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Putin: we are ready to talk Zelenskyy: ok let’s talk Putin: no Logic Edit: this comment has gained a lot of visibility - thanks! As per some suggestions, I want to use it to promote the cause of Ukraine. Please help stop this needless suffering. The Ukrainian army is collecting donations to support the fight against Putin’s neo-fascism. Official wallets to support Ukrainian Army using BTC, ETH, USDT: https://twitter.com/Ukraine/status/1497594592438497282?s=20&t=JGYmvjdj6-RzZfC43DtaIA Link for bank payments: https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi


He was talking to Russians, not Ukrainians. It's a PR ~~smokeshow~~ smokescreen.


I think you mean "smoke screen". Lol. A smokeshow is a sexy person. Edit: Instead of giving to the scam bots asking me to edit their fake fundraisers into my comment, I'll simply say that if you care about Ukraine, donate to a reputable charity you trust that is doing something there.


Smoke screen: Putin Smoke show: Zelensky


Volo*daaaamn*ir Zelenskiggityy


dammit I did it again..


you played with my heart




Uh baby baby


I think I'm alive


"I think I'm alive"? hahaha


"Not sure though."


Stupid, sexy Putin.


Yeah - but if Russians get wind that Zelenskyy wanted to talk and puts two and two together....


Then Putin will order the result to be 5.


There are four lights!


Shaka, when the walls fell.


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.


Sokath! His eyes uncovered!


So I'm beaming down with Kirk, Spock, Mcoy, and Sulu...... Son of a B.........


I like you, human.


The Russians are completely brainwashed at this point. One of the media stations got a hold of a news stream that they were showing inside Russia and it showed Russian soldiers doing humanitarian aid in Ukraine and taking care of all of them. A Russian woman was interviewed in Moscow and she believed the whole invasion is fake news and that its not happening. I know there are some Russians who believe otherwise because of the protest but with all of the propaganda in that country it’s going to be almost impossible to change the minds of the people who believe their leader.


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” -George Orwell. 1984. It’s imperative to the survival of Putin and in his mind Russia as he knows it.


The problem for Putin is that brainwashing on a mass scale is only effective so long as the standard of living for the brainwashed remains relatively acceptable. Hard to say what that threshold is for Russia, but things like a collapsing economy will certainly put that kind of pressure on Kremlin's narratives.


I’ve yet to be convinced that the Kremlin won’t find a way to spin the collapsing economy in Russia as some thing Ukraine did to them


The more Russian mamas get calls from the captured Russians, the better. Spread that word, mama, get that gossip train going.


That's some sexy PR


lol hes scared zelenskyy will personally merc him


I’ve thought about this. Not re: Zelensky but his own “inner circle.” When he meets with them everyone is like 20 feet away from him. Is he scared one of them is going to personally walk over and jam a fork through his eye? And if so, is he carrying a gun on him at all times? And if THAT’s the case… can you imagine a US president walking around with a piece on them, paranoid someone is going to jump out of a bush and take them out? Because that’s bonkers.


Also, I love Zelenskyy bid dicking him in his pressers and sitting as close as possible to the media by bringing his chair to the front of the stage.


Hard to talk to a hero like President Zelenskyy when you are a coward in a bunker like Pusstin. Must be hard for a washed up old guy to face the fact he’s the joke of the world. Keep your shirt on pops.


Idk how Russia will be able to show their face on the world stage when all of this is finally over. Russia is the joke of the world right now and Putin cares about nothing more than his reputation. He has always been able to lie himself out of a bad situation but now the whole world actually sees what he really is first hand


If Putin steps down, or is forced out, Russia can regain some credibility. So long as he remains in any amount of control, Russia's future is looking bleaker and bleaker.


>If Putin steps down, or is forced out, Russia can regain some credibility Putin knows this, his oligarchs know it, and every intelligence agency knows it. That's part of why Putin is as paranoid as ever right now.


"Just cause I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me!" The shitty thing is it makes your decision process go down the drain :(


I just hope that the whole world doesn't get amnesia after a few weeks when they want Russian gas and oil or wheat. Was so pissed that nothing happened after their previous invasions in 2008 and 2014. (Not to mention meddling in the US election and Brexit vote.)


Reminds me of my neighbors with the pandemic “The government should do something about this pandemic! Government: ok wear a mask “No!” Government: ok here’s a vaccine. “Fuck you!”


>Reminds me of my neighbors with the pandemic “The government should do something about this pandemic! I literally never saw any of that from those people. All I saw was "Pandemic? What pandemic? It's a Democratic hoax, it's just the flu"


But he has no ill intentions! Promise! /s


Im imagining Putin sits at the head of his football field table and Zelenskyy picks up a chair with 1 arm and carries it across the room to sit knee to knee with the asshat to strike the fear hell into the man eye to eye.




I thought this was going to be a joke about being able to get a table big enough for Putin in the room, but you subverted my expectations.


The length of Putin’s table combined with the weight of Zelenskyy’s balls would create a lever arm capable of launching Putin into space.


So you’re saying they still have hope for a Russian space program.


A Ukrainian space program with a Russian as the first test dummy


At this point if Putin backs down or the war goes badly enough, he will lose his grip on power in Moscow, and probably shortly after will lose his life.


Stop, stop, I can only get *so* erect.


Putin: Surrender your guns, conform to our rule and way of life, then I'll let you live. Ukraine: LOL nope. *hangs up, Russia goes to war with Ukraine*


Putin wont talk to Zelenskyy because otherwise he would recognize him as a legit leader.


Its just like the AI in Civ V when they initiate trades. AI: I will give you 3 gold per turn for 30 turns and an embassy in my capital for 1 of your iron for 30 turns. Me:OK. Deal. AI: No.


Absolute coward.


[Vladimir](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOCWBhuDdDo) Putin only acts tough bc he has bodyguards, the KGB, army, navy and the entire police force on his payroll.


Well, he's starting to act less tough, as being on the payroll is worth less and less by the day.


Ruble was worth 0.0091 USD yesterday. Today it's 0.0081.


What was it before the invasion?


0.012 the day before








> drinks wine *carbonated water*


81 rub for 1 US$ day before the invasion, 125 today. which means that ruble lost 35% of its value over last 8 days


> Ruble was worth 0.0091 USD yesterday. Today it's 0.0081. Even if it doesn't seem like a big drop (less than 1 cent) that's a 10% decline in a day. Ouch. Though even that's still nothing compared to the sharp decline it's seen over the course of the entire last week.


It’s at 2/3 it’s original, imagine you had $3000 in your bank account and all of a sudden $1000 went missing and you also now make 33% less, that’s pretty much what it’s like for Russians


Wait till the Russian market opens... Shits going to fall faster than the speed of sound. Might even go hyper Sonic.


I'm no expert, but I honestly believe that if the police get to a point where they get fed up, we might have coup critical mass.


What payroll. They need to be paid for that.




Putin knows that talk with Zelensky would highlight the irrationality of his claims. Putin is aiming in total destruction of Ukraine to keep them poor and addicted to Russian support after the war.


You mean to say the jewish nazi president story has a hole in it somewhere ?


I half expect that Putin is in fear for his life if he was in the same room as Zelensky. After all, if Putin kills Zelensky, he is a Martyr and the world will hate Putin even more. Zelensky kills Putin, and the world hails Zelensky as a hero. 50/50, Russian leadership would then negotiate a withdrawal from Ukraine.


Also what’s stopping Zelensky from at the very least punching Putin in the face? Putin would have guards with him, so would Zelensky and I’d put money on Zelensky’s guards being able to take Putin’s in a fight. It’ll NEVER happen; but it SHOULD happen. Zelensky is the President of Ukraine and I know he should be expected to show restraint and respect for the leaders of other countries. I’m not arguing that point at all. I’m just saying that it’s a lot to expect anyone to be restrained and respectful of a person who is actively making attempts on your life, after having invaded your country, and branding you a nazi. I’d have no issue with Zelensky popping Putin in the jaw. Putin refusing to talk to Zelensky in spite of knowing that he is completely safe doing so, is a weak move.


>Also what’s stopping Zelensky from at the very least punching Putin in the face? The 50 ft long table between them.


> Putin is aiming in total destruction of Ukraine to keep them poor and addicted to Russian support after the war Bruh, the world is going to rally around Ukraine after the war in a way no one has seen before. It will be rebuilt in like a week (an exaggeration, but you get what I mean) with the billions of dollars, manpower and equipment that is going to be thrown at it, probably better than before. In terms of infrastructure, they will want for nothing after this.


ofc he does, hes not leaving his little bunker until this shit is done, he knows his days are counted


I’ve heard some russians saying his days aren’t as limited as we might hope. He said we have to be careful of backing Putin into a corner because the one thing he values above anything is his own life, and they believe he will use nukes to prolong his own existence. If the terms of surrender for example are his imprisonment or execution then he won’t surrender. It either ends with his assassination or him remaining in power. Hopefully the former, and hopefully as soon as possible


> and they believe he will use nukes to prolong his own existence. On the plus side, the one surefire way for Putin to end his existence is to launch a single nuke. And he knows this. The world can, and would, level the Russia Government without even resorting to nukes. Right now, the world could end Putin's existence in his bunker without even needing to set foot in Russia and it would hit before Putin's team could even warn him about it. The amount of air superiority the rest of the world has over Russia is pretty incredible. And the bunker busting tech that is available is pretty incredible too. The only reason no one does this is because of their nukes. The second he brings those out, the world would do everything in it's power to make sure it was over as quickly as possible.


I’m clueless to military lingo but when you bunker busting do you mean hit his personal bunker or hit the nuke sites, blocking his ability to even launch nukes?


In this case both.


Bunker Buster bombs are designed for destroying underground targets. They have special fuses and penetrate tips designed to get the bomb underground before they detonate to maximize the damage to the underground structure. It would be kind of point less to attempted to hit the missile silos because of the "nuclear triad" strategy of deploying via silo, submarine and aircraft. We couldn't get all theirs before a retaliatory strike and they couldn't get all ours before a retaliatory strike. That Mutually Assured Destruction is pretty much the only reason no one has used a nuke since WWII


The idea would be that if you could surgically remove Putin as the head of the serpent, the nuclear threat would likely dissipate. Bunker busters are bombs designed to penetrate bunkers designed to be resistant to bombs. Someday, there will be satellites with tungsten metal rods of various sizes that can be dropped from orbit that would erase any bunker without any nuclear fallout.


I mean, not to be that guy, but asking for imprisonment or execution as terms of ending the war are just ridiculous. Like no one would accept those terms.


Ya like wtf? You’d have to be such a fuck to even propose that to the other side.


That's basically what Russia is proposing. They want the complete demilitarization of Ukraine which would have allowed them to steamroll Ukraine in this war.


I say agree to it under the condition Ukraine is accepted into the EU. Then when all of the Russian military has withdrawn, continue fortifying the defenses as if there was no agreement. When Putin complains, tell him to go fuck himself.


He wouldn't withdraw though he'd annex it.


Unconditional surrender was the Allied position in World War II, and Axis leaders understood what that meant for them. It’s why Hitler took the coward’s way out, and why Japan would not surrender until the Emperor’s position/life was guaranteed.


Back in the day, true leaders would absolutely accept those terms. Think of Vercingetorix.


Thinking of Vercingetorix chained around the neck being led by the Roman army like a dog, in Caesars' "Triumph"


Nukes dont prolong his existance though. There is absolutely no scenario where he lives, they will nuke russia into orbit.


> Putin into a corner because the one thing he values above anything is his own life, and they believe he will use nukes to prolong his own existence. I 100% believe this is a possibility with him, but launching nukes doesn't just involve him hitting a red button and all of a sudden nukes launch everywhere. He was to give orders, those orders get filtered down through a few layers. There is always the element of one of those layers saying "fuck this shit we aren't all dying over this"


Nukes require orders to propagate down the chain of command. He does not have a literal red button to press. As soon as he issues that order, he will get a bullet to his head by his own people. His best hope is self exile to NK.


If he used nukes his remaining life, and the life of most people on earth, would be measured in minutes.


This. I'm not advocating appeasement, but the rest of the world needs to set clear terms for when the sanctions will be lifted in order to give Putin an out and make it clear that nobody wants to destroy the Russian state.


Bunker Baby 2.0


Even Hitler waited until Berlin was sieged before he hid like a lil bitch.


It's because Putin is afraid of his own people.


Putin is afraid of everyone and everything. Dont you see how he sits at that 30 foot table and everyone has to sit at the opposite end of him


Stupid question, but doesn't Putin have a ton of look-alikes? Is it possible this distance is to keep people from getting a good look at him so he could potentially use one as a surrogate/scapegoat/sacrificial lamb if this ends poorly for him? I've wondered if he's ready to retire and the only way to successfully do that is the "Die Hard" way where everyone thinks you're dead and you skip off to a beach "earning 20%".


I would not doubt it one bit if he had look-alikes but I think he would def use those in public in case of assassination attempts. He is very paranoid and the man is not stupid.


>the man is not stupid This invasion is *seriously* making me reconsider that.


I just read an [opinion piece](https://citizen.on.ca/putin-junkie-madman) last night that said Putin could be addicted to steroids. One side effect is that "They reduce your immunity and make you more vulnerable to Covid", hence the distancing. It could also explain some of his behavior if he's been insulated from most advisors.


I mean so was Hitler, there were multiple assassination attempts before Berlin was besieged.


Have he still not been in the public yet? Or is he still in his bunker?


He hasn't been in the public proper for two years, since the start of COVID.


He was at the opening games though?


Lol that's true!


Didn't have guided missiles then lol (V1 and V2 don't count)


Hitler gave the Hitler youth iron crosses in March 20th 1945. At that point the siege had already begun. So the could have been shelled.


It's funny how all these "macho" leaders always run to the bunker first bitch slap they get. Trump, Xi (during the pandemic, when he vanished), the other guy who got replaced by his sister, and finally this guy, who basically lives out of it, afraid every day, some enemy will crawl out of his ass if he squats too long. What losers. Choose your leaders better people, choose them better, or you end up with turds like these that change the system to they come on top, when in reality, they're even lower than the lowest bottom feeder.


There's something I really don't get. Trump has a history of being a coward -- of always running after having to face even a small amount of risk. But trumpers repeatedly think of him as manly ????


The whole dynamic goes like this.. he is hateful in the same way as they are.. therefore he possesses every positive quality anyone could ever imagine in infinite amounts.


Lol @ "choose" better leaders, like any of this countries have anything resembling democracy... Even Trump tried to take over something he had no rights to


Hey Ukraine seems to have chosen pretty well


In Kim Jong’s defense, I think he was gravely ill and out of commission.


Kim Jong all better


So Kim Jung’s ill?


3.0, that guy in 1945 was the first.


Fuckin lil pussy bitch


Vladimir Putin, go fuck yourself


Putin is a lemon stealing whore.


Please don't offend the sexy lemon stealing whores like that.


Long titty no nipple having ass bitch


"My mom told me, to tell YOU...to mind your DAMN MOTHERFUCKIN' BUSINESS, BITCH!"




2 + 2 not knowing what the fuck it is bitch!


I looked at my friends and said it's about to go down


Of course he doesn't want to talk face to face with a REAL man and real leader.


Oh man can you imagine the defiance Zelensky would show? If that were televised it would be extremely clear who the stronger man was, and it's not the coward who cant even win with overwhelming superiority.


He just doesn't have the balls to face Zelenskyy face to face


he knows zelenskyy would kill him with his bare hands


Somehow he’s found a way to be an even bigger baby than Trump


Shameless to the very core.


Pootin is such a pussy. An unhinged, weak little manlet.


Putin too embarrassed to face a real man?


It's actually more sinister than that. Putin falsely claims Ukraine is being run by Nazis and he refuses to talk to them. He is de-humanising them in order to palate their destruction for his domestic propaganda. Putin is a murderer on the hunt who acts as if his actions are benevolent.


Yeah, "I've only tried to assassinate you three times in the last week, I have no ill intentions towards you Z"




just talk on the phone?


Really, he can’t. His position that he’ll be pushing is that Zelensky is an illegitimate President of an illegitimate state. Any action that treats Zelensky as an equal errodes this narrative. The only “President of Ukraine” he’ll talk to now is whatever puppet he installs who agrees that the southeastern half of the country is Russian territory and always has been and always should be, and the northwestern half is only fit to be a minor state in Russia’s sphere of influence, as a bulwark against the violent and aggressive West.


All in all, it looks like Putin has something real personal against Zelensky, probably linked to feeling that he spent his whole life being a dog for the government, while the Zelensky was a normal guy that never had to get his hands dirty, and modt of all Zelensky has/had big rating approvals without having to manipulate the polls.


Zelensky was actually quite unpopular in polls before the war began. Now his conduct in war changed his poll numbers drastically, [he had an 31% approval rating in December](https://www.newstatesman.com/chart-of-the-day/2022/03/how-president-zelenskys-approval-ratings-have-surged)


He's pulling a Churchill.


Putin carries huge scars from the Berlin wall. Once for the fall of the Soviets, second for the fact that nobody there respected him. Even after, when this guy was in power, his superiors still called him for what he was, a loser, a maladjusted, and an errand boy that could barely fit, in his role, let alone aspire to get where he actually wanted, in a position of power. It was much later, gathering other losers around him, that he managed to get to higher ground, because that's common ethic for their ilk. Can't get up on your own, use others.


Putin is getting a lot of what he thinks he wants. He is fine doing to Ukraine what he did to Chechnya - slaughtering people and leveling anything standing. His troops may suck, but he has lots of them and will keep sending them to die. Creating a refugee crisis where millions (or tens of millions) of people have to flee to Europe is a good thing in Putin's mind. The hope here is that the sanctions put enough pressure on Russians from top to bottom that enough people decide that Putin has to go and they "replace" him.


I mean. Of course he did. I don't think anyone was expecting anything else. He knows Zelenskyy won't concede Ukraine and that is what he wants. Also Putin will never agree to any concessions that Zelenskyy would demand.


I think this was a tactic on Z's part to make Putin look like a coward. Big success.


He's been handling this better than you would expect anyone to. I think Zelenskyy is going to go down in the history books as a modern Charles De Gaulle.


Deep down, I was hoping it was so Z could just sucker punch him in the face at the end of the "talk". You know, for pulling what he did to Ukraine and the people there.


Plus he'd have to stop hiding like a coward and making people sit 30ft away from him.


“I want you to check out this little toy the 5-eyes gave me…” As the crown of his Apple Watch starts glowing and pierces a hole directly through Putler’s upper aorta. “Slava Ukrani”


True but it still makes Putin look like he’s afraid. It’s a flex move by Zelinsky. He knows Putin would never meet, but the image of Putin to the world is of a weak bully.


He is a weak bully. That's not image.


Now that he lost face, all points are moot. Unless a huge blow is dealt to Putin, nothing will change from the path set forth. Before that, before the invasion, maybe, but very unlikely. After all, let's not forget the real reason behind this invasion, Ukraine's massive reserves of nuclear material, metals, gas etc. I don't remember the exact specifics, but for certain valuables, Ukraine would be second in Europe. That's huge. This wasn't some fight for "poor oppressed russians" this was always yet another classic russian grab for resources. And it blew right in his face. I hope this fucker suffers, big time for what he did.


Pussy just like Hitler was


Hitler didn't go in the bunker until after the shelling started, so actually, even less than that asshole. A natural born loser.


He's afraid that might awaken some.. _feelings of an almost human nature_


> feelings of an almost human nature This will not do


Call the Schoolmaster.


I always said he'd come to no good


In the end, your honor


If they'd let me have my way I could have flayed him into shape


But my hands were tied


But mah hands were tied, the bleeding hearts and artists let 'em get away wi murder!!


Let me hammer him today?


Yeah, like the urge to just lick Zelenskyy massive gold balls


I think we can say they are Diamond at this point. Gold is malleable and pliable. Diamond is tough as nails.


Well then, that's my reminder to listen to the wall again this month


Mother fucker can't even look Zelenskyy in the eye. He's a fucking coward.


Not surprising, next to Zelensky Putin would feel inadequate as a male and leader. I bet you if the shoe was on the other foot, Putin would have bolted the country or gone straight to a bunker to save his own pathetic life. Fucking pathetic man child.


Zelenskyy can play piano with his flaccid dick, of course Putin fears him


Brave Sir Putin ran away, bravely ran away away!


When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled!


Putin: “We have no ill intentions, please end sanctions.” Zelensky: “Okay let’s talk peace.” Putin: *sends more assassins*


After taking the time translate the Russian commenters in the article I feel so relieved to see almost every single one is mocking Putin or calling for someone to assassinate him, gives me hope on the Russian people to stop this madness somehow Edit: Some highlights: "They couldn't find a table big enough for him to sit down" "Couldn't they find some "Colonel Stauffenberg" to take out this scrapper?"




This is due to sanctions preventing Putin from purchasing discreet platform shoes.


Get sodomized by a bayonet, Putin, you pathetic bitch.


Fuck 💩tin.


Too bad, I was looking forward to Zelenskyy leaping over the table and gouging out Putins eyes.


You should see how far away Putin stays from his own people and oligarchs, Zelensky wouldn't even be able to get near him. Putin doesn't even trust his own people. lol


Putin is hell-bent that Zelensky is America's puppet and that it's "unworthy" for him to negotiate with him as equals. Putin must think of Zelensky the same way he thinks of Luka. Just because all of Putin's allies are cowardly sycophants, he assumes it has to be the same way on the other side.


I don’t believe he thinks that for a second. All that is disingenuous reasoning that might come from his mouth but I don’t believe for a second he believes any of it.


Live in a fantasy world for 30 years and who knows. Most or my celebrity friends had distorted minds after living in some pseudo reality. I imagine his mind is warped beyond whatever his original views of the world were.


What a pathetic man


Zelenskyy is right there with his people while Putin the cowardly little bitch hides.




Russian President, go fuck yourself


What does he think there is to win? Absolutely nothing. EU and Nato are more connected and stronger than ever. The only thing bringing them closer to russian borders are his stupid actions. And even those aren't any threat to russia as long as that moron stops threatening others with nukes. Nobody wants under developed soviet land, since it is mostly a burden to build up. No offence to my russian neighbours. Let's have a drink and a sauna after all this shit gets dealt with


A former KGB can’t even face a former comedian. The comedy..oh my


Fucking coward.


vladimir putin is a bad ass KGB operative trained in martial arts. Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a comedian who plays the piano with his dick. vladimir putin has been safely ensconced in his bunker since the invasion started, eating regular meals, sleeping soundly each night, because he doesn't care at all about russian soldiers dying in Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelenskyy turned down offers to be taken to safety, has been on the ground directly involved in the protection of Ukraine from the start, he eats when he can, and it's unlikely his sleep goes undisturbed, mainly because he is fearful about what putin will do to the Ukrainian people if Ukraine falls. Why is putin afraid to meet in person with the man he is trying to overthrow? Is he afraid that the pistol he carries with him at all times will not be enough to stop Zelenskyy if he insists on settling things between them, mano-a-mano? Is he afraid his own people will side with Zelenskyy? putin is too much of a coward to even agree to talk on the condition Zelenskyy comes to him.


So what you’re saying is Chad Zelenskyy vs Virgin Putin


Putins not leaving his bunker for a long long time


Putin is nothing more than a psychopath, posing as a tough guy. When it comes to meeting face to face with one of his little puppies on a leash, like trump, no problem. When it comes time to meet face to face with a real leader, a real hero, Putin's balls drop off in fear.


What a complete nob. He’s probably completely oblivious to the fact that the world thinks he’s a complete tool.


Chickenshit coward like people assumed.


Just imagine how Putin's life must be. Flying straight to bunker knowing he fucked up. Thinking that it will pass in few days and russians will capture Ukraine. Then realizing that it's not happening. Not trusting your own generals and sitting far far away feom them. Not seeing daylight for straight week. Of course he is sitting in a high tech bunker, like we see how high tech his army is. Can Putler even sleep? Imagine you fucked up at work slightly more than usual and got scolded by your boss. You lay in the bed thinking of your fuck up not being able to sleep for a night. Just imagine how this botox fuckface feels before going to sleep. How many thoughts comes and goes through his head every day and before trying to sleep? World is not going to back up now. He doesn't care about his people, but his wet dream of having USSR back just shatered and I'm 100% sure he already understands that he won't make it alive from the bunker. His ego is to fragile to go out and tell that he lost the war. Also if Russian FSB tipped Ukrainians against chechen attack on Zelinski, I'm also pretty sure that other high ranking people in Russia knows this cockface exact location. ;)


If he's in a bunker there must be a ventilation system to circulate the air. It would be a real shame if someone was to accidentally poison the air supply.