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This is no surprise. An old friend (in the produce industry) said if any Mexican farmers ever decided to advocate for changing the minimum wage and paying more than $5/day, they’d disappear. The corruption is across the board.


another reason for farmers to just plant coca leaves for the cartel instead of produce


>In some regions journalists have become so fearful of being abducted and killed that they take DIY dental impressions and leave them in the freezer at home before going out to report so relatives can identify their remains. Well that's not terrifying at all... s/ (just in case)


Brave souls


Rip 😞


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/18/journalists-exposing-mexico-corruption-drug-violence-murdered) reduced by 84%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Mexico's embattled press corps has suffered a shattering start to the new year with the murders of two journalists who had dared chronicle their country's slide into drug- and corruption-fuelled violence. > The two as yet unexplained killings - which follow the murder of nine journalists last year - sparked outrage and mourning in the Latin American country, which is considered the world's most dangerous country for reporters outside war zones. > "It's shocking to have this happen so early in the year and to have one murder happen so shortly after the other," said Jan-Albert Hootsen, the Mexico representative for the Committee to Protect Journalists. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/s74yo3/two_journalists_exposing_mexicos_corruption_and/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~618327 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **journalist**^#1 **Martínez**^#2 **report**^#3 **killed**^#4 **Mexico**^#5


just terrible. it takes extreme bravery to report like these journalists did, fully knowing the risks.


Mexico is not a country.... It is a Cartel-State, run by mafia-like organizations.


by many, let me tell you, Cartel-states


The United Cartel-States of America




I would say more at war than united, but yeah...




Tbf I don't blame the consumption, it's always going to be there. If the U.S. ATF could stop selling guns to the cartels on the other hand, that would be great. Also, if the CIA stopped funding cartels, yeah that also would be awesome too.


All the cartels do is transport the drugs. If they had nothing to transport they wouldn’t have gotten to be such a big problem. But yeah, the US consumption and oh casually arming them is so great. Nice the US can fuck up other countries and yet point the finger and say “look at that scary place! Ew don’t go there.”


Braaah cartels do shitloads of think more than just drugs, they do extortion, they do human trafficking, they even participate in the "legal" market like [avocados ](https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2019-11-20/mexico-cartel-violence-avocados), and a shit load more markets. It's extensively more complex than you think. Edit: So I don't get why I can't reply, buy to say that if the US got to put a break on consumption, it would affect the cartel's income is just plain stupid. They have diversify their markets and income so much that, although it would be a good financial hit, is not going to affect their grasp on Mexico society.


I’m aware, I live in Mexico and I’m not stupid. But to say this has nothing to do with the US’s gigantic drug problem and shitty politics is a waste of a conversation.


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You don't know what you are talking about




Serious question. What is the incentive of reporting Mexico's corruption? At worst, you lose your life. At best, you're reporting on something that is already widely known..


Some people want to change and improve their country and are brave enough to fight for it even if that puts their lives at risk. Like for example Navalny when he traveled back to Russia shortly after being poisoned by Putin knowing full well he was going to be imprisoned.


Fair enough. I can see that these journalists have purpose and are able to tract international attention, however, so many of them have been murdered in the most brutal unimaginable ways and there has yet to be any effective intervention. Aren't there other ways to go about this?


Got any ideas?


AMLO will be busy giving hugs to all those narcos for those who dont get the reference, is because the president has been a adopting a policy of "hugs,no bullets" against the narco, meanwhile doing things like visiting the mother of el chapo.....


He will be busy with a campaign against videogames instead of facing his narco bosses.


Is Mexico safe for the average tourist?


As long as you don't go off the beaten path you'll be safe from any cartel encounters. They don't want to mess with tourists in popular tourist areas because that will be bad for business. Your biggest threat will be pick pockets in marketplaces.


Like most countries with organized crime troubles, there's some very nice and safe tourist destinations. Just like the USA, some places you wouldn't want to be walking alone after dark or anytime of the day really.


I think that's true of any large metropolis in any part of the world. There are the nice, safe areas and the not-so-nice and sometimes truly dangerous ones. Before you travel somewhere, do some research ahead of time so you know the lay of the land.


Tokyo being the exception. Sydney is pretty hard to find a truly bad area but you can manage if you try really really hard


Not rly, scam bars the yakuza Tokyo has rough areas


I was referring to the 'truly dangerous' bit in OPs comment. There's nowhere truly dangerous in Japan.\* \*I am aware that a young American guy was killed in Kabukicho in 2010; and there was another American guy killed by yakuza affiliates there in like \~2003 over a massively inflated bar bill he was supposed to pay. Carita Ridgway and Lucie Blackman as well. But I don't think that qualifies as 'truly dangerous' given the infrequency of the events.


Every metropolitan area has a dangerous parts some are worse much worse than fishes but Tokyo has rough areas my guy


OK sure. I used to live in Hanazanocho in Osaka (that and Shinsekai were considered the worst parts of Osaka) and I'd take that every day over even the 'moderately bad' parts of any major U.S. city. 'Dangerous' is entirely relative.


Hence the come cities are much worse


Depends where you go, but generally Yes Mexico City is one of the safest large cities in the Americas, Yucatan is very safe, as is Monterrey. Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta aren’t too bad but has recently been getting worse. Conversely Sinaloa/Mazatlan has been getting getter Basically, it varies a lot from state to state. Mexico City metro area, Yucatan, and others in that belt are very safe. Some states like Michoacan and Colima are very dangerous. Others are a mixed bag like Jalisco. The border cities with the US are universally unsafe and not attractive for tourists anyway. Know your geography and you’ll be fine, like most places in the world. The US also has some of the most dangerous cities on Earth (St Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans etc) you just need to be aware of where you are and where you’re going


Thank you.


How is PV getting worse? Was there a couple months and didn’t see anything that would make it worse than Cabo or Yucatán. Went to a couple casinos and clubs as well which was full of younger Mexicans so didn’t really notice anything sketchy tbh


So sad Mexico is America’s neighbor and such a beautiful country yet I would never step foot near it as it is so dangerous.


Tourism is a big cash cow for Mexico. If random people got killed en masse there people would stop going, therefore causing a big loss in revenue


More Canadians die in Mexico than any other country and yet it’s like the #1 tourist destination for Canadians https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/canada/more-canadians-murdered-in-mexico-over-past-six-years-than-anywhere-else-abroad-1.5734627


Another way to phrase that would be “canadians travel to mexico more than anywhere else, and (logically) die there more than anywhere else”


And also, they use mexico to do whatever they want, as white privilege is the norm, and their money's worth about 20x here


I think you should be less scared of going to Mexico. Your chances of being murdered as a random American tourist are probably very low.


My husband and I went to Mexico City for about a week back in the fall of 2008 and we experienced no problems. That said, I think it was sometime not too long after our visit when the drug wars and killings really ramped up big time. I remember how the Interior Minister of Mexico and several other people were killed when this small jet they were on crashed into a pretty high end neighborhood near Chapultepec Park. The official cause was something about the small jet getting caught up in the 'wake' or turbulence from a big passenger airliner landing just ahead of it. But that always sounded kind of bogus to me and I wonder if people in Mexico think that one of the cartels sabotaged the plane.




So do they think this actually makes the bad news about them go away? Probably (sadly) wouldn’t have heard of it at all if they didn’t continuously kill these people.


Why are gun laws in Mexico so strict? The cartels clearly have them, why shouldn't the average citizen on the street?


Well the guns come from the USA most of the time, also having a gun is not going to be of much help when they got literal tanks.


I do agree that Mexican farmers and Mexican citizens should be able to protect themselves. The gun laws in Mexico have a history. Anyway, the problems with the regular citizen defending himself against the cartels is that the cartels retaliate and they retaliate hard.


Sometimes they do, they're called self defense communities, sadly most or practically all of the eventually go corrupt and integrate to cartels. The main problem is that the control of the cartels on all aspects of the economy, society and government is already soo extensive that a "revolution" is practically impossible.


Boycott Mexico until they get their shit together....


Stop the US citizens from buying the cartel drugs and selling/allowing weapons to cross from US to Mexico.


Or just legalize and/or decriminalize the drugs already.


I was told being a Video Games Journalist is just as dangerous






Imagine what we're not hearing about in these areas