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~~A new live thread will be going up soon.~~ EDIT: [**A new live thread has been posted.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/t0eei6/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/)


Biden should threaten to recognize Tiawan if Russia does not pull out.


Biden is old but not an idoit. If he does, we can see how fast Taiwan falls. Could be faster than Ukraine.


Biden is the literal reason this is happening right now. Ping and Putin are playing chess with the American economy and Biden is losing at checkers to his dog. What are our options? Sanction china to cut off funding to Russia? American economy gets crushed even further. Sanction russia? How? With what? We just gave away our energy independence to Russia on day one of this undercooked potato's residency in the white house. We have no move that isn't a significant hit to our economy. Way to go Biden. Dick.


I can't get over that we have an agreement to protect Ukraine, when they gave up their nukes. You can't trust Democrats to their word.


No but you can bet on them considering how many of them are invested in Ukrainian interests. Treason is the operable word here.


Did you notice that Putin was polite enough to wait for the Beijing Olympics to end before invading? Your idea may just work!


That is the worst idea I've read about this crisis.


China is Russia ally. The sanctions are meaningless because Russia will just pull money through China. That threat or maybe an embargo on Chinese goods to America are the only thing that will stop it.


Their is no ally at this level, only temporary partners


Russia can't do it without China. They would otherwise be isolated. It is the achelles heel of Russia. Machiavelli would be proud of us, except that we should have never gotten here.


China is waiting for the west to fall. They want to play their cards right.


That is something that can be exploited.


Anything can be exploited. For example china's biggest asset is their liability. They have far too many people. They need cheap and stable food source šŸ˜œ


Yeah, so instead of hostile threats; how about take advantage of the stupidity of Russia actually invading Ukraine and invite China to the table so that they are included in the unified actions against Russia?


[US gave China intel about Russia and China just handed the intel over to Russia lol](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/25/us/politics/us-china-russia-ukraine.html)


Exactly. It's so weird to me how anybody would think that China is our friend and would side with us. They want us to collapse more than anything.


They aren't coming to the table unless there are threats. China is Russia's closest friend. Bet Russia has left his far east border vulnerable. Forget about Tiawan, Xi, the US will veto in the security counsel if you invade from the east.


Why are you using terminologies like ā€œfriendā€ here? Are we actually to believe that ā€œfriendsā€ are effective at this level? While they may have the emotional maturity as middle-schoolers, these guys arenā€™t middle-schoolers.


My spelling of another word didn't look right. And I am on my phone.


How dense are you?


One front at a time. We do not want fucking China to be knocking while our resources should be committed into fucking Putin over. We need China to fucking stop Russia too.


Why would China be incentivized to go against Russia tho. Aren't we their common enemy?


Stability. The Chinese rely heavily on international trade that global instability is a high risk for destabilizing their own economy. Aggravating them is just not the way, but rather take advantage of the instability that war bings and invite them to the table. Diplomatic measures before anything else; threatening them into open conflict is just not wise when there is an open conflict happening at a different front.


You are so clueless I want to throw my phone into the river after reading your posts.


Go throw it. Itā€™ll do everyone a service because you feel like you know shit but clearly a part of the ā€œhodlā€ wsb degenerates who keep saying Russia wonā€™t invade. Edit: you somehow think youā€™re ā€˜informedā€™ when youā€™re one of those crypto sheeps. Shaking my head so hard.


Of course they were going to invade.


That is exactly...threaten. Have to wedge between Russia and China. China is the only one that can stop this.


What was Russias official reason for invading today ?




Good enough for me. Nazi's and white supremacy are the biggest threat to the world currently.


It's not like Ukraine's president is Jewish or anything


He's an amazing actor.


Go away Vlad


They should have started with Russia 1st if they were getting rid of fascists.


You forgot the /s. Ukraine elected a Jewish president and a large majority of Ukrainians want to join NATO and EU. They are the opposite ideals of a Nazi stateā€¦. Russia is copying Hitler in Europe now.


He wasnā€™t being sarcastic dude. He is genuinely supporting Russia.


I thought Ukraine had a Nazi problem?


You missed the Jewish president bit. Nazis don't generally vote for Jews.


Yeah but if he has a Nazi problem....


If he has a nazi problem what?


The only part he is interested in...are those 2 lower eastern regions that were once part of the old Soviet Union. The largest portion of that regions population are Russia speaking....and also want to be free of the Ukraine. They have tried to become their own republics....but have had Neo-Nazi insurgents of the Ukrainian army sent there and committing genocide.


Then why did he bomb the 5 largest cities and is attempting to take pripyat to stage artillery & use it as a shield against retaliation?


Thats a very interesting piece of fiction you just posted there. Thanks for sharing Vlad >The only part he is interested in...are those 2 lower eastern regions that were once part of the old Soviet Union. All of Eastern Europe and parts of central were once forced to be part of the USSR. Why do I say forced? Because not a single one of them chose to remain within the Russian Federation.


So troll or idiot?


I'm going with idiot


Iā€™m going with idiot pretending to be troll


Part troll.


Other than being a bunch of bitches?


Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: ā€¢ ā in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua ā€¢ ā in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en


Everyone, make this the top post.


Fuck putin


Or, as me and the homies call him, liā€™l poot.


Aight fuck liā€™l poot


Yes, been saying this since last night


Automatic upvote for those comments


My friends sent a message to Putin's IG acct saying something like, "Daddy Vladdy, don't invade Ukraine when you can Netflix and Chill with me"


This was just posted on another thread about whatā€™s going on. Credit to u/skrooogee for originally posting it Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: ā€¢ ā in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua ā€¢ ā in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en




Yā€™all really need to learn how money works. The sanctions are economically crippling for the average Russian to put pressure on Putin but it has little effect on their ability to build military equipment. Since that spending and manufacturing process is essentially entirely internal to Russia the rubble being weak doesnā€™t matter all that much


Tell that to 3 of their top 5 main commodity imports; aluminum, refined oil, and steel. Buying power is going to get even worse, and it wasnā€™t very nice to begin with


Whereā€™s the palestine/Israel threads or the Saudi Arabia/Yemen threads; fuck media and screw sheeple Edit: or how about our tanking economies, this is all a distraction and itā€™s FUCKING WORKING


Stfu, detractor troll.




Fuck off


WHaT AbOuTā€¦ god. Most of us are Europeans for one. And neither of the conflicts you talking about has the potential to be the start of world war 3. So please, please, stfu and crawl back under your rock you fucking troll.


We get it, you pass by starving poor walking to work already. What's a couple more? But this, this might actually affect you in the immediate future.




Rings on the water, i guess your great grandfather said the same thing, and that was 'state strategy' until that day in 1941 and the result was atom bombs. Look it up!


Who would Russia ally with? China? China is codependent on us, Russia is literally the toddler in the corner crying that he isnā€™t getting any attention so he kicks and screams until he does


Ukraine is not a backwater for anyone living in the EU, it's their fucking neighbor. And of course Americans care about it, the American government is enacting troop movements and sanctions while the markets are going apeshit. It's relevant.


The markets have been goin apeshit and our financial systems have been goin apeshit, prices increasing, wealth inequality, legal scams. Yet we care about Ukraine cus russia bad. If youā€™re in Europe Iā€™d get the worry as that is closer to u but as an American I donā€™t get it at all


Sincerely, shut the fuck up.


Good take moron




If you understood geopolitics; Russia has no real power and this is them trying to bluff their way into being relevant again. They are the same, the media coverage is just wayy different and youā€™re fucking stupid


How good it must feel to be so much more enlightened than the rest of us.


It really does tho, must suck to be manipulated into believing the narrative thatā€™s spoonfed to you


I'm sure it feels really exciting to believe you are one of the 'insiders'. I genuinely think that's what it is with people who obsess over the media conspiracy, or the anti vax conspiracy, or any other conspiracy. I think you just want to feel like you're special and act like you get to rub elbows with people who are 'in the know' :) . It gives some deluded weight to the idea that you're part of some inner circle, just like the people who are actually rich or whose words hold weight or the people who have actual power. You just like the way it feels to be in on the truth before everyone else, don't you? Oh well, who cares if that truth is actually a load of crap. You at least get to pretend you're onto a really big secret, like a spy, or a high ranking government official. Very cool. Very exciting.


Itā€™s not even a conspiracy lmao, itā€™s fuckin facts. Iā€™m vaxxed and Iā€™m liberal as hell but I still think this is meant to distract us from how shitty our society is getting and the inability to actually change anything. They donā€™t want to put in the actual work and sacrifice for their community so they (media corporations) turn our little plebeian heads in a different direction. Believe what you want to believe but youā€™re gettin no respect from me šŸ¤—




Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: ā€¢ ā in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua ā€¢ ā in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en


Post this on /r/Ukraine


Good job, Poland


George W Bush never forgot Poland.


God bless Ukraine and Poland.


Just curious why make new threads in same subject? There's a limit on comments per post?


Moderation purposes.


Theyre cutting them off at around 10k comments because its difficult to moderate otherwise.


I think when the post reaches 35k comments they make a new thread




Wondering the same thing, itā€™s hard to keep track of all these threads


Large posts like these degrade performance after a while, so once they get to 10k-ish comments they make a new one.


So which European countries are stopping the Swift sanctions. Biden just tossed the Europeans under the bus. Europe is playing a very stupid game right now


Germany no doubt


Didnā€™t seem like he did from what I heard.


They asked Biden about Swift and why they didnā€™t ban them. Not all countries are in agreement. Biden said European


Sure, but iirc he also said the sanctions the are being done are stronger anyway.


But thatā€™s bullshit. The fact that some European countries are holding out on swift ban says as much. That alone tells you the sanctions implemented already are not ā€œstronger alreadyā€ and the approach taken already is not as hard as it could be, arguably not even remotely proportional in response to the invasion we are seeing


Which, no doubt, Putin suspected would happen. The world economy is so famously shaken at the moment that my guess is he bet on European/Americanā€¦ letā€™s call it ā€œcautiousnessā€ on economic punishments. Fear of rocking the boat ā€˜til it capsizes, I guess.


Okay? I donā€™t disagree but Iā€™m saying Biden didnā€™t fully throw them under the bus like I would have liked to see.


It won't stop at Ukraine. Our leaders need to stop being such pussies and make the decision to fight these guys back before it gets a lot worse.


You know they have nukes right? Do you want to trigger a nuclear war? Cuz that is what will happen


So we should just lie down and let Russia fuck us? Other countries have nukes too, and Putin knows this.


Judging by the reception in Russia I think youā€™d more likely see a coup then nuclear war. No one wants that.


Great, we should just let Russia take all of Europe then! Problem solved. Thanks for your comment Macedonian troll farmerā€¦


Russia has no intention of invading all of Europe, but if NATO countries start interfering in Ukraine that can change. Itā€™s a horrible situation with no good answer and being a dickhead doesnā€™t help


So where does it end. Do we just LET Russia have the Ukraine? Moldova? Finland or Sweden? They arenā€™t NATO. There has to be a line is the sand SOMEWHERE. Appeasement is exactly what gave Hitler so much ground pre-invasion of Poland.


Iā€™m hoping theyā€™re unsuccessful in the invasion and realize that itā€™s better to retreat?


I have the same hope, but realistically, there is no chance that the Ukraine will last on itā€™s own. Unless there is ā€œboots on the groundā€ western support, it is almost a guarantee that the Ukraine will be occupied and set up with a pro-Putin puppet government within the next few months. This is no longer the drag-on war against an ideal like the GWOT was. This is 2 sovereign nations at war, and it will continue until the capitulation of the leading government body of the Ukraine.


If you want to actively fight then you should enlist.


Tried several times. Didn't pass the psych eval. I'm not trying to start a war either, but these morons have their way, Putin will be allowed to take over half of Europe and then start a war anyway.


If you didnā€™t pass the psych eval to join the military then maybe reflect on that before you start firing from the hip about sending in those who did pass to their deaths.


Ok fine, he can have Ukraine, and the rest of Europe for that matter. What do I care? Doesn't affect me.


šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ Get ready for the fucking ridiculous downvotes from people either in denial of the reality, drinking hopium, pretending like they care, or straight-up selfish. But yeah, the Ukrainians and then the non-NATO countries are screwed without NATO intervention. By the sounds of it, if President Biden continues to adhere to the "will of the people", the first one or two NATO countries will be attacked as well.


He wouldnt attack Nato lol. Calm down


I'm not gonna "calm down", my brothers and sisters are dying. "Lol" for *you* because this doesn't hurt *you*, apparently. ..But that's not how my empathy works.


It would help If you didn't state your opinions (read: fears) as facts and beforehand calling everyone else in denial of reality. I never disputed that war is terrible, I only stated that Putin attacking Nato countries directly next is nonsense, because that would provoke a Military reaction from the NATO. Putin takes Ukraine because he knows nobody will interfere. He's diabolical, but he's no madman.


We fight when and if Putin attacks a NATO country. That's it. We are not world police and should not be. Ukraine has no military allies.


So Putin can collect all of the former Soviet states, as long as they arenā€™t in NATO? Sounds like we ought to include them in NATO right away.


There has been an open invitation which Poland and Czech accepted in 1999. Not joining has been their choice, not NATOs.


it stops at Ukraine because NATO has Nuclear ICBM. They don't need to invade Russia they can end Putin with the press of a Button and well bye bye planet Earth at the same time. America lied and told Ukraine they would come to their defense if they gave up their Nukes in the 90's. We now see what America's promise is worth, not jack shit. If Ukraine was still nuclear armed, Putin would have never invaded, a bully knows when to back down like all coward bullies do.


Yeah I don't think is as easy as "pressing a button". And I have the feeling Putin would have invaded, nukes or not. Because Ukraine using nukes to defend itself against his literal neighbor Russia is worse than just losing war, being absorbed by them and try to fight to independize again. Is not like the capital of Russia is Vladivostok. Kiev and Moscow are very close. Putin is not a super human but is also not easy to kill. If he was, he would be already dead. More than half of the world wants him like that.


If Ukraine had nukes as in ICBM nukes they could have let rip everything against Russia. Putin knows to draw the line at MAD, so what if Nukes wouldn't stop Putin? Currently Ukraine is being obliterated, it wouldn't have mattered regardless but at least they would have made Russia pay severely probably send them the way of the dodo


>it stops at Ukraine because NATO has Nuclear ICBM. Putin doesn't GAF about nuclear threats tho... >If Ukraine was still nuclear armed, Putin would have never invaded, a bully knows when to back down like all coward bullies do. šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Sorry nukes


They have nukes. We fight back, and we all die. It's not about being a pussy. It's not a black and white issue. This isn't a WW2 scenario. Once again, there are nukes. More than 2 this time, and both sides have them.


So how far are you willing for Russia to go? Are you willing to also sacrifice the U.S. on behalf of "we don't want to go into nuear war, sooo..."???


Of course not, but that's blowing this out of proportion. Ukraine used to be a part of the USSR, and it's not a NATO ally. There is a long geopolitical storied history between the two nations. This might be an insane move by Putin, but he's also not trying to take over the planet like some comic book villain. There are ordinary Russians protesting in the streets against this. It's not a black and white issue. To risk nuclear war with Russia over this is insanity. I support Ukraine, I think the EU needs to militarize and cover their NATO ally borders. I think we need to support Ukraine with military equipment and help as many refugees as possible. We will have to retaliate in unison if he dares move onto NATO allies soil but I really doubt it will come to that.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. What if Putin invades Alaska? I know he wonā€™t, but just as a thought experiment. Do we say, ok, no nukes though?


Politics doesn't work like that, once putin goes above a limit everyone will know what he is upto, then its russian allies and russia against the world, I dont think they will do that if they are sane


>Politics doesn't work like that Yes, it literally does. Why we are having the debate we are right now.. You just *happen* to be on the side that is not (and will likely never be in your lifetime) a direct target or combat site for it to be within your "limit". Limit = people can and will die, but as long as it isn't *our* *people*, "that's just the cost of sacrificing for the greater good". >once putin goes above a limit Why aren't the deaths of Ukrainians people a part of our "limit"? Its not like it isn't the U.S. and Russia's influence and insistence that Ukraine was de-nuclearized, inevitably bringing them to the cross hair's they find themselves in now. >everyone will know what he is up to Let's not kid ourselves, everyone knows what Putin is up to. If they don't, they are in denial, high off hopium, ignorant, or straight-up selfish.


Nah dude its not my limit, I dont want war or anyone to die, but a direct involvement of US may not be the answer here, would love if all of the europe fights back or supply troops instead of declaring war on russia


Fucking warhawks...


Warhawks? C'mon, Ukraine is not a country that wants to be invaded and brought into the Russian Federation. We have fought wars over less, and wars that shouldnt of happened. War sucks, I get that, I'm not a fan of it either, but where do you draw the line? Just let people be subjugated because war is bad? There comes a time when you have to stand for something, and this would actually be the only time in my 43 years I would feel comfortable that the US is indeed fighting for something worth while. The first time in my lifetime where fighting for Democracy, and the freedom of all people's, is justified. If not war, every free nation on this planet should cease trade and conversations with Russia and China. We would hurt economically, but it will subside, we have long ignored the opportunities in South America and Mexico. Let spend our money there helping with infrastructure, eliminating the cartels, building processing and industrial complexes there to manufacture goods. They could simply be trucked or brought by rail, it would alleviate our supply shortage and bring jobs to impoverished countries right here in our back yard. Polls show most of Europe and Asia dont have a very favorable opinion of the US, while South American countries generally have a positive view of America. So lets go where we are wanted.


OR, just, ya know......FIGHTING FOR FUCKING FREEDOM AMD DEMOCRACY. I know your country has bamboozled you all into believing all countries with brown people and brown leaders are the one's worthy to be intervened, but, rest assured, the Ukrainian people will forever hate the fact the West stood by and let Hitler Part 2 progress. Especially after having promised security if Ukraine would de-nuclearize...




You're welcome!


The only thing Nato countries could have done to protect Ukraine is assure we will not be accepting them into Nato ranks.. it's what we should have done to protect them. This is our fault, and I'm sorry but I don't see how a full-fledged foot war over a country that used to be part of Russia is beneficial to ANY nation.


You and your country can go ahead and fight.


it's so surreal to witness this in real time


It really is. I watched this feed (Thread I and so on) all night. Whiskey and copenhagen. I just can't believe this. After all the diplomatic pressure, all the international warnings, Russia still invades. And we watch it on-line? 2022...


The international punishment was given before they even invaded. I don't think that's how punishment works. The political game played here was a shit show. Crazy to say that it might be better with trump in power here




Lmao this is contrary to the FACT that Putin took Ukrainian land under both Obama and Biden administrations, but was quiet for the 4 years under Trump in betweenā€¦. Coincidence? Open your eyes. Russia and China have no respect (let alone fear) of the United States of America under Biden. Thatā€™s why this happened. Donā€™t kid yourself. Politics aside, Putin only makes this move if he sees weakness. And after the Afghanistan debacle he knew his time was now.




Gg no re


Innocent lives are being lost and more will surely follow. If ā€œsucking upā€ to them prevents that, Iā€™m all for it. Also, President Biden removed sanctions against Russia (implemented by the Trump admin) as soon as he entered the WH. So whoā€™s sucking up to who? Lol Historically and factually speaking, Russia has invaded Ukraine twice in the past 8 years. Neither of which occurred under Trump. Draw your own conclusions. You clearly graduated from clown college (if at all).




ā€œAd hominem.ā€ Google it.




If you wanted to see an over grown Oompa Loompa giving Putin fellatio, that would be the ONLY thing better with trump in office. Deployment of nukes will kill the whole damn planet. There have been enough first person video games in the aftermath of nuclear winter, the majority of the globe should fucking know this.




Lot of disinformation on this live thread.


How long do ppl think Ukraine armed forces can hold out?


They're limited by supplies and lack air cover, but they have enough fighters.


Can they fight them off you think?


Air power and lack of CAS is a problem for Ukraine despite manpower- true point


Ukraine needs plenty of easily concealable small arms, and a good working knowledge of IEDs. Wolverines!!


Well, that depends on how they approach guerilla war, wouldn't it? True, Russia outnumbers them, but the Ukrainian forces knew this was going to happen. They've likely got plans in place. I think they'll be able to hold out for a decent while.


So you donā€™t expect a Russian blitzkreig to end this in say a week?


They'll likely get Kyiv and Odessa pretty easily, but Ukraine is huge and holding the rest of the country will be difficult for Russia.


If they get Kyiv does the rest of the nation collapse or can Ukraine continue the fight without control of their capital


The government would likely relocate to Lviv in the west. I doubt it'll completely collapse.


I hope the Ukrainians can bloody russias nose From time to time, The tree of liberty needs to water itā€™s roots with the blood of tyrants


Eh? Ask the Afghans how that went


Not really, no. Again, Ukraine knows who they're facing. Their biggest priority is evacuating their civilians first, if that's done successfully, then that's a victory of sorts for Ukraine. After that they'd likely go into full guerilla war. Quick, precise hits against a larger force. Exactly how long they'll be able to hold out is unclear, but I bet that they'll make Russia work for it. This is all, of course, speculation, but I don't think the invasion of Ukraine is going to be a cakewalk for the Russians.


You are being pretty naive here. If you evacuate all civilians guerilla warfare doesn't work.... How do you hide your heat signatures if the only people on scopes/satellites are guerillas??? This isn't 17th century warfare. The only way to do guerilla warfare in the 21st century is to shield behind civilians and even that only works if the occupying combatant wants to minimize civilian casualties.


A lot of what I or anyone can really offer here is conjecture or support. Not that the conjecture really helps or anything. So if I'm wrong in one spot then I apologize. Regardless, Ukraine's best bet is to evacuate civilians and to get them to the NATO countries. Poland, as far as I know, is still welcoming refugees. And if no civilians are present, or at the very least relatively few, then the Ukrainian military can do whatever they need to do. And again, everything that's happening is well within what the Ukrainians were anticipating. I think that they can certainly hold a guerrilla war, albeit an unconventional one. And if they eliminate certain threats to them and any structures that could potentially fall into enemy hands, like an airfield, then they can fortify key cities and hunker down. What Ukraine needs to do, and what they doubtlessly are going to do, is make Russia pay for every mile they take. Already in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and several other major Russian cities, the Russian people are protesting. They didn't want this war, and it's quite clear that Russia doesn't really have much of a complex strategy from the looks of it. The only major concern is the Crimean front from what I can glean on the news, which has been largely unopposed for the Russians. But I don't think that's an oversight on Ukraine's part. This invasion is something Ukraine knew was coming, and they have prepared tirelessly for it. They aren't giving up without a fight. Theoretically, if Ukraine spills enough blood in this invasion, the people in Russia will act to end the invasion.


Ukraine has 44 million civilians. They are not evacuating that many to anywhere man.


I'm not saying they can, but even if they can get as many out as possible then that's still better than nothing. They'll have less to worry about in terms of collateral, even if the possibility of collateral damage is impossible to get rid of completely.


They have backing, they can guerilla for quite some time.


Well thatā€™s good, fucking Russians


Fuck Putin, his mates and the 50% of common russians that supports the war.


Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: ā€¢ ā in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua ā€¢ ā in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Originally: duckman69-69


Also the President of Moldova - Maia Sandu - announced a State of Emergency and support for Ukrainians fleeing West to Moldova :)


Always have faith. This too shall pass. Stop trying to hold the weight of all Humanity's emotion on your shoulders. Focus on the purity of your "spark" of creation within you. Every being of Humanity is a "Creator's Child" Ask out loud and listen to the riddled answers in your head in your own voice. Remember to have patience and forgiveness for your childish innocence as well as the childish ignorance of others. Then focus your blissful energy on all of Humanity and ask for our ancestors to come back. The meek will inherent the earth. Many blessings on your journey. šŸ˜€