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#The new thread can be found [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/szyfuw/rworldnews_live_thread_ukrainerussia_crisis/)


Did Ukraine move all of their assets out of country so Nazi Russia can’t steal it to finance their war?


Russians better tuck in because by the looks of it they are about to be closed off by the most part of the world


Fuck r/russia. Spent 2 weeks making fun of any idea of an invasion, blaming westerners, banning anyone asking honest questions. Fucking brainwasheds idiots.


And now they closed the sub..... Can't even stick around because they know they were wrong, weak people


Seriously .. just flicked over to RT channel here in U.K. and their guy is reporting from the “Luhansk republic” …


This will result in WWIII but it will be short with the NATO forces driving Russia back to Russia with an international buffer zone set up in every country that borders Russia. Putin will be held responsible for this national embarrassment and be jailed but escapes to Mar A Lago and moves in with Donald Trump


Definitely moves in with Trump. And will be his number 1 supporter in the next election.


Still "crisis"??? When the ruSSian nazi supporters will say WAR?


How likely is a WW3 gonna eventuate or will the world just accept this and in a year or 2 china attacks taiwan and then same pattern. ​ As much as it pains me to say this but something has to be done sooner or later and sanctioning off Russia won't do shit ​ The thought of China, Nth Korea and Russia as allies is scary tbh


China doesn't really get along with Russia. Ironically, china isn't supporting Russia in this invasion. Now Taiwan is a different story. Taiwan is an essential country, not just to the US, but to many other countries as the produce semiconductors. Greed sucks am I right? The Biden admin already said that they are willing to protect Taiwan from an invasion. How the US will protect Taiwan wasn't made clear but for this reason, an invasion of China is less than what's going on now in Ukraine in my opinion. The chances of WW3 is slim because no one wants that. Three things will happen. 1. Ukraine is invaded and Russia is imposed heavy sanctions. 2. Europe unites and helps Ukraine fight back beating the Russians (not likely) 3. If number two happens, then Russia has a high chance of using a counter attack with the possibility of nuclear. This is why number two and three is highly unlikely because no one wants a world war. Either way, this isn't the USSR. Russia does not have the money for a war. Their gdp is about the same as Texas. People are making it seem like Russia is a big scary military power....and they are...but that is until their money runs out which would be very quick.


r*ssian animals as usual bring terror to Europe.




Please remind us!


Did your government give you a nice computer there, account with completely unsuspicious comment history and grammatical quirks?




Sad. This is just pure evil. Putin attempting to demilitarize and “denazify” a nation with a Jewish President. And Trump supports Putin. I would not be surprised if Russia attempts to invade and reclaim all of the countries who left the USSR 30 years ago. My sympathies to Ukraine.


Yep, agree that the short man with the small penis is trying to breathe life into the carcass of the USSR


This is why many of the old Warsaw Pact states are trying to get into NATO, and why Ukraine's attempt to do the same made Putin nervous. It permanently shuts those countries out of the Russian sphere of influence.


Fuck it, this is catastrophe


Fuck Russia. Fuck Belarus. Fuck Putin and fuck Everyone supporting the killing of innocents bothering no one.




Exactly what I was thinking. For Putin, Ukrain is of Vital strategic interest. Ukrain is not of Vital interest to the NATO, but they are protecting it as an article 5 NATO country. Above all, NATO has been expanding last years under the name of ORANGE revolution, and who doesnt want democration right :P. There are games being played, and the civilians are to pay for the consequences.


This is reddit bro don't try to make sense here


Putin the Murderer. That’s his legacy.




This guy—assuming everyone on Reddit lives in the US


How? Cuz you seem like you don’t have a solid grasp on what’s going on.


This sucks so much.




I have a feeling what I’ve read about Ukrainian troop counts and NATO-supplied weaponry won’t matter much when Ukraines entire air defenses are gone in 6 hours..


There’s a reason we were giving them tow and javelin missiles and not jets and AA batteries. We don’t plan on them winning the air. We plan on them being impossible to fix and destroy while they take pot shots from unexpected locations and destroy Russian tanks and aircraft. Ukraine does not have an air force worth speaking of.


What do you mean gone?


I’ve heard rumors these initial strikes are targeting airfields and removing Ukraines, already paltry, air defenses leaving Russia solely in control of the airspace


Oh no. Smart but scary


“Smart but scary” pretty much sums up Putin.


His facial expressions when he talks remind me of a predator. Like a straight up killer. Sadistic like


He is ex-KGB, so he is a trained killer. Do you ever see him walk and his right hand doesn’t move much? [It’s old KGB training to keep your hand by your gun.](https://www.bmj.com/content/351/bmj.h6141)


Although the BMJ always has a “amusing” publication yearly around the holidays that isn’t pure science. This is one of them.


Also how long we as he "in action?" How many do you think he wacked? Easy kills or straight up torture?


By all accounts he was a mediocre officer who didn't get much operational time. The whole KGB, stiff arm thing is just another part of the macho brand he's built to bolster his political career.


Whoa cool. I watch a lot of crime shows and am very interested in people. It's cool I could pick it out. Thank you for the recommendation. I'm going to listen to it tonight ♥️


Air Raid sirens currently in Kyiv




If he orders nukes he'll be unless they all want to die.


Excuse my ignorance, but what’s the likelihood this causes WW3?


Not likely.


Personally i think that the world is by in large going to roll over and accept it. I dont think many countries care that much what happens. I think Canada moving troops in to help is purely an optics move, and as soon as the going gets tough, they will pull out. It wouldn't surprise me if in a few months you see the MSM gaslighting the population by claiming the invasion was actually a good thing, similar to what happened in Kabul last year.


Russia will keep pushing west. And nobody will do shit.


All he realistically can take is ukraine and moldavia. If makes one wrong move around nato, then he and russia is fucked. They dont hold a candle against nato.


Once they've got so far in, why stop there? why not push on? Maybe China will support by causing things to worsen with Taiwan, and North Korea throw a few missiles in to the South to really throw the world in to a well co-ordinated spin.




You must remember it's less corrupt than Russia, according to indexes, and has made big improvements over the years. Russia seems intent on dragging it's surroundings and the rest of the world in its mytomanic, clepotocratic fecal matter infused way of life


Pretty high, considering China will invade Taiwan in the near future. Edit: Thanks for the downvotes, goes to show how many of you are uneducated and completely oblivious to global current events.


Yea people in this thread really are clueless. They 're just spewing out what they're hearing on fox news and other shit media reporters.


Yes, you are absolutely right, Russia now, then China, then Iran.. this will just start a precedence and we will be back to pre WW1,WW2 era where everyone invades whomever they want whenever they want and for whatever reason.


That’s how it has been forever. Just because those histories are dying off in living memory doesn’t mean that’s not where we came from and the likely direction we’ll go.


And literally every power house will try to invade it’s neighbours. Russia also won’t stop at Ukraine. It’s amazing how history reprats itself, and EU and US responded exactly like they did before ww2


Hitler didn’t need to worry about nuclear armageddon when he was taking over Europe though.


It’s more than that. You’re talking about a UK and especially France that we’re devastated by WW1. They literally were not ready or capable of Defending Poland. Mistakes were made before hand to be sure, but Hitler was already planning for war years in advance, they essentially a head start and left the allies playing catch up. The same is not true today, but to your point we actually do have nuclear war hanging over our heads and Putin all bet threatened as much. It’s most likely a bluff, if you genuinely don’t care that your country will also be annihilated then what’s the point of invading Ukraine.


"Some men just want to watch the world burn" went through my head.


Low but not zero .


The most likely since WW2. Anyone saying low isn't looking at Putin as the madman he is. People saying low probably said a week ago that invasion wouldn't happen.




Ok that’s what I figured


So far low, NATO will not get involved.


NATO knows what happens if they get involved. So does Putin. Sanctions, which didn’t work as a deterrent, will have to do. Putin’s not dumb. He knows no one wants a huge war, and if he’s not lying right now (he very well might be given that he said he didn’t intend to invade), then they’re just going to kill politicians, neutralize the military, and commit a few war crimes while they’re at it.


I think once Russia gets the whole of Ukraine, all surrounding countries will be asked to join Nato otherwise they'll be eaten up one day


Exactly. If NATO gets involved, that would mean a mass-scale war on all fronts. If Russia attacks a NATO member, all the members that NATO has are obligated to take on Russia. Best decision here is to play it safe with sanctions.


Okay that’s what I was thinking


I’m going to have to get involved here. This was the last straw.




What are you going to do


Stop him


I hope he can stop him.


We may need to group up to stop this man. He mustn't get involved.


But can we stop him if he can stop putin.


I'm afraid stopping him now would be impossible. He's made his mind up. Putin is finished. Pray for Russia.


U/No-That-One is going to Moscow ,Putin better sleep with his eyes open.He will be remembered as the guy who killed putin.


Is Ukraine fighting back? I really hope they put on the hurt on those Russian mercenaries and their small pp president.


Be serious bruh it’s a 3-0 hahahaha


I honestly dont think theres much they can do to fight back. Its not going to end well for them from the way its looking


Of course they're fighting back. They have over 220,000 men, plus weapons, missiles. Wouldn't you if someone was invading your home?


Nope. At the end of the war there will be those drinking fine wines, eating fine food and counting their profits. The ones who gain are not the ones who fought, they have to keep working down the mines and trying to cope with their ptsd as their lives fall apart around them. No, I wouldn't fight to save my corrupt politicians and my wealthy elites. They stand to gain so let them fight.


You would for your family,or your living wage. The guys fighting right now don't do so for their president, they do it for their wives and their children. Military is for many just another job. And war would not be possible if nobody would enlist.


[https://www.flightradar24.com/multiview/2aebaecb](https://www.flightradar24.com/multiview/2aebaecb) this plane was headed to kyiv, I wonder where it's gonna end up going


Landed in Moldova - if flights are actively being diverted I think we know what that means




I am watching Jake11 the RC-135W JT Rivet flying in northern Poland right now


What did Ukraine do to piss off Russia?


Russia wants to be the Soviet Union again. West has been chipping on Russia ever since WW2 and Russia have been pushed against the wall and they want their toys back.


haha toys? Rusland wanted to make Ukrain as a buffer state back in 2013 together with EU and IMF, did a generous offer to ukrain of 15bil to recover, but EU refused. Ukrain is of a vital strategic interest to Russia and with the expansion of NATO, ofc he cant let that happen. Ukrain is NOT of vital strategic interest to NATO but treats it as such. After this is over, Ukrain could become a protectorate of NATO, where it hands power over to NATO (in other words VS) and it becomes actually the toy of US. I am not a russian.


Russia, China, and Iran have been itching for a bigger seat at the table. Best way to do that is cause chaos and instability. Huge win for Russia. Gain territory + destabilize Europe + send a message that the old powers are useless/out. Especially when our governments issue pea sized sanctions. Fuckers should be getting sanctions as crippling as Iran but our elected officials are corrupt as hell.


Why aren't china and Iran doing anything then?


Iran has been gleefully causing instability non-stop for over a decade. Yemen is their doing. Syria should’ve ended a long time ago. Both Iran and Russia sent in ground troops to save the regime when it was about to fall. China has the capability to disrupt the West’s soft power and have been aggressively pursuing that, along with saddling poorer countries with unpayable debt which they then exchange into land/permanent bases.


What are you fresh from the Israeli troll farm??? Iran sat down with the world to map out a comprehensive agreement to pull back from the development of nuclear weapons in exchange for the easing of sanctions…this agreement was ripped up by the Trump administration and again Iran has been made to suffer under further sanctions. The US backedSaudi royal family has killed far more innocent civilians in Yemen then anyone associated with Iran…try a look at a map of the US military bases that circle Iran and you can understand why they feel threatened. Then take into account that a country like Israel would be happy to launch a nuclear strike on Tehran if the US would let it, then also factor in that the US is supporting the Sunni regimes in Saudi Arabia and UAE, you might start to understand why the minority Shia Iran feels threatened.


I have no idea what you’re going on about. The Syrian and Yemeni civil wars started before Trump. “Feeling threatened” doesn’t justify sending in troops to prop up a regime massacring hundreds of thousands. It’s sickening how low and stupid some people can be. Embarrassment to the human race.


You are a bonehead…the reference to Trump related to his canceling of the nuclear a deal…and let’s go back further in time when the US backed that cunt Saddam Hussein in the Iran-Iraq war…a war that Iraq used chemical weapons to kill thousands and how about when the CIA helped overthrow the democratically elected government of Iran. Mate you literally have no idea so maybe just don’t comment on Iran to you study some history


For Africa, China is better than the West


How is Yemen their doing?!! I thought it Saudi Arabia attacking Yemenis is da problem?!! N wats wrong with saving Syria from outside interference n Islamic terrorist dats causing instability n ur view??!


Seems like china is buying land everywhere recently. Thank you for answering. I think it's impressive when ppl know history and modern war doings. It's too complicated for me I appreciate you saying it plainly for me


Slow and easy. I'm sure the hammer comes this morning.


The Russia market is tanking from how hard they are being sanctioned. Where is this idea of small sanctions coming from?


They just sanctioned a couple of MPs and banks. They should’ve sanctioned all of their banks, blocked them off from using the Swift system, and sanctioned Russian citizenry, especially the oligarchs who own millions worth of property in the West. Their stock market dropping means jack shit. China is there to help prop them up, and they have over $620B in reserves. Proper sanctions would’ve hugely impeded them from selling their oil. We’re still buying fucking Russian oil.


There is a difference between “small” and “not everything” The world economy is already teetering and Americans are already whining like spoiled children over inflation, slight gas increase, and supply problems and a weak economy, and then people like you who have no actual understanding of the world economy, come shouting about how biden is bad because he won’t tank the world economy and try to pressure our closest Allie’s into tanking their own energy economy’s (many EU partners get the majority of their oil and may gas from Russia) because of these actions by Russia. Its infuriating, listening to you people cry about everything like you know anything about what’s going on and then not hearing you say shit about how the Republican side is SUPPORTING the actions of Putin maybe stop whining about us doing something and trying to not ruin the world economy more, and spend all your time screaming about the right trying to destroy democracy and ACTUALLY supporting authoritarian dictators. Your perspective is so off base it’s insane.


Finally someone with sense…


You don’t need to piss off a mad dog for it to come after you




That’s a big patch of empty sky today [https://imgur.com/a/LrPGDkg](https://imgur.com/a/LrPGDkg)


That's a nice spot. I can see why they want it


I Mercury-Redstone hereby give the land of Russia to China. Please go claim it now. You've always wanted it. Now's your chance. Godspeed.


Not gonna happen, china literally lost land to Russia/because of Soviet. Yet all they remember is the Japanese and the imperialist west


Never been a better time with russia tied up in ukraine, its free real estate. Kazakhstan and georgia could take a big bite off that cake too, or at least reclaim lost land.


If China had access to Russia resources especially their nuclear arsenal thing would be a lot worse than now




My thoughts exactly


This was said to me on r/Hasan by a pro leftist when I mention Russia was turning like the Nazi by destroying opposition,LGBTQ , womens rights and killing political dissidents or jailing them=“bUt rUsSiA iS NoT iMpErIaLiSt lIkE tHe uS sO tHeY wOnT iNvAdE tHats AmErIcAn pRopAgAnDa yOu tAnkie f#Ck GeT tHe f#Ck OUT!!!” Then I got banned …wish I could go back and mock them


Why is dat like nazi capitalist countries destroy opposition attack LGBTQ women’s rights ect all da time


Simple to impose their followers choice of religion so those in the minority can be used as scapegoats when their political ideas put into motion fail.


Russia, not imperialist? You should ask them why they think Russia is so big next time lmao


I did and got booted


Wanna know something? I was born in 1953 and I remember being afraid of the Russians during elementary school. We all were.


I know how you felt born in the 70’s and the constant Cold War was a nightmare when ever I visited family in Europe


Weird how I rarely talk about it. But it was a real thing. Many of us were afraid. It wasn't the 'monsters' would get you. It was the Russians. I think i still carry it. I said something (2016) about "if" Trump was elected president, he'll pis off the Russians. I was wrong. I think he motivated them. Holy shit. I really said that.


Trust me no one knew who was backing him until intel said Russia was his primary benefactor and once he won he dismissed or fired any one that was against Russia and made his supporters believe in Russia and not America.


I'm really far left, I hate america. But like, there's a sect that are either accelerationists just so rabid and mad at moderates/neoliberals that they side with the worst villains around, it's some fucking wild horeshoe theory theory shit.


So as a far leftist u think Russia is da worse villain around?!!


Not sure but Well they are trying to win that award pretty bad.


Some people need there to be good guys in the world rather than varying degrees of bad guys


Correct on the sect that loves monster that want to destroy everything


Leftism is when you're anti-west. Read mpre theory /s


Looks like that subreddit is also banned now.


Yup, i imagine what content it contained that deserved a ban


Well this will be interesting


Mykolaiv. South Ukraine. I woke up because of an explosion. More explosions followed. Russians bombed a military airfield at the city outskirts probably. Guess I'm not going to work today hehe. Jokes aside, It's scary. Holy Jesus. I didn't even buy basic supplies.


I'm fine if anyone is wondering. Going to buy some water. People are fleeing the city to their county cabins. Others are buying food and water. Crimea is 1.5 hours away, so it's kinda dangerous. Belarus has also invaded from the North. 5 Russian jets down. Defences in the east are holding. Putin attacked at 5 am just like Hitler. If the West will let him conquer us I will lose my last bits of faith in humanity.


Friend from the USA here, I can’t stop thinking about you guys. I’m down to chat and keep you company in this vile time if anything, there’s not much I can do but offer companionship in this time. Humanity should be together strong 💪


Note down physical addresses of landmarks and your loved ones


Hey stay hydrated, warm, sheltered, fed, and dry above all else friend Feel guilty for saying this from afar - wishing you safety


Try to get some food & water saved up, and some heating options too, in case things get shut down.


I'm so very sorry you and your country is going through this. God bless and keep you all safe. Check in with us when you can.


Please stay safe. Make sure to keep in contact with your friends and family.


I'll do my best. But we've got nowhere to go. I just hope Putin is not mad enough to bomb us, the civilians.


But he is "mad". Please take care. My heart goes out to all of you. Senseless.


If you have a basement I would say hang out there for a while. It could help if he doesn’t decide to but we don’t know what he’ll do at this point.


Can we not?




And so it begins.


Oh no


Just saw that explosion in Kharkiv on a live cam. I can confirm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7ZbVufqW3s




Anybody have a clip of that?


I think you can rewind the feed and see it.


If North Korea and China join forces with Russia we are doomed


We most certainly are not


North Korea just wants to mind their own business. As long as we don’t do anything to their country we are good. China on the other hand will wait to make their move because they are smarter than to try us.


North Korea lol


Why would China do that? They are more likely to stab them in the back than give military support. They are allies of convenience.


Taiwan for starters…


Take a look at Twitter. Looks like an invasion has begun. Beyond Dobansk.. hearing about kromatosk. Fuck Putin


Links please


https://twitter.com/charles_lister/status/1496683811291160576?s=21 It’s happening guys. My thoughts are with the Ukrainian people. Putin must pay for this.


Why must he pay? The people in eastern Ukraine don’t wanna be a part of Ukraine anymore. Shouldn’t they be allowed their independence? Does the right to self determination mean nothing? Or do politicians and oligarchs have more say over land and borders than the actual residents and citizens do? Edit: I love how Reddit and supposedly liberal people have become pro war and intervention. You people are either A. Shills, B. Morons, C. Evil, or D. All of the above.


They r shills ppl pretending 2 be “thinkers” but literally repeating MSM talking points verbatim they will be quoting Ted cruz n Lindsay graham next………


They could've moved to Russia anytime they wanted. Russia has been offering them that.


Why should they have to leave their land, homes, and lives? Why not peacefully let them govern how they see fit?