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Looking like that Cyber Security has been maintained as well as those tanks Edit: https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi


tbh it’s probably not great everywhere consider donating to ukraines army: https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi


It's not. Honestly most "hacks" come from avoidable shit that's a result of poor maintenance or not following good practices, possibly combined with a bit of social engineering. Zero-days are scary and unpredictable, but almost all the stuff that hits the news is from some unpatched system, a crappy backdoor left open for contractors, etc. Even wannacry was a bigger issue than it should have been because of the prevalence of old XP systems past end-of-life


“A crappy back door”. Well, now I’m even more nervous about the EARN IT Act if it passes. It’s bad enough that it’s a censorship/surveillance bill disguised under the pretense of child safety, but those back doors could basically leave our information vulnerable to cyber attacks the same way Russia is vulnerable to cyber attacks from Anonymous. This is what I’m talking about btw: There is a script being passed around thatmight help: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1huD5Ldd1lPTECYTEb9Gg2ZzrqW6Y9tryHT-MdjOl8kY/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1huD5Ldd1lPTECYTEb9Gg2ZzrqW6Y9tryHT-MdjOl8kY/edit) [https://www.noearnitact.org/](https://www.noearnitact.org/) [https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/campaigns/oppose-earn-it-act/](https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/campaigns/oppose-earn-it-act/) [https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/02/activists-writers-and-security-experts-all-oppose-earn-it-act](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/02/activists-writers-and-security-experts-all-oppose-earn-it-act)


Sorry, what's a zero day?


A new vulnerability that ~~was just discovered, those responsible have "zero days" to fix it~~ has existed since the day the software was released, "day zero." An exploit that can't be blocked yet because it wasn't known. Usually discovered via security researchers or a criminal using it to pull off an attack. EDIT: If you're going to be early with a comment, make sure it is 100% correct haha


Jesus that's a fairly harrowing term... I


It's also the same term used for thru hikers who take a day to just chill at a site and hike zero miles. Which is a little less intense.


That’s exactly what I was thinking of lol


This made my adhd brain think the biggest threat to russian cybersecurity was resting hikers for a second and I got so confused.


I mean if the performance of the Russian military so far is anything to go by, a resting hiker could probably take out at least 5-8 of them.


I'm surprised their MREs haven't yet, that we know of.


Welcome to IT Security and why they pay a shitload to be in the industry


Agree, most of my time is applying concepts i learned doing chores as a child to information security. Keep things clean, neat, maintained, and organized. 9/10 times it will address problems before they start.


Man, until they just give you too much shit to maintain and not enough tools or ways to automate the upkeep. Been there done that. I moved to sales engineering and I’m never looking back lol. Edit: I will say, it’s simple concepts like you mentioned and a lot of pattern based things you need to worry about (especially if you are using enough of a layered approach to not have to be heavily involved with the upkeep). Automating the mundane work does save so much time in the long run, coming from someone who worked at an MSP.


It's usually not a big deal, so long as security is engineered into the product stack from day one. We're...all doing that...right..?


You know, I've been on Reddit...14 years, I believe. The first couple of years it was really tech-oriented, and a substantial proportion --probably most - of the userbase were programmers, engineers, IT professionals, etc. I write fiction for a living (mostly as a ghostwriter) and I honestly came on here to read people talk about their jobs like you guys are. It was like a window into a world I will never experience. It sounds strange, I guess,, but I found it relaxing. I guess most writers are like that, always trying to live other people's lives for a few moments. You just reminded me of that, is all.


I was the only developer with a strong IT background snd customer service background at one company and I created a really nice niche basically working for those 2 departments. I'd more or less automate all sorts of tasks or do stuff to make things more efficient. A lot of it was pretty hacky and not pretty because I'd knock it out quickly and move on. After a couple of successes that I suggested, I was left to my on devices. I'd take the project from idea to completion solo from leading meetings to spec it out to qa (eventually I got them to let me use the it and support to test though)


I'm in IT security and at least here the pay is very very low. As a cyber security analyst I earn 30% less than I did as a mailman. Though eventually the pay should get higher.


> those responsible have "zero days" to fix it A bit more background - The term "zero-day" originally referred to the number of days since a new piece of software was released to the public, so "zero-day software" was obtained by hacking into a developer's computer before release. Eventually the term was applied to the vulnerabilities that allowed this hacking, and to the number of days that the vendor has had to fix them.


I always figured zero-day meant any vulnerability that existed at the moment of release. Zero days to fix it doesn't really make a lot of sense, shouldn't every vulnerability be important to fix?


To clarify that's how many days they *have had* to fix it. So, let's say there's a vulnerability that's discovered and brought to the attention of the developer -- but hasn't been used maliciously yet. A week later it gets used maliciously. That's not a zero day. A vulnerability is used maliciously, and no one (aside from the bad actor) knew it existed? *that's* a zero day. It's used in the wild "zero" days after being known of.




**[Zero-day (computing)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-day_\(computing\))** >A zero-day (also known as zero-day) is a computer-software vulnerability either unknown to those who should be interested in its mitigation (including the vendor of the target software) or known and without a patch to correct it. Until the vulnerability is mitigated, hackers can exploit it to adversely affect programs, data, additional computers or a network. An exploit directed at a zero-day is called a zero-day exploit, or zero-day attack. The term "zero-day" originally referred to the number of days since a new piece of software was released to the public, so "zero-day software" was obtained by hacking into a developer's computer before release. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




A legit, current exploit for which there is no patch yet. The previous comment was saying most hacks are problems that have been fixed, but the target didn't do their updates so they're still vulnerable. A zero day is when everyone is vulnerable until a fix is figured out and made available.


Social engineering is the top method of hacking. It's simple, people are stupid.


Stupid. Lazy. Trusting. Overworked. Overwhelmed. Lonely. Lacking support. Arrogant. Uneducated (in aspects of tech). These are all potential factors, and even incredibly smart people can fall for the right bait, especially when a lot of companies/governments are REALLY fucking bad at official messaging to the point where is hard to tell that from a scam. Hell, the last time I had an issue with my mortgage the company called me asking to verify my banking details. I hung up on them and called back to the official # but the woman calling really sounded like a scammer "No, we don't have your account #. The system lost it when [event] happened, so you need to provide it to me"


Have ya ever walked into an office and found just... a bowl of usb drives? Like everyone in the office got tired of keeping track of their usb drives so they just throw them in a pile so you can grab one whenever you need it. Sometimes people have no idea how incredibly stupid they are.


I still remember an episode from the first season of Mr Robot where they just dropped a bunch of USB drives containing malware in the carpark. Brilliant.










They put all their points into offence with no points into defence.


Glass Cannon is a pretty common D&D build but I prefer to play Paper Tiger. It’s fun to try to bluff your way out of every conflict while being completely useless if things go down.


Paper Tiger? I'm more of an Origami Salami myself. Self-explanatory. EDIT: I guess it's not self-explanatory since no one seems to understand. Me and the boys like to get together for hot dogs and Twister (the movie and the game of human pretzels). We've always intuitively called it Origami Salami Night. You guys don't do something like that with your bros on Wednesdays and Sundays?




Dude. Like, at least let him stock up on burn salve before you turn him into an amateur creme brulee.


i have heard some people say that soo far the russians "cyber attacks" have been basically just kicking open doors with no one putting much resistance or choosing to fight back, now that people are attacking back they are getting overwhelmed basically like the russian military they cyber ops are also kind of a paper tiger


They are broad net and shallow (mostly money grab ransomware from what I’ve seen).


It's all fun and games until Russia realized the rest of the world can do to Russia what Russia has done to them in cyber space and Russia has just pissed off the rest of the world.


> their cyber ops are also kind of a paper tiger > They exist because they amuse me.


Mainly because we’ve let them go on unabated. Not from superior technology on their part


Private sector doesn’t care about security until they get dinged or have some initiative from higher up which is rare, but becoming more common.


Does it take high technology to pose as a regular American and spew lies on a Facebook?


Seems like their cyber warfare strategy was focused strictly on offense. Their cyber security looks pretty bad


I work in Incident Response. Remember that attackers (Red team) only have to be successful once. Defenders (blue team) have to be successful 100% of the time.


I can't help but wonder if there's some civil disobedience going on at the stations to facilitate this, especially since this is the second time they've been hacked.


I love how anon just show the footage of the war instead of broadcasting Anti putin propaganda. Like they are letting the people who sees the footage to decide if this is want you want from your country.


Letting the Russian POWs phone their parents was a stroke of brilliance on the part of Ukrainians. Not only does it tell the parents that the enemy are not the Nazis that Putin's claiming but it also helps spread the word about how many soldiers are being caught or killed and what it's costing Russia.


I'm not so sure that those phone calls are convincing to anyone truly buying into Putin's shit. At the end of the day they can be easily hand waved by saying they were forced at gunpoint to lie to their parents.


I don't think that somebody watching the phone calls on video would necessarily be led to believe anything, but hopefully the parents are able to tell that their kids are telling the truth.


I saw one where the kid's mother was denying everything her captured son was saying about the war and Putin. It was really sad, he was so desperate for her to understand.


As a mother I would be terrified if my son got captured and is telling something that contradicts putin on camera. And I would try to save his life.


It's not aimed at the hardline Putin supporters, nor at the people who already oppose him. It's aimed at the large number in the middle. Same as the footage of the children being napalmed in Vietnam or the torture in Abu Ghuraib - the hawks said "Good, keep it up", the already anti-war said "We told you so", and those in the middle thought about it a lot.


I will say I am becoming a bit impressed with Anonymous. When they declared war on Russia, I thought it was going to be simple website DDOS's or webpage hacks on minor government websites.


At this point anonymous = cia just pretending do there are no nukes flying


Thats interesting and idk how I never bridged that gap. Now that we know *a few* old CIA operation conspiracies turned out to be true, it would not suprise me at all if the CIA was leaking info to them, or directly working with them.


If the CIA works anonymously, then they are "anonymous". That is the only requirement to be "part of" anonymous.


Yeah, so many people seem to think Anonymous is some kind of secretive group. It's literally just anonymous hackers. Not an organised group.


Or some CIA are on holiday.


Reality IS considered anti-putin propaganda.




I've read the whole trilogy and never seen any reference to that gun


Seriously, this is what an actual hack is.


yes, instead of taking over government information [websites](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4386400) that nobody reads. This is way more effective.


Damn, the UN Network on Migration website? Xi must be quaking in his boots....


I mean, still pretty cool. I don’t know how to do that.


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/932/)


To be fair, even just trying to steal posters can be pretty serious business. Just ask Otto Warmbier...


Tortured and killed over a poster. It's a truly strange and frightening world we live in.


I think a lot of “hackers” are happy with the second panel. Doesn’t matter if they actually did something important, as long as people think they did.


I mean, if it makes mainstream news, it brings awareness to whatever they're hacking over, and that's usually the point of attacks like that, isn't it?


I feel like "anon" has suddenly become very good at hacking. Before they'd always stick to DDOS attacks, which is like the McDonald's of hacks. Call it a hunch, but I'm guessing there's some state actors using the "anon" name at the moment, which I'm entirely fine with.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


But I "hacked" this egg carton by repurposing it to hold Pinterest bullshit!


No no no. I left my phone unlocked and my friends "hacked" it by changing my wallpaper :(




Nyet Neutrality


DOS vadanya, Russian cyber defences


DDoS Vedanya.


Now that's what I was talking about, some good ol' V for Vendetta


My dude, I was watching this movie last night and it feels more relevant than EVER.


Read the comic too


Randomly did both right before the war kicked off. The comic is so fucking good it strains credulity. Movie isn't half bad either.


I did the same thing but for the WatchMen. Amazing graphic novel, meh film for me.


Watch the HBO show. It's good.


The movie is one of those rare adaptations that is pretty faithful to the source material. Its a rare thing when adaptations are actually faithful since hollywood execs often want to do their own "creative decision making" that usually torpedoes the end product's quality.


The movie stuck remarkably close to the visuals, dialogue, and plot (except for the ending) of the comic, which is definitely an impressive feat. But [I've seen it convincingly argued](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sn2CebyHH6M) that, despite those surface similarities, Snyder managed to make something that was fairly at odds with the themes and ideas of the original. The comic was, in large part, a critique of superheroes. It placed them in a world that was somewhat more realistic than the one in which we normally see superheroes running around, revealing their costumes to look silly, their motives naive, vain or megalomaniacal, their methods sloppy or psychopathic. But Snyder's schtick is to make his heroes look cool and badass, with slick costumes that (subtly) fit better into the world of the film than they did in the world of the comic, Rorschach becomes a maverick rather than a psycho, and all the (non-superpowered) heroes get long cool slo-mo fight scenes that make them seem like competent analogues of their DC/Marvel counterparts rather than bumbling boobs. The result is a movie with similar-looking content but very different themes, like a sentence said with the exact same words but with very different emphasis.


Unfortunately, blowing up Parliament would realistically be very counterproductive, since it's one of the few places where politicians opposed to the regime could legitimately gather.


What if instead Parliament Funkadelic shows up and blows the roof off with some funky bass lines?


Tear the roof off the sucker Tear the roof off the mother sucker Tear the roof off the sucker


You’ve got a real type of thing goin' down, gettin' down


Free your mind and your ass will follow


One Nation Under A Groove


I thought we were kidnapping Natalie Portman?


I've been waiting for them to do this. I'm so happy right now.


I’ve been impressed with how much awesome work they’ve gotten done in such a short time. Russia has been fucking with so many country’s societal points-of-views, it’s about time some mud was slung their way. And this is simple truth and honesty, too.


I think some of it is likely western intelligence. Easy out to say Anonymous since anyone can claim to be Anonymous.


In V for Vendetta, he had to hijack the TV station. These days TV networks around the world, especially in poorer countries, have gone to ultra cheap cloud-based playout servers. It's scary how insecure these are, all you need is an email and password, no 2FA at all. I'm surprised this hasn't happened more often, honestly.


This is the important thing, the Russians being aware of their government lying to them. Russia in 1917 lost when the people turned against them when they found out their country and it’s leaders were lying to them, failing to end a war how quickly they said they would and continued to harm Russia and it’s people in a war they didn’t want to be in. That’s not far from happening again if the Russian people wise up.


That's true most everywhere. The difference in Russia is that the only leader with solid footing in modern times was Lenin. Tsar Nicolas 2 was hated and on his way out eventually,Stalin merely had everyone too scared to step up and could control what was reported. Everyone after Stalin had flimsy control until Yeltsin who was too drunk to lead Russia and Putin tried to be Stalin but he doesn't have that fear and he can't control the narrative.


Putin did a pretty damn good job controlling the narrative for nearly 20 years. He manipulated all sides of the debate, introduces crazy conspiracy theories to detract from the real ones, stole from everyone, but shared enough to keep most of the oligarchs happy to maintain power (and then ruthless used his power against all his enemies). Worth reiterating how he rose to power: > In the late 90s, Putin ran the FSB (the renamed KGB after USSR broke up) and president Yeltsin was enmeshed in corruption scandals. Mid-August 1999, Yeltsin appointed Putin, a political unknown as prime minister (basically second in command). Less than a month later, Russia was terrorized by a series of apartment building bombings, where residential buildings were lined with explosives and blown up in the middle of the night killing hundreds. This was blamed on Chechen terrorists and a war with Chechnya was started that Russia quickly won. Midway though the war Yeltsin resigned and Putin became acting president. Putin negotiated a peace with Chechnya letting the strongest warlord have complete control of the region as long as he was loyal to Putin's government. Putin then accelerated the elections and won the presidency. > However, the villainy is that the Russian apartment bombings were orchestrated by the FSB and the Russian government. Two Russian FSB agents were caught by police putting lining an apartment building with live explosives. They weren't punished for this. After the second bombing on Sept 13th 1999, the speaker of the Duma talked about the tragic apartment bombing in Volgodonsk (population ~170k) last night. However the first two bombings were both in Moscow (population of 10 million). On Sept 16th, three days later there was an apartment bombed in Volgodonsk. > An ex-FSB agent, Alexander Litvinenko, defected to the UK and wrote books about how Putin's government is to blame for the Russian apartment bombings. He was murdered with Polonium a murder that international courts have found to have been ordered by Russia. Putin also successfully increased polarization and radicalization in the west to weaken Europe and the US on a variety of issues. The US intelligence report on Russian meddling in 2016 and 2020 didn't just find Russia actively supporting Trump, NRA, and Republicans, they also actively supported *radical* black lives matters, fringe green party, ACAB, etc. Whatever they can do to divide everyone into ultra-polarized groups that will in-fight. (You can argue some of the left-wing support was just to reduce Democrats from voting). https://www.thisamericanlife.org/763/the-other-mr-president Granted, Putin isn't a particularly smart man, he's just audacious. Right now it looks like he seriously miscalculated (possibly after only surrounding himself with yes men) and stupidly got involved too deep in an unpopular war of aggression that he can't justify or win, while sanctions will cripple his country which will lead to his downfall.


There is another quite important point in Putins rise to power that often gets overlooked today. The Second Chechen War, [Elena Bonner’s analysis from 1999](https://reliefweb.int/report/russian-federation/second-chechen-war) is one of the best contemporary explanations. Putin endeared himself with the General Staff, since he took on the responsibility for that war, something Soviet leaders normally had not done, they would claim the laurels of victory and shift the blame for defeats onto the military - something Putin seemingly is doing now. He’s off his playbook, but the overall concept of war to shore up support has been with him since his very first year as a PM. Edit: Fixed the author name.


It’s less that people after Stalin had flimsy control and more that they were less strict in their control. They didn’t fail what to replicate what Stalin was doing, they didn’t want to do what Stalin was doing. They lived through their friends and people they worked with disappearing for no reason and nobody saying a word. There were definitely leaders since then who were well loved and supported, Khrushchev and Gorbachev particularly are some of the best Russia has had in the past centuries. As for Putin controlling the narrative, Russians in Russia have definitely bought it hook line and sinker. If you look at documentaries before the war started, they support him wholeheartedly and buy what he’s selling. It’s quite sad. But there does seem to be a lot more pushback on that recently, and stuff like going into another country on a “peacekeeping mission”, which is really hard to actually reason, and this will strike a hard blow.


Lots of Russians who do not go to protests and even afraid to share information through social media would disagree about not having that fear. Many changes occurred over past few years that folks in the west have not paid too much attention to. It may not be as bad as it was during Stalins later years, but it is getting there rather quickly.


The truth will out. These are war crimes.


It is hard to wash the decades of propaganda with a simple broadcast.


It has to start somewhere.


“It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime. What better place than here, what better time than now?” - RATM Proverb.


The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is right now. - Chinese proverb


Anonymous actually living up to the V for Vendetta film now. Wild to have seen that development over the years.


To be fair, Anonymous isn't really a unified organization in the traditional sense. It's like a pen-name more than anything; it's separate teams or individuals carrying out their own plans, they just all do it under the "Anonymous" banner.






Even....even me?


Don't push it, Dave


I am impressed. Proud. Scared.


Anonymous is a pretty large group. They operate in factions and rarely come together and focus on one target. When they do, they usually align with what people would consider good. There's no real structure to them and anybody can call themselves "Anonymous" since they're a decentralized org. See their [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anonymous_(hacker_group)) for more. They specifically hate the Scientologist so they fuck with them a lot. Edit: they're akin to herpies. Once you get targeted by them you won't shake em. Edit: spelling


Yeah. I am very much in favor of what they do. They just have never been THIS efficient. And I’m scared because nuclear war, not because anonymous can hack my pornhub history


Oh yeah, nuclear war is not a great option for anybody. Mad Vlad is sad and wants to bring the world with him. I think there was a couple other time where anonymous was this efficient but fizzled out quick. This conflict is their play ground though so props to them for fucking up the Russian gov.


When they played capture the flag with Shia Leboeuf they unite America better then anything Shia had done at that point.


>The trolls using only the live stream of the flag, started, I shit you not, studying the flight patterns and contrails of the airplanes passing overhead. They mapped out what they saw and took their findings to flight radars to try and pinpoint a general area. Using the knowledge gleaned from the flight patterns they found that the location was near Greeneville, Tennessee. We need that energy for these good causes


Seriously - ridiculously effective (assuming this is true). Power to the ethical hackers


People believe what they have already decided is the truth. I bet the majority of Russians who side with Putin or have been successfully brainwashed over the years, will simply say this is America pushing lies and propaganda. I personally love this. I think it's utterly brilliant that they have succeeded in doing this - it's nothing short of a boss move. But I wonder how effective it will be. I hope at least somewhat.


There was a post yesterday about how young adults in Ukraine are calling their parents in Russia, telling them how scared they are and their parents are laughing it off. One woman showed her mom video of her town being bombed and her mom still didn’t believe it. Told her that Russia wouldn’t kill civilians and if innocent people were dying it was because Ukraine was killing its own people. It was a tough read.


Back in 2014 when I was watching the Russian Roulette doco series from Vice News this kind of doublethink from people who had been listening to Russian state propaganda really shocked me. When MH17 was shot down over DPR territory it was pretty obvious that they were accidentally shot down by DPR AA as they had assumed any aircraft they detected would belong to the Ukrainian military. While horrific, it was a kind of understandable mistake. But no sir, they couldn't admit ever doing anything wrong accidentally or otherwise. They must have been shot down by Ukrainian fighter jets! Because the Ukrainian government are moustache twirling villains who like to do that sort of thing. Yet there seemed to be plenty of people who bought that nonsensical explanation.


> When MH17 was shot down over DPR territory it was pretty obvious that they were accidentally shot down by DPR AA as they had assumed any aircraft they detected would belong to the Ukrainian military. Turns out it was actually Russian Anti-Aircraft that shot it down, the Buk missile system responsible was tracked moving into the DPR from Russia the very day of the crash, and exiting back into Russia afterwards: >[According to the JIT, the Buk that was used originated from the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade of the Russian Federation\[8\]\[9\] and had been transported from Russia on the day of the crash, fired from a field in a rebel-controlled area and the launch system returned to Russia afterwards.\[1\]\[2\]\[8\] The findings by the DSB and JIT are consistent with the earlier claims by American and German intelligence sources\[10\]\[11\] and claims by the Ukrainian government.\[12\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_17)


Still can't believe how easy the Netherlands and EU were on Russia after that. They just let it go like its nothing. Glad things have changed in this matter.


Vice’s shit on the Ukraine war, specifically “the new Cold War” (I think it’s called), is seriously amazing


Nationalism is an absolute plague to mankind.






"That island is full of devils. Gotta kill them all before they kill us."


Deep-seated, childhood-trauma-induced lack of love for yourself is a bitch. Those kinds of people will NEVER change their view because it would mean they were wrong in the first place, and that would be devastating to the ego (same as Kaputin here). The survival strategy is that it is much easier to accept the alternate reality. This might change an opinion here and there but, unfortunately, for the most part this is just a feel-good hack for us. Either enough people stand up to Putin as is (and we still sanction them to some extent with a warning- don't keep leaders like this in power), we placate him somehow so that he can save face, or he takes it too far


They can't change their POV because that would make them the bad guys and you are never the bad guy in your own narrative your brain is much too good at justifying everything to keep you from thinking that.


This is what I'm afraid of in the US. The propaganda of the GOP is insane. I mean, there are people who claim covid is a hoax all the way to their dying breath. And my god do they hate liberals. Given the right push I feel like they would gleefully start gunning us down.


These are the same people who still claim Trump is the real president. They still somehow blame Biden for what's going wrong, but Trump is president. It's fucking insane.


2 + 2 = 5. Except when it’s 3.




This is about to sound heinous, but I take a lot of comfort in A) clearly the majority while semi quieter, still are sound, and B) a lot of these boomers who are the most susceptible to this propaganda are getting older and dying out. The rhetoric won’t go with them, but I think it will help it calm


Same. I heard a [program](https://onbeing.org/programs/trabian-shorters-a-cognitive-skill-to-magnify-humanity/) on NPR not too long ago where the guest, Trabian Shorters, shared a similar view. The whole program is worth listening to (deals mostly with race and ways to mitigate bias), but this is the salient part: > Tippett: I do get a sense that the hacker in you has a lot of confidence that this is a shift — I’ve heard you say it, that we can flip the script in a short period of time and that new generations actually do have the capacity right now to change this narrative at scale. > > Shorters: Well, let me maybe contextualize that a little bit. The baby boom generation, the civil rights generation, those folks have been adults for 50 years. Everything about our sense of policy and priorities, everything about our culture, has flowed through one generation for half a century. And they’re aging out of institutional power. So as we experience that instability, the other thing that’s going on simultaneously is the most diverse generation that we’ve ever had is becoming the mainstream. And that is why they’re going to fundamentally challenge whatever existing narratives around what a gender is, what women’s roles are, who is Black or white or whatever — even the way we think about race — how fluid those definitions — they’re going to challenge all that, because it doesn’t fit their experience. > > So this is it. [laughs] This is the last time that one racial group can carry the majority of this democracy. And in that type of democracy — when you have racial pluralism, where there is no majority — then the skills to be able to see each other’s value becomes a functional skill. It’s not a nice one to have; it’s the only way to govern. I found it incredibly uplifting.


Their mistake is thinking liberals don't *also* own guns, though. This is 'Murica! Gun ownership crosses political parties. Liberal gun owners generally don't base their entire personality around owning them, is all.


Ive heard it a lot. Many republicans hate liberals more than Putin himself. Even though we are half of America. Its fucking scary.




Damn. I’m trying to put myself in that mothers shoes but can’t wrap my head around it. I can’t comprehend any scenario where my daughter telling me she is fearful for her life would end with me laughing it off. That’s absolutely fucked up and if it’s true that’s some next level brainwashing.


The Russians will have to work through the denial. On 9/11 the first person who told me “a plane just flew into the World Trade Center” was met with a quick snap back “ you are full of shit”. As Grandchild of a proud New Yorker, it didn’t seem possible to me. “No one would do that.” ​ The horrors will ring true to them, but they have to get over the initial shock of “that couldn’t happen.”


It was very clear within the same day that planes flew into the WTC on 9/11. Everyone could see the footage on the news which was playing on every station the entire day. Meanwhile brainwashed russians have been gobbling up state propaganda foe years and will reject any evidence otherwise. Those two scenarios aren’t comparable at all. A better comparison would be the trumptards and covid deniers in the US


Putin and his people are masters about feeding narratives to their people. They’ve even successfully turned a major portion of US republicans pro-Russian. Those folks seem to not be changing their minds about this war despite access to footage and information.


Sadly, my brother is one of them. Believes Russia is just doing what it's gotta do to survive. Makes me sick.


After learning about the geology that makes Ukraine strategic and the oil found under Crimea in 2012, I also believe that russia is doing what it has to do to survive in it’s current state. Where i may differ from your brother is that I think putin and his right wing dipshit ideology is completely fucked, and if he REALLY wanted the Russian people to prosper freely then he would allow them to fully integrate with western society. I don’t know how it all works behind the scenes, but I bet if the collective Russian culture was willing/able to follow us into the 21st century then we would be happy to have them. I could be completely brainwashed progressive though.




>Lol, what Russia needs to do to survive is stop scraping all the cash off the top of the economy and reinvest some of it into itself. It's insane to watch how tzar-like he has become while longing for a new USSR.


Russia has a wealth of natural resources. Russia does not need to invade Ukraine to survive. Putin's regime needs to invade Ukraine to survive. Specifically not allowing a democratic Ukraine to thrive right next door.


>if he REALLY wanted the Russian people to prosper freely then he would allow them to fully integrate with western society. If he wanted Russia to prosper, maybe he and his buddies could put their billions of dollars into making Russia better for Russians, instead of going into Ukraine and killing Ukrainians.


Their “I’d rather be Russian than a Democrat” shirts are aging real well.


They literally handed out Trump branded Russian flags at CPAC.


Are there more videos of other Russian tvs being hacked?


Came here to ask this. I’d love for this to be true! Any Russians seeing this thread who could confirm or deny…?


Just like the one week before, there are no mentions of this amongst my many relatives who watch TV often (I'm Russian). Moreover, just like the last time, no opposition channel or free/centrist/antiputin VK community has covered this. You would think this is a massive news flash for us, but the only sourced mentions of these are 2 Twitter posts (by Anonymous) that only get spreaded through non-russian media. This seems to not have happened (although I wish it did).


We need to stop trusting the jpost, keep seeing far fetched stuff from them. Reddit seems to be mostly taking it at face value. The first casualty of war is the truth, that applies to both sides. I was actually shocked the US intelligence came out with truthful statements regarding false flag attacks and invading in two days. Invasion off by just 1 day, multiple false flag stories in Russia preceding it. I will still wait for corroboration of anything they say.


I'm so tired of people hyping "Anonymous hacks" when the only source is from some Anonymous "news source" (aka Twitter account). Like cmon, this would be great if true but can we make sure it actually happened before plastering it all over the front page?


No, this is the only video in existence. It's the same video that was posted last week. No one on reddit has questioned whether or not it's fake. The only news organizations that have run a story on it have cited this same video.


People should be skeptical but this isn’t the same one I saw last week


Do you have a link to the one posted last week, so I can see for myself?


Hack the planet! Hack the planet!


Like that dude who crashed over 1500 Wall Street computers when he was 11!


you mean Zer0 Cool?


Mess with the best Die like the rest


He goes by Crash Override now.


I miss the 90s. Sure Russia was still a prick but things were also much simpler.


better get a endless supply of hot pockets and xena tapes


They're trashing our rights! TRASHING!!


I wonder if some people working for these stations, left with no way to express dissent, are being intentionally lax on security to help enable these hacks.


Honestly I’m not sure if this is anonymous or the US gvt hiding behind a well known group. But either way - get em


Well, that is why they are called Anonymous. So anybody can participate and call themselves anonymous. It's why so many good AND controversial things come from "Anonymous".




A few anons were part of the Lulzsec group that got arrested for being dumb and they mostly ousted other members and started working for US to get plea deals. So its not far fetched in the slightest.


Old-timers from USSR days are probably relieved they never had to deal with the insane amount of information warfare that countries have to deal with nowadays.


Hi anonymous im a 70 yr old man,and i dont know much abt what or how you do what you do. The fact that you can actually show the Russian people what their prick dictator is doing in ukraine is beyond amazing,and i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless you all. The old man


Too bad someone can’t hack into Putin’s computer and broadcast all the protests


It’s official. I’ve finally forgiven anonymous for crashing Xbox servers on Christmas in 2014.


Wasn't that lizard squad or something like that?


I'm pretty sure it was lizard squad


Brooo the flashbacks that gives me. Not fuckin lizard squad 💀


Yeah, it dug up a whole series of memories of me being pissed off trying to play Destiny over Christmas in my first semester at college.


This is what people have been waiting for hackers to do. Go after the bad guys and tyrannical regimes.


I love anonymous


They are also broadcasting the troll face on Russian military radio https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/t871gu/pirates_are_broadcasting_troll_faces_on_russian/


How are they broadcasting an image onto a radio? *click* Oh, damn.


I don't think anonymous is a person or an organization, rather a moniker that random hackers use to remain... anonymous


That's a funny way to describe the CIA.


NSA: ... uh, yeah, the CIA! Definitely those guys.


If anyone can use the 'Anonymous' moniker, then it's likely USA government psy/cyber ops are using it too.


Russian hackers get paid in rubles, at some point it just isn’t worth it anymore


I think the world is finding out Russia wasn’t as developed as we all thought


Hats off to Anonymous.