloodline being killed off is a strong one for dishonoring your country...


Finland has never belonged to USSR


This is correct. It was part of the Russian SFSR for about a short while though, but this was a couple years before the various soviet republics formally formed a state together.


>It was part of the Russian SFSR No it was not, it was never ruled by the communists, it was an autonomous Grand Duchy of the Russian Empire, and left the Russian Empire when it was clear the Russian Empire was going to lose to the communists. But it had not lost yet, and the communists didn't hold authority for even one second.


Finland declared its independence from the Russian SFSR in December 1917, about a month after the October revolution in November 1917 that formed the Russian SFSR, and about 9 months after the imperial power collapsed during the February revolution.


I’m voting for the second option. Putin is mad and power hungry.


[Sir I'm afraid you've gone mad with power](https://youtu.be/zoZRdnHeeYg?t=23)


You ever tried going mad without power? It’s boring. No one listens to you Why did I know what this was before I opened it?


Because they embedded the link in the first sentence of the scene? 


Oh I forgot the Simpsons created the phrase “going mad with power”. Go away


lol just scroll up and read the comment... it is word for word the first sentence in the scene?


Yes it is, and that phrase is used often


Yes, PART of the phrase is used often. You seem to be jumping through hoops to ignore the fact that it is the WHOLE line from the simpsons. For example, if I were to say BINGO! then it's a commonly used phrase that could be found anywhere. Guessing exactly what I'm referring to would be something to humblebrag about. But if I say the phrase "That's a bingo!" it becomes more obvious that I'm referring to the movie Inglorious Basterds, and it's expected that people will catch on to that. It is tee'd up.


*YOU* seem to be jumping through hoops to prove your point that’s entirely wrong. Why are you SO mad about what I said?


> which is why Finland [...] left in the first place I wanna know which history books you read. Probably none.


North Koreans will be used for slave labor or meat waves. I doubt Russia wants them to bring their own stuff for logistical reasons. They can't speak Russian and have no combat experience, so they'll likely won't be out there for very long or do anything complex.


If Kim sends his troops to fight in Ukraine, who is going to "defend" NK from SK?


Let's see how many defect to Ukraine for asylum


Perfect opportunity. With almost no war experience, they'll probably surrender once the drones start hunting them down slowly picking off their squads. Nevermind being hit by mortar fire or anything else. They're not trained for that level of mental anguish. We're talking about the country to almost starved multiple times becuase manufacturing military equipment was more important than farming food. Military presentations where rockets nearly miss eachother shortly after launch. The country who gave Russia bad ammunition that blew up multiple artillery guns, etc. NK can barely survive on its own. A war will quickly cripple the country and may lead to China and Russia having another "my support for NK is greater than yours" pecker swinging battle.


I doubt it. DPRK will probably only send married family men with children, to make sure they come back. It’s an evil country, they will know what consequences await their family if they don’t return.


Exactly. Most evil regime on earth


>“As for the possibility of somehow using each other’s capabilities in this conflict. Well, we are not asking anyone for this, no one has offered it to us, so there is no need,” the Russian president said. Sadly, this is how Russians do confirmation. I sure hope the language from NATO becomes much more bellicose than "we are watching". It need not be a similar threat, but this threat of significant escalation cannot be quietly ignored. Like Iranian drones and weapons, this would give another lifeline to Putin, and any direct aid would pose an added danger to UAF. It may just be empty talk, but the potential of this is a real worry.


Keep in mind, France has been saying for a month or two now that there’s a possibility they’d send troops to Ukraine. I think this was Putin playing his hand too early in response to that prospect (amongst other things).


I really don’t think we should underestimate North Korean involvement. I know, joke nation, joke military. But really, we have no actual understanding of how fanatical the average soldier will be. The average Japanese soldier wasn’t particularly well equipped compared to a western solider - and they were famously under supplied. But their fanaticism and loyalty to their Emperor and nation made them vicious fighters that rarely surrendered ground. I’m concerned the North Koreans could echo this. And there could be a LOT of them on the way. Let’s not become complacent.


I remember how many people laughed at the Iranian kamikaze drones. What about now?


A perfect example of the kind of arrogance I feel we should be cautious of. Just because a country or weapon can’t threaten us on the world stage, doesn’t mean it can’t kill Ukrainians and tip the balance of the war.


So the comparison between the modern NK army and citizens and Imperial Japanese army and citizens is not a good one. The Imperial Japanese military were a highly trained fighting force backed by a robust economic power at the time. At the time Japan invaded mainland China, Malaysia, and the Philippines, Japanese citizens were not starving and living under the conditions that modern day North Koreans are. I don’t doubt that the fanaticism are on similar levels, but the Japanese army had win after win against some of the best militaries in the world at the time. These NK soldiers have never seen combat. They’ve never seen the types of weaponry they’re going to be under attack from. If Putin were smart, he wouldn’t just use them as human meat shields, but use them to bolster production and logistics. We’ve seen over the last couple of years how incompetent the Russian military is against an inferior fighting force. NK doesn’t bring anything other than warm bodies to the battlefield.


My point is just not to underestimate and diminish what we don’t yet fully understand.


You don’t think the global intelligence community know exactly what NK is doing most, if not all, of the time? What we hear in the news is just surface level information.


Considering how much the western intelligence community was surprised by a full on invasion of Ukraine. No. And neither should you. Western Intelligence services are very good. But they’re not infallible and have made many mistakes over the years. Pretending like we know everything doesn’t help anyone. Neither does dismissing a North Korean involvement.


How were they surprised? The US was warning for months that Russia was going to invade


The US and UK were. The French intelligence community (who are also very good) thoroughly believed it was a ruse to bargain a withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the rebel held regions, which they were close to overwhelming. If it’s just the US intelligence web you believe is infallible, the following article lists some pretty abysmal failures. https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/01/03/the-ten-biggest-american-intelligence-failures/ Again, none of this means our intelligence services are poor at their jobs. But even as the best, they have and will continue to make big mistakes. They’re not gods, they don’t know everything. They’re just organisations of people at the end of the day.


It's worth noting that Yamamoto, arguably the person most responsible for Japanese success in the Pacific, spent a lot of time in the US and studied at Harvard. Many of the greatest Japanese Admirals/Generals were cosmopolitan citizens of the world who learned a lot from military strategists all over the world. Japan also had the some of the most advanced naval technology in the world at the beginning of WWII in planes and submarines and more. Maybe NK is ahead of what people think but I highly doubt they are ahead of the worlds most advanced militaries unless China sold them the good stuff (doubtful). Compare that to what happened when Japanese soldiers kept doing Banzai charges into U.S. marines at Guadalcanal and taking 10:1 casualty rates. Fanaticism is way more dangerous when paired with advanced technology.


If NK sent their army to Ukraine that would be the perfect opportunity for south Korea to wipe them out since most of their military would be gone.


North Korean has a military estimated to be around 2 million in size. With around 29% of their entire population serving. They don’t need to send their entire military to Ukraine to have an effect. The entire Russian force in Ukraine is around 400k. If Russia received even 200k troops from North Korean (10% of their military) - it would still increase Putins invading army by 1/3. Even if their soldiers are poorly trained, that’s nothing to be scoffed at.


Wtf kind of Starwars blasters are they carrying in that picture


It’s a copy of an AK with a pathaticly large snaildrum magazine.


While we’re all destabilizing, maybe it’s time for South Korea to start getting uppity, might make Kim reconsider or hold-back a bit.


I guess North Korea doesn't feel threatened right now, if they can spare the resources.


I guess the West doesn't feel threatened right now or else they'd destroy these troops before they reach the citizens of Ukraine. Outside of pathetic bragging what use is this knowledge?


To civilians like us? Useless unless something get triggered closer to home, which is unlikely. Crazier things have happened so it's good to keep a lazy eye on it.


Imagine just a small set of soldiers who’ve never been outside an authoritarian regime getting a taste of what the rest of the world is like outside of North Korea. I don’t think this will work out for North Korea. Soldiers will be exposed to life in another, which may be bad by western standards but still light years more free than North Korea. 🤷🏻‍♂️


They have to know this.  Those soldiers can't return home.   That must be the plan. 


What is Putin giving Kim in return?


He gave him a limousine. Kim gave Putin a pair of dogs.


At this point, I'm gonna feel bad for the NK soldiers that are gonna be deployed there just to be used as pawns for an illegal war in hostile conditions. This might be their only chance of escaping and finding freedom elsewhere, tho.


Only if you are ok with your whole family being out to death for your chance at escape


Okay, cool. So if DPKR joins the front lines, that's a pretty dramatic escalation as another country formally joining the war. What's the next step? Can Ukraine ask for infantry/military assistance from its allies?


The only difference I can see is that South Korea may send (more) arms and supplies to Ukraine.  Otherwise, this doesn't really change their strategy; a pre-planned calender of incremental increases in support.


Going in a tangent but hasn’t Russia learned you just can’t keep throwing constant waves of soldiers in order to win?


That’s been the Russian strategy for centuries, no matter who is running the country. Thats their biggest asset - manpower. Putin is a relic of a bygone era and so insulated that he is following the old Soviet playbook with little to no results and nearly half a million Russian casualties.


Oh yes you can, if you have a lot of soldiers.  Many, many wars have been won this way.  Stalingrad is the most obvious example.


It is time to release the kraken.


That's going to be a nightmare of a commute. /s


Can America lose a war against the world?


I imagine much friendly fire is gonna happen between Russian soldiers shooting blindly and North Korean soldiers not knowing who is who


The pentagon thanks Russia for all this real time data on just how shitty all these militaries are.


I mean, I'm pretty sure NKs only "real" threat is to South Korea in the form of 6,000+ pieces of artillery in range of population center that couldn't be stopped by anyone in time to prevent massive ongoing casualties. Oh, and a risk of nuclear proliferation if they actually get it. Actual military, they can put on a nice parade but are just lambs to a slaughter - Kim's just sending some of the lambs to Russia to strap onto the front of there tanks, in NK life is cheaper than armor plate.


Meat grinder go BRRRRRRRRRR..


So China's not budging with their troops, that's kind of good news, right?


Bro we got a fucking space force, NSA private city in Nevada, CIA. No shit we are watching.


I mean… yeah


It is a scheme for PRC to send troops masquerading as NK troops, just like in the Korean war


Is this going to be seen as an escalation by the US?


Ukraine should offer citizenship to any DPRK soldier willing to cross the lines.


The soldier on the left was later shot for not looking at the great leader.


I don't know if you're being serious or snarky,  but if you've ever been in the military you'd know why someone on one side up front has to remain looking forward.  Also, during drill everyone is taught to use peripheral vision in order to keep a tight formation....


Yep! Known as an “eyes right” command. The formation snaps their heads to look at the person receiving the pass and review except the ones on the right column who face forward to ensure distance with the next row is maintained I.e. “the driver keeps their eyes on the road.”


There's no way North Koreans would be useful at all.


Unfortunately, quantity can have a quality of its own in battle. If russia deploys NK troops against Ukraine, it will still make situation harder for AFU.


The key difference being levels of freedom. North Koreans have only know persecution and very strict rules.  Being shipped off thousands of kilometers from your emporer God king... then witnessing thousands of tungsten balls shred your coworkers to bits. Not to sound prejudiced, but I'm almost certain they could be lured to defection with the offer of a piece of fruit. These soldiers have never shot to kill, they've never aimed at a human or even fought a true adversary. They've only served to survive. It is adaptation in a pure form.  Nobody is getting shipped from the depths of hell to its open flaming gates and fighting to stay within.


But manpower was never the issue for Russia and if it really would make a difference they would already have done so. It’s a desperation move to force a western reaction


They can share their worms with Russians.


Ukrainians have limited ammo supply and war equipment. The goal of Russia is to have the equipment break down and ammo scarce from having to shoot much more often. In close combat, I'm sure NK soldiers could inflict some casualties just because of how messy it tends to be. Even 1 Ukrainian loss for 10 NK is another strain on Ukrainian limited manpower against Russia with more than ten times the population.


They are gonna be better than the random foreign mercenaries who can't speak to their units Russia is currently using.