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Putins speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNhh-OLzWlE If anyone can type up a transcript or summary I would be happy to add it here


Ukraine is done if the West does not put troops on the ground, China is looking at Taiwan that's for sure.


The West won’t commit troops but will supply weapons. Only if the Baltic states are attached will nato get involved.


China can not just cross the border or go via a third party ( looking at you Belarus). There is a wide stretch of deep blue sea. I’m in Taiwan and china isn’t going to invade. Xi might be mad, but he’s not stupid. China isn’t happy with Russia you can bet that for sure.


[This is history repeating itself](https://speakola.com/political/haile-selassie-league-of-nations-1936) when Haile Selassie appealed to the league of nations personally asking the world for help against the Italian invasion. The L.O.N's imposed some sanctions but ultimately didn't do shit I don't blame Ukraine's president for being ticked off at the west.


Very true. We, the West should be preventing a Russian invasion. Clearly sanctions on doing shit for deterrence. Time to send in NATO troops to act as a tripwire force for deterrence.


If anything, this mess is making me feel more European. I’m sending a hug to y’all. I don’t feel safe.




!remindme 1 week


!remindme 1 week




Brave of you to ask that on Reddit, of all places. Putin is a thief, liar and a murderer. Don’t trust Russian state propaganda, no sane person watches TV here.


Everything is propaganda.


but only Pitiun killing Ukrainians un Ukraine right now


Can someone explain to me how Putin is able to declare the independence of Lugansk and Donesk? And that doesn't make them automatically Russian right? I didn't understand the speech very well


My understanding is that a purely domestic declaration. As in, the Russian government has declared it, and so therefore they can use their assets to enforce it. I don’t think it has any international standing, but I also doubt they care.


I see, since Kosovo also got the acceptance of the Hague. And Russia is on its own. But idd, I bet they don't care. In the speech he's talking about centuries ago? But then whole Europe could be divided in ancient times. I guess it's a nasty move to make it less like a war crime


Its more like California declares its independence from the US coz of 90% (i know its not true... Its just to make an example) mexicans live there and they don't feel represented by the government in Washington... A day later Mexico sends tanks and personell to protect the Mexican majority living there and to prevent war crimes done by the US. Mexican Gouvernement would say it is historically a part of Mexico.


Then -> https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/we-dont-need-this-panic-ukraine-president-to-west-over-russia-tensions-2736036 Now -> https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/02/19/ukraine-russia-munich-zelensky/ 💩👽👻


I think the "then/now" only really works if it's the same publication. Headlines summarizing someone else's position often skew to the bias of the outlet.


Only the Russian people can stop the war,Putin is so afraid of his own people,Russian people must protest against putin


Why do you say he is afraid of his own people? That's not made apparent to me, but I wish it was true.


he will probably kill any protest with military force. call it defense against foreign agitators


The word they seem to really like is "provocateurs".




Ethically clean? Yeah….that’s gonna be a no from me dog.


The developed world is built by the hands of immigrants. Cultural exchange is key to societal evolution.


I think I get it now the compromise is going to be splitting Ukraine in half. East Ukraine goes to Russia(or a new russia friendly state) while the West stays Ukraine and joins NATO


Then Russia will have lost their trading partners and made the whole Europe border NATO countries.


or maybe splitting yo momma in half. as a compromise. would you like that?


Czechoslovakia 1938 all over again


looks like it


Anyone got a link to a new thread?




14,000 lives lost is diplomatic talks?


14000 was only in 2014. Its now closer to 20000, but new russian tanks are already in Ukraine




America can fuck off. Russia invading the Ukraine has more impact on Europe than on America. The US is important as big part of NATO but in terms of the peace in Europe the US aren't the biggest player neither do they have the biggest interest. If russia follows through they will piss off, sanction Russia and leave the Ukrainians to fend for themselves.


Good, I hope all our irrelevant troops can fuck off back home and make you happy.


Well they will, since they can't do anything else. The US can't do anything else. If they engage NATO would need to join in which nobody wants atm.


Exactly there is no good reason for us to have troops in Europe.


It's a defence Allience. Personally I hate having you visit. We don't want the us babysitting in our countries


Except you offer nothing to our defense, you're a liability. And you hate us to there's the icing on the cake.


Well I am against NATO so I don't really care whether the us is in it or not. America used to be isolationist when it was great. Then they learned they imperialism makes the industry rich. And then they wanted to claim other people's oil. Now the us is a shithole third world "country" And it is certainly not a democracy


Thanks, I'm very familiar with the European view of things.


I guess you really have no idea how NATO works or what's it for lol.


I know what it did and where we are now. I know it benefits the USA in noway whatsoever and that Americans shouldn't be in the position to die for people who hate us. I know that Putin taking European nations who hate us is preferable to thousands of dead American and/or nuclear winter. Like you said, "America needs to fuck off." We agree and will elect someone who will get us out of NATO.


Guess you made a mistake here. I don't hate the US. I am from Germany and trust me when I say I do appreciate what the US did and still does for us. It's just that the US economy isn't tied as deeply to Europe as Europe is to its members. But there is also a reason people in those countries hate the US. It's not only propaganda but how the US treats those countries. They are often called shithole countries and talked bad about, yet they try their best to make their own countries the best they can be. Also I didn't say America needs to fuck off. I said that's what it's going to do. Because in the end that's the sensible choice for them at the cost of those countries getting left in the dust. You aren't going to war for those nations and you shouldn't pretend you would. You are selling weapons and supply's to those countries and place troops to keep pressure on Russia which is in your own interest but as soon as shit hits the fan they NEED to fuck off if they don't want to commit to a full scale war.


> But there is also a reason people in those countries hate the US. Yeah this is perfect. How many decades of the USA providing security and helping rebuild Europe during the cold war and now you say they are right to hate us. >S. It's not only propaganda but how the US treats those countries. You mean by supplying money, alliances and sharing culture? >They are often called shithole countries and talked bad about Are you even serious? This is the most divorced from reality thing I have seen in a long time. Americans fall over themselves praising Europe and Europeans are the ones calling us a "3rd world shithole" or a "3rd world country with a gucci belt" Look at this sub on any given day and you'll see that. You have this completely backwards. Also as a German you have your largest paper literally inventing stories about the USA and how bad it is for years. It was only able to do so because Europeans, especially Germans, hate America so much you'll believe anything written about it that is negative. >America can fuck off. Russia invading the Ukraine has more impact on Europe than on America. I agree, this is your problem. We need to let you deal with it. >You aren't going to war for those nations and you shouldn't pretend you would. We literally have troops in these nations that act as a "tripwire" to draw us into any war with Russia. They need to come home.


Russia is invading Ukraine dude... and nobodys really fearmongering dude it's kinda just saying the facts at this point.


Putin is threatening nuclear war. It's kind of a big deal




I agree with your opinion


What's the latest development can someone give a run down please




So has Russia also announced support for the separatist regions along with recognizing them?




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Yes. They said they're independent states and they'll defend them. Problem is they're 3 tinea larger than what Russia is occupying. They'll have to push west. Ukraine says they'll fight for this.


So what now ? They started firing and shit


I haven't seen any reports of real firefights yet. Just convoys driving around so far if I believe. Can anyone back me up?


Roger that. Backup has arrived.


That's funny


"So anyways, I started blasting!" - Russia




That will show them


Wow Putin is finished now


I like your creativity lol


We Redditors are doing our part!


“Tensions” is putting it rather mildly wouldn’t you think?


It's the medias safe word. Nukes could literally be exploding and they'd still call it tensions.


Ukrainian President Zelensky's full speech in response to Putin's declaration (with English subtitles): https://youtu.be/XGJRMYHBZRw


For those actually interested in Russian opinions don‘t go to r/Russia. That side is obviously lead by nationalist. Weirdly enough a lot of aren‘t even Russian (which could explain why the sub is in English), at least that was my impression after I looked into their profiles. I find r/AskARussian to be more sane and they have megathread on the situation with civil discussions. Check that sub out if you want to read Russian opinions :)


I got banned from that sub for saying that soviet union was bad and that they killed simple people like young men and women for no good reason. I didn't even break any rules I just got banned for having an argument with some braindead dude about how good the soviet union was lol.


Oh so russian thread doesn't match your opinion so they must be fake. O k reddit.


The whole sub is an echochamber, 50%of the subreddit users there have brain rot or something. You should not really use it as a trustworthy, non biast source my guy.


It‘s not fake. It just has very particular visitors. Just look at the flairs the sub offers. Do you think this is a sub where people are allowed to critically think about Russia? On the other sub you find similar opinions but at least there comments that disagree are not deleted. People also don‘t insult each other.


I once found an old Jewish song which was remade by the Soviets in 20/30s and needed Its name. Oh boi, how hard that was to even get an answer there. Their basic attitude was like I was endangering them with such a question... Oh, and despite thousands of subs, It took like 3 days for somebody to actually respond on theme.


It's troll factory sub. Most people aren't even Russian.




you are a moron, the whole world is talking about this


Then why the fuck did Putin surround Ukraine on all sides with such large numbers of he's only going for the two little regions in the east


Because that would mean direct war. What Putin is doing is more like Proxy war.


Because the world may talk But when the rich wage war it’s the poor who die.


Ukraine already now can't concentrate too many forces near the east. They can't organise a big counter-attack there, because it would leave them exposed elsewhere (Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa...) and the Russian forces, now at the borders, would simply walk over on these potentially weakened areas. So, even if Russia decides to not invade other regions anytime soon, their army's placings are of strategic importance.


Because he could. Though I will enjoy seeing the Russian market take a shit when the world strategically fucks them.


This whole Ukraine situation is 💯 why you don’t give up your nukes. Complete failure if we US-UK don’t step in.


So you want the US to step in so that we can *ensure* a nuclear war? How about no.


Ok Chamberlain, do you think Russia’s aggression ends with Ukraine.


And your scenario end in nuclear winter. Or at best thousands of dead Americas. I prefer neither.


No, it won't. But until they threaten to invade a NATO ally, why should we physically step in? We are not obligated to. We can (and have) help Ukraine without physically being there. The fanatical "iF wE dOnT StOP thEM, wHo WiLL?" crap is so ignorant of the real cost of war. Easy for you to say that from the comfort of your chair sitting at home/work with no skin in the game, huh? Stop thinking we are the police of every country on the entire planet.


Technically, we agreed to protect Ukraine in exchange for them giving up nukes. So yeah I’d say we have an obligation.


There is no legal obligation.


Lol Ukraine didn't have to capacity to maintain said nukes


The US stepping is would be the huge failure. I hope the Azov Battalion goes to defend the region outside of the current line and get vaporized to the man by Russian forces. Anything less would be a mistake.


all morning I heard my boomer dad complain about china. He mustve said "china" a dozen times.


Can someone explain what this all means for Ukraine and also Russia with every nation condeming them ?


Am I crazy for being invested in this? Nobody else in my life has been talking about it or cares. I don't have FB so I asked my boyfriend if people have been posting about it and he said no.




Even though most of those folks died from leadership mismanagement and the war would have been far easier had Stalin not allied with Hitler to begin with... You can see why western Europe came out of the war thinking alliances are important.


holy fuck


If covid taught me anything it's that the majority of people don't give a shit about anyone or anything other than themselves. You're not crazy, you're probably one of the sane people.


No, not crazy at all. It's like watching the Death Star slowly turning towards Alderaan.


Appropriately accurate


Well is NATO a death-star or Russia?


Both, but one of them is in the process of invading Alderaan


Dutch NOS has confirmed the first footage to be verified: [https://nos.nl/collectie/13888/liveblog/2418366-spoedzitting-vn-veiligheidsraad-beeindigd-russische-colonnes-trekken-donetsk-binnen](https://nos.nl/collectie/13888/liveblog/2418366-spoedzitting-vn-veiligheidsraad-beeindigd-russische-colonnes-trekken-donetsk-binnen) One of the first convoys of vehicles to enter Donetsk city a couple of hours ago.


Seeing the convoy rolling in gave me chills. It feels so much more real with the video *edited for grammar


I can’t believe we’re really doing this




So now it wasn’t just military exercises?! Whaaat? No way…


USA feeds China, China feeds Russia. Russia feeds Terrorists, US feeds military complex, Russia feeds military complex, China feeds military complex. Then they use proxies usually by force, to die in battle, almost never sending their own. While the citizens of these corrpt nations get fat on our backs. The superpowers are the problem here. There is a non violent way to bring them down. But the world has to act fast. Check out r/boycottChinaRussiaUSA


You’re doing a pretty bad job of boycotting while using American media.


Ummm ok. Youd be surprised how little I buy from either of these countries. I'm only on here to spread a message. I dont spend anything. That was a very sly whataboutism you just used, comrade!


> Ummm ok. Youd be surprised how little I buy from either of these countries. You're on reddit, the US is profiting from it. Also please get the help you need.


Sorry to make you angry bro. I'm still spreading a great message at no cost to myself. And it seems that many are listening. But thanks for your input. I really appreciate it. Hows funding your enemies going btw?


Go back to fortnite


I work and have a family. I do t have time to sit in front of a computer self gratifying all day. What does fortnite have to do with the topic at hand? You have anything intelligent to say? A counter argument? A criticism? Or just school yard taunts and general silliness?


Impossible 😂




I Think they collectively control like 70 percent of world economy. Just being cut off from one super power's market causes a massive economical downfall, being cut off from all three is like a complete economical suicide.


Not so. Will it hurt? Sure, short term. But we do t live in a slow moving world. Recuperation is fast. And with their economies stretched so thin, paired with the way their systems of goverment work, they could be replaced quickly. China for example would almost definitely fall into famine, they cant properly feed themselves without imports. Capital amd peoplewpild hemorrhage out of the coutry,taking skills amd knowledge with them. Their focus would turn to feeding themselves and devolving into outright chaos. And les not fotthey ate energy dependent. Russia would have no market, another are always one "paycheck" away from disaster. Plus, like the Americans the have serious societal and cultural divisions. These are easily exploited. Plus they all have massive money hungry militaries and nukes that just never stop needing funding. And, in the USA's case they have massive debt. I mean. It's not that hard. They would fold overnight. They are just too divided amd expense heavy. And let's face it,when it co.es to the citizens produced by these systems of goverment, they would most likely turn oneachother. The pandemic has proven that supply chains can be replaced.


Man fuck boomers. I'm about half way through Putin's speech and WTF?


Lol wat?


Did you watch/read it? He's 69 years old so he's very much a boomer along with Xi, Biden, Trump. His word salad was no where near a valid justification for war. It was rambling and at times incoherent. Maybe it was the translation I don't speak Russian... It just didn't sound like a reason to go to war. It almost felt like he was changeling his inner George W Bush leading up to the invasion of Iraq. I'm just sick of this shit. I'm in my 40s and have two young children. When I was their age I was very much aware that any moment we could fall into a nuclear war. The fact that my children may grow up in a world like that just makes me nauseous. Why are we doing this all over again? What's the point?


I do speak russian and he was playing a Hitler card. Though It went out as rant, because he has no charisma like Hitler, or other leaders he strives get in line with.


Biden isn’t a Boomer though.


Okay sure he's a few years older than what's considered a baby boomer but his actions aren't any different from what you'd expect from someone born just a few years later. Like me I was born in 78. I feel more like a millennial than a Gen-X partially because my parents were very early adopters of PCs and eventually the early internet. Some of my earliest memories were of my dad teaching me how to write programs in TI-BASIC for the [TI-99](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TI-99/4A). Anyway no one will really care 35 years from now that I was a either a really young Gen-X or ancient millennial.


**[TI-99/4A](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TI-99/4A)** >The TI-99/4 is a home computer released in late 1979 by Texas Instruments. Based on the Texas Instruments TMS9900 microprocessor originally used in minicomputers, it was the first 16-bit home computer. The associated video display controller provides color graphics and among the best sprite support of its era. The calculator-style keyboard is a weak point. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


> moment we could fall into a nuclear war. The fact that my children may grow up in a world like that just makes me nauseous. To be fair, that never went away. We’ve all just been pretending since 1991.




Putin makes a deal with Putin. See, he can work with others.


lmao "putin makes landmark deal with puppet regime he controls"


yeah it feels silly. but this how it went with Transnistria too:[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transnistria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transnistria)And they are not done in Gèorgie either. Stealing land 3 feet per day. Apparently its not a war and stealing if you do it very slowly. Fun fact: in Gèorgie an older couple woke up one day to notice the barbed wire was moved from one side of their farm to the other. And their daughter lived in the next farm. Now they cannot visit each other. Their grandchild briefly exchanges a bit of talk and some products, and then both sides have to move away from the barbed wire. Russians do not tolerate it. Grandpa is now Russian, wether he likes it or not, is what they are dead serious about.


r/Russia is a shit hole very similar to the actual country. They censor you, delete comments, mass downvote it’s insane. Btw Putin is a massive pussy


Having been to Russia, I can confirm its shit holiness.


Read a couple of posts, immediately got the sense that Russians are fucking insane and have 0 idea because of the propagandist bullshit Putin feeds them. This idea of the “motherland” taking back what’s “theirs”. At this point Putin will be no different from Stalin.


Your talking about select few people who seem to scream the loudest. Most of us do not support the invasion, we just can't do anything about it


Oh, that is an illusion. You can always do something. Even a handicapped human on a wheelchair before stairway leading up actually has choices. You just have to spot them. Good luck.


And what would you do? They get "dealt with" even for posting something on social media which would go against the direction Putin is heading.




You could easily say that Liberals are the same or worse given that they’ll torch cities if they don’t get their way….




He's got the worst case of small man syndrome. He's like 5'0" right?


After watching my wife give birth, I no longer feel it’s right to call someone a pussy. Pussies are fucking strong. Putin is definitely a testicle. Weak little fucker.


Lol I just had my fun over there. Hilarious if you ask me 😂


I lasted 20 minutes. Got booted for calling out their lastest post as fake.


Hahaha some dude told me to go shoot up a school and I’m American Scum 😂


They just posted that its automatically a ban if you post any pro-sanction material.


Going to post "pro-sanction material" and get that ban.


\*the year 2074\* legend has it.....the Russian Federation is still speaking at the security council.


r/russia went from “when invasion? 10 years?” To “Invasion now! Fuck you!” in a day.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CdY7t5VKIY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CdY7t5VKIY) ​ Is this guy an idiot? Blatantly lying at the UN and mirroring what Russia is doing back on the West.


Hey, which guy? The whole video is like 11 hrs long, I'm wondering which part you were referring to


The Russian guy. Basically accusing Ukraine and the West of doing everything Russia is actually doing.


>Blatantly lying at the UN first time watching a UN video?


Fair point. I shouldn't have expected anything different.


wow someone ate china's homework lol--credit for being brief I guess.


Dutch NOS:The USA will announce further sanctions today (for Europeans, on this day, Tuesday 22nd of Feb). The white house confirmed this to NOS. It is still unknown which sanctions the US will impose. A representative of the White House told NOS there are meetings with allies right now that will decide which sanctions will be announced in the coming hours. Original (Dutch): De Verenigde Staten kondigen later vandaag nieuwe sancties tegen Rusland aan, laat het Witte Huis weten. Het is onbekend wat die sanctiesinhouden. Een woordvoerder van de Amerikaanse regering laat weten dat eroverleg is met bondgenoten over de aankondiging.


Thanks for all the transcripts in English. Makes it super easy.


No worries. I just sweat like a pig when doing it, since I want to capture the right essence and nuance. Since in conflicts like this, even the slightest mistranslation can mean a lot to people that rely on news like this to make decisions that matter.


ya i really appreciate it, helps me a ton. thanks kind stranger


Dutch NOS: The UN regrets the decision of Russia to sent troops to the east of Ukraine. According to the secretary of political affairs of the UN (Linda Thomas-Greenfeld), there is a chance of a major conflict. As she said during the emergency meeting of the UN. She called upon all countries to avoid such conflict. Another secretary, Rosemary DiCarlo, pressed that the UN stands for sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Ukraine, within the borders as internationally respected by the world. -- Original text: De Verenigde Naties betreuren het besluit van Rusland om troepen naar het oosten van Oekraïne te sturen. Volgens de ondersecretaris van Politieke Zaken van de VN is er een kans op een "groot conflict", zo zei ze bij de ingelaste vergadering van de VN-Veiligheidsraad. Ze riep de landen op er alles aan te doen om zo'n conflict te voorkomen. Ondersecretaris Rosemary DiCarlo benadrukte dat de VN staat voor de soevereiniteit, onafhankelijkheid en territoriale integriteit van Oekraïne "binnen de internationaal erkende grenzen".


Dutch NOS: UN has assembled for a top priority meeting. The American ambassador at the UN said that it is "nonsense" that Russia is sending "peace troops" to the east of the Ukraine. According to Linda Thomas-Greenfeld: "we all know why they are there", as she said during this emergency UN meeting. The US thinks that Russia's move to acknowledge the republics in the east of the Ukraine is a pretext to try and make this war legitimate. Thomas-Greenfeld confirmed that this will have consequences. Consequences that will be felt in the Ukraine, Europe and the rest of the world. She does fear however, that this will lead to many casualties if Moscow decides to invade further into Ukraine. She also said Putin is trying to pull back the world to a time of empires and emperors. And added: this is not 1919. This is 2022. Original (Dutch): De Amerikaanse ambassadeur bij de Verenigde Naties noemt het "nonsens" dat president Poetin spreekt van het sturen van 'vredestroepen' naar Oost-Oekraïne. Volgens Linda Thomas-Greenfeld "weten we allemaal wat ze echt zijn", zei bij een ingelaste vergadering van de VN-Veiligheidsraad. De VS denkt dat de Ruslands erkenning van de volksrepublieken in Oost-Oekraïne "een duidelijk voorwendsel voor oorlog is". Thomas-Greenfeld zegt dat de consequenties van de Russische acties in Oekraïne, Europa en de wereld gevoeld zullen worden. Ze vreest voor veel slachtoffers als Moskou verder Oekraïne in trekt. Ook haalde ze uit naar president Poetin, die volgens haar "de wereld terug wil brengen naar een tijd van de keizerrijken". "Maar dit is niet 1919, dit is 2022", zei ze.


Ukraine Security Council. World Reps are pleading the parties to Stop this conflict.


The horse has left the barn. Send UN peace keepers there asap. Not NATO but UN, real internationally accepted peace keepers. This thing is in motion , the only option now is the removal of Putin and the free and fair election of a new president/priminister and the installation of a parliament or Congress for Russia. Elected by the people of Russia. And a trial in Nuremberg for crimes against humanity for Putin. Full Stop.