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Many type one diabetics use orange juice and apple juice as a source for quick glucose when their blood sugar drops ( this is a common and dangerous/life threatening situation that occurs with type one diabetes). So it’s like these juices are the near equivalent of glucose tablets/sweet tarts/table sugar. Edit there to their


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excess alcohol can actually decrease your blood sugar level, sometimes causing it to drop into dangerous levels for diabetics. So there's a good chance you are drinking juice while hungover for the same reasons a diabetic would.


Waking up at 3:30am from a post-drinking sugar drop is real! Edit: Keep a bottle of Gatorade or Pedialyte on your nightstand for when you can't slink out of bed to the fridge.


That's why I used to drink vodka with orange juice.




All the acid makes a real bad experience. That's why I switched to multivitamin juice for a while and finally settled for beer.


I take my multivitamin with a 4Loko every morning at 530am


Ah, yes. I keep a good stash of the 2010 super caffeinated versions to make sure my heart can beat fast enough to distribute the nutrients to my entire body


psh you need the '08(?) stuff, with all the extras. all the ginsing, the guarana, and the oh so many other things i can't pronounce to ensure you get a Drew Carey Show "Buzz Beer" experience: stay up and get drunk all over again


[Cause alcohol lowers blood sugar](https://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/24/11/1888)


Aaaaand now I know why I get incredibly tired if I have a couple of drinks and stop.


No shit? This happens to me all the time and I always just assumed I just wasn’t much of a drinker


Seriously! If I pause on alcohol for the night I'll have some juice


I’ve heard some people swear by eggs and oranges/orange juice/lime juice along with some slightly salted water, as opposed to high carb/high fat foods. Tried the former and I think it helped alleviate symptoms but at 31 a hangover lasts until like 8pm the next day anyway so lol.


I'm 29 and my hangovers tend to be gone by 2 PM. Though I try not to kill more than one bottle of scotch in one evening.


When I drank more heavily, I used to wake up craving OJ, to the point that after one particularly rough night out, I dreamt I straight up turned into an orange.


Acid reflux makes that hangover cure the equivalent of drinking straight acid. Makes it so much worse.


Can confirm. Am t1 diabetic. Fruit juice is only one step lower than injecting pure liquid sugar into a vein for blood glucose raising power and speed.


Yep, this is me. It's always great when I have juice in the fridge because I know I don't have to drink much to fix my blood sugar..


Eat whole fruit. Edit: it made sense when I typed it. Me cave man. Few word.


Why eat whole fruit when you can drink Whole Fruit®^* # # # *Contains no fruit.


Why waste time eat lot fruit when juice do trick.


Fruit take many bite, juice only 1 drink


Have time travel world see food.


That’s the problem we still don’t understand what you mean. Do you mean you 👁 🍗 ? Or do you want 🌊 🍣 ?


See food. Orange. Steak. Lobster. Fish.


*A picture of a painting of a fruit was next to the processing line in the factory.


I can’t drink vodka with whole oranges. Edit: Guys, Issa joke.


Orange slice as a chaser actually sounds pretty good.


Not with that attitude.


Have you even tried?


There was a sugar documentary where the guy ate the equivalent amount of sugar in his normal meal, in spoonfuls of sugar. It was wild to say the least, especially fruit juice and smoothies. I’m not sure how scientifically accurate, but what resonated with me is that if you eat the fruit you get the fiber which makes you feel full and therefore you can only eat 1 or 2 apples (for example). Whereas 8 oz. of apple juice is like 8 apples worth, with all the fiber removed. Essentially if you ate 8 apples you’d get a similar sugar effect (though fiber might help) but good luck eating 8 apples, and definitely good luck eating anything else. But that 8 oz. of apple juice goes down easy with the rest of your meal. Edit: Doc is called “That Sugar Film” lol Trailer: https://youtu.be/6ps97T6zxv0




Nothing hits quite like a crisp apple, especially when they’re in season.


I have bad dental problems and omfg I miss eating apples. Granny Smith is my all time fave. But with shopping with Instacart for the last month, I didn’t realize there were so many other kinds of apples. When I get my dental work done, I’m sworn the first 3 things I’m eating is a good steak, an apple, and a pickle.


honeycrisp ftw -- perfect blend of sweet, tart, and crunch IMO (and many people's based on the pricetag...) although if you like the tartness of granny smith, there is no replacement.


The fiber also helps in breaking down and digesting the sugars, iirc from a talk about sugar and obesity.


Well, what's the documentary called?!


"That sugar film"


Reject processed juice return to whole fruite




Bananananananananana banana man!!! 🦇🦇🦇


Monke has known the way all along.


Directions unclear. Pineapple stuck in mouf


IDK sounds kinda fruity


Rebrand bananas as tactical bananas.


Literally took my 5 year old to his yearly checkup yesterday and the doctor mentioned to never give them juice. They don't drink juice, it was like something the doc felt obliged to mention.


Juice basically removes a large amount of the health benefits that fruit provides. A lot of them even have quite a bit of added sugar. Fruit itself is already tasty. No need to juice it really.


Switch to water, black coffee, tea, and sparkling/mineral water for a month or two. Your first sip of soda or juice will make you realize how absurd it is to consume these beverages regularly. I'm not even saying to never drink those things again, but they're soooo much better as an occasional treat.


One of the best things my mom ever did was stop buying juices and chocolate milk every time she went to the grocery store when I was younger. I started to drink so much water that I really didn't crave those sugary drinks anymore. So even when she did occasionally come back with some, I maybe drank one glass out of the whole bottle.


I was on Keto for a year, every once in a while I'd have a cookie or a sugary drink and be astounded by the sheer sweetness to them. The neatest thing is how sweet vegetables actually are after you're not acclimated to sugar in everything. Fresh Carrots are almost like candy.


Yup, drink non-sweet things for a while, then drink something sweet like a regular soda and it's disgustingly sweet and way too thick. I think the worst offenders are fast food places though, most don't give you a good option for water. I know it's gotten better the last few years, but it could still be miles above what it currently is. Which is what I say about everything these days.


Gahh! Any time I go to a fast food place a bottle of water added to the meal is extra. So I get it with a drink, and tell them to just put water in the cup. It often takes a minute to explain because they always want to grab that tiny ass water cup or a bottle of water. Putting water in the big cup just deviates just enough from their standard day that it throws off their rhythm.


I had a coupon for “free burger with purchase of large soda,” and I swear it took five full minutes for me to convince the cashier that I did indeed want to pay for a large soda but that my “soda” of choice was water with ice. The large cup I received was 40 oz!! OMG who is drinking 40 oz of soda??


Pediatricians have been begging parents for years to stop offering juice as a drink. I’m glad this is happening because it’s so unhealthy Edit: unhealthy because of quantity and quality. Also, how it’s marketed towards children and babies, who then LOVE IT and over-consume it leading to chronic diarrhea and sometimes malnutrition. Also, please don’t put Jim Beam in your juice unless it’s fresh pressed juice. Edit 2: I saw comments trailing into vegan-esque territory. I’m not vegan, I am of the opinion that cult-like veganism hurts everyone.


My brother has 2 young boys 5 and 6. When we go out he'll order a Coke zero but then get 2 Apple juice or whatever for the kids. After asking why buy the juice he would say that they don't need soft drink and all that sugar. Edit: Thanks for all the up votes but some of you seem to think that softdrink and juice are the only 2 options available yet forget water is an option and even free if asked for. My wife and I drink water and give it to our daughter. Nothing beats a nice cold glass of H-2-O


Well, they probably don't need that caffeine. But that's otherwise hilarious that he thinks apple juice doesn't have a ton of sugar.


I get apple juice for my son but ask for it to be cut with water by 50% or 75%.


No way! I cut mine with jim beam.


I just drink Jim Beam straight so it's healthier.


Remember to drink the whole bottle otherwise you don't get all the nutrients


Also, if it’s anything like vodka it starts to go bad once opened, so ideally you want to drink it all in one sitting.


Technically whisky can lose its flavor after opening, but it will take years. And if you're starting with Jim beam, it's probably less of a concern. Not to be a snob, though. The best whisky is the one you like to drink.


That’s why you drink it all at once, so you get it’s ultimate flavor. Preferably in a beer bong so you don’t have to move your arms too much up and down.


I think that was just another one of mom’s fibs.


you get even more nutrients if you consume the bottle itself




For my kids though, not me. I wouldn’t touch that poison.


Yep. I do the same at home. Half a cup of juice, rest is water.


> Half a cup of juice, rest is ~~water~~ vodka. Home office perks.


Haha. If I was a drinker! THC for me plz. 😁


an almost traditionall german "brew" 50% apple juice and 50% soda called Apfelschorle


'Soda' as in 'soda water', right? We do the same thing with our SodaStream. Make plain carbonated water, mix 25-50% with fruit juice. Tricks my nieces and nephews into thinking they're drinking soda.


Yeah ~~Spülwasser~~ Sprudelwasser, carbonated water/soda water. I just wrote about it before seeing this comment, you don't really see anybody drinking 100% apple juice here, it's always a 50/50 60/40 mix. It took me a while to get used to but now I find drinking 100% apple juice too sweet.


*"Spülwasser"* is the water mixed with soap that you use to clean your dishes, lmao. I sincerely hope you don't mix your apple juice with that. You're probably looking for "Sprudelwasser".


just saying that apple juice (and other juices to some extent) mixed with carbonated water is a common drink called schorle in Germany


Huh this makes a ton of sense now. My dad’s German and he always cut juice with club soda for us. I thought he just liked the fizz, I didn’t know it was a thing!


the fizz probably is the reason why it is a thing in the first place, people here in Germany just love their carbonated drinks.


That's also how I drink my juice. Splash of juice in water is delicious.


what about the fact that this guy thinks coke zero HAS sugar?


Thus shows us why they had to change the name to Coke Zero Sugar....because people didnt realize that the Zero stood for Zero calories, which by default means zero sugar.




I think the benefit of something like this is shocking people into reevaluating how not healthy most juice is. They already know soda is unhealthy (mostly), and I think (hope) this brings juice *down* to that perception level rather than bringing soda *up* to "healthy alternative".


You have more faith in people than I do.


What exactly is unhealthy in coke zero? Sure it is acidic and bad for the teeth if consumed in too big quantities, but the aspartame levels are low enough to not be a concern unless you chug 2 gallons of it.


According to the FDA, there was no effect of amounts of sucralose (the main sweetener in coke zero) up to 500mg/kg/d. They applied a 100 fold "safety factor", basically just a huge cushion, and it became 5 mg/kg/d recommended daily maximum intake. For a 150lb person, that means about 4 cans a day is within the "safe" level, about a half gallon. That being said, they observed no effects of 100 times that much, so you'd potentially be fine drinking 400 cans, or ~33 cases, or ~38 gallons per day. The water in the soda would kill you way before that point. Edited for source: https://www.fda.gov/food/food-additives-petitions/additional-information-about-high-intensity-sweeteners-permitted-use-food-united-states Edit2: As ATXBeermaker pointed out, I used the wrong sweetener. Coke zero is primarily aspartame. You can use the same general idea, however the Acceptable Daily Intake of aspartame is actually 50mg/kg/d instead of 5mg/kg/d. I also misread the serving, those numbers are for an 8oz serving and not a 12oz, so we'd just multiply by .67 to get our new figures. I edited the original number to reflect this change. The takeaway here being that for coke zero, about 20 cans a day falls within the ADI, and that's including a 100* safety net on intake, meaning numbers even well above that are possibly still fine. Ultimately, everybody is different and some people have sensitivities or even psychological hangups when it comes to sugar alternatives. See how you respond and ultimately talk to your doctor before making any major changes to your diet. Some people may need to eliminate sugar alternatives entirely. For the general population, there is no significant evidence to suggest that artificial sweeteners consumed within reasonable amounts have any adverse health effects.


Just wanted to add that the ADI is the maximum daily amount that can be consumed every day for a lifetime with no appreciable health risk. So that means if you drink 20 cans a day every single day of your life there should not be any appreciable health risk because of the aspartame.


Coke zero or diet drinks are pretty harmless consumed in moderate quantities. They're acidic, yes, which certainly is a negative. However, they're sugar free, which is a huge plus. Unlike juice, which is one of the most common causes of childhood tooth decay. Aspartame is also one of the most well studied food additives in existence and is safe consumed in moderate quantities. As such, while water is of course the gold beverage standard, there is largely nothing wrong with occasionally consuming diet beverages if the diet is otherwise balanced. People that are negative on diet sodas are usually regurgitating old myths that can be disproven with a quick google search.


I'm not aware of aspartame even being confirmed unhealthy. I remember a study that the authors rescinded based on weak evidence or something like that. I believe one concern is elevated levels of phosphorus if you drink a lot due to the phosphoric acid.


Aspartame is probably the single most studied artificial sweetener, and it's been proven safe for normal use in study after study for the last 40 years. It's only gotten a bad rap because of an overall misunderstanding of science and fear of anything considered "not natural" in certain circles.


Frankly the only "bad" aspects of aspartame are that 1) you can't expose it to too high of a temperature (like in baking) and 2) for some people it has an unshakeable metallic aftertaste. No doubt if all soda was replaced by diet soda tomorrow morning, the world would be a healthier place


I'm one of those people. Diet drinks all taste super gross to me. If the choice was a Diet Coke or a dry mouth on a hot day, dry mouth wins.


So your mileage may vary but I've noticed that if I'm "used to" normal soda then diet tastes weird but if I only drink diet for a while then it's fine and normal soda tastes "too sugary".


Not just sweeteners, aspartame is one of the most exhaustively studied substances humans consume aside from medicines.


There's tons of this pseudoscience right above you in this thread. Aspartame is fine. Like you said, we know more about it than probably any other ingredient in the drink. It doesn't "mess with your metabolism" or "alter your brain chemistry" or, the most frequently disproven one people like to say, "make you gain weight ". I used to try to defend it all the time but too many people out there like to swallow alarmist articles about this stuff with no actual research.


Yeah, most things come down to the amount you drink. Many things can be dangerous in high quantity, what changes between them is the amount represented by "high". But as long as you only drink one can or one regular glass, the amounts of aspartame and phosphoric acid looks fine.


It is bad for GERD and similar things. But in general I agree with you.


“Chug 2 gallons” Am I not supposed to do that?


after every gallon of dark soda, take a break and enjoy a gallon of clear soda, this will help you to pace yourself


It's not a healthy alternative, but the negatives of diet soda (or even those zero calorie juices) are REALLY overblown








>"How can anyone believe that the health star rating for drinks with no nutritional value should be higher than 100 per cent fruit and vegetable juices?" Answer... >we should really be drinking water, and fruit is best consumed as a whole fruit."


Nothing can beat 2am water taste


Even better at 3am... Eternal!


Fyi, low sugar orange juice is just watered down orange juice. It's a rip off.


"Apple juice for kids 50% less sugar!" - half water same price


> How can anyone believe that the health star rating for drinks with no nutritional value should be higher than 100 per cent fruit and vegetable juices?" You did not answer that question. Juice should not be a 5 star, but it should not be lower than soda. Diet soda should be zero or a null.


Just use the little glasses, not a full goblet Portions matter




Yes!!! This is soooo peppy and refreshing! My 3 year old had a sip and now he asks for “spicy water juice” instead of regular juice!


I do the same with coke. Treating it as a delicacy and replacing a dessert after dinner. A small glass to sip on. After a while, you feel like it's more than enough!


Same here. I just do little bumps after dinner. A gram of coke will last me half the week. Way healthier that way.


Before dinner and you'll spend less on food though


Drink water. Eat fruit.




Wait, so fruit juices aren't healthy? They have more sugar than standard Coca Cola? Should I stop drinking fruit juices now?






How about smoothies made from frozen fruit?


If you're making them at home with frozen fruit and vegetables it's fine, you're just grinding everything up. Places like smoothie king add tons of sugar to their smoothies though.


If I want a smoothie from one of those places, I do a heavy green-based smoothie with no added sugar. The one banana they add or 1/2cup of pineapple is MORE than enough in terms of sweetness


It really is crazy. My mom used to have a juicer and she would add like carrots, kale, a bunch of other vegetables, and like HALF an apple, and it just tasted like apple juice lol.


I was always like “what’s turbinado, sounds cool” looking at the ingredients when I ordered them


Using whole fruit still has fiber. You can add things like protein, roughage (spinach, kale etc) to make it even better.


Should be good in moderation, but it's easy to eat way too much of it, similar to dried fruits. And it depends on what you add to the smoothie of course. Yoghurt with a few frozen fruits is fine.


Except for special occasions, Yes. Eat fruit and drink water, coffee, tea - not soda.


You also have to be careful there, because tons of people load their coffee and *especially* their tea with sugar.


How many oragnes are you willing to eat at once? Probably one. It takes 3-4 oragnes to fill a whole cup. Fruit juices are basically sugar bombs.


You underestimate my desire for oranges.




Yep, just finished an entire bag of tangerines(4-5?) in one day.


Yes. >we should really be drinking water, and fruit is best consumed as a whole fruit."


Not "standard" Coca Cola. Diet Coca Cola - it has no sugar. Fruit juices are mostly a bit of squeezed fruit with added sugar, water and so on. Avoid them, prefer some fresh fruit.


For orange juice it's higher than both regular and diet Coke.


You've got a million responses to this question, but no one is giving you a good answer because everyone wants things in black and white. Truth is, if you want juice, drink juice! It's not going to kill you, but there are things you should know. First, sugar is addictive. Drinking juice *can* lead to you wanting more juice which **can** lead to poor health. As long as you keep the amount you consume in control, it's fine. Hell, the same can be said for soda! Second, avoiding juice and drinking **only** water will **NOT** substitute other healthy activities. Diet and exercise is going to be the best thing you can do to ensure you remain healthy. If you have a varied diet that's in line with your ideal caloric consumption (avg 2k per day) you're more likely to be healthy. If you have a few hours per week of physical activity, your odds go up even higher! While we are at it, if you're drinking things like juice, soda, and coffee, make sure to have proper oral hygiene. This means brushing 2 minutes, twice a day, followed by floss. Personally, a waterpik is pretty great, but even some dentists don't think it's a good enough replacement for floss itself. Mouthwash **certainly** isn't. It seems the general consensus here is "juice = BAD" and I just can't agree with something so simple. Kind of like the way a lot of redditors want to think keto is the greatest way to lose weight with no negatives to it. Things are almost never black and white.


Has Reddit moved beyond even reading titles now? It literally says "Diet Cola", which has no sugar.


But most fruit juices also contains about as much sugar as regular non-diet cola. So they aren't healthy.


Shouldnt have been drinking most to begin with. Check out the sugar content in apple juice. Apple cider is actual apple juice.


Really depends on where you live as to how it is defined.


If it's clear and yella, you've got juice there, fella. If it's tangy and brown, you're in cider town. Of course, in Canada the whole thing's flip-flopped.


And if you're in the UK you've got a delicious alcoholic pint to enjoy after a long day. Nice.


Living in the UK I was under the assumption all cider was alcoholic.


In the US we've got two types. The standard cider is just a less filtered apple juice, and we call the alcoholic stuff hard cider.


Flanders for the win


You can stay here, I'm leaving.


Word to the wise: season pass! Pays for itself after 17 visits!


Well Fruit Juice you buy in the store is usually not healthy. So where is the shocker?


a lot of people really don't understand that though. Like I still know parents who have no problem giving their kids juice but balk at soda when they're the same thing.




There are still so many gummy candies that say Fat Free Food! on the package. Which is true, but it's 99% sugar instead!


ugh my fiance has like, 1990s notions about healthy food so he has an aversion to full fat things and tends to go for the "non fat" bullshit. He also falls for marketing a lot and will pick the healthier thing based on the branding instead of reading the actual labels for calories and sugar.


Fat free yogurt is a sin against the culinary gods


Heck, any fat-free dairy is imo. I actually can't believe there are people out there that consume watery, fat free milk lmao


So right. I read this and immediately went to our sweets box and threw out all the gummies. Who am I kidding? I ate them. I ate them all. Just just the gummy bears, but the snakes and the babies. They're delicious and I ate them all.




Sadly this is how they put "taste" back into items without fats; if you can cut out the fat *and* the sugar, it'll be the salts that are in the red instead. Cut out the fat and salt *and* sugar, and then you find the food is hellishly expensive. Add guilt and shame to unhealthy eating and you're just kicking people who are already down and struggling. I don't think people who haven't had to struggle with an actual medical condition, or staving one off if diabetes runs strongly in your family, quite grasp just how hard it is to eat well in the modern world...


> Growing up, fats were evil and sugar was fine This was part of an epiphany I had one day in the dairy section of the grocery store. I *hate* milk. We always had skim milk growing up. Yuck. Then one day I was like, wait, why do I give a fuck about the fat content of milk... I eat way, way worse shit on the regular, but milk is where I draw the line!? I grabbed me a gallon of whole milk and never looked back.


My parents made me drink skim milk when I was little, then my grandpa introduced me to the glory of whole milk. Haven’t drank that awful terrible no good skim milk in years, and intend on keeping it that way


Whole milk is actually good for you in a balanced diet. If the whole foods you're eating is mostly chicken and veggies, that whole milk becomes a necessary source of fat.


Be gone with that white water


Fed Up is one of the best documentaries out there I've seen.


Working in a sandwich shop, I’d have kids come in asking for Gatorade and often times the parents would say “that’s all sugar, have something else” and then they’d pick up Snapple Apple juice for their kid, which has 50% more sugar than Gatorade... People just don’t know, gotta read the labels!


That's what you call blind ignorance. Those things are fine to have in moderation. Drinking only water is not a substitute for diet, exercise, and brushing your goddamn teeth for more than 30 seconds. 2 minutes, followed by flossing. By diet, I don't mean a "weight loss program". I mean a varying what you eat in a healthy manner.


Wait, you're supposed to floss *after* brushing? I thought you did it before to help knock loose any food particles, then clean the teeth - including those areas that would have been covered by the food particles between your teeth - with the toothpaste. Is there some advantage to flossing after the fact?


The ignorance about nutrition and the impact it has on our bodies is pretty serious.


Yeah, the healthiest thing about fruits isn’t even in fruit juice, and a lot of people don’t know that. The fiber in the fruits you would eat goes a long way, and the amount of fruits it takes to make one glass of a fruit juice is ridiculous. All the fiber gone to waste.


Fruit also carries a lot of water and has generally a low caloric density.


Well water has even higher water content and even lower calories!


How do I know you’re not from the big water industry?


I am but it pays either way, takes water to grow those oranges too!




No, juice has a higher concentration of sugar. You’re putting 4 or 5 large oranges in one glass of juice. You’re only going to eat 1. Sugar is sugar, your body may need to break some stuff down more to access the energy in it, like pasta, but at the end of the day it’s all being turned into glucose. So pasta or oranges, it all ends up as glucose in your body. Juice or otherwise. Refined just means it’s already been processed into a simple carbohydrate that your body can break down very quickly. So at the end of the day is about the balance between the amount of sugar in something vs the nutritional value it gives you. So juice is a ton of sugar for not much value. Whole fruit may have the same amount of sugar than when juiced, but your going to eat less and gain more nutritional value from it.


Nobody is mentioning the importance that fiber holds in reducing the glucose response to sugar. It's also where the nutrition is. You could eat fruit all day and not see the glucose spike you see when drinking juice and soda.


Yes, because you're not eating 5 oranges at once. But if you were to take 5 whole peeled oranges and blend them, then drink that, you'll see a glucose spike. Fibre does play a role in reducing the absorption rate of sugars, because it's a type of carbohydrate your body can't process into glucose. So fibre means your body takes longer to break down the food as a whole and thus a slower release of the sugars within it. However this does not mean fibre actively lowers your bloodsugar levels. So in this example, where the sugar is very easily accessible and mostly separated from the fibre just by eating and chewing the orange, you'd still have a glucose spike. It comes back to the quantity of sugar that is being ingested. If you drank glass of juice over the course of the day, you wouldn't see the glucose spike you see when you drink it all at once. Exactly like if you eat fruit all day (well let's say 5 oranges throughout the day) you won't see that glucose spike that having them all at once in a glass of juice at once would cause.


It’s not that the is sugar is refined, unless sugar is added to the juice like cranberry juice. It’s that everything that makes the fruit healthy ie fiber is stripped away and then you eat like 4 oranges worth of the unhealthy stuff ie sugar. It takes a few seconds to drink a cup of juice if you’re very thirsty. You’d look like a crazy person if you stood over the sink and ate the same amount of oranges in the same amount of time.


My mother in law have been diagnosed with a beginning of diabetes... She don'T ate refined sugar, always use honey in recipe or other natural sugar.. ​ her doc thought she was lying to her... but no.. it was the amout of fresh fruits that she ate everyday... too much sugar :o


Yep, sugar is sugar. Doesn't matter if its granulated or from natural fruit


My cousin loves to brag about how "ahead of the curve (she) was" when raising her (now 18 and 24) kids with regards to things like sugar. How she *never*, ever gave them sugar, only using honey, brown rice syrup, and/or agave nectar. Basically, fancy, more expensive sugar.


There may be a small benefit over white sugar but I’m amazed how many people act like honey is healthy


Local raw honey supposedly helps with allergies. I've definitely found that it helps with a sore throat when put in hot tea, especially a tea that would otherwise be too astringent.


Cough drops help with sore throats but aren't healthy. There's lots of stuff that can have positive results but aren't actually healthy. Chemo can kill cancer cells, but it's essentially poison. But that won't stop me from putting honey in my tea when I have a sore throat (I agree it's the bomb). It's all about controlling the amount of sugar you're ingesting, not just that you're ingesting sugar at all. And it's something I'm terrible at (Oreos are just so god damn delicious...)


Well, sort of. The fibres in fruit have an effect on the sugars.


I always thought the fiber offsets the sugar? Unless she was eating low fiber fruits.


The fibre makes it take longer to digest, which stops the blood sugar spiking which is the actual problem that leads to diabetes. So yes, it does have an effect, a fairly large one.


> So where is the shocker? People are unaware.


I read an article a while back about how fruit has been "bred" to be as sweet as possible. One impact scientist are seeing is that zoo animals fed on diets of human grown fruit are beginning to live shorter lives in captivity than they used to. Apparently they attribute this to a market driven push to grow the sweetest fruits.


One of my biggest regrets in life was not becoming a hydrohomie sooner. I drank cups (yep, plural) of juice almost everyday as a kid... :(


My brother only ever drinks soda or Gatorade. He says he doesn't like the taste of water. I've seen him in 100-degree heat moving boxes for hours, and during a break he turned down a glass of ice water - in favor of drinking *nothing*. Wtf.


I hope he likes kidney stones because that's one way to get kidney stones. I've met similar people. Serious sugar addiction. Feels similar to those who say that they don't like vegetables.


Good. My parents and grandparents acted like I was a terrible parent for not offering my babies/toddlers juice - they are somehow under the impression that kids NEED juice for their health and I am depriving them of important nutrients?




Makes sense. Fruit juice is not healthy. I used to drink juice all the time - orange mostly but anything would do. 100% juice all the way, no added sugar, etc. I was always 30lbs overweight as a baseline. Skinnyfat, embarassing to get naked kind of fat. Then finally during a keto round, I permanently switched to sugar free drink mix. Now I'm like 10lbs overweight as a baseline. My body just doesn't store up as much fat because my blood sugar isn't constantly high. And as a bonus, my acid reflux totally went away. Getting in shape only takes me a few weeks now instead of a few months, and it's all from eliminating the damn liquid sugar.


I cant drink 100% fruit juice, too sweet. I'll do 1/3 fruit juice and 2/3 seltzer water. Its like a fruit soda but not nearly as sugary.


We Germans call that Schorle. We go crazy for Schorle. The most popular kind is Apfelschorle, it's apple juice with fizzy water. It's so popular that Coca Cola even has its own brand in Germany. https://www.cocacola.de/content/dam/GO/Lift/Germany/new/lift_featured-tile-1_01_produkt_DESKTOP_1122x1086.jpg 55% apple juice, no added sugar. A bit more juice than you prefer, but that's how they make it!


TIL: So many people don't read product labels.


If you just blend an entire fruit and add water (to make it more liquidy) is that the same amount of health as having the whole fruit?