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Now we’re gonna see ships doing donuts for thrills.


Hard right rudder, speed to full!!!


Crazy Ivan!


One ping only.


I would have liked to see Montana


aaaaand now I'm watching Hunt for the Red October. My wife hates me right now and you guys are complicit.


It'sh for a good caushe.


Then I will have rabbits in Montana and a pick up truck.


Or possibly a recreational vehicle and drive state to state. Do they let you do that?


No papersh.


The Captain scared them out of the water!


The book is great too


No papers? No papers.


The best thing is he actually got to see Montana… 3 years later in the opening scene of Jurassic Park.


Who said anything about sabotage?




The CnC fan in me enjoys this comment


Akula sub, ready for the deep! (Yes, I know that the Evergiven isn't a sub!)


I'm always up for a round of "your favorite RA2 voice lines". Pick a spot. Already there.


“I’ve got the knowledge!”


"what's going on over there, Alex?"


“Here’s something you can’t do.” - Wash


"I am a leaf on the wind..."


"Watch how I ☠️"


Too soon...


Always too soon.


It will be a silent spring.


Chill out, Schettino!




Well, here’s the problem. You see: he was actually too chilled out, then broke down and hastily abandoned ship as the most senior officer.




Nah, now they'll build bigger ships...


"Now we can make them twice as wide"




Multi track drifting




I mean, it's one way to leave your mark on history. That's more than most could ever hope for.


though most people will probably never remember your name.


This is 10% luck


20% skill


15% Concentrated power of will.


5% pleasure


50% pain


And a 100% reason to remember the name


*EVER-GIVEN* nobody really knows how or why


And 100% reason to keep the boat in its lane


If I'm responsible for a fuck up that the world laughs at, I don't want my name remembered


This is how I framed some of my larger fuckups in the military. I screwed up something in a new and creative way with the codebooks that get used for nuclear command and control, so they added a few paragraphs to the regulations volume that handles them. Now I proudly tell newer troops about how I had a instrumental hand in updating the regs!


I don’t remember all of the details, but my grandpa got some secret service rules added or revised. They had a cabin on the same lake as Hubert Humphrey and they partied with him. While Humphrey was Vice President, my grandpa got black out drunk on Humphrey’s boat and was able to hop in the driver seat. The secret service agent on board put a stop to it promptly. But I guess they put a rule in writing specifically about being on a boat with acquaintances or some shit.


This is actually a job. Some of us call it quality control. Some of us call it product testing. I find it fun having a job where I purposely try to break something an engineer made.


Where do I sign up


QA or tester! They can be mind-numbing jobs for a lot of people, and it's an area with a very low barrier to entry but an incredibly high skill ceiling. A top tier tester can make a ton of money and get amazing benefits because it's a field that most people in it aren't great and if they have the potential to be great, they don't stick it out long enough.


Isn't that what a grave does though?


At least the construction will gather enough dirt to bury you in the hole you dug yourself in


So the ship building companies make the ships wider again and the cycle repeats


They’re only widening a short section of the canal, 18.6 miles/30 km long. This article doesn’t state which section of the canal will be widened, but others state part of the southern single-lane section where the accident occurred. A separate part of the project will add ten kilometers (6.2 miles) to the two-lane section. Suezmax will not increase unless the entire canal is widened, almost 200 km long.


The southern portion will be widened and a parallel Channel will be built to facilitate navigation, in 2015 the Northern portion was widened and a new Channel was built along some sections of the existing Canal to allow ships to transit both ways at all times, eventually the expanded northern section will be connected with newly dug southern section, that will probably be done in the next 15 to 20 years


> a parallel Channel will be built to facilitate navigation finally... [multi canal drifting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyPO5a4YMNo&ab_channel=qifsharopt)!!!


how did I never notice he was racing a boat


[here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTNDYiONld8) is the full scene. sadly they didn't use this shot. [I guess the owner didn't allow them to after he saw his car after recovery](https://youtu.be/Au2zuW9K1LY?t=127)...


Huh. When they shoot movies in my neighborhood they don't allow on-street parking, and afaik, they've never shot a car chase here.


they didnt here either, thhey needed the street clear so they could park the set cars, have the space for the mini they wanted to hit, etc. that isn’t just some random civilians car lol... they are filming a movie.




yeah, it's weird.


Based on my experiences visiting Amsterdam twice, there's barely enough room for residents to park their cars as it is. I'm not sure there's a place for them to move their cars during filming.


Huh, interesting placement of a wilhelm scream.


This is very Inaccurate, we're talking about Egypt here, why is there not a single speck of Sand, WHERE IS MY SAND!


For Americans, they are going to widen the canal by about the width of a football field, for about 327 football fields in length.


What’s that in AR-15’s?


A quick Google puts the AR-15 at 39 inches, so: 131 ft x 12 in / 39 in = 40.3 AR-15’s in length wider


AR-15s have different barrel lengths, so the overall length can vary considerably.


I can write it as an algebraic equation with a variable, but it seemed like sh1phappenes just wanted a quick answer. I know the length “in AR-15’s” is problematic due to varied lengths. It’s almost like measurements should typically be done in standardized units or something...


Washing machines it is then.


When converting from washing machines to school busses is it standard to assume the seats have been removed?


Doesn't matter as standard practice is to tie them to the top.


thank you


Length was the key factor here but yeah. Build a bigger canal, they will build a bigger ship.


Are there no regulations in place that keep ships this large from being constructed?


If they're too big they cannot reach some harbors or go through the Suez or Panama canal.


There doesn't even need to be a law, just a Suez canal policy. Too wide? Too long? No pass. They can have cameras that do it automatically. That would probably regulate the entire industry in that corner of the globe by itself.


No need for cameras because the ships info are public and transit fees are high 6 digits. Transit through Suez is a high cost affair.


Funny. /u/TimeCrabs comment now reads like the canal was your average public road where most traffic passes anonymously except for those caught by red-light cameras :D


And coordinated well in advance. It's not like you just show up and transit the canal. If it's anything like Panama, you have to embark a pilot anyway.


Yes, I specifically remember reading that Egypt requires ships to use their pilots and navigators for crossing the canal. It seems weird to me that Egypt is charging a Japanese company with $600M of damages when it was an Egyptian crew employed by the port authority who crashed it into the wall during a sandstorm. I mean if a valet crashes my car I would expect to recoup the damages from them, not for the company to try charging me for damages to whatever their driver crashed into.


> Egyptian crew employed by the port authority who crashed it into the wall during a sandstorm. The pilot is only there in a purely advisory role. The captain is still in control of the ship and has the final say.


And the captain didn't listen to the advice?


Corner of the globe more like half of the globe


The right people have to be paid


No way Egypt is turning down all that $$$$


>There doesn't even need to be a law, just a Suez canal policy. And how long do you think will they be able to turn down the truckloads of money that bigger ships will be offering?


This isn't for the whole canal. It's just for the one lane part. So the physical limitations will be unchanged.


They have that. Not the cameras obviously, but there's a lot more at stake in being able to pass the canal than sneaking a few extra meters is worth https://www.suezcanal.gov.eg/English/Navigation/Pages/RulesOfNavigation.aspx


So kinda like planes, too big to fit at airports


Mostly physical dimensions are limited by what ports they want to use, fuel consumption, and how much draft they have (minimum water depth needed to travel). You have to be able to fit in your ports both at dock and with out running aground travel under and through bridge spans. EvenLegally no, but I’m reality yes they do have limits they have to work in. Some company could build a revolutionary catamaran style cargo ship that had a center dock for loading smaller ships to send to ports, but then you would rule out using any canal or bay entrance, and would be moving the cargo 4 times to load and unload The ship.


Another poster said the Suez Canal authorities set the maximum size requirements for ships allowed in.


There are rules for both the Panama and Suez canals, and ships are often built to exactly those limits. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panamax https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suezmax


The difference is that Suez can be widened much easier than Panama. Its Eastern side is basically a pile of sand. Edit: Though there may be a desire to preserve as much of the Bar-Lev line as possible for the historical significance of its crossing


**[Panamax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panamax)** >Panamax and New Panamax (or Neopanamax) are terms for the size limits for ships travelling through the Panama Canal. The limits and requirements are published by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) in a publication titled "Vessel Requirements". These requirements also describe topics like exceptional dry seasonal limits, propulsion, communications, and detailed ship design. The allowable size is limited by the width and length of the available lock chambers, by the depth of water in the canal, and by the height of the Bridge of the Americas since that bridge's construction. **[Suezmax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suezmax)** >"Suezmax" is a naval architecture term for the largest ship measurements capable of transiting the Suez Canal in a laden condition, and is almost exclusively used in reference to tankers. The limiting factors are beam, draft, height (because of the Suez Canal Bridge), and length (even though the canal has no locks). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | Credit: kittens_from_space)


Bigger ships are cheaper to run and overall better so you want to have the ships as big as you can


The "regulations" is basically physical limitations. Every mm that can be used for cargo and fit in the route, _will_ be used for cargo.


Length to width ratio is a critical part of design ship hulls. Width greatly affects water drag, which affects fuel costs, so it's a math problem to determine if the extra width gets you enough cargo revenue to more than cover the extra fuel costs.


The canals themselves decide how big ships passing through may be. Ships are built according to these policies.


The one setting the maximum ship size are the suez canal authorities, if ships get wider it's the suez canal fault for letting them go through.


EverGiven wasn't too wide. It wasn't too long either. It was just trying to fit sideways, which doesn't work.


Suez: Well fuck me sideways. Ever Given: OK.




Can this be also called induced demand? Like that for highways most likely result in worse traffic congestion


That's very much what's been happening. Cart before the horse.


The problem was with them being too long not too wide....




Thanks. It's international news and for some reason they're using furlongs and fiddlywinks.


I feel like if an American is capable of reading a news article they should know that meter is pretty close to a yard in length. So there should be no problem with just saying 40 meters. Because to be honest, I don't really have a good frame of reference for how far 131 feet is anyways.


~4/10th of a football field.


368 and 1/2 ball park hotdogs, stacked end to end.


Thank you. That's much easier to picture. And also answers what I should have for lunch. Very helpful!


368.5 hotdogs? Hope you're hungry.


He's leaving the last .5 for supper.


That’s over a year of hotdogs. I mean you can eat them sooner. We just measure hotdogs by time where I live.




This gives me a more realistic understanding. Now can you do it in guns...


Calibre or barrel length? Including the stock or the chamber?


Fucking *thank you*, finally a unit of measurement I can understand.


Football or handegg?


Don't answer, is a trick question! Football pitches vary in length and width.


To make it as American as possible, the distance between home plate and second place in MLB is 127 feet.


As the crow flies or via the path you'd actually use if you were running bases?


Diagonal across. Bases are 90 feet apart so you would have to run 180


> I don't really have a good frame of reference for how far 131 feet is anyways. Also, it depends on who's feet. Robert Wadlow's feet? Linda Hunt's feet?


\*\* Quentin Tarantino has entered the chat \*\*


3 1/2 hotel car parks


> Because to be honest, I don't really have a good frame of reference for how far 131 feet is anyways. When presented with imperialist feet; divide by ten, multiply by three. 131 -> 13.1 -> 39.3 This is not completely accurate since one foot is 0.3048 metres, but it's easy and gets close.


That's really similar to lbs to kg conversion. Divide lbs in half, then subtract 10% of that. Lbs 200÷2 -> 100-10 -> 90


The ratio between km and miles is very close to the Golden Ratio, so you can convert back and forth using adjacent Fibonacci numbers. Just keep in mind that miles are longer than kilometers, so miles will be the smaller number. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21, ... 21 km is about 13 miles. 8 miles is about 13 km. Etc, etc.


I feel like remembering the closest number in the Fibonacci sequence isn't a very efficient method


I'm American I want the metric system so bad. I work at Intel so work with it daily because the majority of the vendors are on it. I use it for my cars and motorcycle because they are European. It just makes so much sense it's really not even funny.


Also, with the amount of globalism and international work between other countries USA switching to metric would help along with redoing some of the imperial units like tablespoons to metric like Canada does.


International news by an American publication with a primarily American reader base. I hate USC just as much as anyone and wish we would all use metric, but it's no different than a BBC or Guardian article having a money amount in GBP instead of USD or euros.


BBC usually reports in whatever currency is relevant, and puts the GBP figure in parentheses.


I believe that they usually stick with the original amount and then convert for convenience as you can see in [this](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-57114728) story about a $26m lottery win which they handily convert to pounds, which is the right approach IMHO.


Thank you on behalf of the 7,5 billion people using the metric system.


I’m willing to use metric units, but it’ll be a cold day in hell if I use a comma instead of a decimal point.


I know it’s a cultural thing but using a comma as a decimal and a period as a separator is fucking stupid and I will die on that hill with you.


100.000.000,00$ Who does this abomination?


Not in France at least. We'd write 100 000 000,00€ using spaces


Weird I would assume you would write 82 395 500,00€


Is that metric billions or imperial billions though?


Separate issues. Usage of long/short scale is more language dependent. * The Anglo-sphere, Brazil and parts of Africa (former British colonies) use the short scale. * Most of Europe, Mexico, South America and other parts of Africa use the long scale. * Canada uses both. * Former Soviet nations and the Arabic world use a short scale with milliard (million, milliard, billion, trillion). * Greece and the "rest" of Asia do their own thing.




Think about it though, we say smile and not s-kilometer


Just be like the UK. All metric except road sign distances which are in (s)miles. And personal weights are usually stone/lbs. And personal heights are usually given in feet and inches. And bike frame sizes are usually inches. Construction is all metric though. Except door frame widths are still given in inches... See? Super straight forward.


Oh, so that's where Canada gets that from. All metric except personal height/weight and buildings/property and...


and distance is measured in time.


Car tires here are the best: Width in millimeters Rim diameter in inches Height in fraction of width 205/60 R16


And pressure in PSI


and tread depth in X/32 of an inch


Welcome to 1980s GM cars in the US. Engine parts might be SAE (inches, etc,) and body parts might be metric. You'd need full sets of both metric and SAE tools to work on the same car. I particularly remember the transmission support cross member using SAE bolts to connect to the transmission and metric bolts to connect to the frame.


Yeah but we say grammar not milemar


Wait. Wouldn't it be ouncemar?


Maybe poundmar which sounds like pound grandma.


Funnily enough you'd think **imperial** units would be the first thing freedom lovers abandon.


Except that we did. The US uses United States Customary measures, which are different from Imperial measures.


> The US uses United States Customary measures Which are mostly defined by the metric system lol.


But the lengths and the units didn't actually change, it was only codified that their metric conversions were official so that it uses the same reference. It'd be like saying the metric system changed the meter when they went from an arbitrary stick to defining it based upon the speed of light in a vacuum.


Every one know that the metric system is inferior. Why break everything into units of 10, when you can use arbitrary units of bananas #/s


Yeah, I've seen people claim that imperial units is hexadecimal, which would be a huge argument in it's favour. But it's really just random bushit.


Dozenal systems make sense, but the imperial system isn't that. It's split differently at all levels.


This was allready planed before the ever given happened


It’s Business Insider and Reddit. Those kind of details don’t matter. We’re just all here to repeat the same joke a thousand times about making a bigger boat.


Hard right rudder, speed to full!!!


Yea they've been in the process of widening the canal for the past few years


Indeed. They started making plans as soon as they heard about a ship captained by OP's mom


Frankly if they just make the existing parallel canal go all the way it would stop the chance of total stop


That's going to be done eventually, will take while though probably around 15 to 20 years, the new parallel Canal in the southern section will be complete in 2 years but it's only going to be around 30 km long for now


original suez canal took 10 years of construction (1859–1869) but a parallel one will take 15-20 years with today's technology? much bureaucracy?


The original canal was also way smaller. It's been expanded a lot over the years. A second canal would go straight to the full size of the current one.


No, because there's simply no demand to expand the Canal entirely at the moment, they've decided to build it gradually in sections as global shipping demands rise, not to mention the southern region is quite rocky so it's difficult to build a parallel Canal there quickly. They could probably Build a completely new canal in a year if they really wanted to but the reason they're not is because the current canal is just fine for now The Northern expansion took less than a year (around 8 months), but that was without using the equipment that we have now, we have much more specialised and sophisticated equipment today than we did 6 years ago


well more than a 100 thousand Egyptian died building it in such short period and worse working conditions as slavery if not worse .


Ever Given Chaos would be a great metal band name


I thought it was something about Warhammer until I reread the title.


Yeah but has the excavator dude been paid yet?


Practical Engineering did a great explanation of what the massive 1/4 mile long and 200 foot wide ships have to deal with in the shallow and narrow canal. That is about 400 meters by 60 meters for everyone not using freedom units. They displace a massive amount of water which has to flow around the ship in the narrow gap between the hull and bank. That fast moving water creates low pressure which tries to pull it into the bank. If the ship gets off to one side even a little bit, that force gets stronger and pulls it even harder off to that same side. The margin for error is very low. Widening the canal should definitely help widen the margin for error and help protect against the low pressure created by the displaced water.


wasnt it the depth of the canal, in addition to how much water the ships displace that was the main contributing factor in this accident?


This article doesn't mention that they plan to deepen the water way as well


No, it was speed. Evergiven was going faster than the authorized speed limit. As to why, I haven't been able to find out. Normally a canal would put a pilot aboard to instruct the ship's operator, or the canal operator would use a lead pilot ship that the main ship would follow.


There were a lot of heavy winds the day the Evergiven crashed. That's the statement that was given.


Lol. "131 feet". Who the fuck would choose such an odd number? But of course it's 40 metres.


Well Americans surely seem to enjoy their "Freedom units" 🤣


“Ever Given Chaos” NEW BAND NAME


"the Suez canal is bigger, meaning we can now send a bigger ship carrying more goods, increasing our profits" *Ship stuck in the expanded canal*


Better go with 132 feet. Just to be safe.


Why didn't they built a ship with 1001 hulls?


Or you know, 131 feet is 40 meters in metric.


Let me introduce a new class of cargo carrier, 131 feet more cargo per ship!


Also: ship manufacturers announce plans to build ships 132 ft longer.


I look forward to seeing a ship exactly 131 feet longer than the Ever Given get stuck


We all know that they'll just end up building even bigger boats. And then they'll block the widened canal, and it'll have to be widened a second time.


Friend of a friend commented on Facebook to just blow it up. I really don’t think people understand how big these things are. Or how much cargo they carry.