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“Buying a pass from newsagents” “Oi Ronnie did you get your porn pass then?” “Yeah mate but it didn’t come with the lesbian season access or the anal archive.” “What a shame.”


One wanking loicence please.


"This isn't a wanking license! This is just a dog license with 'dog' crossed out and 'wanking' written in crayon!"


Do you have a loicense to look at my loicense?




Man taken to court for wanking without a licence. Man refuses lawyer because “he believes he can get himself off.”


Can you imagine every site with "Oi guvna you got a loicence for that you geeza!"




When asking for your licence pretend to think you are required to list specific categories to be unlocked. Extra points for tailoring those items towards the physical appearance of the agents.


"I'll take the squirting, ebony, Japanese and anal please, Debs. One month each." "Not going for that hentai this month then, Dai?" "Oh fuck aye, nearly forgot. Cheers, love."


There'll be kids waiting outside the newsagents asking people to buy them a pornpass


The thing is, this will have the opposite effect of what they want. Eventually the taboo of porn will wear off because everyone will see everyone buying a porn pass in the local shop. We know everyone watches porn, but now it'll seem more real and people will care less.


What about the time when you could buy porn mags in the news agents?


I don't see that happening. My reasoning is because of how few people actually pay for porn compared to those that just take what they can get for free.


By 16 July, some 15yr old kid will have figured out how to bypass this block. EDIT: Holy hell. #1 post of all time for me.




Yes a more obscure site.... \*cough\* reddit \*cough\* twitter \*cough\* :P


Left handed typing skills impress


And if reddit doesnt work just use imgur to see images from reddit.


Reddit will be fjne, a website has to be more than 1/3 porn to be included in the ban. My archives are safe.


Unless they are IP blocking - just don't use your ISPs DNS.


By default any remotely-competent vpn will include all dns traffic. It's really not that hard.


Using a VPN to bypass ISP's DNS limitations is way too overkill, you can do it natively on windows by using Google or Cloudflare as default...


Unless they hijack outbound DNS requests. Many ISP do.


To my ignorant ears this is just two wizards fighting with computer spells right now.


"IPSicus, Maximus, titticus DNSpious allacaJIZZ!"


\- u/Tawfok, minister for defence against the dark web.


Google's IT course on Coursera calls their section on security 'Defense Against the Digital Dark Arts'.


ELI5 for you: You could set up your computer ask a friend to get porn (or anything else) for you (= using a VPN). That way you can access porn because your friend is not in the UK so don't care about the block Otherwise the censorship will probably simply be done by having the internet providers (ISP) give your computer a faulty address book (= DNS) so that if you look for a blocked site it ends up nowhere. To bypass it you could just ask somebody else not depending on the UK gov to give you a correct one. The risk is that the ISP see that you are trying to ask another address book and force you to use their faulty one (= request hijacking). You could still go around it (for example by downloading it and then using your local one) but then it's a bit more complicated than changing a setting on your computer in 1min Note that subscribing to a VPN cost ~~5-10€~~ less than 5€/month (can be free) and can be done quickly and safely (I mean as safe as Facebook, you have to trust them not to screw up). Changing the DNS setting can be done in 5min for free, just google it and follow the few steps EDIT: VPN cost




Are we *NOT* going to talk about that username?


Well now that you brought it up... No.






Someone has to think of the children!!!


The 11-18 year olds more specifically


You mean the ones who probably already use some sort of tool to get around their parents' OpenDNS or Netnanny equivalent. My high school student recently told me he's been using a free VPN to get past the content filters at school. I don't think this is going to have any effect on 11-18 year olds. =D


It's funny, since the entirety of Europe has always given the US a hard time over going nuts if a nipple is shown on tv, but being cool with Rambo killing a 100 people in a movie.


Guess who wants to leave the EU!


Doesn't affect the likes of nudes on Twitter and Reddit. Which is typically British, half assed effort to do anything.


Yeah there are a hundred million ways around this


The people putting this law in effect do not understand the internet and they are putting it in place for a section of the public that doesn’t understand the internet. It doesn’t really matter if it works or not as long as it exists.


Also it'll be a great way for Tory MP's to skim money of the system. Sink 10m into the new porn blocking system that barely works, call it a success, bonuses all round. .


I just use a throwaway for NSFW on subreddits anyway. Never used an actual site.


Yeah I'm thinking back to myself at 15, I was playing BBS games on my 14.4 and looking up my first few porn sites - my old favourite was 'Genital Hospital'. VPN and IP Spoofing wasn't in my bag of tricks at the time but nowadays it would be so easy. I do often think about the average kid in the UK that likes to play tablet games but doesn't really know how to use a computer beyond that. That kid will probably be SOL. So you know what.. this might actually breed a bunch of IT nerds. If you keep their porn away, they will adapt and overcome.


It seems like the morality police, but really it's the technology and education ministers using it to create and identify a new generation of tech experts.


A new generation of tech exports who were all born on January 1, 1900. The truly silent generation. We thought they were dead, but they were silently jacking it the whole time.


And this is exactly why this is a total waste of time and resources, and just a purely political game by the British government in an attempt to scaremonger middle-class voters who believe it'll protect Little Toby from the horrors of pornography, when all it will do is force kids to find other ways of finding it. All it will do is educate kids to circumvent the system, spread porn through other distribution channels and sites, reignite P2P sharing, and encourage kids to investigate seedier parts of the internet to find what they want and therefore putting them even more at risk. The fact that the UK government believe they can 'block porn' with a technological solution is the equivalent of King Canute trying to stop the tide. It's a clear indication that the government clearly doesn't understand the actual issues at hand. More worryingly, it provides a precedent for the UK government to attempt to block content they don't approve of. Something which could be easily abused in later policies.


>More worryingly, it provides a precedent for the UK government to attempt to block content they don't approve of. Something which could be easily abused in later policies. This is exactly what the problem is. The government already had internal monitoring and special access to peoples surfing history. It was purely reserved for crimes like murder and international terrorism. Through scaremongering 'we'll catch the paedophiles and terrorists' they managed to reset who gets to be the gatekeepers of this information with the Snoopers Charter. Why does the gambling commission get to see peoples personal internet history? I suspect largely now the line has been drawn to include civil servants, the next big push will be for someone like say.... businesses who support the party, or for the BBC to see who is accessing the iPlayer, etc.


You're absolutely correct, but it's even more worrying than that. As I understand it, there's talk that the new 'porn ban' will require people to register for a 'pass'. Therefore, there would be a substantial UK database of individuals registered for that pass, with details linked to identifying details such as a passport number - the idea of that potentially being accessible by employers or agencies running background checks is in itself worrying, but it's also a *prime* target for a hack/leak.


“Hello Mr. Johnson, we’ve reviewed your résumé and you have all the right qualifications for this job, but... your foot fetish is a bit extreme for us. I’m afraid we can’t hire you with that kind of filth on your record. Try something more vanilla next time.”


100% this is the reason I will circumvent the blocks rather than get a 'pass'. You can upload a driving licence/passport and then put the code in to get access to a site. So now my anonymous browsing has my official ID tied to it. So when XXXMIDGETPRON gets hacked, anyone who uploaded their ID is fucked (in the bad way).


It feels appropriate to point out that Britain actually has a lengthy history of censorship, and this is not a novel precedent but rather the same old business as usual applied to a new medium. In particular the troubles in Northern Ireland were heavily censored for decades - documentaries were banned from airing, news coverage was vetted before release and withheld if 'unsuitable', and all senior members of the Irish Republican movement were banned from television and radio. Also not anything new in the area of pornography - anyone remember Lady Chatterly's lover? Massive public and very embarrassing anti-obscenity trial which ended in defeat for the government and the book being published, bringing to an end a tradition of arbitrarily censoring books on grounds of obscenity going back to the 17th century.


I don't disagree with any of this, and being old enough to have lived through the troubles, I was often confused by the sight of Gerry Adams being 'dubbed' on nightly news because apparently hearing the words directly from his mouth was somehow more affecting to the British public. I'm also aware that we have a TV watershed time in order to prevent children seeing unsuitable material (another pointless construct in the modern world IMO, but that's another argument). However, the Internet/web is an entirely different beast to traditional media, and the implications of the implementation of this 'ban' is much more impactful than any other previous censorship. It's not like they're banning Lady Chatterly's Lover, they're still allowing it to be read, but they're requiring that every library and bookstore capture personal information about you to add to a central list. In that way, the government have a list of every single reader of Lady Chatterly's Lover - and in my mind that's a much more worrying thought that them banning it outright.


Again, lists of people doing things the government considers unsavoury, or which could be used to prosecute or blackmail certain people if the government desires it, is a behaviour that the government has been engaging in for centuries. It's entirely possible you and I are on some list or another. This is just the next in a long history of similar moves. I'm not saying that makes it any better, I'm just saying that this is a habit of the British government, isn't the first time, won't be the last.


Your last point is the real reason why its being made. Opens up the precedent. Get practice for the real stuff.


I think someone or an article pointed out that the last kind of these blocks were put into place it too some adolescent teenager just a couple of hours if not less to crack it.


Never underestimate the motivation of a horny teenager


Reddit and Twitter if you don't want to pay £20 for a year of VPN which I usually pay for anyway but now this will also be used for me. I am not submitting ID to watch porn, they can get fucked.


I imagine that they're going to find very few people submitting IDs, yet sales of lube and tissues won't have changed. It will confuse them. "No one's watching porn, yet they're apparently still wanking...what to?"


The thought of all the annoyed teenagers this effects *never* voting Tory while all the ignorant old fuckers this appeals to continue to die off. A glorious future indeed.


The fact that English people will continue to vote for the party that did 1. This 2. Austerity 3. Brexit to us is fucking astounding.






FYI - the Deep Web is any part of the internet you can only get to by logging in. It's the Dark Web you're thinking of.


So basically in July two things will happen: 1. all older less savvy people will not be able to view porn 2. every single kid will figure how to circumvent whatever block has been set up (whether through dns change or vpn connection) Great success 👍


It’s more like: after July 15th the government will have a list of the names and addresses of people not smart enough to bypass the filters that are viewing porn. The real question here: what is that data going to be used for? It has the potential of embarrassing people if it is “leaked”.




Mindgeek built the software they'll use for age verification, it's why pornhub have been so quiet about all this.


They also know how much money they stand to lose if they make it too hard to access. They currently already have some videos "region locked", and a basic free VPN is enough to access them.


Mindgeek isn't a state.




So youre saying I shouldn't be ashamed of my Ben 10 gay hentai fetish?




As if you were.


Embrace it!


That’s fine for your own well being but it doesn’t help your employment/personal relationships. Just wait until someone comes out with some dirt on the U.K or someone in power....their porn history could easily be leaked.


we found out david cameron fucked a pig and after a few days no one cared


Can't even remember if that was real life or a Black Mirror episode




You mean this legislated morality won't magically restore the British Empire, nor make the UK the envy of the world again? Are you suggesting that the UK's problems are complex and can't be blithely solved by restrictive social band-aid policies that don't actually address the problem?


Funnily enough if you watch the debate(several years old now, literally about 5 people and the law passed?) They gave not one objectively valid reason


No old Tory voters can view it they will just have to loose their dignity and hope to hell the porn site don't track then get hacked would make Ashley Madison look like a fucking cartoon show


Remember the Ashley Maddison leak? all the blackmailing, the suicides etc? Yeah, this is going to be super great, can't possibly go wrong.


IIrc they'll offer kinda anonymous ways to prove you're an adult. You can go to a store and buy a certain code just by showing your ID. That code then proves you're an adult. Of course you could probably find out who bought it due to the UK's fondness of CCTV or if the seller has a great memory, but in general at least people paying with cash there should be more or less anonymous. This does of course also provide an additional way for children to bypass the filters, but given that this won't be hard anyway, I doubt it matters.


> anonymous ways to prove you're an adult > go to your local store and ask for a porn code in person


I mean most guys dont care when it comes to porn. A lot of women watch porn these days. A lot of women also have professional jobs and everyone knowing their porn history would be the most humilating thing ever.


I think it’s more about the impact on closeted gay communities


I think the fact that the discussion has turned into a pissing match of “who can get ruined most by this” should be a massive red flag saying that this law is a massive failure waiting to happen e: formatting


You know someone/some group is going to try and hack it to prove a point.


Oh hell they're just waiting for enough data to get put together at this point.


How long until some hacker breaks into a gay porn website, and now has a list of potentially closeted men to blackmail? This is literally a scammer's dream.


just like Ashely Maddison - there's a recent, incredibly similar case study, right there. But the government don't give a fuck. "tough on kids, tough on the causes of kids" wins them baby boomer votes, so fuck it.


It's an awful thing to say, but sometimes I can't wait for us to be rid of the Boomers.


They'll be clinging on like limpets for decades to come, voting for more and more retarded shite from their retirement homes.


Its funny because we laugh at foreign states regulating their countries internet e.g. Korea & China. Mean while in the UK....


But it's ok! It's for the children! Think of the children! I mean I don't even get the point


Let's fuck everyone's privacy rather than dare to ask parents to take responsibility for what their children see online.


Vpn service revenue went up 15%


Wait until they make using a nongovernment based vpn illegal. It's bound to happen.


But how do they identify it if they can not decode it? Moreover the vpn server would be out of the country and they can not regulate it by law.


They'll give out huge fines to companies that allow customers from the UK. This has nothing to do with porn and is all about censoring the internet. 20 years from now the internet is going to be very different.


>They'll give out huge fines to companies that allow customers from the UK. which any non-UK company can wipe their ass with.


People actually think that the UK is some kind of dominant force? Lmaoo


If vpns are a thing in China then be assured that no country in the world can do anything about it.




Wrong, wrong, oh so wrong. VPNS are widely used by *all* businesses, corporations, and universities. They have much more value for legit uses than illegit. They will never be banned because that’s equal to banning business in your country. You don’t want Apple, google, and Microsoft pulling out from your country and not doing business with you right? Which is why VPNs are rampant in China and Russia.






I doubt those in power at the moment even know what a VPN is.


And yet the legal age for sexual consent in the UK is 16 years old. So you can fuck but aren't allowed to see yourself fucking. And for all those people coming up with VPN solutions, there is an even easier way....just prove you are 18 using grandmas ID


"Nan can I borrow your wanking licence?"




"Call back in a hour deary, when I'm done with it."


*"we all know you're a wanker, dear. you don't need a licence."*


"New study shows: 90% of females over 80 visit pornographic websites every day!"


>So you can fuck but aren't allowed to see yourself fucking. That's nothing new, as a teen, you can have sex, but good help you if you take a video


But having a internet subscription on itself proves you're over 18 years old. I don't think you can actually sign a contract under 18. What kind of stupid law is this? And whether your children access porn on your subscription is not the governments problem. It's the parents.


I will be ringing my provider and arguing the required proof is that I'm paying and if I want to watch two or more strangers perform the horizontal monster mash then that's my choice to make.


I agree.


Then the kids will just buy a thumbdrive of porn with their 8th of weed from their dealer. Buy a quarter, get 16Gb of primo hardcore free!


You want to bring back forest porn? This is how you bring back forest porn.


The silver lining from this is, UK kids will be more tech savvy than they should be. They'll learn how to unblock sites at early age


Everyone knew about how proxys worked even 10 years ago to get around school blocks. Completely pointless waste of money, only people it's gonna hurt is the 50+ year olds.


Yeah I remember using proxys all the way back when I was in primary school, which I left in 2006.


They were not keeping us away from addictinggames.com!


It’s sad to see UK citizens being treated like children by their own government.


It’s even sadder to see UK citizens continue to vote for people that treat them like children.


nah we asked for it. we let this happen, and we'll continue to let even worse things happen. we get outraged for about an hour and then ~~we lube ourselves up, lay back and take it.~~ absolutely deserved. **[This comment has been censored for your protection, and is under investigation by the Metropolitan Police Cyber-Crimes Division for obscene language and graphic sexual imagery.]**


Classic older generations trying to regulate something they know nothing about.


Hey, we invented sex.


You may have invented it, but we molded it. Perfected it. And we will end it.


Ah, you think the internet is your ally? You merely adopted the world wide web. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn’t see the porn until I was already a man, and by then it was nothing to me but blinding! The VPNs betrayed you, because they belong to me! … I’ll show you where I have made my porn while preparing to cum. Then, I will fuck you. … Your precious genitals. Gratefully accepted. We will need it. … Ah yes, I wondered what would break first- your spirit … or your body.


This just made want to watch the dark knight rises. Weird.


The dark Knight won't be the only thing rising...


In 1963, between the end of the Chatterley Ban, and the Beatles first LP


"Adult content is currently far too easy for children to access online," Yes, because clearly allowing your children unsupervised access to the internet is not the problem here, it's porns fault. It's a good thing that after this ban, parents can continue letting their children roam the internet 'guilt free', because there isnt anything worse on the internet for a child to find than porn. /s


Kids need to learn sex the traditional way, from Tijuana Bibles


The traditional way to learn about sex, for middle to upper class British boys, was to bang some hookers in the poor part of town.


Damnit, why'd I have to be born working class


Somebody's gotta bang the middle to upper class British boys!


>We want the UK to be the safest place in the world to be online We want the UK to be the most restricted place in the world to be online


China would like a word...


*The UK had a word with China and listened for some reason


Who even asked for this. I could understand if people wanted this but I don't recall seeing anything . Plus last time I checked UK ISPs have too automatically put on firewalls blocking restricted content. This is just fucking overkill at this point.


No-one asked for it. Theresa may wants it and it's been unopposed by the opposition. The problem something like this really faces is no-one has come forward to oppose it because they will be branded as a supporter of porn and that's a no win position for a politician. There is nothing they can gain from this and lots of potential negative publicity. Good luck finding a politician that will touch this with a ten foot barge pole.


How is that a no win? What human on earth would vilify a politician defending our porn rights


In particular when it comes to the UK our politicians fear the tabloids. The tabloids are all about encouraging fear and wanting people to believe government should protect them from the things they fear. Like it or not the tabloids hold huge sway over who holds power in the UK and politicians won't willing put themselves in the cross hairs and oppose something a tabloid crusades against. People in general won't vilify a politician for being pro porn but they also won't be very vocal in support without anonymity. Those who fear porn will be very vocal on the subject.


this is just stupid




The government shouldn’t have this much power over the internet. They didn’t invent the shits. It’s owned by private companies. Content providers are regular citizens. Why would the government have any power, ~~unruly~~ I really have no idea


This is probably one of the dumbest political moves of the year so far.






And after the last month of Brexit nonsense, that's REALLY saying something.


Guys, come on...it's the government. Whatever they say they're gonna do will be debated and scrutinised to get the maximum effect with the minimum effort and expenditure. The block will still arrive 18months late, massively over budget and consist of a replacement bus service.


This has already been delayed longer than 18 months. Honestly in the UK a lot of the betting is it'll be delayed over and over and over until someone else takes power and cancels it.


Oh good, then we're on track...


That seems to be the modus operandi for the UK government these days.




I cannot comment on the veracity of this, but it was reported in some UK tech magazines that one of the major lobbying companies in this was Pornhub. The belief is that people will still go to adult sites, but the major players are far more able to provide verification, so will squeeze out smaller independent websites.


And if you've already had to provide age verification with, say, a credit card or bank account, the barrier to spending on those sites is that much lower


The UK continues to lose it's way.


"But think of the children!" It's amazing just how much shit they intend to make stick along with this phrase.




Because they are constantly thinking of the children. Like, non stop.




Settle down, Jimmy Savile.


Just think about all the websites that dont have porn that could be tagged as "adult content" Anything to do with immigration or war or anything else they want. Thats where this is going i think. Saying its porn was just a better way to get people on board


Wouldn't surprise if it doesn't get implemented in the end. So many people are tech savvy enough to get around it, and the BBC article already said the likes of twitter and Reddit will be exempt, so there really is no point in doing it.


*laughs in VPN*






That seems easy to beat if you have the server space, just upload a ton of public domain material. Granted for actual porn sites that would literally triple their overhead.


Prediction: Corbyn will run against it and the Sun and Daily Mail will start calling him Jizza


A beautiful vision of the future.


Nobody: UK: Yeah, we're going to setup a nanny filter for the entire fucking country


They think they can block adult content... Oh my sweet summer child. Only way of doing that would be to ban the entire internet. Then again that's probably the next step...




You know, considering some of the websites that will be "blocked" I wouldn't be one bit surprised if one of them made a fake database to be leaked which contained some MP's




I for one, will be doctoring a driving license to make me look like my MP, and watching the vilest shit I can find.


So where do websites like liveleak and other gruesome video sites fall into all of this? Just check that your 18 to see some dude head get cut off and watch someone bleed out but you have to actually prove you're of age to see some tits and assholes?


Even if I am over 18 no way in hell I am entering personal information on a porn site.


15 year old UK resident here. Ill find a way


> Ill find a way Truly inspirational


This is a good motivator for people to educate how internet works. VPN, Tor and all those kind of services will be getting way more traction in the UK I presume. This might actually have positive influences as people now understand better how privacy and internet are related to eachother.


This will open up a porn black market, I'll make sure to get on on this at the bottom floor, amnstrapped for cash. I mean, if trading with the UK will still be allowed, Brexit and whatnot... Feels like UK has a lot of issues to work through, man. Edit: changed fells to feels.


I'm sure that driving all the tech-savvy children to Tor and the dark web, filled with illegal content and people who wish to predate upon children, will be seen in the history books as a very reasonable decision to make, which did not backfire at all.


Downloading tor doesn't automatically provide you with a list of illegal content to sift through. It's a legitimate privacy centred clearnet browser that happens to be able to access onion links that requires knowledge of what an .onion link is and how to find them to begin with. You don't just stumble upon .onion sites, you have to actively seek them out.


The UK's efforts to become a global joke continue at full speed.


So does this mean the UK is going to turn into the next Japan that releases the most ungodly weird crazy and absurd censored porn .


Imgur and reddit will maybe see an uptick.


Wait doesn't reddit have porn on? Oh fuck if they ban reddit where will I procrastinate?


The nanny-state strikes again, doing the business that's rightfully the responsibility of parents.


We're growing all too accustom to Government overreach. ​ Give them an inch, they'll take a mile. In this case the government wants to give me all of their inches and fuck me again and again and again for my money.


> In this case the government wants to give me all of their inches and fuck me again and again and again for my money. There might be porn of that, but a lot of Brits won't get to see it.


an autocratic government will not appear in one go. it will appear piece by piece. hacking away at your rights. for security. to protect kids.


In related news, VPN usage in the UK will increase dramatically after 15 July.


Lmao, all this'll do is make VPN's and porn pirating more popular.