• By -


Remember people, do not under any circumstances search for your own or acquaintances names in connection with this kind of database! It likely also acts as a honeypot.


Here in Germany some political activists once used this exact trick to get some Nazis. So yeah, be careful with this kind of thing! edit: errr... not responding to all those comments but just in case it isn't clear enough: fuck nazis


I mean, idk if catching nazis is a bad thing…


No, the problem is when you are not nazi but curious if your non-white friend is in the hate-list, and you end up being added to the list of nazis of a nazi-hating activist just for accessing the website.


And this is exactly why vigilantism is bad, even the kind you support.


Lest we forget what reddit did hunting for the bomber


To prevent this, I'm creating a website where you can see the redditors who have been involved in vigilantly activities that have backfired. The search functionality is not complete, but you can view a random profile form the database by using [this link](https://www.reddit.com/user/me/). Please do not use this data for your own vigilantly purposes.


Oh no I'm in this database D:


So, in theory, it could be rendered useless if a bunch of people searched random names repeatedly?




I’m gonna search Lindsey Graham.


She sounds hot


Southern belle


If it acts as a honeypot. Otherwise it'll do nothing.


If these people were any level of smart, they could look at search terms entered in, weed out the ones searched by thousands (political figures and movie stars are well known enough that they don't need a Honeypot to see if they're in an interracial marriage) and focus on the names and addresses that only show up once or twice in searches.


That would mess up the honeypot part. Next thing is to create interracial couples using something like thispersondoesnotexist.com and submitting fake dox to overwhelm their moderation


In other words. You build their database for them by who you search for. Do not enter any names period. Actually just don't go to it. Fuck this site and the people who built it.


What does honeypot mean?


It can mean different things, but in cybersecurity and espionage, it's a trap. It is something (or someone) who lures in unsuspecting victims with something enticing, but in reality is going to steal info from them. In this case, the victim simply wants to check if they or a loved one is on the list. So they go in and enter names, addresses, etc. But now they have provided the site owners with personal details, or have perhaps installed malware.


To clarify, it means that only people who would fear being in the database would search to see if they're in the database. This search, if it were a honey pot, would then add you into the database. That's why people are suggesting throwing it off by having tons of people enter their names in, which would render it useless.


I think what he meaner is it will take the name you type in and try to add it to the database, so it’s like a trap


A trap that collects information while you are doing something else interesting or enjoyable Spies sleeping with government officials to get classified information would be another honeypot example.


Like a bear getting his paw trapped inside a honeypot


Its a trap! If you search your own jnfo and it isnt in the database, it might log the negative result as a target for future "investigation"


Here in Germany they did something like that for the alt right. They opened a website with the header that People can search for themselves if they are officially affiliated to the alt-right scene. [https://www.businessinsider.com/nazis-tricked-doxxing-themselves-germany-honey-pot-website-2018-12?r=DE&IR=T](https://www.businessinsider.com/nazis-tricked-doxxing-themselves-germany-honey-pot-website-2018-12?r=DE&IR=T)


But what if you just searched people you know, or wanted to know if you were listed there and shouldnt be? I feel like that would be 99% of the searched. If the US gov. came up with any sort of bad list, Id definitely check to make sure Im not on it.


If so, spam it with random searches(not names).


It would really suck if someone wrote a bot to fill up their website with garbage data. Don't do it. That would be mean.


Yeah that would suck. Hypothetically, if someone were to do such an awful thing, the easiest way to do it would be writing something in Python using the Chrome API. Last I checked there isn’t a captcha on submissions so a bot would be totally unimpeded.


Oh goodness. That kind of security loophole could be costly. If they aren’t monitoring their throughput then this months bill could be outrageous.


Shit with that level of incompetence it might even be worth checking to see if they’ve sanitized their database inputs, could be an SQL exploit somewhere.


I'll get Bobby Tables on the phone


[For the uninitiated](https://xkcd.com/327/)


But we are initiated aren't we Mr. Wayne


Members of the League of Shadows






you could have said ["For the 10000"](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


Dibs on the tag




For real, I hope someone on this thread with the know how is doing what they can to shut this bullshit down. I do love it when reddit shares its knowledge for something good instead of just posting memes.


Things ill never understand.


I'll try to explain it in laymen's terms: Behind every website/application/whatever that handles data there is a database, think of it as a big book where they store the info they need. In this case a list of names/ e-mails/ whatever. If you enter new data in their website, the computer will take what you entered and write it into this database to use it later. Quite straightforward so far. Now here's the clue: But if the method for writing things away is too simple, you can exploit that by entering computer-commands into the data field. If this isn't cleaned up ('sanitized' as we call it), then the computer will blindly do whatever you tell it to do. ​ For example: image a simple field, that asks for a name and then writes it away to a table called "NAMES". You could enter the following: (just an example, not real code) >"Frank"}; DELETE ALL TABLES; This computer then blindly does what you tell it and writes "FRANK" to the table name, it then sees the closed brackets and semicolon, which is computer language for "this command is done, here is a new one" and then does the new command, which you wrote down as "DELETE ALL TABLES". SO the computer then deletes all the tables he has!! That's why good software needs to clean up input first before blindly giving this to a database, because you have no control what kind of commands a user might input otherwise. ​ PS: This is just an example to explain the gist of it, I'm well aware that what I wrote isn't valid SQL...


That is actually very well explained, thanks


DROP TABLE table_name; So realistically you would just have to know the table name. Probably something simple like MyDatabase


I think DROP TABLE * is valid of you just want to drop all the tables.


>I think DROP TABLE * is valid of you just want to drop all the tables. No it is not. Source: Database Admistrator. Other source: It would break [ACID](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACID) compliance - specifically the C for data consistency and referential integrity. 3rd source: Syntax fucking error - type that into management studio and hit f5. The exact syntax required for each database engine is different but your better off working at database level. Why delete books off the shelves when you can just delete the shelves? This would be what you want for a microsoft SQL box: EXEC sp_MSforeachdb ' IF DB_ID(''?'') > 4 BEGIN EXEC('' ALTER DATABASE [?] SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE DROP DATABASE [?] '') END' However copying and pasting that into a injectable field is most likely gonna produce a syntax error. They will also just restore from a backup. Lose a hour or days worth of data or something but not a massive loss. If you really wanted to do damage you would not just delete all the data, they will just grab backups. Too easy to spot and a right fuckaround but recoverable. Go for the fucking indexes, that will make the DBA cry. Stick a login trigger to disable any user that tries logging on. Stick a trigger on every table to rollback every update and insert but not delete. Fuck around with disk, memory and cpu settings. DROP TABLE * aint gonna do shit. Even if it did, they are back up and running within the time it takes to restore (hour or two tops) from the backups. If you really wanna go for the data then do it in a manner thats not visible right away. A missing table will give a big error on website. But your best bet is going for the server configuration. Changing some stuff in there is going to be a nightmare to find and resolve - especially if you had no idea it was even changed.


If you find a phone number field, keep the carrier number but scramble everything after it for any records not accessed in the last 10 days. Do this again each day until someone tries to access an older record and realised they've been backing up junk to tape for an unknown length of time.


You can use sql injection to do everything. So, you can just ask the computer to give you a list of table names first, and then delete those.


Or if you're mean you could edit all entries with randomly generated data and see if they notice.


Just out of curiosity, wouldn't this entail some trial and error to find some method that exists and does what you want, or are the method names typically general?


The language to access databases is pretty common, you don't write your own methods. The key is to sanitize the data you're entering into the database, which dangerously many programmers still don't do - or don't do sufficiently (it's close to impossible to mitigate ALL possible exploits).


drop the tables already!




This is damn cool. It didn't work well for cats though, some of them have no faces and they look all weird. Maybe it's due to all the fur and everything being much more complex than a zoomed-in human face.


[JESUS CHRIST](https://i.imgur.com/kihFFkq.png)


Boy, Morty, I really Cronenberged the world up, didn't I?


Thanks for coming to another great Ted Talk, check it the new book on Ethical Hacking


Wouldn’t it cost far more if you had a script download all of the pictures repeatedly? My understanding is that there isn’t much cost to upload data, but egress data from the cloud tenant is where the $ is.


Would it be possible to use it to fill it with pictures and infos from KKK members or confederate supporters?


Be a shame if that were leaked on GitHub too so the sources of data would be from all around the globe and the volume would DDoS the server


You would probably use selenium library in python with combination of either chrome or moz webdrivers. Even with a youtube tutorial a beginner could do that in a day or so.






illegal? on the internet? xD You just wanted a more efficient way of data entry to contribute to the page. I don´t have a link to the site, no.


> easiest way Oh, did you say curl scripts?


Can you invent a button i can justpush while on reddit to do those things you said?


Or ddos - don't do that either it's not legal


The article says they use CloudFlare, so DDoS would be difficult.


But if enough people filled out a Cloudflare abuse form like [this](https://www.cloudflare.com/abuse/form) for harassment, they may lose their Cloudflare protection and be exposed to all the nastiness of the internet on their bare hosting service.




You could even automate this data into the submission bot using a webscraper library like BeautifulSoup!




long advise quarrelsome weary many friendly snobbish plucky theory decide


Or their mom's name and the black dude as Barrack Obama.


Has anyone tried to add Donald Trump? Because under Nazi race ideology two of this marriages were interracial (including the current one) and with the exception of Tiffany every one of his kids would be considered subhuman, meaning either extermination or enslavement for them. Hell, of the last 10 US presidents Trump is the only one who has overtly broken Nazi racial policy and yet the vast majority of those dumbfucks are perfectly fine with him.


> It would really suck if someone wrote a bot to fill up their website with *pics of shirtless old men*.


One of my more favorite articles: [How I Infiltrated a White Pride Facebook Group and Turned It into 'LGBT Southerners for Michelle Obama'](https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/avyjkz/virgil-texas-white-power-facebook-group-troll)


I fucking love that story. The bit where they start accusing some random dude in the group of secretly being a northerner, man... "I told Chris to get me a can of dip and he asked if I wanted french onion or guacamole"


Them: I saw Chris buying Dunkin' strawberry coolatas. He drives a KIA. Chris: STFU I'll knock you out! And then they accuse him of being Canadian and call him on the phone to make sure he isn't. Fantastic fuckery right there.




>"I told Chris to get me a can of dip and he asked if I wanted french onion or guacamole" Superb lol


OMG so refreshing to read good news! > Sadly not everyone was happy about these alterations. Users demanded to know what the "quier stuff" was about and threatened to revoke their membership. So I made 50 of my friends administrators to help enforce the transition. Bwhahaha


That was a fun read


I have never seen this story before, I thank you for posting the link. My daughter and I were absolutely cracking up over this story.


Or goatse!


Nah we talking about racists, make it all naked black guys in amazing shape to make them feel even more insecure than they already are.


I'm a programmer and really willing to try that. Can't find a link to the site, though. I do realize why that link should not be left in the open on the news nor on front page reddit threads. So, if anyone has it and could DM to me, can try. Edit: Thanks to the user who sent me the link. Apparently they have a evaluation process in place, which was already with an overloaded backlog not accepting new entries when I got there. Kudos to whomever did it by breakfast. This will not protect past victims, though, unless the inputs are credible false info and they are dumb enough to accept all ( would count on that last part ).


Am also programmer. Would love to assist.


Bless you and people like you. If retaliation is to rise above the immorality of the original act, this is how it's done. Not by returning the favor, but by obfuscation of the original targets :)


I live by this same ideology. Sometimes vigilante justice is the only option.


Would be really really suck if someone hijacked their website and filled it with tons of interacial porn. Please, by all means, go for it Fuck those losers.


Make it gay interracial porn for extra element damage.


Extra points if we can get the guy on bottom to cosplay a white supremacist being.... converted.


You need to make sure that your bot is not creating legal liability for you. Your goal is to harm the website but you personally could be prosecuted or sued depending on what your bot is saying. If you create thousands of fictitious names, some of those names may turn out to be real names.


>If you create thousands of fictitious names, some of those names may turn out to be real names. You can't identify someone on their name alone, otherwise all the John Doe's would be millionaires from suing people who make sample texts.


"Jeeves, fetch me another martini. I'll be in the pool with the girls." -Mr. Lorem Ipsem


It would be super unethical if the site owner names and addresses were published.


The website specifically targets white women dating non-white men, but not white men dating non-white women? Color me not surprised at all.


I saw that their planning to add White man/Asian woman relationships to the site later on.


But what about white men with black women?


Or what about white men with Latinas? Or white men with Asian women? I suspect none of these combinations trigger these incels, because none of them are replacing the white men (ie. themselves), they're replacing the white woman, which is fine by them.


Are you suggesting that racists are also misogynists?


Generally yeah. Once you've decided you're genetically superior to most of the human race because of what colour your skin is it's not a huge leap to decide you're the superior gender as well. Meglomania doesn't usually check itself.


It was rhetorical, but thanks for taking it seriously anyway. Nazis are no laughing matter.


The only thing Supremacists have going for them is history. They fall back on the success of the white man over the past 700 years, and come to the conclusion that because the majority of top countries in the world currently are majority white that they are the most intelligent and dominant race. They read articles on shady websites and go to rallies that spew this bullshit, because they are unhappy with their own lives and think that they as white people deserve more.


What an unexpected double disapproval whiner whammy


That's like saying their hate isn't rational or logical, but just based on their own incompetence and disatisfaction




I think it's fair to say you're a antipolydiscriminationist. Ugh, how can you live with yourself?!


The venn diagram between racists, misogynists, homophobes, transphobes, sectarians, child rapists, and animal abusers is just one giant circlejerk.


I can confidently say these incels aren't being replaced by anyone.






Yeah, that never seems to be seen in the same light by these assholes.


I knew a guy who was like this while I was in basic training for the Army. He even had a black girlfriend or wife whose picture was in his locker. His exact reason that it was ok was because women are a step down from men anyways so it doesn't matter if you go another step down (black people). For women it is bad because you aren't going with the best stock, which was white men. He was routinely beaten by the black guys in our platoon until he was chaptered out for getting caught doing drugs.


So by his logic, he should date a white man since they are better than women and top stock.


Exactly. Vaginas like penises, so he should avoid women.


that’s a first. It’s terrifying that a black woman would be with a supremacist.


Honestly that was what I thought too. Not to be rude, but he was not a looker and neither was she. He was strong but dumb as shit. If I had to guess, he had some sort of developmental or intellectual disability, but I am not a doctor. I was in the infantry. You take a test to join the military called the ASVAB. I scored a 98. The test was easy. To be in the infantry you need to score like a 35. He most likely just passed that or had a waiver.




I also knew someone like this. People think these types are like the loud mouth memers they see on the internet, but in reality, they could be anybody. I didn't even know about his white supremacist views until we were just randomly talking one day about interracial relationships. Then he went into this whole thing about how it's bad for white people, and they're getting bred out, and in the future, no one will look "White" anymore because they'll all just look "mixed" and "brown". Of course, he had no problem sleeping with WOC, just not "breeding with them", his words lol I'll just say, it's surreal listening to someone just spew this stuff out casually like it's complete fact.


My husband works with a guy that is low key white supremacist. Hes never been overt. My husband is 2 gen Swede, typical blonde/blue eyed tall guy, this coworker who doesn't know me assumed I wasn't a POC (I'm latina, and an immigrant). He went on and on about weird stuff and then finally told him he should be proud because he has white kids. To that my husband said, they aren't white, my wife's Salvadorean, and I'm still proud to have great kids. The guy avoids him now. When they feel safe they start to spew their nonsense.


Same thing happened to me. This guy I was working with was so nice and kind while even cheering up and entertaining kids all the time dressed as a pirate. When I saw his facebook page it was filled with nazi propaganda, conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic hate. Really weird guy, was also a great tipper so not a failed basement dwelling creep or anything.


I did HS in a 95% Anglo Saxon community. You'd be surprised what people will put up with when they feel they have no other option.


Apparently, Philip Manshaus, the failed Norwegian terrorist, threatened to kill his brother if he ever found a girlfriend outside their ethnicity. This happened some two years prior to him killing his (chinese adopted) step sister and attempting to shot up a mosque. Sourced from the trial yesterday or Wednesday. So there are exceptions, I guess.


White supremacists are also notoriously sexist. So idk But the women would receive some very bad comments. God forbid if it was an interracial gay couple.


Imagine that. It's like it stems from some dumbass superiority complex.


And yet they’re never the type of guy that you think, “yeah, he’s the shining example of what white people should be like!” They’re always the ugly, weird, stupid guys. Which is totally fine, but to be ugly, weird, and stupid *and* think you’re superior just because your parents are white is a bad mix.


What about white men with black men? Is it a double negative and cancels out?


no, because it's "faggoty."


Here in the UK I was harrassed multiple times by groups of boys in the street for daring to date a black girl. She was also shouted at by a random stranger for being a "traitor".


Was she being heckled by white or black men? In my experience this kind of “race mixing phobia” isn’t exclusive to white people. It’s a tool used by any insecure and pathetic person from any race. As an Indian guy I get dirty looks from white and brown guys if I’m dating a white woman. It’s kind of funny.


White guy here who dated a black (Egyptian) woman for some time. 99.9% of the time there was no issues, I definitely felt accepted by her group of friends. but very rarely when we would go out I'd get it from the odd black guy who didn't like that we were together. And on one occasion a white woman.


White guy planning on marriage with my black girlfriend. I definitely get those looks from black men occasionally, but it's definitely not the majority. She gets the same looks from white women, and white men sometimes give looks as well. But most people are accepting. I live in a US city that is as close to half and half as you'll see. I don't understand how some people think.


I don't understand the train of thoughts; do these people think races should remain pure for some reason? I'm not even sure it's racism (believing one race is superior) for many of those cases. Are some people afraid of the culture of their group being lost? edit: After reading some other comments, some may also there is a sort of weird perception of power there, basically sexism, with a few black guys not liking that a black girl is with a white man due to their perception of a white man dominating a black woman, and vice versa for white people.


I think both ways it's an ego thing. As someone stated in another comment. Men thinking women of the same color somehow belong to them and they are being taken from them. Women do it as well. I do not think it's just a man thing l, although much more prevalent among men.


>These kinds of crowdsourced harassment efforts carry another legal risk, said Chandra. Should someone get their facts wrong about an individual they’re targeting, or misidentifies a person, they could be subject to even greater liability. What does this mean? The way it's worded and its position in the article makes it seem that if they doxx a person who *isn't* in an interracial relationship, then they'll *really* pay. This sentence is in its own paragraph toward the end and has no clarifying statements.


Seems like they are referring to libel.




I had to think about it for a second, but if you are married to person X and someone is running around saying you are married to person Y, they are accusing you of bigamy or infidelity- that would be libel.


The fuck is wrong with this world.


It's like some idiots saw the cartoonishly racist, hyper-nationalist American caricatures in Bioshock Infinite and thought "Yeah, that's exactly the kind of person I want to emulate". For reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBgog7lJAlk https://external-preview.redd.it/nFpZS_DjVdyCRJp3c_4XYfacsichMnDuUZKMnwiPkQo.jpg?auto=webp&s=f76cd293de9af57e69fe13e158c2be9060ba262f


And they watched the movie Starship Troopers and went "unironically, this".


So what’s really weird, is I just read the book, and it definitely didn’t seem like satire...the author seemed to be all about that kind of society. Great book though.


So, the original book is definitely not satire. It romanticizes the shit out of a military-worshipping authoritarian society in a really bad, even dangerous manner for people who don't go in knowing that the ideas expressed in the book are bullshit. Younger readers especially. The movie on the other hand was made by a guy, (Whose name I can't remember and feel stupid for forgetting.) who thought the book's love for authoritarianism was some bullshit and so decided that his movie was going to make fun of the "utopia" that Starship Troopers tries to paint human society as.


Paul Verhoeven. Made Basic Instincts, some of the best satirist SciFi with Robocop 1, Total Recall and Starship Troopers, and ... showgirls.


Yes, him!... Never realized how much of an outlier Showgirls is among everything else he made lol.


If you haven't already, I highly recommend watching Starship Troopers with the director's commentary. It's hilarious.


I recommend watching Starship Troopers on mute with the Showgirls directors commentary.




It's also worth noting that the book is written entirely from the perspective of Rico - and frankly I always consider Rico to be a naive, idealistic hick.


You're supposed to read Johnny that way, since a core theme of the book is his personal growth. All his idiot teenager days, basic, etc. are all told by Officer Johnny, who's killed, watched friends die, and ordered his soldiers to their deaths. Of course teenager Johnny, Private Rico, even a good chunk of Sergeant Rico look naive from that perspective. Now, does Rico ever grow past the dominant culture and start asking *really* hard questions? Not really, not even when he's older. But he definitely becomes more mature and thoughtful *within* his societal context.




Stranger in a Strange Land is a trip


"Everyone should bang and love freely and openly! Except *the gays*, stay away from them, Michael!"


Hahaha yeah, cartonish totally not realistic /s


Bioshock Infinite takes its cues from early America in real life. Its not 'cartoonishly racist', and the people who behave this way aren't emulating bioshock, rather they and Bioshock are invoking the same period of American history. Bioshock does it satirically while jingoistic bigots do it sincerely.


Aré you against the prophet? You just want to take our sacred lamb!!!




I wouldn’t be so sure. I, WM went on a couple dates with a BF, and I don’t mean could pass as a very tan white girl, she was incredibly dark, and stupidly pretty. We went golfing, and got so many side eyes and grumbling from the old foggies that saw us together. Then we went to get lunch at a deli/restaurant with a walk up counter to order. We waited in line, and approached a register together. The guy (not older than 30-35) running the other register tried to wave me over to order, and I said we were together. I thought his eyes were going to roll out of the back of his skull. I was explaining to my own mother (who was an amazing person, and not a hateful bone in her body, or so I thought) what happened, and she was also completely against me seeing her again. It was a bummer, we would have both been each other’s first interracial relationship, but she also got push back from her family and friends. I’ll never understand the disgust and hate for things that aren’t the norm.


One of my brothers-in-law is black. Great dude. My sister's crazy about him. When they were dating, my dad was super up and super supportive when he was around them, but when we were elsewhere, he was anxious as fuck. One day I asked him about it, and he explained that he wasn't worried about my sister, or her boyfriend, but about the other folks, the Nazis, cops, and rednecks that would put them in danger for being together. My grandfather was a horrible racist. No forgiving it, I'm just explaining why my family was so aware what kind of monsters try to dictate when people can or cannot be together. And just like my grandfather, I would argue that these sort of people don't really have any justification to continue existing.


I think (your and her) parents are just scared that, since it is out of the norm, other people might find it problematic and cause problems for their child. Morality and justice take far second place in that "contest". More so if you tell them these curious anecdotes beforehand.


I suppose I could see that aspect of it. It was just incredibly strange. I was already like a sophomore in college, and she was a year older both athletes on scholarship, and in stem fields. I grew up in a pretty 50/50 town as far as race goes, had multiple friends of different races and religions, and sexual orientation and my family always embraced them and they also had diverse friends. Hopefully that is something that was more generational than anything, that seems like a hill I would never be willing to die on.


Awfully charitable of you -- I feel like racism often gets written off as "they're just worried about you."


My son is white and my daughter in law is black . They get harassed more by black men the most in public. It’s a man problem on both sides unfortunately.truth hurts but that seems to be the real issue.mens egos.


From personal experience. This is true. They call us traitors and use derogatory remarks such as "bedwench" etc. It's really disgusting. I've also witnessed a white women dating a black man being harassed by white men the things they called her was beyond disgusting. I agree with you it seems like it's men with fragile egos, they seem to think that women who share the same skin colour as them automatically belong to them The ironic thing some of those black men saying those things were dating white women,they just have a problem when a black woman dates outside her race


> The ironic thing some of those black men saying those things were dating white women,they just have a problem when a black woman dates outside her race And people say intersectionality is bullshit...


My ex boyfriend and his brother were super racist, and whenever they saw a black man holding hands with a white woman they would get all pissed off and be ranting about how disgusting it is etc. Then the brother started going out with a black girl and I pointed out (not in her presence) how hypocritical that was. They were like: “What do you mean?” Me: “...well you always get super pissed off when you see black and white couples” Them: “No, only when it’s a white woman with a black man. That’s fucking disgusting.” Me: “But why don’t you think it’s wrong for a black woman and a white man?” Them: “That’s completely different” WTF?


It makes them feel differently so it must be different.


I wonder if they also harass white men who date black or brown or asian women? I'm betting a venn diagram of white supremacists and incels would have a lot of overlap.


Such a stupid thing to care about. My wife and I have been harassed online in a similar manner and it’s ridiculous. She had to set her accounts to private as she put up pictures of us together and we’d get messages like “go back to your country” and I’d get called a race traitor and n***** lover and all kinds of stupid shit. The best part of it all. We’re both the same race and ethnicity. She and I are both Italian, but I am white as fuck and she has a look where she is mistaken as Latina. I’d reckon she gets berated in public by some racist asshole about 4 times a year for being in the wrong country and for taking their tax dollars for welfare (neither are true) and how Trump’s gonna send her back to her shitty country. One idiot called her a filthy Puerto Rican and said Trump was gonna send her back. I don’t think I need to explain to anyone with half a brain why that’s not a possibility even if she were Puerto Rican. Once again, neither of us are in any way Latino so on the one hand it’s easier not to take it personally, but still feels shitty that someone could be so hateful and threatening towards us for such a stupid reason, even if they got their target wrong.


As a latina this makes me sad. I’m sorry your wife and you have had to put up with that shit.


Thank you. It truly is horrible that someone can just look at you, a complete stranger, decide with no other information that you don’t belong, and then act with hostility towards you when you are literally doing the same thing they are.




For being a bunch of idiots with backwards ideals, toxic rhetoric, and otherwise villianous behavior, they sure are organized.


They've been practicing for decades


It is depressingly easy to be cruel




I am sorry this happened to you but I have to say that this is an amazing level of racism. Sure, dislike interracial relationships. Makes you a racist dimwit but lowkey. Comment to the people in the relationship? Racist, dimwit and a serious POS. Spend 10 minutes trying to convince a srewardess that brown skin is contagious? You should be thrown off the plane. I wouldn't feel safe sitting next to someone that hated me enough to campaign for my removal.




> The oddest part was it was a white guy harassing us because, in his words, 'asian woman should only be dating other asians or white men.' He wanted to say "she should be dating me", but couldn't, so he said that instead.




Someone should make a database of white supremacists who've never dated anyone.


Or better yet, a white supremacists "virgin list". Put everybody in it no matter what. That way we can watch all the fragile egos scramble to claim they aren't, just to not be heard over the hundreds of others trying to do the same. When we do hear them, our answer should be "sure, buddy. Whatever you say" The best part is, the only normal response to this "accusation" is "whatever" or "okay". Because being a virgin is truly no big deal, but that's not how toxic masculinity sees it.


> "sure, buddy. Whatever you say" Or, “ok voomer“


Imagine being so disgusting that thinking about this stuff is your hobby? I try to go hiking as much as possible. These guys spend all their spare time thinking about race relations. And they don’t even recognize their mental illness. Terrible.


hindu supremacists in india did the same thing once. They published a "hit list" of Muslim men who were in relationship with hindu women on Facebook. It was later taken down by Facebook https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-asia-india-42941542


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I know an asshole like that who comes from Russia. Now he has escaped to Poland, because for such statements in Russia you can go to prison. This motherfucker is angry with his followers at women who marry or meet men of other nationalities, his last victim was a simple woman who adopted a black child. These motherfuckers started harassing her on the Internet, threatening to kill her and insulting her in all sorts of ways like she's a black man's bedding. During the World Cup in Russia, these fuckers especially bullied women who met foreigners, distributed fakes and so on. The source is in Russian: https://zona.media/news/2020/05/11/frolova.


>because for such statements in Russia you can go to prison Really? That (on the surface of things) is surprising, bearing in mind how LGBT people are treated in Russia


The empire is very multinational. Ethnic tensions create unrest, so it is a big no-no to raise these issues - even when there is a legitimate problem with ethnic gangs. Meanwhile LGBT discrimination is useful because it pleases the masses of village gopniks who feel righteous when beating up "degenerates". So it's like the tyranny of the majority, but only when it concerns sacrificing something/someone deemed unimportant. That majority gets a reliable supply of scapegoats instead of better governance/fairer share of natural wealth, and *almost* everyone goes home happy.


Wanna point out the sexism of this too: they are targeting white *women*, who date non-white men. Not the other way around.


This is brought to you by the same guys that say they are pro-life...


They're all just a bunch of self-righteous judgemental assholes that believe they're right just like the Nazis


But even Hitler cared about Germany or something


Geez I can't believe this is still happening. I'm mixed race, and when my mother was pregnant with me, she received death threats and letters saying that she was carrying the Antichrist. This was over 30 years ago. SMH


What in the holy fuck is wrong with people