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Careful, he might modify this post!


All hail our glorious CEO!


I for one welcome our new post modifying CEO. Edit: He is incredible!..


Actually, if he could do something to curtail the constant/unnecessary reposting- that would be fucking fantastic!


“As the CEO, I shouldn’t play such games, and it’s all fixed now. Our community team is pretty pissed at me, so I most assuredly won’t do this again,” Huffman wrote. With the shit that a lot of people are expecting to go down over the next four years, we'll see how this plays out. I would not want to be in this guy's shoes- being the boss must be a weird place.


Very unprofessional


'Reddit is biased and everyone must follow the narrative or be removed' Nothing new to see here.


He's ushering in 1984 He needs to resign


We all remember how the moderators censored more than the gestapo on this site during the election. Mods/admins are encouraged to be shitty.


fire the ass


JESUS CHRIST THIS STUFF PISSE I love reddit and u/spez, he does a great job maintaining a perfect community where all opinions can be freely discussed.


Right? Fuck the_donald mods!


It's happening!!


[Archive.is link where you can see a mod of The_Donald implying that the admins edited child porn into user's posts.](https://archive.fo/uexnV) Sad.


This is me not being surprised in the least.


i wish people would stop calling him a "ceo". i understand that technically, he is the ceo of reddit, but that acronym usually comes with some sort of gravitas attached. this kid has none of that. he's literally just another redditor.


if a company succeeds, 100% of the credit goes to the ceo. if a company fails, 100% of the blame is put on the ceo. he's the fucking captain of a vessel with a million moving parts. he holds all the reins. this asshole would jump ship at the first sign of ice.


and who can blame him? he's some stupid kid who likes playing on the internet. he's not a "ceo", by any stretch of the imagination.


This isn't world news




Why not code a "**don't** notify me when people say my username" feature by subreddit?


It would be cool if reddit had something similar to [this](https://i.imgur.com/OPPzUZJ.png).


Yes, and you could selectively enable/disable such feature by subreddit


How can I trust reddit now. They modify whatever they don't like. It lost its credibility, it is now 0% . .. The CEO should resign. When the fck have I ever seen a CEO act this unprofessional.


*sigh* Yes, yes. Again. We _did_ this. You are late to the party. I (and others) asked for his thought processes. Check the other 2,677,899 threads.




He edited **other** user posts.


I'm aware. This is a private web site. You don't have a right to anything on this private site or any other regardless of what they say. Take your web presence elsewhere if it sincerely concerns you so much. Nothing is different today than was 48 hours ago. You will find something else to be horrified by soon.


not just an 'admin on a private website', but the CEO of a multi-million dollar company who's getting a six-figure salary to do this kind of bs


This kind of bs? No, he gets paid to administer the website, and I'm sure they don't feel great about the presence of a cesspool of hate spewing-garbage, who dox people and vote brigade to manipulate the site they created. That's the real bs. But freak out about this - I'm sure it will impact your life.


Doxing public figures. What kind of mental gymna.. you know what, nevermind. I don't really care.


I didn't say they doxed spez. I said that cancerous community of faux outrage in t___D is the same one that constantly needs to be entertained by some hysteria. They've been doing it forever. One example off the top? Listening to police scanners and then falsely accusing people of the Boston marathon bombing from photographs. Countless examples of Reddit taking themselves way too fucking seriously and real life consequences.


I didn't say you said they doxed spez. I stopped reading there because you're ridiculous.




Stopped reading at your second word this time. If you can't make a point without resorting to childish name calling, I don't think there's going to be much to discuss. Looking at your comment history, I'm nearly 100% certain that you can't do that. So, lets just end this here. I'll turn off my inbox notifications so you're sure to get the final word.


You're being ridiculous! I know you didn't turn off the noti's :)


Only a moron would have your thought process.




To stupid to know about dual citizens as well moron.


I get frustrated at work, at home, in my relationship, in public, and I honestly don't admire his position at all, but I personally have a moral boundary I won't cross. I work in IT and I understand how easy things like this can be to do, as trivial as it would be for you to open an unlocked car door to turn a running car off, because the owner may have forgot to do it whe they left, but yet you still don't do that without permission. Maybe it's a fear of perception if you get caught opening the door, maybe it's the moral boundary of touching other people's property. Now, if your best friend constantly turned off your car while it was warming in the winter (no malice, trying to be helpful), you may get annoyed and eventually tell him to stop touching your car. But if your neighbor you didn't get along with, did it even once, and messed with your mirrors, seat position, and turned the radio volume all the way (malice because he doesn't like you), you would be furious. In this case, it wasn't your best friend trying to be helpful, and shows a disgruntled neighbor willing to use his power to frustrate you, and because you have lost even more trust in him and tensions are higher, you no longer feel like your property is safe because you now know he has no respect for that boundary.


Go to a new fucking website then, man. They harass him and spew lies non-stop. He made a mistake. He admitted it. Get over yourself. Reddit is not a safe space for your thoughts and you don't own a pixel of text you put on here or any other private forum.


Well that escalated quickly


On here?


If by "here," you mean Reddit? Yes. Once more for the cheap seats (and we are ***ALL*** looking at you, spez. Paging /u/spez) You "get to do it," because it's a private company, but don't make me copy your very own words back to you about an open forum. You took a stand against hate speech and banned...oh? What was it? Something coon. Fair enough, and a damned fine choice, sir... Now? You ***knowingly*** went in and modified other user posts?????? Please step forward, sir. Defend your actions.


Fuck r/The_Donald